002 * Copyright (c) 2011, The University of Southampton and the individual contributors.
003 * All rights reserved.
004 *
005 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
006 * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
007 *
008 *   *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
009 *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
010 *
011 *   *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
012 *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
013 *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
014 *
015 *   *  Neither the name of the University of Southampton nor the names of its
016 *      contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
017 *      software without specific prior written permission.
018 *
029 */
030package org.openimaj.math.matrix;
032import java.io.PrintWriter;
033import java.io.StringWriter;
034import java.util.Random;
036import Jama.EigenvalueDecomposition;
037import Jama.Matrix;
038import ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix;
039import no.uib.cipr.matrix.DenseMatrix;
040import no.uib.cipr.matrix.NotConvergedException;
041import no.uib.cipr.matrix.SVD;
044 * Miscellaneous matrix operations.
045 *
046 * @author Sina Samangooei (ss@ecs.soton.ac.uk)
047 * @author Jonathon Hare (jsh2@ecs.soton.ac.uk)
048 *
049 */
050public class MatrixUtils {
051        private MatrixUtils() {
052        }
054        /**
055         * Are any values NaN or Inf?
056         *
057         * @param matrix
058         *            matrix to test
059         * @return true if any elements are NaN or Inf; false otherwise
060         */
061        public static boolean anyNaNorInf(Matrix matrix) {
062                for (final double[] arrLine : matrix.getArray()) {
063                        for (final double d : arrLine) {
064                                if (Double.isNaN(d) || Double.isInfinite(d))
065                                        return true;
066                        }
067                }
068                return false;
069        }
071        /**
072         * Get the maximum absolute value of the diagonal.
073         *
074         * @param matrix
075         *            the matrix
076         * @return the maximum absolute value
077         */
078        public static double maxAbsDiag(Matrix matrix) {
079                double max = -1;
081                for (int i = 0; i < matrix.getColumnDimension(); i++) {
082                        final double curr = Math.abs(matrix.get(i, i));
083                        if (max < curr) {
084                                max = curr;
085                        }
086                }
087                return max;
088        }
090        /**
091         * Get the minimum absolute value of the diagonal.
092         *
093         * @param matrix
094         *            the matrix
095         * @return the minimum absolute value
096         */
097        public static double minAbsDiag(Matrix matrix) {
098                double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
100                for (int i = 0; i < matrix.getColumnDimension(); i++) {
101                        final double curr = Math.abs(matrix.get(i, i));
102                        if (min > curr) {
103                                min = curr;
104                        }
105                }
106                return min;
107        }
109        /**
110         * Compute the principle square root, X, of the matrix A such that A=X*X
111         *
112         * @param matrix
113         *            the matrix
114         * @return the sqrt of the matrix
115         */
116        public static Matrix sqrt(Matrix matrix) {
117                // A = V*D*V'
118                final EigenvalueDecomposition evd = matrix.eig();
119                final Matrix v = evd.getV();
120                final Matrix d = evd.getD();
122                // sqrt of cells of D and store in-place
123                for (int r = 0; r < d.getRowDimension(); r++)
124                        for (int c = 0; c < d.getColumnDimension(); c++)
125                                d.set(r, c, Math.sqrt(d.get(r, c)));
127                // Y = V*D/V
128                // Y = V'.solve(V*D)'
129                final Matrix a = v.inverse();
130                final Matrix b = v.times(d).inverse();
131                return a.solve(b).inverse();
132        }
134        /**
135         * Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse. This is just a convenience wrapper
136         * around {@link PseudoInverse#pseudoInverse(Matrix)}.
137         *
138         * @param matrix
139         *            the matrix to invert.
140         * @return the inverted matrix
141         * @see PseudoInverse#pseudoInverse(Matrix)
142         */
143        public static Matrix pseudoInverse(Matrix matrix) {
144                return PseudoInverse.pseudoInverse(matrix);
145        }
147        /**
148         * Compute the inverse square root, X, of the symmetric matrix A; A^-(1/2)
149         *
150         * @param matrix
151         *            the symmetric matrix
152         * @return the inverse sqrt of the matrix
153         */
154        public static Matrix invSqrtSym(Matrix matrix) {
155                // A = V*D*V'
156                final EigenvalueDecomposition evd = matrix.eig();
157                final Matrix v = evd.getV();
158                final Matrix d = evd.getD();
160                // sqrt of cells of D and store in-place
161                for (int r = 0; r < d.getRowDimension(); r++) {
162                        for (int c = 0; c < d.getColumnDimension(); c++) {
163                                if (d.get(r, c) > 0)
164                                        d.set(r, c, 1 / Math.sqrt(d.get(r, c)));
165                                else
166                                        d.set(r, c, 0);
167                        }
168                }
170                return v.times(d).times(v.transpose());
171        }
173        /**
174         * Return a copy of the input matrix with all elements set to their absolute
175         * value.
176         *
177         * @param mat
178         *            the matrix.
179         * @return the absolute matrix.
180         */
181        public static Matrix abs(Matrix mat) {
182                final Matrix copy = mat.copy();
183                for (int i = 0; i < mat.getRowDimension(); i++) {
184                        for (int j = 0; j < mat.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
185                                copy.set(i, j, Math.abs(mat.get(i, j)));
186                        }
187                }
188                return copy;
189        }
191        /**
192         * Check if two matrices are equal
193         *
194         * @param m1
195         *            first matrix
196         * @param m2
197         *            second matrix
198         * @param eps
199         *            epsilon for checking values
200         * @return true if matrices have same size and all elements are equal within
201         *         eps; false otherwise
202         */
203        public static boolean equals(Matrix m1, Matrix m2, double eps) {
204                final double[][] a1 = m1.getArray();
205                final double[][] a2 = m2.getArray();
207                if (a1.length != a2.length || a1[0].length != a2[0].length)
208                        return false;
210                for (int r = 0; r < a1.length; r++)
211                        for (int c = 0; c < a1[r].length; c++)
212                                if (Math.abs(a1[r][c] - a2[r][c]) > eps)
213                                        return false;
215                return true;
216        }
218        /**
219         * Return a copy of the matrix with all the values raised to a power.
220         *
221         * @param mat
222         *            the matrix.
223         * @param exp
224         *            the power.
225         * @return a matrix.
226         */
227        public static Matrix pow(Matrix mat, double exp) {
228                final Matrix copy = mat.copy();
229                for (int i = 0; i < mat.getRowDimension(); i++) {
230                        for (int j = 0; j < mat.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
231                                copy.set(i, j, Math.pow(mat.get(i, j), exp));
232                        }
233                }
234                return copy;
235        }
237        /**
238         * Generate a {@link String} representation of a matrix.
239         *
240         * @param mat
241         *            the matrix
242         * @return a string representation
243         */
244        public static String toString(Matrix mat) {
245                final StringWriter matWriter = new StringWriter();
246                mat.print(new PrintWriter(matWriter), 5, 5);
247                return matWriter.getBuffer().toString();
248        }
250        /**
251         * Compute the sum of all elements of the matrix.
252         *
253         * @param mat
254         *            the matrix.
255         * @return the sum.
256         */
257        public static double sum(Matrix mat) {
258                double sum = 0;
259                for (int i = 0; i < mat.getRowDimension(); i++) {
260                        for (int j = 0; j < mat.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
261                                sum += mat.get(i, j);
262                        }
263                }
264                return sum;
265        }
267        /**
268         * Zero the matrix
269         *
270         * @param m
271         *            the matrix
272         */
273        public static void zero(Matrix m) {
274                m.timesEquals(0);
275        }
277        /**
278         * Compute the real Eigen decomposition of a symmetric 2x2 matrix. Warning:
279         * Doesn't check the size or whether the input is symmetric.
280         *
281         * @param m
282         *            the matrix
283         * @return the Eigen vectors and values.
284         */
285        public static EigenValueVectorPair symmetricEig2x2(Matrix m) {
286                final double a = m.get(0, 0);
287                final double b = m.get(0, 1);
288                final double c = b;
289                final double d = m.get(1, 1);
291                final double trace = a + d;
292                final double det = a * d - b * c;
294                final Matrix val = new Matrix(2, 2);
295                double sqrtInner = (trace * trace / 4) - det;
296                // FIXME: make it deal with imaginary numbers.
297                if (sqrtInner < 0) {
298                        final EigenvalueDecomposition e = m.eig();
299                        return new EigenValueVectorPair(e.getD(), e.getV());
300                }
302                sqrtInner = Math.sqrt(sqrtInner);
303                double firstEig = trace / 2 + sqrtInner;
304                double secondEig = trace / 2 - sqrtInner;
305                if (firstEig > secondEig) {
306                        final double tmp = firstEig;
307                        firstEig = secondEig;
308                        secondEig = tmp;
309                }
311                val.set(0, 0, firstEig);
312                val.set(1, 1, secondEig);
314                final Matrix vec = new Matrix(2, 2);
316                final double v1 = firstEig - a;
317                final double v2 = secondEig - a;
318                final double norm1 = Math.sqrt(v1 * v1 + b * b);
319                final double norm2 = Math.sqrt(b * b + v2 * v2);
320                vec.set(0, 0, b / norm1);
321                vec.set(0, 1, b / norm2);
322                vec.set(1, 0, v1 / norm1);
323                vec.set(1, 1, v2 / norm2);
325                // To deal with rounding error
326                vec.set(1, 0, vec.get(0, 1));
328                final EigenValueVectorPair ret = new EigenValueVectorPair(val, vec);
329                return ret;
330        }
332        /**
333         * An eigen decomposition that uses a deterministic method if the matrix is 2x2.
334         *
335         * This function returns values as in {@link EigenvalueDecomposition} i.e. the
336         * largest eigen value is held in the [m.rows - 1,m.cols-1] (i.e. [1,1])
337         * location
338         *
339         * @param m
340         * @return the decomposition
341         */
342        public static EigenValueVectorPair eig2x2(Matrix m) {
343                if (m.getColumnDimension() != 2 || m.getRowDimension() != 2) {
344                        final EigenvalueDecomposition e = m.eig();
345                        return new EigenValueVectorPair(e.getD(), e.getV());
346                }
347                /**
348                 * A = 1 B = a + d C = ad - bc
349                 *
350                 * x = ( - B (+/-) sqrt(B^2 - 4AC) )/ (2A)
351                 */
352                final double a = m.get(0, 0);
353                final double b = m.get(0, 1);
354                final double c = m.get(1, 0);
355                final double d = m.get(1, 1);
357                final double trace = a + d;
358                final double det = a * d - b * c;
360                final Matrix val = new Matrix(2, 2);
361                double sqrtInner = (trace * trace / 4) - det;
362                // FIXME: make it deal with imaginary numbers.
363                if (sqrtInner < 0) {
364                        final EigenvalueDecomposition e = m.eig();
365                        return new EigenValueVectorPair(e.getD(), e.getV());
366                }
368                sqrtInner = Math.sqrt(sqrtInner);
369                double firstEig = trace / 2 + sqrtInner;
370                double secondEig = trace / 2 - sqrtInner;
371                if (firstEig > secondEig) {
372                        final double tmp = firstEig;
373                        firstEig = secondEig;
374                        secondEig = tmp;
375                }
377                val.set(0, 0, firstEig);
378                val.set(1, 1, secondEig);
380                final Matrix vec = new Matrix(2, 2);
381                if (b == 0 && c == 0) {
382                        vec.set(0, 0, 1);
383                        vec.set(1, 1, 1);
384                } else {
385                        if (c != 0) {
386                                final double v1 = firstEig - d;
387                                final double v2 = secondEig - d;
388                                final double norm1 = Math.sqrt(v1 * v1 + c * c);
389                                final double norm2 = Math.sqrt(c * c + v2 * v2);
390                                vec.set(0, 0, v1 / norm1);
391                                vec.set(0, 1, v2 / norm2);
392                                vec.set(1, 0, c / norm1);
393                                vec.set(1, 1, c / norm2);
394                        } else if (b != 0) {
395                                final double v1 = firstEig - a;
396                                final double v2 = secondEig - a;
397                                final double norm1 = Math.sqrt(v1 * v1 + b * b);
398                                final double norm2 = Math.sqrt(b * b + v2 * v2);
399                                vec.set(0, 0, b / norm1);
400                                vec.set(0, 1, b / norm2);
401                                vec.set(1, 0, v1 / norm1);
402                                vec.set(1, 1, v2 / norm2);
403                        }
404                }
406                final EigenValueVectorPair ret = new EigenValueVectorPair(val, vec);
407                return ret;
408        }
410        /**
411         * Construct a matrix from a 2D float array of data.
412         *
413         * @param data
414         *            the data.
415         * @return the matrix.
416         */
417        public static Matrix matrixFromFloat(float[][] data) {
418                final Matrix out = new Matrix(data.length, data[0].length);
419                for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
420                        for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
421                                out.set(i, j, data[i][j]);
422                        }
423                }
424                return out;
425        }
427        /**
428         * Reduce the rank a matrix by estimating a the best (in a least-squares sense)
429         * approximation using the thin SVD.
430         *
431         * @param m
432         *            the matrix to reduce.
433         * @param rank
434         *            the desired rank.
435         * @return the rank-reduced matrix.
436         */
437        public static Matrix reduceRank(Matrix m, int rank) {
438                if (rank > Math.min(m.getColumnDimension(), m.getRowDimension())) {
439                        return m;
440                }
442                final no.uib.cipr.matrix.DenseMatrix mjtA = new no.uib.cipr.matrix.DenseMatrix(
443                                m.getArray());
444                no.uib.cipr.matrix.SVD svd;
445                try {
446                        svd = no.uib.cipr.matrix.SVD.factorize(mjtA);
447                } catch (final NotConvergedException e) {
448                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
449                }
451                final DenseMatrix U = svd.getU();
452                final DenseMatrix Vt = svd.getVt();
453                final double[] svector = svd.getS();
454                final DenseMatrix S = new DenseMatrix(U.numColumns(), Vt.numRows());
455                for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++)
456                        S.set(i, i, svector[i]);
458                final DenseMatrix C = new DenseMatrix(U.numRows(), S.numColumns());
459                final DenseMatrix out = new DenseMatrix(C.numRows(), Vt.numColumns());
460                U.mult(S, C);
461                C.mult(Vt, out);
463                final Matrix outFinal = convert(out);
464                return outFinal;
465        }
467        /**
468         * Convert a {@link DenseMatrix} to a {@link Matrix}.
469         *
470         * @param mjt
471         *            {@link DenseMatrix} to convert
472         * @return converted matrix.
473         */
474        public static Matrix convert(DenseMatrix mjt) {
475                return convert(mjt, mjt.numRows(), mjt.numColumns());
476        }
478        /**
479         * Convert a {@link DenseMatrix} to a {@link Matrix}.
480         *
481         * @param mjt
482         *            {@link DenseMatrix} to convert
483         * @param nrows
484         *            number of rows to copy
485         * @param ncols
486         *            number of columns to copy
487         * @return converted matrix.
488         */
489        public static Matrix convert(DenseMatrix mjt, int nrows, int ncols) {
490                final double[][] d = new double[nrows][ncols];
492                final double[] mjtd = mjt.getData();
493                for (int r = 0; r < nrows; r++) {
494                        for (int c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
495                                d[r][c] = mjtd[r + c * d.length];
496                        }
497                }
498                return new Matrix(d);
499        }
501        /**
502         * Create a copy of a matrix with the columns in reverse order.
503         *
504         * @param m
505         *            the input matrix
506         * @return a copy with the column order reversed
507         */
508        public static Matrix reverseColumns(Matrix m) {
509                return reverseColumnsInplace(m.copy());
510        }
512        /**
513         * Reverse the column order of the input matrix inplace.
514         *
515         * @param m
516         *            the input matrix
517         * @return the input matrix
518         */
519        public static Matrix reverseColumnsInplace(Matrix m) {
520                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
521                final int rows = data.length;
522                final int cols = data[0].length;
523                final int halfCols = cols / 2;
525                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
526                        for (int c = 0; c < halfCols; c++) {
527                                final double tmp = data[r][c];
528                                data[r][c] = data[r][cols - c - 1];
529                                data[r][cols - c - 1] = tmp;
530                        }
531                }
533                return m;
534        }
536        /**
537         * Create a copy of a matrix with the rows in reverse order.
538         *
539         * @param m
540         *            the input matrix
541         * @return a copy with the row order reversed
542         */
543        public static Matrix reverseRows(Matrix m) {
544                return reverseRowsInplace(m.copy());
545        }
547        /**
548         * Reverse the row order of the input matrix inplace.
549         *
550         * @param m
551         *            the input matrix
552         * @return the input matrix
553         */
554        public static Matrix reverseRowsInplace(Matrix m) {
555                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
556                final int rows = data.length;
557                final int halfRows = rows / 2;
559                for (int r = 0; r < halfRows; r++) {
560                        final double[] tmp = data[r];
561                        data[r] = data[rows - r - 1];
562                        data[rows - r - 1] = tmp;
563                }
565                return m;
566        }
568        /**
569         * Create a diagonal matrix
570         *
571         * @param s
572         *            length diagonal numbers
573         * @return new Matrix(s.length,s.length) s.t. diagonal element i,i = s[i]
574         */
575        public static Matrix diag(double[] s) {
576                final Matrix r = new Matrix(s.length, s.length);
577                for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
578                        r.set(i, i, s[i]);
579                }
580                return r;
581        }
583        /**
584         * Set the values of the elements in a single column to a constant value.
585         *
586         * @param m
587         *            the matrix
588         * @param c
589         *            the column
590         * @param v
591         *            the constant value
592         * @return the matrix
593         */
594        public static Matrix setColumn(Matrix m, int c, double v) {
595                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
596                final int rows = m.getRowDimension();
598                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
599                        data[r][c] = v;
601                return m;
602        }
604        /**
605         * Set the values of the elements in a single column to a constant value.
606         *
607         * @param m
608         *            the matrix
609         * @param r
610         *            the row
611         * @param v
612         *            the constant value
613         * @return the matrix
614         */
615        public static Matrix setRow(Matrix m, int r, double v) {
616                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
617                final int cols = m.getColumnDimension();
619                for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
620                        data[r][c] = v;
622                return m;
623        }
625        /**
626         * Fill a matrix with a constant value.
627         *
628         * @param m
629         *            the matrix
630         * @param v
631         *            the constant value
632         * @return the matrix
633         */
634        public static Matrix fill(Matrix m, double v) {
635                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
637                final int rows = m.getRowDimension();
638                final int cols = m.getColumnDimension();
640                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
641                        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
642                                data[r][c] = v;
644                return m;
645        }
647        /**
648         * Subtract a constant from all values
649         *
650         * @param m
651         *            the matrix
652         * @param v
653         *            the constant value
654         * @return the matrix
655         */
656        public static Matrix minus(Matrix m, double v) {
657                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
659                final int rows = m.getRowDimension();
660                final int cols = m.getColumnDimension();
662                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
663                        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
664                                data[r][c] -= v;
666                return m;
667        }
669        /**
670         * Add a constant to all values
671         *
672         * @param m
673         *            the matrix
674         * @param v
675         *            the constant value
676         * @return the matrix
677         */
678        public static Matrix plus(Matrix m, double v) {
679                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
681                final int rows = m.getRowDimension();
682                final int cols = m.getColumnDimension();
684                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
685                        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
686                                data[r][c] += v;
688                return m;
689        }
691        /**
692         * Get a reshaped copy of the input matrix
693         *
694         * @param m
695         *            the matrix to reshape
696         * @param newRows
697         *            the new number of rows
698         * @return new matrix
699         */
700        public static Matrix reshape(Matrix m, int newRows) {
701                final int oldCols = m.getColumnDimension();
702                final int length = oldCols * m.getRowDimension();
703                final int newCols = length / newRows;
704                final Matrix mat = new Matrix(newRows, newCols);
706                final double[][] m1v = m.getArray();
707                final double[][] m2v = mat.getArray();
709                int r1 = 0, r2 = 0, c1 = 0, c2 = 0;
710                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
711                        m2v[r2][c2] = m1v[r1][c1];
713                        c1++;
714                        if (c1 >= oldCols) {
715                                c1 = 0;
716                                r1++;
717                        }
719                        c2++;
720                        if (c2 >= newCols) {
721                                c2 = 0;
722                                r2++;
723                        }
724                }
726                return mat;
727        }
729        /**
730         * Get a reshaped copy of the input matrix
731         *
732         * @param m
733         *            the matrix to reshape
734         * @param newRows
735         *            the new number of rows
736         * @param columnMajor
737         *            if true, values are drawn and placed down columns first. if false
738         *            values are drawn and placed across rows first
739         * @return new matrix
740         */
741        public static Matrix reshape(Matrix m, int newRows, boolean columnMajor) {
742                final int oldCols = m.getColumnDimension();
743                final int oldRows = m.getRowDimension();
744                final int length = oldCols * m.getRowDimension();
745                final int newCols = length / newRows;
746                final Matrix mat = new Matrix(newRows, newCols);
748                final double[][] m1v = m.getArray();
749                final double[][] m2v = mat.getArray();
751                int r1 = 0, r2 = 0, c1 = 0, c2 = 0;
752                if (!columnMajor) {
753                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
754                                m2v[r2][c2] = m1v[r1][c1];
756                                c1++;
757                                if (c1 >= oldCols) {
758                                        c1 = 0;
759                                        r1++;
760                                }
762                                c2++;
763                                if (c2 >= newCols) {
764                                        c2 = 0;
765                                        r2++;
766                                }
767                        }
768                } else {
769                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
770                                m2v[r2][c2] = m1v[r1][c1];
772                                r1++;
773                                if (r1 >= oldRows) {
774                                        r1 = 0;
775                                        c1++;
776                                }
778                                r2++;
779                                if (r2 >= newRows) {
780                                        r2 = 0;
781                                        c2++;
782                                }
783                        }
784                }
786                return mat;
787        }
789        /**
790         * Compute the sum of values in a single column
791         *
792         * @param m
793         *            the matrix
794         * @param col
795         *            the column
796         * @return the sum of values in column col
797         */
798        public static double sumColumn(Matrix m, int col) {
799                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
800                final int rows = m.getRowDimension();
802                double sum = 0;
803                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
804                        sum += data[r][col];
806                return sum;
807        }
809        /**
810         * Compute the sum of values in a single row
811         *
812         * @param m
813         *            the matrix
814         * @param row
815         *            the row
816         * @return the sum of values in row row
817         */
818        public static double sumRow(Matrix m, int row) {
819                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
820                final int cols = m.getColumnDimension();
822                double sum = 0;
823                for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
824                        sum += data[row][c];
826                return sum;
827        }
829        /**
830         * Increment values in a single column by a constant
831         *
832         * @param m
833         *            the matrix
834         * @param col
835         *            the column
836         * @param value
837         *            the constant
838         * @return the matrix
839         */
840        public static Matrix incrColumn(Matrix m, int col, double value) {
841                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
842                final int rows = m.getRowDimension();
844                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
845                        data[r][col] += value;
847                return m;
848        }
850        /**
851         * Increment values in a single column by a constant
852         *
853         * @param m
854         *            the matrix
855         * @param row
856         *            the row
857         * @param value
858         *            the constant
859         * @return the sum of values in row row
860         */
861        public static Matrix incrRow(Matrix m, int row, double value) {
862                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
863                final int cols = m.getColumnDimension();
865                for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
866                        data[row][c] += value;
868                return m;
869        }
871        /**
872         * round (using {@link Math#round(double)} each value of the matrix
873         *
874         * @param times
875         * @return same matrix as handed in
876         */
877        public static Matrix round(Matrix times) {
878                final double[][] data = times.getArray();
879                for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
880                        for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
881                                data[i][j] = Math.round(data[i][j]);
882                        }
883                }
884                return times;
885        }
887        /**
888         * min(A,B) returns an array the same size as A and B with the smallest elements
889         * taken from A or B. The dimensions of A and B must match
890         *
891         * @param A
892         * @param B
893         * @return new Matrix filled with min from A and B
894         */
895        public static Matrix min(Matrix A, Matrix B) {
896                final double[][] dataA = A.getArray();
897                final double[][] dataB = B.getArray();
898                final Matrix ret = A.copy();
899                final double[][] dataRet = ret.getArray();
900                for (int i = 0; i < dataA.length; i++) {
901                        for (int j = 0; j < dataB[i].length; j++) {
902                                dataRet[i][j] = Math.min(dataA[i][j], dataB[i][j]);
903                        }
904                }
905                return ret;
906        }
908        /**
909         * d to the power of each value in range. as with {@link #range} range is: - a
910         * single number (a) (0:1:a) - two numbers (a,b) (a:1:b) - three numbers (a,b,c)
911         * (a:b:c)
912         *
913         * any other amount of range results in a {@link RuntimeException}
914         *
915         * @param d
916         * @param range
917         * @return d to the power of each value in range
918         */
919        public static Matrix rangePow(double d, double... range) {
920                double start, end, delta;
921                if (range.length == 1) {
922                        start = 0;
923                        end = range[0];
924                        delta = 1;
925                } else if (range.length == 2) {
926                        start = range[0];
927                        end = range[1];
928                        delta = 1;
929                } else if (range.length == 3) {
930                        start = range[0];
931                        end = range[2];
932                        delta = range[1];
933                } else {
934                        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid range options selected");
935                }
936                final int l = (int) ((end - start + 1) / delta);
937                final double[][] out = new double[1][l];
938                for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
939                        out[0][i] = Math.pow(d, start + (i * delta));
940                }
941                return new Matrix(out);
942        }
944        /**
945         * range is: - a single number (a) (0:1:a) - two numbers (a,b) (a:1:b) - three
946         * numbers (a,b,c) (a:b:c)
947         *
948         * @param range
949         * @return the range defined
950         */
951        public static Matrix range(double... range) {
952                double start, end, delta;
953                if (range.length == 1) {
954                        start = 0;
955                        end = range[0];
956                        delta = 1;
957                } else if (range.length == 2) {
958                        start = range[0];
959                        end = range[1];
960                        delta = 1;
961                } else if (range.length == 3) {
962                        start = range[0];
963                        end = range[2];
964                        delta = range[1];
965                } else {
966                        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid range options selected");
967                }
968                final int l = (int) Math.floor((end - start) / delta) + 1;
969                final double[][] out = new double[1][l];
970                for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
971                        out[0][i] = start + (i * delta);
972                }
973                return new Matrix(out);
974        }
976        /**
977         * range is: - a single number (a) (0:1:a) - two numbers (a,b) (a:1:b) - three
978         * numbers (a,b,c) (a:b:c)
979         *
980         * @param range
981         * @return the range defined
982         */
983        public static Matrix range(int... range) {
984                int start, end, delta;
985                if (range.length == 1) {
986                        start = 0;
987                        end = range[0];
988                        delta = 1;
989                } else if (range.length == 2) {
990                        start = range[0];
991                        end = range[1];
992                        delta = 1;
993                } else if (range.length == 3) {
994                        start = range[0];
995                        end = range[2];
996                        delta = range[1];
997                } else {
998                        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid range options selected");
999                }
1000                final int l = (int) Math.floor((end - start) / delta) + 1;
1001                final double[][] out = new double[1][l];
1002                for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
1003                        out[0][i] = start + (i * delta);
1004                }
1005                return new Matrix(out);
1006        }
1008        /**
1009         * Given two row vectors, construct the power set of rowvector combinations
1010         *
1011         * @param A
1012         * @param B
1013         * @return a new matrix of size A.cols * B.cols
1014         */
1015        public static Matrix ntuples(Matrix A, Matrix B) {
1016                final double[][] Adata = A.getArray();
1017                final double[][] Bdata = B.getArray();
1019                final double[][] out = new double[2][Adata[0].length * Bdata[0].length];
1020                int i = 0;
1021                for (final double a : Adata[0]) {
1022                        for (final double b : Bdata[0]) {
1023                                out[0][i] = a;
1024                                out[1][i] = b;
1025                                i++;
1026                        }
1027                }
1028                return new Matrix(out);
1029        }
1031        /**
1032         * Given a matrix, repeat the matrix over i rows and j columns
1033         *
1034         * @param x
1035         * @param i
1036         * @param j
1037         * @return repeated matrix
1038         */
1039        public static Matrix repmat(Matrix x, int i, int j) {
1040                final double[][] xdata = x.getArray();
1041                final double[][] newmat = new double[xdata.length * i][xdata[0].length * j];
1042                for (int k = 0; k < newmat.length; k += xdata.length) {
1043                        for (int l = 0; l < newmat[0].length; l += xdata[0].length) {
1044                                int rowcopyindex = 0;
1045                                for (final double[] ds : xdata) {
1046                                        System.arraycopy(ds, 0, newmat[k + rowcopyindex], l, xdata[0].length);
1047                                        rowcopyindex += 1;
1048                                }
1049                        }
1050                }
1051                return new Matrix(newmat);
1052        }
1054        /**
1055         * horizontally stack all the matrices provided. i.e. ret = [x1 x2 x3 x4 ... xn]
1056         *
1057         * @param x
1058         * @return horizontally stacked
1059         */
1060        public static Matrix hstack(Matrix... x) {
1061                final int height = x[0].getRowDimension();
1062                int width = 0;
1063                for (final Matrix matrix : x) {
1064                        width += matrix.getColumnDimension();
1065                }
1066                final double[][] newmat = new double[height][width];
1067                int colindex = 0;
1068                for (final Matrix matrix : x) {
1069                        final double[][] matdata = matrix.getArray();
1070                        final int w = matrix.getColumnDimension();
1071                        for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
1072                                System.arraycopy(matdata[i], 0, newmat[i], colindex, w);
1073                        }
1074                        colindex += w;
1075                }
1076                return new Matrix(newmat);
1077        }
1079        /**
1080         * Add the rows to the mat at rowIndex. Assumes MANY things with no checks:
1081         * rows.rows == rowIndex.length mat.cols == rows.cols rowIndex.length &lt;
1082         * mat.rows for x in rowIndex: x &lt; mat.rows &amp;&amp; x &gt;= 0 etc.
1083         *
1084         * @param mat
1085         * @param rows
1086         * @param rowIndex
1087         * @return the input matrix
1088         */
1089        public static Matrix plusEqualsRow(Matrix mat, Matrix rows, int[] rowIndex) {
1090                final double[][] matdata = mat.getArray();
1091                final double[][] rowdata = rows.getArray();
1092                int i = 0;
1093                for (final int row : rowIndex) {
1094                        for (int j = 0; j < rowdata[i].length; j++) {
1095                                matdata[row][j] += rowdata[i][j];
1096                        }
1097                        i++;
1098                }
1099                return mat;
1100        }
1102        /**
1103         * @param x
1104         * @param val
1105         * @return a new matrix for x &lt; val
1106         */
1107        public static Matrix lessThan(Matrix x, double val) {
1108                final Matrix retMat = x.copy();
1109                final double[][] data = x.getArray();
1110                final double[][] retdata = retMat.getArray();
1111                for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
1112                        for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
1113                                retdata[i][j] = data[i][j] < val ? 1 : 0;
1114                        }
1115                }
1116                return retMat;
1117        }
1119        /**
1120         * @param x
1121         * @param val
1122         * @return a new matrix for x &gt; val
1123         */
1124        public static Matrix greaterThan(Matrix x, double val) {
1125                final Matrix retMat = x.copy();
1126                final double[][] data = x.getArray();
1127                final double[][] retdata = retMat.getArray();
1128                for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
1129                        for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
1130                                retdata[i][j] = data[i][j] > val ? 1 : 0;
1131                        }
1132                }
1133                return retMat;
1134        }
1136        /**
1137         * @param x
1138         * @return a new matrix for x1 &amp;&amp; x2 &amp;&amp; ... &amp;&amp; xn where
1139         *         &amp;&amp; means "!=0"
1140         */
1141        public static Matrix and(Matrix... x) {
1142                final Matrix retMat = MatrixUtils.ones(x[0].getRowDimension(), x[0].getColumnDimension());
1143                final double[][] retdata = retMat.getArray();
1145                for (final Matrix matrix : x) {
1146                        final double[][] data = matrix.getArray();
1147                        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
1148                                for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
1149                                        retdata[i][j] = (retdata[i][j] != 0 && data[i][j] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
1150                                }
1151                        }
1152                }
1153                return retMat;
1154        }
1156        /**
1157         * @param rowDimension
1158         * @param columnDimension
1159         * @return matrix of dimensions filled with ones
1160         */
1161        public static Matrix ones(int rowDimension, int columnDimension) {
1162                final Matrix ret = new Matrix(rowDimension, columnDimension);
1163                return plus(ret, 1);
1164        }
1166        /**
1167         * @param x
1168         * @return logical-and each column of x
1169         */
1170        public static Matrix all(Matrix x) {
1171                final int cols = x.getColumnDimension();
1172                final int rows = x.getRowDimension();
1173                final Matrix ret = new Matrix(1, cols);
1174                final double[][] retdata = ret.getArray();
1175                final double[][] data = x.getArray();
1176                for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
1177                        boolean cool = true;
1178                        for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
1179                                cool = data[j][i] != 0 && cool;
1180                                if (!cool)
1181                                        break;
1182                        }
1183                        retdata[0][i] = cool ? 1 : 0;
1184                }
1185                return ret;
1186        }
1188        /**
1189         * @param vals
1190         * @return given vals, return the array indexes where vals != 0
1191         */
1192        public static int[] valsToIndex(double[] vals) {
1193                int nindex = 0;
1194                for (final double d : vals) {
1195                        nindex += d != 0 ? 1 : 0;
1196                }
1198                final int[] indexes = new int[nindex];
1199                nindex = 0;
1200                int i = 0;
1201                for (final double d : vals) {
1202                        if (d != 0) {
1203                                indexes[i] = nindex;
1204                                i++;
1205                        }
1206                        nindex++;
1207                }
1208                return indexes;
1209        }
1211        /**
1212         * for every value in x greater than val set toset
1213         *
1214         * @param x
1215         * @param val
1216         * @param toset
1217         * @return same matrix handed in
1218         */
1219        public static Matrix greaterThanSet(Matrix x, int val, int toset) {
1220                final double[][] data = x.getArray();
1221                for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
1222                        for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
1223                                data[i][j] = data[i][j] > val ? toset : data[i][j];
1224                        }
1225                }
1226                return x;
1227        }
1229        /**
1230         * for every value in x less than val set toset
1231         *
1232         * @param x
1233         * @param val
1234         * @param toset
1235         * @return same matrix handed in
1236         */
1237        public static Matrix lessThanSet(Matrix x, int val, int toset) {
1238                final double[][] data = x.getArray();
1239                for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
1240                        for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
1241                                data[i][j] = data[i][j] < val ? toset : data[i][j];
1242                        }
1243                }
1244                return x;
1245        }
1247        /**
1248         * Subtract the given row vector from every row of the given matrix, returning
1249         * the result in a new matrix.
1250         *
1251         * @param in
1252         *            the matrix
1253         * @param row
1254         *            the row vector
1255         * @return the resultant matrix
1256         */
1257        public static Matrix minusRow(Matrix in, double[] row) {
1258                final Matrix out = in.copy();
1259                final double[][] outData = out.getArray();
1260                final int rows = out.getRowDimension();
1261                final int cols = out.getColumnDimension();
1263                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
1264                        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
1265                                outData[r][c] -= row[c];
1266                        }
1267                }
1269                return out;
1270        }
1272        /**
1273         * Subtract the given col vector (held as a Matrix) from every col of the given
1274         * matrix, returning the result in a new matrix.
1275         *
1276         * @param in
1277         *            the matrix
1278         * @param col
1279         *            the col Matrix (Only the first column is used)
1280         * @return the resultant matrix
1281         */
1282        public static Matrix minusCol(Matrix in, Matrix col) {
1283                final Matrix out = in.copy();
1284                final double[][] outData = out.getArray();
1285                final int rows = out.getRowDimension();
1286                final int cols = out.getColumnDimension();
1287                final double[][] colArr = col.getArray();
1289                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
1290                        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
1291                                outData[r][c] -= colArr[r][0];
1292                        }
1293                }
1295                return out;
1296        }
1298        /**
1299         * Add a matrix to another inline.
1300         *
1301         * @param result
1302         *            the matrix to add to
1303         * @param add
1304         *            the matrix to add
1305         * @return the result matrix
1306         */
1307        public static Matrix plusEquals(Matrix result, Matrix add) {
1308                final int rows = result.getRowDimension();
1309                final int cols = result.getColumnDimension();
1311                final double[][] resultData = result.getArray();
1312                final double[][] addData = add.getArray();
1314                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
1315                        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
1316                                resultData[r][c] += addData[r][c];
1317                        }
1318                }
1320                return result;
1321        }
1323        /**
1324         * Multiply a matrix by a constant inplace, returning the matrix.
1325         *
1326         * @param m
1327         *            the matrix
1328         * @param val
1329         *            the value to multiply by
1330         * @return the matrix
1331         */
1332        public static Matrix times(Matrix m, double val) {
1333                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
1335                final int rows = m.getRowDimension();
1336                final int cols = m.getColumnDimension();
1338                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
1339                        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
1340                                data[r][c] *= val;
1342                return m;
1343        }
1345        /**
1346         * Convert an mtj matrix into a 2d double array
1347         *
1348         * @param mat
1349         * @return a double array
1350         */
1351        public static double[][] mtjToDoubleArray(no.uib.cipr.matrix.DenseMatrix mat) {
1352                final double[][] out = new double[mat.numRows()][mat.numColumns()];
1353                final double[] data = mat.getData();
1354                for (int r = 0; r < out.length; r++) {
1355                        final double[] outr = out[r];
1356                        for (int c = 0; c < out[0].length; c++) {
1357                                outr[c] = data[r + c * out.length];
1358                        }
1359                }
1360                return out;
1361        }
1363        /**
1364         * Compute the sum of values in all rows
1365         *
1366         * @param m
1367         *            the matrix
1368         * @return the sum of values across all cols in all rows
1369         */
1370        public static Matrix sumRows(Matrix m) {
1371                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
1372                final int cols = m.getColumnDimension();
1373                final int rows = m.getRowDimension();
1375                final Matrix sum = new Matrix(rows, 1);
1376                final double[][] sumArr = sum.getArray();
1377                for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
1378                        for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
1379                                sumArr[r][0] += data[r][c];
1380                        }
1381                }
1383                return sum;
1384        }
1386        /**
1387         * Compute the sum of values in all cols
1388         *
1389         * @param m
1390         *            the matrix
1391         * @return the sum of values across all rows in all cols
1392         */
1393        public static Matrix sumCols(Matrix m) {
1394                final double[][] data = m.getArray();
1395                final int cols = m.getColumnDimension();
1396                final int rows = m.getRowDimension();
1398                final Matrix sum = new Matrix(1, cols);
1399                final double[][] sumArr = sum.getArray();
1400                for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
1401                        for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
1402                                sumArr[0][c] += data[r][c];
1403                        }
1404                }
1406                return sum;
1407        }
1409        /**
1410         * Generate a matrix with Gaussian distributed randoms
1411         *
1412         * @param rows
1413         *            the number of rows
1414         * @param cols
1415         *            the number of columns
1416         * @return a matrix containing values drawn from a 0 mean 1.0 sdev gaussian
1417         */
1418        public static Matrix randGaussian(int rows, int cols) {
1419                final Matrix m = new Matrix(rows, cols);
1420                final double[][] d = m.getArray();
1421                final Random r = new Random();
1422                for (int row = 0; row < d.length; row++) {
1423                        for (int col = 0; col < d[row].length; col++) {
1424                                d[row][col] = r.nextGaussian();
1425                        }
1426                }
1427                return m;
1428        }
1430        /**
1431         * Compute the sparsity (i.e. ratio of non-zero elements to matrix size) of the
1432         * given matrix
1433         *
1434         * @param matrix
1435         *            the matrix
1436         * @return the sparsity
1437         */
1438        public static double sparsity(SparseMatrix matrix) {
1439                final double density = matrix.used() / ((double) matrix.rowCount() * (double) matrix.columnCount());
1440                return 1 - density;
1441        }
1443        /**
1444         * Extract the diagonal component from the given matrix
1445         *
1446         * @param cv
1447         *            the matrix
1448         * @return a new matrix with the diagonal values from the input matrix and other
1449         *         values set to zero.
1450         */
1451        public static Matrix diag(Matrix cv) {
1452                final Matrix d = new Matrix(cv.getRowDimension(), cv.getColumnDimension());
1454                for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(cv.getRowDimension(), cv.getColumnDimension()); i++)
1455                        d.set(i, i, cv.get(i, i));
1457                return d;
1458        }
1460        /**
1461         * Extract the diagonal component from the given matrix
1462         *
1463         * @param cv
1464         *            the matrix
1465         * @return a new matrix with the diagonal values from the input matrix and other
1466         *         values set to zero.
1467         */
1468        public static double[] diagVector(Matrix cv) {
1469                final double[] d = new double[Math.min(cv.getRowDimension(), cv.getColumnDimension())];
1471                for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(cv.getRowDimension(), cv.getColumnDimension()); i++)
1472                        d[i] = cv.get(i, i);
1474                return d;
1475        }
1477        /**
1478         * Format a matrix as a single-line string suitable for using in matlab or
1479         * octave
1480         *
1481         * @param mat
1482         *            the matrix to format
1483         * @return the string
1484         */
1485        public static String toMatlabString(Matrix mat) {
1486                return "[" + toString(mat).trim().replace("\n ", ";").replace(" ", ",") + "]";
1487        }
1489        /**
1490         * Format a matrix as a single-line string suitable for using in python
1491         *
1492         * @param mat
1493         *            the matrix to format
1494         * @return the string
1495         */
1496        public static String toPythonString(Matrix mat) {
1497                return "[[" + toString(mat).trim().replace("\n ", "][").replace(" ", ",") + "]]";
1498        }
1500        /**
1501         * @param mat
1502         * @return trace of the matrix
1503         */
1504        public static double trace(Matrix mat) {
1505                double sum = 0;
1506                for (int i = 0; i < mat.getRowDimension(); i++) {
1507                        sum += mat.get(i, i);
1508                }
1509                return sum;
1510        }
1512        /**
1513         * Solves the system <code>Ax = 0</code>, returning the vector x as an array.
1514         * Internally computes the least-squares solution using the SVD of
1515         * <code>A</code>.
1516         *
1517         * @param A
1518         *            the matrix describing the system
1519         * @return the solution vector
1520         */
1521        public static double[] solveHomogeneousSystem(Matrix A) {
1522                return solveHomogeneousSystem(new DenseMatrix(A.getArray()));
1523        }
1525        /**
1526         * Solves the system <code>Ax = 0</code>, returning the vector x as an array.
1527         * Internally computes the least-squares solution using the SVD of
1528         * <code>A</code>.
1529         *
1530         * @param A
1531         *            the matrix describing the system
1532         * @return the solution vector
1533         */
1534        public static double[] solveHomogeneousSystem(double[][] A) {
1535                return solveHomogeneousSystem(new DenseMatrix(A));
1536        }
1538        /**
1539         * Solves the system <code>Ax = 0</code>, returning the vector x as an array.
1540         * Internally computes the least-squares solution using the SVD of
1541         * <code>A</code>.
1542         *
1543         * @param A
1544         *            the matrix describing the system
1545         * @return the solution vector
1546         */
1547        public static double[] solveHomogeneousSystem(DenseMatrix A) {
1548                try {
1549                        final SVD svd = SVD.factorize(A);
1551                        final double[] x = new double[svd.getVt().numRows()];
1552                        final int c = svd.getVt().numColumns() - 1;
1554                        for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
1555                                x[i] = svd.getVt().get(c, i);
1556                        }
1558                        return x;
1559                } catch (final NotConvergedException e) {
1560                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
1561                }
1562        }
1564        /**
1565         * Format a matrix as a single-line string suitable for using in java
1566         *
1567         * @param mat
1568         *            the matrix to format
1569         * @return the string
1570         */
1571        public static String toJavaString(Matrix mat) {
1572                return "{" + toString(mat).trim().replaceAll("^", "{").replace("\n ", "},{").replace(" ", ",") + "}}";
1573        }
1575        /**
1576         * Construct a matrix from a row-packed (i.e. row-by-row) vector of the data.
1577         *
1578         * @param vector
1579         *            the row-packed vector
1580         * @param ncols
1581         *            the number of columns
1582         * @return the reconstructed matrix
1583         */
1584        public static Matrix fromRowPacked(double[] vector, int ncols) {
1585                final int nrows = vector.length / ncols;
1587                final Matrix a = new Matrix(nrows, ncols);
1588                final double[][] ad = a.getArray();
1589                for (int r = 0, i = 0; r < nrows; r++)
1590                        for (int c = 0; c < ncols; c++, i++)
1591                                ad[r][c] = vector[i];
1593                return a;
1594        }
1596        /**
1597         * Compute the covariance matrix of the given samples (assumed each sample is a
1598         * row).
1599         *
1600         * @param m
1601         *            the samples matrix
1602         * @return the covariance matrix
1603         */
1604        public static Matrix covariance(Matrix m) {
1605                final int N = m.getRowDimension();
1606                return times(m.transpose().times(m), 1.0 / (N > 1 ? N - 1 : N));
1607        }
1609        /**
1610         * For each element of X, sign(X) returns 1 if the element is greater than zero,
1611         * 0 if it equals zero and -1 if it is less than zero.
1612         *
1613         * @param m
1614         *            the matrix
1615         * @return the sign matrix
1616         */
1617        public static Matrix sign(Matrix m) {
1618                final Matrix o = new Matrix(m.getRowDimension(), m.getColumnDimension());
1619                final double[][] md = m.getArray();
1620                final double[][] od = o.getArray();
1622                for (int r = 0; r < o.getRowDimension(); r++) {
1623                        for (int c = 0; c < o.getColumnDimension(); c++) {
1624                                if (md[r][c] > 0)
1625                                        od[r][c] = 1;
1626                                if (md[r][c] < 0)
1627                                        od[r][c] = -1;
1628                        }
1629                }
1631                return o;
1632        }
1634        /**
1635         * Return a copy of the input matrix where every value is the exponential of the
1636         * elements, e to the X.
1637         *
1638         * @param m
1639         *            the input matrix
1640         * @return the exponential matrix
1641         */
1642        public static Matrix exp(Matrix m) {
1643                final Matrix o = new Matrix(m.getRowDimension(), m.getColumnDimension());
1644                final double[][] md = m.getArray();
1645                final double[][] od = o.getArray();
1647                for (int r = 0; r < o.getRowDimension(); r++) {
1648                        for (int c = 0; c < o.getColumnDimension(); c++) {
1649                                od[r][c] = Math.exp(md[r][c]);
1650                        }
1651                }
1653                return o;
1654        }
1656        /**
1657         * Return a copy of the input matrix where every value is the hyperbolic tangent
1658         * of the elements.
1659         *
1660         * @param m
1661         *            the input matrix
1662         * @return the tanh matrix
1663         */
1664        public static Matrix tanh(Matrix m) {
1665                final Matrix o = new Matrix(m.getRowDimension(), m.getColumnDimension());
1666                final double[][] md = m.getArray();
1667                final double[][] od = o.getArray();
1669                for (int r = 0; r < o.getRowDimension(); r++) {
1670                        for (int c = 0; c < o.getColumnDimension(); c++) {
1671                                od[r][c] = Math.tanh(md[r][c]);
1672                        }
1673                }
1675                return o;
1676        }