002 * This source code file is part of a direct port of Stan Birchfield's implementation
003 * of a Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi feature tracker. The original implementation can be found
004 * here: http://www.ces.clemson.edu/~stb/klt/
005 *
006 * As per the original code, the source code is in the public domain, available
007 * for both commercial and non-commercial use.
008 */
009package org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt;
011import java.io.File;
012import java.io.IOException;
013import java.util.Arrays;
014import java.util.BitSet;
015import java.util.Comparator;
017import org.openimaj.image.FImage;
018import org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities;
019import org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FGaussianConvolve;
020import org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2d;
021import org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl;
024 * The KLT tracker
025 * 
026 * @author Stan Birchfield
027 * @author Jonathon Hare (jsh2@ecs.soton.ac.uk)
028 */
029public class KLTTracker {
030        protected int KLT_verbose = 0;
032        /**
033         * The feature was tracked
034         */
035        public static final int KLT_TRACKED = 0;
036        /**
037         * The feature was not found
038         */
039        public static final int KLT_NOT_FOUND = -1;
040        /**
041         * The determinant was too small
042         */
043        public static final int KLT_SMALL_DET = -2;
044        /**
045         * The maximum number of iterations was exceeded
046         */
047        public static final int KLT_MAX_ITERATIONS = -3;
048        /**
049         * The feature was out of bouns
050         */
051        public static final int KLT_OOB = -4;
052        /**
053         * The residue was too large
054         */
055        public static final int KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE = -5;
057        /**
058         * Modes of operation for selecting features.
059         */
060        public enum SelectionMode {
061                /**
062                 * selecting all features
063                 */
064                SELECTING_ALL,
065                /**
066                 * Replacing some features
067                 */
068                REPLACING_SOME
069        }
071        TrackingContext tc;
072        FeatureList featurelist;
073        boolean isNorm = true; // true if input images are in [0..1] range, false if
074                                                        // [0..255]
076        /**
077         * Construct with the given target number of features.
078         * 
079         * @param nfeatures
080         */
081        public KLTTracker(int nfeatures) {
082                this.tc = new TrackingContext();
083                this.featurelist = new FeatureList(nfeatures);
084        }
086        /**
087         * Construct with the given context and feature list
088         * 
089         * @param tc
090         * @param featurelist
091         */
092        public KLTTracker(TrackingContext tc, FeatureList featurelist) {
093                this.tc = tc;
094                this.featurelist = featurelist;
095        }
097        /*********************************************************************/
098        private void _fillFeaturemap(int x, int y, BitSet featuremap, int mindist, int ncols, int nrows)
099        {
100                int ix, iy;
102                for (iy = y - mindist; iy <= y + mindist; iy++)
103                        for (ix = x - mindist; ix <= x + mindist; ix++)
104                                if (ix >= 0 && ix < ncols && iy >= 0 && iy < nrows)
105                                        featuremap.set(iy * ncols + ix);
106        }
108        /*********************************************************************
109         * _enforceMinimumDistance
110         * 
111         * Removes features that are within close proximity to better features.
112         * 
113         * INPUTS featurelist: A list of features. The nFeatures property is used.
114         * 
115         * OUTPUTS featurelist: Is overwritten. Nearby "redundant" features are
116         * removed. Writes -1's into the remaining elements.
117         * 
118         * RETURNS The number of remaining features.
119         */
120        private void _enforceMinimumDistance(
121                        int[][] pointlist, /* featurepoints */
122                        int ncols, int nrows, /* size of images */
123                        int mindist, /* min. dist b/w features */
124                        int min_eigenvalue, /* min. eigenvalue */
125                        boolean overwriteAllFeatures)
126        {
127                final int npoints = pointlist.length;
129                int indx; /* Index into features */
130                int x, y, val; /*
131                                                 * Location and trackability of pixel under
132                                                 * consideration
133                                                 */
134                BitSet featuremap; /* Boolean array recording proximity of features */
135                int ptr;
137                /* Cannot add features with an eigenvalue less than one */
138                if (min_eigenvalue < 1)
139                        min_eigenvalue = 1;
141                /* Allocate memory for feature map and clear it */
142                featuremap = new BitSet(ncols * nrows);
144                /* Necessary because code below works with (mindist-1) */
145                mindist--;
147                /*
148                 * If we are keeping all old good features, then add them to the
149                 * featuremap
150                 */
151                if (!overwriteAllFeatures)
152                        for (indx = 0; indx < featurelist.features.length; indx++)
153                                if (featurelist.features[indx].val >= 0) {
154                                        x = (int) featurelist.features[indx].x;
155                                        y = (int) featurelist.features[indx].y;
156                                        _fillFeaturemap(x, y, featuremap, mindist, ncols, nrows);
157                                }
159                /* For each feature point, in descending order of importance, do ... */
160                ptr = 0;
161                indx = 0;
162                while (true) {
163                        /*
164                         * If we can't add all the points, then fill in the rest of the
165                         * featurelist with -1's
166                         */
167                        if (ptr >= npoints) {
168                                while (indx < featurelist.features.length) {
169                                        if (overwriteAllFeatures ||
170                                                        featurelist.features[indx].val < 0)
171                                        {
172                                                featurelist.features[indx].x = -1;
173                                                featurelist.features[indx].y = -1;
174                                                featurelist.features[indx].val = KLT_NOT_FOUND;
175                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img = null;
176                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_gradx = null;
177                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_grady = null;
178                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_x = -1.0f;
179                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_y = -1.0f;
180                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_Axx = 1.0f;
181                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_Ayx = 0.0f;
182                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_Axy = 0.0f;
183                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_Ayy = 1.0f;
184                                        }
185                                        indx++;
186                                }
187                                break;
188                        }
190                        x = pointlist[ptr][0];
191                        y = pointlist[ptr][1];
192                        val = pointlist[ptr][2];
193                        ptr++;
195                        /* Ensure that feature is in-bounds */
196                        assert (x >= 0);
197                        assert (x < ncols);
198                        assert (y >= 0);
199                        assert (y < nrows);
201                        while (!overwriteAllFeatures &&
202                                        indx < featurelist.features.length &&
203                                        featurelist.features[indx].val >= 0)
204                                indx++;
206                        if (indx >= featurelist.features.length)
207                                break;
209                        /*
210                         * If no neighbor has been selected, and if the minimum eigenvalue
211                         * is large enough, then add feature to the current list
212                         */
213                        if (!featuremap.get(y * ncols + x) && val >= min_eigenvalue) {
214                                featurelist.features[indx].x = x;
215                                featurelist.features[indx].y = y;
216                                featurelist.features[indx].val = val;
217                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img = null;
218                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_gradx = null;
219                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_grady = null;
220                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_x = -1.0f;
221                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_y = -1.0f;
222                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_Axx = 1.0f;
223                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_Ayx = 0.0f;
224                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_Axy = 0.0f;
225                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_Ayy = 1.0f;
226                                indx++;
228                                /*
229                                 * Fill in surrounding region of feature map, but make sure that
230                                 * pixels are in-bounds
231                                 */
232                                _fillFeaturemap(x, y, featuremap, mindist, ncols, nrows);
233                        }
234                }
235        }
237        /*********************************************************************
238         * _sortPointList
239         */
240        private void _sortPointList(int[][] pointlist)
241        {
242                Arrays.sort(pointlist, new Comparator<int[]>() {
243                        @Override
244                        public int compare(int[] o1, int[] o2) {
245                                final int v1 = o1[2];
246                                final int v2 = o2[2];
248                                if (v1 > v2)
249                                        return (-1);
250                                else if (v1 < v2)
251                                        return (1);
252                                else
253                                        return (0);
254                        }
255                });
256        }
258        /*********************************************************************
259         * _minEigenvalue
260         * 
261         * Given the three distinct elements of the symmetric 2x2 matrix [gxx gxy]
262         * [gxy gyy], Returns the minimum eigenvalue of the matrix.
263         */
264        private float _minEigenvalue(float gxx, float gxy, float gyy)
265        {
266                return (float) ((gxx + gyy - Math.sqrt((gxx - gyy) * (gxx - gyy) + 4 * gxy * gxy)) / 2.0f);
267        }
269        /**
270         * @throws IOException
271         *******************************************************************/
272        private void _selectGoodFeatures(
273                        FImage img,
274                        SelectionMode mode)
275        {
276                final int nrows = img.height, ncols = img.width;
277                FImage floatimg, gradx, grady;
278                int window_hw, window_hh;
279                int[][] pointlist;
281                final boolean overwriteAllFeatures = (mode == SelectionMode.SELECTING_ALL) ? true : false;
282                // boolean floatimages_created = false;
284                /* Check window size (and correct if necessary) */
285                if (tc.window_width % 2 != 1) {
286                        tc.window_width = tc.window_width + 1;
287                        System.err.format("Tracking context's window width must be odd.  Changing to %d.\n", tc.window_width);
288                }
289                if (tc.window_height % 2 != 1) {
290                        tc.window_height = tc.window_height + 1;
291                        System.err.format("Tracking context's window height must be odd.  Changing to %d.\n", tc.window_height);
292                }
293                if (tc.window_width < 3) {
294                        tc.window_width = 3;
295                        System.err.format("Tracking context's window width must be at least three.  \nChanging to %d.\n",
296                                        tc.window_width);
297                }
298                if (tc.window_height < 3) {
299                        tc.window_height = 3;
300                        System.err.format("Tracking context's window height must be at least three.  \nChanging to %d.\n",
301                                        tc.window_height);
302                }
303                window_hw = tc.window_width / 2;
304                window_hh = tc.window_height / 2;
306                /* Create pointlist, which is a simplified version of a featurelist, */
307                /* for speed. Contains only integer locations and values. */
308                pointlist = new int[ncols * nrows][3];
310                /* Create temporary images, etc. */
311                final PyramidSet ppSet = tc.previousPyramidSet();
312                if (mode == SelectionMode.REPLACING_SOME &&
313                                tc.sequentialMode && ppSet != null)
314                {
315                        floatimg = ppSet.imgPyr.img[0];
316                        gradx = ppSet.gradx.img[0];
317                        grady = ppSet.grady.img[0];
318                        assert (gradx != null);
319                        assert (grady != null);
320                } else {
321                        // floatimages_created = true;
322                        floatimg = new FImage(ncols, nrows);
323                        gradx = new FImage(ncols, nrows);
324                        grady = new FImage(ncols, nrows);
325                        if (tc.smoothBeforeSelecting) {
326                                floatimg = img.process(new FGaussianConvolve(tc.computeSmoothSigma()));
327                        } else {
328                                floatimg = img.clone();
329                        }
331                        /* Compute gradient of image in x and y direction */
332                        tc.computeGradients(floatimg, tc.grad_sigma, gradx, grady);
333                }
335                /* Write internal images */
336                if (tc.writeInternalImages) {
337                        try {
338                                ImageUtilities.write(floatimg, "png", new File("kltimg_sgfrlf.png"));
339                                ImageUtilities.write(gradx, "png", new File("kltimg_sgfrlf_gx.png"));
340                                ImageUtilities.write(grady, "png", new File("kltimg_sgfrlf_gy.png"));
341                        } catch (final IOException e) {
343                        }
344                }
346                /*
347                 * Compute trackability of each image pixel as the minimum of the two
348                 * eigenvalues of the Z matrix
349                 */
350                {
351                        float gx, gy;
352                        float gxx, gxy, gyy;
353                        int xx, yy;
354                        int ptr;
355                        float val;
356                        int limit = 1;
357                        int borderx = tc.borderx; /* Must not touch cols */
358                        int bordery = tc.bordery; /* lost by convolution */
359                        int x, y;
361                        if (borderx < window_hw)
362                                borderx = window_hw;
363                        if (bordery < window_hh)
364                                bordery = window_hh;
366                        /* Find largest value of an int */
367                        limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2 - 1;
369                        /* For most of the pixels in the image, do ... */
370                        ptr = 0;
371                        for (y = bordery; y < nrows - bordery; y += tc.nSkippedPixels + 1)
372                                for (x = borderx; x < ncols - borderx; x += tc.nSkippedPixels + 1) {
373                                        if (tc.getTargetArea() != null) {
374                                                final Point2d point = new Point2dImpl(x, y);
375                                                if (!tc.getTargetArea().isInside(point))
376                                                        continue;
377                                        }
378                                        /* Sum the gradients in the surrounding window */
379                                        gxx = 0;
380                                        gxy = 0;
381                                        gyy = 0;
382                                        for (yy = y - window_hh; yy <= y + window_hh; yy++)
383                                                for (xx = x - window_hw; xx <= x + window_hw; xx++) {
384                                                        gx = gradx.pixels[yy][xx];
385                                                        gy = grady.pixels[yy][xx];
386                                                        gxx += gx * gx;
387                                                        gxy += gx * gy;
388                                                        gyy += gy * gy;
389                                                }
391                                        /*
392                                         * Store the trackability of the pixel as the minimum of the
393                                         * two eigenvalues
394                                         */
395                                        pointlist[ptr][0] = x;
396                                        pointlist[ptr][1] = y;
397                                        val = _minEigenvalue(gxx, gxy, gyy);
398                                        if (val > limit) {
399                                                System.err
400                                                                .format("(_KLTSelectGoodFeatures) minimum eigenvalue %f is greater than the capacity of an int; setting to maximum value",
401                                                                                val);
402                                                val = limit;
403                                        }
404                                        pointlist[ptr][2] = (int) val;
405                                        ++ptr;
406                                }
407                }
409                /* Sort the features */
410                _sortPointList(pointlist);
412                /* Check tc.mindist */
413                if (tc.mindist < 0) {
414                        System.err.format(
415                                        "(_KLTSelectGoodFeatures) Tracking context field tc.mindist is negative (%d); setting to zero",
416                                        tc.mindist);
417                        tc.mindist = 0;
418                }
420                /* Enforce minimum distance between features */
421                _enforceMinimumDistance(
422                                pointlist,
423                                ncols, nrows,
424                                tc.mindist,
425                                tc.min_eigenvalue,
426                                overwriteAllFeatures);
427        }
429        /*********************************************************************
430         * KLTSelectGoodFeatures
431         * 
432         * Main routine, visible to the outside. Finds the good features in an
433         * image.
434         * 
435         * INPUTS tc: Contains parameters used in computation (size of image, size
436         * of window, min distance b/w features, sigma to compute image gradients, #
437         * of features desired).
438         * 
439         * @param img
440         *            Pointer to the data of an image (probably unsigned chars).
441         * 
442         *            OUTPUTS features: List of features. The member nFeatures is
443         *            computed.
444         */
445        public void selectGoodFeatures(FImage img) {
446                if (isNorm)
447                        img = img.multiply(255f);
449                if (KLT_verbose >= 1) {
450                        System.err.format("(KLT) Selecting the %d best features from a %d by %d image...  ",
451                                        featurelist.features.length, img.width, img.height);
452                }
454                _selectGoodFeatures(img, SelectionMode.SELECTING_ALL);
456                if (KLT_verbose >= 1) {
457                        System.err.format("\n\t%d features found.\n", featurelist.countRemainingFeatures());
458                        if (tc.writeInternalImages)
459                                System.err.format("\tWrote images to 'kltimg_sgfrlf*.pgm'.\n");
460                }
461        }
463        /*********************************************************************
464         * KLTReplaceLostFeatures
465         * 
466         * Main routine, visible to the outside. Replaces the lost features in an
467         * image.
468         * 
469         * INPUTS tc: Contains parameters used in computation (size of image, size
470         * of window, min distance b/w features, sigma to compute image gradients, #
471         * of features desired).
472         * 
473         * @param img
474         *            Pointer to the data of an image (probably unsigned chars).
475         * 
476         *            OUTPUTS features: List of features. The member nFeatures is
477         *            computed.
478         */
479        public void replaceLostFeatures(FImage img)
480        {
481                if (isNorm)
482                        img = img.multiply(255f);
484                final int nLostFeatures = featurelist.features.length - featurelist.countRemainingFeatures();
486                if (KLT_verbose >= 1) {
487                        System.err.format("(KLT) Attempting to replace %d features in a %d by %d image...  ", nLostFeatures,
488                                        img.width, img.height);
489                }
491                /* If there are any lost features, replace them */
492                if (nLostFeatures > 0)
493                        _selectGoodFeatures(img, SelectionMode.REPLACING_SOME);
495                if (KLT_verbose >= 1) {
496                        System.err.format("\n\t%d features replaced.\n",
497                                        nLostFeatures - featurelist.features.length + featurelist.countRemainingFeatures());
498                        if (tc.writeInternalImages)
499                                System.err.format("\tWrote images to 'kltimg_sgfrlf*.pgm'.\n");
500                }
501        }
503        /*********************************************************************
504         * KLTSetVerbosity
505         * 
506         * @param verbosity
507         */
508        public void setVerbosity(int verbosity)
509        {
510                KLT_verbose = verbosity;
511        }
513        /*********************************************************************
514         * _interpolate
515         * 
516         * Given a point (x,y) in an image, computes the bilinear interpolated
517         * gray-level value of the point in the image.
518         */
519        private float _interpolate(float x, float y, FImage img)
520        {
521                final int xt = (int) x; /* coordinates of top-left corner */
522                final int yt = (int) y;
523                final float ax = x - xt;
524                final float ay = y - yt;
526                final float x0y0 = img.pixels[yt][xt];
527                final float x1y0 = img.pixels[yt][xt + 1];
528                final float x0y1 = img.pixels[yt + 1][xt];
529                final float x1y1 = img.pixels[yt + 1][xt + 1];
531                return ((1 - ax) * (1 - ay) * x0y0 +
532                                ax * (1 - ay) * x1y0 +
533                                (1 - ax) * ay * x0y1 + ax * ay * x1y1);
534        }
536        /*********************************************************************
537         * _computeIntensityDifference
538         * 
539         * Given two images and the window center in both images, aligns the images
540         * wrt the window and computes the difference between the two overlaid
541         * images.
542         */
543        private void _computeIntensityDifference(
544                        FImage img1, /* images */
545                        FImage img2,
546                        float x1, float y1, /* center of window in 1st img */
547                        float x2, float y2, /* center of window in 2nd img */
548                        int width, int height, /* size of window */
549                        float[] imgdiff) /* output */
550        {
551                final int hw = width / 2, hh = height / 2;
552                float g1, g2;
553                int i, j;
555                /* Compute values */
556                int idx = 0;
557                for (j = -hh; j <= hh; j++)
558                        for (i = -hw; i <= hw; i++) {
559                                g1 = _interpolate(x1 + i, y1 + j, img1);
560                                g2 = _interpolate(x2 + i, y2 + j, img2);
561                                imgdiff[idx++] = g1 - g2;
562                        }
563        }
565        /*********************************************************************
566         * _computeGradientSum
567         * 
568         * Given two gradients and the window center in both images, aligns the
569         * gradients wrt the window and computes the sum of the two overlaid
570         * gradients.
571         */
572        private void _computeGradientSum(
573                        FImage gradx1, /* gradient images */
574                        FImage grady1,
575                        FImage gradx2,
576                        FImage grady2,
577                        float x1, float y1, /* center of window in 1st img */
578                        float x2, float y2, /* center of window in 2nd img */
579                        int width, int height, /* size of window */
580                        float[] gradx, /* output */
581                        float[] grady) /* " */
582        {
583                final int hw = width / 2, hh = height / 2;
584                float g1, g2;
585                int i, j;
587                int gx = 0, gy = 0;
588                /* Compute values */
589                for (j = -hh; j <= hh; j++)
590                        for (i = -hw; i <= hw; i++) {
591                                g1 = _interpolate(x1 + i, y1 + j, gradx1);
592                                g2 = _interpolate(x2 + i, y2 + j, gradx2);
593                                // *gradx++ = g1 + g2;
594                                gradx[gx++] = g1 + g2;
595                                g1 = _interpolate(x1 + i, y1 + j, grady1);
596                                g2 = _interpolate(x2 + i, y2 + j, grady2);
597                                // *grady++ = g1 + g2;
598                                grady[gy++] = g1 + g2;
599                        }
600        }
602        /*********************************************************************
603         * _computeIntensityDifferenceLightingInsensitive
604         * 
605         * Given two images and the window center in both images, aligns the images
606         * wrt the window and computes the difference between the two overlaid
607         * images; normalizes for overall gain and bias.
608         */
609        private void _computeIntensityDifferenceLightingInsensitive(
610                        FImage img1, /* images */
611                        FImage img2,
612                        float x1, float y1, /* center of window in 1st img */
613                        float x2, float y2, /* center of window in 2nd img */
614                        int width, int height, /* size of window */
615                        float[] imgdiff) /* output */
616        {
617                final int hw = width / 2, hh = height / 2;
618                float g1, g2, sum1_squared = 0, sum2_squared = 0;
619                int i, j;
621                float sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0;
622                float mean1, mean2, alpha, belta;
623                /* Compute values */
624                for (j = -hh; j <= hh; j++)
625                        for (i = -hw; i <= hw; i++) {
626                                g1 = _interpolate(x1 + i, y1 + j, img1);
627                                g2 = _interpolate(x2 + i, y2 + j, img2);
628                                sum1 += g1;
629                                sum2 += g2;
630                                sum1_squared += g1 * g1;
631                                sum2_squared += g2 * g2;
632                        }
633                mean1 = sum1_squared / (width * height);
634                mean2 = sum2_squared / (width * height);
635                alpha = (float) Math.sqrt(mean1 / mean2);
636                mean1 = sum1 / (width * height);
637                mean2 = sum2 / (width * height);
638                belta = mean1 - alpha * mean2;
640                int id = 0;
641                for (j = -hh; j <= hh; j++)
642                        for (i = -hw; i <= hw; i++) {
643                                g1 = _interpolate(x1 + i, y1 + j, img1);
644                                g2 = _interpolate(x2 + i, y2 + j, img2);
645                                // *imgdiff++ = g1- g2*alpha-belta;
646                                imgdiff[id++] = g1 - g2 * alpha - belta;
647                        }
648        }
650        /*********************************************************************
651         * _computeGradientSumLightingInsensitive
652         * 
653         * Given two gradients and the window center in both images, aligns the
654         * gradients wrt the window and computes the sum of the two overlaid
655         * gradients; normalizes for overall gain and bias.
656         */
657        private void _computeGradientSumLightingInsensitive(
658                        FImage gradx1, /* gradient images */
659                        FImage grady1,
660                        FImage gradx2,
661                        FImage grady2,
662                        FImage img1, /* images */
663                        FImage img2,
665                        float x1, float y1, /* center of window in 1st img */
666                        float x2, float y2, /* center of window in 2nd img */
667                        int width, int height, /* size of window */
668                        float[] gradx, /* output */
669                        float[] grady) /* " */
670        {
671                final int hw = width / 2, hh = height / 2;
672                float g1, g2, sum1_squared = 0, sum2_squared = 0;
673                int i, j;
675                // float sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0;
676                float mean1, mean2, alpha;
677                for (j = -hh; j <= hh; j++)
678                        for (i = -hw; i <= hw; i++) {
679                                g1 = _interpolate(x1 + i, y1 + j, img1);
680                                g2 = _interpolate(x2 + i, y2 + j, img2);
681                                sum1_squared += g1;
682                                sum2_squared += g2;
683                        }
684                mean1 = sum1_squared / (width * height);
685                mean2 = sum2_squared / (width * height);
686                alpha = (float) Math.sqrt(mean1 / mean2);
688                int gx = 0, gy = 0;
689                /* Compute values */
690                for (j = -hh; j <= hh; j++)
691                        for (i = -hw; i <= hw; i++) {
692                                g1 = _interpolate(x1 + i, y1 + j, gradx1);
693                                g2 = _interpolate(x2 + i, y2 + j, gradx2);
694                                // *gradx++ = g1 + g2*alpha;
695                                gradx[gx++] = g1 + g2 * alpha;
696                                g1 = _interpolate(x1 + i, y1 + j, grady1);
697                                g2 = _interpolate(x2 + i, y2 + j, grady2);
698                                // *grady++ = g1+ g2*alpha;
699                                grady[gy++] = g1 + g2 * alpha;
700                        }
701        }
703        /*********************************************************************
704         * _compute2by2GradientMatrix
705         * 
706         */
707        private float[] _compute2by2GradientMatrix(
708                        float[] gradx,
709                        float[] grady,
710                        int width, /* size of window */
711                        int height
712                        )
714        {
715                float gx, gy;
716                int i;
718                float gxx; /* return values */
719                float gxy;
720                float gyy;
722                /* Compute values */
723                gxx = 0.0f;
724                gxy = 0.0f;
725                gyy = 0.0f;
726                for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++) {
727                        // gx = *gradx++;
728                        gx = gradx[i];
729                        // gy = *grady++;
730                        gy = grady[i];
731                        gxx += gx * gx;
732                        gxy += gx * gy;
733                        gyy += gy * gy;
734                }
736                return new float[] { gxx, gxy, gyy };
737        }
739        /*********************************************************************
740         * _compute2by1ErrorVector
741         * 
742         */
744        private float[] _compute2by1ErrorVector(
745                        float[] imgdiff,
746                        float[] gradx,
747                        float[] grady,
748                        int width, /* size of window */
749                        int height,
750                        float step_factor /*
751                                                         * 2.0 comes from equations, 1.0 seems to avoid
752                                                         * overshooting
753                                                         */
754                        )
755        {
756                float diff;
757                int i;
759                float ex, ey;
761                /* Compute values */
762                ex = 0;
763                ey = 0;
764                for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++) {
765                        diff = imgdiff[i];
766                        ex += diff * gradx[i];
767                        ey += diff * grady[i];
768                }
769                ex *= step_factor;
770                ey *= step_factor;
772                return new float[] { ex, ey };
773        }
775        /*********************************************************************
776         * _solveEquation
777         * 
778         * Solves the 2x2 matrix equation [gxx gxy] [dx] = [ex] [gxy gyy] [dy] =
779         * [ey] for dx and dy.
780         * 
781         * Returns KLT_TRACKED on success and KLT_SMALL_DET on failure
782         */
783        private int _solveEquation(
784                        float gxx, float gxy, float gyy,
785                        float ex, float ey,
786                        float small,
787                        float[] output)
788        {
789                final float det = gxx * gyy - gxy * gxy;
791                if (det < small)
792                        return KLT_SMALL_DET;
794                output[0] = (gyy * ex - gxy * ey) / det; // dx
795                output[1] = (gxx * ey - gxy * ex) / det; // dy
796                return KLT_TRACKED;
797        }
799        /*********************************************************************
800         * _sumAbsFloatWindow
801         */
802        private float _sumAbsFloatWindow(
803                        float[] fw,
804                        int width,
805                        int height)
806        {
807                float sum = 0.0f;
809                for (int i = 0; i < height * width; i++)
810                        sum += Math.abs(fw[i]);
812                return sum;
813        }
815        /*********************************************************************
816         * _trackFeature
817         * 
818         * Tracks a feature point from one image to the next.
819         * 
820         * RETURNS KLT_SMALL_DET if feature is lost, KLT_MAX_ITERATIONS if tracking
821         * stopped because iterations timed out, KLT_TRACKED otherwise.
822         */
823        private int _trackFeature(
824                        float x1, /* location of window in first image */
825                        float y1,
826                        float[] xy2, /* starting location of search in second image */
827                        FImage img1,
828                        FImage gradx1,
829                        FImage grady1,
830                        FImage img2,
831                        FImage gradx2,
832                        FImage grady2,
833                        int width, /* size of window */
834                        int height,
835                        float step_factor, /*
836                                                                 * 2.0 comes from equations, 1.0 seems to avoid
837                                                                 * overshooting
838                                                                 */
839                        int max_iterations,
840                        float small, /* determinant threshold for declaring KLT_SMALL_DET */
841                        float th, /* displacement threshold for stopping */
842                        float max_residue, /*
843                                                                 * residue threshold for declaring
844                                                                 * KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE
845                                                                 */
846                        boolean lighting_insensitive) /*
847                                                                                 * whether to normalize for gain and
848                                                                                 * bias
849                                                                                 */
850        {
851                float[] imgdiff, gradx, grady;
852                float gxx, gxy, gyy, ex, ey, dx, dy;
853                int iteration = 0;
854                int status;
855                final int hw = width / 2;
856                final int hh = height / 2;
857                final int nc = img1.width;
858                final int nr = img1.height;
859                final float one_plus_eps = 1.001f; /* To prevent rounding errors */
861                /* Allocate memory for windows */
862                imgdiff = new float[height * width];
863                gradx = new float[height * width];
864                grady = new float[height * width];
866                /* Iteratively update the window position */
867                do {
869                        /* If out of bounds, exit loop */
870                        if (x1 - hw < 0.0f || nc - (x1 + hw) < one_plus_eps ||
871                                        xy2[0] - hw < 0.0f || nc - (xy2[0] + hw) < one_plus_eps ||
872                                        y1 - hh < 0.0f || nr - (y1 + hh) < one_plus_eps ||
873                                        xy2[1] - hh < 0.0f || nr - (xy2[1] + hh) < one_plus_eps)
874                        {
875                                status = KLT_OOB;
876                                break;
877                        }
879                        /* Compute gradient and difference windows */
880                        if (lighting_insensitive) {
881                                _computeIntensityDifferenceLightingInsensitive(img1, img2, x1, y1, xy2[0], xy2[1], width, height, imgdiff);
882                                _computeGradientSumLightingInsensitive(gradx1, grady1, gradx2, grady2, img1, img2, x1, y1, xy2[0],
883                                                xy2[1], width, height, gradx, grady);
884                        } else {
885                                _computeIntensityDifference(img1, img2, x1, y1, xy2[0], xy2[1], width, height, imgdiff);
886                                _computeGradientSum(gradx1, grady1, gradx2, grady2, x1, y1, xy2[0], xy2[1], width, height, gradx, grady);
887                        }
889                        /* Use these windows to construct matrices */
890                        float[] tmp = _compute2by2GradientMatrix(gradx, grady, width, height);
891                        gxx = tmp[0];
892                        gxy = tmp[1];
893                        gyy = tmp[2];
895                        tmp = _compute2by1ErrorVector(imgdiff, gradx, grady, width, height, step_factor);
896                        ex = tmp[0];
897                        ey = tmp[1];
899                        /* Using matrices, solve equation for new displacement */
900                        tmp = new float[2];
901                        status = _solveEquation(gxx, gxy, gyy, ex, ey, small, tmp);
902                        dx = tmp[0];
903                        dy = tmp[1];
904                        if (status == KLT_SMALL_DET)
905                                break;
907                        xy2[0] += dx;
908                        xy2[1] += dy;
909                        iteration++;
911                } while ((Math.abs(dx) >= th || Math.abs(dy) >= th) && iteration < max_iterations);
913                /* Check whether window is out of bounds */
914                if (xy2[0] - hw < 0.0f || nc - (xy2[0] + hw) < one_plus_eps ||
915                                xy2[1] - hh < 0.0f || nr - (xy2[1] + hh) < one_plus_eps)
916                        status = KLT_OOB;
918                /* Check whether residue is too large */
919                if (status == KLT_TRACKED) {
920                        if (lighting_insensitive)
921                                _computeIntensityDifferenceLightingInsensitive(img1, img2, x1, y1, xy2[0], xy2[1], width, height, imgdiff);
922                        else
923                                _computeIntensityDifference(img1, img2, x1, y1, xy2[0], xy2[1], width, height, imgdiff);
924                        if (_sumAbsFloatWindow(imgdiff, width, height) / (width * height) > max_residue)
925                                status = KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE;
926                }
928                /* Return appropriate value */
929                if (status == KLT_SMALL_DET)
930                        return KLT_SMALL_DET;
931                else if (status == KLT_OOB)
932                        return KLT_OOB;
933                else if (status == KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE)
934                        return KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE;
935                else if (iteration >= max_iterations)
936                        return KLT_MAX_ITERATIONS;
937                else
938                        return KLT_TRACKED;
939        }
941        /*********************************************************************/
943        private boolean _outOfBounds(
944                        float x,
945                        float y,
946                        int ncols,
947                        int nrows,
948                        int borderx,
949                        int bordery)
950        {
951                return (x < borderx || x > ncols - 1 - borderx ||
952                                y < bordery || y > nrows - 1 - bordery);
953        }
955        // /**********************************************************************
957        // *
958        // * Created by: Thorsten Thormaehlen (University of Hannover) June 2004
959        // * thormae@tnt.uni-hannover.de
960        // *
961        // * Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy,
962        // modify,
963        // * and distribute this part of the software, provided that this complete
964        // authorship
965        // * and permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies.
966        // *
967        // * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
968        // *
969        // *
970        // * The following static functions are helpers for the affine mapping.
971        // * They all start with "_am".
972        // * There are also small changes in other files for the
973        // * affine mapping these are all marked by "for affine mapping"
974        // *
975        // * Thanks to Kevin Koeser (koeser@mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de) for fixing a
976        // bug
977        // */
978        //
979        // #define SWAP_ME(X,Y) {temp=(X);(X)=(Y);(Y)=temp;}
980        //
981        // static float **_am_matrix(long nr, long nc)
982        // {
983        // float **m;
984        // int a;
985        // m = (float **) malloc((size_t)(nr*sizeof(float*)));
986        // m[0] = (float *) malloc((size_t)((nr*nc)*sizeof(float)));
987        // for(a = 1; a < nr; a++) m[a] = m[a-1]+nc;
988        // return m;
989        // }
990        //
991        // static void _am_free_matrix(float **m)
992        // {
993        // free(m[0]);
994        // free(m);
995        // }
996        //
997        //
998        // static int _am_gauss_jordan_elimination(float **a, int n, float **b, int
999        // m)
1000        // {
1001        // /* re-implemented from Numerical Recipes in C */
1002        // int *indxc,*indxr,*ipiv;
1003        // int i,j,k,l,ll;
1004        // float big,dum,pivinv,temp;
1005        // int col = 0;
1006        // int row = 0;
1007        //
1008        // indxc=(int *)malloc((size_t) (n*sizeof(int)));
1009        // indxr=(int *)malloc((size_t) (n*sizeof(int)));
1010        // ipiv=(int *)malloc((size_t) (n*sizeof(int)));
1011        // for (j=0;j<n;j++) ipiv[j]=0;
1012        // for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
1013        // big=0.0;
1014        // for (j=0;j<n;j++)
1015        // if (ipiv[j] != 1)
1016        // for (k=0;k<n;k++) {
1017        // if (ipiv[k] == 0) {
1018        // if (fabs(a[j][k]) >= big) {
1019        // big= (float) fabs(a[j][k]);
1020        // row=j;
1021        // col=k;
1022        // }
1023        // } else if (ipiv[k] > 1) return KLT_SMALL_DET;
1024        // }
1025        // ++(ipiv[col]);
1026        // if (row != col) {
1027        // for (l=0;l<n;l++) SWAP_ME(a[row][l],a[col][l])
1028        // for (l=0;l<m;l++) SWAP_ME(b[row][l],b[col][l])
1029        // }
1030        // indxr[i]=row;
1031        // indxc[i]=col;
1032        // if (a[col][col] == 0.0) return KLT_SMALL_DET;
1033        // pivinv=1.0f/a[col][col];
1034        // a[col][col]=1.0;
1035        // for (l=0;l<n;l++) a[col][l] *= pivinv;
1036        // for (l=0;l<m;l++) b[col][l] *= pivinv;
1037        // for (ll=0;ll<n;ll++)
1038        // if (ll != col) {
1039        // dum=a[ll][col];
1040        // a[ll][col]=0.0;
1041        // for (l=0;l<n;l++) a[ll][l] -= a[col][l]*dum;
1042        // for (l=0;l<m;l++) b[ll][l] -= b[col][l]*dum;
1043        // }
1044        // }
1045        // for (l=n-1;l>=0;l--) {
1046        // if (indxr[l] != indxc[l])
1047        // for (k=0;k<n;k++)
1048        // SWAP_ME(a[k][indxr[l]],a[k][indxc[l]]);
1049        // }
1050        // free(ipiv);
1051        // free(indxr);
1052        // free(indxc);
1053        //
1054        // return KLT_TRACKED;
1055        // }
1056        //
1057        // /*********************************************************************
1058        // * _am_getGradientWinAffine
1059        // *
1060        // * aligns the gradients with the affine transformed window
1061        // */
1062        //
1063        // static void _am_getGradientWinAffine(
1064        // FImage in_gradx,
1065        // FImage in_grady,
1066        // float x, float y, /* center of window*/
1067        // float Axx, float Ayx , float Axy, float Ayy, /* affine mapping */
1068        // int width, int height, /* size of window */
1069        // _FloatWindow out_gradx, /* output */
1070        // _FloatWindow out_grady) /* output */
1071        // {
1072        // int hw = width/2, hh = height/2;
1073        // int i, j;
1074        // float mi, mj;
1075        //
1076        // /* Compute values */
1077        // for (j = -hh ; j <= hh ; j++)
1078        // for (i = -hw ; i <= hw ; i++) {
1079        // mi = Axx * i + Axy * j;
1080        // mj = Ayx * i + Ayy * j;
1081        // *out_gradx++ = _interpolate(x+mi, y+mj, in_gradx);
1082        // *out_grady++ = _interpolate(x+mi, y+mj, in_grady);
1083        // }
1084        //
1085        // }
1086        //
1087        // /*********************************************************************
1088        // * _computeAffineMappedImage
1089        // * used only for DEBUG output
1090        // *
1091        // */
1092        //
1093        // static void _am_computeAffineMappedImage(
1094        // FImage img, /* images */
1095        // float x, float y, /* center of window */
1096        // float Axx, float Ayx , float Axy, float Ayy, /* affine mapping */
1097        // int width, int height, /* size of window */
1098        // _FloatWindow imgdiff) /* output */
1099        // {
1100        // int hw = width/2, hh = height/2;
1101        // int i, j;
1102        // float mi, mj;
1103        //
1104        // /* Compute values */
1105        // for (j = -hh ; j <= hh ; j++)
1106        // for (i = -hw ; i <= hw ; i++) {
1107        // mi = Axx * i + Axy * j;
1108        // mj = Ayx * i + Ayy * j;
1109        // *imgdiff++ = _interpolate(x+mi, y+mj, img);
1110        // }
1111        // }
1112        //
1113        //
1114        // /*********************************************************************
1115        // * _getSubFloatImage
1116        // */
1117        //
1118        // static void _am_getSubFloatImage(
1119        // FImage img, /* image */
1120        // float x, float y, /* center of window */
1121        // FImage window) /* output */
1122        // {
1123        // int hw = window.ncols/2, hh = window.nrows/2;
1124        // int x0 = (int) x;
1125        // int y0 = (int) y;
1126        // float * windata = window.data;
1127        // int offset;
1128        // int i, j;
1129        //
1130        // assert(x0 - hw >= 0);
1131        // assert(y0 - hh >= 0);
1132        // assert(x0 + hw <= img.ncols);
1133        // assert(y0 + hh <= img.nrows);
1134        //
1135        // /* copy values */
1136        // for (j = -hh ; j <= hh ; j++)
1137        // for (i = -hw ; i <= hw ; i++) {
1138        // offset = (j+y0)*img.ncols + (i+x0);
1139        // *windata++ = *(img.data+offset);
1140        // }
1141        // }
1142        //
1143        // /*********************************************************************
1144        // * _am_computeIntensityDifferenceAffine
1145        // *
1146        // * Given two images and the window center in both images,
1147        // * aligns the images with the window and computes the difference
1148        // * between the two overlaid images using the affine mapping.
1149        // * A = [ Axx Axy]
1150        // * [ Ayx Ayy]
1151        // */
1152        //
1153        // static void _am_computeIntensityDifferenceAffine(
1154        // FImage img1, /* images */
1155        // FImage img2,
1156        // float x1, float y1, /* center of window in 1st img */
1157        // float x2, float y2, /* center of window in 2nd img */
1158        // float Axx, float Ayx , float Axy, float Ayy, /* affine mapping */
1159        // int width, int height, /* size of window */
1160        // _FloatWindow imgdiff) /* output */
1161        // {
1162        // int hw = width/2, hh = height/2;
1163        // float g1, g2;
1164        // int i, j;
1165        // float mi, mj;
1166        //
1167        // /* Compute values */
1168        // for (j = -hh ; j <= hh ; j++)
1169        // for (i = -hw ; i <= hw ; i++) {
1170        // g1 = _interpolate(x1+i, y1+j, img1);
1171        // mi = Axx * i + Axy * j;
1172        // mj = Ayx * i + Ayy * j;
1173        // g2 = _interpolate(x2+mi, y2+mj, img2);
1174        // *imgdiff++ = g1 - g2;
1175        // }
1176        // }
1177        //
1178        // /*********************************************************************
1179        // * _am_compute6by6GradientMatrix
1180        // *
1181        // */
1182        //
1183        // static void _am_compute6by6GradientMatrix(
1184        // _FloatWindow gradx,
1185        // _FloatWindow grady,
1186        // int width, /* size of window */
1187        // int height,
1188        // float **T) /* return values */
1189        // {
1190        // int hw = width/2, hh = height/2;
1191        // int i, j;
1192        // float gx, gy, gxx, gxy, gyy, x, y, xx, xy, yy;
1193        //
1194        //
1195        // /* Set values to zero */
1196        // for (j = 0 ; j < 6 ; j++) {
1197        // for (i = j ; i < 6 ; i++) {
1198        // T[j][i] = 0.0;
1199        // }
1200        // }
1201        //
1202        // for (j = -hh ; j <= hh ; j++) {
1203        // for (i = -hw ; i <= hw ; i++) {
1204        // gx = *gradx++;
1205        // gy = *grady++;
1206        // gxx = gx * gx;
1207        // gxy = gx * gy;
1208        // gyy = gy * gy;
1209        // x = (float) i;
1210        // y = (float) j;
1211        // xx = x * x;
1212        // xy = x * y;
1213        // yy = y * y;
1214        //
1215        // T[0][0] += xx * gxx;
1216        // T[0][1] += xx * gxy;
1217        // T[0][2] += xy * gxx;
1218        // T[0][3] += xy * gxy;
1219        // T[0][4] += x * gxx;
1220        // T[0][5] += x * gxy;
1221        //
1222        // T[1][1] += xx * gyy;
1223        // T[1][2] += xy * gxy;
1224        // T[1][3] += xy * gyy;
1225        // T[1][4] += x * gxy;
1226        // T[1][5] += x * gyy;
1227        //
1228        // T[2][2] += yy * gxx;
1229        // T[2][3] += yy * gxy;
1230        // T[2][4] += y * gxx;
1231        // T[2][5] += y * gxy;
1232        //
1233        // T[3][3] += yy * gyy;
1234        // T[3][4] += y * gxy;
1235        // T[3][5] += y * gyy;
1236        //
1237        // T[4][4] += gxx;
1238        // T[4][5] += gxy;
1239        //
1240        // T[5][5] += gyy;
1241        // }
1242        // }
1243        //
1244        // for (j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++) {
1245        // for (i = j+1 ; i < 6 ; i++) {
1246        // T[i][j] = T[j][i];
1247        // }
1248        // }
1249        //
1250        // }
1251        //
1252        //
1253        //
1254        // /*********************************************************************
1255        // * _am_compute6by1ErrorVector
1256        // *
1257        // */
1258        //
1259        // static void _am_compute6by1ErrorVector(
1260        // _FloatWindow imgdiff,
1261        // _FloatWindow gradx,
1262        // _FloatWindow grady,
1263        // int width, /* size of window */
1264        // int height,
1265        // float **e) /* return values */
1266        // {
1267        // int hw = width/2, hh = height/2;
1268        // int i, j;
1269        // float diff, diffgradx, diffgrady;
1270        //
1271        // /* Set values to zero */
1272        // for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) e[i][0] = 0.0;
1273        //
1274        // /* Compute values */
1275        // for (j = -hh ; j <= hh ; j++) {
1276        // for (i = -hw ; i <= hw ; i++) {
1277        // diff = *imgdiff++;
1278        // diffgradx = diff * (*gradx++);
1279        // diffgrady = diff * (*grady++);
1280        // e[0][0] += diffgradx * i;
1281        // e[1][0] += diffgrady * i;
1282        // e[2][0] += diffgradx * j;
1283        // e[3][0] += diffgrady * j;
1284        // e[4][0] += diffgradx;
1285        // e[5][0] += diffgrady;
1286        // }
1287        // }
1288        //
1289        // for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) e[i][0] *= 0.5;
1290        //
1291        // }
1292        //
1293        //
1294        // /*********************************************************************
1295        // * _am_compute4by4GradientMatrix
1296        // *
1297        // */
1298        //
1299        // static void _am_compute4by4GradientMatrix(
1300        // _FloatWindow gradx,
1301        // _FloatWindow grady,
1302        // int width, /* size of window */
1303        // int height,
1304        // float **T) /* return values */
1305        // {
1306        // int hw = width/2, hh = height/2;
1307        // int i, j;
1308        // float gx, gy, x, y;
1309        //
1310        //
1311        // /* Set values to zero */
1312        // for (j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) {
1313        // for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
1314        // T[j][i] = 0.0;
1315        // }
1316        // }
1317        //
1318        // for (j = -hh ; j <= hh ; j++) {
1319        // for (i = -hw ; i <= hw ; i++) {
1320        // gx = *gradx++;
1321        // gy = *grady++;
1322        // x = (float) i;
1323        // y = (float) j;
1324        // T[0][0] += (x*gx+y*gy) * (x*gx+y*gy);
1325        // T[0][1] += (x*gx+y*gy)*(x*gy-y*gx);
1326        // T[0][2] += (x*gx+y*gy)*gx;
1327        // T[0][3] += (x*gx+y*gy)*gy;
1328        //
1329        // T[1][1] += (x*gy-y*gx) * (x*gy-y*gx);
1330        // T[1][2] += (x*gy-y*gx)*gx;
1331        // T[1][3] += (x*gy-y*gx)*gy;
1332        //
1333        // T[2][2] += gx*gx;
1334        // T[2][3] += gx*gy;
1335        //
1336        // T[3][3] += gy*gy;
1337        // }
1338        // }
1339        //
1340        // for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++) {
1341        // for (i = j+1 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
1342        // T[i][j] = T[j][i];
1343        // }
1344        // }
1345        //
1346        // }
1347        //
1348        // /*********************************************************************
1349        // * _am_compute4by1ErrorVector
1350        // *
1351        // */
1352        //
1353        // static void _am_compute4by1ErrorVector(
1354        // _FloatWindow imgdiff,
1355        // _FloatWindow gradx,
1356        // _FloatWindow grady,
1357        // int width, /* size of window */
1358        // int height,
1359        // float **e) /* return values */
1360        // {
1361        // int hw = width/2, hh = height/2;
1362        // int i, j;
1363        // float diff, diffgradx, diffgrady;
1364        //
1365        // /* Set values to zero */
1366        // for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) e[i][0] = 0.0;
1367        //
1368        // /* Compute values */
1369        // for (j = -hh ; j <= hh ; j++) {
1370        // for (i = -hw ; i <= hw ; i++) {
1371        // diff = *imgdiff++;
1372        // diffgradx = diff * (*gradx++);
1373        // diffgrady = diff * (*grady++);
1374        // e[0][0] += diffgradx * i + diffgrady * j;
1375        // e[1][0] += diffgrady * i - diffgradx * j;
1376        // e[2][0] += diffgradx;
1377        // e[3][0] += diffgrady;
1378        // }
1379        // }
1380        //
1381        // for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) e[i][0] *= 0.5;
1382        //
1383        // }
1384        //
1385        //
1386        //
1387        // /*********************************************************************
1388        // * _am_trackFeatureAffine
1389        // *
1390        // * Tracks a feature point from the image of first occurrence to the actual
1391        // image.
1392        // *
1393        // * RETURNS
1394        // * KLT_SMALL_DET or KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE or KLT_OOB if feature is lost,
1395        // * KLT_TRACKED otherwise.
1396        // */
1397        //
1398        // /* if you enalbe the DEBUG_AFFINE_MAPPING make sure you have created a
1399        // directory "./debug" */
1400        // /* #define DEBUG_AFFINE_MAPPING */
1401        //
1402        // #ifdef DEBUG_AFFINE_MAPPING
1403        // static int counter = 0;
1404        // static int glob_index = 0;
1405        // #endif
1406        //
1407        // static int _am_trackFeatureAffine(
1408        // float x1, /* location of window in first image */
1409        // float y1,
1410        // float *x2, /* starting location of search in second image */
1411        // float *y2,
1412        // FImage img1,
1413        // FImage gradx1,
1414        // FImage grady1,
1415        // FImage img2,
1416        // FImage gradx2,
1417        // FImage grady2,
1418        // int width, /* size of window */
1419        // int height,
1420        // float step_factor, /* 2.0 comes from equations, 1.0 seems to avoid
1421        // overshooting */
1422        // int max_iterations,
1423        // float small, /* determinant threshold for declaring KLT_SMALL_DET */
1424        // float th, /* displacement threshold for stopping */
1425        // float th_aff,
1426        // float max_residue, /* residue threshold for declaring KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE
1427        // */
1428        // int lighting_insensitive, /* whether to normalize for gain and bias */
1429        // int affine_map, /* whether to evaluates the consistency of features with
1430        // affine mapping */
1431        // float mdd, /* difference between the displacements */
1432        // float *Axx, float *Ayx,
1433        // float *Axy, float *Ayy) /* used affine mapping */
1434        // {
1435        //
1436        //
1437        // _FloatWindow imgdiff, gradx, grady;
1438        // float gxx, gxy, gyy, ex, ey, dx, dy;
1439        // int iteration = 0;
1440        // int status = 0;
1441        // int hw = width/2;
1442        // int hh = height/2;
1443        // int nc1 = img1.ncols;
1444        // int nr1 = img1.nrows;
1445        // int nc2 = img2.ncols;
1446        // int nr2 = img2.nrows;
1447        // float **a;
1448        // float **T;
1449        // float one_plus_eps = 1.001f; /* To prevent rounding errors */
1450        // float old_x2 = *x2;
1451        // float old_y2 = *y2;
1452        // boolean convergence = false;
1453        //
1454        // #ifdef DEBUG_AFFINE_MAPPING
1455        // char fname[80];
1456        // FImage aff_diff_win = _KLTCreateFloatImage(width,height);
1457        // printf("starting location x2=%f y2=%f\n", *x2, *y2);
1458        // #endif
1459        //
1460        // /* Allocate memory for windows */
1461        // imgdiff = new float[height * width];
1462        // gradx = new float[height * width];
1463        // grady = new float[height * width];
1464        // T = _am_matrix(6,6);
1465        // a = _am_matrix(6,1);
1466        //
1467        // /* Iteratively update the window position */
1468        // do {
1469        // if(!affine_map) {
1470        // /* pure translation tracker */
1471        //
1472        // /* If out of bounds, exit loop */
1473        // if ( x1-hw < 0.0f || nc1-( x1+hw) < one_plus_eps ||
1474        // *x2-hw < 0.0f || nc2-(*x2+hw) < one_plus_eps ||
1475        // y1-hh < 0.0f || nr1-( y1+hh) < one_plus_eps ||
1476        // *y2-hh < 0.0f || nr2-(*y2+hh) < one_plus_eps) {
1477        // status = KLT_OOB;
1478        // break;
1479        // }
1480        //
1481        // /* Compute gradient and difference windows */
1482        // if (lighting_insensitive) {
1483        // _computeIntensityDifferenceLightingInsensitive(img1, img2, x1, y1, *x2,
1484        // *y2,
1485        // width, height, imgdiff);
1486        // _computeGradientSumLightingInsensitive(gradx1, grady1, gradx2, grady2,
1487        // img1, img2, x1, y1, *x2, *y2, width, height, gradx, grady);
1488        // } else {
1489        // _computeIntensityDifference(img1, img2, x1, y1, *x2, *y2,
1490        // width, height, imgdiff);
1491        // _computeGradientSum(gradx1, grady1, gradx2, grady2,
1492        // x1, y1, *x2, *y2, width, height, gradx, grady);
1493        // }
1494        //
1495        // #ifdef DEBUG_AFFINE_MAPPING
1496        // aff_diff_win.data = imgdiff;
1497        // fname = String.format("./debug/kltimg_trans_diff_win%03d.%03d.pgm",
1498        // glob_index, counter);
1499        // printf("%s\n", fname);
1500        // _KLTWriteAbsFloatImageToPGM(aff_diff_win, fname,256.0);
1501        // printf("iter = %d translation tracker res: %f\n", iteration,
1502        // _sumAbsFloatWindow(imgdiff, width, height)/(width*height));
1503        // #endif
1504        //
1505        // /* Use these windows to construct matrices */
1506        // _compute2by2GradientMatrix(gradx, grady, width, height,
1507        // &gxx, &gxy, &gyy);
1508        // _compute2by1ErrorVector(imgdiff, gradx, grady, width, height,
1509        // step_factor,
1510        // &ex, &ey);
1511        //
1512        // /* Using matrices, solve equation for new displacement */
1513        // status = _solveEquation(gxx, gxy, gyy, ex, ey, small, &dx, &dy);
1514        //
1515        // convergence = (fabs(dx) < th && fabs(dy) < th);
1516        //
1517        // *x2 += dx;
1518        // *y2 += dy;
1519        //
1520        // }else{
1521        // /* affine tracker */
1522        //
1523        // float ul_x = *Axx * (-hw) + *Axy * hh + *x2; /* upper left corner */
1524        // float ul_y = *Ayx * (-hw) + *Ayy * hh + *y2;
1525        // float ll_x = *Axx * (-hw) + *Axy * (-hh) + *x2; /* lower left corner */
1526        // float ll_y = *Ayx * (-hw) + *Ayy * (-hh) + *y2;
1527        // float ur_x = *Axx * hw + *Axy * hh + *x2; /* upper right corner */
1528        // float ur_y = *Ayx * hw + *Ayy * hh + *y2;
1529        // float lr_x = *Axx * hw + *Axy * (-hh) + *x2; /* lower right corner */
1530        // float lr_y = *Ayx * hw + *Ayy * (-hh) + *y2;
1531        //
1532        // /* If out of bounds, exit loop */
1533        // if ( x1-hw < 0.0f || nc1-(x1+hw) < one_plus_eps ||
1534        // y1-hh < 0.0f || nr1-(y1+hh) < one_plus_eps ||
1535        // ul_x < 0.0f || nc2-(ul_x ) < one_plus_eps ||
1536        // ll_x < 0.0f || nc2-(ll_x ) < one_plus_eps ||
1537        // ur_x < 0.0f || nc2-(ur_x ) < one_plus_eps ||
1538        // lr_x < 0.0f || nc2-(lr_x ) < one_plus_eps ||
1539        // ul_y < 0.0f || nr2-(ul_y ) < one_plus_eps ||
1540        // ll_y < 0.0f || nr2-(ll_y ) < one_plus_eps ||
1541        // ur_y < 0.0f || nr2-(ur_y ) < one_plus_eps ||
1542        // lr_y < 0.0f || nr2-(lr_y ) < one_plus_eps) {
1543        // status = KLT_OOB;
1544        // break;
1545        // }
1546        //
1547        // #ifdef DEBUG_AFFINE_MAPPING
1548        // counter++;
1549        // _am_computeAffineMappedImage(img1, x1, y1, 1.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 1.0, width,
1550        // height, imgdiff);
1551        // aff_diff_win.data = imgdiff;
1552        // fname = String.format("./debug/kltimg_aff_diff_win%03d.%03d_1.pgm",
1553        // glob_index, counter);
1554        // printf("%s\n", fname);
1555        // _KLTWriteAbsFloatImageToPGM(aff_diff_win, fname,256.0);
1556        //
1557        // _am_computeAffineMappedImage(img2, *x2, *y2, *Axx, *Ayx , *Axy, *Ayy,
1558        // width, height, imgdiff);
1559        // aff_diff_win.data = imgdiff;
1560        // fname = String.format("./debug/kltimg_aff_diff_win%03d.%03d_2.pgm",
1561        // glob_index, counter);
1562        // printf("%s\n", fname);
1563        // _KLTWriteAbsFloatImageToPGM(aff_diff_win, fname,256.0);
1564        // #endif
1565        //
1566        // _am_computeIntensityDifferenceAffine(img1, img2, x1, y1, *x2, *y2, *Axx,
1567        // *Ayx , *Axy, *Ayy,
1568        // width, height, imgdiff);
1569        // #ifdef DEBUG_AFFINE_MAPPING
1570        // aff_diff_win.data = imgdiff;
1571        // fname = String.format("./debug/kltimg_aff_diff_win%03d.%03d_3.pgm",
1572        // glob_index,counter);
1573        // printf("%s\n", fname);
1574        // _KLTWriteAbsFloatImageToPGM(aff_diff_win, fname,256.0);
1575        //
1576        // printf("iter = %d affine tracker res: %f\n", iteration,
1577        // _sumAbsFloatWindow(imgdiff, width, height)/(width*height));
1578        // #endif
1579        //
1580        // _am_getGradientWinAffine(gradx2, grady2, *x2, *y2, *Axx, *Ayx , *Axy,
1581        // *Ayy,
1582        // width, height, gradx, grady);
1583        //
1584        // switch(affine_map){
1585        // case 1:
1586        // _am_compute4by1ErrorVector(imgdiff, gradx, grady, width, height, a);
1587        // _am_compute4by4GradientMatrix(gradx, grady, width, height, T);
1588        //
1589        // status = _am_gauss_jordan_elimination(T,4,a,1);
1590        //
1591        // *Axx += a[0][0];
1592        // *Ayx += a[1][0];
1593        // *Ayy = *Axx;
1594        // *Axy = -(*Ayx);
1595        //
1596        // dx = a[2][0];
1597        // dy = a[3][0];
1598        //
1599        // break;
1600        // case 2:
1601        // _am_compute6by1ErrorVector(imgdiff, gradx, grady, width, height, a);
1602        // _am_compute6by6GradientMatrix(gradx, grady, width, height, T);
1603        //
1604        // status = _am_gauss_jordan_elimination(T,6,a,1);
1605        //
1606        // *Axx += a[0][0];
1607        // *Ayx += a[1][0];
1608        // *Axy += a[2][0];
1609        // *Ayy += a[3][0];
1610        //
1611        // dx = a[4][0];
1612        // dy = a[5][0];
1613        //
1614        // break;
1615        // }
1616        //
1617        // *x2 += dx;
1618        // *y2 += dy;
1619        //
1620        // /* old upper left corner - new upper left corner */
1621        // ul_x -= *Axx * (-hw) + *Axy * hh + *x2;
1622        // ul_y -= *Ayx * (-hw) + *Ayy * hh + *y2;
1623        // /* old lower left corner - new lower left corner */
1624        // ll_x -= *Axx * (-hw) + *Axy * (-hh) + *x2;
1625        // ll_y -= *Ayx * (-hw) + *Ayy * (-hh) + *y2;
1626        // /* old upper right corner - new upper right corner */
1627        // ur_x -= *Axx * hw + *Axy * hh + *x2;
1628        // ur_y -= *Ayx * hw + *Ayy * hh + *y2;
1629        // /* old lower right corner - new lower right corner */
1630        // lr_x -= *Axx * hw + *Axy * (-hh) + *x2;
1631        // lr_y -= *Ayx * hw + *Ayy * (-hh) + *y2;
1632        //
1633        // #ifdef DEBUG_AFFINE_MAPPING
1634        // printf
1635        // ("iter = %d, ul_x=%f ul_y=%f ll_x=%f ll_y=%f ur_x=%f ur_y=%f lr_x=%f lr_y=%f \n",
1636        // iteration, ul_x, ul_y, ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y, lr_x, lr_y);
1637        // #endif
1638        //
1639        // convergence = (fabs(dx) < th && fabs(dy) < th &&
1640        // fabs(ul_x) < th_aff && fabs(ul_y) < th_aff &&
1641        // fabs(ll_x) < th_aff && fabs(ll_y) < th_aff &&
1642        // fabs(ur_x) < th_aff && fabs(ur_y) < th_aff &&
1643        // fabs(lr_x) < th_aff && fabs(lr_y) < th_aff);
1644        // }
1645        //
1646        // if (status == KLT_SMALL_DET) break;
1647        // iteration++;
1648        // #ifdef DEBUG_AFFINE_MAPPING
1649        // printf
1650        // ("iter = %d, x1=%f, y1=%f, x2=%f, y2=%f,  Axx=%f, Ayx=%f , Axy=%f, Ayy=%f \n",iteration,
1651        // x1, y1, *x2, *y2, *Axx, *Ayx , *Axy, *Ayy);
1652        // #endif
1653        // } while ( !convergence && iteration < max_iterations);
1654        // /*} while ( (fabs(dx)>=th || fabs(dy)>=th || (affine_map && iteration <
1655        // 8) ) && iteration < max_iterations); */
1656        // _am_free_matrix(T);
1657        // _am_free_matrix(a);
1658        //
1659        // /* Check whether window is out of bounds */
1660        // if (*x2-hw < 0.0f || nc2-(*x2+hw) < one_plus_eps ||
1661        // *y2-hh < 0.0f || nr2-(*y2+hh) < one_plus_eps)
1662        // status = KLT_OOB;
1663        //
1664        // /* Check whether feature point has moved to much during iteration*/
1665        // if ( (*x2-old_x2) > mdd || (*y2-old_y2) > mdd )
1666        // status = KLT_OOB;
1667        //
1668        // /* Check whether residue is too large */
1669        // if (status == KLT_TRACKED) {
1670        // if(!affine_map){
1671        // _computeIntensityDifference(img1, img2, x1, y1, *x2, *y2,
1672        // width, height, imgdiff);
1673        // }else{
1674        // _am_computeIntensityDifferenceAffine(img1, img2, x1, y1, *x2, *y2, *Axx,
1675        // *Ayx , *Axy, *Ayy,
1676        // width, height, imgdiff);
1677        // }
1678        // #ifdef DEBUG_AFFINE_MAPPING
1679        // printf("iter = %d final_res = %f\n", iteration,
1680        // _sumAbsFloatWindow(imgdiff, width, height)/(width*height));
1681        // #endif
1682        // if (_sumAbsFloatWindow(imgdiff, width, height)/(width*height) >
1683        // max_residue)
1684        // status = KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE;
1685        // }
1686        //
1687        // /* Free memory */
1688        // free(imgdiff); free(gradx); free(grady);
1689        //
1690        // #ifdef DEBUG_AFFINE_MAPPING
1691        // printf("iter = %d status=%d\n", iteration, status);
1692        // _KLTFreeFloatImage( aff_diff_win );
1693        // #endif
1694        //
1695        // /* Return appropriate value */
1696        // return status;
1697        // }
1698        //
1699        // /*
1701        // **********************************************************************/
1702        //
1703        //
1704        //
1705        /*********************************************************************
1706         * KLTTrackFeatures
1707         * 
1708         * Tracks feature points from one image to the next.
1709         * 
1710         * @param img1
1711         * @param img2
1712         */
1713        public void trackFeatures(FImage img1, FImage img2)
1714        {
1715                if (isNorm) {
1716                        img1 = img1.multiply(255f);
1717                        img2 = img2.multiply(255f);
1718                }
1719                PyramidSet pyr1, pyr2;
1720                int i;
1721                final int nrows = img1.height, ncols = img1.width;
1723                if (KLT_verbose >= 1) {
1724                        System.out.println(String.format("(KLT) Tracking %d features in a %d by %d image...  ",
1725                                        featurelist.countRemainingFeatures(), ncols, nrows));
1726                }
1728                /* Check window size (and correct if necessary) */
1729                if (tc.window_width % 2 != 1) {
1730                        tc.window_width = tc.window_width + 1;
1731                        System.out.println(String.format("Tracking context's window width must be odd.  Changing to %d.\n",
1732                                        tc.window_width));
1733                }
1734                if (tc.window_height % 2 != 1) {
1735                        tc.window_height = tc.window_height + 1;
1736                        System.out.println(String.format("Tracking context's window height must be odd.  Changing to %d.\n",
1737                                        tc.window_height));
1738                }
1739                if (tc.window_width < 3) {
1740                        tc.window_width = 3;
1741                        System.out.println(String.format(
1742                                        "Tracking context's window width must be at least three.  \nChanging to %d.\n", tc.window_width));
1743                }
1744                if (tc.window_height < 3) {
1745                        tc.window_height = 3;
1746                        System.out.println(String.format(
1747                                        "Tracking context's window height must be at least three.  \nChanging to %d.\n", tc.window_height));
1748                }
1750                /* Process first image by converting to float, smoothing, computing */
1751                /* pyramid, and computing gradient pyramids */
1752                final PyramidSet ppSet = tc.previousPyramidSet();
1753                if (tc.sequentialMode && ppSet != null) {
1754                        Pyramid pyramid1, pyramid1_gradx, pyramid1_grady;
1755                        pyramid1 = ppSet.imgPyr;
1756                        pyramid1_gradx = ppSet.gradx;
1757                        pyramid1_grady = ppSet.grady;
1758                        if (pyramid1.ncols[0] != ncols || pyramid1.nrows[0] != nrows)
1759                                throw new RuntimeException(
1760                                                String.format("(KLTTrackFeatures) Size of incoming image (%d by %d) is different from size " +
1761                                                                "of previous image (%d by %d)\n", ncols, nrows, pyramid1.ncols[0], pyramid1.nrows[0]));
1762                        assert (pyramid1_gradx != null);
1763                        assert (pyramid1_grady != null);
1764                        pyr1 = ppSet;
1765                } else {
1766                        pyr1 = new PyramidSet(img1, tc);
1768                }
1770                /* Do the same thing with second image */
1771                pyr2 = new PyramidSet(img2, tc);
1773                /* Write internal images */
1774                if (tc.writeInternalImages) {
1775                        String fname;
1776                        for (i = 0; i < tc.nPyramidLevels; i++) {
1777                                try {
1778                                        fname = String.format("kltimg_tf_i%d.png", i);
1779                                        ImageUtilities.write(pyr1.imgPyr.img[i], "png", new File(fname));
1780                                        fname = String.format("kltimg_tf_i%d_gx.png", i);
1781                                        ImageUtilities.write(pyr1.gradx.img[i], "png", new File(fname));
1782                                        fname = String.format("kltimg_tf_i%d_gy.png", i);
1783                                        ImageUtilities.write(pyr1.grady.img[i], "png", new File(fname));
1784                                        fname = String.format("kltimg_tf_j%d.png", i);
1785                                        ImageUtilities.write(pyr2.imgPyr.img[i], "png", new File(fname));
1786                                        fname = String.format("kltimg_tf_j%d_gx.png", i);
1787                                        ImageUtilities.write(pyr2.gradx.img[i], "png", new File(fname));
1788                                        fname = String.format("kltimg_tf_j%d_gy.png", i);
1789                                        ImageUtilities.write(pyr2.grady.img[i], "png", new File(fname));
1790                                } catch (final IOException e) {
1792                                }
1793                        }
1794                }
1796                trackFeatures(img1, img2, pyr1, pyr2);
1798                if (tc.sequentialMode) {
1799                        tc.setPreviousPyramid(pyr2);
1800                }
1802                if (KLT_verbose >= 1) {
1803                        System.err.println(String.format("\n\t%d features successfully tracked.\n",
1804                                        featurelist.countRemainingFeatures()));
1805                        if (tc.writeInternalImages)
1806                                System.err.println("\tWrote images to 'kltimg_tf*.pgm'.\n");
1807                }
1808        }
1810        /**
1811         * KLTTrackFeatures
1812         * 
1813         * Tracks feature points from one image to the next. Also takes in image
1814         * pyramids and gradient pyramids for both images.
1815         * 
1816         * @param img1
1817         * @param img2
1818         * @param pyr1
1819         * @param pyr2
1820         */
1821        public void trackFeatures(FImage img1, FImage img2, PyramidSet pyr1, PyramidSet pyr2) {
1822                float xloc, yloc, xlocout, ylocout;
1823                int val = -1;
1824                int indx, r;
1825                final float subsampling = tc.subsampling;
1826                final int nrows = img1.height, ncols = img1.width;
1827                /* For each feature, do ... */
1828                for (indx = 0; indx < featurelist.features.length; indx++) {
1830                        /* Only track features that are not lost */
1831                        if (featurelist.features[indx].val >= 0) {
1833                                xloc = featurelist.features[indx].x;
1834                                yloc = featurelist.features[indx].y;
1836                                /* Transform location to coarsest resolution */
1837                                for (r = tc.nPyramidLevels - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
1838                                        xloc /= subsampling;
1839                                        yloc /= subsampling;
1840                                }
1841                                xlocout = xloc;
1842                                ylocout = yloc;
1844                                /* Beginning with coarsest resolution, do ... */
1845                                for (r = tc.nPyramidLevels - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
1847                                        /* Track feature at current resolution */
1848                                        xloc *= subsampling;
1849                                        yloc *= subsampling;
1850                                        xlocout *= subsampling;
1851                                        ylocout *= subsampling;
1853                                        final float[] xylocout = new float[2];
1854                                        xylocout[0] = xlocout;
1855                                        xylocout[1] = ylocout;
1857                                        val = _trackFeature(xloc, yloc,
1858                                                        xylocout,
1859                                                        pyr1.imgPyr.img[r],
1860                                                        pyr1.gradx.img[r], pyr1.grady.img[r],
1861                                                        pyr2.imgPyr.img[r],
1862                                                        pyr2.gradx.img[r], pyr2.grady.img[r],
1863                                                        tc.window_width, tc.window_height,
1864                                                        tc.step_factor,
1865                                                        tc.max_iterations,
1866                                                        tc.min_determinant,
1867                                                        tc.min_displacement,
1868                                                        tc.max_residue,
1869                                                        tc.lighting_insensitive);
1871                                        xlocout = xylocout[0];
1872                                        ylocout = xylocout[1];
1874                                        if (val == KLT_SMALL_DET || val == KLT_OOB)
1875                                                break;
1876                                }
1878                                /* Record feature */
1879                                if (val == KLT_OOB) {
1880                                        featurelist.features[indx].x = -1.0f;
1881                                        featurelist.features[indx].y = -1.0f;
1882                                        featurelist.features[indx].val = KLT_OOB;
1884                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img = null;
1885                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_gradx = null;
1886                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_grady = null;
1888                                } else if (_outOfBounds(xlocout, ylocout, ncols, nrows, tc.borderx, tc.bordery)) {
1889                                        featurelist.features[indx].x = -1.0f;
1890                                        featurelist.features[indx].y = -1.0f;
1891                                        featurelist.features[indx].val = KLT_OOB;
1893                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img = null;
1894                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_gradx = null;
1895                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_grady = null;
1896                                } else if (val == KLT_SMALL_DET) {
1897                                        featurelist.features[indx].x = -1.0f;
1898                                        featurelist.features[indx].y = -1.0f;
1899                                        featurelist.features[indx].val = KLT_SMALL_DET;
1901                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img = null;
1902                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_gradx = null;
1903                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_grady = null;
1904                                } else if (val == KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE) {
1905                                        featurelist.features[indx].x = -1.0f;
1906                                        featurelist.features[indx].y = -1.0f;
1907                                        featurelist.features[indx].val = KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE;
1909                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img = null;
1910                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_gradx = null;
1911                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_grady = null;
1912                                } else if (val == KLT_MAX_ITERATIONS) {
1913                                        featurelist.features[indx].x = -1.0f;
1914                                        featurelist.features[indx].y = -1.0f;
1915                                        featurelist.features[indx].val = KLT_MAX_ITERATIONS;
1917                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img = null;
1918                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_gradx = null;
1919                                        // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_grady = null;
1920                                } else {
1921                                        featurelist.features[indx].x = xlocout;
1922                                        featurelist.features[indx].y = ylocout;
1923                                        featurelist.features[indx].val = KLT_TRACKED;
1924                                        if (tc.affineConsistencyCheck >= 0 && val == KLT_TRACKED) { /*
1925                                                                                                                                                                 * for
1926                                                                                                                                                                 * affine
1927                                                                                                                                                                 * mapping
1928                                                                                                                                                                 */
1929                                                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Affine mapping not yet implemented");
1930                                                // int border = 2; /* add border for interpolation */
1931                                                //
1932                                                // if(featurelist.features[indx].aff_img == null){
1933                                                // /* save image and gradient for each feature at finest
1934                                                // resolution after first successful track */
1935                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img = new
1936                                                // FImage((tc.affine_window_height+border),
1937                                                // (tc.affine_window_width+border));
1938                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_gradx = new
1939                                                // FImage((tc.affine_window_height+border),
1940                                                // (tc.affine_window_width+border));
1941                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_grady = new
1942                                                // FImage((tc.affine_window_height+border),
1943                                                // (tc.affine_window_width+border));
1944                                                // _am_getSubFloatImage(pyramid1.img[0],xloc,yloc,featurelist.features[indx].aff_img);
1945                                                // _am_getSubFloatImage(pyramid1_gradx.img[0],xloc,yloc,featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_gradx);
1946                                                // _am_getSubFloatImage(pyramid1_grady.img[0],xloc,yloc,featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_grady);
1947                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_x = xloc - (int) xloc
1948                                                // + (tc.affine_window_width+border)/2;
1949                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_y = yloc - (int) yloc
1950                                                // + (tc.affine_window_height+border)/2;;
1951                                                // }else{
1952                                                // /* affine tracking */
1953                                                // val =
1954                                                // _am_trackFeatureAffine(featurelist.features[indx].aff_x,
1955                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_y,
1956                                                // &xlocout, &ylocout,
1957                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img,
1958                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_gradx,
1959                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_grady,
1960                                                // pyramid2.img[0],
1961                                                // pyramid2_gradx.img[0], pyramid2_grady.img[0],
1962                                                // tc.affine_window_width, tc.affine_window_height,
1963                                                // tc.step_factor,
1964                                                // tc.affine_max_iterations,
1965                                                // tc.min_determinant,
1966                                                // tc.min_displacement,
1967                                                // tc.affine_min_displacement,
1968                                                // tc.affine_max_residue,
1969                                                // tc.lighting_insensitive,
1970                                                // tc.affineConsistencyCheck,
1971                                                // tc.affine_max_displacement_differ,
1972                                                // &featurelist.features[indx].aff_Axx,
1973                                                // &featurelist.features[indx].aff_Ayx,
1974                                                // &featurelist.features[indx].aff_Axy,
1975                                                // &featurelist.features[indx].aff_Ayy
1976                                                // );
1977                                                // featurelist.features[indx].val = val;
1978                                                // if(val != KLT_TRACKED){
1979                                                // featurelist.features[indx].x = -1.0f;
1980                                                // featurelist.features[indx].y = -1.0f;
1981                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_x = -1.0f;
1982                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_y = -1.0f;
1983                                                //
1984                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img = null;
1985                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_gradx = null;
1986                                                // featurelist.features[indx].aff_img_grady = null;
1987                                                // }else{
1988                                                // /*featurelist.features[indx].x = xlocout;*/
1989                                                // /*featurelist.features[indx].y = ylocout;*/
1990                                                // }
1991                                                // }
1992                                        }
1994                                }
1995                        }
1996                }
1997        }
1999        /**
2000         * @return the tracking context
2001         */
2002        public TrackingContext getTrackingContext() {
2003                return tc;
2004        }
2006        /**
2007         * Set the tracking context
2008         * 
2009         * @param tc
2010         */
2011        public void setTrackingContext(TrackingContext tc) {
2012                this.tc = tc;
2013        }
2015        /**
2016         * @return the feature list
2017         */
2018        public FeatureList getFeatureList() {
2019                return featurelist;
2020        }
2022        /**
2023         * Set the tracking context
2024         * 
2025         * @param featurelist
2026         */
2027        public void setFeatureList(FeatureList featurelist) {
2028                this.featurelist = featurelist;
2029        }
2031        /**
2032         * @return true if input images are normalised in [0,1]; false if in [0,
2033         *         255]
2034         */
2035        public boolean isNorm() {
2036                return isNorm;
2037        }
2039        /**
2040         * Set whether input images are in [0,1] (true) or [0,255] (false).
2041         * 
2042         * @param isNorm
2043         */
2044        public void setNorm(boolean isNorm) {
2045                this.isNorm = isNorm;
2046        }