Class | Description |
CFMatrixUtils |
Utility methods for dealing with the cognitive foundry
Matrix . |
DiagonalMatrix | |
EigenValueVectorPair |
A pair of Eigen values and corresponding vectors
GeneralisedEigenvalueProblem |
Methods for solving the Generalised Eigenvalue Problem: A x = L B x.
GramSchmidtProcess |
Perform the Gram-Schmid process on a vector, returning the orthogonal basis set
whose first vector is the input
JamaDenseMatrix |
Dense matrix wrapper for a JAMA matrix.
MatlibMatrixUtils |
Some helpful operations on
Matrix instances from Adrian Kuhn's
library. |
MatrixUtils |
Miscellaneous matrix operations.
MeanVector |
holds an updatable mean vector
PseudoInverse |
Methods for calculating the Moore-Penrose Pseudo-Inverse
ReadWriteableMatrix |
A wrapper around a JAMA Matrix that is read-writeable by
OpenIMAJ IOUtils.
ThinSingularValueDecomposition |
Thin SVD based on Adrian Kuhn's wrapper around ARPACK.
ThreadedMatrixMulti |
Perform a multithreaded matrix multiplication
UpdateableCholeskyDecomposition |
Cholesky Update and Downdate