001package org.openimaj.demos.sandbox.tldcpp.tracker;
003import org.openimaj.image.FImage;
004import org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher;
005import org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d;
006import org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle;
007import org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature;
008import org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureList;
009import org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker;
010import org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.PyramidSet;
011import org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext;
014 * The MedianFlowTracker is backed by a {@link KLTTracker} which has some special
015 * checks to make sure tracked points are actually good, and once it knows an overall
016 * median of motion is calculated and reflected in the update of a bounding box.
017 * 
018 * The ForwardBackward procedure checks whether a given point is tracked well.
019 * Points in a uniform grid are tracked within a bounding box from frame A -> B
020 * The points that are tracked correctly are then tracked from B -> A.
021 * 
022 * The Normalised Cross correlation is measured between points in A and B which survive this A -> B -> A transfer
023 * The euclidian distance is measured between those points which started at A and the same points as tracked to A via B.
024 * 
025 * The median cross correlation and euclidian distance is used as a threshold to select points which were tracked well
026 * between A and B.
027 * 
028 * The relative motion of these points from A to B is used to calcualte a movement and scale shift of the bounding box in A.
029 * 
030 * @author Sina Samangooei (ss@ecs.soton.ac.uk)
031 *
032 */
033public class MedianFlowTracker {
034        /**
035         * The current tracker bounding box.
036         */
037        public Rectangle trackerBB;
038        private TrackingContext context;
039        private KLTTracker klttracker;
040        /**
041         * Features tracked to B from A
042         */
043        public FeatureList featuresTrackedToBfromA;
044        /**
045         * Features tracked back to A form B
046         */
047        public FeatureList featuresTrackedToAviaB;
049        /**
050         * null bounding box and init the {@link KLTTracker}
051         */
052        public MedianFlowTracker() {
053                trackerBB = null;
054                this.context = new TrackingContext();
055                klttracker = new KLTTracker(context, null);
056                this.context.setSequentialMode(true);
057        }
059        /**
060         * null the bounding box
061         */
062        public void cleanPreviousData() {
063                trackerBB = null;
064        }
066        /**
067         * track points from the previous image within the bounding box to the current image (from A to B)
068         * @param prevMat - Image A
069         * @param currMat - Image B
070         * @param prevBB - Bounding box in A
071         */
072        public void track(FImage prevMat, FImage currMat, Rectangle prevBB) {
073                if (prevBB != null) {
074                        if (prevBB.width <= 0 || prevBB.height <= 0) {
075                                return;
076                        }
077                        float bb_tracker[] = { prevBB.x, prevBB.y, prevBB.width + prevBB.x - 1, prevBB.height + prevBB.y - 1 };
079                        FImage prevImg = prevMat;
080                        FImage currImg = currMat;
082                        boolean success = fbtrack(prevImg, currImg, bb_tracker, bb_tracker);
084                        // Extract subimage
085                        float x, y, w, h;
086                        x = (float) Math.floor(bb_tracker[0] + 0.5);
087                        y = (float) Math.floor(bb_tracker[1] + 0.5);
088                        w = (float) Math.floor(bb_tracker[2] - bb_tracker[0] + 1 + 0.5);
089                        h = (float) Math.floor(bb_tracker[3] - bb_tracker[1] + 1 + 0.5);
091                        // TODO: Introduce a check for a minimum size
092                        if (!success 
093                                        || x < 0 || y < 0 || w <= 0 || h <= 0
094                                        || x + w > currMat.width || y + h > currMat.height
095                                        || x != x || y != y || w != w || h != h) { 
096                        } else {
098                                trackerBB = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
099                        }
100                }
101        }
103        private boolean fbtrack(FImage imgI, FImage imgJ, float[] bb, float[] bbnew) {
104                int numM = 10;
105                int numN = 10;
106                int nPoints = numM * numN;
107                int sizePointsArray = nPoints;
109                boolean[] status = new boolean[nPoints];
111                // float [] pt = new float[sizePointsArray];
112                // float [] ptTracked = new float[sizePointsArray];
114                FeatureList pt = new FeatureList(sizePointsArray);
116                int i;
117                int nRealPoints;
118                float medFb;
119                float medNcc;
120                int nAfterFbUsage;
121                getFilledBBPoints(bb, numM, numN, 5, pt);
122                // getFilledBBPoints(bb, numM, numN, 5, &ptTracked);
124                // initImgs();
125                FeatureList ptTracked = trackLK(imgI, imgJ, pt, status); // the points
126                                                                                                                                        // tracked
127                                                                                                                                        // to the
128                                                                                                                                        // next
129                                                                                                                                        // image,
130                                                                                                                                        // with the
131                                                                                                                                        // ncc 
132                                                                                                                                        // (from start -> next) and
133                                                                                                                                        // fb 
134                                                                                                                                        // (from next -> start)
135                // initImgs();
136                // char* status = *statusP;
137                int nlkPoints = 0;
138                for (i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
139                        nlkPoints += status[i] ? 1 : 0;
140                }
141                // startPoints = (CvPoint2D32f*) malloc(nlkPoints *
142                // sizeof(CvPoint2D32f));
143                // targetPoints = (CvPoint2D32f*) malloc(nlkPoints *
144                // sizeof(CvPoint2D32f));
145                // fbLkCleaned = (float*) malloc(nlkPoints * sizeof(float));
146                // nccLkCleaned = (float*) malloc(nlkPoints * sizeof(float));
147                FeatureList cleanedTracked = new FeatureList(nlkPoints);
148                FeatureList cleanedStart = new FeatureList(nlkPoints);
149                nRealPoints = 0;
150                float[] fbLkCleaned = new float[nlkPoints];
151                float[] nccLkCleaned = new float[nlkPoints];
152                for (i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
153                        // TODO:handle Missing Points
154                        // or status[i]==0
155                        if (ptTracked.features[i] == null || ptTracked.features[i].val < 0 || !status[i]) {
156                        } else {
157                                cleanedStart.features[nRealPoints] = pt.features[i].clone();
158                                cleanedTracked.features[nRealPoints] = ptTracked.features[i].clone();
159                                fbLkCleaned[nRealPoints] = ((FBNCCFeature) cleanedTracked.features[nRealPoints]).fbDistance;
160                                nccLkCleaned[nRealPoints] = ((FBNCCFeature) cleanedTracked.features[nRealPoints]).ncc;
161                                nRealPoints++;
162                        }
163                }
164                if(nlkPoints == 0) return false;
165                // assert nRealPoints==nlkPoints
166                medFb = FastMedian.getMedian(fbLkCleaned, nlkPoints);
167                medNcc = FastMedian.getMedian(nccLkCleaned, nlkPoints);
168                /*
169                 * printf("medianfb: %f\nmedianncc: %f\n", medFb, medNcc);
170                 * printf("Number of points after lk: %d\n", nlkPoints);
171                 */
172                nAfterFbUsage = 0;
173                for (i = 0; i < nlkPoints; i++) {
174                        if ((fbLkCleaned[i] <= medFb) & (nccLkCleaned[i] >= medNcc)) {
175                                cleanedStart.features[nAfterFbUsage] = cleanedStart.features[i];
176                                cleanedTracked.features[nAfterFbUsage] = cleanedTracked.features[i];
177                                nAfterFbUsage++;
178                        }
179                }
180                /* printf("Number of points after fb correction: %d\n", nAfterFbUsage); */
181                // showIplImage(IMGS[1]);
182                // show "OpticalFlow" fb filtered.
183                // drawLinesCvPoint2D32f(imgI, startPoints, nRealPoints, targetPoints,
184                // nRealPoints);
185                // showIplImage(imgI);
186                predictbb(bb, cleanedStart, cleanedTracked, nAfterFbUsage, bbnew);
187                this.featuresTrackedToBfromA = new FeatureList(nAfterFbUsage);
188                System.arraycopy(cleanedStart.features, 0, this.featuresTrackedToBfromA.features, 0, nAfterFbUsage);
189                this.featuresTrackedToAviaB = new FeatureList(nAfterFbUsage);
190                System.arraycopy(cleanedTracked.features, 0, this.featuresTrackedToAviaB.features, 0, nAfterFbUsage);
191                /*
192                 * printf("bbnew: %f,%f,%f,%f\n", bbnew[0], bbnew[1], bbnew[2],
193                 * bbnew[3]); printf("relative scale: %f \n", scaleshift[0]);
194                 */
196                if (medFb > 10)
197                        return false;
198                else
199                        return true;
201        }
203        private boolean predictbb(float[] bb0, FeatureList pt0, FeatureList pt1, int nPts, float []bb1) {
204                float[] ofx = new float[nPts];
205                float[] ofy = new float[nPts];
206                int i;
207                int j;
208                int d = 0;
209                float dx,dy;
210                int lenPdist;
211                float[] dist0;
212                float[] dist1;
213                float s0,s1;
214                for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++)
215                {
216                        ofx[i] = pt1.features[i].x - pt0.features[i].x;
217                        ofy[i] = pt1.features[i].y - pt0.features[i].y;
218                }
219                dx = FastMedian.getMedianUnmanaged(ofx, nPts);
220                dy = FastMedian.getMedianUnmanaged(ofy, nPts);
221                ofx = null;
222                ofy = null;
223                //m(m-1)/2
224                lenPdist = nPts * (nPts - 1) / 2;
225                dist0 = new float[lenPdist];
226                dist1 = new float[lenPdist];
227                for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++)
228                {
229                        for (j = i + 1; j < nPts; j++, d++)
230                        {
231                                dist0[d] = (float) Math.sqrt(
232                                        Math.pow(pt0.features[i].x - pt0.features[j].x, 2) + 
233                                        Math.pow(pt0.features[i].y - pt0.features[j].y, 2)
234                                );
235                                dist1[d] = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pt1.features[i].x - pt1.features[j].x, 2) + Math.pow(pt1.features[i].y - pt1.features[j].y, 2));
236                                dist0[d] = dist1[d] / dist0[d];
237                        }
238                }
239                // The scale change is the median of all changes of distance.
240                // same as s = median(d2./d1) with above
241                float shift = 0f;
242                if(lenPdist == 0){
244                }
245                else{
246                        shift = FastMedian.getMedianUnmanaged(dist0, lenPdist);                 
247                }
248//              float shift = 1;
249                dist0 = null;
250                dist1 = null;
251                s0 = 0.5f * (shift - 1) * getBbWidth(bb0);
252                s1 = 0.5f * (shift - 1) * getBbHeight(bb0);
254                // Apply transformations (translation& scale) to old Bounding Box
255                bb1[0] = bb0[0] - s0 + dx;
256                bb1[1] = bb0[1] - s1 + dy;
257                bb1[2] = bb0[2] + s0 + dx;
258                bb1[3] = bb0[3] + s1 + dy;
260                //return absolute scale change
261                //  shift[0] = s0;
262                //  shift[1] = s1;
263                return true;
264        }
266        private float getBbHeight(float[] bb) {
267                return Math.abs(bb[3] - bb[1] + 1);
268        }
270        private float getBbWidth(float[] bb) {
271                return Math.abs(bb[2] - bb[0] + 1);
272        }
274        private FeatureList trackLK(FImage imgI, FImage imgJ, FeatureList pt,boolean[] status) {
276                // TODO: watch NaN cases
277                // double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
278                // double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
280                // tracking
281                int winsize_ncc;
282                int i;
283                winsize_ncc = 10;
284                // Get the current pyramid (use it for efficient tracking back)
285                PyramidSet pyrI = this.context.getPreviousPyramid();
286                if(pyrI.isNull()){
287                        pyrI = new PyramidSet(imgI, context);
288                        this.context.setPreviousPyramid(pyrI);
289                }
291                // Set the starting points (the grid)
292                this.klttracker.setFeatureList(pt);
293                // Track the grid to the next image
294                this.klttracker.trackFeatures(imgI, imgJ);
295                // Store the tracked points (these will be the output also)
296                FeatureList ptTracked = this.klttracker.getFeatureList().clone();
297                // Hold on to the pyramid, we must set this at the end
298                PyramidSet pyrJ = this.context.getPreviousPyramid();
299                // Track these points back to the first image
300                this.klttracker.trackFeatures(imgJ, imgI, pyrJ, pyrI);
301                // Hold the tracked back points
302                FeatureList trackedBack = this.klttracker.getFeatureList();
303                // fix the KLTTracker context for the next round
304                this.context.setPreviousPyramid(pyrJ);
305                // Figure out which points failed
306                for (i = 0; i < ptTracked.features.length; i++) {
307                        if (trackedBack.features[i].val >= 0
308                                        && ptTracked.features[i].val >= 0) {
309                                status[i] = true;
310                        } else {
311                                status[i] = false;
312                        }
313                }
314                // set the ncc in the ptTracked points
315                normCrossCorrelation(imgI, imgJ, pt, ptTracked, status, winsize_ncc);
316                // set the fbDistance in the ptTracked points
317                euclideanDistance(pt, trackedBack, ptTracked, status); // compare the
318                                                                                                                                // first two and
319                                                                                                                                // store the
320                                                                                                                                // results in
321                                                                                                                                // the last one
323                return ptTracked;
324        }
326        private void euclideanDistance(FeatureList pt, FeatureList trackedBack, FeatureList ptTracked, boolean[] status) {
327                for (int i = 0; i < status.length; i++) {
328                        boolean tracked = status[i];
329                        FBNCCFeature feat = (FBNCCFeature) pt.features[i];
330                        FBNCCFeature trackedBackFeat = (FBNCCFeature) trackedBack.features[i];
331                        FBNCCFeature storageFeat = (FBNCCFeature) ptTracked.features[i];
332                        if (tracked) {
333                                storageFeat.fbDistance = (float) Line2d.distance(feat, trackedBackFeat);
334                        } else {
335                                storageFeat.fbDistance = Float.NaN;
336                        }
337                }
338        }
340        private void normCrossCorrelation(FImage imgI, FImage imgJ, FeatureList pt,
341                        FeatureList ptTracked, boolean[] status, int winsize_ncc) {
342                for (int i = 0; i < status.length; i++) {
343                        boolean tracked = status[i];
344                        FBNCCFeature feat = (FBNCCFeature) pt.features[i];
345                        FBNCCFeature featTracked = (FBNCCFeature) ptTracked.features[i];
346                        if (tracked) {
347                                feat.ncc = TemplateMatcher.Mode.NORM_SUM_SQUARED_DIFFERENCE
348                                                .computeMatchScore(imgI.pixels, (int) feat.x,
349                                                                (int) feat.y, imgJ.pixels, (int) featTracked.x,
350                                                                (int) featTracked.y, winsize_ncc, winsize_ncc);
351                        } else {
352                                feat.ncc = Float.NaN;
353                        }
354                }
355        }
357        /**
358         * Creates numM x numN points grid on BBox. Points ordered in 1 dimensional
359         * array (x1, y1, x2, y2).
360         * 
361         * @param bb
362         *            Bounding box represented through 2 points(x1,y1,x2,y2)
363         * @param numM
364         *            Number of points in height direction.
365         * @param numN
366         *            Number of points in width direction.
367         * @param margin
368         *            margin (in pixel)
369         * @param pt2
370         *            Contains the calculated points in the form (x1, y1, x2, y2).
371         *            Size of the array must be numM * numN * 2.
372         */
373        boolean getFilledBBPoints(float[] bb, int numM, int numN, int margin,FeatureList pt2) {
374                FeatureList pt = pt2;
375                int i;
376                int j;
377                float[] pbb_local;
378                /**
379                 * gap between points in width direction
380                 */
381                float divN = 0;
382                /**
383                 * gap between points in height direction
384                 */
385                float divM = 0;
386                float[] bb_local = new float[4];
387                float spaceN;
388                float spaceM;
389                Feature cen;
390                /* add margin */
391                bb_local[0] = bb[0] + margin;
392                bb_local[1] = bb[1] + margin;
393                bb_local[2] = bb[2] - margin;
394                bb_local[3] = bb[3] - margin;
395                pbb_local = bb_local;
396                /* printf("PointArraySize should be: %d\n", numM * numN * pointDim); */
397                /* handle cases numX = 1 */// If there is 1 point pick one in the middle
398                if (numN == 1 && numM == 1) {
399                        Feature center = calculateBBCenter(pbb_local);
400                        center.val = KLTTracker.KLT_TRACKED;
401                        pt2.features[0] = center;
402                        return true;
403                } else if (numN == 1 && numM > 1) {
404                        divM = numM - 1;
405                        divN = 2;
406                        /* maybe save center coordinate into bb[1] instead of loop again */
407                        /* calculate step width */
408                        spaceM = (bb_local[3] - bb_local[1]) / divM;
409                        cen = calculateBBCenter(pbb_local);
410                        /* calculate points and save them to the array */
411                        for (i = 0; i < numN; i++) {
412                                for (j = 0; j < numM; j++) {
413                                        pt.features[i * numM + j] = new FBNCCFeature();
414                                        Feature f = pt.features[i * numM + j];
415                                        f.x = cen.x;
416                                        f.y = bb_local[1] + j * spaceM;
417                                        f.val = KLTTracker.KLT_TRACKED;
418                                }
419                        }
420                        return true;
421                } else if (numN > 1 && numM == 1) {
422                        divM = 2;
423                        divN = numN - 1;
424                        // maybe save center coordinate into bb[1] instead of loop again
425                        // calculate step width
426                        spaceN = (bb_local[2] - bb_local[0]) / divN;
427                        cen = calculateBBCenter(pbb_local);
428                        // calculate points and save them to the array
429                        for (i = 0; i < numN; i++) {
430                                for (j = 0; j < numM; j++) {
431                                        pt.features[i * numM + j] = new FBNCCFeature();
432                                        Feature f = pt.features[i * numM + j];
433                                        f.x = bb_local[0] + i * spaceN;
434                                        f.y = cen.y;
435                                        f.val = KLTTracker.KLT_TRACKED;
436                                }
437                        }
438                        return true;
439                } else if (numN > 1 && numM > 1) {
440                        divM = numM - 1;
441                        divN = numN - 1;
442                }
443                // calculate step width
444                spaceN = (bb_local[2] - bb_local[0]) / divN;
445                spaceM = (bb_local[3] - bb_local[1]) / divM;
446                // calculate points and save them to the array
447                for (i = 0; i < numN; i++) {
448                        for (j = 0; j < numM; j++) {
449                                pt.features[i * numM + j] = new FBNCCFeature();
450                                Feature f = pt.features[i * numM + j];
451                                f.x = bb_local[0] + i * spaceN;
452                                f.y = bb_local[1] + j * spaceM;
453                                f.val = KLTTracker.KLT_TRACKED;
454                        }
455                }
456                return true;
457        }
459        /**
460         * Calculates center of a Rectangle/Boundingbox.
461         * 
462         * @param bb
463         *            defined with 2 points x,y,x1,y1
464         */
465        Feature calculateBBCenter(float[] bb) {
466                float[] bbnow = bb;
467                Feature centernow = null;
468                if (bbnow == null) {
469                        return null;
470                }
471                centernow = new FBNCCFeature();
472                centernow.x = 0.5f * (bbnow[0] + bbnow[2]);
473                centernow.y = 0.5f * (bbnow[1] + bbnow[3]);
474                return centernow;
475        }