001package org.openimaj.demos.sandbox.tldcpp.detector;
003import java.util.Random;
005import org.openimaj.image.FImage;
006import org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle;
009 * The ensemble classifier implements a forest of random binary pixel
010 * comparisons. Each tree in the forest is made up of several features.
011 * Each feature is a randomly selected pair of pixels (at the same location
012 * across scales) within a window. The boolean comparison of the pixels 
013 * sets the value of a bit of the feature int. This means technically each 
014 * feature can only be 32 decisions wide, 13 seems to work well though
015 * @author Sina Samangooei (ss@ecs.soton.ac.uk)
016 *
017 */
018public class EnsembleClassifier {
019        private float[][] img;
021        /**
022         * Whether this classifier is enabled
023         */
024        public boolean enabled;
026        /**
027         * The number of trees, each with {@link #numFeatures} features (default = 10)
028         */
029        public int numTrees;
030        /**
031         * The number of bits per feature (each feature is in fact held as an int of bits, default = 13)
032         */
033        public int numFeatures;
035        /**
036         * The number of scales, not configurable, dependant on the scales searched in {@link DetectorCascade}
037         */
038        private int numScales;
039        private Rectangle[] scales;
041        private int[][] windowOffsets;
042        private int[][] featureOffsets;
043        private float[] features;
045        int numIndices;
047        private float [] posteriors;
048        private int [] positives;
049        private int [] negatives;
051        DetectionResult detectionResult;
053        private Random rand;
055        EnsembleClassifier()
056        {
057                numTrees=10;
058                numFeatures = 13;
059                enabled = true;
060                rand = new Random();
061        }
064        void init() {
065                numIndices = (int) Math.pow(2.0f, numFeatures);
067                initFeatureLocations();
068                initFeatureOffsets();
069                initPosteriors();
070        }
072        void release() {
073                features = null;
074                featureOffsets = null;
075                posteriors = null;
076                positives = null;
077                negatives = null;
078        }
080        /*
081         * Generates random measurements in the format <x1,y1,x2,y2>
082         */
083        void initFeatureLocations() {
084                int size = 2 * 2 * numFeatures * numTrees;
086                features = new float[size];
088                for(int i=0; i < size; i++) {
089                        features[i] = rand.nextFloat();
090                }
092        }
094        /**
095         * Creates the offsets which represent the pixels which are compared within a bounding box
096         * for each feature within each tree at each scale.
097         * 
098         * This process just picks two random pixels within the bounding box based on the known size
099         * of the bounding box at a particular scale.
100         * 
101         * How the two random pixels are compared to form the feature itself is described in
102         * {@link #calcFernFeature(int, int)}
103         */
104        void initFeatureOffsets() {
106                featureOffsets= new int[numScales*numTrees*numFeatures*2][2];
107//              int *off = featureOffsets;
108                int offIndex = 0;
110                for (int k = 0; k < numScales; k++){
111                        Rectangle scale = scales[k];
112                        for (int i = 0; i < numTrees; i++) {
113                                for (int j = 0; j < numFeatures; j++) {
114//                                      float *currentFeature  = features + (4*numFeatures)*i +4*j;
115//                                      *off++ = sub2idx((scale.width-1)*currentFeature[0]+1,(scale.height-1)*currentFeature[1]+1,imgWidthStep); //We add +1 because the index of the bounding box points to x-1, y-1
116//                                      *off++ = sub2idx((scale.width-1)*currentFeature[2]+1,(scale.height-1)*currentFeature[3]+1,imgWidthStep);
117                                        // float *currentFeature  = features + (4*numFeatures)*i +4*j;
118                                        int currentFeatureIndex  = (4*numFeatures)*i +4*j;
119                                        featureOffsets[offIndex++] = new int[]{
120                                                        (int) ((scale.width-1)*features[currentFeatureIndex + 0]+1),
121                                                        (int) ((scale.height-1)*features[currentFeatureIndex + 1]+1)
122                                        }; //We add +1 because the index of the bounding box points to x-1, y-1
123                                        featureOffsets[offIndex++] = new int[]{
124                                                        (int) ((scale.width-1)*features[currentFeatureIndex + 2]+1),
125                                                        (int) ((scale.height-1)*features[currentFeatureIndex + 3]+1)
126                                        };
127                                }
128                        }
129                }
130        }
132        void initPosteriors() {
133                posteriors = new float[numTrees * numIndices];
134                positives = new int[numTrees * numIndices];
135                negatives = new int[numTrees * numIndices];
137                for (int i = 0; i<numTrees; i++) {
138                        for(int j = 0; j < numIndices; j++) {
139                                posteriors[i*numIndices + j] = 0;
140                                positives[i*numIndices + j] = 0;
141                                negatives[i*numIndices + j] = 0;
142                        }
143                }
144        }
146        /**
147         * @param img just sets the image internally read to be used to calculate the feature
148         */
149        public void nextIteration(FImage img) {
150                if(!enabled) return;
152                this.img = img.pixels;
153        }
155        /**
156         * calculate the value for each feature of a tree at a scale for a given window.
157         * 
158         * The value of each feature is an int whose bits look like this:
159         * 01110010101.
160         * 
161         * 1 if the first random pixel for that feature is bigger than the second random pixel
162         * 0 otherwise!
163         * WHOA
164         * @param windowIdx
165         * @param treeIdx
166         * @return the int feature of the tree for the window
167         */
168        int calcFernFeature(int windowIdx, int treeIdx) {
170                int index = 0;
171//              int *bbox = windowOffsets+ windowIdx* TLD_WINDOW_OFFSET_SIZE;
172                int bboxIndex = windowIdx* DetectorCascade.TLD_WINDOW_OFFSET_SIZE;
173//              int *off = featureOffsets + bbox[4] + treeIdx*2*numFeatures; //bbox[4] is pointer to features for the current scale
174                int offIndex = windowOffsets[bboxIndex + 4][0] + treeIdx*2*numFeatures;
175                for (int i=0; i<numFeatures; i++) {
176//                      int fp0 = img[bbox[0] + off[0]];
177//                      int fp1 = img[bbox[0] + off[1]];
178//                      if (fp0>fp1) { index |= 1;}
179//                      off += 2;
180                        index<<=1;
181                        int[] bbox0 = windowOffsets[bboxIndex];
182                        int[] off0 = featureOffsets[offIndex];
183                        int[] off1 = featureOffsets[offIndex+1];
184                        float fp0 = img[bbox0[1] + off0[1]][bbox0[0] + off0[0]];
185                        float fp1 = img[bbox0[1] + off1[1]][bbox0[0] + off1[0]];
186                        if (fp0>fp1) { index |= 1;}
187                        offIndex += 2;
188                }
189                return index;
190        }
192        /**
193         * For a window index, calculate the feature values for each tree. Store them in 
194         * the featureVector array from the featureVectorIndex for a length of numTrees. 
195         * 
196         * @param windowIdx
197         * @param featureVector
198         * @param featureVectorIndex
199         */
200        public void calcFeatureVector(int windowIdx, int[] featureVector, int featureVectorIndex) {
201            for(int i = 0; i < numTrees; i++) {
202                featureVector[featureVectorIndex + i] = calcFernFeature(windowIdx, i);
203                }
204        }
206        /**
207         * sum the probability calculated for each tree with the calculated feature value (which 
208         * is in fact the index into the posteriors array)
209         * @param featureVector
210         * @param featureVectorIndex
211         * @return the sum confidence from each tree of this feature assignment
212         */
213        public float calcConfidence(int [] featureVector, int featureVectorIndex) {
214                float conf = 0.0f;
216                for(int i = 0; i < numTrees; i++) {
217                        conf += posteriors[i * numIndices + featureVector[featureVectorIndex + i]];
218                }
220                return conf;
221        }
223        /**
224         * Fill the feature vector values for each tree for a given window. Use the features
225         * for each tree for this window is to calculate the confidence of this window.
226         * @param windowIdx
227         */
228        void classifyWindow(int windowIdx) {
229//              int* featureVector = detectionResult->featureVectors + numTrees * windowIdx;
230                int featureVectorIndex = numTrees * windowIdx;
231                calcFeatureVector(windowIdx, detectionResult.featureVectors, featureVectorIndex);
233                detectionResult.posteriors[windowIdx] = calcConfidence(detectionResult.featureVectors, featureVectorIndex);
234        }
236        /**
237         * find the proability of this window and return true if this window is more
238         * than 50% likely.
239         * @param i
240         * @return whether this window is likely to match given the previously seen positive examples
241         */
242        public boolean filter(int i)  {
243                if(!enabled) return true;
245                classifyWindow(i);
246                if(detectionResult.posteriors[i] < 0.5) return false;
247                return true;
248        }
250        /**
251         * An array index is calculated from treeIdx (the y) and the calculated
252         * feature index (the x) so: (y * width) + x where width is the maximum feature 
253         * index (2 ^ numverOfFeatures).
254         *  
255         * The posterior for each arrayIndex is calculated by doing:
256         * nPositive / (nPositive + nNegative). So it will be higher the more positive 
257         * examples are seen for this particular feature in this particular tree.
258         * 
259         * The logic is that things that are similar will be positive in the same tree/feature
260         * so they will have higher counts.
261         * 
262         * 
263         * @param treeIdx
264         * @param idx
265         * @param positive
266         * @param amount
267         */
268        public void updatePosterior(int treeIdx, int idx, boolean positive, int amount) {
269                int arrayIndex = treeIdx * numIndices + idx;
270                if(positive)
271                {
272                        positives[arrayIndex] += amount;
273                }
274                else
275                {
276                        negatives[arrayIndex] += amount;
277                }
278                posteriors[arrayIndex] = ((float) positives[arrayIndex]) / (positives[arrayIndex] + negatives[arrayIndex]) / (float)numTrees;
279        }
281        /**
282         * Update the calculated feature value in every tree. Remembering that the feature value is
283         * calculated based on underlying values of the what the image is doing in the window 
284         * at a few random pixels. So if two images match a featureIndex in a given tree
285         * they match a numIndices pixels
286         * @param featureVector
287         * @param featureIndex
288         * @param positive
289         * @param amount
290         */
291        public void updatePosteriors(int []featureVector,int featureIndex, boolean positive, int amount) {
293                for (int i = 0; i < numTrees; i++) {
295                        int idx = featureVector[featureIndex+i];
296                        updatePosterior(i, idx, positive, amount);
298                }
299        }
301        /**
302         * Calculate the confidence of the given feature vector at a given index (which is 
303         * the feature vector of a particular window). 
304         * 
305         * If the window is particularly low confidence but is meant to be positive, then update
306         * the posteriors with its values.
307         * 
308         * If the window is particularly high confidence but is meant to be negative, then update
309         * the posteriors also.
310         * 
311         * @param img
312         * @param positive
313         * @param featureVector
314         * @param featureIndex
315         */
316        public void learn(FImage img, boolean positive, int [] featureVector, int featureIndex) {
317            if(!enabled) return;
319                float conf = calcConfidence(featureVector,featureIndex);
321            //Update if positive patch and confidence < 0.5 or negative and conf > 0.5
322            if((positive && conf < 0.5) || (!positive && conf > 0.5)) {
323                updatePosteriors(featureVector, featureIndex, positive,1);
324            }
326        }
328        /**
329         * @param numScales the number of scales must be set dynamically
330         */
331        void setNumScales(int numScales) {
332                this.numScales = numScales;
333        }
336        /**
337         * @param windowOffsets the location of each window
338         */
339        public void setWindowOffsets(int[][] windowOffsets) {
340                this.windowOffsets = windowOffsets;
341        }
344        /**
345         * @param scales the scale rectangles (i.e. the window sizes at each scale)
346         */
347        public void setScales(Rectangle[] scales) {
348                this.scales = scales;
349        }