- AbbreviationPatternProvider - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns
common abbreviation pattern
- AbbreviationPatternProvider(EntityPatternProvider) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.AbbreviationPatternProvider
- abort(String, Set<Long>) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftClient
- abort(String, Set<Long>, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.abort_call>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient
- abort(String, Set<Long>, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.abort_call>) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncIface
- abort(String, Set<Long>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- abort(String, Set<Long>) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Iface
- abort_args() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- abort_args(String, Set<Long>) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- abort_args(Kestrel.abort_args) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- abort_call(String, Set<Long>, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.abort_call>, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.abort_call
- abort_result() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- abort_result(int) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- abort_result(Kestrel.abort_result) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- about - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
Specifies that this Item is about a particular resource, e.g.
- ABOVE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.PolygonUtils
- abs() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Set all pixels to their absolute values, so that all pixel values in the
image will be greater than zero.
- abs() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Set all pixels to their absolute values, so that all pixel values in the
image will be greater than zero.
- abs() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Set all pixels to their absolute values, so that all pixel values in the
image will be greater than zero.
- abs() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- abs(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Create a new matrix with the absolute values of the input matrix.
- abs(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Return a copy of the input matrix with all elements set to their absolute
- absoluteCardinality - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
The absolute number of occurrences of this property that must occur
- AbsoluteValueEigenChooser - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
Attempts to automatically choose the number of eigen vectors based on the
comparative value of the eigen value with the first eigen value seen.
- AbsoluteValueEigenChooser(double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.AbsoluteValueEigenChooser
- absSum(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Compute the absolute sum of values in the matrix
- absSumSparse(SparseColumnMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- absSumSparse(SparseRowMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- AbstractAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation
Abstract base class for objects capable of annotating things.
- AbstractAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AbstractAnnotator
- AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
Options for clustering/quantising tool
- AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
Construct with arguments
- AbstractContextAwareInitStrategy<INDEPENDANT,DEPENDANT> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
Holds on to the learner and the context variables
- AbstractContextAwareInitStrategy() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.AbstractContextAwareInitStrategy
- AbstractDataSource<DATATYPE> - Class in org.openimaj.data
Abstract base class for
- AbstractDataSource() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.AbstractDataSource
- AbstractDenseSIFT<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift
Base class for implementations of a dense SIFT feature extractors.
- AbstractDenseSIFT() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
- AbstractDoGSIFTModeOp(LocalFeatureMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.LocalFeatureMode.AbstractDoGSIFTModeOp
- AbstractDominantOrientationExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor
Abstract superclass for objects capable of finding the dominant
orientation of a point in scale-space.
- AbstractDominantOrientationExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.AbstractDominantOrientationExtractor
- AbstractFileBackedList<T extends Readable> - Class in org.openimaj.util.list
A (currently) read-only list that iterates over a file.
- AbstractFileBackedList(int, boolean, int, int, File, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- AbstractFileBackedList(int, boolean, int, int, File, Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- AbstractFMMInpainter<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting
Abstract base class for inpainting algorithms based on the Fast Marching
Method (FMM) for selecting the order of pixels to paint.
- AbstractFMMInpainter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractFMMInpainter
- AbstractGetter<T> - Class in org.kohsuke.args4j.spi
An abstract Getter is of the type of the underlying bean and is not multivalued
- AbstractGetter(String, Object, Field) - Constructor for class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.AbstractGetter
- AbstractImageMaskInpainter<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting
Abstract base for
implementations that consume a mask image
(rather than connected components or pixel sets).
- AbstractImageMaskInpainter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractImageMaskInpainter
- AbstractIPDSIFTEngine<T extends InterestPointData> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd
Extract SIFT features as defined by David Lowe but located using interest
point detectors.
- AbstractIPDSIFTEngine(MultiscaleInterestPointDetector<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.AbstractIPDSIFTEngine
Initiate the engine with a given detector.
- AbstractIRCStreamDataset<T> - Class in org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc
Abstract base class for producing a stream of items from an IRC channel.
- AbstractIRCStreamDataset(BlockingDroppingQueue<T>, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc.AbstractIRCStreamDataset
- AbstractLocalThreshold - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold
Abstract base class for local thresholding operations.
- AbstractLocalThreshold(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AbstractLocalThreshold
Construct the AbstractLocalThreshold with the given patch size (the patch
will be square).
- AbstractLocalThreshold(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AbstractLocalThreshold
Construct the AbstractLocalThreshold with the given patch size.
- AbstractLtpDtFeature - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp
Base class for LTP based features using a
truncated Euclidean distance transform
to estimate the distances within each slice.
- AbstractLtpDtFeature(int, int, LTPWeighting, List<List<Pixel>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.AbstractLtpDtFeature
Construct with given parameters.
- AbstractMaskedObject<M extends Image<?,M>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.mask
- AbstractMaskedObject() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.mask.AbstractMaskedObject
Default constructor with a null
- AbstractMaskedObject(M) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.mask.AbstractMaskedObject
Construct with the given mask.
- AbstractMultiListDataSource<DATATYPE,ELEMENTTYPE> - Class in org.openimaj.data
An abstract
backed by multiple lists of data.
- AbstractMultiListDataSource(List<? extends List<ELEMENTTYPE>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.AbstractMultiListDataSource
Construct with the given lists of data
- AbstractMultiListDataSource(List<ELEMENTTYPE>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.AbstractMultiListDataSource
Construct with the given lists of data
- AbstractMultiListDataSource(Map<?, ? extends List<ELEMENTTYPE>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.AbstractMultiListDataSource
Construct with the given map of data.
- AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>,DETECTED_OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection
- AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector
Construct with the initial minimum and maximum size set to zero.
- AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector
Construct with the given initial minimum and maximum detection sizes.
- AbstractMultivariateDistribution - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution
A continuous multivariate distribution.
- AbstractMultivariateDistribution() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.AbstractMultivariateDistribution
- AbstractMultivariateGaussian - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution
- AbstractMultivariateGaussian() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.AbstractMultivariateGaussian
- AbstractNEAnnotator - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators
- AbstractNEAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractNEAnnotator
- AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder<OCTAVE extends GaussianOctave<FImage>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid
Class for finding extrema within
s using the approach in
Section 4 of Lowe's IJCV paper (minus the bit on using Brown's interpolation
approach to improve localisation).
- AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder
Construct an AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder with the default Eigenvalue
ratio threshold.
- AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder
Construct an AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder with the given Eigenvalue ratio
- AbstractOctaveInterestPointFinder<OCTAVE extends Octave<?,?,IMAGE>,IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid
Abstract base class for objects capable of detecting interest points
within an octave.
- AbstractOctaveInterestPointFinder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveInterestPointFinder
- AbstractOctaveLocalFeatureCollector<OCTAVE extends Octave<?,?,IMAGE>,EXTRACTOR extends FeatureVectorExtractor<?,ScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties<IMAGE>>,FEATURE extends LocalFeature<?,?>,IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector
Abstract base class for objects that collate
s as they
are extracted from
- AbstractOctaveLocalFeatureCollector(EXTRACTOR) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.AbstractOctaveLocalFeatureCollector
Construct the AbstractOctaveLocalFeatureCollector with the given feature
- AbstractPhraseAnnotator - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators
- AbstractPhraseAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractPhraseAnnotator
- AbstractPixelStatisticsModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics
Abstract base class for models based on pixel statistics of an image.
- AbstractPixelStatisticsModel(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.AbstractPixelStatisticsModel
Construct the model with the given number of dimensions
- AbstractPoint2d - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.point
Abstract base for
implementations that retains the underlying
- AbstractPoint2d() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- AbstractPOSAnnotator - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators
- AbstractPOSAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractPOSAnnotator
- AbstractRawTextAnnotator - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators
- AbstractRawTextAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractRawTextAnnotator
- AbstractRenderer<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render
An abstract class that defines top-level methods for objects that can
render connected components into images.
- AbstractRenderer(Image<T, ?>, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.AbstractRenderer
Default constructor that takes the image to write to and the
colour to draw in.
- AbstractRenderer(int, int, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.AbstractRenderer
Constructor that creates a new image into which to render the
connected components and a colour to draw in.
- AbstractResidualCalculator<I,D,M extends Model<I,D>> - Class in org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals
- AbstractResidualCalculator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals.AbstractResidualCalculator
- AbstractSentenceAnnotator - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators
- AbstractSentenceAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractSentenceAnnotator
- AbstractStream<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream
Abstract base implementation of a read-only (i.e.
- AbstractStream() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
- AbstractStreamBackedList<T extends Readable> - Class in org.openimaj.util.list
A list of records that can be consumed from a stream.
- AbstractStreamBackedList(InputStream, int, boolean, int, int, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
Instantiate the list and all instance variables.
- AbstractStreamBackedList(InputStream, int, boolean, int, int, Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
Instantiate the list and all instance variables.
- AbstractStructureTensorIPD - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
Abstract base class for an interest point detector which uses derivatives or
the (multiscale) structure tensor.
- AbstractStructureTensorIPD(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
Set the scale factor between the integration scale and the detection
- AbstractStructureTensorIPD(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
Abstract structure tensor detected at a given scale, the first
derivatives found and a structure tensor combined from these first
derivatives with a gaussian window of sigma = integrationScale
- AbstractStructureTensorIPD(float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
Abstract structure tensor detected at a given scale, the first
derivatives found and a structure tensor combined from these first
derivatives with a gaussian window of sigma = integrationScale.
- AbstractStructureTensorIPD(float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
Abstract structure tensor detected at a given scale, the first
derivatives found and a structure tensor combined from these first
derivatives with a gaussian window of sigma = integrationScale.
- AbstractStructureTensorIPD(float, float, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
Abstract structure tensor detected at a given scale, the first
derivatives found and a structure tensor combined from these first
derivatives with a gaussian window of sigma = integrationScale.
- AbstractStructureTensorIPD.Maxima - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
- AbstractTextPipeAnnotator<INPUT_ANNOTATION extends TextPipeAnnotation> - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators
- AbstractTextPipeAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractTextPipeAnnotator
- AbstractTokenAnnotator - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators
- AbstractTokenAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractTokenAnnotator
- AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options
An abstract kind of twitter processing tool.
- AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions(String[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- AbstractTwitterSearchDataset<T> - Class in org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter
Calls the
function periodically and offers all
instances with the underlying
- AbstractTwitterSearchDataset(TwitterAPIToken, BlockingDroppingQueue<T>, Query) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterSearchDataset
- AbstractTwitterStatusesFilterDataset<T> - Class in org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter
Base class for Live twitter streams based on the live Twitter streaming API.
- AbstractTwitterStatusesFilterDataset(FilterQuery, TwitterAPIToken, BlockingDroppingQueue<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterStatusesFilterDataset
Construct with the given Twitter API credentials and buffer
- AbstractTwitterStreamDataset<T> - Class in org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter
Base class for Live twitter streams based on the live Twitter streaming API.
- AbstractTwitterStreamDataset(TwitterAPIToken, BlockingDroppingQueue<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterStreamDataset
Construct with the given Twitter API credentials and buffer
- AbstractValueAnimator<T> - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
Base class for objects capable of "animating" a value;
that is providing a new value everytime
called, subject to some constraints.
- AbstractValueAnimator(T, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.AbstractValueAnimator
Construct with initial value
- AbstractWebpageImageCollection - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage
- AbstractWebpageImageCollection() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.AbstractWebpageImageCollection
- AbstractWebpageImageCollection.Generic - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage
- Accel - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel
- Accel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel.Accel
- accelerometer_x() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_raw_tilt_state
- accelerometer_x(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_raw_tilt_state
- accelerometer_y() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_raw_tilt_state
- accelerometer_y(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_raw_tilt_state
- accelerometer_z() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_raw_tilt_state
- accelerometer_z(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_raw_tilt_state
- accept(Location) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.LocationFilter
Test whether a
should be accepted
or rejected.
- accept(Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.RegexPathFilter
- accept(Image<T, ?>, Pixel, T, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FloodFill
- accepted - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionEntry
- acceptEntry(T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionEntrySelection
- acceptEntry(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionEntrySelection.All
- acceptEntry(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.selection.XuggleVideoFrameSelection
- acceptEntry(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.selection.XuggleVideoFrameSelection.FramesPerSecond
- acceptEntry(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.selection.XuggleVideoFrameSelection.Proxy
- AcceptingListView<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.list
A read-only view on a list with a set of indices from the
underlying list that must be accepted; all other
indices are discarded.
- AcceptingListView(List<T>, int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.list.AcceptingListView
Construct with the underlying list and a set of
indices for the view.
- accessSecret - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.TwitterAPIToken
The access secret
- accessToken - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.TwitterAPIToken
The access token
- account_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
Refers to the foaf:Agent or foaf:Person who owns this sioc:UserAccount.
- accountKey - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.BingAPIToken
The account key
- accum(MBFImage, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BlockHistogramModel
- accum(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.HistogramModel
- accum(MBFImage, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MaskingBlockHistogramModel
- accum(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MaskingHistogramModel
- accumulate(String, NanoTimer) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.TimeTracker
Accumulate the given duration into the statistics with the given identifier
- accumulate(String, Timer) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.TimeTracker
Accumulate the given duration into the statistics with the given identifier
- accumulate(String, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.TimeTracker
Accumulate the given duration into the statistics with the given identifier
- accumulate(IntValuePixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
Add a pixel to the component
- accumulate(INPUT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.combiner.AccumulatingImageCombiner
Perform processing that combines the two images into
a single image.
- accumulate(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Prepare an image to be transformed using the current matrix.
- accumulateWith(AccumulatingImageCombiner<I, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- AccumulatingImageCombiner<INPUT extends Image<?,INPUT>,OUTPUT extends Image<?,OUTPUT>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.combiner
Interface for classes capable of combining multiple images into
- AccuracyCheckDoubleDCT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct
Accuracy check of double precision DCT's
- AccuracyCheckDoubleDHT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht
Accuracy check of double precision DHT's
- AccuracyCheckDoubleDST - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst
Accuracy check of double precision DST's
- AccuracyCheckDoubleFFT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
Accuracy check of double precision FFT's
- AccuracyCheckFloatDCT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct
Accuracy check of single precision DCT's
- AccuracyCheckFloatDHT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht
Accuracy check of single precision DHT's
- AccuracyCheckFloatDST - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst
Accuracy check of single precision DST's
- AccuracyCheckFloatFFT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
Accuracy check of single precision FFT's
- AchantaSaliency - Class in org.openimaj.image.saliency
Implementation of the saliency map algorithm described in:
- AchantaSaliency(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.saliency.AchantaSaliency
Construct with the given amount of smoothing.
- AchantaSaliency() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.saliency.AchantaSaliency
Construct with a smoothing of 1 pixel standard deviation.
- ack(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftSpout
- ack(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.UnreliableKestrelThriftSpout
- ack(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalTweetSpout
- AckStats - Class in backtype.storm.spout
- AckStats(float) - Constructor for class backtype.storm.spout.AckStats
- action - Variable in class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer.SequencerEvent
The sequenced action
- activate() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalTweetSpout
- ACTIVE_CONTROLLERS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
- ActiveShapeModel<I extends Image<?,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.asm
Implementation of a basic Active Shape Model.
- ActiveShapeModel(PointDistributionModel, LandmarkModel<I>[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel
- ActiveShapeModel.IterationResult - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.asm
Class to hold the response of a single iteration of model fitting.
- actual - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationEvaluator
- AdaBoost - Class in org.openimaj.ml.classification.boosting
- AdaBoost() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.classification.boosting.AdaBoost
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdBernsen - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold
Bernsen's adaptive local thresholding.
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdBernsen(float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdBernsen
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size (assumed
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdBernsen(float, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdBernsen
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdContrast - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold
Adaptive local thresholding using the local contrast.
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdContrast(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdContrast
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size (assumed
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdContrast(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdContrast
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdGaussian - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold
Adaptive local thresholding using the Gaussian weighted sum of the patch and
an offset.
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdGaussian(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdGaussian
Construct the thresholding operator with the given Gaussian standard
deviation, sigma, and offset
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdMean - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold
Adaptive local thresholding using the mean of the patch and an offset.
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdMean(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdMean
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size (assumed
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdMean(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdMean
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdMean(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdMean
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size (assumed
square) and offset
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdMean(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdMean
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size and offset
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdMedian - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold
Adaptive local thresholding using the median of the patch and an offset.
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdMedian(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdMedian
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size (assumed
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdMedian(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdMedian
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdMedian(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdMedian
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size (assumed
square) and offset
- AdaptiveLocalThresholdMedian(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdMedian
Construct the thresholding operator with the given patch size and offset
- AdaptiveMoGBackgroundEstimator<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- AdaptiveMoGBackgroundEstimator(Video<IMAGE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.AdaptiveMoGBackgroundEstimator
- add(int, int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
- add(int, int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Add to the value at the given row/column
- add(int, int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- add(int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
- add(int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
Add the given value to the value at the given index
- add(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Add the scalar to all the samples
- add(Collection<KEY>, OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache.GroupedListCache
Add an object with many keys to the cache
- add(KEY, OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache.GroupedListCache
Add an object with a key to the cache
- add(KEY, Collection<OBJECT>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache.GroupedListCache
Add an collection of objects with the same key to the cache
- add(Collection<KEY>, OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache.InMemoryGroupedListCache
- add(KEY, OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache.InMemoryGroupedListCache
- add(KEY, Collection<OBJECT>) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache.InMemoryGroupedListCache
- add(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- add(int, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- add(KEY, DATASET) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
Convenience method for populating a dataset by chaining method calls:
- add(DATASET) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset.IdentifiableBuilder
- add(CMResult<CLASS>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMAggregator
- add(List<TargetEstimatePair<CLASS, CLASS>>, Set<CLASS>, Set<CLASS>) - Method in enum org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMAnalyser.Strategy
- add(RESULT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.ResultAggregator
Add a new result to this aggregation
- add(TokenPairCount) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- add(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Adds the pixel values of the given
to the pixels of this
- add(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Returns a new
that contains the pixels of this image
increased by the given value.
- add(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Adds the given image to this image and return new image.
- add(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Adds the given image to this image and return new image.
- add(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Add a value to each pixel and return new image.
- add(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Add the given scalar to each pixel of each band and return result as a
new image.
- add(CLQueue, CLImage2D, CLImage2D, CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Add two images, storing the result in another image
- add(CLQueue, CLImage2D, float[], CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Add a constant to an image, storing the result in another image
- add(CLImage2D, CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Add two images, returning a new image with the result
- add(CLImage2D, float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Add a constant to an image, returning a new image with the result
- add(I, I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Add two images, returning a new image with the result
- add(I, float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Add a constant to an image, returning a new image with the result
- add(String, File) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.dataset.TextFileDataset
Add an instance to the dataset.
- add(DATA) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.IncrementalNearestNeighbours
Add a single data item
- add(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- add(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact
- add(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- add(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- add(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- add(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- add(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- add(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- add(int, int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.JamaDenseMatrix
- add(long, DATA) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
Add an element to this time series
- add(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer
Add a URL to process without allowing already seen URLs to be added
- add(DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- add(Integer) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- add(WeightedBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- add(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- add(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.JavaRegexEngine
- add(String) - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.RegexEngine
- add(double[], double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Add a constant to all elements and return the input
- add(float[], float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Add a constant to all elements and return the input
- add(int[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Add a constant to all elements and return the input
- add(long[], long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Add a constant to all elements and return the input
- add(byte[], byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Add a constant to all elements and return the input
- add(short[], short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Add a constant to all elements and return the input
- add(SparseByteArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Add the values in the given vector to a copy of
this array and return the result
- add(SparseDoubleArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Add the values in the given vector to a copy of
this array and return the result
- add(SparseFloatArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Add the values in the given vector to a copy of
this array and return the result
- add(SparseIntArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Add the values in the given vector to a copy of
this array and return the result
- add(SparseLongArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Add the values in the given vector to a copy of
this array and return the result
- add(SparseShortArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Add the values in the given vector to a copy of
this array and return the result
- add(E) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Inserts the specified element at the tail of this queue if it is possible
to do so immediately without exceeding the queue's capacity, returning
true upon success and throwing an IllegalStateException
if this queue is full.
- add(E) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concurrent.BlockingDroppingQueue
Inserts the specified element into this queue if it is possible to do so
immediately without violating capacity restrictions, returning
true upon success and throwing an IllegalStateException
if no space is currently available.
- add(Predicate<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.predicates.And
Add a new predicate to this "and"
- add(Predicate<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.predicates.Or
Add a new predicate to this "or"
- add(int, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- add(OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ObjectArithmetic
Add to a copy of this.
- add(SCALAR) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ScalarArithmetic
Add to a copy of this.
- add(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.BoundedTreeSet
- add(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- add(T, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
Add an element to the given set.
- add_left(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.PolygonNode
- add_local_min(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.TopPolygonNode
- add_right(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.PolygonNode
- add_to_ids(long) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- add_to_ids(long) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- add_to_items(ByteBuffer) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- add_to_success(Item) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- addAlias(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoNamedEntity
- addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- addAll(List<DATA>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.IncrementalNearestNeighbours
Insert all the given data
- addAll(Collection<OBJECT>) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
Insert data into the tables
- addAll(OBJECT[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
Insert data into the tables
- addAll(List<OBJECT>) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- addAll(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact
- addAll(List<byte[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- addAll(List<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- addAll(List<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- addAll(List<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- addAll(List<long[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- addAll(List<short[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.BoundedTreeSet
- addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
Add all the elements in the collection to this disjoint set forest.
- addAll(Collection<? extends T>, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
Add all the elements in the collection to this disjoint set forest.
- addAllAnnotations(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.TextPipeAnnotation
- addAllTokensMatched(Collection<TokenAnnotation>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.NamedEntityAnnotation
- addAnalysis(String, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
Add analysis to the analysis object.
- addAnalysis(Model, Resource, GeneralJSON) - Method in interface org.openimaj.twitter.RDFAnalysisProvider
When given this analysis, fill the model with triples representing its
- addAnimatedVisualisationListener(AnimatedVisualisationListener) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.AnimatedVisualisationProvider
Add a visualisation listener to be informed of animation events.
- addAnimatedVisualisationListener(AnimatedVisualisationListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
Add a visualisation listener to be informed of animation events.
- addAnimatedVisualisationListener(AnimatedVisualisationListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
- addAnimatedVisualisationListener(AnimatedVisualisationListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
Add a visualisation listener to be informed of animation events.
- addAnnotation(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.TextPipeAnnotation
- addAudioEventListener(AudioEventListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Add the given audio event listener to this player.
- addAudioGrabberListener(AudioGrabberListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioGrabber
Add an audio grabber listener to this audio grabber.
- addBand(S) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Adds a new band image to the multiband image.
- addChild(TreeNode<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNode
Add a child node.
- addChild(TreeNode<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
- addColumn() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
Add a new column to the end, increasing the number of columns by 1
- addComponentStackMergeListener(ComponentStackMergeListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.WatershedProcessor
Add a component stack merge listener
- addComponentStackMergeListener(ComponentStackMergeListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.WatershedProcessorAlgorithm
Add a component stack merge listener
- addConnection(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
Add a connection between points with the given indices.
- addConnection(PointList, Point2d, Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
Add a connection between two points in the given
- addConnection(PointList, Line2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
Add a connection between the two end points of the given line in the
- addContext(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoNamedEntity
- addDemo(Demos.DemoObject) - Method in class org.openimaj.demos.Demos.DemoRunnerPanel
Add a demo to the list
- addDocument(Document) - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.util.Corpus
- addDocument(Document) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.QuickIndexer
- addDocumentFromFields(String[], String[], FieldType[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.QuickIndexer
construct a document from names, values and types
- addEvent(Sequencer.SequencerEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer
Add an event to the sequencer.
- addFeature(float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.ConcreteOctaveLocalFeatureCollector
- addFeature(float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.OctaveKeypointCollector
- addFeature(float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.OctaveMinMaxKeypointCollector
- addFontToAvoid(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Avoid the font with the given name.
- addFrame(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoCache
Add a frame to the video stream.
- addFrame(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoWriter
Add a frame to the video stream.
- addFrame(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideoWriter
Add a frame to the video stream.
- addFrequencyListener(FrequencyAudioSource.Listener) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.FrequencyAudioSource
Add a listener
- addFrequencyListener(FrequencyAudioSource.Listener, Pair<Integer>) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.FrequencyAudioSource
Add a listener
- addGaussianNoise(List<Keypoint>, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
Add Gaussian noise the feature vectors of some features.
- addHighlightCountry(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
Add a country to highlight
- addHighlightCountry(String, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
Add a country to highlight
- addImageComponentListener(DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent.ImageComponentListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Add the given listener to this image component.
- addInnerPolygon(Polygon, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Add an inner polygon to this polygon.
- addInnerPolygon(Polygon) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Add an inner polygon to this polygon.
- addInplace(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Adds the given image pixel values to the pixel values of this image.
- addInplace(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Add a scalar to each pixel in this image (side-affects this image).
- addInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Add the given image to this image (side-affects this image).
- addInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Add the given image to this image (side-affects this image).
- addInplace(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Add a scalar to each pixel in this image (side-affects this image).
- addInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Add the given image to this image (side-affects this image).
- addInplace(MultiBandImage<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Adds to each pixel the value of the corresponding pixel in the
corresponding band in the given image.
- addInplace(SingleBandImage<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Adds to each pixel (in all bandS) the value of corresponding pixel in the
given image.
- addInplace(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Add the given value to each pixel in every band.
- addInplace(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Add a scalar to each pixel in this image (side-affects this image).
- addInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- addInplace(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- addInplace(DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- addInplace(Integer) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- addInplace(WeightedBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- addInplace(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- addInplace(SparseByteArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Add the values in the given vector to
this vector and return this
- addInplace(SparseDoubleArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Add the values in the given vector to
this vector and return this
- addInplace(SparseFloatArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Add the values in the given vector to
this vector and return this
- addInplace(SparseIntArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Add the values in the given vector to
this vector and return this
- addInplace(SparseLongArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Add the values in the given vector to
this vector and return this
- addInplace(SparseShortArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Add the values in the given vector to
this vector and return this
- addInplace(OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ObjectArithmetic
Add to this.
- addInplace(SCALAR) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ScalarArithmetic
Add to this.
- addInplace(KeyedParameters<KEY>) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.KeyedParameters
- addInplace(KEY, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.KeyedParameters
- addInplace(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.KeyedParameters
- addInplace(PTYPE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.Parameters
- addInplace(double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.Parameters
- addInplace(VectorParameters) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.VectorParameters
- addInplace(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.VectorParameters
- addIteration(String, Iterable<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearLearnerParametersLineSearch
- addIterationListener(Operation<SphericalKMeans.IterationResult>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
Add a listener that will be called before every iteration.
- addListener(ImageCollectionProcessorJob.ProcessorJobListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionProcessorJob
- addListener(AudioSpectrogram.SpectrogramCompleteListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Add the given listener
- addMarker(long, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Add a new marker with a label.
- addMarker(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Add a new marker
- addMissing(Map<String, SummaryStatistics>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.TimeTracker
Add any times from the given map that are not present in the
internal map to the internal map.
- addMixEventListener(AudioMixer.MixEventListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer
Add a mix event listener to this AudioMixer.
- addNode(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeTable
- addObject(int, double, O) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DiversityAxis
Add an object to the axis at the given position in the given band.
- addOverlay(VisualisationImpl<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Add an overlay to this visualisation
- addPixel(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Add a pixel into this connected component.
- addPixel(Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Add a pixel into this connected component.
- addPoint(double, double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
Adds a default coloured dot with the given size (in red).
- addPoint(double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- addPoint(double, double, O) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
Add an object to the plot
- addRectangle(Rectangle3D) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.Rectangle3DPlotter
Note that your rectangle may be altered at this point.
- addReference(Reference) - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.ReferenceListener
- addReference(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.ReferenceListener
- addReference(Class<?>, String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.ReferenceListener
- addReferences(Collection<Reference>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.ReferenceListener
- addressed_to - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
Refers to who (e.g.
- addRow() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
Add a new row to the end, increasing the number of rows by 1
- addRow(double[]) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- addSample(IntValuePixel) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.ComponentFeature
Add a pixel to this feature
- addSample(IntValuePixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
- addSample(IntValuePixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.PixelsFeature
- addSample(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.GradientFeatureProvider
Add a sample to the feature.
- addSample(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider
- addSample(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
- addSerialDataListener(SerialDataListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
- addSerialDataListener(SerialDataListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialReader
Add a serial data listener that will be informed of individual tokens
that are parsed from the parser.
- addShotDetectedListener(ShotDetectedListener<I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Add the given shot detected listener to the list of listeners in this
- addStream(AudioStream, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer
- addSynthesizerListener(SynthesizerListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Add a synth listener to this synth.
- addTimelineObject(Timeline.TimelineTrack, TimelineObject) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Add an object to a track.
- addTimeSeries(String, INTERNALSERIES) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- addTimeSeries(String, INTERNALSERIES) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- addTitle - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- addToRow(int, Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
Add the given values to the given row
- addTrack() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Add a new track to the timeline.
- addTrack(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Add a track with the given label.
- addTrack(Timeline.TimelineTrack) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Add a new track to the timeline.
- addTrackMarker(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineTrack
Add a track marker to this time.
- addTriple(Statement) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Adds a single triple to some RDF serializer.
- addTriple(Statement) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.SysOutRDFSerializer
- addU(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
Expand the U parameters matrix by added a set of rows.
- addU(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
Expand the U parameters matrix by added a set of rows.
- addUnvalidatedRelation(URI, Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Something
Add an unvalidated relation to this subgraph.
- addUnvalidatedTuple(URI, Value) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Something
Add an unvalidated tuple to this subgraph.
- addVertex(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Add a vertex to the polygon
- addVertex(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Add a vertex to the polygon
- addVideoDisplayStateListener(VideoDisplayStateListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Add a listener for the state of this player.
- addVideoListener(VideoDisplayListener<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Add a listener that will get fired as every frame is displayed.
- addVideoPositionListener(VideoPositionListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Add a video position listener to this display
- addVideoShotDetector(VideoShotDetector<MBFImage>, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.CombiShotDetector
Add a shot detector that will be used in the evidence gathering.
- addW(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
Expand the W parameters matrix by added a set of rows.
- addW(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
Expand the W parameters matrix by added a set of rows.
- addWaitingFor(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalTweetSpout
- adjRandInd - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.AdjustedRandomIndexAnalysis
- adjRandInd - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEAnalysis
- adjRandInd - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEAnalysis
- AdjustedRandomIndexAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
The adjsuted random index as described by: http://faculty.washington.edu/kayee/pca/supp.pdf
- AdjustedRandomIndexAnalysis() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.AdjustedRandomIndexAnalysis
- AdjustedRandomIndexClusterAnalyser - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
- AdjustedRandomIndexClusterAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.AdjustedRandomIndexClusterAnalyser
- administrator_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
A Site that the UserAccount is an administrator of.
- Aestheticode - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode
A detected Aestheticode
- Aestheticode(int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode.Aestheticode
Construct with a code
- Aestheticode(Aestheticode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode.Aestheticode
- Aestheticode(Contour) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode.Aestheticode
Construct with a border
- AestheticodeDetector - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode
Aestheticode detection algorithm.
- AestheticodeDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode.AestheticodeDetector
Constructs with the min and max children to the default (both are 5) and
max childless children to 0
- AestheticodeDetector(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode.AestheticodeDetector
Construct with the given parameters
- AetTree - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon
- AetTree() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.AetTree
- affine - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint.SIFTGeoLocation
affine parameters of the interest point
- AffineAdaption - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
Using an underlying feature detector, adapt the ellipse detected to result in
a more stable region according to work by
- AffineAdaption() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
instatiate with a
detector with scales 2.0f and 2.0f *
- AffineAdaption(AbstractStructureTensorIPD, IPDSelectionMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
specify the internal detector and the selection mode
- AffineAdaption(AbstractStructureTensorIPD, AbstractStructureTensorIPD, IPDSelectionMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
set both the internal and intitial feature detectors (possibly different
settings of the same detector) and a selection mode
- AffineAligner - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment
attempts to find an affine transform that will warp
the face to the canonical frame by aligning facial keypoints.
- AffineAligner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.AffineAligner
Default Constructor with the default mask (80x80) and default border
percentage (0.225).
- AffineAligner(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.AffineAligner
Construct with a mask (in the canonical frame) to apply after aligning
and default border percentage (0.225).
- AffineAligner(FImage, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.AffineAligner
Construct with a mask (in the canonical frame) to apply after aligning
and default border percentage (0.225).
- AffineAligner(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.AffineAligner
Construct with no mask and the given size and border.
- AffineInterestPointFeatureCollector - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector
Use the interest point's local shape to extract features from an affine
corrected patch at the interest point.
- AffineInterestPointFeatureCollector(InterestPointGradientFeatureExtractor) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.AffineInterestPointFeatureCollector
- AffineInterestPointKeypoint - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector
A keypoint with an elliptical shape from an affine transform.
- AffineInterestPointKeypoint(OrientedFeatureVector, EllipticInterestPointData) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.AffineInterestPointKeypoint
Construct with the given feature and location/transform
- AffineInvariantMoments - Class in org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc
Affine-invariant moment descriptor for the
shape of a connected component.
- AffineInvariantMoments() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.AffineInvariantMoments
- affineMatrix(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Construct an affine transform using a least-squares fit of the provided
point pairs.
- affineMatrixND(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Find the affine transform between pairs of matching points in
n-dimensional space.
- affineMatrixND(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Coordinate, ? extends Coordinate>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Find the affine transform between pairs of matching points in
n-dimensional space.
- affineParams - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint
The affine simulation parameters of the keypoint
- AffineParams - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.transform
Parameters defining an affine simulation, in terms of a tilt and rotation.
- AffineParams(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineParams
Construct with the given rotation and tilt.
- AffineParams() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineParams
Construct with zero tilt and rotation
- AffineSimulation<I extends Image<P,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>,P> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.transform
Utility methods to simulate affine transformations defined by a rotation and
tilt, or series of rotations and tilts.
- AffineSimulationExtractor<Q extends List<T>,T extends ScaleSpacePoint,I extends Image<P,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>,P> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine
Base class for local feature detectors/extractors that use affine simulations
in order to increase detections and improve performance with respect to
affine change.
- AffineSimulationExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
- AffineSimulationKeypoint - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine
An extension of a
that holds the
simulation index of the affine simulation from which it was detected.
- AffineSimulationKeypoint(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint
Construct with the given feature vector length.
- AffineSimulationKeypoint(Keypoint, AffineParams, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint
Construct from the given parameters
- AffineSimulationKeypoint.AffineSimulationKeypointLocation - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine
extended to hold a rotation, tilt and index
corresponding to an affine simulation.
- AffineSimulationKeypointListArrayIterator - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
An iterator over ASIFT keypoints
- AffineSimulationKeypointListArrayIterator(LocalFeatureList<? extends Keypoint>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AffineSimulationKeypointListArrayIterator
Construct with list of features
- AffineSimulationKeypointLocation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint.AffineSimulationKeypointLocation
Construct with zero tilt and rotation.
- AffineSimulationKeypointLocation(float, float, float, float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint.AffineSimulationKeypointLocation
Construct with the given parameters
- AffineTransformModel - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Concrete implementation of a model of an Affine transform.
- AffineTransformModel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel
- AffineTransformModel(Predicate<AffineTransformModel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel
- AffineTransformModel3d - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Concrete implementation of a model of an Affine transform.
- AffineTransformModel3d() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel3d
- afterPlay(AudioPlayer, SampleChunk) - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.AudioEventListener
Called after the audio player given has played a sample chunk
- afterUpdate(VideoDisplay<MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.VideoSlide
- afterUpdate(VideoDisplay<I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Called when the video display is updated and the next frame
is displayed
- afterUpdate(VideoDisplay<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayAdapter
Called when the video display is updated and the next frame
is displayed
- afterUpdate(VideoDisplay<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayListener
Called when the video display is updated and the next frame
is displayed
- afterUpdate(VideoDisplay<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.ButtonsPanel
- Agent - Interface in comxmlns.foaf._0
- AgentLoader - Class in org.openimaj.aop.agent
Dynamic agent loader.
- AgentLoader() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.aop.agent.AgentLoader
- agentmain(String, Instrumentation) - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.CitationAgent
JVM hook to dynamically load javaagent at runtime.
- agentmain(String, Instrumentation) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.ExperimentAgent
JVM hook to dynamically load javaagent at runtime.
- aggregate(List<? extends LocalFeature<?, ? extends ArrayFeatureVector<T>>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.BagOfVisualWords
- aggregate(List<? extends LocalFeature<? extends SpatialLocation, ? extends ArrayFeatureVector<T>>>, Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.BlockSpatialAggregator
- aggregate(List<? extends LocalFeature<?, ? extends ArrayFeatureVector<T>>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.FisherVector
- aggregate(List<? extends LocalFeature<? extends SpatialLocation, ? extends ArrayFeatureVector<T>>>, Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.PyramidSpatialAggregator
- aggregate(List<? extends LocalFeature<?, ? extends ArrayFeatureVector<DATATYPE>>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.SoftBagOfVisualWords
- aggregate(List<? extends LocalFeature<? extends LOCATION, ? extends FEATURE>>, BOUNDS) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.SpatialVectorAggregator
Aggregate the given features into a vector.
- aggregate(List<? extends LocalFeature<?, ? extends FEATURE>>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.VectorAggregator
Aggregate the given features into a vector.
- aggregate(List<? extends LocalFeature<?, ? extends ArrayFeatureVector<T>>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.VLAD
- aggregate(DoubleSynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator.MeanSquaredDifferenceAggregator
- aggregate(DoubleSynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator.SquaredSummedDifferenceAggregator
- aggregate(STSCOLLECTION) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollectionAggregator
- aggregate(TSCOLLECTION) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator.TimeSeriesCollectionAggregator
- aggregate(DoubleSynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator.WindowedLinearRegressionAggregator
- AggregatedCMResult<CLASS> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix
Aggregated confusion matrix results
- AggregatedCMResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.AggregatedCMResult
Default constructor
- AggregatedCMResult(List<CMResult<CLASS>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.AggregatedCMResult
Construct with a list of results
- AggregatedCMResult.AggregateStatistics - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix
Aggregated accuracy and error rate.
- AggregateStatistics() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.AggregatedCMResult.AggregateStatistics
- aggregateVectors(List<? extends ArrayFeatureVector<T>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.BagOfVisualWords
- aggregateVectors(List<? extends ArrayFeatureVector<T>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.FisherVector
- aggregateVectors(List<? extends ArrayFeatureVector<DATATYPE>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.SoftBagOfVisualWords
- aggregateVectors(List<? extends FEATURE>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.VectorAggregator
Aggregate the given features into a vector.
- aggregateVectors(List<? extends ArrayFeatureVector<T>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.VLAD
- aggregateVectorsRaw(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.BagOfVisualWords
Aggregate the given features into a vector.
- aggregateVectorsRaw(List<DATATYPE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.SoftBagOfVisualWords
Aggregate the given features into a vector.
- Aggregation<PAYLOAD,META> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream.window
- Aggregation(PAYLOAD, META) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.Aggregation
- AKMeans - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
Approximate KMeans mapreduce implementation
- AKMeans() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans
- AKMeans.Combine - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
for efficiency, combine centroids early, emitting sums and k for
centroids combined
- AKMeans.Map - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
the map for approximate kmeans.
- AKMeans.Reduce - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
The AKmeans reducer.
- AlgebraicResidual2d<M extends Model<Point2d,Point2d> & MatrixTransformProvider> - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals
Compute the algebraic residuals of points mapped by a 2d homogeneous
transform (i.e.
- AlgebraicResidual2d() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.AlgebraicResidual2d
- algorithm - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler
- algorithmEnded(IterativeAlgorithm) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.neuralnet.HandWritingNeuralNetSANDIA
- algorithmStarted(IterativeAlgorithm) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.neuralnet.HandWritingNeuralNetSANDIA
- aliasList - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoNamedEntity
- align(KEDetectedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.AffineAligner
- align(CLMDetectedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- align(T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.FaceAligner
For the provided face detection, return an aligned version of the face.
- align(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.IdentityAligner
- align(KEDetectedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.MeshWarpAligner
- align(KEDetectedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.RotateScaleAligner
- align(DetectedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.ScalingAligner
- align(List<PointList>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.GeneralisedProcrustesAnalysis
Align the input shapes to the "mean" shape.
- align(PointList) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ProcrustesAnalysis
Align the given shape to the reference.
- Aligners - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options
Face aligners configuration for the tools.
- Aligners() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.Aligners
- Aligners.AlignerDetectorProvider<FACE extends DetectedFace> - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options
Interface for configuration objects that can provide a compatible aligner
and detector pair.
- Aligners.AnyAligner - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options
All types of aligner
- alignPoints(List<PointList>, float, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.GeneralisedProcrustesAnalysis
Align the input shapes to the "mean" shape using Generalised Procrustes Analysis.
- alignPointsAndAverage(List<PointList>, PointList, double, Point2d) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.GeneralisedProcrustesAnalysis
- All() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.IPDSelectionMode.All
- ALL - Static variable in enum org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.HaarFeatureType
Set of all the features
- all(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
- All() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionEntrySelection.All
- All(ImageCollectionConfig) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.selection.XuggleVideoFrameSelection.All
- AllEigenvalues - Class in ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues
Finds all eigenvalues of a matrix.
- AllEigenvalues(Matrix) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.AllEigenvalues
Construct with the given matrix
- allHaveAnnotation(List<? extends TextPipeAnnotation>, Class<? extends TextPipeAnnotation>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.AnnotationUtils
- allInterestPoints - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
The list of all detected interest points
- ALLOW_CONSOLE_LOGIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PicSlurper
System property name for whether twitter console login should be allowed
- ALLOW_CONSOLE_LOGIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StormPicSlurper
System property name for whether twitter console login should be allowed
- allowMultiple - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.quantised.BasicQuantisedKeypointMatcher
- allowNext() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.ExtractionState
- allRectangles() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.QuadtreeSampler
Get all the sampling regions
- allRectangles() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.RectangleSampler
Get a list of all the rectangles that can be produced by this sampler
- allseries() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- allseries() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- allSuperclasses - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.ClassDef
List of the all the ancestral superclasses to each of the direct
- allURLs(Document, String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.WebpageUtils
- alpha - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ModifiedLuoSimplicity
- alpha - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ROIProportion
- alpha - Variable in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAModel
the dirichelet perameter for every dimension of the topic multinomial prior
- alphabet - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrBaseEncoder
- AlphabeticNamingStrategy() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.util.graph.StormGraphCreator.NamingStrategy.AlphabeticNamingStrategy
- alphabetString - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrBaseEncoder
- alphaCompositePixel(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Alpha composites the pixel p1 with the pixel p2, returning the value in
pixel p1
- alphaCompositePixel(float[], float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- alphaCompositePixel(Float[], Float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Alpha composites the pixel p1 with the pixel p2, returning the value in
pixel p1
- ALTDoGSIFTEngine - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine
- ALTDoGSIFTEngine() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ALTDoGSIFTEngine
- AMToolsSampleDataset - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets
Tim Cootes's sample appearance modelling data
- AMToolsSampleDataset() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets.AMToolsSampleDataset
- analyse(Map<OBJECT, ClassificationResult<CLASS>>, Map<OBJECT, Set<CLASS>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMAnalyser
- analyse(Map<OBJECT, ClassificationResult<CLASS>>, Map<OBJECT, Set<CLASS>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.roc.ROCAnalyser
- analyse(Map<OBJECT, ClassificationResult<CLASS>>, Map<OBJECT, Set<CLASS>>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationAnalyser
Analyse the performance of the predicted results against the actual
ground-truth results.
- analyse(Map<OBJECT, ClassificationResult<CLASS>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationEvaluator
- analyse(int[][], int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.AdjustedRandomIndexClusterAnalyser
- analyse(int[][], int[][]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterAnalyser
- analyse(int[][], int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterStatsAnalyser
- analyse(int[][], int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionClusterAnalyser
- analyse(int[][], int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEClusterAnalyser
- analyse(int[][], int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.NMIClusterAnalyser
- analyse(int[][], int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.PurityClusterAnalyser
- analyse(int[][], int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalyser
- analyse(int[][], int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEClusterAnalyser
- analyse(int[][], int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEClusterAnalyser
- analyse(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.ClusterEvaluator
- analyse(Map<Double, int[][]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.RangedDBSCANClusterEvaluator
- analyse(T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.Evaluator
- analyse(Map<QUERY, List<DOCUMENT>>, Map<QUERY, Set<DOCUMENT>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalAnalyser
- analyse(Map<QUERY, List<DOCUMENT>>, Map<QUERY, Set<DOCUMENT>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.PrecisionAtN
- analyse(Map<QUERY, List<DOCUMENT>>, Map<QUERY, Set<DOCUMENT>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.TRECEvalAnalyser
- analyse(Map<QUERY, List<DOCUMENT>>, Map<QUERY, Set<DOCUMENT>>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.RetrievalAnalyser
Analyse ranked results from a
against a
ground-truth set of relevant results and produce an
which can be read by a human.
- analyse(Map<QUERY, List<DOCUMENT>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.RetrievalEvaluator
- analyseFrame(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.analyser.VideoAnalyser
Analyse the given frame and make no changes to the frame.
- analyseFrame(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.MotionEstimator
Analyse the given frame and make no changes to the frame.
- analyseFrame(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels.FMeanVarianceField
- analyseFrame(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels.MBFMeanVarianceField
- analyseImage(I) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analyser.ImageAnalyser
Analyse an image.
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EuclideanDistanceTransform
- analyseImage(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FloodFill
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher
Perform template matching.
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
Computes the bin-map for this image.
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.GradientOrientationHistogramExtractor
- analyseImage(FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.GradientOrientationHistogramExtractor
Analyse the given image, but construct the internal data such that the
gradient magnitudes are multiplied by the given edge map before being
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.HistogramAnalyser
Computes the Histogram for this image.
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor
Computes the bin-map for this image.
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HorizontalProjection
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughCircles
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Analyse an image.
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.ImageInterpolation
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedAreaTable
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqAreaTable
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqTiltAreaTable
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
Perform template matching.
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.VerticalProjection
- analyseImage(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Pyramid
- analyseImage(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.SimplePyramid
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.ChessboardCornerFinder
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.FastChessboardDetector
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.GreyscaleConnectedComponentLabeler
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.SuzukiContourProcessor
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.BasicLocalBinaryPattern
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.ExtendedLocalBinaryPattern
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
- analyseImage(IMAGE, Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
Compute the dense sift descriptors inside the bounds rectangle of the
given image.
- analyseImage(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
Compute the dense sift descriptors of the given image.
- analyseImage(MBFImage, Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- analyseImage(FImage, Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- analyseImage(IMAGE, Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.HOG
- analyseImage(FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.HOG
Analyse the given image, but construct the internal data such that the
gradient magnitudes are multiplied by the given edge map before being
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.PHOG
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.AvgBrightness
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ColourContrast
- analyseImage(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.HorizontalIntensityDistribution
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.HueStats
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.LRIntensityBalance
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.LuoSimplicity
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ModifiedLuoSimplicity
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Naturalness
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RGBRMSContrast
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RMSContrast
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ROIProportion
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RuleOfThirds
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Saturation
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SaturationVariation
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Sharpness
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SharpnessVariation
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SharpPixelProportion
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.WeberContrast
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.YehBokehEstimator
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MinMaxAnalyser
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CLSobel
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.FilterBank
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTexture
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.MR8FilterBank
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FSobel
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.EdgeFinder
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.AchantaSaliency
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.DepthOfFieldEstimator
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.LuoTangSubjectRegion
- analyseImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.YehSaliency
- analyseImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector
- analyseImage(FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector
- analysePixel(Q) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analyser.PixelAnalyser
Analyse the given pixel.
- analysePixel(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Colorfulness
- analyser - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationEvaluator
- analyser - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.RetrievalEvaluator
- analyseWith(PixelAnalyser<Float>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
- analyseWith(ImageAnalyser<I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- analyseWith(PixelAnalyser<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- analyseWithMasked(FImage, PixelAnalyser<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Analyse this image with the given
, only analysing
those pixels where the mask is non-zero.
- analysis - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
analysos held in the object
- AnalysisOutputMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output
An ouput mode which alters the tweets being outputted
- AnalysisOutputMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.AnalysisOutputMode
Non selective, output everything
- AnalysisResult - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation
The result of the analysis of raw data.
- analysisResults(DecisionAnalysis) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionClusterAnalyser
- analysisResults(DecisionAnalysis) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreClusterAnalyser
- analysisResults(DecisionAnalysis) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomIndexClusterAnalyser
- analysisToJSON() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
Get all the Analysis in JSON format.
- Anchor - Class in org.openimaj.web.readability
Class to represent a simple HTML anchor tag.
- Anchor(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.readability.Anchor
Default constructor with text and a href.
- anchorContextQuery(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
- and(Matrix...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
- And<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function.predicates
"And" together 2 or more predicates
- And() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.predicates.And
Construct an empty "and"
- And(Predicate<T>, Predicate<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.predicates.And
Construct with the given predicates
- And(Predicate<T>, Predicate<T>, Predicate<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.predicates.And
Construct with the given predicates
- And(List<Predicate<T>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.predicates.And
Construct with the given predicates
- angle - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.EdgeFinder
The direction of each edge as worked out by the angle between the triangle formed by the dx and dy of a pixel
- ANGLE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Attribute for rotating the text.
- angle - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Angle in radians for drawing the associated text
- animateCountryColour(String, ValueAnimator<Float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
Animate the colour of a country
- AnimatedVideo<I extends Image<?,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
A basic abstract implementation of a video that displays an image and
provides double-buffering
- AnimatedVideo(I) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.AnimatedVideo
Default video constructor with a rate of 30 fps using the given image as
a basis.
- AnimatedVideo(I, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.AnimatedVideo
Default video constructor with the given rate using the given image as a
- AnimatedVisualisationListener - Interface in org.openimaj.vis
- AnimatedVisualisationProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.vis
An interface for visualisation objects that are able to provide animated
- AnimatorThread(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.AnimatorThread
Create a new animator thread.
- AnisotropicDiffusion - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Implementation of Perona & Malik's image filtering by anisotropic
- AnisotropicDiffusion(int, float, AnisotropicDiffusion.ConductionCoefficientFunction, ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.AnisotropicDiffusion
Construct using the given parameters.
- AnisotropicDiffusion(int, float, AnisotropicDiffusion.ConductionCoefficientFunction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.AnisotropicDiffusion
Construct using the given parameters.
- AnisotropicDiffusion.ConductionCoefficientFunction - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Interface describing a function that computes the conduction coefficient as a
function of space and gradient magnitude.
- AnisotropicDiffusion.HighConstrastEdgeFunction - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
The first conduction function proposed by Perona & Malik, that privileges
high contrast edges over low constrast ones.
- AnisotropicDiffusion.WideRegionFunction - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
The second conduction function proposed by Perona & Malik, that
privileges wider regions over smaller ones.
- annotate(DoubleFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioAnnotator
Generate annotations for the given object.
- annotate(FACE, Collection<PERSON>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- annotate(FACE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- annotate(FACE, Collection<PERSON>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecogniser
Attempt to recognize the given face, restricting the potential people to
coming from the given set.
- annotate(FACE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecogniser
Attempt to recognize the given face.
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.annotation.Annotator
Generate annotations for the given object.
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.IndependentPriorRandomAnnotator
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.UniformRandomAnnotator
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.bayes.NaiveBayesAnnotator
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.FeatureCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.InstanceCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.DenseLinearTransformAnnotator
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LiblinearAnnotator
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LinearSVMAnnotator
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.model.ModelAnnotator
- annotate(OBJECT, Collection<ANNOTATION>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.annotation.RestrictedAnnotator
Generate annotations for the given object, restricting
the potential annotations to coming from the given set.
- annotate(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.svm.SVMAnnotator
Generate annotations for the given object.
- annotate(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityCandidateAnnotator
- annotate(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityCompleteAnnotator
- annotate(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityContextAnnotator
- annotate(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.MPQAToken
- annotate(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.MPQATokenList
- annotate(INPUT_ANNOTATION) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractTextPipeAnnotator
- annotate(RawTextAnnotation) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPPOSAnnotator
- annotate(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.pipes.YagoEntityPipe
- annotateBest(FACE, Collection<PERSON>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecogniser
Attempt to recognize the given face, restricting the potential people to
coming from the given set.
- annotateBest(FACE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecogniser
Attempt to recognize the given face.
- Annotated<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.annotation
An object with annotations.
- AnnotatedListHelper<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.utils
Helper class for dealing with lists of annotated objects,
and specifically getting objects by class and determining
the set of annotations.
- AnnotatedListHelper(List<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.utils.AnnotatedListHelper
- AnnotatedObject<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation
- AnnotatedObject(OBJECT, Collection<ANNOTATION>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AnnotatedObject
Construct with the given object and its annotations.
- AnnotatedObject(OBJECT, ANNOTATION) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AnnotatedObject
Construct with the given object and its annotation.
- annotation - Variable in class org.openimaj.demos.Demos.DemoObject
- annotation - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.ScoredAnnotation
The annotation
- AnnotationEvaluator<OBJECT extends Identifiable,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.evaluation
A class to help evaluate the performance of an
standardised classification and/or retrieval evaluation methodologies.
- AnnotationEvaluator(Annotator<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>, Dataset<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.evaluation.AnnotationEvaluator
Construct a new
with the given annotator and
test data (with ground-truth annotations).
- annotationProbability - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.IndependentPriorRandomAnnotator
- annotations - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.Record
A set of responses for this image
- annotations - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AnnotatedObject
The annotations
- annotations - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.IndependentPriorRandomAnnotator
- annotations - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
- annotations - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.UniformRandomAnnotator
- annotationsSet - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
- AnnotationUtils - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations
Currently a collection of static functions required by various parts of the TextPipe.
- AnnotationUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.AnnotationUtils
- annotator - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- Annotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.annotation
Base class for objects capable of annotating things.
- AnnotatorFaceRecogniser<FACE extends DetectedFace,PERSON> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition
- AnnotatorFaceRecogniser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- AnnotatorFaceRecogniser(IncrementalAnnotator<FACE, PERSON>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
Construct with the given underlying annotator.
- anon - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.WikipediaEditsDataset.WikipediaEdit
Was the edit anonymous?
- ANTI_ALIASED - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.RenderHints
Anti-aliased drawing
- any(Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- anyNaNorInf(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Are any values NaN or Inf?
- apikey - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.FlickrAPIToken
The API key
- apiKey - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.OpenCalaisAPIToken
The OpenCalais API key
- apikey - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.auth.web.TumblrAPIToken
The api key
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.adv.advanced.parallel
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.adv.advanced.parallel.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.adv.faces.eigen
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.adv.faces.eigen.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.adv.faces.pipeeigen
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.adv.faces.pipeeigen.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.gettingstarted.maven
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.gettingstarted.maven.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.clustseg
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.clustseg.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.datasets
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.datasets.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.firstimage
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.firstimage.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.imagehist
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.imagehist.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.siftmatch
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.siftmatch.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.ml.class101
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.ml.class101.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.stream.twitterimages
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.stream.twitterimages.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.video.faces
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.video.faces.App
- App - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.video.procvid
OpenIMAJ Hello world!
- App() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.video.procvid.App
- append(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Appends the given samples to the end of this sample chunk.
- appendColumn(T, Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- appendData(K, V) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Append data to a sequence file.
- appendFile(K, FileSystem, Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Append data read from a file to the sequence file.
- appendFiles(FileSystem, Path, boolean, PathFilter, SequenceFileUtility.KeyProvider<K>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Append files to a sequenceFile.
- appendRow(T, Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- application - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Application used to create this posting
- apply(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.DoGSiftFeatureExtractor
- apply(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.DSiftFeatureExtractor
- apply(LocalFeatureList<? extends LocalFeature<?, ? extends FeatureVector>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.GMMFromFeatures
- apply(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, Pointer<?>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_cb
- apply(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>, ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_loglevel>, Pointer<Byte>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_log_cb
- apply(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, Pointer<?>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_cb
- apply(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, Pointer<?>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectVideoStreamCallback
- apply(float, float[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap
Apply a colourmap to a single pixel
- apply(float) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap
Apply a colourmap to a single pixel
- apply(FImage) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap
Apply a colourmap to an image
- apply(Contour) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode.AestheticodeDetector
- apply(List<IN>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.filtering.DetectionFilter
Perform the filtering operation on the input and return the output.
- apply(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.filtering.IdentityFilter
- apply(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.filtering.MaxSizeFilter
- apply(List<Rectangle>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.filtering.OpenCVGrouping
- apply(float, int, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.AnisotropicDiffusion.ConductionCoefficientFunction
Compute the conduction coefficient given gradient and position.
- apply(float, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.AnisotropicDiffusion.HighConstrastEdgeFunction
- apply(float, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.AnisotropicDiffusion.WideRegionFunction
- apply(Polyline) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.resample.LinearResampler
- apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel.BoxConstraint
- apply(double[], double[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel.Constraint
Apply constraints to a scaling vector so that it will generated a
plausible model and return the new constrained vector.
- apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel.EllipsoidConstraint
- apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel.NullConstraint
- apply(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GramSchmidtProcess
- apply(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleFVSimilarityFunction
- apply(IndependentPair<double[], double[][]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralClusteringConf.DefaultClustererFunction
- apply(IndependentPair<double[], double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.kernel.LinearVectorKernel
- apply(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.functions.ImageFromURL
- apply(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.functions.SiteSpecificURLExtractor
- apply(Status) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.functions.twitter.TwitterURLExtractor
- apply(Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextFunctionAdaptor
- apply(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextGenerator
- apply(Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListFilter
- apply(Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListFunction
- apply(List<Context>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListTransform
- apply(List<Context>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListTransformFunction
- apply(Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextTransform
- apply(IN) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.function.Function
Apply the function to the input argument and return the result.
- apply(List<IN>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.ListFilter
- apply(List<IN>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.ListFunction
- apply(IN) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.function.MultiFunction
Apply the function to the input argument and return the result(s).
- apply(IndependentPair<AIN, BIN>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.combine.CombinedStreamFunction
- apply(MetaPayload<IndependentPair<AIN, BIN>, IndependentPair<AM, BM>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.CombinedMetaPayloadFunction
- apply(Stream<IN>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.ContextRealTimeWindowFunction
- apply(Stream<IN>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.RealTimeWindowFunction
- apply(Stream<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.SequentialStreamAggregator
- apply(List<Map<String, Double>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.WindowAverage
- apply(Window<IN, META>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.WindowFilter
- apply(Window<IN, META>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.WindowFunction
- applyADSREnvelope(SampleBuffer) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Applies the ADSR gain envelope to the samples generated by the
- applyCentering() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
mean-center the vector
- applyDistortion(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Apply the radial and tangential distortion of this camera to the given
projected point (presumably computed by projecting a world point through
the homography defined by the extrinsic parameters of a camera).
- applyMultiplication(double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
Inline multiplication by a constant
- applyMultiplication(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.JamaDenseMatrix
Multiply all elements by a constant.
- applySimulation(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.ArbitaryRotateSimulation
- applySimulation(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.ArbitaryStretchSimulation
- applySimulation(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.ComboSimulation
- applySimulation(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.CompressSimulation
- applySimulation(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.CropSimulation
- applySimulation(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.GreyscaleSimulation
- applySimulation(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.Rotate90Simulation
- applySimulation(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.Simulation
- applySimulation(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.UniformScaleSimulation
- applySimulation(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.WatermarkSimulation
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateBBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- ApproximateDenseSIFT - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift
Implementation of an approximate dense SIFT feature extractor.
- ApproximateDenseSIFT() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ApproximateDenseSIFT
Construct with the default configuration: standard SIFT geometry (4x4x8),
5px x 5px spatial bins, 5px step size, gaussian window size of 2 and
value threshold of 0.2.
- ApproximateDenseSIFT(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ApproximateDenseSIFT
Construct with the given step size (for both x and y) and binSize.
- ApproximateDenseSIFT(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ApproximateDenseSIFT
Construct with the given configuration.
- ApproximateDenseSIFT(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ApproximateDenseSIFT
Construct with the given configuration.
- ApproximateDenseSIFT(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ApproximateDenseSIFT
Construct with the given configuration.
- approximateRotationMatrix(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Given an approximate rotation matrix Q (that doesn't necessarily conform
properly to a rotation matrix), return the best estimate of a rotation
matrix R such that the Frobenius norm is minimised: min||r-Q||^2_F.
- ArbitaryRotateSimulation - Class in org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim
- ArbitaryRotateSimulation(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.ArbitaryRotateSimulation
- ArbitaryStretchSimulation - Class in org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim
- ArbitaryStretchSimulation(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.ArbitaryStretchSimulation
- area - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor
The area of the component
- areAllCollinear(List<Point2d>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.GrahamScan
Returns true iff all Point2ds in Point2ds
are collinear.
- AreaOfIntersection(Ellipse, Ellipse) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.EllipseAreaOfIntersection
Compute area of intersection.
- ARGBPlane - Enum in org.openimaj.image
Enumerator for enumerating the planes of an RGB image.
- args(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.SingleStagedJob
- args(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.StageRunner
- args - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- args(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterPreprocessingTool
- ARGS_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.HadoopDownloader
- ARGS_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterPreprocessingTool
where arguments are held
- ARGS_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions
The key in which command line arguments are held for each mapper to read
the options instance
- ARGS_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod
arg key
- ARGS_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.Values
The index location config option
- ArgsUtil - Class in org.kohsuke.args4j.util
- array - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IndexedByteArray
- ArrayBackedDataSource<T> - Class in org.openimaj.data
- ArrayBackedDataSource(T[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.ArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data
- ArrayBackedDataSource(T[], Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.ArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data and a random generator for random sampling
- ArrayBackedVideo<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
A video from an array of frames
- ArrayBackedVideo() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
Default constructor for creating array backed videos with no frames for
- ArrayBackedVideo(T[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
Construct a video from the provided frames.
- ArrayBackedVideo(T[], double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
Construct a video from the provided frames.
- ArrayBackedVideo(T[], double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
Construct a video from the provided frames.
- ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue<E> - Class in org.openimaj.util.concurrent
- ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Creates an ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue with the given (fixed)
capacity and default access policy.
- ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Creates an ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue with the given (fixed)
capacity and the specified access policy.
- ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue(int, boolean, Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Creates an ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue with the given (fixed)
capacity, the specified access policy and initially containing the
elements of the given collection, added in traversal order of the
collection's iterator.
- ArrayFeatureVector<ARRAYTYPE> - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Abstract base class for all types of
that are backed by
a native array.
- ArrayFeatureVector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.ArrayFeatureVector
- ArrayIndexComparator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill
- ArrayIndexComparator(double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.ArrayIndexComparator
- ArrayIterator<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A wrapper to make arrays iterable
- ArrayIterator(T[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayIterator
Construct an iterator over the provided array
- arrayLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ByteLSHSketcher
Get the length of the output byte array of packed bits.
- arrayLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.IntLSHSketcher
Get the length of the output int array of packed bits.
- arrayLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.LongLSHSketcher
Get the length of the output long array of packed bits.
- arrayLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ShortLSHSketcher
Get the length of the output short array of packed bits.
- ArrayUtils - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
Collection of utilities for primitive arrays.
- article_contentType - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- article_date - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- article_date_string - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- articleContent - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- articleTitle - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- asArray() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Get the matrix data as a 2D dense array
- asArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.JamaDenseMatrix
- asArrayList() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.DeviceList
- ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.graph.SimpleWeightedEdge
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.EnumFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.FileLocalFeatureList
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.StreamLocalFeatureList
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.LocalFeatureImpl
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.quantised.QuantisedLocalFeature
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.SpatialLocation
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.WritableEnumCounter
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.JacardIndex
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDF
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDFTimeSeries
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDFTimeSeriesCollection
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.InterestPointKeypoint
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointLocation
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint.SIFTGeoLocation
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineParams
- asciiHeader() - Method in interface org.openimaj.io.ReadableASCII
Header for ascii input.
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableByte
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableDouble
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableFloat
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableInt
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableLong
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableShort
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableString
- asciiHeader() - Method in interface org.openimaj.io.WriteableASCII
Header for ascii output.
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PayloadCoordinate
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ReadWriteableMatrix
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ByteCentroidsResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.DoubleCentroidsResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FeatureVectorCentroidsResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FloatCentroidsResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IntCentroidsResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.KDTreeClusters
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.LongCentroidsResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ShortCentroidsResult
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeriesCollection
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableFailedURL
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableImageOutput
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumption
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionConfig
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionConfig
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionState
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.ConvertUSMFList
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.MemoryTwitterStatusList
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList.ReadableWritableJSON
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- asciiHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- AsciiInterestPoint - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
Utility functions for reading lowe-style keypoint files and the (similar) files produced by the MSER and oxford tools
- AsciiInterestPoint() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AsciiInterestPoint
- asColumnMajorArray() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Get in col-major format
- asDataArray(Q[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.FileLocalFeatureList
- asDataArray(Q[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.list.LocalFeatureList
Get the feature-vector data of the list as a two-dimensional array of
- asDataArray(Q[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
- asDataArray(Q[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.StreamLocalFeatureList
- asDenseDoubleDouble() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
Convert to a dense 2d double array
- asDoubleArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Returns the normalised (0..1) sample buffer data as a double array.
- asDoubleArray() - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Returns the normalised (0..1) sample buffer data as a double array.
- asDoubleArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Returns the normalised (0..1) sample buffer data as a double array.
- asDoubleArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Returns the normalised (0..1) sample buffer data as a double array.
- asDoubleChannelArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Returns the samples in their channels as normalise (0..1) sample buffer
- asDoubleChannelArray() - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Returns the samples in their channels as normalise (0..1) sample buffer
- asDoubleChannelArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Returns the samples in their channels as normalise (0..1) sample buffer
- asDoubleChannelArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Returns the samples in their channels as normalise (0..1) sample buffer
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.EnumFV
- asDoubleFV() - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.FeatureVector
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
Convert the FV to a DoubleFV representation
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- asDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector.EdgeDirectionCoherenceHistogram
Get the histogram (coherent followed by incoherent) as a double
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
Convert the FV to a 1-dimensional double array representation
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
Convert the FV to a 1-dimensional double array representation
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.EnumFV
- asDoubleVector() - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.FeatureVector
Convert the FV to a 1-dimensional double array representation
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
Convert the FV to a 1-dimensional double array representation
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
Convert the FV to a 1-dimensional double array representation
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
Convert the FV to a 1-dimensional double array representation
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
Convert the FV to a 1-dimensional double array representation
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- asDoubleVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- asFloatArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Returns the normalised (0..1) sample buffer data as a float array.
- asFloatArray() - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Returns the normalised (0..1) sample buffer data as a float array.
- asFloatArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Returns the normalised (0..1) sample buffer data as a float array.
- asFloatArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Returns the normalised (0..1) sample buffer data as a float array.
- asFloatChannelArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Returns the samples in their channels as normalise (0..1) sample buffer
- asFloatChannelArray() - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Returns the samples in their channels as normalise (0..1) sample buffer
- asFloatChannelArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Returns the samples in their channels as normalise (0..1) sample buffer
- asFloatChannelArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Returns the samples in their channels as normalise (0..1) sample buffer
- asGraph(StormTopology) - Static method in class org.openimaj.storm.util.graph.StormGraphCreator
- asGraph(StormTopology, StormGraphCreator.NamingStrategy) - Static method in class org.openimaj.storm.util.graph.StormGraphCreator
- ASIFT<I extends Image<P,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>,P> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine
Abstract base implementation of Affine-simulated SIFT (ASIFT).
- ASIFT(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.ASIFT
- ASIFT(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<I>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.ASIFT
- asift - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ASIFTEngine
- asift - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ColourASIFTEngine
- ASIFTEngine - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift
- ASIFTEngine() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ASIFTEngine
Construct using 5 tilt levels and no initial double-sizing.
- ASIFTEngine(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ASIFTEngine
Construct using 5 tilt levels with optional initial double-sizing.
- ASIFTEngine(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ASIFTEngine
Construct using given number of tilt levels with optional initial
- ASIFTEngine(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ASIFTEngine
Construct using 5 tilt levels and the given parameters for the internal
- ASIFTEngine(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<FImage>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ASIFTEngine
Construct using the given numbe of tilt levels and parameters for the
- asJama(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- asList(Dataset<INSTANCE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.util.DatasetAdaptors
Create a
view of the given dataset.
- asList() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- asMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector.WeightedLocale
- asMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentiment
- asMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- asMap() - Method in interface org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.Sentiment
- asMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.TFFCountSentiment
- asMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- asMat(MLArray) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Convert a matlab MLArray
to a Matrix
- asMatlab(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- asMatrix(int, double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MelFilterBank
Returns the filters weights as a Matrix, where the rows are the
filters and the columns are the frequencies.
- asMatrixPair(IndependentPair<Map<String, Map<String, Double>>, Map<String, Double>>, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
Given a sparse pair of user/words and value construct a pair of matricies
using the current mappings of words and users to matrix rows.
- asMatrixPair(IndependentPair<Map<String, Map<String, Double>>, Map<String, Double>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- asMatrixPair(Map<String, Map<String, Double>>, Map<String, Double>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- asMultidimensionalDoubleFV() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector.EdgeDirectionCoherenceHistogram
Get the histogram as a multidimensional vector, where the coherent
and incoherent histograms occupy different dimensions.
- asPImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
- asPoint() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryPlot.TernaryData
- asPolygon() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- asPolygon() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- asPolygon() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Convert the shape to a polygon representation
- asPolygon() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- asPolygon() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- asPolygon() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Shape
Convert the shape to a polygon representation
- asPolygon() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- asPolyline() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- asPolyline() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Path2d
Convert the path to a polyline representation
- asPolyline() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Polyline
- asReference() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
- assertInvariant() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
- assertInvariant() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
- assertInvariant() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.JamaDenseMatrix
- assign(DATATYPE[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ConstrainedFloatAssigner
- assign(DATATYPE) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ConstrainedFloatAssigner
- assign(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactByteAssigner
- assign(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactByteAssigner
- assign(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactDoubleAssigner
- assign(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactDoubleAssigner
- assign(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFeatureVectorAssigner
- assign(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFeatureVectorAssigner
- assign(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFloatAssigner
- assign(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFloatAssigner
- assign(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactIntAssigner
- assign(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactIntAssigner
- assign(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactLongAssigner
- assign(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactLongAssigner
- assign(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactShortAssigner
- assign(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactShortAssigner
- assign(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalByteHardAssigner
- assign(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalByteHardAssigner
- assign(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalDoubleHardAssigner
- assign(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalDoubleHardAssigner
- assign(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalFloatHardAssigner
- assign(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalFloatHardAssigner
- assign(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalIntHardAssigner
- assign(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalIntHardAssigner
- assign(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalLongHardAssigner
- assign(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalLongHardAssigner
- assign(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalShortHardAssigner
- assign(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalShortHardAssigner
- assign(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeByteEuclideanAssigner
- assign(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeByteEuclideanAssigner
- assign(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeDoubleEuclideanAssigner
- assign(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeDoubleEuclideanAssigner
- assign(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeFloatEuclideanAssigner
- assign(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeFloatEuclideanAssigner
- assign(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeIntEuclideanAssigner
- assign(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeIntEuclideanAssigner
- assign(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeLongEuclideanAssigner
- assign(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeLongEuclideanAssigner
- assign(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeShortEuclideanAssigner
- assign(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeShortEuclideanAssigner
- assign(DATATYPE[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.HardAssigner
Assign data to a cluster.
- assign(DATATYPE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.HardAssigner
Assign a single point to a cluster.
- assign(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ByteKNNAssigner
- assign(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ByteKNNAssigner
- assign(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.DoubleKNNAssigner
- assign(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.DoubleKNNAssigner
- assign(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.FloatKNNAssigner
- assign(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.FloatKNNAssigner
- assign(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalBytePathAssigner
- assign(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalBytePathAssigner
- assign(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalDoublePathAssigner
- assign(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalDoublePathAssigner
- assign(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalFloatPathAssigner
- assign(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalFloatPathAssigner
- assign(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalIntPathAssigner
- assign(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalIntPathAssigner
- assign(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalLongPathAssigner
- assign(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalLongPathAssigner
- assign(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalShortPathAssigner
- assign(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalShortPathAssigner
- assign(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.IntKNNAssigner
- assign(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.IntKNNAssigner
- assign(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.LongKNNAssigner
- assign(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.LongKNNAssigner
- assign(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ShortKNNAssigner
- assign(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ShortKNNAssigner
- assign(DATATYPE[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.SoftAssigner
Assign data to clusters.
- assign(DATATYPE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.SoftAssigner
Assign a single point to some clusters.
- assign(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- assign(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- assign(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- assign(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- assignBufferedImage(BufferedImage, I) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- assignDistance(DATATYPE[], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ConstrainedFloatAssigner
- assignDistance(DATATYPE) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ConstrainedFloatAssigner
- assignDistance(byte[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactByteAssigner
- assignDistance(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactByteAssigner
- assignDistance(double[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactDoubleAssigner
- assignDistance(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactDoubleAssigner
- assignDistance(T[], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFeatureVectorAssigner
- assignDistance(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFeatureVectorAssigner
- assignDistance(float[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFloatAssigner
- assignDistance(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFloatAssigner
- assignDistance(int[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactIntAssigner
- assignDistance(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactIntAssigner
- assignDistance(long[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactLongAssigner
- assignDistance(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactLongAssigner
- assignDistance(short[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactShortAssigner
- assignDistance(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactShortAssigner
- assignDistance(byte[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalByteHardAssigner
- assignDistance(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalByteHardAssigner
- assignDistance(double[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalDoubleHardAssigner
- assignDistance(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalDoubleHardAssigner
- assignDistance(float[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalFloatHardAssigner
- assignDistance(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalFloatHardAssigner
- assignDistance(int[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalIntHardAssigner
- assignDistance(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalIntHardAssigner
- assignDistance(long[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalLongHardAssigner
- assignDistance(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalLongHardAssigner
- assignDistance(short[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalShortHardAssigner
- assignDistance(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalShortHardAssigner
- assignDistance(byte[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeByteEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeByteEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(double[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeDoubleEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeDoubleEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(float[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeFloatEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeFloatEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(int[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeIntEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeIntEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(long[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeLongEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeLongEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(short[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeShortEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeShortEuclideanAssigner
- assignDistance(DATATYPE[], int[], DISTANCES) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.HardAssigner
Assign data to clusters.
- assignDistance(DATATYPE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.HardAssigner
Assign a single point to a cluster.
- assignDistance(int[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- assignDistance(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- assignDistance(int[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- assignDistance(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- Assigner<DATATYPE> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment
Super interface for all assigners.
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteProductQuantiser
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleProductQuantiser
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatProductQuantiser
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntProductQuantiser
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongProductQuantiser
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortProductQuantiser
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalBytePathAssigner
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalDoublePathAssigner
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalFloatPathAssigner
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalIntPathAssigner
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalLongPathAssigner
- assigners - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalShortPathAssigner
- assignLetters(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
Push each data point provided to a set of letters, i.e.
- assignments - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
The assignments of the training data to clusters
- assignOri(int, int, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider
- assignWeighted(byte[][], int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ByteKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ByteKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(double[][], int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.DoubleKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.DoubleKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(float[][], int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.FloatKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.FloatKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(byte[][], int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalBytePathAssigner
- assignWeighted(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalBytePathAssigner
- assignWeighted(double[][], int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalDoublePathAssigner
- assignWeighted(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalDoublePathAssigner
- assignWeighted(float[][], int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalFloatPathAssigner
- assignWeighted(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalFloatPathAssigner
- assignWeighted(int[][], int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalIntPathAssigner
- assignWeighted(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalIntPathAssigner
- assignWeighted(long[][], int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalLongPathAssigner
- assignWeighted(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalLongPathAssigner
- assignWeighted(short[][], int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalShortPathAssigner
- assignWeighted(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalShortPathAssigner
- assignWeighted(int[][], int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.IntKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.IntKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(long[][], int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.LongKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.LongKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(short[][], int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ShortKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ShortKNNAssigner
- assignWeighted(DATATYPE[], int[][], DISTANCES[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.SoftAssigner
Assign data to clusters.
- assignWeighted(DATATYPE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.SoftAssigner
Assign a single point to some clusters.
- assignWord(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
Push a single data point to a set of letters, return the letters as word.
- asSparseColumn(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- asSparseRow(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Convert a Matrix
to a SparseRowMatrix
- AsyncClient(TProtocolFactory, TAsyncClientManager, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient
- ATandTDataset - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.dataset
A Dataset for Our Database of Faces/The ORL Face Database/The AT&T Face
- ATandTDataset() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.dataset.ATandTDataset
Construct the dataset.
- ATandTDataset(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.dataset.ATandTDataset
Construct with the given path to the dataset
- attachment - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
The URI of a file attached to an Item.
- Audio - Class in org.openimaj.audio
An abstract class representing some form of audio data.
- Audio() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.Audio
- AudioAnnotator - Class in org.openimaj.audio
A classifier/annotator for audio frames.
- AudioAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.AudioAnnotator
- AudioAnnotator.AudioAnnotatorType - Enum in org.openimaj.audio
An enumeration that allows different trainers to be used and specified on
the command-line.
- AudioConverter - Class in org.openimaj.audio.conversion
A class that will work out which processors to instantiate to provide
with a complete conversion from one audio format to another.
- AudioConverter(AudioStream, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.AudioConverter
Chainable constructor that takes the stream to chain and the
output format to convert the stream to.
- AudioConverter(AudioFormat, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.AudioConverter
Constructor that takes the input and output formats.
- AudioDatasetHelper - Class in org.openimaj.audio.analysis.benchmarking
A class for helping to deal with datasets of audio information.
- AudioDatasetHelper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.benchmarking.AudioDatasetHelper
- AudioDevice - Class in org.openimaj.audio
Represents an audio device and its capabilities.
- AudioDevice(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.AudioDevice
Create a new audio device.
- audioEnded() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioEventAdapter
Called when the audio stream reaches the end.
- audioEnded() - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.AudioEventListener
Called when the audio stream reaches the end.
- AudioEventAdapter - Class in org.openimaj.audio
An adapter for audio events that has no implementation.
- AudioEventAdapter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.AudioEventAdapter
- AudioEventListener - Interface in org.openimaj.audio
An interface for events that may occur during audio streaming.
- AudioFormat - Class in org.openimaj.audio
This class encapsulates the information that determines the format
of audio data.
- AudioFormat(int, double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Construct a new audio format object with the
given number of bits and sample rate.
- AudioFramePlot - Class in org.openimaj.vis.audio
Allows the drawing of frames of audio onto an interactive line chart (JFreeChart XY plot).
- AudioFramePlot() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioFramePlot
- AudioGrabber - Class in org.openimaj.audio
An abstract class for objects that are able to act as audio grabbers.
- AudioGrabber() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.AudioGrabber
- AudioGrabberListener - Interface in org.openimaj.audio
An interface for objects that wish to be informed that samples are available
from an
- audioHeight - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
The height to plot the audio
- AudioLooper - Class in org.openimaj.audio
A class used to force a specific number of loops of an audio stream.
- AudioLooper(AudioStream, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.AudioLooper
Create a new looper that will loop the given stream the given number
of times.
- AudioLooper(AudioStream, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.AudioLooper
Create a new looper that will loop the given stream the given number
of times.
- AudioMixer - Class in org.openimaj.audio
A basic audio mixer that takes a number of
s and mixes
then with some gain compensation into a single audio stream.
- AudioMixer(AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer
Default constructor that takes the format for the samples.
- AudioMixer.MixEventListener - Interface in org.openimaj.audio
A listener for objects that wish to be informed of a mix event.
- AudioOverviewGenerator(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation.AudioOverviewGenerator
- AudioOverviewVisualisation - Class in org.openimaj.vis.audio
Utilises an audio processor to plot the audio waveform to an image.
- AudioOverviewVisualisation(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation
Default constructor
- AudioOverviewVisualisation.AudioOverviewGenerator - Class in org.openimaj.vis.audio
Generates an audio overview.
- AudioPlay - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.audio
- AudioPlay() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.audio.AudioPlay
- AudioPlayer - Class in org.openimaj.audio
Wraps the Java Sound APIs into the OpenIMAJ audio core for playing sounds.
- AudioPlayer(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Default constructor that takes an audio stream to play.
- AudioPlayer(AudioStream, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Play the given stream to a specific device.
- AudioPlayer.Mode - Enum in org.openimaj.audio
Enumerator for the current state of the audio player.
- AudioProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.audio.processor
An interface for objects that are able to process audio sample data.
- AudioProcessor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.processor.AudioProcessor
A default constructor for processing sample chunks or files in an ad-hoc
- AudioProcessor(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.processor.AudioProcessor
Construct a new processor based on the given stream.
- AudioSpectrogram - Class in org.openimaj.vis.audio
A spectrogram visualisation that scrolls the audio visualisation as the audio
is processed.
- AudioSpectrogram() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Create a spectrogram that can be added to as and when it's necessary.
- AudioSpectrogram(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Construct a visualisation of the given size
- AudioSpectrogram.SpectrogramCompleteListener - Interface in org.openimaj.vis.audio
A listener for when the spectrogram has completed processing.
- AudioStream - Class in org.openimaj.audio
Represents an audio stream that can be read chunk-by-chunk.
- AudioStream() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.AudioStream
- AudioTest - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.audio
- AudioTest() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.audio.AudioTest
- AudioTimecode - Class in org.openimaj.audio.timecode
A basic audio timecode that represents the number of milliseconds from
the start of the audio file.
- AudioTimecode(long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.AudioTimecode
Default constructor that takes the number of milliseconds
into the audio file.
- AudioUtils - Class in org.openimaj.audio.util
Various static methods for dealing with audio information and data.
- AudioUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.util.AudioUtils
- AudioVideoSlide - Class in org.openimaj.content.slideshow
Slide with audio and video
- AudioVideoSlide(URL, VideoDisplay.EndAction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.AudioVideoSlide
- AudioWaveform - Class in org.openimaj.vis.audio
A visualisation for signals.
- AudioWaveform(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Create an audio waveform display of the given width and height
- AudioWaveform(VisualisationImpl<?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Create an audio waveform that overlays the given visualisation.
- AudioWaveformDemo - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio
An example that demonstrates getting audio from a file (or URL) and
displaying the waveform.
- AudioWaveformDemo() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.AudioWaveformDemo
- augmentDocument(Document) - Static method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Iterates through all the ELEMENT nodes in a document and gives them ids
if they don't already have them.
- AustrianWordExperiments - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill
- AustrianWordExperiments() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.AustrianWordExperiments
- author() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
The name(s) of the author(s)
- autoPredicate - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Whether to try to create predicates for unannotated fields
- avatar - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.User
Direct href to avatar image
- avatar - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
An image or depiction used to represent this UserAccount.
- AverageBoxFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
A rectangular averaging convolution operator (often known as a Box filter).
- AverageBoxFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.AverageBoxFilter
Construct the averaging operator with a kernel of the given dimensions.
- AverageBoxFilter(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.AverageBoxFilter
Construct the averaging operator with a square kernel of the given
- averageBrightness - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LetterCandidate
- AverageBrightnessExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
Average brightness
- AverageBrightnessExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.AverageBrightnessExtractor
- averagePrecision() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
Returns the average precision of the query.
- AvgBrightness - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Extract the average brightness of an image.
- AvgBrightness() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.AvgBrightness
Construct with the NTSC_LUMINANCE mode and no mask set
- AvgBrightness(AvgBrightness.Mode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.AvgBrightness
Construct with the given mode and no mask set
- AvgBrightness(AvgBrightness.Mode, FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.AvgBrightness
Construct with the given mode and a mask.
- AvgBrightness.Mode - Enum in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Modes for computing brightness.
- ax - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
- ax() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- ax(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- axes - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticKeyPoint
- AxesRenderer2D<Q,I extends Image<Q,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
TODO: javadoc
- AxesRenderer2D() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
Default constructor
- axesRenderer2D - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
The renderer for the axes
- AxesRenderer3D - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
A class for generating X, Y and Z axes in a 3D visualisation and providing
data unit transformations.
- AxesRenderer3D() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- AxisConfig<Q> - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
Configuration for an axis.
- AxisConfig() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig<Q> - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
- axisLength - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
Desired size of the axis in pixels
- AxisRenderer<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render
A component renderer that will draw into the given image the principle
axes of the connected component.
- AxisRenderer(Image<T, ?>, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.AxisRenderer
Default constructor that takes an image to draw into and a colour
in which to draw the axes.
- AxisRenderer(int, int, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.AxisRenderer
Constructor that creates an image of the given size and a colour
in which to draw the axes.
- AxisRenderer<Q> - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
A general axis renderer that can be used for rendering an axis into a visualisation.
- AxisRenderer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
- AxisRenderer2D<Q> - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
- AxisRenderer2D() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
Default constructor
- AxisRenderer2D(AxisConfig<Q>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
Constructor to set the config
- AxisRenderer3D - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
A class for drawing rulers in a 3D world.
- AxisRenderer3D() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
Default constructor sets some default axis values
- AxisRenderingConfig() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- ay - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
- ay() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- ay(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- az - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
- b - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.BytePStableFactory.PStableFunction
- b - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoublePStableFactory.PStableFunction
- b - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- b - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- b - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- b - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- b - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
- back_comp1() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- back_comp1(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- back_comp2() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- back_comp2(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- BackgroundEstimator - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- BackgroundEstimator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.BackgroundEstimator
- BackgroundSubtractor - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- BackgroundSubtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.BackgroundSubtractor
- backtype.storm.scheme - package backtype.storm.scheme
- backtype.storm.spout - package backtype.storm.spout
- BagOfVisualWords<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate
Implementation of an object capable of extracting basic (hard-assignment) Bag
of Visual Words (BoVW) representations of an image given a list of local
features and an
with an associated codebook.
- BagOfVisualWords(HardAssigner<T, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.BagOfVisualWords
Construct with the given assigner.
- BagOfWordsFeatureExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.feature
An extractor which gives
instances for a list of words.
- BagOfWordsFeatureExtractor(List<String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.BagOfWordsFeatureExtractor
A set of words which are used for their index and therefore feature
vector entry of a given word.
- BAND - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractFMMInpainter
Flag for pixels on the boundary
- bands - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
The images for each band in a list
- bandSizeKnown(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DiversityAxis
Called once the band size has been calculated
- bandSizeKnown(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Called once the band size has been calculated
- Bar(double, double, double, Float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation.Bar
Default constructor
- barColour - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
The background colour of the bar
- BarVisualisation - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
can be used to draw to an image a bar graph of
any data set to an RGBA MBFImage.
- BarVisualisation(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Create a bar visualisation of the given size
- BarVisualisation(int, int, double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Creates the given visualisation with the given data
- BarVisualisation.Bar - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
Represents a single bar to draw.
- BarVisualisation3D - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
Plots oneOverDataLength bars in oneOverDataLength 3-dimensional space, which means there are 2 dimensions for
representing the coordinate of oneOverDataLength bar.
- BarVisualisation3D(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- BarVisualisationBasic - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
The basic bar visualisation that can be used to draw a bar graph of
any data set to an RGBA MBFImage.
- BarVisualisationBasic(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Create a bar visualisation of the given size
- BarVisualisationBasic(MBFImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Create a bar visualisation that will draw to the given image.
- BarVisualisationBasic(VisualisationImpl<?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Overlay a bar visualisation on the given vis
- BarVisualisationBasic(int, int, double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Creates the given visualisation with the given data
- Base(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.Base
- base_count - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrBaseEncoder
- BaseExtractorOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options
Options for the Extractor tool
- BaseExtractorOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.BaseExtractorOptions
- baseLocation - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
- BaseTwitterRichBolt - Class in org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.bolts
- BaseTwitterRichBolt() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.bolts.BaseTwitterRichBolt
- Basic() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.FinderMode.Basic
- BASIC - Static variable in enum org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.HaarFeatureType
- BasicASIFT - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine
Standard implementation of Affine-simulated SIFT (ASIFT) for
- BasicASIFT(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.BasicASIFT
Construct the ASIFT extractor using the default parameters for the
, with the exception of the option to double the
size of the initial image which can be overridden.
- BasicASIFT(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.BasicASIFT
- BasicBackgroundSubtract<I extends Image<?,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.background
Basic background subtraction
- BasicBackgroundSubtract() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.background.BasicBackgroundSubtract
Default constructor
- BasicBackgroundSubtract(I) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.background.BasicBackgroundSubtract
Default constructor
- BasicClassificationResult<CLASS> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification
A basic implementation of a
that internally
maintains a map of classes to confidences.
- BasicClassificationResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.BasicClassificationResult
Construct with a default threshold of 0.
- BasicClassificationResult(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.BasicClassificationResult
Construct with the given threshold.
- BasicDerivativeKernels - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
A set of standard derivative kernels.
- BasicDerivativeKernels() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.BasicDerivativeKernels
- BasicDescriptiveStatisticsModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics
A model of the all the values of the pixels in an image or set of images,
using basic descriptive statistics (mean, mode, median, range, variance).
- BasicDescriptiveStatisticsModel(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BasicDescriptiveStatisticsModel
Construct a BasicDescriptiveStatisticsModel with the given
number of dimensions.
- BasicDuplicateImageDatabase<T> - Class in org.openimaj.demos
An in-memory image duplicate database.
- BasicDuplicateImageDatabase() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.BasicDuplicateImageDatabase
- BasicGridSIFTEngine - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine
Really basic SIFT extraction on a regular grid of interest points.
- BasicGridSIFTEngine(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.BasicGridSIFTEngine
Default constructor.
- BasicGridSIFTEngine(boolean, DoGSIFTEngineOptions<FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.BasicGridSIFTEngine
Construct with the given parameters.
- BasicIRCStreamDataset - Class in org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc
Basic streaming dataset from IRC messages.
- BasicIRCStreamDataset(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc.BasicIRCStreamDataset
Connect to the given host and channel.
- BasicIRCStreamDataset(BlockingDroppingQueue<Context>, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc.BasicIRCStreamDataset
Construct with the given buffer, connecting to the given host and
- BasicLocalBinaryPattern - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern
Implementation of the original 3x3 form of a local binary pattern.
- BasicLocalBinaryPattern() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.BasicLocalBinaryPattern
- BasicMatcher<T extends LocalFeature<?,?>> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher
Basic local feature matcher.
- BasicMatcher(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicMatcher
Initialise the matcher setting the threshold which the difference between the
scores of the top two best matches must differ in order to count the first as
a good match.
- BasicMBFImageObjectTracker - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking
A tracker that will track one rectangular region using the KLTTracker from
- BasicMBFImageObjectTracker() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.BasicMBFImageObjectTracker
- BasicMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- BasicMusicTimekeeper - Class in org.openimaj.audio.util
- BasicMusicTimekeeper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
- BasicObjectTracker - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking
A tracker that will track one rectangular region using the KLTTracker.
- BasicObjectTracker() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.BasicObjectTracker
Default constructor that will use 50 features and an accuracy of 0.5.
- BasicObjectTracker(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.BasicObjectTracker
Default constructor that takes the number of features to be used.
- BasicObjectTracker(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.BasicObjectTracker
Constructor that takes the accuracy to use for tracking.
- BasicObjectTracker(int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.BasicObjectTracker
Constructor that takes the number of features to use and the accuracy
for tracking.
- BasicOctaveExtremaFinder - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid
- BasicOctaveExtremaFinder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.BasicOctaveExtremaFinder
- BasicOctaveExtremaFinder(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.BasicOctaveExtremaFinder
- BasicOctaveExtremaFinder(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.BasicOctaveExtremaFinder
Construct with the given magnitude and Eigenvalue thresholds
- BasicOctaveGridFinder<OCTAVE extends Octave<?,?,IMAGE>,IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid
- BasicOctaveGridFinder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.BasicOctaveGridFinder
- BasicQuantisedKeypointMatcher<T extends QuantisedLocalFeature<?>> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.quantised
Simple matcher for quantised features.
- BasicQuantisedKeypointMatcher(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.quantised.BasicQuantisedKeypointMatcher
Match quantised keypoints
- BasicShapeDescriptor - Class in org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc
Basic descriptors of the shape of a connected component.
- BasicShapeDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor
- BasicShapeDescriptor.BasicShapeDescriptorType - Enum in org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc
An enum of all the different basic shape descriptors.
- BasicTrainingData - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training
- BasicTrainingData(List<SummedSqTiltAreaTable>, List<SummedSqTiltAreaTable>, List<HaarFeature>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.BasicTrainingData
- BasicTwoWayMatcher<T extends LocalFeature<?,?>> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher
Matcher that uses minimum Euclidean distance to find matches.
- BasicTwoWayMatcher() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicTwoWayMatcher
- BasicVideoTimeKeeper(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.BasicVideoTimeKeeper
Default constructor
- basis - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
- BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftSpout
- BatchAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation
that is trained in "batch" mode; all training examples
are presented at once.
- BatchAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.BatchAnnotator
- BatchExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.localfeature
Tool for extracting local features
- BatchExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.BatchExtractor
- BatchExtractorOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options
- BatchExtractorOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.BatchExtractorOptions
- batchSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.SGD
- BatchTrainer<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.training
Interface describing objects capable of performing
training in "batch" mode; all training examples are
presented at once.
- BBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- BBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- BBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- BBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- BBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- BBFMedianSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the default maximum number of items per bucket
- BBFMedianSplit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
Construct with the given maximum number of items per bucket
- bct - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- bean - Variable in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.AbstractGetter
- BEAT_RTIME - Static variable in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.BeatDetector
Release time of envelope detector in seconds
- beatDetected() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.BeatDetector
Returns whether a beat was detected within this sample chunk.
- BeatDetector - Class in org.openimaj.audio.analysis
A beat detector that uses a 2nd order LP filter, followed by an envelope
detector (thanks Bram), feeding a Schmitt trigger.
- BeatDetector(AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.BeatDetector
Default constructor
- BeatDetector(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.BeatDetector
Chainable constructor
- BeatDetector(AudioStream, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.BeatDetector
Chainable constructor.
- beatsPerMeasure - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode
Most western music is in four-time
- BED - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
Bottom edge
- beforeAxesRender(MBFImage, AxesRenderer2D<Float[], MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DiversityAxis
A method that can be overridden to plot something prior to the axes being
- beforeAxesRender(MBFImage, AxesRenderer2D<Float[], MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
A method that can be overridden to plot something prior to the axes being
- beforeAxesRender(MBFImage, AxesRenderer2D<Float[], MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
A method that can be overridden to plot something prior to the axes being
- beforeBatchTrain(GroupedDataset<PERSON, ListDataset<FACE>, FACE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.EigenFaceRecogniser
- beforeBatchTrain(GroupedDataset<PERSON, ListDataset<FACE>, FACE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FisherFaceRecogniser
- beforePlay(SampleChunk) - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.AudioEventListener
Called before a sample chunk has been played.
- beforeProcess(OCTAVE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder
Called at the start of
- beforeProcess(GaussianOctave<FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.BasicOctaveExtremaFinder
- beforeUpdate(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.VideoSlide
- beforeUpdate(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Called when the video is about to update
- beforeUpdate(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayAdapter
Called when the video is about to update
- beforeUpdate(T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayListener
Called when the video is about to update
- beforeUpdate(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.ButtonsPanel
- begin - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Start point of line
- begin() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- begin() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Path2d
Get the beginning of the path
- begin() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Polyline
- BellFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters
Bell (quadratic) filter for the resample function.
- BellFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BellFilter
- BELOW - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.PolygonUtils
- benchmarkComplexForward_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- benchmarkComplexForward_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- benchmarkComplexForward_2D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- benchmarkComplexForward_2D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- benchmarkComplexForward_2D_input_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- benchmarkComplexForward_2D_input_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- benchmarkComplexForward_3D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- benchmarkComplexForward_3D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- benchmarkComplexForward_3D_input_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- benchmarkComplexForward_3D_input_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- BenchmarkDoubleDCT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct
Benchmark of double precision DCT's
- BenchmarkDoubleDHT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht
Benchmark of double precision DHT's
- BenchmarkDoubleDST - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst
Benchmark of double precision DST's
- BenchmarkDoubleFFT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
Benchmark of double precision FFT's
- BenchmarkFloatDCT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct
Benchmark of single precision DCT's
- BenchmarkFloatDHT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht
Benchmark of single precision DHT's
- BenchmarkFloatDST - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst
Benchmark of single precision DST's
- BenchmarkFloatFFT - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
Benchmark of single precision FFT's
- benchmarkForward_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkDoubleDCT
- benchmarkForward_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkFloatDCT
- benchmarkForward_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkDoubleDHT
- benchmarkForward_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkFloatDHT
- benchmarkForward_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkDoubleDST
- benchmarkForward_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkFloatDST
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkDoubleDCT
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkFloatDCT
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkDoubleDHT
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkFloatDHT
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkDoubleDST
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkFloatDST
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkDoubleDCT
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkFloatDCT
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkDoubleDHT
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkFloatDHT
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkDoubleDST
- benchmarkForward_2D_input_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkFloatDST
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkDoubleDCT
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkFloatDCT
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkDoubleDHT
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkFloatDHT
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkDoubleDST
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkFloatDST
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkDoubleDCT
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkFloatDCT
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkDoubleDHT
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkFloatDHT
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkDoubleDST
- benchmarkForward_3D_input_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkFloatDST
- benchmarkRealForward_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- benchmarkRealForward_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- benchmarkRealForward_2D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- benchmarkRealForward_2D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- benchmarkRealForward_2D_input_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- benchmarkRealForward_2D_input_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- benchmarkRealForward_3D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- benchmarkRealForward_3D_input_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- benchmarkRealForward_3D_input_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- benchmarkRealForward_3D_input_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- bestCols(Eigenvalues) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.PreparedSpectralClustering
- BestFitStoppingCondition() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.BestFitStoppingCondition
- bestModel - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
- bestModelInliers - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- bestModelOutliers - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- bestSubGraph - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.graph.algorithm.CharikarDensestSubgraph
- BG_COLOUR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- bgThreshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler
- BH - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.HState
Bottom horizontal edge
- BIAS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
whether a bias component is added to w and u.
- bias - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- bias - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.LossFunction
- bias - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.LossFunction
- bias - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- BIASINITSTRAT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
The initialisation strategy for BIAS.
- biasMode - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- biasMode - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- BibtexToReference - Class in org.openimaj.citation.annotation.input
Helper tool to convert bibtex to
- BibtexToReference() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.input.BibtexToReference
- BICONVEX_MAXITER - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
The maximum number of iterations in the biconvex iterative stage.
- BICONVEX_TOL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
The threshold of the ratio between the (sum(new_w - old_w) + sum(new_u -
old_u)) / (sum(old_u) + sum(old_w)) i.e.
- BiconvexDataGenerator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.data
Data generated from a biconvex system of the form:
Y_n,t = U_:,t^T .
- BiconvexDataGenerator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BiconvexDataGenerator
Generates a biconvex data generator.
- BiconvexDataGenerator(int, int, int, double, double, boolean, boolean, int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BiconvexDataGenerator
- BiconvexIncrementalDataGenerator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.data
- BiconvexIncrementalDataGenerator(int, int, int, double, double, boolean, boolean, int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BiconvexIncrementalDataGenerator
- bicubicInterp(double, double, double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
Bicubic interpolation of the value at x,y where 0<=x<=1 and 0<=y<=1 given
the values at integer coordinates from (-1,-1) to (3,3).
- bicubicInterp(float, float, float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
Bicubic interpolation of the value at x,y where 0<=x<=1 and 0<=y<=1 given
the values at integer coordinates from (-1,-1) to (3,3).
- BicubicInterpolation - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize
Bi-cubic interpolation to resize images.
- BicubicInterpolation(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.BicubicInterpolation
Construct a new bicubic interpolator.
- bigStep - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
- bigStep() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Get the step size the detector will make if there is definitely no
- bigStep(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Set the step size the detector will make if there is definitely no
- bilerp(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
Bilinear interpolation of the value at x,y where 0<=x<=1 and 0<=y<=1
given the values at (0,0), (0,1), (1,0) and (1,1).
- bilerp(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
Bilinear interpolation of the value at x,y where 0<=x<=1 and 0<=y<=1
given the values at (0,0), (0,1), (1,0) and (1,1).
- bilerpf(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
Bilinear interpolation of the value at x,y where 0<=x<=1 and 0<=y<=1
given the values at (0,0), (0,1), (1,0) and (1,1).
- BilinearEvaluator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation
- BilinearEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation.BilinearEvaluator
- BilinearExperiment - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill
- BilinearExperiment() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearExperiment
- BilinearInterpolation - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize
Simple bi-linear interpolation to resize images.
- BilinearInterpolation(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.BilinearInterpolation
Construct a new bilinear interpolator.
- BilinearLearnerParameters - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner
- BilinearLearnerParameters() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
sets up the defaults
- BilinearLearnerParametersLineSearch - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill
- BilinearLearnerParametersLineSearch(BilinearLearnerParameters) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearLearnerParametersLineSearch
Set the base paramters.
- BilinearSparseFISTALearner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner
- BilinearSparseFISTALearner(BilinearLearnerParameters) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseFISTALearner
- BilinearSparseFISTALearner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseFISTALearner
- BilinearSparseOnlineLearner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner
An implementation of a stochastic gradient decent with proximal perameter adjustment
(for regularised parameters).
- BilinearSparseOnlineLearner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
The default parameters.
- BilinearSparseOnlineLearner(BilinearLearnerParameters) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- BilinearUnmixedSparseOnlineLearner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner
An implementation of a stochastic gradient decent with proximal parameter
adjustment (for regularised parameters).
- BilinearUnmixedSparseOnlineLearner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearUnmixedSparseOnlineLearner
- BillAustrianDampeningExperiments - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill
- BillAustrianDampeningExperiments() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillAustrianDampeningExperiments
- BillAustrianExperiments - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill
- BillAustrianExperiments() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillAustrianExperiments
- BillAustrianExperimentsNormalised - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill
- BillAustrianExperimentsNormalised() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillAustrianExperimentsNormalised
- BillMatlabFileDataGenerator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.data
Read data from bill's matlab file format
- BillMatlabFileDataGenerator(File, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator
- BillMatlabFileDataGenerator(File, String, File, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator
- BillMatlabFileDataGenerator(File, String, File, int, boolean, List<BillMatlabFileDataGenerator.Fold>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator
- BillMatlabFileDataGenerator.Fold - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.data
- BillMatlabFileDataGenerator.Mode - Enum in org.openimaj.ml.linear.data
The modes
- BillMPQASentiment - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment
- BillMPQASentiment() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.BillMPQASentiment
- BillWordInvestigation - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill
- BillWordInvestigation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillWordInvestigation
- Binarize - Class in org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes
- Binarize() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.Binarize
- binary - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.globalfeature.HadoopGlobalFeaturesOptions
- BINARY_HEADER - Static variable in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.list.LocalFeatureList
The header used when writing LocalFeatureLists to streams and files
- BINARY_HEADER - Static variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.LocalFeatureListIndex
The header used when writing LocalFeatureListIndex to streams and files
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.EnumFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.FileLocalFeatureList
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.LocalFeatureListIndex
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.StreamLocalFeatureList
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.LocalFeatureImpl
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.quantised.QuantisedLocalFeature
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.SpatialLocation
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder.TimeFrequency
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TimeperiodTweetCountWordCount
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TweetCountWordMap
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDF
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.InterestPointKeypoint
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointLocation
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint.SIFTGeoLocation
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.EigenImages
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.FisherImages
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.AffineAligner
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.IdentityAligner
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.MeshWarpAligner
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.RotateScaleAligner
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.ScalingAligner
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CCDetectedFace
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.IdentityFaceDetector
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypoint
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.KEDetectedFace
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseFeature
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseFeature.Extractor
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseShapeFeature
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseShapeFeature.Extractor
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMShapeFeature
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMShapeFeature.Extractor
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.DoGSIFTFeatureComparator
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.FaceFVComparator
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.LtpDtFeatureComparator
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.ReversedLtpDtFeatureComparator
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.DoGSIFTFeature
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.DoGSIFTFeature.Extractor
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.EigenFaceFeature
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.EigenFaceFeature.Extractor
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FaceImageFeature
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FaceImageFeature.Extractor
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature.DetectedFacePart
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature.Extractor
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FisherFaceFeature
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FisherFaceFeature.Extractor
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.LocalLBPHistogram
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.LocalLBPHistogram.Extractor
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.AbstractLtpDtFeature
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.GaussianWeighting
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.LtpDtFeature.Extractor
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.TruncatedWeighting
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineParams
- binaryHeader() - Method in interface org.openimaj.io.ReadableBinary
Header for binary input.
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.Readable2DArrayBinary
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableArrayBinary
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableListBinary
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableMapBinary
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWritableIndependentPair
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableByte
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableDouble
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableFloat
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableInt
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableListBinary
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableLong
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableShort
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableString
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.Writeable2DArrayBinary
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.WriteableArrayBinary
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.WriteableListBinary
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.WriteableMapBinary
- binaryHeader() - Method in interface org.openimaj.io.WriteableBinary
Header for binary output.
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PayloadCoordinate
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ReadWriteableMatrix
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ByteCentroidsResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.DoubleCentroidsResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FeatureVectorCentroidsResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FloatCentroidsResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IntCentroidsResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.KDTreeClusters
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.LongCentroidsResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ShortCentroidsResult
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableFailedURL
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableImageOutput
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumption
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageModel
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.ConvertUSMFList
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.MemoryTwitterStatusList
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList.ReadableWritableJSON
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- binaryHeader() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- binaryPreference() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
The binary preference measure, as presented in Buckley, Voorhees
"Retrieval Evaluation with Incomplete Information", SIGIR 2004.
- BinaryReader<IMAGE> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.cifar
Interface for reader objects that convert a raw CIFAR style binary record
into an image (or some other format)
- BingAPIToken - Class in org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common
An authentication token for the Bing Search API.
- BingAPIToken() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.BingAPIToken
Construct an empty token.
- BingAPIToken(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.BingAPIToken
Construct a token with the given account key.
- BingImageDataset<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.dataset
Image datasets dynamically created from the Bing search API.
- BingImageDataset(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, List<BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceResponse>, BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset
- BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery - Class in org.openimaj.image.dataset
- BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Aspect - Enum in org.openimaj.image.dataset
- BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Color - Enum in org.openimaj.image.dataset
- BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Freshness - Enum in org.openimaj.image.dataset
- BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.ImageContent - Enum in org.openimaj.image.dataset
Filter images by content
- BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.ImageType - Enum in org.openimaj.image.dataset
Filter images by image type.
- BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.License - Enum in org.openimaj.image.dataset
- BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.SafeSearch - Enum in org.openimaj.image.dataset
- BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Size - Enum in org.openimaj.image.dataset
- BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceResponse - Class in org.openimaj.image.dataset
- binHeight - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Height of a single bin of the sampling window (in pixels).
- binMap - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
- BinnedWindowedExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram
This class implements a
with the primary
purpose of of producing efficient access to histograms of arbitrary windows
of the image.
- BinnedWindowedExtractor(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
Construct with the given number of bins.
- BinnedWindowedExtractor(int, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
Construct with the given number of bins, and range.
- binsPerBand - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ModifiedLuoSimplicity
- binWidth - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Width of a single bin of the sampling window (in pixels).
- bipolar() - Method in interface org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentimentProvider
- bipolar(double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentimentProvider
- bipolar() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- bipolar(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- bipolar() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.TFFCountSentiment
- bipolar(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.TFFCountSentiment
- bipolar(TFF.Clue) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.TFFCountSentiment
- bipolar() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- bipolar(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- BipolarSentiment - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type
Encapsulate a simple sentiment that something is positive, negative or
- BipolarSentiment() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentiment
- BipolarSentiment(BipolarSentiment.State) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentiment
Instantiate the sentiment
- BipolarSentiment.State - Enum in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type
The states of a bipolar sentiment
- BipolarSentimentProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type
A sentiment which can be collapsed into a
which is either positive or negative
- BitDepthConverter - Class in org.openimaj.audio.conversion
An audio processor that converts the bit-depth of an audio stream.
- BitDepthConverter(BitDepthConverter.BitDepthConversionAlgorithm, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.BitDepthConverter
Default constructor that takes the input conversion
- BitDepthConverter(AudioStream, BitDepthConverter.BitDepthConversionAlgorithm, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.BitDepthConverter
Chainable constructor.
- BitDepthConverter.BitDepthConversionAlgorithm - Enum in org.openimaj.audio.conversion
An enumerator of the different bit-depth conversion algorithms
- bitLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.BitSetLSHSketcher
Get the length of the sketch in bits.
- bitLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ByteLSHSketcher
Get the length of the sketch in bits.
- bitLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.IntLSHSketcher
Get the length of the sketch in bits.
- bitLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.LongLSHSketcher
Get the length of the sketch in bits.
- bitLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ShortLSHSketcher
Get the length of the sketch in bits.
- BitSetLSHSketcher<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.sketch
- BitSetLSHSketcher(List<HashFunction<OBJECT>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.BitSetLSHSketcher
Construct with the given functions.
- BitSetLSHSketcher(HashFunction<OBJECT>, HashFunction<OBJECT>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.BitSetLSHSketcher
Construct with the given functions.
- BitSetLSHSketcher(HashFunctionFactory<OBJECT>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.BitSetLSHSketcher
Construct with the factory which is used to produce the required number
of functions.
- BLACK - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Black colour as RGB
- BLACKLIST_TIME_MS - Static variable in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftSpout
- BlackmanFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters
Blackman window function interpolation filter for the resample function
- BlackmanFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BlackmanFilter
- bLearnRate - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
- BlobExtractorRenderer<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render
Renders the pixels from one image into the given image based on
the connected components.
- BlobExtractorRenderer(Image<T, ?>, Image<T, ?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BlobExtractorRenderer
Default constructor that takes the image to draw into and the image to
copy from.
- BlobExtractorRenderer(int, int, Image<T, ?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BlobExtractorRenderer
Default constructor that takes the image to draw into and the image to
copy from.
- BlobRenderer<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render
Draws the connected components as coloured blobs into the given image.
- BlobRenderer(Image<T, ?>, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BlobRenderer
Default constructor that takes the image to draw into and
the colour in which to draw the blobs.
- BlobRenderer(int, int, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BlobRenderer
Default constructor creates the image to draw into and takes
the colour in which to draw the blobs.
- BLOCK_3x3 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FilterSupport
Offsets for using a 3x3 blocked shaped mask to select pixels for
computing median.
- BlockHistogramModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics
An array of multidimensional histograms calculated from image pixels
(assumes image is in 0-1 range)
- BlockHistogramModel(int, int, int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BlockHistogramModel
Construct with the given parameters
- BlockingDroppingBufferedStream<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream
- BlockingDroppingBufferedStream(BlockingDroppingQueue<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.BlockingDroppingBufferedStream
Construct with the given backing queue
- BlockingDroppingQueue<E> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.concurrent
that additionally supports operations that wait for the queue
to become non-empty when retrieving an element, and drop the oldest element
from the queue when storing a new element if space is not available for the
new element.
- blockSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
The size of processing blocks for each thread
- blocksize_x - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalUniformBinaryPatternHistogram
- blocksize_y - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalUniformBinaryPatternHistogram
- BlockSpatialAggregator<T,AGGREGATE extends FeatureVector & Concatenatable<AGGREGATE,AGGREGATE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate
- BlockSpatialAggregator(VectorAggregator<ArrayFeatureVector<T>, AGGREGATE>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.BlockSpatialAggregator
Construct with the given aggregator and number of blocks in the X and Y
- blocksX - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.BlockSpatialAggregator
- blocksY - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.BlockSpatialAggregator
- Bloom - Class in org.openimaj.ml.sketch.bloom
The bloom sketch as described by
- Bloom(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.sketch.bloom.Bloom
- BLUE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Blue colour as RGB
- booktitle() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
The title of the book, if only part of it is being cited
- BorderFact - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
- borderPixels - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Number of pixels of border for processors to ignore.
- BorderRenderer<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render
Draws the border of the connected component into the given image.
- BorderRenderer(Image<T, ?>, T, ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BorderRenderer
Default constructor that takes the image to draw into, the colour
to draw the boundary and the connect mode to use to extract the
- BorderRenderer(int, int, T, ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BorderRenderer
Constructor that creates the image to draw into, and takes the colour
to draw the boundary and the connect mode to use to extract the
- borderSkip - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- bot - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeNode
Edge lower (x, y) coordinate
- bottomRightMostPixel() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Gets the bottom-right most pixel in the connected component.
- BoundaryDistanceDescriptor - Class in org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc
Distance-from-centroid descriptor for convex shapes.
- BoundaryDistanceDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BoundaryDistanceDescriptor
Construct the BoundaryDistanceDescriptor with both scale and
orientation normalisation enabled
- BoundaryDistanceDescriptor(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BoundaryDistanceDescriptor
Construct the BoundaryDistanceDescriptor with optional scale and
orientation invariance.
- boundaryExtension - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
The amount of padding to add before convolving with the Gabor functions
- BoundedPriorityQueue<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.queue
- BoundedPriorityQueue(int, Comparator<? super T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Creates a BoundedPriorityQueue
with the specified initial
capacity that orders its elements according to the inverse of the
specified comparator.
- BoundedPriorityQueue(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Creates a
with the specified initial
capacity that orders its elements according to their inverse
natural ordering.
- BoundedTreeSet<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.set
Extension of a
that has a bounded upper size.
- BoundedTreeSet(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.set.BoundedTreeSet
Constructs a new, empty tree set, sorted according to the
natural ordering of its elements.
- BoundedTreeSet(int, Comparator<? super T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.set.BoundedTreeSet
Constructs a new, empty tree set, sorted according to the specified
- BoundingBoxRenderer<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render
Renders the bounding box into the image.
- BoundingBoxRenderer(Image<T, ?>, T, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BoundingBoxRenderer
Default constructor that takes the image to draw into and the colour
in which to draw the bounding box.
- BoundingBoxRenderer(int, int, T, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BoundingBoxRenderer
Constructor that creates an image to draw into and takes the colour
in which to draw the bounding box.
- bounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
The upright bounds of the face in the image in which it was detected
- bounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.DoGSIFTFeature
- BOX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
Standard 3x3 box structuring element
- BoxConstraint(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel.BoxConstraint
Construct with the given multiplier of the standard deviation.
- BoxFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters
Box filter for the resampling function
- BoxFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BoxFilter
- boxMode - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ModifiedLuoSimplicity
- bpm - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode
Number of beats per minute
- bresenham(Pixel, Pixel) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.util.LineIterators
Pixel iterator based on Bresenham's algorithm for a line between two
discrete endpoints.
- bresenham(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.util.LineIterators
Pixel iterator based on Bresenham's algorithm for a line between two
discrete endpoints.
- bresenham(int, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.util.LineIterators
Pixel iterator based on Bresenham's algorithm for a line starting at a
given point, with an angle given by the provided x and y deltas.
- BrightnessClusteringTransform - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
Implementation of the Brightness Clustering Transform.
- BrightnessClusteringTransform() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.BrightnessClusteringTransform
- BrowserDelegate - Interface in org.openimaj.web
- bside - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeNode
Bundle left / right indicators
- BSplineFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters
B-Spline (cubic) filter for the resample function.
- BSplineFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BSplineFilter
- bstate - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeNode
Edge bundle state
- BucketingSampler2d - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.sampling
Implementation of the bucketing sampling strategy proposed by Zhang et al to
try and ensure a good spatial distribution of point-pairs for estimation of
geometric transforms and the fundamental matrix.
- BucketingSampler2d() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.sampling.BucketingSampler2d
Construct the sampler with the default number of buckets in the x and y
dimensions (8).
- BucketingSampler2d(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.sampling.BucketingSampler2d
Construct the sampler with the given number of buckets in each dimension.
- buffer_for_data() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- buffer_for_head_item() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- BufferedReaderStream - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream
- BufferedReaderStream(BufferedReader) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.BufferedReaderStream
Construct with the given collection.
- bufferKestrelGet(int) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftSpout
- build() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset.IdentifiableBuilder
- build() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.SeedBuilder
- build(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.lexicon.TotalLexBuilder
Builds a Scored Sentiment mapping of adjectives from the corpus.
- build_sbt() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.ScanBeamTreeEntries
- buildAll(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
Builds the alias text file and the lucene index in the default root
- buildAll(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
Builds the alias text file and the lucene index in the specified root
- buildCandidateAliasFile(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
Builds the alias text file in the default location.
- buildCandidateAliasFile(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
Builds the alias text file in the specified location.
- buildContextLuceneIndex(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
Builds the lucene index in the default path.
- buildContextLuceneIndex(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
Builds the lucene index at the specified path.
- buildDefaultDistanceCheck() - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.DoGSIFTFeatureComparator
Build a DistanceCheck for the spatial layout of matching normalised
facial features.
- builder() - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
Returns a new builder.
- buildFromCorpus(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.lexicon.HMLexiconBuilder
- buildIndexerData() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerDataBuilder
Build the
using the information provided at
construction time.
- buildNormalisedDataMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Zero-centre the data matrix and return a copy
- buildObservedVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.CameraCalibration
Stack the observed image locations of the calibration pattern points into
a vector
- buildObservedVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.CameraCalibrationZhang
Stack the observed image locations of the calibration pattern points into
a vector
- buildRectifiedUndistortionMap(int, int, CameraIntrinsics, Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Build the rectified distortion map, which for every un-distorted point in
the given size image contains the x and y ordinates of the corresponding
rectifed distorted point.
- buildRectifiedUndistortionProcessor(int, int, CameraIntrinsics, Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Build a
capable of correcting the radial and
tangential distortion of this camera.
- buildTopology() - Method in interface org.openimaj.storm.topology.orchestrator.StormTopologyOrchestrator
- buildUndistortionMap(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Build the distortion map, which for every un-distorted point in the given
size image contains the x and y ordinates of the corresponding distorted
- buildUndistortionMap(int, int, CameraIntrinsics) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Build the distortion map, which for every un-distorted point in the given
size image contains the x and y ordinates of the corresponding distorted
- buildUndistortionProcessor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Build a
capable of correcting the radial and
tangential distortion of this camera.
- buildUndistortionProcessor(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Build a
capable of correcting the radial and
tangential distortion of this camera.
- buildUndistortionProcessor(int, int, CameraIntrinsics) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Build a
capable of correcting the radial and
tangential distortion of this camera.
- buildURI() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- buildVLAD() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerDataBuilder
Build a
using the information provided at construction time.
- BulkIndexer - Interface in org.openimaj.image.indexing
- bundle - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeNode
Bundle edge flags
- BUNDLE_HEAD - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.BundleState
- BUNDLE_TAIL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.BundleState
- BundleState - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon
Edge bundle state
- ButtonsPanel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.ButtonsPanel
Construct a new buttons panel
- buttonValue - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.AnimatorThread
- bx() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- bx(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- by() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- by(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- byCountry(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.geo.WorldPolygons
- byCountry(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPolygons
- byCountryCode(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.geo.WorldPolygons
- byCountryCode(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPolygons
- byName(String, ImageCollectionConfig) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.selection.XuggleVideoFrameSelection
- BYTE_TO_FLOAT_LUT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Lookup table for byte->float conversion
- ByteADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- ByteADCNearestNeighbours(ByteProductQuantiser, byte[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- ByteADCNearestNeighbours(ByteProductQuantiser, byte[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and pre-quantised data .
- ByteArrayBackedDataSource - Class in org.openimaj.data
- ByteArrayBackedDataSource(byte[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.ByteArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data
- ByteArrayBackedDataSource(byte[][], Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.ByteArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data and a random generator for random sampling
- ByteArrayConverter - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
Utility methods for converting arrays of
(unsigned) bytes to integers and back.
- ByteArrayConverter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayConverter
- ByteArrayValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- ByteArrayValueAnimator(ValueAnimator<Byte>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ByteArrayValueAnimator
- ByteArrayView - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A wrapper around a java byte array that allows
views onto the array to be created without the
overhead of maintaining copies of the data.
- ByteArrayView(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
Create a view on the given array from l (inclusive) to
r (exclusive).
- ByteArrayView(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
Create a view on the entirety of the given array.
- ByteArrayView(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
Create a view on an array of length n.
- ByteBytePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of byte and byte types
- ByteBytePair(byte, byte) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Construct pair with given values
- ByteBytePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Construct empty pair
- ByteCauchyFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that use a Cauchy
distribution to approximate L1 distance.
- ByteCauchyFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteCauchyFactory
Construct the factory with the given parameters.
- ByteCentroidsResult - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
- ByteCentroidsResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ByteCentroidsResult
- ByteDoublePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of byte and double types
- ByteDoublePair(byte, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Construct pair with given values
- ByteDoublePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Construct empty pair
- ByteDSIFTKeypoint - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift
Dense SIFT keypoint with a location and byte feature vector.
- ByteDSIFTKeypoint() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ByteDSIFTKeypoint
Construct with the default feature vector length for SIFT (128).
- ByteDSIFTKeypoint(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ByteDSIFTKeypoint
Construct with the given feature vector length.
- ByteDSIFTKeypoint(float, float, byte[], float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ByteDSIFTKeypoint
Construct with the given parameters.
- ByteDSIFTKeypoint(float, float, float[], float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ByteDSIFTKeypoint
Construct with the given parameters.
- ByteEntropyFilter - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.filter
- ByteEntropyFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.filter.ByteEntropyFilter
Construct with the default threshold of 4.4 as suggested in the original
- ByteEntropyFilter(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.filter.ByteEntropyFilter
Construct with a custom threshold.
- ByteFloatPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of byte and float types
- ByteFloatPair(byte, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Construct pair with given values
- ByteFloatPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Construct empty pair
- ByteFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic byte single-dimensional feature vector implementation
- ByteFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- ByteFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- ByteFV(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- ByteFVComparator - Interface in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for ByteFV objects.
- ByteFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for ByteFV objects.
- ByteGaussianFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions using Gaussian
distributions to approximate the Euclidean distance.
- ByteGaussianFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteGaussianFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- ByteHammingFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that approximate the
Hamming distance.
- ByteHammingFactory(int, MersenneTwister, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHammingFactory
Construct a new factory using the given parameters.
- ByteHashFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- ByteHashFunctionFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- ByteHashFunctionFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHashFunctionFactory
- ByteHyperplaneCosineFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate cosine
distance using hyperplanes.
- ByteHyperplaneCosineFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHyperplaneCosineFactory
Construct with the given arguments.
- ByteHyperplaneL1Factory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate L1
(city-block) distance in closed spaces using random axis-aligned hyperplanes.
- ByteHyperplaneL1Factory(int, MersenneTwister, byte, byte) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHyperplaneL1Factory
Construct with the given arguments.
- ByteIntPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of byte and int types
- ByteIntPair(byte, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Construct pair with given values
- ByteIntPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Construct empty pair
- ByteKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Immutable KD-Tree implementation for byte[] data.
- ByteKDTree(byte[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
- ByteKDTree(byte[][], ByteKDTree.SplitChooser) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
Construct with the given data and splitting strategy
- ByteKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Approximate best-bin-first median splitting.
- ByteKDTree.BasicMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Basic median split.
- ByteKDTree.BBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Best-bin-first median splitting.
- ByteKDTree.KDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
An internal node of the KDTree
- ByteKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Randomised best-bin-first splitting strategy:
Nodes with less than a set number of items become leafs.
- ByteKDTree.SplitChooser - Interface in org.openimaj.util.tree
Interface for describing how a branch in the KD-Tree should be created
- ByteKDTreeEnsemble - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees for byte data.
- ByteKDTreeEnsemble(byte[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a ByteKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data,
using the default of 8 trees.
- ByteKDTreeEnsemble(byte[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a ByteKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- ByteKDTreeEnsemble(byte[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a ByteKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- ByteKDTreeEnsemble.ByteKDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
An internal node of the KDTree
- ByteKDTreeNode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteKDTreeEnsemble.ByteKDTreeNode
Construct a new node
- ByteKDTreeNode(byte[][], IntArrayView, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteKDTreeEnsemble.ByteKDTreeNode
Construct a new node with the given data
- ByteKMeans - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Fast, parallel implementation of the K-Means algorithm with support for
bigger-than-memory data.
- ByteKMeans(KMeansConfiguration<ByteNearestNeighbours, byte[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Construct the clusterer with the the given configuration.
- ByteKMeans() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
A completely default
used primarily as a convenience function for reading.
- ByteKMeans.Result - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Result object for ByteKMeans, extending ByteCentroidsResult and ByteNearestNeighboursProvider,
as well as giving access to state information from the operation of the K-Means algorithm
- ByteKMeansInit - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Initialisation for K-Means clustering.
- ByteKMeansInit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeansInit
- ByteKMeansInit.RANDOM - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Simple kmeans initialized on randomly selected samples.
- ByteKMeansInitialisers - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.fastkmeans
Initialisation options for k-means.
- ByteKMeansInitialisers.Options - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.fastkmeans
Base options for FastByteKMeansInitialisers types
- ByteKNNAssigner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft
that picks a fixed number of nearest neighbours.
- ByteKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<byte[]>, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ByteKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- ByteKNNAssigner(byte[][], boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ByteKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- ByteKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<byte[]>, ByteFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ByteKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- ByteKNNAssigner(byte[][], ByteFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ByteKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- ByteLongPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of byte and long types
- ByteLongPair(byte, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Construct pair with given values
- ByteLongPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Construct empty pair
- ByteLSHSketcher<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.sketch
that produces bit-string sketches encoded as byte arrays.
- ByteLSHSketcher(List<HashFunction<OBJECT>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ByteLSHSketcher
Construct with the given functions.
- ByteLSHSketcher(HashFunction<OBJECT>, HashFunction<OBJECT>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ByteLSHSketcher
Construct with the given functions.
- ByteLSHSketcher(HashFunctionFactory<OBJECT>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ByteLSHSketcher
Construct with the factory which is used to produce the required number
of functions.
- ByteNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Abstract base class for k-nearest-neighbour calculations with byte[] data.
- ByteNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighbours
- ByteNearestNeighboursExact - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Exact (brute-force) k-nearest-neighbour implementation.
- ByteNearestNeighboursExact(byte[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the ByteNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset and using Euclidean distance.
- ByteNearestNeighboursExact(byte[][], ByteFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the ByteNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset with the given distance function.
- ByteNearestNeighboursExact.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn
- ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Fast Nearest-Neighbours for byte data using an ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees.
- ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree(byte[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree
Construct the ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree with the given options.
- ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
- ByteNearestNeighboursProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.knn
Interface for classes able to expose a k-nearest-neighbour object.
- ByteObjectPair<Q> - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of byte and a generic type
- ByteObjectPair(byte, Q) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteObjectPair
Construct pair with given values
- ByteObjectPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteObjectPair
Construct empty pair
- ByteProductQuantiser - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Implementation of a Product Quantiser for vectors/arrays of bytes.
- ByteProductQuantiser(ByteNearestNeighboursExact[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteProductQuantiser
- ByteProductQuantiserUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
- BytePStableFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
Base class for hashing schemes based on P-Stable distributions.
- BytePStableFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.BytePStableFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- BytePStableFactory.PStableFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- bytes() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- bytes(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- ByteSDCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Symmetric Distance Computation (SDC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- ByteSDCNearestNeighbours(ByteProductQuantiser, byte[][][], byte[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteSDCNearestNeighbours
Construct the SDC with the given quantiser, centroids (corresponding to
the quantiser's internal assigners), and data.
- ByteShortPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of byte and short types
- ByteShortPair(byte, short) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Construct pair with given values
- ByteShortPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Construct empty pair
- byteToInt(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayConverter
Convert the given byte array to an array of ints.
- byteToInt(byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayConverter
Convert the given 2d byte array to a 2d array of ints.
- c(FImage) - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.ShapeFeatures
- C - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.cifarexps.CIFARExperimentFramework
- Cachable - Interface in org.openimaj.io
A cachable object can identify itself.
- CachableASCII - Interface in org.openimaj.io
that is capable of being read/written as ASCII.
- CachableBinary - Interface in org.openimaj.io
that is capable of being read/written as Binary.
- Cache - Class in org.openimaj.io
In its simplest form this function constructs an object using the construct found for the objects
- Cache() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.Cache
- cached_veclen - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
- CachedDoubleSpectralClustering - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
- CachedDoubleSpectralClustering(File, SpectralClusteringConf<double[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.CachedDoubleSpectralClustering
- cachedRects - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.HaarFeature
- CachedTrainingData - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training
- CachedTrainingData(List<SummedSqTiltAreaTable>, List<SummedSqTiltAreaTable>, List<HaarFeature>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.CachedTrainingData
- cacheValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.CachingMultivariateGaussian
- cacheVideo(Video<I>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoCache
Cache the whole of the given video.
- cacheVideo(Video<I>, VideoTimecode, VideoTimecode) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoCache
Cache the given time range from the given video.
- CachingFeatureExtractor<FEATURE,OBJECT extends Identifiable> - Class in org.openimaj.feature
A simple wrapper for a feature extractor that caches the extracted feature to
- CachingFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor<FEATURE, OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.CachingFeatureExtractor
- CachingFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor<FEATURE, OBJECT>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.CachingFeatureExtractor
Construct the cache
The given extractor will be used to
generate the features.
- CachingMultivariateGaussian - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution
A single multidimensional Gaussian.
- CachingMultivariateGaussian() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.CachingMultivariateGaussian
- CachingMultivariateGaussian(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.CachingMultivariateGaussian
Construct the Gaussian with the provided center and covariance
- CachingMultivariateGaussian(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.CachingMultivariateGaussian
Construct the Gaussian with the zero mean and unit variance
- calcParams(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class com.jsaragih.PDM
Calculate the PDM parameters
- calcShape2D(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class com.jsaragih.PDM
Calculate Shape 2D
- calculate(Map<K, A>, Map<K, A>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement.CohensKappaInterraterAgreement
The input should be a
for each rater where the keys represent
all the subjects that were rated by the raters and the values represent
the annotations given by the raters.
- calculate(List<Map<K, A>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement.FleissInterraterAgreement
Calculate Fleiss interrater agreement
- calculate(Map<K, A>, Map<K, A>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement.PercentageInterraterAgreement
The input should be a
for each rater where the keys represent
all the subjects that were rated by the raters and the values represent
the annotations given by the raters.
- calculateArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedAreaTable
Calculate the sum of pixels in the image used for constructing this SAT
within the rectangle defined by (x1,y1) [top-left coordinate] and (x2,y2)
[bottom- right coordinate]
- calculateArea(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedAreaTable
Calculate the sum of pixels in the image used for constructing this SAT
within the given rectangle
- calculateArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Calculate the area of this connected component in pixels.
- calculateArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- calculateArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- calculateArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
- calculateArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- calculateArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- calculateArea() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Shape
Calculate the area of the shape
- calculateArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- calculateArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.geo.WorldPlace
- calculateArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPlace
Calculates the area of the country
- calculateAreaRatio(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Calculate the ratio of the area of the given connected component to the
area of the connected component.
- calculateAreaRatio(Polygon) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Calculate the ratio of the area of the given polygon to the area of this
connected component.
- calculateAverageHeightWidth(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Calculate the height and width of a box surrounding the component by
averaging the distances of pixels above and below the centroid.
- calculateAverageHeightWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Calculate the height and width of a box surrounding the component by
averaging the distances of pixels above and below the centroid.
- calculateBasicMajorityVote(List<A>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement.MajorityVoting
Returns the basic majority vote or null if there is no majority within
the given list of annotations.
- calculateBasicMajorityVote(Map<String, List<A>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement.MajorityVoting
Calculated the majority vote for a set of subjects, where each subject
has a set of answers.
- calculateBinaryMask(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Returns an image where the connected component is masked in the image.
- calculateBoundaryDistanceFromCentre() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Calculates the distance from the centroid of every pixel on the
8-connected boundary of this component.
- calculateCentroid() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Calculate the centroid of the connected component.
- calculateCentroid() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
Calculate the centroid of the shape
- calculateCentroid() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- calculateCentroid() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- calculateCentroid() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- calculateCentroid() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- calculateCentroid() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Calculate the centroid of the polygon.
- calculateCentroid() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- calculateCentroid() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- calculateCentroid() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- calculateCentroidPixel() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Calculates the centroid pixel of the connected component.
- calculateConvexHull() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Calculates the convex hull polygon for this connected component using
Andrew's montone algorithm.
- calculateConvexHull() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Calculate the convex hull of the points using the Graham Scan algorithm.
- calculateConvexHull_AndrewsMontone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Calculate the convex hull using Andrew's monotone chain 2D convex hull
- calculateConvexHull_Melkman(List<Pixel>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Calculate convex hull using Melkman's algorithm.
- calculateConvexHullMelkman() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Calculate convex hull using Melkman's algorithm.
- calculateDeltaE(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.colour.CIEDE2000
Calculate the colour difference value between two colours in lab space.
- calculateDeltaE(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.colour.CIEDE2000
Calculate the colour difference value between two colours in lab space.
- calculateDeltaE(Float[], Float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.colour.CIEDE2000
Calculate the colour difference value between two colours in lab space.
- calculateDeltaE(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.colour.CIEDE2000
Calculate the colour difference value between two colours in lab space.
- calculateDensestSubgraph() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.graph.algorithm.CharikarDensestSubgraph
- calculateDensity(Graph<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.graph.algorithm.CharikarDensestSubgraph
Calculate the density of the graph as the
number of edges divided by the number of vertices
- calculateDirection() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Calculates the principle direction of the connected component.
- calculateDirection() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Calculates the principle direction of the connected component.
- calculateError() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.CameraCalibrationZhang
Compute the average per-pixel error (in pixels)
- calculateError(List<? extends IndependentPair<double[], Integer>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.SimplePerceptron
- calculateFirstMoment() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Treating the polygon as a continuous piecewise function, calculate
exactly the first moment.
- calculateHistograms(int[][], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalUniformBinaryPatternHistogram
Compute the histograms for the given pattern image, encoded with the
given number of bits.
- calculateHomography(Polygon) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic
Calculates the point pairing for a given distorted polygon into
orthogonal space.
- calculateHorizontalAngle() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Returns the angle (radians) this line makes with a horizontal line
- calculateHorizontalProjection() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Calculates a projection across the accumulator space.
- calculateHorizontalProjection(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Calculates a projection across the given accumulator space.
- calculateHue(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Calculate Hue in 0..1 range from a 3-band RGB MBFImage
- calculateIntensity(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Calculate intensity by averaging R, G, B planes.
- calculateIntensity(MBFImage, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Calculate Intensity image from an RGB or RGBA MBFImage with given
weightings for R, G and B
- calculateIntensityNTSC(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Calculate intensity by a weighted average of the R, G, B planes.
- calculateIntensityNTSC_LUT(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Calculate intensity by a weighted average of the R, G, B planes.
- calculateLBP(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.BasicLocalBinaryPattern
Calculate the LBP for every pixel in the image.
- calculateLBP(FImage, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.BasicLocalBinaryPattern
Calculate the basic LBP for a single point.
- calculateLBP(FImage, Pixel) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.BasicLocalBinaryPattern
Calculate the basic LBP for a single point.
- calculateLBP(FImage, float, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.ExtendedLocalBinaryPattern
Calculate the LBP for every pixel in the image.
- calculateLBP(FImage, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.ExtendedLocalBinaryPattern
Calculate the extended LBP for a single point.
- calculateLBP(FImage, float, int, Pixel) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.ExtendedLocalBinaryPattern
Calculate the extended LBP for a single point.
- calculateLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- calculateLength() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Path2d
Calculate the length of the path
- calculateLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Polyline
- calculateLTP(FImage, float, int, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
Calculate the LBP for every pixel in the image.
- calculateLTP(FImage, float, int, float, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
Calculate the LTP for a single point.
- calculateLTP(FImage, float, int, float, Pixel) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
Calculate the LTP for a single point.
- calculateMFCC(SampleBuffer) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.MFCC
Calculate the MFCCs for the given sample buffer.
- calculateMoment(int, int, double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Calculate the pq moment, μpq around the given centroid.
- calculateMoment(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Calculate the pq central moment, μpq for this region.
- calculateMomentNormalised(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Calculate the normalized, unscaled, central moments ηpq.
- calculateNormal(Point2d, PointList) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
Calculate the normal vector at a given vertex.
- calculateNormal(int, PointList) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
Calculate the normal vector at a given vertex id.
- calculateNormalLine(Point2d, PointList, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
Calculate a normal line for a given vertex.
- calculateNormalLine(int, PointList, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
Calculate a normal line for a given vertex.
- calculateOrientatedBoundingBox() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Calculates the polygon that defines the minimum bounding box that best
fits the connected component, at whatever angle that may be.
- calculateOrientatedBoundingBoxAspectRatio() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Compute the aspect ratio of the oriented bounding box.
- calculateOrientedBoundingBox() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
Calculate the oriented bounding box.
- calculateOverlapPercentage(Ellipse, Ellipse, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
The overlap of a pair of ellipses (doesn't give the same results as the
oxford implementation below, TODO: FIXME :)
- calculateOverlapPercentageOxford(Matrix, Matrix, Ellipse, Ellipse, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
This is how the original matlab found the difference between two
- calculateOverlappingEllipses() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
Find pairs of interest points whose ellipses overlap sufficiently and
calculate how much they overlap.
- calculateOverlappingEllipses(List<Ellipse>, List<Ellipse>, Matrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
- calculatePercentageConvexHullFit() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Calculate the ratio of the area of this component's convex hull to the
actual area of this connected component.
- calculatePerimeter() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- calculatePerimeter() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- calculatePerimeter() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
- calculatePerimeter() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- calculatePerimeter() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- calculatePerimeter() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Shape
Calculate the perimeter of the shape
- calculatePerimeter() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- calculatePosition(D) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.DataUnitsTransformer
For a given coordinate in the units of the data, will calculate
the render coordinates
- calculatePosition(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
For a given coordinate in the units of the data, will calculate
the render coordinates
- calculatePosition(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
Helper function to calulate the render position of a data unit
- calculatePosition(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- calculatePosition(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
For a given coordinate in the units of the data, will calculate
the render coordinates
- calculatePosition(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
- calculatePrevailingAngle() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Returns the most frequent angle that occurs within the accumulator
space by calculating a horizontal projection over the accumulator
space and returning the angle with the most votes.
- calculatePrevailingAngle(FImage, int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Returns the most frequent angle that occurs within the given accumulator
space by calculating a horizontal projection over the accumulator
space and returning the angle with the most votes.
- calculatePrevailingAngle(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Returns the most frequent angle that occurs within the given accumulator
space with a given range of angles (specified in degrees)
by calculating a horizontal projection over the given accumulator
space and returning the angle with the most votes.
- calculateProcess(AudioFormat, AudioFormat) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.AudioConverter
Calculates the chain of processors that will convert from one format to the
other and will return the first in the chain.
- calculateRegularBoundingBox() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Calculate the regular bounding box of the region by calculating the
maximum and minimum x and y coordinates of the pixels contained within
the region.
- calculateRegularBoundingBox() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
Compute the regular (oriented to the axes) bounding box of the shape.
- calculateRegularBoundingBox() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- calculateRegularBoundingBox() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Compute the regular (oriented to the axes) bounding box of the
- calculateRegularBoundingBox() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- calculateRegularBoundingBox() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- calculateRegularBoundingBox() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Compute the regular (oriented to the axes) bounding box of the polygon.
- calculateRegularBoundingBox() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- calculateRegularBoundingBox() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- calculateRegularBoundingBox() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- calculateRegularBoundingBoxAspectRatio() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Compute the aspect ratio of the regular bounding box.
- calculateROI() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.LuoTangSubjectRegion
- calculateSaturation(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Calculate Saturation image from a 3-band RGB MBFImage
- calculateSecondMoment() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Treating the polygon as a continuous piecewise function, calculate
exactly the second moment.
- calculateSecondMomentCentralised() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Treating the polygon as a continuous piecewise function, calculate
exactly the centralised second moment.
- calculateSignedArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Calculate the area of the polygon.
- calculateSqSumArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqAreaTable
Calculate the sum of squared pixels in the image used for constructing
this SAT within the rectangle defined by (x1,y1) [top-left coordinate]
and (x2,y2) [bottom- right coordinate]
- calculateSqSumArea(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqAreaTable
Calculate the sum of squared pixels in the image used for constructing
this SAT within the given rectangle
- calculateStability(IndexClusters, IndexClusters, TIntSet) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental.IncrementalSparseClusterer
- calculateStreamLength(ListDataset<List<SampleBuffer>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.benchmarking.AudioDatasetHelper
Calculate the length of the stream of samples that will come from the dataset.
- calculateSumArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqAreaTable
Calculate the sum of pixels in the image used for constructing this SAT
within the rectangle defined by (x1,y1) [top-left coordinate] and (x2,y2)
[bottom- right coordinate]
- calculateSumArea(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqAreaTable
Calculate the sum of pixels in the image used for constructing this SAT
within the given rectangle
- calculateThreshold(FImage, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.OtsuThreshold
Estimate the threshold for the given image.
- calculateThreshold(float[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.OtsuThreshold
Estimate the threshold for the given data.
- calculateThreshold(int[][], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- calculateThresholdAndVariance(float[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.OtsuThreshold
Estimate the threshold and inter-class variance for the given data.
- calculateTiltedSumArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqTiltAreaTable
Calculate the sum of pixels in the image used for constructing this SAT
within the 45 degree tilted rectangle.
- calculateTiltedSumArea(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqTiltAreaTable
Calculate the sum pixels in the image used for constructing this SAT
within the given 45-degree tilted rectangle.
- calculateUniformPatterns(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.UniformBinaryPattern
- calculateUnitsAt(U) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.DataUnitsTransformer
Calculates the data unit coordinate at the given render coordinates
- calculateUnitsAt(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
Calculates the data unit coordinate at the given render coordinates
- calculateUnitsAt(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- calculateUnitsAt(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
Calculates the data unit coordinate at the given render coordinates
- calculateUnitsAt(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
- calculateValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedByteValueAnimator
Calculates the value of the byte based on the start, end and current
- calculateValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedDoubleValueAnimator
Calculates the value of the double based on the start, end and current
- calculateValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedFloatValueAnimator
Calculates the value of the float based on the start, end and current
- calculateValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedIntegerValueAnimator
Calculates the value of the int based on the start, end and current
- calculateValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedLongValueAnimator
Calculates the value of the long based on the start, end and current
- calculateValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedShortValueAnimator
Calculates the value of the short based on the start, end and current
- calculateValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.TimeBasedValueAnimator
Given a percentage value (0 < pc <=1), the method should return a value
for the animation.
- calculateVerticalAngle() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Returns the angle (radians) this line makes with a vertical line
- calibrationMatrix - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
The camera calibration matrix
- call(Object) - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- callback(Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.FewEigenvalues
- Caltech101 - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets
The CalTech101 image dataset.
- Caltech101.Record<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets
A record in the Caltech 101 dataset.
- Camera - Class in org.openimaj.image.camera
A model of the extrinsic parameters of a pinhole (projective) camera
(translation in 3d space, and 3d rotation matrix), coupled with the camera's
intrinsic parameters.
- Camera() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.camera.Camera
- camera_serial() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_device_attributes
< Serial number of this device's camera subdevice
C type : const char*
- camera_serial(Pointer<Byte>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_device_attributes
< Serial number of this device's camera subdevice
C type : const char*
- CameraCalibration - Class in org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration
- CameraCalibration(List<List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.CameraCalibration
- CameraCalibrationZhang - Class in org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration
Implementation of Zhengyou Zhang's camera calibration routine using a planar
calibration pattern.
- CameraCalibrationZhang(List<List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.CameraCalibrationZhang
Calibrate a camera using Zhang's method based on the given model-image
point pairs across a number of images.
- CameraIntrinsics - Class in org.openimaj.image.camera
The intrinsic parameters of a camera (focal length in x and y; skew;
principal point in x and y; 3-term radial distorion; 2-term tangential
- CameraIntrinsics(Matrix, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Construct with the given matrix.
- cameraPosition - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
Object that provide the camera position over time
- CameraPositionProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.vis.general
- cameras - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.CameraCalibrationZhang
- CameraSelector - Class in org.openimaj.content.slideshow
Utility class for getting a preferred camera.
- CameraSelector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.CameraSelector
- cameraToWorld(int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Compute the world coordinates from the pixel location and registered
- cameraToWorld(int, int, int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Compute the world coordinates from the pixel location and registered
- cameraToWorld(int, int, int, double, float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Compute the world coordinates from the pixel location and registered
- cameraToWorld(FImage, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Compute the world coordinates from the pixel locations in the given
registered depth image.
- canConsume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.FacebookConsumer
- canConsume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurConsumer
- canConsume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.InstagramConsumer
- canConsume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.OwlyImageConsumer
- canConsume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TmblrPhotoConsumer
- canConsume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TwipleConsumer
- canConsume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TwitPicConsumer
- canConsume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TwitterPhotoConsumer
- canConsume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.YfrogConsumer
- canConsume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.SimpleHTMLScrapingConsumer
- canConsume(URL) - Method in interface org.openimaj.web.scraping.SiteSpecificConsumer
Determine whether the given URL can be handled by this consumer.
- candidateFinder - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityExactMatcherFactory.YagoEntityExactMatcher
made public so that you have access to the candidateFinder to setNGrams.
- canny - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
The canny edge detector to use for the SWT.
- CannyEdgeDetector - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.edges
Canny edge detector.
- CannyEdgeDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector
Default constructor.
- CannyEdgeDetector(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector
Construct with the give sigma.
- CannyEdgeDetector(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector
Construct with all parameters set manually.
- CannyEdgeDetector2 - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.edges
- CannyEdgeDetector2() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Default constructor
- canRead(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.reader.OneSecondClipReader
Returns true if the stream can be read, or false otherwise.
- canRead(FileObject, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset.FileObjectISReader
- canRead(InputStream, String) - Method in interface org.openimaj.io.InputStreamObjectReader
Returns true if the stream can be read, or false otherwise.
- canRead(InputStreamObjectReader<?>, BufferedInputStream, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
- canRead(ObjectReader<?, SRC>, SRC, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Test whether the data in the given source can be read by the given
- canRead(SOURCE, String) - Method in interface org.openimaj.io.ObjectReader
Returns true if the stream can be read, or false otherwise.
- capture() - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
- capture(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
- capturePImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
Given an initialised video capture, capture a PImage
- capturePImage(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
Given an initialised video capture, capture a PImage
- carrier - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer.FMOptions
The carrier signal
- cascade - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
- CascadeLearner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.classification.cascade
- CascadeLearner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.classification.cascade.CascadeLearner
- category - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.Record
The category in which the image was found
- category - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Category of content
- CatmullRomFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters
Catmull-Rom (Catrom) interpolation filter for the resample function
- CatmullRomFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.CatmullRomFilter
- CBIRMain - Class in org.openimaj.tools.cbir
Main tool entry point
- CBIRMain() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.CBIRMain
- cc - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LetterCandidate
- CCDetectedFace - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection
- CCDetectedFace() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CCDetectedFace
Default constructor.
- CCDetectedFace(Rectangle, FImage, ConnectedComponent, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CCDetectedFace
Construct with a bounds rectangle (the bounding box of the face in the
detection image),an image patch that describes the contents of the bounds
rectangle from the original image, and a
describing the shape of the detected face.
- ccl - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- centeredRotationMatrix(double, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Construct a rotation about the centre of the rectangle defined by width
and height (i.e.
- centre - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticKeyPoint
- centre - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- centreFrequency - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
The centre (peak) frequency of the filter
- centroid - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LetterCandidate
- CentroidRenderer<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render
Renders a connected component's centroid into the given image.
- CentroidRenderer(Image<T, ?>, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.CentroidRenderer
Default constructor that takes the image to draw into
and the colour to draw the centroid.
- CentroidRenderer(int, int, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.CentroidRenderer
Constructor that creates the image to draw into
and takes the colour to draw the centroid.
- centroids - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ByteCentroidsResult
The centroids of the clusters
- centroids - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.DoubleCentroidsResult
The centroids of the clusters
- centroids - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FeatureVectorCentroidsResult
The centroids of the clusters
- centroids - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FloatCentroidsResult
The centroids of the clusters
- centroids - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IntCentroidsResult
The centroids of the clusters
- centroids - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
The centroids of the clusters
- centroids - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.LongCentroidsResult
The centroids of the clusters
- centroids - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ShortCentroidsResult
The centroids of the clusters
- CENTROIDS_EXACT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans
Config option where for exact mode or not
- CENTROIDS_K - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans
Config option where for number of centroids K
- CENTROIDS_PATH - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans
Config option where for centroids path
- CentroidsProvider<DATATYPE> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
Interface for clusterers capable of providing the centroids
of the clusters.
- CFMatrixMultiplyBenchmark - Class in org.openimaj.ml.benchmark
- CFMatrixMultiplyBenchmark() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.benchmark.CFMatrixMultiplyBenchmark
- CFMatrixUtils - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix
Utility methods for dealing with the cognitive foundry Matrix
- CFMatrixUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- ch.akuhn.matrix - package ch.akuhn.matrix
- ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues - package ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues
- change - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.WikipediaEditsDataset.WikipediaEdit
The change ID
- changedCentroidCount - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans.Result
- changedCentroidCount - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans.Result
- changedCentroidCount - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans.Result
- changedCentroidCount - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans.Result
- changedCentroidCount - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans.Result
- changedCentroidCount - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans.Result
- changedCentroidCount - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans.Result
- ChangeDetectingEigenChooser - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
Attempts to automatically choose the number of eigen vectors based on the
relative gap between eigen values.
- ChangeDetectingEigenChooser(double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.ChangeDetectingEigenChooser
- changeTCPyramid(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- changeVideo(Video<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Change the video that is being displayed by this video display.
- CHANNEL_KEY - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc.BasicIRCStreamDataset
The IRC channel name key
- chapter() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
The chapter number
- Characteristic() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.FinderMode.Characteristic
- Characteristic(int, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.FinderMode.Characteristic
- Characteristic(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.FinderMode.Characteristic
- CharacteristicOctaveInterestPointFinder<T extends InterestPointData> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder
A characteristic octave interest point finder throws
away if two instances are similar.
- CharacteristicOctaveInterestPointFinder(MultiscaleInterestPointDetector<T>, IPDSelectionMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.CharacteristicOctaveInterestPointFinder
construct this finder with the detector and selection mode
- charAt(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.utils.threads.InterruptibleCharSequence
- CharikarDensestSubgraph<V,E> - Class in org.openimaj.math.graph.algorithm
Implementation of Charikar's greedy Densest-subgraph algorithm for
unweighted, undirected graphs.
- CharikarDensestSubgraph(UndirectedGraph<V, E>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.graph.algorithm.CharikarDensestSubgraph
Compute the densest subgraph of a graph.
- charPattern() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.PunctuationPatternProvider
- charset - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- check(int, FImage, Matrix) - Method in class com.jsaragih.MFCheck
Check the whether its actually a face
- check(double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.util.distance.DistanceCheck
Test the distance
- check(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.ModelDistanceCheck
- check(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.ThresholdDistanceCheck
- checkAccuracyComplexFFT_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckDoubleFFT
- checkAccuracyComplexFFT_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckFloatFFT
- checkAccuracyComplexFFT_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckDoubleFFT
- checkAccuracyComplexFFT_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckFloatFFT
- checkAccuracyComplexFFT_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckDoubleFFT
- checkAccuracyComplexFFT_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckFloatFFT
- checkAccuracyDCT_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.AccuracyCheckDoubleDCT
- checkAccuracyDCT_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.AccuracyCheckFloatDCT
- checkAccuracyDCT_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.AccuracyCheckDoubleDCT
- checkAccuracyDCT_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.AccuracyCheckFloatDCT
- checkAccuracyDCT_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.AccuracyCheckDoubleDCT
- checkAccuracyDCT_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.AccuracyCheckFloatDCT
- checkAccuracyDHT_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.AccuracyCheckDoubleDHT
- checkAccuracyDHT_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.AccuracyCheckFloatDHT
- checkAccuracyDHT_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.AccuracyCheckDoubleDHT
- checkAccuracyDHT_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.AccuracyCheckFloatDHT
- checkAccuracyDHT_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.AccuracyCheckDoubleDHT
- checkAccuracyDHT_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.AccuracyCheckFloatDHT
- checkAccuracyDST_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.AccuracyCheckDoubleDST
- checkAccuracyDST_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.AccuracyCheckFloatDST
- checkAccuracyDST_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.AccuracyCheckDoubleDST
- checkAccuracyDST_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.AccuracyCheckFloatDST
- checkAccuracyDST_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.AccuracyCheckDoubleDST
- checkAccuracyDST_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.AccuracyCheckFloatDST
- checkAccuracyRealFFT_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckDoubleFFT
- checkAccuracyRealFFT_1D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckFloatFFT
- checkAccuracyRealFFT_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckDoubleFFT
- checkAccuracyRealFFT_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckFloatFFT
- checkAccuracyRealFFT_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckDoubleFFT
- checkAccuracyRealFFT_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckFloatFFT
- checkForMatch(T, List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicMatcher
This searches through the keypoints in klist for the two closest matches to
- checkSameSize(Image<?, ?>...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Checks whether the width and height of all the given images match.
- checkSampleEquality - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- checkSampleEquality(String, HadoopFastKMeansOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.SampleEqualityChecker
- checkSampleEqualityThreshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- checkSingularity() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.VotingKeypointMatcher
- checkSize(int, int, Image<?, ?>...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Checks whether the width and height of all the given images match the
given width and height.
- checkSize(int, int, Iterable<? extends Image<?, ?>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Checks whether the width and height of all the given images match the
given width and height.
- checksum - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAMessage
- ChessboardCornerFinder - Class in org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration
This is a port/reworking of the OpenCV chessboard corner finder algorithm to
- ChessboardCornerFinder(int, int, ChessboardCornerFinder.Options...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.ChessboardCornerFinder
Construct with the given pattern size and options set.
- ChessboardCornerFinder.Options - Enum in org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration
Options for controlling how the corner finder works
- chessboardDetected() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.FastChessboardDetector
- chfit - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor
The ratio of the area of the component to the area of its convex hull
- children - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
sub contours
- children - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult.Node
Node children (if any)
- children - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult.Node
Node children (if any)
- children - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult.Node
Node children (if any)
- children - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult.Node
Node children (if any)
- children - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult.Node
Node children (if any)
- children - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult.Node
Node children (if any)
- children - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
The list of child nodes.
- choldowndate(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.UpdateableCholeskyDecomposition
- choldowndate(double[], boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.UpdateableCholeskyDecomposition
- choldowndate(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.UpdateableCholeskyDecomposition
Updates L such that the matrix A where:
A = LL*
A = A - xx*
- cholupdate(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.UpdateableCholeskyDecomposition
- cholupdate(double[], boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.UpdateableCholeskyDecomposition
- cholupdate(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.UpdateableCholeskyDecomposition
Updates L such that the matrix A where:
A = LL*
A = A + xx*
- chooseOptimalParameterisation(Matrix, double[]) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.Parameterisation
Choose the optimal parameterisation of F that preserves the rank-2
constraint by re-writing one of the rows as a weighted combination of
the other two.
- chooseSplit(byte[][], IntArrayView, int, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(byte[][], IntArrayView, int, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(byte[][], IntArrayView, int, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(byte[][], IntArrayView, int, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
- chooseSplit(byte[][], IntArrayView, int, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.SplitChooser
Choose the dimension and discriminant on which to split the data.
- chooseSplit(double[][], IntArrayView, int, double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(double[][], IntArrayView, int, double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(double[][], IntArrayView, int, double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(double[][], IntArrayView, int, double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
- chooseSplit(double[][], IntArrayView, int, double[], double[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.SplitChooser
Choose the dimension and discriminant on which to split the data.
- chooseSplit(float[][], IntArrayView, int, float[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(float[][], IntArrayView, int, float[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(float[][], IntArrayView, int, float[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(float[][], IntArrayView, int, float[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
- chooseSplit(float[][], IntArrayView, int, float[], float[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.SplitChooser
Choose the dimension and discriminant on which to split the data.
- chooseSplit(int[][], IntArrayView, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(int[][], IntArrayView, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(int[][], IntArrayView, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(int[][], IntArrayView, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
- chooseSplit(int[][], IntArrayView, int, int[], int[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.SplitChooser
Choose the dimension and discriminant on which to split the data.
- chooseSplit(long[][], IntArrayView, int, long[], long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(long[][], IntArrayView, int, long[], long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(long[][], IntArrayView, int, long[], long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(long[][], IntArrayView, int, long[], long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
- chooseSplit(long[][], IntArrayView, int, long[], long[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.SplitChooser
Choose the dimension and discriminant on which to split the data.
- chooseSplit(short[][], IntArrayView, int, short[], short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(short[][], IntArrayView, int, short[], short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.BasicMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(short[][], IntArrayView, int, short[], short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.BBFMedianSplit
- chooseSplit(short[][], IntArrayView, int, short[], short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
- chooseSplit(short[][], IntArrayView, int, short[], short[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.SplitChooser
Choose the dimension and discriminant on which to split the data.
- ChronologicalScrollingBarVisualisation3D - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
A chronological bar chart, where each time you add a data point, the visualisation is
moved along and another set of data is added to the 3D visualisation.
- ChronologicalScrollingBarVisualisation3D(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.ChronologicalScrollingBarVisualisation3D
Default constructor
- ChunkGetter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleAudio.ChunkGetter
- CIEDE2000 - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.colour
Implementation of the CIE 2000 colour difference equation,
and a
to calculate a colour disparity map between
two images.
- CIEDE2000() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.colour.CIEDE2000
- CIELab_TO_CIEXYZ(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert CIELab to CIEXYZ.
- CIELab_TO_RGB(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert CIE Lab to RGB.
- CIELabNormalised_TO_RGB(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert normalised CIE Lab to RGB.
- CIELUV_TO_CIEXYZ(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
- CIELUV_TO_RGB(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert CIE LUV to RGB.
- CIEXYZ_TO_CIELab(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert CIEXYZ to CIELab.
- CIEXYZ_TO_CIELab(MBFImage, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert CIEXYZ to CIELab.
- CIEXYZ_TO_CIELUV(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert CIEXYZ to CIELUV (CIE 1976) See
- CIEXYZ_TO_CIELUV(MBFImage, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert CIEXYZ to CIELUV (CIE 1976) See
- CIEXYZ_TO_RGB(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
CIE_XYZ color space transform to RGB.
- CIEXYZ_TO_RGB(MBFImage, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
CIE_XYZ color space transform to RGB.
- CIFAR100Dataset - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets
CIFAR-100 Dataset.
- CIFAR10Dataset - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets
CIFAR-10 Dataset.
- CIFARDataset - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets
Base class for CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, which both contain 32x32 pixel images.
- CIFARDataset() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.CIFARDataset
- CIFARExperimentFramework - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.cifarexps
- CIFARExperimentFramework() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.cifarexps.CIFARExperimentFramework
- Circle - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
A circle shape
- Circle(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
Construct a circle with the given position and radius
- Circle(Point2d, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
Construct a circle with the given position and radius
- Circle(Circle) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
Construct a circle with the given circle
- CircularInterestPointFeatureCollector - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector
Ignore the local shape of interest points, instead extracting a patch dependent on scale.
- CircularInterestPointFeatureCollector(InterestPointGradientFeatureExtractor) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.CircularInterestPointFeatureCollector
- CircularInterestPointKeypoint - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector
A keypoint with circular support
- CircularInterestPointKeypoint(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.CircularInterestPointKeypoint
Construct with a feature vector of the given length
- CircularInterestPointKeypoint(OrientedFeatureVector, InterestPointData) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.CircularInterestPointKeypoint
Construct with the given feature and circle
- circularSmooth(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.OrientationHistogramExtractor
Smooth the values in a circular buffer with a (1/3)[1,1,1] kernel.
- CitationAgent - Class in org.openimaj.citation
Java instrumentation agent for extracting references.
- CitationAgent() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.citation.CitationAgent
- CityLandscapeTree - Class in org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape
Originally written by Ajay Mehta for his third year project.
- CityLandscapeTree(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeTree
Default constructor that takes the two categories
to classifier between.
- CityLandscapeTree(String, String, InputStream, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeTree
Constructor that takes the two categories to classify between,
an input stream that points to a training set file and the size
of that training set.
- CityLandscapeUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape
Tool for building city/landscape classifiers
- CityLandscapeUtilities() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeUtilities
- clamp - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector.Configuration
Number of standard deviations from the mean face to allow in the
- clamp - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Number of standard deviations from the mean face to allow in the model
- ClassDef - Class in org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java
Represents the definition of an ontology class.
- ClassDef() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.ClassDef
- classFile() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector.BuiltInCascade
- ClassFinder - Class in org.openimaj.util.reflection
Utility methods for finding classes.
- ClassFinder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.reflection.ClassFinder
- ClassificationAnalyser<RESULT extends AnalysisResult,CLASS,OBJECT> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification
- ClassificationEvaluator<RESULT extends AnalysisResult,CLASS,OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification
Implementation of an
for the evaluation of classification
- ClassificationEvaluator(Classifier<CLASS, OBJECT>, Collection<OBJECT>, Map<OBJECT, Set<CLASS>>, ClassificationAnalyser<RESULT, CLASS, OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationEvaluator
- ClassificationEvaluator(Classifier<CLASS, OBJECT>, Map<OBJECT, Set<CLASS>>, ClassificationAnalyser<RESULT, CLASS, OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationEvaluator
- ClassificationEvaluator(Classifier<CLASS, OBJECT>, GroupedDataset<CLASS, ? extends ListDataset<OBJECT>, OBJECT>, ClassificationAnalyser<RESULT, CLASS, OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationEvaluator
- ClassificationEvaluator(Map<OBJECT, ClassificationResult<CLASS>>, Map<OBJECT, Set<CLASS>>, ClassificationAnalyser<RESULT, CLASS, OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationEvaluator
- ClassificationResult<CLASS> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification
- ClassificationResultUtils - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification
- classifier - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationEvaluator
- Classifier<CLASS,OBJECT> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification
Interface describing a classifier.
- Classifier - Interface in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar
Interface for an individual Haar-like classifier.
- classifier - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.HOGDetector
- classify(OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.Classifier
Classify an object.
- classify(SummedSqTiltAreaTable, float, int, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Classifier
Get the classification score for the window at (x, y) with the size
defined by scale.
- classify(SummedSqTiltAreaTable, float, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.HaarFeatureClassifier
- classify(SummedSqTiltAreaTable, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.StageTreeClassifier
Apply the classifier to the given image at the given position.
- classify(SummedSqTiltAreaTable, float, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.ValueClassifier
- classify(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.HOGClassifier
- classify(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AbstractAnnotator
- classify(float[], List<ObjectFloatPair<StumpClassifier>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.classification.boosting.AdaBoost
- classify(float[], List<ObjectFloatPair<StumpClassifier>>, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.classification.boosting.AdaBoost
- classify(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.classification.StumpClassifier
- classify(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.classification.StumpClassifier
- classify(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
Determine if two features are from the same class or different classes.
- classify(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector
Classify the language using a naive-bayes model
- classify(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.KNNCharacterClassifier
Classify the given image with the nearest neighbour classifier.
- classifyImage(FImage, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeTree
Classifies the given image.
- classifyImage(ArrayList<Double>, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeUtilities
Takes query vector to compare with integer k images from the training set
- classifyImage(T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.model.ImageClassificationModel
Classify the given image and return the corresponding probability map
- classifyImage(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.PatchClassificationModel
- classifyImage(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.PixelClassificationModel
- classifyPatch(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.HistogramPatchModel
- classifyPatch(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.PatchClassificationModel
Classify a patch, returning the probability of the central pixel
belonging to the class.
- classifyPixel(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.HistogramPixelModel
- classifyPixel(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.OrthotopePixelModel
- classifyPixel(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.PixelClassificationModel
- classifyPixel(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.SingleGaussianPixelModel
- ClassLoaderTransform - Class in org.openimaj.aop.classloader
provides an alternative to using a java agent to
perform byte-code manipulation by providing a classloader that will
automatically transform classes as they are loaded.
- ClassLoaderTransform() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.aop.classloader.ClassLoaderTransform
- classMap - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.svm.SVMAnnotator
Stores the mapping between the positive and negative class and the annotation
- ClassTransformer - Interface in org.openimaj.aop
An interface for objects capable of performing modifications
to a class before it's loaded.
- CLConvolve2D<I extends Image<?,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Simple 2D convolution.
- CLConvolve2D(CLContext, float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CLConvolve2D
Construct the convolution operator with the given kernel and OpenCL
- clean(Element, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Clean a node of all elements of type "tag".
- cleanConditionally(Element, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Clean an element of all tags of type "tag" if they look fishy.
- cleanHeaders(Element) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Clean out spurious headers from an Element.
- cleanStyles() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- cleanStyles(Element) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Remove the style attribute on every e and under.
- cleanup(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.DownloadMapper
- cleanup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureSelect.Map
- cleanup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.ImageFeatureSelect.Map
- cleanup(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, LongWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod.Map
- cleanup(Reducer<LongWritable, BytesWritable, LongWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod.TimeIndexReducer
- cleanup(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match.TokenRegexMapper
- cleanup() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DownloadBolt
- cleanup() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PrintBolt
- cleanup() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.bolt.PrintingBolt
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- clear() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- clear() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- clear(Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.Cache
Clear the cache entry for a given clazz and a set of constructors
- clear(Cachable) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.Cache
Clear the cache entry for a given cachable object
- clear() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.RunningStat
Reset the running stats
- clear() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Atomically removes all of the elements from this queue.
- clear() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- clearBeforeDraw - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Whether to clear the image before redrawing
- clearData() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
Clear the data list.
- clearData() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
- clearHistograms() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.DepthOfFieldEstimator
- clearIterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Remove the temporary objects created during iteration.
- Client(TProtocol) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- Client(TProtocol, TProtocol) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- CLImageAnalyser<I extends Image<?,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing
- CLImageAnalyser(CLProgram) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageAnalyser
Construct with the given OpenCL program
- CLImageAnalyser(String...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageAnalyser
Construct with the given OpenCL program source, given in
the form of
- CLImageAnalyser(URL) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageAnalyser
Construct with the program sourcecode at the given URL.
- CLImageAnalyser(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageAnalyser
Construct by reading the program source from a stream
- CLImageAnalyser(CLContext, CLProgram) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageAnalyser
Construct with the given OpenCL program
- CLImageAnalyser(CLContext, String...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageAnalyser
Construct with the given OpenCL program source, given in
the form of
- CLImageAnalyser(CLKernel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageAnalyser
Construct with the given OpenCL kernel
- CLImageAnalyser(CLContext, URL) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageAnalyser
Construct with the program sourcecode at the given URL.
- CLImageAnalyser(CLContext, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageAnalyser
Construct by reading the program source from a stream
- CLImageArithmetic - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing
Simple image arithmetic functions implemented using OpenCL.
- CLImageArithmetic() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Default constructor.
- CLImageArithmetic(CLContext) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Construct with the given context.
- CLImageConversion - Class in org.openimaj.image
Utility methods for converting between OpenIMAJ
s for GPGPU acceleration.
- CLImageProcessor<I extends Image<?,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing
- CLImageProcessor(CLProgram) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageProcessor
Construct with the given OpenCL program
- CLImageProcessor(String...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageProcessor
Construct with the given OpenCL program source, given in
the form of
- CLImageProcessor(URL) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageProcessor
Construct with the program sourcecode at the given URL.
- CLImageProcessor(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageProcessor
Construct by reading the program source from a stream
- CLImageProcessor(CLContext, CLProgram) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageProcessor
Construct with the given OpenCL program
- CLImageProcessor(CLContext, String...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageProcessor
Construct with the given OpenCL program source, given in
the form of
- CLImageProcessor(CLKernel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageProcessor
Construct with the given OpenCL kernel
- CLImageProcessor(CLContext, URL) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageProcessor
Construct with the program sourcecode at the given URL.
- CLImageProcessor(CLContext, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageProcessor
Construct by reading the program source from a stream
- clip(Float, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Sets any pixels that are below min
to zero or above
to the highest normal value that the image allows
(usually 1 for floating-point images).
- clip(Q, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Sets any pixels that are below min
to zero or above
to the highest normal value that the image allows
(usually 1 for floating-point images).
- clip(T, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Sets any pixels that are below min to zero or above max to the highest
normal value that the image allows (usually 1 for floating-point images).
- clip(T[], T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Sets any pixels that are below min
to zero or above
to the highest normal value that the image allows
(usually 1 for floating-point images).
- clip(Float[], Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- CLIP - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.PolygonUtils
- clipMax(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Set all values greater than the given value to the highest normal value
that the image allows (usually 1 for floating-point images).
- clipMax(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Set all values greater than the given value to the highest normal value
that the image allows (usually 1 for floating-point images).
- clipMax(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
For all bands, sets any values above the given threshold to zero.
- clipMax(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Set all values greater than the given value to the highest normal value
that the image allows (usually 1 for floating-point images).
- clipMax(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- clipMaxInplace(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- clipMin(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Set all values less than the given value to zero.
- clipMin(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Set all values less than the given value to zero.
- clipMin(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Sets all pixels in all bands that have a value below the given threshold
to zero.
- clipMin(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Set all values less than the given value to zero.
- clipMin(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- CLM - Class in com.jsaragih
Constrained Local Model
- CLM(PDM, Matrix, Matrix[], Matrix[], MPatch[][]) - Constructor for class com.jsaragih.CLM
Construct CLM
- clm - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector.Configuration
The constrained local model
- clm - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackedFace
The constrained local model
- clm - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackerVars
The constrained local model
- CLMAligner - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment
- CLMAligner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- CLMAligner(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- CLMAligner(int, CLMFaceDetector.Configuration) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- CLMDetectedFace - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection
A constrained local model detected face.
- CLMDetectedFace() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
- CLMDetectedFace(MultiTracker.TrackedFace, FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
- CLMDetectedFace(Rectangle, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Construct with the given bounds, shape and pose parameters and detection
- CLMDetectedFaceRenderer - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.util
- CLMDetectedFaceRenderer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.util.CLMDetectedFaceRenderer
Loads the triangles and connections used to render
- CLMFaceDetector - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection
Face detector based on a constrained local model.
- CLMFaceDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector
Default constructor
- CLMFaceDetector.Configuration - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection
Configuration for the face detector
- CLMFaceTracker - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm
CLM-based face tracker
- CLMFaceTracker() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Instantiates a tracker for tracking faces based on some default values
and models.
- CLMPoseFeature - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
A feature-vector that describes the pose of a face in 3D space in terms of
its pitch, yaw and roll.
- CLMPoseFeature() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseFeature
- CLMPoseFeature(DoubleFV) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseFeature
- CLMPoseFeature.Extractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- CLMPoseShapeFeature - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
A feature-vector that describes the pose and shape of a face.
- CLMPoseShapeFeature() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseShapeFeature
- CLMPoseShapeFeature(DoubleFV) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseShapeFeature
- CLMPoseShapeFeature.Extractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- CLMShapeFeature - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
A feature-vector that describes the shape of a face through a list of
eigen-weights on a point distribution model.
- CLMShapeFeature() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMShapeFeature
- CLMShapeFeature(DoubleFV) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMShapeFeature
- CLMShapeFeature.Extractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.AudioTimecode
Clone this timecode.
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.SpatialLocation
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
- clone() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.ComponentFeature
Create a clone of this feature
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.PixelsFeature
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ApproximateDenseSIFT
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticInterestPointData
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.HarrisIPD
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.HessianIPD
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointData
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.LaplaceIPD
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.QuadratureIPD
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.RidgeIPD
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Deep copy of an image (internal image buffers copied).
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Deep copy of an image (internal image buffers copied).
- clone() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.model.ImageClassificationModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.HistogramPatchModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.PatchClassificationModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.HistogramPixelModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.OrthotopePixelModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.PixelClassificationModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.SingleGaussianPixelModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Deep copy of an image (internal image buffers copied).
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Performs a deep copy on the connected component; that is, all pixels are
also cloned.
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BlockHistogramModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.HistogramModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
Deep copy of an image (internal image buffers copied).
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- clone() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Shape
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel3d
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel
Clone the model
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.NullModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.RigidTransformModel3d
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
- clone() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.EstimatableModel
Clone the model
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.GaussianVectorNaiveBayesModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.LeastSquaresLinearModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.UnivariateGaussianNaiveBayesModel
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.Histogram
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultidimensionalHistogram
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.gmm.GaussianMixtureModelEM
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.SimplePerceptron
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.regression.LinearRegression
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableImageOutput
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Clue
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- clone() - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.Timecode
Clone this timecode.
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
- clone(Class<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Clones the tweet to the given class.
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.data.Context
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoKeyframe
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.FrameNumberVideoTimecode
Clone this timecode.
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.HrsMinSecFrameTimecode
Clone this timecode.
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.VideoTimecode
Clone this timecode.
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureList
- clone() - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- close() - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftClient
- close() - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftSpout
- close() - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.UnreliableKestrelThriftSpout
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.AudioVideoSlide
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.PictureSlide
- close() - Method in interface org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slide
Close the current slide.
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.VideoSlide
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.combine.CombineSequenceFileRecordReader
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Close the underlying writer.
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Close the device.
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
Close the connection to the serial port.
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialReader
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
Close the connection to the turntable.
- Close - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology
Morphological closing of connected components and (assumed binary) FImages.
- Close(StructuringElement) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Close
Construct the close operator with the given structuring element
- Close() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Close
Construct the close operator with a BOX structuring element
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Close the polygon if it's not already closed
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalTweetSpout
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FeatureFile
close any connection to the underlying file
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.MemoryFeatureFile
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.StreamedFeatureFile
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.BlockingDroppingBufferedStream
Close the stream (make hasNext return false)
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Close the video object
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Close the video display.
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleAudio
Close the audio stream.
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Close the video object
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideoWriter
Close the video stream
- close() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
Closes the window and cleans up.
- closestPoint(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Find the closest point on the polygon to the given point
- CLSobel - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
OpenCL implementation of a 3x3 Sobel operator.
- CLSobel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CLSobel
Default Constructor
- CLSobel(CLContext) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CLSobel
Construct with context.
- Clue() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Clue
- cluster(DATA) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.DataClusterer
- cluster(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DistanceDBSCAN
- cluster(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DoubleNNDBSCAN
- cluster(DataSource<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DoubleNNDBSCAN
- cluster(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.SimilarityDBSCAN
- cluster(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental.IncrementalSparseClusterer
- cluster(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.DoubleKDTreeClusterer
- cluster(DataSource<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.DoubleKDTreeClusterer
- cluster(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<byte[]>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Initiate clustering with the given data and number of clusters.
- cluster(byte[][], ByteKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<byte[]>, ByteKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<byte[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
- cluster(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<double[]>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
Initiate clustering with the given data and number of clusters.
- cluster(double[][], DoubleKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<double[]>, DoubleKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
- cluster(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Perform clustering on the given data.
- cluster(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<T>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Initiate clustering with the given data and number of clusters.
- cluster(T[], FeatureVectorKMeans.Result<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<T>, FeatureVectorKMeans.Result<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
- cluster(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<float[]>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Initiate clustering with the given data and number of clusters.
- cluster(float[][], FloatKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<float[]>, FloatKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
- cluster(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<byte[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeans
- cluster(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeans
- cluster(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeans
- cluster(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeans
- cluster(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<long[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeans
- cluster(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<short[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeans
- cluster(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<int[]>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Initiate clustering with the given data and number of clusters.
- cluster(int[][], IntKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<int[]>, IntKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
- cluster(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<long[]>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Initiate clustering with the given data and number of clusters.
- cluster(long[][], LongKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<long[]>, LongKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<long[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
- cluster(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<short[]>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Initiate clustering with the given data and number of clusters.
- cluster(short[][], ShortKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<short[]>, ShortKMeans.Result) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Main clustering algorithm.
- cluster(DataSource<short[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
- cluster(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
- cluster(DataSource<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
- cluster(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.ClusterLimitedIntRAC
- cluster(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- cluster(DataSource<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- cluster(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomByteClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<byte[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomByteClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomClusterer
- cluster(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomDoubleClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomDoubleClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomFloatClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomFloatClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomIntClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomIntClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomLongClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<long[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomLongClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetByteClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<byte[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetByteClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetDoubleClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetDoubleClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetFloatClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetFloatClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetIntClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetIntClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetLongClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<long[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetLongClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetShortClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<short[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetShortClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomShortClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided data as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(DataSource<short[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomShortClusterer
Selects K elements from the provided
as the centroids of the clusters.
- cluster(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- cluster(DataSource<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- cluster(DATATYPE[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.SpatialClusterer
Perform clustering on the given data.
- cluster(DataSource<DATATYPE>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.SpatialClusterer
Perform clustering with data from a data source.
- cluster(List<SparseMatrix>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleMultiviewSpectralClustering
- cluster(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleSpectralClustering
- cluster(Eigenvalues) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.PreparedSpectralClustering
- Cluster - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- Cluster() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.Cluster
- CLUSTER_HEADER - Static variable in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.Clusters
The default cluster header
- ClusterAnalyser<T extends AnalysisResult> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
- ClusterAnalyserUtils - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
- ClusterAnalyserUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterAnalyserUtils
- clusterClass - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- clusterDistance(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DistanceDBSCAN
- clusterDistance(SparseMatrix) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.DistanceClusterer
- Clusterer<DATA> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.processor
Something which wraps the functionality of producing clusters
- ClusterEvalDataset - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.cluster
Reads datasets of items and cluster labels from the clustereval tool:
The general format of clustereval is:
item cluster_label*
- ClusterEvalDataset(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.cluster.ClusterEvalDataset
Read from this file location
- ClusterEvalDataset(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.cluster.ClusterEvalDataset
Load this file as a dataset
- ClusterEvalDataset(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.cluster.ClusterEvalDataset
Read the clusters from this stream
- ClusterEvaluator<D,T extends AnalysisResult> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster
- ClusterEvaluator(Clusterer<D>, D, int[][], ClusterAnalyser<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.ClusterEvaluator
- ClusterEvaluator(Clusterer<D>, D, Map<A, ? extends List<B>>, ClusterAnalyser<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.ClusterEvaluator
- ClusterEvaluator(Clusterer<D>, D, Function<B, Integer>, Map<A, ? extends List<B>>, ClusterAnalyser<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.ClusterEvaluator
- ClusterEvaluator(Clusterer<D>, Map<A, ? extends List<B>>, Function<List<B>, D>, ClusterAnalyser<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.ClusterEvaluator
- ClusterLimitedIntRAC - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac
Similar to
but explicitly specify the limit the number of
- ClusterLimitedIntRAC() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.ClusterLimitedIntRAC
Sets the expected number of clusters to 100 and radius to 128.
- ClusterLimitedIntRAC(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.ClusterLimitedIntRAC
Set the number of clusters to 100.
- ClusterLimitedIntRAC(int[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.ClusterLimitedIntRAC
Attempt to learn the threshold and uses this as an expected number of
- ClusterQuantiser - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
A tool for clustering and quantising local features.
- ClusterQuantiser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiser
- ClusterQuantiserOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
- ClusterQuantiserOptions(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
Construct with arguments
- ClusterQuantiserOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
Construct with defaults
- Clusters - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
Interface to represent the result of a clustering operation
- clusters - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
- clusters() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
Get the number of clusters.
- clusterSimilarity(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.SimilarityDBSCAN
- clusterSimilarity(SparseMatrix) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.SimilarityClusterer
- clusterSimilarity(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleSpectralClustering
- ClusterStatsAnalyser - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
Analysers extracts stats of the correct and estimated clusterings
- ClusterStatsAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterStatsAnalyser
- ClusterStatsAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
Counts some overall statistics of cluster evaluation such as min, max and average cluster length
- ClusterStatsAnalysis() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterStatsAnalysis
- ClusterTest - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- ClusterTest() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.ClusterTest
- ClusterTestDataLoader - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree
Load clusters from http://people.cs.nctu.edu.tw/~rsliang/dbscan/testdatagen.html
- ClusterTestDataLoader() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.ClusterTestDataLoader
- ClusterTestDataLoader(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.ClusterTestDataLoader
- ClusterTestDataLoader.TestStats - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree
Test details
- ClusterType - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
Different clustering algorithms
- ClusterType.ClusterTypeOp - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
- clusterTypeOp - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- ClusterTypeOp() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterType.ClusterTypeOp
- clz - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFeatureVectorAssigner
- clz - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- clz - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
The class from which to generate an instance of items held in the list
- cm - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.LocalFeatureMode.AbstractDoGSIFTModeOp
- CMAggregator<CLASS> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix
- CMAggregator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMAggregator
- CMAnalyser<OBJECT,CLASS> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix
- CMAnalyser(CMAnalyser.Strategy) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMAnalyser
Construct with the given strategy for building the confusion matrix
- CMAnalyser.Strategy - Enum in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix
Strategies for building confusion matrices
- CmdLineOptionsProvider - Interface in org.kohsuke.args4j
Interface for objects that have associated objects that can
provide args4j options and arguments.
- cmOp - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.LocalFeatureMode.AbstractDoGSIFTModeOp
- CMResult<CLASS> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix
Results of a confusion matrix analysis using the
- CMResult(ConfusionMatrix<CLASS>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMResult
Construct with a ConfusionMatrix
- code - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode.Aestheticode
The actual code
- code4(Pixel, Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
For the two pixels, determines the 4-connected chain code that will move
from the first pixel to the next.
- code8(Pixel, Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
For the two pixels, determines the 8-connected chain code that will move
from the first pixel to the next.
- codebook - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- CohensKappaInterraterAgreement - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement
Calculates the interrater agreement for a given dataset between two (and only
two) raters.
- CohensKappaInterraterAgreement() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement.CohensKappaInterraterAgreement
- coherentHistogram - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector.EdgeDirectionCoherenceHistogram
The coherent part of the histogram
- collectionByNames(String...) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- collectionByNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- CollectionComparisonTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature
This is a stand-alone tool that provides a means for comparing a
collection of images against each other.
- CollectionComparisonTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.CollectionComparisonTool
- CollectionSampler<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.util
Interface defining an object capable of sampling a collection.
- CollectionStream<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream
- CollectionStream(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.CollectionStream
Construct with the given collection.
- Collector<OCTAVE extends Octave<?,?,IMAGE>,FEATURE extends LocalFeature<?,?>,IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector
gathers all the local features from the interest points
detected in a single
- collector - Variable in class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalTweetSpout
- collector - Variable in class org.openimaj.storm.spout.SimpleSpout
- ColloquialismPatternProvider - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns
Common colloquial statments (e.g.
- ColloquialismPatternProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.ColloquialismPatternProvider
- colMean(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- colmodel - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor
- Colorfulness - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Implementation of Hasler and Susstruck's Colorfulness metric
- Colorfulness() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Colorfulness
- Colorfulness.ColorfulnessAttr - Enum in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Classes of colourfulness
- colour - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.AbstractRenderer
The colour the connected component will be written in
- COLOUR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Attribute for stroke colour.
- colour - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Stroke colour for drawing the associated text
- colour - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation.Bar
The colour of the bar
- colour - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation.ColouredDot
The colour of the dot
- colour - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineMarker
The colour of the marker
- COLOUR_MAP - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- ColourASIFT - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine
Colour Affine-simulated SIFT (CASIFT).
- ColourASIFT(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.ColourASIFT
- ColourASIFT(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.ColourASIFT
Construct the ASIFT extractor using the default parameters for the
, with the exception of the option to double the
size of the initial image which can be overridden.
- ColourASIFTEngine - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift
- ColourASIFTEngine() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ColourASIFTEngine
Construct using 5 tilt levels and no initial double-sizing.
- ColourASIFTEngine(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ColourASIFTEngine
Construct using 5 tilt levels with optional initial double-sizing.
- ColourASIFTEngine(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ColourASIFTEngine
Construct using given number of tilt levels with optional initial
- ColourASIFTEngine(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ColourASIFTEngine
Construct using 5 tilt levels and the given parameters for the internal
- ColourASIFTEngine(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<MBFImage>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ColourASIFTEngine
Construct using the given numbe of tilt levels and parameters for the
- colourAverage(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.HistogramModel
For a given index, get the average colour which would map to it
- ColourContrast - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Implementation of a color contrast feature.
- ColourContrast() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ColourContrast
- ColourContrast(float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ColourContrast
- ColourContrastExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
Colour contrast
- ColourContrastExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.ColourContrastExtractor
- ColourDenseSIFT - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift
Implementation of colour dense-sift.
- ColourDenseSIFT(DenseSIFT, ColourSpace) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- ColourDescriptor - Class in org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc
Descriptors based on the first-order statistics
of the colour of pixel values in an image.
- ColourDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor
Construct with no image.
- ColourDescriptor(MBFImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor
Construct with the given image.
- ColourDescriptor.ColourDescriptorType - Enum in org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc
The different types of statistic available.
- ColouredDot(double, Float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation.ColouredDot
- ColourFacesExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
Sandeep faces
- ColourFacesExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.ColourFacesExtractor
- ColourfulnessExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
- ColourfulnessExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.ColourfulnessExtractor
- ColourGradientFeatureExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor
Class capable of extracting local descriptors from a circular region in an
image defined by its scale and centre.
- ColourGradientFeatureExtractor(AbstractDominantOrientationExtractor, GradientFeatureProviderFactory) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.ColourGradientFeatureExtractor
Construct with the given orientation extractor and gradient feature
- ColourGradientFeatureExtractor(AbstractDominantOrientationExtractor, GradientFeatureProviderFactory, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.ColourGradientFeatureExtractor
Construct with the given orientation extractor, gradient feature provider
and magnification factor determining the size of the sampling region
relative to the scale of the interest point.
- ColourMap - Enum in org.openimaj.image.colour
Colour maps
- ColourMap.Mode - Enum in org.openimaj.image.colour
Colour map modes.
- ColourMap.Type - Enum in org.openimaj.image.colour
Types of colour map.
- colourRange(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.HistogramModel
For a given index, map to the range of colours which could map to it
- coloursFromMap(ColourMap, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Generate a range of colours from a
- ColourSpace - Enum in org.openimaj.image.colour
Different colour space types with conversion methods.
- colourSpace - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
The colour-space of this image
- colourSpace - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.KMColourSegmenter
- ColourSpaceAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.vis.animators
An animator that moves through a colour space from one colour to another.
- ColourSpaceAnimator(Float[], Float[], long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.animators.ColourSpaceAnimator
Construct the animator using the start and end colours and a duration (milliseconds)
- colourTemperatureCorrection(MBFImage, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Correct colour temperature using the method documented at Tanner Helland.
- colSparcity(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Compute the proportion of completely zero columns to columns with
non-zero values
- colSum(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each column of a 2d array
- colSum(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each column of a 2d array
- colSum(int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each column of a 2d array
- colSum(long[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each column of a 2d array
- colSum(byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each column of a 2d array
- colSum(short[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each column of a 2d array
- column(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Get the given column as a vector
- columnCount() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
- columnCount() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Get the number of columns
- columnCount() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- columnCount() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
- columnCount() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
- columnCount() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.JamaDenseMatrix
- columns() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- com.jsaragih - package com.jsaragih
- com.thebuzzmedia.exiftool - package com.thebuzzmedia.exiftool
- Combine() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans.Combine
- combine(TimeFrequencyHolder.TimeFrequency) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder.TimeFrequency
- combine(long, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder.TimeFrequency
- combine(TweetCountWordMap) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TweetCountWordMap
Add values from "that" to those in this if they exist, otherwise create the element
and start a new count
- combine(MBFImage, MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.colour.CIEDE2000
- combine() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.combiner.AccumulatingImageCombiner
Combine the accumulated images and produce the output.
- combine(I1, I2) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.combiner.ImageCombiner
Perform processing that combines the two images into
a single image.
- combine(FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.NonMaximumSuppression
Perform non-maximum suppression.
- combine(FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.NonMaximumSuppressionTangent
Perform non-maximum suppression.
- combine() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- combine(Histogram...) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.Histogram
Create a new histogram by concatenating this one with the given ones.
- combine(PatternProvider) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.ColloquialismPatternProvider
- combine(PatternProvider) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EmoticonPatternProvider
- combine(PatternProvider) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.PatternProvider
- combine(Context, String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.data.Context
Combine this
with another context by modifying any shared
keys of both contexts to be prefixed with the given prefixes and then
copying all the data from the given
into this one.
- combine(Stream<Context>, Stream<Context>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.combine.ContextStreamCombiner
Utility method to combine two streams.
- combine(Stream<A>, Stream<B>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.combine.StreamCombiner
- combine(Stream<? extends MetaPayload<AP, AM>>, Stream<? extends MetaPayload<BP, BM>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.MetaPayloadStreamCombiner
- combine(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.SequentialStreamAggregator
Called when a window of identical items needs to be combined
- CombinedMetaPayloadFunction<AIN,AOUT,BIN,BOUT,AM,BM> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream.window
Given a combined stream (i.e.
- CombinedMetaPayloadFunction(Function<MetaPayload<AIN, AM>, MetaPayload<AOUT, AM>>, Function<MetaPayload<BIN, BM>, MetaPayload<BOUT, BM>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.CombinedMetaPayloadFunction
- CombinedPatternProvider - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns
- CombinedPatternProvider(PatternProvider, PatternProvider) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.CombinedPatternProvider
- CombinedStreamFunction<AIN,AOUT,BIN,BOUT> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream.combine
Given a combined stream (i.e.
- CombinedStreamFunction(Function<AIN, AOUT>, Function<BIN, BOUT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.combine.CombinedStreamFunction
Construct with the given functions to apply to the first and second
elements of the pairs in the input stream respectively.
- combiner() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.Stage
- combiner() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
- CombineSequenceFileInputFormat<K,V> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.combine
- CombineSequenceFileInputFormat() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.combine.CombineSequenceFileInputFormat
- CombineSequenceFileRecordReader<K,V> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.combine
Proxy RecordReader that CombineFileRecordReader can instantiate, which itself
translates a CombineFileSplit into a FileSplit.
- CombineSequenceFileRecordReader(CombineFileSplit, TaskAttemptContext, Integer) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.combine.CombineSequenceFileRecordReader
- combineWith(ImageCombiner<I, OTHER, OUT>, OTHER) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- CombiShotDetector - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector
A shot detector that uses evidence from a number of shot detectors
to determine if a shot has been detected.
- CombiShotDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.CombiShotDetector
- CombiShotDetector(Video<MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.CombiShotDetector
Default constructor that takes the video to be processed
- ComboSimulation - Class in org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim
- ComboSimulation(int, Simulation...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.ComboSimulation
- comment - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.ClassDef
The description of the class from the RDF comment
- comment - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
The comment on this property
- comment - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.WikipediaEditsDataset.WikipediaEdit
The edit comment
- COMMENT_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.MetadataConfiguration
Standard key for a comment metadata item
- comments - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Number of users who "commented" this
- CommonHTMLConsumers - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
HTML based consumers for common sites
- Community - Interface in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
Community is a high-level concept that defines an online community and what
it consists of.
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Compact the space being used by the array if possible.
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Compact the space being used by the array if possible.
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Compact the space being used by the array if possible.
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Compact the space being used by the array if possible.
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Compact the space being used by the array if possible.
- compact() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Compact the space being used by the array if possible.
- compactness - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor
The compactness of the component.
- ComparableComparator<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in org.openimaj.util.comparator
- ComparableComparator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.comparator.ComparableComparator
- comparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
- comparator - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals.DistanceComparatorResidual
- comparator - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
- compare(ByteFV, ByteFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.ByteFVComparator
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(ByteFV, ByteFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.ByteFVComparison
- compare(byte[], byte[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.ByteFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(DoubleFV, DoubleFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(double[], double[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFVComparator
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(DoubleFV, DoubleFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFVComparison
- compare(double[], double[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(FloatFV, FloatFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(float[], float[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.FloatFVComparator
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(FloatFV, FloatFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.FloatFVComparison
- compare(float[], float[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.FloatFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(IntFV, IntFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(int[], int[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.IntFVComparator
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(IntFV, IntFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.IntFVComparison
- compare(int[], int[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.IntFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(LongFV, LongFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(long[], long[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.LongFVComparator
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(LongFV, LongFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.LongFVComparison
- compare(long[], long[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.LongFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(MultidimensionalByteFV, ByteFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(MultidimensionalDoubleFV, DoubleFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(MultidimensionalFloatFV, FloatFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(MultidimensionalIntFV, IntFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(MultidimensionalLongFV, LongFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(MultidimensionalShortFV, ShortFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(ShortFV, ShortFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
Compare this FV to another with the given method.
- compare(short[], short[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.ShortFVComparator
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(ShortFV, ShortFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.ShortFVComparison
- compare(short[], short[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.ShortFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of native arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(SparseByteFV, SparseByteFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFVComparison
- compare(SparseByteArray, SparseByteArray) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of sparse arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(SparseDoubleFV, SparseDoubleFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFVComparison
- compare(SparseDoubleArray, SparseDoubleArray) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of sparse arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(SparseFloatFV, SparseFloatFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFVComparison
- compare(SparseFloatArray, SparseFloatArray) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of sparse arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(SparseIntFV, SparseIntFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFVComparison
- compare(SparseIntArray, SparseIntArray) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of sparse arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(SparseLongFV, SparseLongFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFVComparison
- compare(SparseLongArray, SparseLongArray) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of sparse arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(SparseShortFV, SparseShortFV) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFVComparison
- compare(SparseShortArray, SparseShortArray) - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFVComparison
Compare two feature vectors in the form of sparse arrays,
returning a score or distance.
- compare(WritableComparable, WritableComparable) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.LSHGroupingComparator
- compare(BytesWritable, BytesWritable) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairKeyComparator
- compare(byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairKeyComparator
- compare(BytesWritable, BytesWritable) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairValueGroupingComparator
- compare(byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairValueGroupingComparator
- compare(BytesWritable, BytesWritable) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortKeyComparator
- compare(byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortKeyComparator
- compare(BytesWritable, BytesWritable) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortValueGroupingComparator
- compare(byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortValueGroupingComparator
- compare - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.HistogramPatchModel
- compare(FValuePixel, FValuePixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.FValuePixel.ReverseValueComparator
- compare(FValuePixel, FValuePixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.FValuePixel.ValueComparator
- compare(DoGSIFTFeature, DoGSIFTFeature) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.DoGSIFTFeatureComparator
- compare(T, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.FaceFVComparator
- compare(LtpDtFeature, LtpDtFeature) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.LtpDtFeatureComparator
- compare(LtpDtFeature, LtpDtFeature) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.ReversedLtpDtFeatureComparator
- compare(MultivariateGaussian, MultivariateGaussian) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.metrics.GaussianKLDivergence
- compare(MultivariateDistribution, MultivariateDistribution) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.metrics.SampledMultivariateDistanceComparator
- compare(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.ArrayIndexComparator
- compare(T, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.comparator.ComparableComparator
- compare(T, T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.comparator.DistanceComparator
Compare two objects, returning a score
or distance.
- compare(T, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.comparator.InverseComparableComparator
- compareTo(Item) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- compareTo(Kestrel.abort_args) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- compareTo(Kestrel.abort_result) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- compareTo(Kestrel.confirm_args) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- compareTo(Kestrel.confirm_result) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- compareTo(Kestrel.delete_queue_args) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- compareTo(Kestrel.delete_queue_result) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
- compareTo(Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
- compareTo(Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
- compareTo(Kestrel.flush_queue_args) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- compareTo(Kestrel.flush_queue_result) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
- compareTo(Kestrel.get_args) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- compareTo(Kestrel.get_result) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- compareTo(Kestrel.get_version_args) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
- compareTo(Kestrel.get_version_result) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- compareTo(Kestrel.peek_args) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- compareTo(Kestrel.peek_result) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- compareTo(Kestrel.put_args) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- compareTo(Kestrel.put_result) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- compareTo(QueueInfo) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- compareTo(HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.MapperOut) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.MapperOut
- compareTo(WordDFIDF) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.WordDFIDFValue
- compareTo(WordDFIDF) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDF
- compareTo(HoughCircles.WeightedCircle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughCircles.WeightedCircle
- compareTo(IPDRepeatability.ScoredPair<B, T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability.ScoredPair
- compareTo(ReadWriteableByte) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableByte
- compareTo(ReadWriteableDouble) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableDouble
- compareTo(ReadWriteableFloat) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableFloat
- compareTo(ReadWriteableInt) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableInt
- compareTo(ReadWriteableLong) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableLong
- compareTo(ReadWriteableShort) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableShort
- compareTo(ScoredAnnotation<ANNOTATION>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.ScoredAnnotation
- compareTo(Status) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- compareTo(Sequencer.SequencerEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer.SequencerEvent
- compareTo(VideoTimecode) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.FrameNumberVideoTimecode
- comparisonEvaluation(SetRetrievalEvaluator, SetRetrievalEvaluator, String, String) - Static method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.IREval
Compare two sets of retrieval results.
- compass - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
Compass angle in degrees
- Compass0() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CompassOperators.Compass0
Default constructor
- Compass135() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CompassOperators.Compass135
Default constructor
- Compass45() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CompassOperators.Compass45
Default constructor
- Compass90() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CompassOperators.Compass90
Default constructor
- CompassData - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.compass
A structure for storing compass data.
- CompassData() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
- CompassOperators - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Compass operators that are used by the Liu and Samarabandu
text extraction.
- CompassOperators() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CompassOperators
- CompassOperators.Compass0 - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
The Compass0 operator
- CompassOperators.Compass135 - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
The Compass135 operator
- CompassOperators.Compass45 - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
The Compass45 operator
- CompassOperators.Compass90 - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
The Compass90 operator
- CompassSerialReader - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.compass
This class is used to read data from the Ocean Server serial compass.
- CompassSerialReader(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassSerialReader
Constructor that takes the serial port name on which the compass is
putting its data.
- complete() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.AbstractValueAnimator
- complete() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearByteValueAnimator
- complete() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearDoubleValueAnimator
- complete() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearFloatValueAnimator
- complete() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearIntegerValueAnimator
- complete() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearLongValueAnimator
- complete() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearShortValueAnimator
- completeCentroids(String, String, HadoopFastKMeansOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans
Given the location of a binary dump of centroids on the HDFS, load the
binary dump and construct a proper
- Complex - Class in org.openimaj.math.util
Data structure for a complex number with real and imaginary parts.
- Complex() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.util.Complex
Create a complex number with real and imaginary parts set to 0.
- Complex(double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.util.Complex
Create a complex number with the specified real and
imaginary values.
- complexForward(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexForward(double[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexForward(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexForward(double[][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexForward(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexForward(double[][][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexForward(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexForward(float[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexForward(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexForward(float[][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexForward(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexForward(float[][][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(double[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(double[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(double[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(float[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- complexInverse(float[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of complex data leaving the result in
- ComplicatedNumberPatternProvider - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns
Regex for numbers with a decimal point or command separated.
- ComplicatedNumberPatternProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.ComplicatedNumberPatternProvider
- Component - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed
Represents a region or set of pixels (the name is based on the Microsoft
- Component(IntValuePixel, Class<? extends ComponentFeature>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
Default constructor.
- ComponentFeature - Interface in org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature
Interface for objects that represent the features of a region (Component)
Note: ALL classes implementing this interface MUST have a default constructor
with NO arguments.
- componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
- componentMap - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.YehSaliency
- componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
- componentPromoted(Component) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.event.ComponentStackMergeListener
Called when the given component c1 is upwardly promoted to
a higher intensity value.
- componentPromoted(Component) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.MergeTreeBuilder
Called when the given component c1 is upwardly promoted to
a higher intensity value.
- componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
- components - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler
- componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
- componentsMerged(Component, Component) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.event.ComponentStackMergeListener
Called when component c2 is merged into component c1.
- componentsMerged(Component, Component) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.MergeTreeBuilder
Called when component c2 is merged into component c1.
- ComponentStackMergeListener - Interface in org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.event
- ComponentUtils - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.gui
- ComponentUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.gui.ComponentUtils
- compressionType - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- CompressSimulation - Class in org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim
- CompressSimulation(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.CompressSimulation
- CompressSimulation(int, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.CompressSimulation
- computeBounds(List<LetterCandidate>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LetterCandidate
Compute the regular bounding rectangle of the given list of letter
- computeBrightness(MBFImage, FImage) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.global.AvgBrightness.Mode
Compute the average brightness of the given image (applying the mask
if it's not null
- computeCost(FImage, Point2d, PointList) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.FNormalLandmarkModel
- computeCost(FImage, Point2d, PointList) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.FPatchLandmarkModel
- computeCost(I, Point2d, PointList) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.LandmarkModel
Evaluate the cost function using the given image and point.
- computeCost(FImage, Line2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- computeCost(MBFImage, Line2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- computeCost(I, Line2d) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.PixelProfileModel
Compute the cost of a vector of samples extracted
along a line in the given image to the internal model.
- computeCovariance(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
Get the covariance of the data
- computeCovariance(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
Get the covariance of the data
- computeCovariance(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
Get the covariance of the data
- computeDistance(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
Compute the distance between two vectors using the underlying distance
comparison used by this class.
- computeDistance(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
Compute the distance between two vectors using the underlying distance
comparison used by this class.
- computeDistance(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
Compute the distance between two vectors using the underlying distance
comparison used by this class.
- computeDistance(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
Compute the distance between two vectors using the underlying distance
comparison used by this class.
- computeDistance(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
Compute the distance between two vectors using the underlying distance
comparison used by this class.
- computeDistance(short[], short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
Compute the distance between two vectors using the underlying distance
comparison used by this class.
- computeDistances(byte[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(byte[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteSDCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(double[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntDoublePair>, IntDoublePair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(double[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntDoublePair>, IntDoublePair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleSDCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(float[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(float[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatSDCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(byte[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(double[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntDoublePair>, IntDoublePair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(float[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(int[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(long[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntDoublePair>, IntDoublePair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(short[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(int[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(int[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntSDCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(long[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntDoublePair>, IntDoublePair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(long[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntDoublePair>, IntDoublePair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongSDCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(short[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
- computeDistances(short[], BoundedPriorityQueue<IntFloatPair>, IntFloatPair) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortSDCNearestNeighbours
- computeDTScore(List<? extends Pair<? extends Point2d>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency
- computeError(Matrix, List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyRefinement
Compute the error value being optimised between the two point sets.
- computeGradients(FImage, float, FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- computeHashCode(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.composition.PolyHashComposition
- computeHashCode(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.composition.RandomProjectionHashComposition
- computeHashCode(ByteFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the feature vector.
- computeHashCode(SparseByteArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse array.
- computeHashCode(SparseByteFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse feature vector.
- computeHashCode(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.BytePStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(SparseByteArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.BytePStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(DoubleFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the feature vector.
- computeHashCode(SparseDoubleArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse array.
- computeHashCode(SparseDoubleFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse feature vector.
- computeHashCode(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoublePStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(SparseDoubleArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoublePStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(FloatFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the feature vector.
- computeHashCode(SparseFloatArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse array.
- computeHashCode(SparseFloatFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse feature vector.
- computeHashCode(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(SparseFloatArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(IntFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the feature vector.
- computeHashCode(SparseIntArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse array.
- computeHashCode(SparseIntFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse feature vector.
- computeHashCode(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(SparseIntArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(LongFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the feature vector.
- computeHashCode(SparseLongArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse array.
- computeHashCode(SparseLongFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse feature vector.
- computeHashCode(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(SparseLongArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(ShortFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the feature vector.
- computeHashCode(SparseShortArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse array.
- computeHashCode(SparseShortFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHashFunction
Compute the hash code for the sparse feature vector.
- computeHashCode(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(SparseShortArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- computeHashCode(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.hash.composition.SimpleComposition
- computeHashCode(OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.hash.HashFunction
Compute the hash code for the object
- computeHashCode(O) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.hash.modifier.ModuloModifier
- computeHashCode(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.hash.StringMurmurHashFunction
- computeHistogram(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
- computeHistogram(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
- computeHistogram(Rectangle, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
Compute the histogram for the given window.
- computeHistogram(int, int, int, int, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
Compute the histogram for the given window.
- computeHistogram(int, int, FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
Compute the histogram for the given window.
- computeHistogram(Rectangle, Histogram) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
- computeHistogram(int, int, int, int, Histogram) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
- computeHistogram(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor
- computeHistogram(int, int, int, int, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor
- computeHistogram(int, int, FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor
- computeHistogram(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.SATWindowedExtractor
- computeHistogram(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.SATWindowedExtractor
- computeHistogram(int, int, int, int, Histogram) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.SATWindowedExtractor
- computeHistogram(Rectangle, Histogram) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.SATWindowedExtractor
- computeHistogram(Rectangle) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.WindowedHistogramExtractor
Compute the histogram for the given window.
- computeHistogram(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.WindowedHistogramExtractor
Compute the histogram for the given window.
- computeHistogram(Rectangle, Histogram) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.WindowedHistogramExtractor
- computeHistogram(int, int, int, int, Histogram) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.WindowedHistogramExtractor
- computeHomography() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.Camera
Compute the homography of this camera to the z=0 plane based on it's
parameters: H = KA, where A = [r1 r2 t] and r1 and r2 are the first and
second columns of the rotation matrix, and K is the calibration matrix.
- computeHyperplanePoint(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.SimplePerceptron
Compute NaN-coordinate of a point on the hyperplane given
- computeInitialFeasibleSolution() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.combinatorics.optimisation.HungarianAlgorithm
Compute an initial feasible solution by assigning zero labels to the
workers and by assigning to each job a label equal to the minimum cost
among its incident edges.
- computeIntensity(float[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourSpace
Compute the intensity of the given pixel in this colourspace.
- computeIntrinsicScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Calculate the intrinsic scale of the shape.
- computeLevels(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.SimplePyramid
compute the number of levels such that the minimum size is at least 8.
- computeLikelihood(Document, LDAVariationlState) - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDALearner
Calculates a lower bound for the log liklihood of a document given
current parameters.
- ComputeLSHDistribution - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing
- ComputeLSHDistribution() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.ComputeLSHDistribution
- computeMahalanobis(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
Compute the Mahalanobis distance of the given vector to the internal
- computeMahalanobis(FImage, Line2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
Compute the Mahalanobis distance of a vector of samples extracted along a
line in the given image to the internal model.
- computeMahalanobis(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
Compute the Mahalanobis distance of the given vector to the internal
- computeMahalanobis(MBFImage, Line2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
Compute the Mahalanobis distance of a vector of samples extracted along a
line in the given image to the internal model.
- computeMahalanobisWindowed(FImage, Line2d, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
Extract numSamples samples from the line in the image and then compare
this model at each overlapping position starting from the first sample at
the beginning of the line.
- computeMahalanobisWindowed(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
Compare this model at each overlapping position of the given vector
starting from the first sample and return the distance for each overlap.
- computeMahalanobisWindowed(MBFImage, Line2d, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
Extract numSamples samples from the line in the image and then compare
this model at each overlapping position starting from the first sample at
the beginning of the line.
- computeMahalanobisWindowed(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
Compare this model at each overlapping position of the given vector
starting from the first sample and return the distance for each overlap.
- computeMatchScore(FImage, FImage, int, int, Object) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher.Mode
Compute the matching score between the image and template, with the top-left of the
template at (x, y) in the image.
- computeMatchScore(float[][], int, int, float[][], int, int, int, int) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher.Mode
Compute the matching score between the image and template, with the top-left of the
template at (x, y) in the image.
- computeMean(Collection<PointList>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- computeMean(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
Get the mean of the data
- computeMean(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
Get the mean of the data
- computeMean(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
Get the mean of the data
- computeMeanShift(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.meanshift.ExactMeanShift
- computeMovementDistance(FImage, Line2d, int, Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- computeMovementDistance(MBFImage, Line2d, int, Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- computeMovementDistance(I, Line2d, int, Point2d) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.PixelProfileModel
Compute the distance between the centre of the given
line and the given point, normalised as a function of
the length of the sampling line.
- computeNewBest(FImage, Line2d, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- computeNewBest(MBFImage, Line2d, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- computeNewBest(I, Line2d, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.PixelProfileModel
Extract numSamples samples from the line in the image and
then compare this model at each overlapping position starting
from the first sample at the beginning of the line.
- computeNumberOfSamplingBlocks() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
Compute the number of sampling blocks that are used for every filter.
- computeProcrustesDistance(PointList, PointList) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ProcrustesAnalysis
Compute the Procrustes Distance between two
- computeQuantisedFeatures(HardAssigner<T, ?, ?>, List<? extends LocalFeature<L, ? extends ArrayFeatureVector<T>>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.BagOfVisualWords
Utility method to construct a list of quantised local features (local
features with visual word assignments) from a list of features and a
- computeResidual(IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel.EpipolarResidual
- computeResidual(IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel.Fundamental8PtResidual
- computeResidual(IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel.SampsonGeometricResidual
- computeResidual(IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.AlgebraicResidual2d
- computeResidual(IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.SingleImageTransferResidual2d
- computeResidual(IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.SymmetricTransferResidual2d
- computeResidual(IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.TransformedSITR2d
- computeResidual(IndependentPair<I, D>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals.DistanceComparatorResidual
- computeResidual(IndependentPair<I, D>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals.ResidualCalculator
Compute the residual for a single point
- computeResiduals(List<? extends IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>>, double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.AlgebraicResidual2d
- computeResiduals(List<? extends IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>>, double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.SingleImageTransferResidual2d
- computeResiduals(List<? extends IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>>, double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.SymmetricTransferResidual2d
- computeResiduals(List<? extends IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>>, double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.TransformedSITR2d
- computeResiduals(List<? extends IndependentPair<I, D>>, double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals.AbstractResidualCalculator
- computeResiduals(List<? extends IndependentPair<I, D>>, double[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals.ResidualCalculator
Compute the residual for a set of data points
- computeResponse(SummedSqTiltAreaTable, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.HaarFeature
Compute the response of this feature at the given location.
- computeRotSqSumIntegralImages(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqTiltAreaTable
- computeSATs(FImage[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.SATWindowedExtractor
- computeScale(PointList, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ProcrustesAnalysis
- computeScalingFactor() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Compute the scaling factor for computing world coordinates.
- computeScore(float[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalByteHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
- computeScore(double[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalDoubleHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
- computeScore(float[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalFloatHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
- computeScore(float[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalIntHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
- computeScore(double[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalLongHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
- computeScore(float[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalShortHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
- computeSqSumIntegralImages(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqTiltAreaTable
- computeStatistics() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.AggregatedCMResult
Compute the current aggregate statistics of the
accumulated results.
- computeSuppressed(FImage, FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.NonMaximumSuppression
Perform non-maximum suppression.
- computeSuppressed(FImage, FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.NonMaximumSuppressionTangent
Perform non-maximum suppression.
- computeSuppressed(FImage, FImage, FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.NonMaximumSuppressionTangent
Perform non-maximum suppression.
- computeTable(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedAreaTable
- computeTable(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqAreaTable
- computeThresholdAndVarianceFromHistogram(int[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.OtsuThreshold
Estimate the threshold and inter-class variance for the given histogram.
- computeThresholdFromHistogram(int[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.OtsuThreshold
Estimate the threshold for the given histogram.
- computeTriangulationInfo(List<? extends Pair<? extends Point2d>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency
- computeVoronoiEdges(List<? extends Point2d>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.triangulation.Voronoi
Compute the Voronoi diagram as a list of its edges
- computeVoronoiEdges(List<? extends Point2d>, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.triangulation.Voronoi
Compute the Voronoi diagram as a list of its edges
- computeVoronoiGraph(List<? extends Point2d>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.triangulation.Voronoi
Compute the Voronoi diagram as a graph of its vertices
- computeVoronoiGraph(List<? extends Point2d>, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.triangulation.Voronoi
Compute the Voronoi diagram as a graph of its vertices
- computeWeightedLogProb(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
- comxmlns.foaf._0 - package comxmlns.foaf._0
- Concatenatable<IN,OUT> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.concatenate
Interface for objects that can be concatenated together to form a new object.
- concatenate(ByteFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- concatenate(List<ByteFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- concatenate(DoubleFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- concatenate(List<DoubleFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- concatenate(FloatFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- concatenate(List<FloatFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- concatenate(IntFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- concatenate(List<IntFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- concatenate(LongFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- concatenate(List<LongFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- concatenate(ShortFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- concatenate(List<ShortFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- concatenate(SparseByteFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- concatenate(List<SparseByteFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- concatenate(SparseDoubleFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- concatenate(List<SparseDoubleFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- concatenate(SparseFloatFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- concatenate(List<SparseFloatFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- concatenate(SparseIntFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- concatenate(List<SparseIntFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- concatenate(SparseLongFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- concatenate(List<SparseLongFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- concatenate(SparseShortFV...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- concatenate(List<SparseShortFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- concatenate(T[]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(double[]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(float[]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(int[]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(long[]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(byte[]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(short[]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(double[][]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(float[][]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(int[][]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(long[][]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(byte[][]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(short[][]...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenate(SparseByteArray...) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- concatenate(List<SparseByteArray>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- concatenate(SparseDoubleArray...) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- concatenate(List<SparseDoubleArray>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- concatenate(SparseFloatArray...) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- concatenate(List<SparseFloatArray>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- concatenate(SparseIntArray...) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- concatenate(List<SparseIntArray>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- concatenate(SparseLongArray...) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- concatenate(List<SparseLongArray>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- concatenate(SparseShortArray...) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- concatenate(List<SparseShortArray>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- concatenate(IN...) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concatenate.Concatenatable
Concatenate all the inputs with this, returning a new object that is the
result of the concatenation.
- concatenate(List<IN>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concatenate.Concatenatable
Concatenate all the inputs with this, returning a new object that is the
result of the concatenation.
- concatenateArrays(SparseByteArray...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenateArrays(SparseDoubleArray...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenateArrays(SparseFloatArray...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenateArrays(SparseIntArray...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenateArrays(SparseLongArray...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- concatenateArrays(SparseShortArray...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Concatenate multiple arrays into a single new array.
- ConcatenatedIterable<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.iterator
- ConcatenatedIterable(Iterable<T>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.iterator.ConcatenatedIterable
- ConcatenatedIterable(Collection<? extends Iterable<T>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.iterator.ConcatenatedIterable
- ConcatenatedIterable(Iterator<T>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.iterator.ConcatenatedIterable
- ConcatenatedList<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.list
A read-only
view built on top of a list of underlying lists.
- ConcatenatedList(List<List<T>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.list.ConcatenatedList
Construct with the given list of lists.
- ConcatenatedList(List<T>, List<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.list.ConcatenatedList
Construct with the given lists.
- ConcatenatedList(List<T>, List<T>, List<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.list.ConcatenatedList
Construct with the given lists.
- ConcatenatedList(List<T>, List<T>, List<T>, List<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.list.ConcatenatedList
Construct with the given lists.
- ConcreteOctaveLocalFeatureCollector<OCTAVE extends Octave<?,?,IMAGE>,FE extends FeatureVectorExtractor<?,ScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties<IMAGE>>,IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector
- ConcreteOctaveLocalFeatureCollector(FE) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.ConcreteOctaveLocalFeatureCollector
Construct with the given feature extractor.
- ConcreteTimeSeries<DATA,TS extends ConcreteTimeSeries<DATA,TS>> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series
A generic though inefficient time series which can be used by any data type.
- ConcreteTimeSeries() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
Initialise the backing treemap
- concurrency - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- ConcurrencyUtils - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.utils
Concurrency utilities.
- conf - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleSpectralClustering
- conf - Variable in class org.openimaj.storm.spout.SimpleSpout
- confidence - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
The confidence of the detection; higher numbers mean higher confidence.
- confidence - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.ScoredAnnotation
The confidence of the annotation
- confidence - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector.WeightedLocale
Naive bayesian probability
- config - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- config - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- config - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterSearchDataset
- config - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
The axis configuration
- ConfigurableRendererMono - Class in org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render
This renderer encapsulates various other renderers in an easy to
configure class, allowing multiple renderers to be called in one go.
- ConfigurableRendererMono(EnumSet<ConfigurableRenderOptions>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererMono
Protected constructor that takes a set of options to draw.
- ConfigurableRendererMono(FImage, EnumSet<ConfigurableRenderOptions>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererMono
Constructor that takes an image to draw into and a set of options to draw.
- ConfigurableRendererMono(int, int, EnumSet<ConfigurableRenderOptions>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererMono
Constructor that creates an image to draw into and takes a set of options
to draw.
- ConfigurableRendererRGB - Class in org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render
This renderer encapsulates various other renderers in an easy to
configure class, allowing multiple renderers to be called in one go.
- ConfigurableRendererRGB(EnumSet<ConfigurableRenderOptions>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererRGB
Protected constructor that takes a set of options to draw.
- ConfigurableRendererRGB(MBFImage, EnumSet<ConfigurableRenderOptions>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererRGB
Constructor that takes an image to draw into and a set of options to draw.
- ConfigurableRendererRGB(int, int, EnumSet<ConfigurableRenderOptions>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererRGB
Constructor that creates an image to draw into and takes a set of options
to draw.
- ConfigurableRenderOptions - Enum in org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render
- Configuration() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector.Configuration
Construct with the default model parameters
- confirm(String, Set<Long>) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftClient
- confirm(String, Set<Long>, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.confirm_call>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient
- confirm(String, Set<Long>, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.confirm_call>) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncIface
- confirm(String, Set<Long>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- confirm(String, Set<Long>) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Iface
- confirm_args() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- confirm_args(String, Set<Long>) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- confirm_args(Kestrel.confirm_args) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- confirm_call(String, Set<Long>, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.confirm_call>, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.confirm_call
- confirm_result() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- confirm_result(int) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- confirm_result(Kestrel.confirm_result) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- ConnectedComponent - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel
This class represents a connected region within an image and provides methods
for accessing and manipulating that region.
- ConnectedComponent() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Default constructor.
- ConnectedComponent(Shape) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Construct a new connected component from the given shape.
- ConnectedComponent(Polygon) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Construct a new connected component from the given polygon.
- ConnectedComponent(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
- ConnectedComponent(int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Constructs a connected component from a mask image.
- ConnectedComponent(FImage, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Constructs a connected component from a mask image.
- ConnectedComponent(Set<Pixel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Construct a connected component from the given set of
- ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode - Enum in org.openimaj.image.pixel
For boundary representations of
s, this enum
determines and specifies how the boundary is calculated; either using a
4-connected rule, or an 8-connected rule.
- ConnectedComponentLabeler - Class in org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent
A connected component labeler.
- ConnectedComponentLabeler(ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler
- ConnectedComponentLabeler(ConnectedComponentLabeler.Algorithm, ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler
- ConnectedComponentLabeler(ConnectedComponentLabeler.Algorithm, float, ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler
- ConnectedComponentLabeler.Algorithm - Enum in org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent
- ConnectedComponentProcessor - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent
- ConnectedComponents - Class in org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes
- ConnectedComponents() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.ConnectedComponents
- connectedDevices() - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Get the number of connected devices.
- ConnectedThresholdSegmenter - Class in org.openimaj.image.segmentation
Simple wrapper to make thresholding algorithms into
s by
applying the thresholding operation and then applying connected component
- ConnectedThresholdSegmenter(Processor<FImage>, ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.ConnectedThresholdSegmenter
Construct with the given thresholding algorithm implementation and
connection mode.
- ConnectedThresholdSegmenter(Processor<FImage>, ConnectedComponentLabeler.Algorithm, ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.ConnectedThresholdSegmenter
Construct with the given thresholding algorithm implementation.
- connections - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector.Configuration
The face connections
- connections - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
The face connections
- connectNewBolt(TopologyBuilder) - Static method in class org.openimaj.storm.StormPlayground.JoinBolt
- ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d<T extends LocalFeature<?,?> & Point2d> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent
Object to attempt to find a consistent geometric mapping of two sets of local
features according to a given model.
- ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d(LocalFeatureMatcher<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d
Default constructor
- ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d(LocalFeatureMatcher<T>, RobustModelFitting<Point2d, Point2d, ?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d
Default constructor
- consistentMatches - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d
- ConsoleMetaMapper - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.metamapper
- ConsoleMetaMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.metamapper.ConsoleMetaMapper
- const_shift() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
- const_shift(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
- ConstrainedFloatAssigner<DATATYPE> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard
An assigner that wraps another hard assigner and only produces valid
assignments if the closest cluster is within (or outside) of a given
threshold distance.
- ConstrainedFloatAssigner(HardAssigner<DATATYPE, float[], IntFloatPair>, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ConstrainedFloatAssigner
Construct the ConstrainedFloatAssigner with the given assigner and
- ConstrainedFloatAssigner(HardAssigner<DATATYPE, float[], IntFloatPair>, float, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ConstrainedFloatAssigner
Construct the ConstrainedFloatAssigner with the given assigner and
- constraint - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
- construct(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc.AbstractIRCStreamDataset
Called by PircBot.onMessage(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
- construct(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc.BasicIRCStreamDataset
- construct(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.WikipediaEditsDataset
- constructCollector(InterestPointGradientFeatureExtractor) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.AbstractIPDSIFTEngine
- constructCollector(InterestPointGradientFeatureExtractor) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.EllipticIPDSIFTEngine
- constructCollector(InterestPointGradientFeatureExtractor) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.IPDSIFTEngine
- constructEngine(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.ASIFT
An engine which can process images of type and output keypoints
- constructEngine(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.BasicASIFT
- constructEngine(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.ColourASIFT
- constructIndexPath(Path) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod
- constructPQ(String, Model) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.utils.PQUtils
Construct a ParameterizedSparqlString
- constructSlices(List<List<Pixel>>, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.AbstractLtpDtFeature
- constructTopology() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tool.StormToolOptions
- consume(Status) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer
- consume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.HTMLScrapingSiteSpecificConsumer
- consume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.FacebookConsumer
- consume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurConsumer
- consume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.InstagramConsumer
- consume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.OwlyImageConsumer
- consume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TmblrPhotoConsumer
- consume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TwitPicConsumer
- consume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TwitterPhotoConsumer
- consume(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.YfrogConsumer
- consume(URL) - Method in interface org.openimaj.web.scraping.SiteSpecificConsumer
Get the data urls at the given URL.
- consumed - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
Number of bytes read
- consumed() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
Get the number of records consumed so far
- consumeFrequency(float[], float[], int, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.FrequencyAudioSource.Listener
Called when new frequency data is available.
- consumerKey - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.TwitterAPIToken
The consumer key
- consumerSecret - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.TwitterAPIToken
The consumer secret
- container - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
- Container - Interface in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
An area in which content Items are contained.
- container_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
An Item that this Container contains.
- ContainerImpl - Class in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
An area in which content Items are contained.
- ContainerImpl() - Constructor for class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- contains(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- contains(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Returns true if this queue contains the specified element.
- contains(Object) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concurrent.BlockingDroppingQueue
Returns true if this queue contains the specified element.
- contains(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- contains(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- contains(KEY) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.KeyedParameters
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- containsCategoryDepiction - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.Response
Whether the image contains a depicition of the category subject
- containsInfinity(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- containsNaN(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- containsNaN(Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- containsNaN() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- containsValid(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionConfig
- containsValid(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionConfig
- ContectedComponentSimilarityClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan
Cluster based on connected components.
- ContectedComponentSimilarityClusterer(double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.ContectedComponentSimilarityClusterer
- content - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
The content of the Item in plain text format.
- content_encoded - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
The encoded content of the Post, contained in CDATA areas.
- CONTENT_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.MetadataConfiguration
Standard key for a storing an indicator of the mime-type of the value
- CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
- context - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageAnalyser
- context - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageProcessor
- context - Variable in class org.openimaj.storm.spout.SimpleSpout
- Context - Class in org.openimaj.util.data
A Context is a
which can give typed elements and can fail
gracefully when elements don't exist.
- Context() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.data.Context
Default constructor to make an empty
- Context(Object...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.data.Context
A conveniance function where nameval.length % 2 is assumed to == 0 and
nameval contains pairs of "key" : value instances
- Context(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.data.Context
- ContextAdaptor<ADAPTED,IN,OUT> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function.context
Base class that holds the elements required to adapt something (i.e.
- ContextAdaptor(ADAPTED, ContextExtractor<IN>, ContextInsertor<OUT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextAdaptor
Construct with the given options.
- ContextAdaptor(ADAPTED, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextAdaptor
Construct with the given object to adapt.
- ContextAwareInitStrategy<INDEPENDANT,DEPENDANT> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
is told the learner it is initialising against
and the current INDEPENDANT and DEPENDANT variables at init time.
- ContextExtractor<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.function.context
Given a context, extract an element of type T.
- ContextFunctionAdaptor<IN,OUT> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function.context
An adaptor that allows a
to be applied to a single element
of a
, and store its output in a (potentially) different slot
of the
- ContextFunctionAdaptor(Function<IN, OUT>, ContextExtractor<IN>, ContextInsertor<OUT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextFunctionAdaptor
- ContextFunctionAdaptor(Function<IN, OUT>, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextFunctionAdaptor
that reads data from a given
key, applies a function and sets the result in a different key.
- ContextFunctionAdaptor(String, Function<IN, OUT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextFunctionAdaptor
that reads data from a given
key, applies a function and sets the result with the same key.
- ContextGenerator<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function.context
Generate a context stream from a stream of other objects.
- ContextGenerator(ContextInsertor<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextGenerator
Construct with the given insertor.
- ContextGenerator(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextGenerator
- ContextInsertor<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.function.context
Given a context, insert an object of type T
- ContextListFilter<IN> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function.context
Filter a list of items belonging to a single
entry using a
- ContextListFilter(Predicate<IN>, ContextExtractor<List<IN>>, ContextInsertor<List<IN>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListFilter
Construct with the given options.
- ContextListFilter(Predicate<IN>, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListFilter
Construct with the given predicate.
- ContextListFilter(Predicate<IN>, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListFilter
Construct with the given predicate.
- ContextListFunction<IN,OUT> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function.context
Apply a
to a list held within a single element of a
, writing the resultant list back to the
potentially with a different key.
- ContextListFunction(Function<IN, OUT>, ContextExtractor<List<IN>>, ContextInsertor<List<OUT>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListFunction
Construct with the given options.
- ContextListFunction(Function<IN, OUT>, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListFunction
Construct with the function.
- ContextListFunction(Function<IN, OUT>, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListFunction
Construct with the given function.
- ContextListTransform<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function.context
- ContextListTransform(ContextExtractor<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListTransform
Construct with the given extractor.
- ContextListTransform(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListTransform
- ContextListTransformFunction<IN,OUT> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function.context
Transform a
instances to a
of IN
and immediately hand this list to an internal function.
- ContextListTransformFunction(ContextExtractor<IN>, Function<List<IN>, OUT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListTransformFunction
- ContextListTransformFunction(String, Function<List<IN>, OUT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextListTransformFunction
- ContextOperationAdaptor<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function.context
An adaptor that allows an
to be applied to a single element
of the
- ContextOperationAdaptor(Operation<T>, ContextExtractor<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextOperationAdaptor
Construct with the given operation and extractor
- ContextOperationAdaptor(Operation<T>, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextOperationAdaptor
Construct with the given operation.
- ContextPredicateAdaptor<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function.context
- ContextPredicateAdaptor(Predicate<T>, ContextExtractor<T>, ContextInsertor<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextPredicateAdaptor
Construct with the given options.
- ContextPredicateAdaptor(Predicate<T>, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextPredicateAdaptor
Construct with the given predicate.
- ContextPredicateAdaptor(Predicate<T>, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextPredicateAdaptor
Construct with the given predicate.
- ContextRealTimeWindowFunction<IN> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream.window
Given a period of time to wait in milliseconds, this function consumes
a stream for that period of time and produces a new stream of lists representing windows of that time period
- ContextRealTimeWindowFunction(long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.ContextRealTimeWindowFunction
- ContextRoundRobinTwitterSearchAPIDataset - Class in org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter
- ContextRoundRobinTwitterSearchAPIDataset(List<Query>, TwitterAPIToken, BlockingDroppingQueue<Context>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.ContextRoundRobinTwitterSearchAPIDataset
- ContextStreamCombiner - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream.combine
A stream combiner takes two streams of
objects and produces a
new stream of
s which contain the stream values from both
input streams.
- ContextStreamCombiner(Stream<Context>, Stream<Context>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.combine.ContextStreamCombiner
Construct the combiner to consume the two given streams.
- ContextStreamCombiner(Stream<Context>, Stream<Context>, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.combine.ContextStreamCombiner
Construct the combiner to consume the two given streams, using the given
prefixes to modify the keys from the respective streams.
- ContextTransform<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function.context
Transform a context into a stream of another type based on items extracted
from the context
- ContextTransform(ContextExtractor<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextTransform
Construct with the given extractor
- ContextTransform(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextTransform
- Contour - Class in org.openimaj.image.contour
A contour or hierarchical set of contours within an image.
- Contour(ContourType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
Construct a contour with the given type and start at the origin
- Contour(ContourType, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
Construct a contour with the given type and start pixel
- Contour(ContourType, Pixel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
Construct a contour with the given type and start pixel
- Contour(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
Construct a contour with the given starting coordinate and a
- contour(FImage, Pixel, Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.ContourFollowingStrategy
Follow the contour, adding each pixel to a list.
- contour(FImage, Pixel, Pixel, Operation<Pixel>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.ContourFollowingStrategy
Given some starting pixel in an image on a contour and the direction of a
non starting image, return each pixel on a contour from the start pixel
in the image.
- contour(FImage, Pixel, Pixel, Operation<Pixel>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.MooreNeighborStrategy
- contour(FImage, Pixel, Pixel, Operation<Pixel>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.SuzukiNeighborStrategy
- ContourFollowingStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.image.contour
A contour Following strategy implements a Contour Tracing algorithm that
extracts a boundary from an image
- ContourFollowingStrategy() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.contour.ContourFollowingStrategy
- contourIterable() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
Get an
over all the contours belonging to this root
(including the root itself)
- contourIterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
Get an iterator over the complete set of contours (including the root
- ContourRenderer - Class in org.openimaj.image.contour
- ContourRenderer(MBFImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.contour.ContourRenderer
Construct with the given target image.
- ContourType - Enum in org.openimaj.image.contour
The contour type
- convert(ELEMENTTYPE) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.AbstractMultiListDataSource
Convert an item's type
- convert(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.data.LocalFeatureListDataSource
- convert(CLContext, MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.CLImageConversion
Convert an
to an RGBA
- convert(CLContext, FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.CLImageConversion
Convert an
- convert(CLContext, I) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.CLImageConversion
Convert an
- convert(CLQueue, CLEvent, CLImage2D, MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.CLImageConversion
- convert(CLQueue, CLEvent, CLImage2D, FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.CLImageConversion
Convert a
to an
- convert(CLQueue, CLEvent, CLImage2D, I) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.CLImageConversion
Convert a
to an
- convert(MBFImage) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourSpace
Convert the image to this colour space
- convert(MBFImage, ColourSpace) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourSpace
Convert the image to the given colour space
- convert(List<? extends Keypoint>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- convert(List<MultiTracker.TrackedFace>, MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
- convert(List<MultiTracker.TrackedFace>, FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
- convert() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
- convert(DenseMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Convert a DenseMatrix
to a Matrix
- convert(DenseMatrix, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Convert a DenseMatrix
to a Matrix
- convert(FeatureVector, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.utils.LiblinearHelper
- convert(INPUTTS) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.converter.DoubleProviderTimeSeriesConverter
- convert(INPUTTS, TimeSeriesProcessor<double[], Double, DoubleTimeSeries>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.converter.DoubleProviderTimeSeriesConverter
- convert(INPUTTS) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.converter.TimeSeriesConverter
- convert(INPUTTS, TimeSeriesProcessor<OUTPUTALL, OUTPUTSINGLE, OUTPUTTS>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.converter.TimeSeriesConverter
convert and process a time series
- convert(TimeSeriesConverter<DATA, SINGLE_TYPE, RETURNTYPE, OUTDATA, OUTSING, OUTRET>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- convert(TimeSeriesConverter<DATA, SINGLE_TYPE, RETURNTYPE, OUTDATA, OUTSING, OUTRET>, TimeSeriesProcessor<OUTDATA, OUTSING, OUTRET>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- convert(Double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Double[] to double[].
- convert(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Double[] to Double[].
- convert(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Float[] to float[].
- convert(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Float[] to Float[].
- convert(Integer[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Integer[] to int[].
- convert(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Int[] to Integer[].
- convert(Long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Long[] to long[].
- convert(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Long[] to Long[].
- convert(Byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Byte[] to byte[].
- convert(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Byte[] to Byte[].
- convert(Short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Short[] to short[].
- convert(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert from Short[] to Short[].
- convertDense(FeatureVector, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.utils.LiblinearHelper
- convertFromFB(FloatBuffer, int, int, MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.CLImageConversion
- convertFromFB(FloatBuffer, int, int, FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.CLImageConversion
- convertFromRGB(MBFImage) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourSpace
Convert the given RGB image to the current colour space
- convertFromRGB(Float[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourSpace
Convert the given RGB image to the current colour space
- convertInternal(TimeSeriesConverter<ALLINPUT, SINGLEINPUT, INTERNALSERIES, OUTPUTALL, OUTPUTSINGLE, OUTPUTTS>, OUTPUTTSC) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- convertInternal(TimeSeriesConverter<ALLINPUT, SINGLEINPUT, INTERNALSERIES, OUTPUTALL, OUTPUTSINGLE, OUTPUTTS>, TimeSeriesProcessor<OUTPUTALL, OUTPUTSINGLE, OUTPUTTS>, OUTPUTTSC) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- convertRelevant(Map<Q, Set<D>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalAnalyser
- convertResults(Map<Q, List<D>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalAnalyser
- convertToDouble(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a double array to a double array.
- convertToDouble(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a double array to a double array.
- convertToDouble(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a float array to a double array.
- convertToDouble(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a float array to a double array.
- convertToDouble(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a int array to a double array.
- convertToDouble(int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a int array to a double array.
- convertToDouble(long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a long array to a double array.
- convertToDouble(long[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a long array to a double array.
- convertToDouble(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a byte array to a double array.
- convertToDouble(byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a byte array to a double array.
- convertToDouble(short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a short array to a double array.
- convertToDouble(short[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a short array to a double array.
- convertToFB(MBFImage, ByteOrder) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.CLImageConversion
- convertToFB(FImage, ByteOrder) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.CLImageConversion
Converts an FImage to a
containing packed
intensity pixels.
- convertToFloat(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a double array to a float array.
- convertToFloat(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a double array to a float array.
- convertToFloat(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a float array to a float array.
- convertToFloat(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a float array to a float array.
- convertToFloat(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a int array to a float array.
- convertToFloat(int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a int array to a float array.
- convertToFloat(long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a long array to a float array.
- convertToFloat(long[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a long array to a float array.
- convertToFloat(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a byte array to a float array.
- convertToFloat(byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a byte array to a float array.
- convertToFloat(short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a short array to a float array.
- convertToFloat(short[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert a short array to a float array.
- convertToOutputFormat(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
Provides the functionality to convert to the required output format as
specified by -ot
- convertToRGB(Float[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourSpace
Convert the given RGB image to the current colour space
- convertToRGB(MBFImage) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourSpace
Convert the image in this color space to RGB
- convertToType(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideoWriter
- convertToURI(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Converts a string representing a file or uri to a uri object.
- ConvertUSMFList - Class in org.openimaj.twitter.collection
This wrapper allows the writing of a list such that each element is converted using a conversion function
- ConvertUSMFList(TwitterStatusList<? extends USMFStatus>, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.ConvertUSMFList
- CONVEX_CORNERS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.HitAndMiss
Hit and miss operator for detecting convex corners
- ConvexityCheck2D<M extends Model<Point2d,Point2d> & MatrixTransformProvider> - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.check
Test that a 2d transform model preserves convexity
- ConvexityCheck2D() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.check.ConvexityCheck2D
- ConvexityDefect - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm
Class representing a convexity defect of a polygon, with methods for finding
said defects.
- convolve(FImage, float[][], boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FourierConvolve
Convolve an image with a kernel using an FFT.
- convolveBuffer(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageConvolveSeparable
- convolveHorizontal(FImage, float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageConvolveSeparable
Convolve the image in the horizontal direction with the kernel.
- convolveHorizontal(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.GaussianTimeSeriesProcessor
Convolve a double array
- convolvePrepared(FImage, FImage, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FourierConvolve
Convolve an image with a pre-prepared frequency domain filter.
- convolveVertical(FImage, float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageConvolveSeparable
Convolve the image in the vertical direction with the kernel.
- Coordinate - Interface in org.openimaj.math.geometry.point
Generic interface to get the distance along a dimension of an object
representing a point in an n-dimensional space
- CoordinateBruteForce<T extends Coordinate> - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Implementation of a
that performs
searching by brute-force comparison over the indexed coordinates.
- CoordinateBruteForce() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateBruteForce
Default constructor.
- CoordinateBruteForce(List<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateBruteForce
Construct the index and populate it with the given data.
- CoordinateIndex<T extends Coordinate> - Interface in org.openimaj.knn
Interface representing an index of
s that can
have points added to it and can be searched in a variety of ways.
- CoordinateKDTree<T extends Coordinate> - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Implementation of a simple KDTree with range search.
- CoordinateKDTree() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateKDTree
Create an empty KDTree object
- CoordinateKDTree(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(byte[], byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(byte[], byte, TObjectFloatProcedure<byte[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(double[], double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(double[], double, TObjectDoubleProcedure<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(float[], float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(float[], float, TObjectFloatProcedure<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(int[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(int[], int, TObjectFloatProcedure<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(long[], long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(long[], long, TObjectDoubleProcedure<long[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(short[], short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRadiusSearch(short[], short, TObjectFloatProcedure<short[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- coordinateRangeSearch(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- coordinateRangeSearch(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- coordinateRangeSearch(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- coordinateRangeSearch(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- coordinateRangeSearch(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- coordinateRangeSearch(short[], short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- coordinates - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- copy(double[], int, int) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
Copy a range from an array into a vector.
- copy() - Method in class com.jsaragih.CLM
Makes a copy of this CLM.
- copy() - Method in class com.jsaragih.MPatch
Returns a copy of this MPatch
- copy() - Method in class com.jsaragih.Patch
Returns a copy of this patch
- copy() - Method in class com.jsaragih.PDM
Returns a copy of this PDM.
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.DoublePoint2dImpl
- copy() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2d
Clone the point
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- copy() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
Clone the point
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- copy(T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Copy a matrix
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Deep copy the array.
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Deep copy the array.
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Deep copy the array.
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Deep copy the array.
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Deep copy the array.
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Deep copy the array.
- copy() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- copyFrom(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- copyFrom(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- copyFrom(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- copyFrom(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
Copy the values of the given point into this point.
- copyFrom(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- copyFrom(Point2d) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2d
Copy the values of the given point into this point.
- copyFrom(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- copyFrom(Point3d) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
Copy the values of the given point into this point.
- copyFrom(Point3d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- copyFrom(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- copyStreamToFile(InputStream, File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
Helper function for writing a text stream to a file.
- copyStreamToFileBinary(InputStream, File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
Helper function for writing a binary stream to a file.
- CORE - Static variable in enum org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.HaarFeatureType
Set of the core features (all but tilted features)
- Corel5kDataset - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset
- Corel5kDataset() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset.Corel5kDataset
- Corel5kDataset.HistogramExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset
- CorelAnnotatedImage - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset
- CorelAnnotatedImage(String, File, File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset.CorelAnnotatedImage
- cornerEst - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor
The estimated number of corners of the component
- cornerness - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint.SIFTGeoLocation
The saliency of the interest point
- Corpus - Class in org.openimaj.pgm.util
A corpus holds a list of documents
- Corpus(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.pgm.util.Corpus
- CorpusReader - Interface in org.openimaj.pgm.util
- correct - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterStatsAnalysis
Stats regarding the correct or baseline clusters
- correct - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis
The correct clustering
- correct(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MeanCenteredKernelPerceptron
- correct(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MeanCenteredProjectron
- correct(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.PlusOneDoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- correctEdges(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EdgePunctuationPatternProvider
- correctEdges(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EdgePunctuationPatternProvider.Left
- correctEdges(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EdgePunctuationPatternProvider.Right
- correctNaN(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- correlate(FImage, FImage, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierCorrelation
Correlate an image with a kernel using an FFT.
- CORRELATE_WORDTIME - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordTimeSeries
the directory this stage will output
- CorrelateWordSort - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation
- CorrelateWordSort(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordSort
- CorrelateWordTimeSeries - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation
- CorrelateWordTimeSeries(String, IndependentPair<Long, Long>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordTimeSeries
- CorrelationOutputMode - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation
- CorrelationOutputMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelationOutputMode
- correspondance(List<Pair<Keypoint>>, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.KeypointCorrespondenceTestHelper
Provide simplistic check of correspondence between the keypoints extracted and a given transform.
- correspondance(List<Pair<Keypoint>>, Matrix, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.KeypointCorrespondenceTestHelper
Provide simplistic check of correspondence between the keypoints extracted and a given transform.
- cosine(DenseVector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseVector
Cosine of angle between this and another vector
- count(double[][]) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Util
- Count(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.IPDSelectionMode.Count
- count - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.lexicon.TotalLexBuilder.Counter
- count_contours() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.TopPolygonNode
- countActive() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
Count the total (positive and negative) number of pixels in this
structuring element
- countActiveLeafNodes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
Count number of active leaf nodes.
- countActiveLeafNodes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
Count number of active leaf nodes.
- countActiveLeafNodes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
Count number of active leaf nodes.
- countActiveLeafNodes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
Count number of active leaf nodes.
- countActiveLeafNodes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
Count number of active leaf nodes.
- countActiveLeafNodes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
Count number of active leaf nodes.
- countBaselineBetter() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalComparator
- countBipolarSentiment() - Method in interface org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentimentProvider
- countBipolarSentiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.TFFCountSentiment
- countEqual() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalComparator
- Counter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.lexicon.TotalLexBuilder.Counter
- CounterMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopCounterTest.CounterMapper
- CounterMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopLZOTest.CounterMapper
- CounterReducer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopCounterTest.CounterReducer
- CounterReducer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopLZOTest.CounterReducer
- countFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectStream
- countFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.AnimatedVideo
- countFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
- countFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
- countFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
- countFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.gstreamer.GStreamerVideo
- countFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
Return the number of frames in the whole video.
- countFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.translator.VideoTranslator
- countFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Return the number of frames in the whole video.
- countFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Return the number of frames in the whole video.
- countFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.video.VGetVideo
- countImages() - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollection
- countImages() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection
- countImages() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.YouTubeVideoImageCollection
- countImages() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.AbstractWebpageImageCollection
- CountingEmittingBolt - Class in org.openimaj.storm.bolt
A simple Storm IBasicBolt
whose purpose is to increment a count on
the reciept of a tuple followed by an emit of the same tuple.
- CountingEmittingBolt(Fields) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.bolt.CountingEmittingBolt
- countLeafs() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
Total number of leaves assuming leaves = K^depth
- countLeafs() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
Total number of leaves assuming leaves = K^depth
- countLeafs() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
Total number of leaves assuming leaves = K^depth
- countLeafs() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
Total number of leaves assuming leaves = K^depth
- countLeafs() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
Total number of leaves assuming leaves = K^depth
- countLeafs() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
Total number of leaves assuming leaves = K^depth
- countLines(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
Count the number of newlines in the given file
- CountMin - Class in org.openimaj.ml.sketch.countmin
CountMin as described in the reference below
- CountMin(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.sketch.countmin.CountMin
- countMSERs(TreeNode<Component>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
Returns a count of the number of components in the tree that are marked
as MSERs.
- countRemainingFeatures() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureList
- country_code - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
the ISO A2 country code
- countryCode(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.geocode.ReverseGeoCode
- CountryCodeMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing
Use the twokeniser to tokenise tweets
- CountryCodeMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.CountryCodeMode
- CountSplitMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.reddit
The count split mode fills each file with an equal number of items.
- CountSplitMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.CountSplitMode
- countTreatmentBetter() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalComparator
- CountTweetsInTimeperiod - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf
A mapper/reducer whose purpose is to do the following:
function(timePeriodLength) So a word in a tweet can happen in the time period
between t - 1 and t.
- CountTweetsInTimeperiod(String[], long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod
- CountTweetsInTimeperiod(String[], boolean, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod
- CountTweetsInTimeperiod.InMemoryCombiningReducer - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf
reduce input: ,...,]> reduce output:
- CountTweetsInTimeperiod.Map - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf
map input: tweetstatus # json twitter status with JSONPath to words map
output: ,
-1: >
- CountTweetsInTimeperiod.TimeIndexReducer - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf
- countUniqueWords() - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.util.Document
- CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf
- CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod
- CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod(String[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod
- CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.Map - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf
function(timePeriodLength) map input: ,,,...> map output: [ word:
, word: , ...
- CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.NonCombinedTimesReducer - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf
reduce input: ,
- CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.Reduce - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf
reduce input: ,
- covar - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.CachingMultivariateGaussian
- covar - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.FullMultivariateGaussian
The covariance matrix
- covar - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
The covariance matrix (NxN)
- covariance(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Compute the covariance matrix of the given samples (assumed each sample is a
- CovarPrincipalComponentAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca
Naive Principle Component Analysis performed by directly calculating
the covariance matrix and then performing an Eigen decomposition.
- CovarPrincipalComponentAnalysis() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.CovarPrincipalComponentAnalysis
- CovarPrincipalComponentAnalysis(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.CovarPrincipalComponentAnalysis
- create(String, Field, Object) - Static method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.Getters
- create(TreeMap<String, ArrayList<RetrievalEvaluator.Document>>, TreeMap<String, ArrayList<RetrievalEvaluator.Judgment>>) - Static method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.IREval
Creates a SetRetrievalEvaluator from data from loadRanking and loadJudgments.
- create(EXTRACTOR) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.FVProviderExtractor
- create(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset
Perform a search with the given query.
- create(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, BingAPIToken, BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset
Perform a search with the given query.
- create(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, BingAPIToken, String, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset
Perform a search with the given query string.
- create(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, URL) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from the flickr gallery, photoset or collection
at the given url.
- create(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset by searching flickr with the given search terms.
- create(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, String, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset by searching flickr with the given search terms.
- create(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, URL, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from the flickr gallery, photoset or collection
at the given url.
- create(List<IndependentPair<PointList, IMAGE>>, PointListConnections) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets.ShapeModelDatasets
Create a dataset with the given data.
- create(List<WeightedRectangle>, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.HaarFeature
Create a feature from the given data.
- create(boolean, int, int, int, int, float, int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.HaarFeature
Construct a feature with the given parameters.
- create(boolean, int, int, int, int, float, int, int, int, int, float, int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.HaarFeature
Construct a feature with the given parameters.
- create(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.HaarFeatureType
Create a feature.
- create(IncrementalAnnotator<FACE, PERSON>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- create(GroupedDataset<PERSON, ? extends ListDataset<FACE>, FACE>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.FaceRecogniserProvider
Create and train a new recogniser instance based on the given dataset
- create(int, FaceAligner<FACE>, int, DoubleFVComparator, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.EigenFaceRecogniser
Convenience method to create an
with a
standard KNN classifier, incorporating a threshold on the maximum
distance (or minimum similarity) to allow a match.
- create(int, FaceAligner<FACE>, int, DoubleFVComparator) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.EigenFaceRecogniser
- create(FaceDetector<FACE, FImage>, FaceRecogniser<FACE, PERSON>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
- create(int, FaceAligner<FACE>, int, DoubleFVComparator) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FisherFaceRecogniser
- create(int, FaceAligner<FACE>, int, DoubleFVComparator, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FisherFaceRecogniser
Convenience method to create an
with a
standard KNN classifier, incorporating a threshold on the maximum
distance (or minimum similarity) to allow a match.
- create(FaceDetector<D, I>, FacialFeatureExtractor<F, D>, FacialFeatureComparator<F>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
- create(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
- create(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
- create(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
- create(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
- create(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
- create(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
- create(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
- create(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
- create(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
- create(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
- create(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
- create(DATA[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.NearestNeighboursFactory
- create(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
- create(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteCauchyFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteGaussianFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHammingFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHyperplaneCosineFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHyperplaneL1Factory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleCauchyFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleGaussianFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHammingFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHyperplaneCosineFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHyperplaneL1Factory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatCauchyFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatGaussianFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHammingFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHyperplaneCosineFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHyperplaneL1Factory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntCauchyFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntGaussianFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHammingFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHyperplaneCosineFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHyperplaneL1Factory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongCauchyFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongGaussianFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHammingFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHyperplaneCosineFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHyperplaneL1Factory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortCauchyFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortGaussianFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHammingFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHyperplaneCosineFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHyperplaneL1Factory
- create(OBJECT, Collection<ANNOTATION>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AnnotatedObject
- create(OBJECT, ANNOTATION) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AnnotatedObject
- create(EXTRACTOR, DistanceComparator<FEATURE>, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
Create a new
with the given extractor, comparator
and threshold.
- create(EXTRACTOR, DistanceComparator<FEATURE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
Create a new
with the given extractor and
- create(EXTRACTOR, DistanceComparator<FEATURE>, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
Create a new
with the given extractor, comparator
and number of neighbours.
- create(EXTRACTOR, DistanceComparator<FEATURE>, int, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
Create a new
with the given extractor, comparator,
number of neighbours and threshold.
- create(NaiveBayesAnnotator.Mode) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.bayes.NaiveBayesAnnotator
- create(Status, String, Query) - Static method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.QueryHoldingStatus
- create(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterType.ClusterTypeOp
Create clusters from data
- create(List<SampleBatch>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterType.ClusterTypeOp
Create clusters from data
- create() - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.utils.Twitter4jUtil
- create(String, String, Function<IN, OUT>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextFunctionAdaptor
Create a new
that reads data from a given
key, applies a function and sets the result in a different key.
- create(Operation<IN>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextOperationAdaptor
- create() - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.hash.HashFunctionFactory
- create() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.hash.StringMurmurHashFunctionFactory
- create(A, B) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.MetaPayload
Create a new
created from the given payload and
- create(URL) - Static method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
Parses a Flickr URL and updates this object.
- createAgentJar(File, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.aop.agent.AgentLoader
Create an agent jar file with the required manifest entries.
- createArray(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Convenience method to initialise an array of FImages
- createAudioPlayer(AudioStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Create a new audio player in a separate thread for playing audio.
- createAudioPlayer(AudioStream, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Create a new audio player in a separate thread for playing audio.
- createBlockSupport(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FilterSupport
Create a a rectangular support.
- createBufferedImage(Image<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- createBufferedImage(Image<?, ?>, BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- createBufferedImage(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Efficiently create a TYPE_BYTE_GRAY for display.
- createBufferedImage(FImage, BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Efficiently create a TYPE_BYTE_GRAY for display.
- createBufferedImageForDisplay(Image<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- createBufferedImageForDisplay(Image<?, ?>, BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- createBufferedImageForDisplay(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Efficiently create a TYPE_3BYTE_BGR for display if possible.
- createBufferedImageForDisplay(MBFImage, BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Efficiently create a TYPE_3BYTE_BGR for display if possible.
- createCrossValidationData(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split.GroupedRandomSplitter
- created_at - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- created_at - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
When this was created, in ISO 8601 format.
- createdAt() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
- createdContextQuery(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
- createEmpty(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableArrayBinary
- createEmptyLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.AffineInterestPointKeypoint
- createEmptyLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.CircularInterestPointKeypoint
- createEmptyLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.InterestPointKeypoint
- createExact(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createExact(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createExact(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
- createExact(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
- createExact(int, DistanceComparator<? super T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createExact(int, DistanceComparator<? super T>, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createExact(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createExact(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createExact(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createExact(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createExact(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createExact(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createExact(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createExact(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an exact
- createFeature(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.ColourGradientFeatureExtractor
- createFeature(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.GradientFeatureExtractor
- createFeature(InterestPointImageExtractorProperties<Float, FImage>, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.extractor.InterestPointGradientFeatureExtractor
- createFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature
- createFilterBank() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MelFilterBank
Instantiate the filter bank, if it's not already instantiated.
- createFImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Create an FImage from a buffered image.
- createFromAliasFile(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityCandidateFinderFactory
- createFromCollection(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from a flickr collection with the specified
- createFromCollection(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, String, String, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from a flickr collection with the specified
- createFromFImage(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
Create a height map from an FImage.
- createFromGallery(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, Gallery) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from a flickr gallery with the specified
- createFromGallery(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, Gallery, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from a flickr gallery with the specified
- createFromGallery(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from a flickr gallery with the specified
- createFromGallery(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, String, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from a flickr gallery with the specified
- createFromIndexFile(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityContextScorerFactory
Create from a lucene index file.
- createFromPhotoset(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from a flickr photoset.
- createFromPhotoset(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, String, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from a flickr photoset.
- createFromSearch(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, SearchParameters) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from a flickr search with the specified
- createFromSearch(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, FlickrAPIToken, SearchParameters, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Create an image dataset from a flickr search with the specified
- createGaborJets(int, int, int...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.GaborFilters
Create a jet of (multiscale) Gabor filters in the frequency domain.
- createGaussianBlur(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
- createGaussianPyramid(T, float, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.SimplePyramid
Convenience method to create a gaussian pyramid from an image.
- createGaussians(int, int) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.gmm.GaussianMixtureModelEM.CovarianceType
- createIncrementalIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerData
- createInterestPointMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- createInterestPointMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.HarrisIPD
- createInterestPointMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.HessianIPD
- createInterestPointMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.LaplaceIPD
- createInterestPointMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.QuadratureIPD
- createInterestPointMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.RidgeIPD
- createIterable(DATASET) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.CrossValidator
Create the iterable from the dataset.
- createIterable(GroupedDataset<KEY, ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.GroupedKFold
- createIterable(GroupedDataset<KEY, ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.GroupedLeaveOneOut
- createIterable(ListDataset<INSTANCE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.KFold
- createIterable(ListDataset<INSTANCE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.LeaveOneOut
- createIterable(GroupedDataset<KEY, ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.StratifiedGroupedKFold
- createJob(String, String, Map<String, String>, Configuration) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.TextBytesJobUtil
- createJob(Collection<String>, String, Map<String, String>, Configuration) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.TextBytesJobUtil
- createJob(Path, Path, Map<String, String>, Configuration) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.TextBytesJobUtil
- createJob(Collection<Path>, Path, Map<String, String>, Configuration) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.TextBytesJobUtil
- createJob(Path[], Path, Map<String, String>, Configuration) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.TextBytesJobUtil
- createKDTreeEnsemble(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an approximate
using an ensemble of KD-Trees to perform nearest-neighbour lookup.
- createKDTreeEnsemble(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an approximate
using an ensemble of KD-Trees to perform nearest-neighbour lookup.
- createKDTreeEnsemble(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an approximate
using an ensemble of KD-Trees to perform nearest-neighbour lookup.
- createKDTreeEnsemble(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an approximate
using an ensemble of KD-Trees to perform nearest-neighbour lookup.
- createKDTreeEnsemble(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an approximate
using an ensemble of KD-Trees to perform nearest-neighbour lookup.
- createKDTreeEnsemble(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Convenience method to quickly create an approximate
using an ensemble of KD-Trees to perform nearest-neighbour lookup.
- createKernel1D(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FTriangleFilter
Construct a triangular kernel of the given size.
- createKernelImage(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.Disk
Makes a disk averaging filter with the given radius.
- createKernelImage(int, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.Gaussian2D
Create a kernel image with given kernel size and standard deviation.
- createKernelImage(int, int, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.Gaussian2D
Create a kernel image with given kernel size and standard deviation.
- createKernelImage(int, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.LaplacianOfGaussian2D
Create a kernel image with given kernel size and variance.
- createKernelImage(int, int, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.LaplacianOfGaussian2D
Create a kernel image with given kernel size and variance.
- createLandmarkModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.FNormalLandmarkModel.Factory
- createLandmarkModel(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.FNormalLandmarkModel.Factory
- createLandmarkModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.FPatchLandmarkModel.Factory
- createLandmarkModel(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.FPatchLandmarkModel.Factory
- createLandmarkModel() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.LandmarkModelFactory
- createLandmarkModel(float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.LandmarkModelFactory
- createLazyFeatureDataset(ListDataset<OBJECT>, FeatureExtractor<FEATURE, OBJECT>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.DatasetExtractors
Create a
of features from the given
of objects by extracting the features from the
objects with the given feature extractor.
- createLazyFeatureDataset(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<OBJECT>, OBJECT>, FeatureExtractor<FEATURE, OBJECT>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.DatasetExtractors
- createList(GroupedDataset<ANNOTATION, ? extends ListDataset<OBJECT>, OBJECT>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AnnotatedObject
Convert a grouped dataset to a list of annotated objects.
- createList(OBJECT[], ANNOTATION[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AnnotatedObject
Convert parallel arrays of objects and annotations to a list of
- createList(OBJECT[], ANNOTATION[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AnnotatedObject
Convert parallel arrays of objects and annotations to a list of
- createMBFImage(BufferedImage, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Create an MBFImage from a buffered image.
- createMBFImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- createMesh(FacialKeypoint[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.MeshWarpAligner
- createNamedWindow(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Create a named window with a title that is also the name
- createNamedWindow(String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Create a named window with a title
- createNamedWindow(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Create a named window that auto resizes
- createNote(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.WesternScaleNote
Given a note string, returns a new
which other information can be garnered.
- createNote(String, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.WesternScaleNote
Given a note name and octave, returns a
which other information can be garnered.
- createNote(float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.WesternScaleNote
- createNote(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.WesternScaleNote
Given a note number, returns a
from which other
information can be garnered.
- createOffscreenVideoDisplay(Video<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Convenience function to create a VideoDisplay from a video in a new
- createPixelArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- createPixelArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Create an array of n pixels
- createRandomPoint() - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
Create a random point in ([0..1], [0..1]).
- createRandomPoint(Random) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
Create a random point in ([0..1], [0..1]) with the given random number
- createRandomPoint() - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
Create a random point in ([0..1], [0..1], [0..1]).
- createRecognitionEngine() - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.RecognitionEngineProvider
- createRecordReader(InputSplit, TaskAttemptContext) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.combine.CombineSequenceFileInputFormat
- createRenderer() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
- createRenderer(RenderHints) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
- createRenderer() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- createRenderer(RenderHints) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- createRenderer() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- createRenderer(RenderHints) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- createRenderer() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- createRenderer(RenderHints) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- createRGB(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Convenience method to create an RGB
from an
by cloning the
for each of the R, G and B
- createSampleBuffer(AudioFormat, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBufferFactory
- createSampleBuffer(SampleChunk, AudioFormat) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBufferFactory
- createSketch(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.BitSetLSHSketcher
- createSketch(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ByteLSHSketcher
- createSketch(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.IntLSHSketcher
- createSketch(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.LongLSHSketcher
- createSketch(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ShortLSHSketcher
- createSketch(IN) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.sketch.Sketcher
Create a sketch for the given object.
- createStyle(ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.typography.Font
Create an instance of a FontStyle with the default parameters for the given
- createStyle(ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFont
Create an instance of a FontStyle with the default parameters for the given
- createStyle(ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFont
- createStyle(ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFont
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.AbstractMultiListDataSource
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ArrayBackedDataSource
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ByteArrayBackedDataSource
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.DataSource
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.DoubleArrayBackedDataSource
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.FloatArrayBackedDataSource
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.IndexedViewDataSource
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.IntArrayBackedDataSource
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.LongArrayBackedDataSource
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ShortArrayBackedDataSource
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchByteDataSource
- createTemporaryArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchIntDataSource
- createVideoDisplay(FImage[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Convenience function to create a VideoDisplay from an array of images
- createVideoDisplay(Video<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Convenience function to create a VideoDisplay from a video in a new
- createVideoDisplay(Video<T>, AudioStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Convenience function to create a VideoDisplay from a video in a new
- createVideoDisplay(Video<T>, JFrame) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Convenience function to create a VideoDisplay from a video in a new
- createVideoDisplay(Video<T>, AudioStream, JFrame) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Convenience function to create a VideoDisplay from a video in a new
- createVideoDisplay(Video<T>, DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Convenience function to create a VideoDisplay from a video in a new
- createVideoDisplay(Video<T>, JComponent) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Convenience function to create a VideoDisplay from a video in an existing
- createVideoDisplay(Video<T>, AudioStream, JComponent) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Convenience function to create a VideoDisplay from a video in an existing
- createVideoPlayer(Video<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Creates a new video player in a new thread and starts it running
(initially in pause mode).
- createVideoPlayer(Video<T>, AudioStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Creates a new video player in a new thread and starts it running
(initially in pause mode).
- createWorkingImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Returns a ARGB BufferedImage, even if the input BufferedImage is not ARGB
- createWorkingSpace() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.ImageInterpolation.Interpolator
Create the working space required for interpolation
- createWrappedExtractor(FeatureExtractor<? extends FeatureVector, T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.kernel.HomogeneousKernelMap
- creator_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
A resource that the UserAccount is a creator of.
- crop(MBFImage, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Returns an image containing just the connected component cropped from the
original image.
- cropping_lines() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_pad_info
- cropping_lines(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_pad_info
- CropSimulation - Class in org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim
- CropSimulation(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.CropSimulation
- CropSimulation(int, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.CropSimulation
- CROSS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
Standard 3x3 cross structuring element
- CROSS_3x3 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FilterSupport
Offsets for using a 3x3 cross shaped mask to select pixels for computing
- crossValidation(List<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.svm.SVMAnnotator
Performs cross-validation on the SVM.
- crossValidation(svm_problem, svm_parameter, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.svm.SVMAnnotator
Performs cross-validation on the SVM.
- CrossValidationBenchmark<PERSON,IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>,FACE extends DetectedFace> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking
for performing cross-validation experiments on
face recognisers & classifiers.
- CrossValidationBenchmark(CrossValidator<GroupedDataset<PERSON, ListDataset<FACE>, FACE>>, GroupedDataset<PERSON, ? extends ListDataset<IMAGE>, IMAGE>, FaceDetector<FACE, IMAGE>, FaceRecogniserProvider<FACE, PERSON>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.CrossValidationBenchmark
- CrossValidationIterable<DATASET extends Dataset<?>> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross
Interface for cross-validation schemes.
- CrossValidator<DATASET extends Dataset<?>> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross
Interface for cross-validation schemes.
- crossValidator - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.CrossValidationBenchmark
- cssSelect() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.HTMLScrapingSiteSpecificConsumer
- cssSelect() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TwipleConsumer
- cssSelect() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.SimpleHTMLScrapingConsumer
- cubicInterp(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
Cubic interpolation of y at x (in 0..1) given y at x=[-1, 0, 1, 2]
- cubicInterp(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
Cubic interpolation of y at x (in 0..1) given y at x=[-1, 0, 1, 2]
- cubicInterp(double, double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
Cubic interpolation of y at x (in 0..1) given y at x=[-1, 0, 1, 2]
- cubicInterp(float, float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
Cubic interpolation of y at x (in 0..1) given y at x=[-1, 0, 1, 2]
- CumulativeJacardReducer - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard
A cumulative jacard reducer designed to work as a single reducer.
- CumulativeJacardReducer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeJacardReducer
- cumulativeSum(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the cumulative sum of values in an array
- cumulativeSum(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the cumulative sum of values in an array
- cumulativeSum(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the cumulative sum of values in an array
- cumulativeSum(long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the cumulative sum of values in an array
- cumulativeSum(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the cumulative sum of values in an array
- cumulativeSum(short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the cumulative sum of values in an array
- CumulativeTimeWord - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard
Count word instances (not occurences) across times.
- CumulativeTimeWord(long, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeTimeWord
- CumulativeTimeWord.IntersectionUnionMap - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard
For every word occurrence, emit for its time period, and for every time period from
timePeriod + delta until eldestTime.
- CumulativeTimeWord.IntersectionUnionReduce - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard
Recieve every word-time either from the current time period or from past time periods.
- CumulativeTimeWord.JacardReduce - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard
- currentAngleTicks - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
- currentFrame - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.Video
The current frame being displayed
- currentMatrix - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- currentScaleIndex - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveInterestPointFinder
The index of the scale currently being processed within the octave.
- currentSlide - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
- currentSlideComp - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
- currentSlideIndex - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
- currentState - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureHistory
The feature history.
- CurrentUMean - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
- CurrentUMean() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.CurrentUMean
- CurrentValueMean - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
Given a matrix considered its "current value" this init strategy takes the current value
and averages the columns (creating the mean row).
- CurrentValueMean() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.CurrentValueMean
- CurrentWMean - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
- CurrentWMean() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.CurrentWMean
- customData() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
A list of custom key value data pairs.
- cx() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- cx(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- cx - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor
The x coordinate of the component centroid
- cx - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Dilate
- cx - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Erode
- cx - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.HitAndMiss
- cx - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
The x-ordinate of the centroid
- cy() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- cy(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- cy - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor
The y coordinate of the component centroid
- cy - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Dilate
- cy - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Erode
- cy - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.HitAndMiss
- cy - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
The y-ordinate of the centroid
- CYAN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Cyan colour as RGB
- DaemonThreadFactory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.GlobalExecutorPool.DaemonThreadFactory
- damped - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
- DAMPENING - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
The value of w, u and beta are updated each time data is added s.t.
- DARK_GRAY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Dark gray colour as RGB
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.AbstractMultiListDataSource
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.ArrayBackedDataSource
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.ByteArrayBackedDataSource
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.DoubleArrayBackedDataSource
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.FloatArrayBackedDataSource
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.identity.IdentifiableObject
The data
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.IntArrayBackedDataSource
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.LongArrayBackedDataSource
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.ShortArrayBackedDataSource
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedAreaTable
The SAT data
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- data - Variable in enum org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFont
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DoubleDBSCANClusters
The data
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FeatureFileFeature
the feature vector
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
The underlying data array
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
The underlying data array
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
The underlying data array
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
The underlying data array
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
The underlying data array
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
The underlying data array
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
The data!
- data - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
The data to be visualised
- data_bits_per_pixel() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- data_bits_per_pixel(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- DATA_ROOT() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearExperiment
- database - Variable in class org.openimaj.demos.BasicDuplicateImageDatabase
- DatabaseFeederStatus(String, XMLGregorianCalendar) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- DatabaseStatusFeeder - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
This class is a status feeder for picslurper that takes statuses from a database.
- DatabaseStatusFeeder(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder
Create a database status feeder using the database, table,
username and password provided.
- DatabaseStatusFeeder(String, String, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder
Create a database status feeder using the database, table,
username and password provided with the given column mapping
- DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
- DataClusterer<DATA,CLUSTER extends IndexClusters> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
Clusterers can extract clusters from data types and return
the data in a clustered form
- dataFromRoot(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.LambdaSearchAustrian
- DataGenerator<I,D> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.linear.data
- dataReceived(String) - Method in interface org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDataListener
Called when data is received on a serial port.
- dataReceived(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
Called when data is received on a serial port.
- Dataset<INSTANCE> - Interface in org.openimaj.data.dataset
The super-interface for all types of dataset.
- dataset - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.CrossValidationBenchmark
- DatasetAdaptors - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.util
Helper methods to provide different types of view on a dataset.
- DatasetAdaptors() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.util.DatasetAdaptors
- DatasetDescription - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.experiment.annotations
An annotation for marking up a specific org.openimaj.data.Dataset subclass
with metadata about the dataset.
- DatasetExtractors - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Static methods to generate datasets of features from datasets of objects
using a feature extractor.
- DatasetFaceDetector - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection
Convenience methods for dealing with face detections in datasets and lists of
- DataSource<DATATYPE> - Interface in org.openimaj.data
A source which returns data of type DATATYPE.
- DataUnitsTransformer<Q,D,U> - Interface in org.openimaj.vis
An interface for classes that can transform data units into renderer units
based on the definition of the data axis in space.
- DataUtils - Class in org.openimaj.data
Utility functions for dealing with data
- date - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Date posted
- DateFilter - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter
The grep functionality.
- DateFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.DateFilter
- DateTwitterPreprocessingMapper - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter
- DateTwitterPreprocessingMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.DateTwitterPreprocessingMapper
- DaySplitReducer - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter
- DaySplitReducer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.DaySplitReducer
- dbg(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- DBSCAN - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan
Implementation of DBSCAN (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBSCAN) using
- DBSCAN() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DBSCAN
- DBSCAN.State - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan
- DBSCANClusters - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan
- DBSCANClusters(int[], int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DBSCANClusters
- DBSCANClusters(int[], int[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DBSCANClusters
- dc - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- dcmos_emitter_dist() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_zero_plane_info
- dcmos_emitter_dist(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_zero_plane_info
- dcmos_rcmos_dist() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_zero_plane_info
- dcmos_rcmos_dist(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_zero_plane_info
- deactivate() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalTweetSpout
- DEBUG - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic
Whether to debug the text extractor - displaying images as it goes
- debug(Logger, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.logger.LoggerUtils
Debug message occationally
- debug - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- debugAllTriples(URI, RepositoryConnection) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator
Useful little debug method that will print out all the triples for a
given URI from the given repository.
- debugFormat(Logger, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.logger.LoggerUtils
- decision - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEAnalysis
- decision - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEAnalysis
- DecisionAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
Counting the number of true positives, true negatives, flase postitives and false negatives
one can produce various cluster quality metrics including the fscore and randindex
- DecisionAnalysis() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
- DecisionClusterAnalyser<T extends AnalysisResult> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
Gather the true positives, true negatives, false positives, false negatives for a
- DecisionClusterAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionClusterAnalyser
- declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftSpout
- declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.TestTopology.FailEveryOther
- declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.UnreliableKestrelThriftSpout
- declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DownloadBolt
- declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalTweetSpout
- declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PrintBolt
- declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.bolt.CountingEmittingBolt
- declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.bolt.PrintingBolt
- declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.StormPlayground.JoinBolt
- declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.StormPlayground.RandomFieldSpout
- declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.bolts.BaseTwitterRichBolt
- decode(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrBaseEncoder
- decodeArgs(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
A horrible hack to deal with hadoop's horrible hack when setting arrays of strings as configs
- decompose() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.SingularValues
Perform the decomposition
- decompress(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteProductQuantiser
Decompress the quantised data by replacing each encoded index with the actual centroid subvector.
- decompress(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleProductQuantiser
Decompress the quantised data by replacing each encoded index with the actual centroid subvector.
- decompress(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatProductQuantiser
Decompress the quantised data by replacing each encoded index with the actual centroid subvector.
- decompress(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntProductQuantiser
Decompress the quantised data by replacing each encoded index with the actual centroid subvector.
- decompress(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongProductQuantiser
Decompress the quantised data by replacing each encoded index with the actual centroid subvector.
- decompress(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortProductQuantiser
Decompress the quantised data by replacing each encoded index with the actual centroid subvector.
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- deepCopy() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- deepestPoint - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ConvexityDefect
The deepest point on the shape polygon
- DEFAULT_ALIAS_NAME - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
Default file name for the alias text file.
- DEFAULT_BIG_STEP - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Default step size to make when there is definitely no detection.
- DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
The default number of samples per parallel assignment instance.
- DEFAULT_BOUNDARY_EXTENSION - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
The default amount of padding to apply before convolving with the Gabor
- DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- DEFAULT_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.GMMFromFeatures
default number of guassians to train agains
- DEFAULT_CONTEXT_NAME - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
Default directory name for the lucene index.
- DEFAULT_COVARIANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.GMMFromFeatures
default covariance type
- DEFAULT_DEVICE_NUMBER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
The property key for overriding the default device number.
- DEFAULT_EIGENVALUE_RATIO - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder
The default threshold for the edge response Eigenvalue ratio
- DEFAULT_EPS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.filtering.OpenCVGrouping
The default eps value for determining whether two rectangles overlap
enough to be considered as being of the same group.
- DEFAULT_FILTER - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.FixedResizeProcessor
- DEFAULT_FILTER - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
- DEFAULT_GAUSS_TRUNCATE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
The default number of sigmas at which the Gaussian function is truncated
when building a kernel
- DEFAULT_GAUSS_TRUNCATE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FGaussianConvolve
The default number of sigmas at which the Gaussian function is truncated
when building a kernel
- DEFAULT_GAUSS_TRUNCATE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.GaussianTimeSeriesProcessor
The default number of sigmas at which the Gaussian function is truncated
when building a kernel
- DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_ITERATIONS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.InterpolatingOctaveExtremaFinder
Default number of interpolation iterations
- DEFAULT_KESTREL_MEMCACHED_PORT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
the default kestrel memcached port
- DEFAULT_KESTREL_TEXT_PORT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
the default kestrel text protocol port
- DEFAULT_KESTREL_THRIFT_PORT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
the default kestrel thrift port
- DEFAULT_MAGNITUDE_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.BasicOctaveExtremaFinder
The default threshold for the magnitude of interest points
- DEFAULT_MINIMUM_SUPPORT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.filtering.OpenCVGrouping
The default value for the minimum number of rectangles required within a
- DEFAULT_N_BUCKETS_PER_DIM - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.sampling.BucketingSampler2d
Default number of buckets per dimension
- DEFAULT_NCHECKS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of checks performed during search when in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NCHECKS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of checks performed during search when in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NCHECKS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of checks performed during search when in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NCHECKS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of checks performed during search when in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NCHECKS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of checks performed during search when in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NCHECKS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of checks performed during search when in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NTREES - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of kdtrees when not in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NTREES - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of kdtrees when not in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NTREES - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of kdtrees when not in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NTREES - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of kdtrees when not in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NTREES - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of kdtrees when not in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NTREES - Static variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree
The default number of kdtrees when not in exact mode.
- DEFAULT_NUM_BINS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.OrientationHistogramExtractor
Default number of orientation histogram bins;
Lowe's IJCV paper (p.13) suggests 36 bins.
- DEFAULT_NUMBER_ITERATIONS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
The default number of iterations.
- DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
The default number spatial blocks
- DEFAULT_ORIENTATIONS_PER_SCALE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
The default number of filter orientations per scale (from HF to LF)
- DEFAULT_PEAK_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.DominantOrientationExtractor
Default value for the threshold at which other peaks are detected
relative to the biggest peak.
- DEFAULT_PREFILTER_FC - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
The default number of cycles per image for the pre-filter Gaussian
- DEFAULT_SAMPLING_SIZE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.OrientationHistogramExtractor
Default value for the size of the sampling window relative
to the sampling scale.
- DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Default scale factor multiplier.
- DEFAULT_SCALING - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.OrientationHistogramExtractor
Default value for weighting the scaling Gaussian
relative to the keypoint scale.
- DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
Default image size (both height and width) for fixed size Gist
- DEFAULT_SMALL_STEP - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Default step size to make when there is a hint of detection.
- DEFAULT_SMOOTHING_ITERATIONS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.OrientationHistogramExtractor
Default value for the number of iterations of the smoothing
- DEFAULT_USERAGENT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
The default user-agent string
- defaultBackgroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the default foreground colour.
- defaultBackgroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
- defaultBackgroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Get the default foreground colour.
- defaultBackgroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MBFImageRenderer
- defaultBackgroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- DefaultBrowserDelegate - Class in org.openimaj.web
that does nothing other
than log any javascript calls, etc.
- DefaultBrowserDelegate() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.DefaultBrowserDelegate
- DefaultClustererFunction(SpatialClusterer<? extends SpatialClusters<DATATYPE>, DATATYPE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralClusteringConf.DefaultClustererFunction
- defaultConfig(String) - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollection
If possible, will return a default configuration using the raw input
- defaultConfig(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection.FromFile
- defaultConfig(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection.FromURL
- defaultConfig(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.AbstractWebpageImageCollection.Generic
- defaultConfig(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection
- defaultConfig(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection.FlickrPhotoCollection
- defaultForegroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the default foreground colour.
- defaultForegroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
- defaultForegroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Get the default foreground colour.
- defaultForegroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MBFImageRenderer
- defaultForegroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ByteCentroidsResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DoubleDBSCANClusters
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.DoubleCentroidsResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FeatureVectorCentroidsResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FloatCentroidsResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IntCentroidsResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.KDTreeClusters
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans.Result
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans.Result
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans.Result
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans.Result
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans.Result
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans.Result
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans.Result
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.LongCentroidsResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ShortCentroidsResult
- defaultHardAssigner() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.SpatialClusters
Get the default hard assigner for this clusterer.
- DefaultNamingStrategy() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.util.graph.StormGraphCreator.NamingStrategy.DefaultNamingStrategy
- DefaultRawTextAnnotator - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators
- DefaultRawTextAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.DefaultRawTextAnnotator
- DefaultTokenAnnotator - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators
- DefaultTokenAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.DefaultTokenAnnotator
- DefaultTokenFactory - Class in org.openimaj.util.api.auth
Default implementation of a
that loads the token
parameters from the default Java user preference store or interactively
queries the user for the required token parameters if the token has not been
used before.
- DefaultValidationData<DATASET extends Dataset<?>> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.validation
Data for performing validation.
- DefaultValidationData() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.DefaultValidationData
- DefaultValidationData(DATASET, DATASET) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.DefaultValidationData
Construct with the training and validation datasets.
- DelaunayTriangulator - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.triangulation
The Delaunay Triangulation algorithm.
- DelaunayTriangulator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.triangulation.DelaunayTriangulator
- delete(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Calls Client.delete(String)
on the underlying Client
- delete(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.DefaultTokenFactory
Convenience method equivalent to
- delete(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.DefaultTokenFactory
Convenience method equivalent to
getInstance().deleteToken(tokenClass, name)
- delete_queue(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftClient
- delete_queue(String, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.delete_queue_call>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient
- delete_queue(String, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.delete_queue_call>) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncIface
- delete_queue(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- delete_queue(String) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Iface
- delete_queue_args() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- delete_queue_args(String) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- delete_queue_args(Kestrel.delete_queue_args) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- delete_queue_call(String, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.delete_queue_call>, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.delete_queue_call
- delete_queue_result() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
- delete_queue_result(Kestrel.delete_queue_result) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- deleteBand(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Delete the band at the given index.
- deleteQueues(KestrelServerSpec, String...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.storm.utils.KestrelUtils
- deleteRecursive(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
Recursively delete a directory
- deleteToken(Class<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.DefaultTokenFactory
Delete the default token parameters for the given class from the store.
- deleteToken(Class<T>, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.DefaultTokenFactory
Delete the named token parameters for the given class from the store.
- delim - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.AnalysisOutputMode
- delimit(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.AnalysisOutputMode
- delimit(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.TwitterOutputMode
how outputs should be seperated
- delta - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans.IterationResult
The change in fitness from the previous iteration
- Demo - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.demos
An annotation for types that are implementing an OpenIMAJ demo.
- demoClass - Variable in class org.openimaj.demos.Demos.DemoObject
- DemoObject(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.Demos.DemoObject
- DemoPackage - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.demos
An annotation for annotating packages that contain demos.
- DemoRunnerPanel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.Demos.DemoRunnerPanel
Default constructor that sets up the display
- Demos - Class in org.openimaj.demos
This class provides a means for listing and running demos that have been
automatically scanned from the classpath.
- Demos() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.Demos
Default constructor
- Demos.DemoObject - Class in org.openimaj.demos
Used for each demo in the list.
- Demos.DemoRunnerPanel - Class in org.openimaj.demos
This is the display for the demo runner.
- Demos.IconListRenderer - Class in org.openimaj.demos
A list renderer that adds an icon to the label.
- denormalise(double[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation.Denormaliser
Deormalise the vector.
- denormalise(double[][]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation.Denormaliser
Denormalise the data.
- denormalise(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation.ZScore
- denormalise(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation.ZScore
- denormaliseFundamental(Pair<Matrix>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel
De-normalise a fundamental estimate.
- denormaliseHomography(Pair<Matrix>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyModel
De-normalise a homography estimate.
- Denormaliser - Interface in org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation
Interface for objects that con both normalise and denormalise data.
- dense(int, int) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Create a zeroed dense matrix
- dense(int) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
Create an empty dense vector
- DenseLinearTransformAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear
An annotator that determines a "transform" between feature vectors and
vectors of annotation counts.
- DenseLinearTransformAnnotator(int, FeatureExtractor<? extends FeatureVector, OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.DenseLinearTransformAnnotator
Construct with the given number of dimensions and feature extractor.
- DenseMatrix - Class in ch.akuhn.matrix
A Dense matrix.
- DenseMatrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
Construct with the given values
- DenseMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
Construct with the given size
- DenseSIFT - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift
Implementation of a dense SIFT feature extractor for
- DenseSIFT() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Construct with the default configuration: standard SIFT geometry (4x4x8),
5px x 5px spatial bins, 5px step size, gaussian window size of 2 and
value threshold of 0.2.
- DenseSIFT(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Construct with the given step size (for both x and y) and binSize.
- DenseSIFT(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Construct with the given configuration.
- DenseSIFT(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Construct with the given configuration.
- DenseSIFT(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Construct with the given configuration.
- DensestSubgraph - Class in org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes
- DensestSubgraph() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.DensestSubgraph
- DenseVector - Class in ch.akuhn.matrix
A dense vector
- DenseVector(double[]) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseVector
- DenseVector(int) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseVector
- density() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Get the density
- density() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
- density() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- density() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- density() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- density() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- density() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- density() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- DependentVariable - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.experiment.annotations
- depth - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ConvexityDefect
The depth of the deepest point
- depth_to_rgb_shift() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
- depth_to_rgb_shift(Pointer<Integer>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
- DepthOfFieldEstimator - Class in org.openimaj.image.saliency
Construct a map that shows the "focus" of each pixel.
- DepthOfFieldEstimator(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.saliency.DepthOfFieldEstimator
Construct with the given parameters.
- DepthOfFieldEstimator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.saliency.DepthOfFieldEstimator
Construct with the default values (max kernel size = 50, step size = 1,
41 bins, window size of 3).
- depthStream - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
The depth stream
- derivative(SparseAutoencoder.Model, double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.SparseAutoencoder
- derivative(MODEL, DATATYPE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.DifferentiableObjectiveFunction
- DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.graph.SimpleWeightedEdge
- describeTo(Description) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.NotEmptyCollection
- DESCRIPTION - Variable in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.PhraseAnnotation.Phrase
Penn Tree Bank short description
- DESCRIPTION - Variable in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.POSAnnotation.PartOfSpeech
Penn Tree Bank short description
- description() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.PredefinedStrategy
- description - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Full post text / Decription
- description - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.User
User profile description
- description - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
The content of the Post.
- descriptor - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BoundaryDistanceDescriptor
The descriptor vector, measusring distance from centroid per degree
- descriptor - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
The descriptor
- DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BoundaryDistanceDescriptor
The number of samples
- descriptors - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Extracted descriptors
- deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class backtype.storm.scheme.StringScheme
- deserialize(byte[], Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Convenience function for deserializing an object from a byte array.
- deserialize(byte[], long, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Convenience function for deserializing an object from a byte array.
- deserialize(byte[], T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Convenience function for deserializing an object from a byte array.
- deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.scheme.StringScheme
- detect(FImage) - Method in class com.jsaragih.FDet
Detect faces in an image
- detect() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
Detect MSERs in the merge tree provided in the constructor.
- detect(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.FilteringObjectDetector
- detect(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
- detect(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.HOGDetector
- detect(IMAGE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.ObjectDetector
Detect objects in the given image and return representations of them.
- detect(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.RotationSimulationObjectDetector
- detect(FImage, SWTTextDetector) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Direction
- detect(double[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.SplitDetectionMode
- detect(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.SplitDetectionMode.MEAN
- detect(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.SplitDetectionMode.MEDIAN
- detect(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.SplitDetectionMode.OPTIMISED
- detect(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.SplitDetectionMode.VARIABLE_MEDIAN
- detectAtScale(SummedSqTiltAreaTable, int, int, int, int, float, int, int, List<Rectangle>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Perform detection at a single scale.
- detectAtScale(SummedSqTiltAreaTable, int, int, int, int, float, int, int, List<Rectangle>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.MultiThreadedDetector
- detectAtScale(int, int, int, int, float, int, int, List<Rectangle>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.HOGDetector
Perform detection at a single scale.
- detected - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.TransformedDetection
The object that was detected
- DetectedFace - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection
A DetectedFace models a face detected by a face detector, together with the
locations of certain facial features localised on the face.
- DetectedFace() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
Default constructor with an empty rectangle as bounds
- DetectedFace(Rectangle, FImage, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
Construct with a bounds rectangle (the bounding box of the face in the
detection image) and an image patch that describes the contents of the
bounds rectangle from the original image.
- DetectedFacePart() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature.DetectedFacePart
Default constructor
- DetectedFacePart(FacialKeypoint.FacialKeypointType, Point2d) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature.DetectedFacePart
Construct with the given parameters
- DetectedFaceRenderer<DETECTED_FACE extends DetectedFace> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.util
Given a detected face, draw it to some MBFImage in a sensible way.
- detectFaces(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector
- detectFaces(FImage, List<Rectangle>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector
Detect faces in the image using the given rectangles as the seeds from
which to start fitting the model.
- detectFaces(I) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.FaceDetector
Detect faces in the image and return a list of faces found.
- detectFaces(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- detectFaces(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.IdentityFaceDetector
- detectFaces(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
- detectFaces(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
- detectFaces(List<File>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceDetectorTool
Takes a set of image files and returns a map that maps the
image filename to the list of detected images.
- detectFaces(List<File>, int, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceDetectorTool
Takes a set of image files and returns a map that maps the
image filename to the list of detected images.
- detectFaces(FImage, int, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceDetectorTool
Takes a single image and detects faces, returning a map that maps
a number (the face number) to the rectangle of the detected face.
- detectFeatures(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
Detect and describe the local features in the given (transformed) image.
- detectFeatures(I, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
Detect features in the given image, computing the simulations based on
the given number of tilts.
- detectFeatures(I, AffineParams) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
Detect features from a single simulation.
- detectFeatures(I, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
Detect features from a single simulation.
- detectFeatures(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.ASIFT
- detectInactive(IndexClusters, IndexClusters, TIntSet, List<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental.IncrementalLifetimeSparseClusterer
- detectInactive(IndexClusters, IndexClusters, TIntSet, List<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental.IncrementalSparseClusterer
Given the old and new clusters, make a decision as to which rows are now inactive,
and therefore which clusters are now completed
- DetectionFilter<IN,OUT> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.filtering
Interface describing an algorithm capable of filtering detections from a
- detectionScale - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- detectMaxima(FImage, Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- detector - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.OctaveInterestPointFinder
- Detector - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar
Basic, single-threaded multi-scale Haar cascade/tree object detector.
- Detector(StageTreeClassifier, float, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Construct the
with the given parameters.
- Detector(StageTreeClassifier, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Construct the
with the given tree of stages and scale
- Detector(StageTreeClassifier) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Construct the
with the given tree of stages, and the
default parameters for step sizes and scale factor.
- detector - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- detector - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
- detector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
- determineEta0(int, int, SparseFloatArray[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- determineEta0(int, int, List<SparseFloatArray>, TDoubleArrayList) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- detIntScaleFactor - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- device - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
- Device - Class in org.openimaj.video.capture
- Device() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.capture.Device
- Device(Pointer) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.capture.Device
- deviceIdentifier - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAMessage
- DeviceList - Class in org.openimaj.video.capture
- DeviceList() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.capture.DeviceList
- DeviceList(Pointer) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.capture.DeviceList
- deviceName - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioDevice
The name of the device
- devices() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.DeviceList
- devices(Pointer<Pointer<Device>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.DeviceList
- dfidf() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDF
DF-IDF as defined by "Event Detection in Twitter by J.
- DFIDFTokenMode - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf
Perform DFIDF and output such that each timeslot is a instance and each word
a feature
- DFIDFTokenMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.DFIDFTokenMode
- DFURLPatternProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.URLPatternProvider.DFURLPatternProvider
- diag(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Extract the diagonal elements as a vector
- diag(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Create a diagonal matrix
- diag(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Extract the diagonal component from the given matrix
- DiagonalMatrix - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix
- DiagonalMatrix(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
New empty matrix with 0s down the diagonals
- DiagonalMatrix(int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
New empty matrix with val down the diagonals
- DiagonalMatrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
Diagonal version of the matrix handed
- DiagonalMatrix(Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
- DiagonalMultivariateGaussian - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution
- DiagonalMultivariateGaussian(Matrix, double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.DiagonalMultivariateGaussian
Construct the Gaussian with the provided center and covariance
- DiagonalMultivariateGaussian(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.DiagonalMultivariateGaussian
Construct the Gaussian with the zero mean and unit variance
- diagVector(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Extract the diagonal component from the given matrix
- diagX - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- diagX - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- difference(Polygon) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Calculates the difference between two polygons and returns a new polygon.
- DifferenceOfGaussian - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Implementation of a difference of Gaussian filter.
- DifferenceOfGaussian() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.DifferenceOfGaussian
Construct a difference of Gaussian with the default sigmas
of 1 and 2.
- DifferenceOfGaussian(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.DifferenceOfGaussian
Construct a difference of Gaussian with the specified
- DifferentiableObjectiveFunction<MODEL,DATATYPE,PTYPE extends Parameters<PTYPE>> - Interface in org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation
- differentialCalculated(VideoTimecode, double, T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.ShotDetectedListener
Called every time a differential between two frames has been
- digamma - Variable in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAVariationlState
Holds the first derivative of the gamma
- dilate - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Close
- Dilate - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology
Morphological dilation of connected components and (assumed binary) FImages.
- Dilate(StructuringElement) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Dilate
Construct the dilate operator with the given structuring element
- Dilate() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Dilate
Construct the dilate operator with a BOX structuring element
- dilate(FImage, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Dilate
- dilate - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Open
- dimension - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.classification.StumpClassifier
The dimension of the feature on which this stump operates
- DioramaEffect - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.effects
Class to produce a Diorama or "Minature Faking" effect.
- DioramaEffect(Line2d) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.effects.DioramaEffect
Construct with the given tilt axis
- directedContour(FImage, Pixel, Pixel, Operation<IndependentPair<Pixel, Direction>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.MooreNeighborStrategy
Directed contour following.
- directedContour(FImage, Pixel, Pixel, Operation<IndependentPair<Pixel, boolean[]>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.SuzukiNeighborStrategy
Directed contour following.
- direction - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor
The primary orientation of the component
- direction - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
The "direction" to perform the SWT
- DirectoryImageProcessor<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor
- DirectoryImageProcessor(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor.DirectoryImageProcessor
- directSuperclasses - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.ClassDef
A list of the direct superclasses of this class
- DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type
A Discrete count bipolar sentiment is one which is positive, negative or netural by some counts.
- DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
all weights set to 0
- DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- DiscreteCountBipolarSentimentProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type
- discriminant - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting value
- discriminant - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting value
- discriminant - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting value
- discriminant - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting value
- discriminant - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting value
- discriminant - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting value
- discriminantDimension - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting dimension
- discriminantDimension - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting dimension
- discriminantDimension - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting dimension
- discriminantDimension - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting dimension
- discriminantDimension - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting dimension
- discriminantDimension - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.KDTreeNode
Splitting dimension
- DisjointSetForest<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.set
Implementation of a Disjoint Set Forest data structure.
- DisjointSetForest() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
Construct a new Disjoint Set Forest.
- DisjointSetForest(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
Constructs a new Disjoint Set Forest, with the specified initial
- Disk - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Disk - a circular averaging filter.
- Disk(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.Disk
Default constructor.
- disk(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
Build a disk shaped structuring element with the given radius.
- DiskCachingFeatureExtractor<FEATURE,OBJECT extends Identifiable> - Class in org.openimaj.feature
A simple wrapper for a feature extractor that caches the extracted feature to
- DiskCachingFeatureExtractor(File, FeatureExtractor<FEATURE, OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.DiskCachingFeatureExtractor
Construct the cache in the given directory.
- DiskCachingFeatureExtractor(File, FeatureExtractor<FEATURE, OBJECT>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.DiskCachingFeatureExtractor
Construct the cache in the given directory.
- dislikes - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Number of users who "disliked" this
- display(Image<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image with the default name
- display(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image with the default name
- display(Image<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image with the given title
- display(Image<?, ?>, JFrame) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image in the given frame
- display(BufferedImage, JFrame) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image in the given frame
- display(BufferedImage, JFrame, Image<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image in the given frame
- display(BufferedImage, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image with the given title
- display(BufferedImage, String, Image<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image with the given title
- display(ConnectedComponent) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Render a connected component and display it
- display(ConnectedComponent, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Render a connected component with a given grey level and display it
- display(Polygon) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Render a polygon to an image and display it.
- display(Polygon, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Render a polygon with a given grey level and display it
- display(String, Image<?, ?>...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display multiple images in an array
- display(String, Collection<? extends Image<?, ?>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display multiple images in a collection
- display(String, int, Image<?, ?>...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display multiple images in an array
- display(String, BufferedImage...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display multiple images in an array of frames
- display(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Assumes the input is a one-dimensional representation of an image.
- display(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Assumes the input is a one-dimensional representation of an image.
- display(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
- displayLinked(String, int, Image<?, ?>...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display multiple images in an array
- displayMode(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Set whether to draw onscreen or not
- displayMouseOverMatches(I, I, List<Pair<Keypoint>>, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.MatchingUtilities
Create an interactive display of matches between two images.
- displayName - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioDevice
The audio device name
- displayName(Image<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
- displayName(Image<?, ?>, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
- displayName(BufferedImage, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Displays an image in the given named window
- displayNextSlide() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
Display the next slide
- displayPrevSlide() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
Display the previous slide
- displaySimple(Image<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image with the default name No additional functionality, such as
zooming, is enabled.
- displaySimple(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image with the default name.
- displaySimple(Image<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image with the given title.
- displaySimple(BufferedImage, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image with the given title.
- displaySimple(BufferedImage, String, Image<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Display an image with the given title.
- displaySlide(Slide) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
- displaySlider(String, int, int, Operation<JSlider>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.utils.VisualisationUtils
- DisplayUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.image
Static methods for displaying images using Swing.
- DisplayUtilities() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
- DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent - Class in org.openimaj.image
An image viewer that displays and image and allows zooming and panning of
- DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent.ImageComponentListener - Interface in org.openimaj.image
Listener for zoom and pan events
- DisplayUtilities.ScalingImageComponent - Class in org.openimaj.image
- dispose() - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
- dispose(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
- distance - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
- distance(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateKDTree
- distance - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
- distance - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
- distance - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
- distance - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
- distance - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighbours
- distance - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
- distance(Point2d, Point2d) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Get the Euclidean distance between two points
- distance(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Get the Euclidean distance between two points
- distance(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
- distance(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
- distance(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
- distance(int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
- distance(long[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
- distance(short[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
- DistanceCheck - Interface in org.openimaj.math.util.distance
Interface for a class that can perform a check on the distance or error
between a pair of items to see if they match.
- DistanceClusterer<CLUSTERS extends IndexClusters> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
- distanceComparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
Get the distance comparator
- distanceComparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
Get the distance comparator
- distanceComparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
Get the distance comparator
- distanceComparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
Get the distance comparator
- distanceComparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
Get the distance comparator
- distanceComparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighbours
Get the distance comparator
- distanceComparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
Get the distance comparator
- DistanceComparator<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.comparator
Interface for classes that can compare two objects
and return a distance or similarity
- DistanceComparatorResidual<I,D,M extends Model<I,D>> - Class in org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals
- DistanceComparatorResidual(DistanceComparator<D>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals.DistanceComparatorResidual
- DistanceDBSCAN - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan
- DistanceDBSCAN(double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DistanceDBSCAN
- distanceFcn - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- distanceFunc(byte[], byte[][], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunc(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(ByteFVComparator, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(ByteFVComparator, byte[], byte[][], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunc(double[], double[][], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunc(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(DoubleFVComparator, double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(DoubleFVComparator, double[], double[][], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunc(float[], float[][], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunc(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(FloatFVComparator, float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(FloatFVComparator, float[], float[][], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunc(int[], int[][], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunc(int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(IntFVComparator, int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(IntFVComparator, int[], int[][], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunc(long[], long[][], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunc(long[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(LongFVComparator, long[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(LongFVComparator, long[], long[][], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunc(DistanceComparator<? super T>, T, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between a query vector and point.
- distanceFunc(short[], short[][], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunc(short[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighbours
Static method to find the sum-squared distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(ShortFVComparator, short[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and a point.
- distanceFunc(ShortFVComparator, short[], short[][], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighbours
Static method to find a distance between
a query vector and each of a set of points.
- distanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHashFunctionFactory
- distanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHashFunctionFactory
- distanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHashFunctionFactory
- distanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHashFunctionFactory
- distanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHashFunctionFactory
- distanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.RandomisedHashFunctionFactory
- distanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHashFunctionFactory
- distances - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- distanceToLine(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Returns the shortest distance between the point and this line.
- DiversityAxis<O> - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
A horizontal axis on which items can be plotted and grouped into bands.
- DiversityAxis(ItemPlotter<O, Float[], MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.DiversityAxis
Default constructor
- DiversityAxis(int, int, ItemPlotter<O, Float[], MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.DiversityAxis
Default constructor that takes the width and height of the visualisation
- divide(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Divides the pixels values of this image with the values from the given
- divide(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Divide each pixel of the image by corresponding pixel in the given image.
- divide(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Divide each pixel of the image by the given scalar value.
- divide(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Divides all pixels of each band by the given value and returns result as
a new image.
- divide(CLQueue, CLImage2D, CLImage2D, CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Divide two images, storing the result in another image
- divide(CLQueue, CLImage2D, float[], CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Divide an image by a constant, storing the result in another image
- divide(CLImage2D, CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Divide two images, returning a new image with the result
- divide(CLImage2D, float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Divide an image by a constant, returning a new image with the result
- divide(I, I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Divide two images, returning a new image with the result
- divide(I, float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Divide an image by a constant, returning a new image with the result
- divide(DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- divide(Integer) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- divide(WeightedBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- divide(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- divide(double[], double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Divide by a constant, all elements and return the input
- divide(float[], float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Divide by a constant, all elements and return the input
- divide(int[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Divide by a constant, all elements and return the input
- divide(long[], long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Divide by a constant, all elements and return the input
- divide(byte[], byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Divide by a constant, all elements and return the input
- divide(short[], short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Divide by a constant, all elements and return the input
- divide(OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ObjectArithmetic
Divide a copy of this.
- divide(SCALAR) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ScalarArithmetic
Divide a copy of this.
- divideInplace(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Divides the pixel values of this image with the values from the given
- divideInplace(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Divide each pixel of the image by the given scalar value.
- divideInplace(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Divide all pixels by a given value
- divideInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Divide each pixel in this image by the corresponding pixel value in the
given image.
- divideInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Divide each pixel in this image by the corresponding pixel value in the
given image.
- divideInplace(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Divide each pixel of the image by the given scalar value.
- divideInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Divide each pixel in this image by the corresponding pixel value in the
given image.
- divideInplace(MultiBandImage<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Divides the pixels in every band of this image by the corresponding pixel
in the corresponding band of the given image.
- divideInplace(SingleBandImage<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Divides the pixels in every band of this image by the corresponding pixel
in the given image.
- divideInplace(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Divide all pixels of every band by the given value.
- divideInplace(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Divide each pixel of the image by the given scalar value.
- divideInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- divideInplace(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- divideInplace(DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- divideInplace(Integer) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- divideInplace(WeightedBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- divideInplace(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- divideInplace(OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ObjectArithmetic
Divide this.
- divideInplace(SCALAR) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ScalarArithmetic
Divide this.
- divToPElementsRe - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.Regexps
- dloss(double, double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.Loss
- Dmoz2CSV - Class in org.openimaj.tools.web
A script for reading the RDF dump from DMOZ and flattening it to
CSV format
- Dmoz2CSV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.web.Dmoz2CSV
- DmozExtractFeatures - Class in org.openimaj.tools.web
Extract features from the webpages listed in files created by
- DmozExtractFeatures() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.web.DmozExtractFeatures
- do_create(ClusterQuantiserOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiser
create new clusters
- do_getSampleBatches(ClusterQuantiserOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiser
Get sample batches
- do_getSamples(ClusterQuantiserOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiser
Get samples
- do_info(AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiser
Print info about clusters
- do_quant(ClusterQuantiserOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiser
Quantise features
- Document - Interface in comxmlns.foaf._0
- Document(String, int, double) - Constructor for class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator.Document
Constructs a new Document object.
- Document(String) - Constructor for class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator.Document
Constructs a new Document object.
- Document - Class in org.openimaj.pgm.util
A document is a bag of words
- Document(Corpus) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.pgm.util.Document
- Document(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.pgm.util.Document
- document - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- documentNumber - Variable in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator.Document
The document identifier.
- documentNumber - Variable in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator.Judgment
The document identifier.
- doExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.RepeatabilityExperiment
- doExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.experiments.langid.TrueLanguageExperiment
do the experiment
- DoGColourSIFTEngine - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine
- DoGColourSIFTEngine() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGColourSIFTEngine
- DoGColourSIFTEngine(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGColourSIFTEngine
Construct with the given options.
- DoGOctave<I extends Image<?,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid
A DoGOctave is capable of processing an octave of Gaussian blurred
images to produce an octave of difference-of-Gaussian images.
- DoGOctave(GaussianPyramid<I>, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.DoGOctave
Construct a Difference of Gaussian octave with the provided parent Pyramid
and octaveSize.
- DoGOctaveExtremaFinder - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid
- DoGOctaveExtremaFinder(OctaveInterestPointFinder<GaussianOctave<FImage>, FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.DoGOctaveExtremaFinder
Construct with the given finder.
- DoGOctaveExtremaFinder(OctaveInterestPointFinder<GaussianOctave<FImage>, FImage>, OctaveInterestPointListener<GaussianOctave<FImage>, FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.DoGOctaveExtremaFinder
Construct with the given finder and listener.
- DoGSIFTEngine - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine
An implementation of Lowe's SIFT: specifically both the
difference-of-Gaussian detector coupled with a SIFT descriptor.
- DoGSIFTEngine() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngine
Construct a DoGSIFTEngine with the default options.
- DoGSIFTEngine(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngine
Construct a DoGSIFTEngine with the given options.
- DoGSIFTEngineOptions<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine
Options for controlling SIFT feature localisation and extraction.
- DoGSIFTEngineOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
- DoGSIFTFeature - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- DoGSIFTFeature() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.DoGSIFTFeature
- DoGSIFTFeature.Extractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- DoGSIFTFeatureComparator - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison
- DoGSIFTFeatureComparator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.DoGSIFTFeatureComparator
- DoGSiftFeatureExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval
- DoGSiftFeatureExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.DoGSiftFeatureExtractor
- domain - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
The domain of the property
- DominantOrientationExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor
Extract the dominant orientations of a scale-space interest point by
looking for peaks in its orientation histogram.
- DominantOrientationExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.DominantOrientationExtractor
Construct with default values.
- DominantOrientationExtractor(float, OrientationHistogramExtractor) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.DominantOrientationExtractor
Construct with given parameters.
- dot(Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
- dot(Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
Returns the dot/scalar product.
- doTask() - Method in class org.openimaj.utils.threads.WatchedRunner
- DotPlotVisualisation - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
Plots blobs proportional to the size of the value.
- DotPlotVisualisation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
Default construcotr
- DotPlotVisualisation(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
Constructor that takes the width and height of the visualisation
- DotPlotVisualisation.ColouredDot - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
A dot with a specific size and colour.
- DotPlotVisualisation3D - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
- DotPlotVisualisation3D(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- dotProduct(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Compute the dot product X.W
- dotProduct(SparseByteArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Compute the dot product with another vector
- dotProduct(SparseDoubleArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Compute the dot product with another vector
- dotProduct(SparseFloatArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Compute the dot product with another vector
- dotProduct(SparseIntArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Compute the dot product with another vector
- dotProduct(SparseLongArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Compute the dot product with another vector
- dotProduct(SparseShortArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Compute the dot product with another vector
- dotProductTranspose(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Compute Y = A .
- dotProductTranspose(Matrix, Matrix, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Y = A .
- dotProductTransposeTranspose(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Perform: A.T.dot(B.T) without performing the transpose.
- DoubleADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- DoubleADCNearestNeighbours(DoubleProductQuantiser, double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- DoubleADCNearestNeighbours(DoubleProductQuantiser, byte[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and pre-quantised data .
- DoubleArrayBackedDataSource - Class in org.openimaj.data
- DoubleArrayBackedDataSource(double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.DoubleArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data
- DoubleArrayBackedDataSource(double[][], Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.DoubleArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data and a random generator for random sampling
- DoubleArrayKernelPerceptron - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron
- DoubleArrayKernelPerceptron(VectorKernel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.DoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- DoubleArrayStatsUtils - Class in org.openimaj.math.util
Some basic statistical operations on double arrays
- DoubleArrayStatsUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
- DoubleArrayValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- DoubleArrayValueAnimator(ValueAnimator<Double>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.DoubleArrayValueAnimator
- DoubleArrayView - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A wrapper around a java double array that allows
views onto the array to be created without the
overhead of maintaining copies of the data.
- DoubleArrayView(double[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
Create a view on the given array from l (inclusive) to
r (exclusive).
- DoubleArrayView(double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
Create a view on the entirety of the given array.
- DoubleArrayView(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
Create a view on an array of length n.
- DoubleBytePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of double and byte types
- DoubleBytePair(double, byte) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Construct pair with given values
- DoubleBytePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Construct empty pair
- DoubleCauchyFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that use a Cauchy
distribution to approximate L1 distance.
- DoubleCauchyFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleCauchyFactory
Construct the factory with the given parameters.
- DoubleCentroidsResult - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
- DoubleCentroidsResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.DoubleCentroidsResult
- DoubleDBSCANClusters - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan
- DoubleDBSCANClusters(int[], int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DoubleDBSCANClusters
- DoubleDBSCANClusters(int[], int[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DoubleDBSCANClusters
- DoubleDCT_1D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct
Computes 1D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) of double precision data.
- DoubleDCT_1D(int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_1D
Creates new instance of DoubleDCT_1D.
- DoubleDCT_2D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct
Computes 2D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) of double precision data.
- DoubleDCT_2D(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_2D
Creates new instance of DoubleDCT_2D.
- DoubleDCT_3D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct
Computes 3D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) of double precision data.
- DoubleDCT_3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_3D
Creates new instance of DoubleDCT_3D.
- DoubleDHT_1D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht
Computes 1D Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT) of real, double precision data.
- DoubleDHT_1D(int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_1D
Creates new instance of DoubleDHT_1D.
- DoubleDHT_2D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht
Computes 2D Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT) of real, double precision data.
- DoubleDHT_2D(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_2D
Creates new instance of DoubleDHT_2D.
- DoubleDHT_3D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht
Computes 3D Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT) of real, double precision data.
- DoubleDHT_3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_3D
Creates new instance of DoubleDHT_3D.
- DoubleDoublePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of double and double types
- DoubleDoublePair(double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Construct pair with given values
- DoubleDoublePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Construct empty pair
- DoubleDST_1D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst
Computes 1D Discrete Sine Transform (DST) of double precision data.
- DoubleDST_1D(int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_1D
Creates new instance of DoubleDST_1D.
- DoubleDST_2D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst
Computes 2D Discrete Sine Transform (DST) of double precision data.
- DoubleDST_2D(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_2D
Creates new instance of DoubleDST_2D.
- DoubleDST_3D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst
Computes 3D Discrete Sine Transform (DST) of double precision data.
- DoubleDST_3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_3D
Creates new instance of DoubleDST_3D.
- DoubleFFT_1D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
Computes 1D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of complex and real, double
precision data.
- DoubleFFT_1D(int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Creates new instance of DoubleFFT_1D.
- DoubleFFT_2D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
Computes 2D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of complex and real, double
precision data.
- DoubleFFT_2D(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Creates new instance of DoubleFFT_2D.
- DoubleFFT_3D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
Computes 3D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of complex and real, double
precision data.
- DoubleFFT_3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Creates new instance of DoubleFFT_3D.
- DoubleFloatPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of double and float types
- DoubleFloatPair(double, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Construct pair with given values
- DoubleFloatPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Construct empty pair
- DoubleFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic double single-dimensional feature vector implementation
- DoubleFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- DoubleFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- DoubleFV(double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- DoubleFV2FImage - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature
- DoubleFV2FImage(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.DoubleFV2FImage
Construct the converter with the given image size
- DoubleFVComparator - Interface in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for DoubleFV objects.
- DoubleFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for DoubleFV objects.
- DoubleFVSimilarityFunction<T> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
- DoubleFVSimilarityFunction(FeatureExtractor<DoubleFV, T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleFVSimilarityFunction
- DoubleGaussianFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions using Gaussian
distributions to approximate the Euclidean distance.
- DoubleGaussianFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleGaussianFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- DoubleHammingFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that approximate the
Hamming distance.
- DoubleHammingFactory(int, MersenneTwister, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHammingFactory
Construct a new factory using the given parameters.
- DoubleHashFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- DoubleHashFunctionFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- DoubleHashFunctionFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHashFunctionFactory
- DoubleHyperplaneCosineFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate cosine
distance using hyperplanes.
- DoubleHyperplaneCosineFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHyperplaneCosineFactory
Construct with the given arguments.
- DoubleHyperplaneL1Factory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate L1
(city-block) distance in closed spaces using random axis-aligned hyperplanes.
- DoubleHyperplaneL1Factory(int, MersenneTwister, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHyperplaneL1Factory
Construct with the given arguments.
- doubleInitialImage - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Should the starting image of the pyramid be stretched to twice its size?
- DoubleIntPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of double and int types
- DoubleIntPair(double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Construct pair with given values
- DoubleIntPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Construct empty pair
- DoubleKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Immutable KD-Tree implementation for double[] data.
- DoubleKDTree(double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
- DoubleKDTree(double[][], DoubleKDTree.SplitChooser) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
Construct with the given data and splitting strategy
- DoubleKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Approximate best-bin-first median splitting.
- DoubleKDTree.BasicMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Basic median split.
- DoubleKDTree.BBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Best-bin-first median splitting.
- DoubleKDTree.KDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
An internal node of the KDTree
- DoubleKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Randomised best-bin-first splitting strategy:
Nodes with less than a set number of items become leafs.
- DoubleKDTree.SplitChooser - Interface in org.openimaj.util.tree
Interface for describing how a branch in the KD-Tree should be created
- DoubleKDTreeClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree
- DoubleKDTreeClusterer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.DoubleKDTreeClusterer
- DoubleKDTreeClusterer(double, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.DoubleKDTreeClusterer
- DoubleKDTreeClusterer(SplitDetectionMode, double, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.DoubleKDTreeClusterer
- DoubleKDTreeClusterer(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.DoubleKDTreeClusterer
- DoubleKDTreeEnsemble - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees for double data.
- DoubleKDTreeEnsemble(double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a DoubleKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data,
using the default of 8 trees.
- DoubleKDTreeEnsemble(double[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a DoubleKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- DoubleKDTreeEnsemble(double[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a DoubleKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- DoubleKDTreeEnsemble.DoubleKDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
An internal node of the KDTree
- DoubleKDTreeNode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleKDTreeEnsemble.DoubleKDTreeNode
Construct a new node
- DoubleKDTreeNode(double[][], IntArrayView, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleKDTreeEnsemble.DoubleKDTreeNode
Construct a new node with the given data
- DoubleKMeans - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Fast, parallel implementation of the K-Means algorithm with support for
bigger-than-memory data.
- DoubleKMeans(KMeansConfiguration<DoubleNearestNeighbours, double[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
Construct the clusterer with the the given configuration.
- DoubleKMeans() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
A completely default
used primarily as a convenience function for reading.
- DoubleKMeans.Result - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Result object for DoubleKMeans, extending DoubleCentroidsResult and DoubleNearestNeighboursProvider,
as well as giving access to state information from the operation of the K-Means algorithm
- DoubleKMeansInit - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Initialisation for K-Means clustering.
- DoubleKMeansInit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeansInit
- DoubleKMeansInit.RANDOM - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Simple kmeans initialized on randomly selected samples.
- DoubleKNNAssigner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft
that picks a fixed number of nearest neighbours.
- DoubleKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<double[]>, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.DoubleKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- DoubleKNNAssigner(double[][], boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.DoubleKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- DoubleKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<double[]>, DoubleFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.DoubleKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- DoubleKNNAssigner(double[][], DoubleFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.DoubleKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- DoubleLongPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of double and long types
- DoubleLongPair(double, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Construct pair with given values
- DoubleLongPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Construct empty pair
- DoubleMultiviewSpectralClustering - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
- DoubleMultiviewSpectralClustering(MultiviewSpectralClusteringConf<double[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleMultiviewSpectralClustering
- DoubleNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Abstract base class for k-nearest-neighbour calculations with double[] data.
- DoubleNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighbours
- DoubleNearestNeighboursExact - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Exact (brute-force) k-nearest-neighbour implementation.
- DoubleNearestNeighboursExact(double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the DoubleNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset and using Euclidean distance.
- DoubleNearestNeighboursExact(double[][], DoubleFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the DoubleNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset with the given distance function.
- DoubleNearestNeighboursExact.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn
- DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Fast Nearest-Neighbours for double data using an ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees.
- DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree(double[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree
Construct the DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree with the given options.
- DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
- DoubleNearestNeighboursProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.knn
Interface for classes able to expose a k-nearest-neighbour object.
- DoubleNNDBSCAN - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan
Implementation of DBSCAN (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBSCAN) using
- DoubleNNDBSCAN(double, int, NearestNeighboursFactory<? extends DoubleNearestNeighbours, double[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DoubleNNDBSCAN
Perform a DBScane with this configuration
- DoubleNNDBSCAN(double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DoubleNNDBSCAN
- DoubleObjectPair<Q> - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of double and a generic type
- DoubleObjectPair(double, Q) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleObjectPair
Construct pair with given values
- DoubleObjectPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleObjectPair
Construct empty pair
- DoublePoint2dImpl - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.point
Double-precision 2d point
- DoublePoint2dImpl() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.DoublePoint2dImpl
Default constructor - point at origin
- DoublePoint2dImpl(double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.DoublePoint2dImpl
Construct with given ordinates
- DoublePoint2dImpl(Point2d) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.DoublePoint2dImpl
Construct with given coordinate
- DoubleProductQuantiser - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Implementation of a Product Quantiser for vectors/arrays of doubles.
- DoubleProductQuantiser(DoubleNearestNeighboursExact[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleProductQuantiser
- DoubleProductQuantiserUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
- DoubleProviderTimeSeriesConverter<INPUTALL,INPUTSINGLE,INPUTTS extends TimeSeries<INPUTALL,INPUTSINGLE,INPUTTS> & DoubleTimeSeriesProvider> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.converter
- DoubleProviderTimeSeriesConverter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.converter.DoubleProviderTimeSeriesConverter
- DoublePStableFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
Base class for hashing schemes based on P-Stable distributions.
- DoublePStableFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoublePStableFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- DoublePStableFactory.PStableFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- DoubleSDCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Symmetric Distance Computation (SDC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- DoubleSDCNearestNeighbours(DoubleProductQuantiser, double[][][], double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleSDCNearestNeighbours
Construct the SDC with the given quantiser, centroids (corresponding to
the quantiser's internal assigners), and data.
- DoubleShortPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of double and short types
- DoubleShortPair(double, short) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Construct pair with given values
- DoubleShortPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Construct empty pair
- doubleSize(I) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Double the size of the image.
- doubleSize(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Double the size of the image.
- doubleSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Upscale the image to double size before applying the SWT.
- DoubleSpectralClustering - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
Built from a mixture of this tutorial:
- http://www.kyb.mpg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/files/publications/attachments/Luxburg07_tutorial_4488%5B0%5D.pdf
And this implementation:
- https://github.com/peterklipfel/AutoponicsVision/blob/master/SpectralClustering.java
- DoubleSpectralClustering(SpectralClusteringConf<double[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleSpectralClustering
- DoubleSpectralClustering() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleSpectralClustering
- DoubleSynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series
- DoubleSynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleSynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
basic constructor
- DoubleSynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection(IndependentPair<String, DoubleTimeSeries>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleSynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
create a synchronised series from a bunch of pairs
- doubleTimeSeries() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDFTimeSeries
- DoubleTimeSeries - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series
- DoubleTimeSeries(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
Convenience constructor, makes a time series with empty data of a given size
- DoubleTimeSeries() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
Sets the times and data arrays backing this class 0 length
- DoubleTimeSeries(long[], double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- doubleTimeSeries() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- doubleTimeSeries() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeriesProvider
- DoubleTimeSeriesCollection - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series
- DoubleTimeSeriesCollection() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeriesCollection
- DoubleTimeSeriesProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series
- DownloadBolt - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
- DownloadBolt(boolean, File, File, List<OutputListener>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.DownloadBolt
- DownloadMapper - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader
A Hadoop Mapper
for downloading files.
- DownloadMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.DownloadMapper
- DownloadMapper.Counters - Enum in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader
- downloadURL(URL, File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
Download the contents of the given URL to the given file
- doWork(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.io.FileLooper
Do what you want to each line here.
- doWork(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder.StreamLooper
Do what you want to each line here.
- drainTo(Collection<? super E>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
- drainTo(Collection<? super E>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
- drainTo(Collection<? super E>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concurrent.BlockingDroppingQueue
Removes all available elements from this queue and adds them to the given
- drainTo(Collection<? super E>, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concurrent.BlockingDroppingQueue
Removes at most the given number of available elements from this queue
and adds them to the given collection.
- draw() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryPlot
- draw(TernaryParams) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryPlot
- draw(MBFImage, int, int, PointList) - Method in enum org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoObjectVisualisation.DrawType
Draw the point list into the given visualisation at the given offset.
- DRAW_SCALE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- drawAxis(AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
Draw the major axis
- drawAxis(AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
Draw the major axis
- drawAxis(AxisConfig<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
- drawAxisLabel(AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
Draw the axis label
- drawAxisLabel(AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
Draw the axis label
- drawAxisLabel(AxisConfig<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
- drawBoxes(MBFImage, double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.LocalHistogramVideoShotDetector
Draws the boxes to show movements.
- drawCenter(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointVisualiser
- drawCenter(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointVisualizer
Draw the centre point of the keypoints on an image
- drawChart(AudioStream...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioFramePlot
Draws the first 3 frames of the audio stream on to a chart.
- drawChart(int, AudioStream...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioFramePlot
Draws the first n frames of the audio stream on to a chart.
- drawChart(int, boolean, AudioStream...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioFramePlot
Draws the first n frames of the audio stream on to a chart.
- drawChart(int, boolean, List<IndependentPair<AudioStream, String>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioFramePlot
Draws the first n frames of the audio streams on to a chart mapping the names given
to each stream into the legend.
- drawChessboardCorners(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.ChessboardCornerFinder
- drawChessboardCorners(MBFImage, int, int, List<? extends Point2d>, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.ChessboardCornerFinder
Draw the given chessboard corners from on the given image.
- drawConnectedPoints(List<? extends Point2d>, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw onto this image lines drawn with the given colour between the points
- drawConnectedPoints(List<? extends Point2d>, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw onto this image lines drawn with the given colour between the points
- drawContours(MBFImage, Contour) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.ContourRenderer
Utility function to quickly draw the contour to the image.
- drawContours(Contour) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.ContourRenderer
Draw the given contour.
- drawCubicBezier(Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw a cubic Bezier curve into the image with 100 point accuracy.
- drawCubicBezier(Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a cubic Bezier curve into the image with 100 point accuracy.
- drawDescriptor(float[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.VLAD
Generate a visualisation of the feature.
- drawDetectedFace(MBFImage, int, CLMDetectedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.util.CLMDetectedFaceRenderer
- drawDetectedFace(MBFImage, MultiTracker.TrackedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.util.CLMDetectedFaceRenderer
- drawDetectedFace(MBFImage, int, DETECTED_FACE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.face.util.DetectedFaceRenderer
- drawDetectedFace(MBFImage, int, KEDetectedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.util.KEDetectedFaceRenderer
- drawDetectedFace(MBFImage, int, DetectedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.util.SimpleDetectedFaceRenderer
- drawFaceModel(MBFImage, MultiTracker.TrackedFace, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int[][], int[][], float, Float[], Float[], Float[], Float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Draw onto the given image, the given face model.
- drawFeatures(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureList
- drawFeatures(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureList
- drawHorizLine(int, int, int, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
- drawHorizLine(int, int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a horizontal line with the specified colour.
- drawHorizLine(int, int, int, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MBFImageRenderer
- drawHorizLine(int, int, int, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- drawImage(I, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw into this image the provided image at the given coordinates.
- drawImage(I, Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw into this image the provided image at the given coordinates.
- drawImage(I, int, int, Q...) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw into this image the provided image at the given coordinates ignoring
certain pixels.
- drawImage(I, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw into this image the provided image at the given coordinates.
- drawImage(I, int, int, Q...) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw into this image the provided image at the given coordinates ignoring
certain pixels.
- drawImage(MBFImage, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MBFImageRenderer
Draw the provided image at the given coordinates.
- drawImage(S, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MultiBandRenderer
Draws the given single band image onto each band at the given position.
- drawImage(S, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MultiBandRenderer
Draws the given single band image onto the specific band at the given
- drawImage(SVGImage, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- drawImage3(MBFImage, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MBFImageRenderer
- drawingAlgorithm - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.RenderHints
- DrawingTest - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training
- DrawingTest() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.DrawingTest
- drawLine(int, int, double, int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
at an
angle of theta
with the given length, thickness and colour.
- drawLine(int, int, double, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
at an
angle of theta
with the given length and colour.
- drawLine(int, int, int, int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x0,y0)
to the
coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
using the given color and
- drawLine(int, int, int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x0,y0)
using the given colour.
- drawLine(Point2d, Point2d, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw a line from the coordinates specified using the given colour.
- drawLine(Point2d, Point2d, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw a line from the coordinates specified using the given colour and
- drawLine(Path2d, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw a line from the specified Path2d object
- drawLine(int, int, double, int, int, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
at an
angle of theta
with the given length, thickness and colour.
- drawLine(int, int, int, int, int, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x0,y0)
to the
coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
using the given color and
- drawLine(float, float, float, float, int, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
- drawLine(int, int, double, int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
at an
angle of theta
with the given length, thickness and colour.
- drawLine(int, int, double, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
at an
angle of theta
with the given length and colour.
- drawLine(int, int, int, int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x0,y0)
to the
coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
using the given color and
- drawLine(float, float, float, float, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x0,y0)
to the
coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
using the given color and
- drawLine(int, int, int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x0,y0)
using the given colour.
- drawLine(Point2d, Point2d, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x0,y0)
using the given colour.
- drawLine(Point2d, Point2d, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x0,y0)
using the given colour and thickness.
- drawLine(Path2d, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a line from the specified
- drawLine(int, int, double, int, int, T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MultiBandRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
at an
angle of theta
with the given length, thickness and colour.
- drawLine(int, int, int, int, int, T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MultiBandRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x0,y0)
to the
coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
using the given color and
- drawLine(float, float, float, float, int, T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MultiBandRenderer
Draw a line from the coordinates specified by (x0,y0)
to the
coordinates specified by (x1,y1)
using the given color and
- drawLine(int, int, double, int, int, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- drawLine(int, int, int, int, int, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- drawLine(float, float, float, float, int, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- drawLineBresenham(int, int, int, int, int, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
- drawLines(Iterable<? extends Path2d>, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- drawLines(Iterable<? extends Path2d>, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
- drawLineXiaolinWu(float, float, float, float, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
- drawMajorTick(double, AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
Draw a tick on the axis at the given location
- drawMajorTick(double, AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
Draw a tick on the axis at the given location
- drawMajorTick(double, AxisConfig<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
- drawMajorTickGridline(double, AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
Draw a major grid line on the vis
- drawMajorTickGridline(double, AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
Draw a major grid line on the vis
- drawMajorTickGridline(double, AxisConfig<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
- drawMarker(Timeline.TimelineMarker, MBFImage, int, int) - Method in enum org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineMarkerType
Draws this marker into the given graphics context at the given
position and with the given length.
- drawMatches(I, I, List<? extends Pair<? extends Point2d>>, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.MatchingUtilities
Draw matches between two images in the given colour.
- drawMatches(I, I, List<? extends Pair<? extends Point2d>>, T, List<? extends Pair<? extends Point2d>>, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.MatchingUtilities
Draw two sets of matches between two images in the given colours.
- drawMatches(I, List<IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>>, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.MatchingUtilities
Draw matches between two images in the given colour.
- drawMinorTick(double, AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
Draw a minor tick on the axis
- drawMinorTick(double, AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
Draw a minor tick on the axis
- drawMinorTick(double, AxisConfig<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
- drawMinorTickGridline(double, AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
Draw a minor grid on the vis
- drawMinorTickGridline(double, AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
Draw a minor grid on the vis
- drawMinorTickGridline(double, AxisConfig<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
- drawModel(MBFImage, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Draw the model onto the image
- drawOIImage(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- drawPatches(T, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointVisualiser
Draw the interest points, a central dot for in the pointCol and a bordered area of interest by borderCol.
- drawPatches(T, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointVisualizer
Draw the sampling boxes on an image.
- drawPatchesInplace(Q, List<? extends Keypoint>, T, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointVisualizer
Draw the SIFT features onto an image.
- drawPath(Path2d, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw a line from the specified Path2d object
- drawPath(Path2d, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a path from the specified
- drawPaths(Iterable<? extends Path2d>, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- drawPaths(Iterable<? extends Path2d>, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
- drawPoint(Point2d, Q, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw a dot centered on the given location (rounded to nearest integer
location) at the given size and with the given color.
- drawPoint(Point2d, Float, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
Draw a dot centered on the given location (rounded to nearest integer
location) at the given size and with the given color.
- drawPoint(Point2d, Q, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a dot centered on the given location (rounded to nearest integer
location) at the given size and with the given color.
- drawPoint(Point2d, T[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MultiBandRenderer
Draw a dot centered on the given location (rounded to nearest integer
location) at the given size and with the given color.
- drawPoint(Point2d, Float[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- drawPoints(Iterable<? extends Point2d>, Q, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- drawPoints(Iterable<? extends Point2d>, Q, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
- drawPolygon(Polygon, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw the given polygon in the specified colour with the given thickness
- drawPolygon(Polygon, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw the given polygon in the specified colour.
- drawPolygon(Polygon, int, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
Draw the given polygon in the specified colour with the given thickness
- drawPolygon(Polygon, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw the given polygon in the specified colour with the given thickness
- drawPolygon(Polygon, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw the given polygon in the specified colour.
- drawPolygon(Polygon, int, T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MultiBandRenderer
Draw the given polygon in the specified colour with the given thickness
- drawPolygon(Polygon, int, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- drawPolygonFilled(Polygon, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw the given polygon, filled with the specified colour.
- drawPolygonFilled(Polygon, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
- drawPolygonFilled(Polygon, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw the given polygon, filled with the specified colour.
- drawPolygonFilled(Polygon, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- drawQuadBezier(Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw a Quadratic Bezier curve
- drawRects(WeightedRectangle[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.DrawingTest
- drawRects(WeightedRectangle[], FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.DrawingTest
- drawSea(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
Fill the image with the sea's colour.
- drawShape(Shape, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw the given shape in the specified colour with the given thickness
- drawShape(Shape, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw the given shape in the specified colour.
- drawShape(Shape, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw the given shape in the specified colour with the given thickness
- drawShape(Shape, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw the given shape in the specified colour.
- drawShapeFilled(Shape, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Draw the given shape, filled with the specified colour.
- drawShapeFilled(Shape, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Draw the given shape, filled with the specified colour.
- drawShapeFilled(Shape, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- drawText(AttributedString, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Render the text using its attributes.
- drawText(AttributedString, Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Render the text using its attributes.
- drawText(String, int, int, F, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Render the text in the given font with the default style.
- drawText(String, int, int, F, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Render the text in the given font in the given colour with the default
- drawText(String, int, int, FontStyle<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- drawText(String, Point2d, F, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Render the text in the given font with the default style.
- drawText(String, Point2d, F, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Render the text in the given font in the given colour with the default
- drawText(String, Point2d, FontStyle<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- drawText(String, int, int, F, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Render the text in the given font with the default style.
- drawText(String, int, int, F, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Render the text in the given font in the given colour with the default
- drawText(String, Point2d, F, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Render the text in the given font with the default style.
- drawText(String, Point2d, F, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Render the text in the given font in the given colour with the default
- drawText(String, int, int, FontStyle<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
- drawText(String, Point2d, FontStyle<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
- drawText(AttributedString, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Render the text using its attributes.
- drawText(AttributedString, Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Render the text using its attributes.
- drawTriangles() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryPlot
- drawWaveform(SampleBuffer) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Draw the given sample chunk into an image and returns that image.
- dropCount() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
- dropCount() - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concurrent.BlockingDroppingQueue
Returns the total number of items that have been dropped by this
to make space for new elements within its
- DSiftFeatureExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval
- DSiftFeatureExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.DSiftFeatureExtractor
- DT1D(float[], float[], int[], int[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EuclideanDistanceTransform
- DTConsistency - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- DTConsistency() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency
- DTConsistency.DTConsistencyInfo - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- DTConsistencyInfo() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency.DTConsistencyInfo
- DualEntry() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray.DualEntry
- DualEntry() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray.DualEntry
- DualEntry() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray.DualEntry
- DualEntry() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray.DualEntry
- DualEntry() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray.DualEntry
- DualEntry() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray.DualEntry
- DummyExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
- DummyExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DummyExtractor
- DummyOscillator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.DummyOscillator
- dumpValue(T, V) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.KeyValueDump
- DupsEdgeFilter - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing
- DupsEdgeFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.DupsEdgeFilter
- duration() - Method in class org.openimaj.time.NanoTimer
Get the duration of the timer in nanoseconds.
- duration() - Method in class org.openimaj.time.Timer
Get the duration of the timer in milliseconds.
- duration - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Duration of content (if video)
- dx() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dx(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dx - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FSobel
The X gradients
- dx - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeNode
Change in x for a unit y increase
- dx - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.StNode
Change in x for a unit y increase
- dx_beta_inc() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dx_beta_inc(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dx_beta_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dx_beta_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dx_center() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dx_center(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- DX_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.BasicDerivativeKernels
kernel approximating the first derivative of a low-sigma gaussian in the x-direction [-0.5, 0, 0.5].
- dx_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dx_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dxdx_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dxdx_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dxdxdx_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dxdxdx_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dxdxdy_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dxdxdy_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dxdy_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dxdy_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- DXX_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.BasicDerivativeKernels
kernel approximating the second derivative of a low sigma gaussian in the x-direction [1, -2, 1].
- DXXXX_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.BasicDerivativeKernels
kernel approximating the fourth derivative of a low sigma gaussian in the x-direction [1,-4,6,-4,1]^T
Useful for giving an estimate of the fourth derivative in y of any given point
- DXXYY_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.BasicDerivativeKernels
kernel approximating the second derivative of a low sigma gaussian in the x-direction and y-direction [[1,-2,1],[-2,4,-2],[1,-2,1]] .
- DXY_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.BasicDerivativeKernels
kernel approximating the first derivative of a low sigma gaussian in the x-direction and y-direction [[-0.25, 0, 0.25], [0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0, -0.25]] .
- dy() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dy(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dy - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FSobel
The Y gradients
- dy_beta_inc() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dy_beta_inc(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dy_beta_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dy_beta_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- DY_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.BasicDerivativeKernels
kernel approximating the first derivative of a low-sigma gaussian in the y-direction [-0.5, 0, 0.5]'.
- dy_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dy_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydx_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydx_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydxdx_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydxdx_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydxdy_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydxdy_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydy_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydy_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydydx_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydydx_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydydy_start() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- dydydy_start(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- DYY_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.BasicDerivativeKernels
kernel approximating the second derivative of a low sigma gaussian in the y-direction [1, -2, 1]'.
- DYYYY_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.BasicDerivativeKernels
kernel approximating the fourth derivative of a low sigma gaussian in the y-direction [1,-4,6,-4,1]^T
Useful for giving an estimate of the fourth derivative in y of any given point
- f - Variable in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.AbstractGetter
- F12Epipolar(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.F12Epipolar
- F12Sampson(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.F12Sampson
- F13Epipolar(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.F13Epipolar
- F13Sampson(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.F13Sampson
- F23Epipolar(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.F23Epipolar
- F23Sampson(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.F23Sampson
- FaceAligner<T extends DetectedFace> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment
A FaceAligner produces aligned face patches (i.e.
- FacebookConsumer - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
Consume facebook posts/pictures using the com.restfb.FacebookClient
- FacebookConsumer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.FacebookConsumer
- faceDetector - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector.Configuration
The Face detector
- FaceDetector<T extends DetectedFace,I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection
Interfaces for classes that are capable of detecting faces.
- faceDetector - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
- faceDetector - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.CrossValidationBenchmark
- faceDetector - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackerVars
The Face detector
- FaceDetectorFeatures - Enum in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection
Simple features that can be extracted from a list of detected faces and an
- FaceDetectors - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options
Face detector configuration for the tools
- FaceDetectors() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.FaceDetectors
- FaceDetectors.AnyBasicFImageDetector - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options
Any type of basic
- FaceDetectors.FaceDetectorProvider<FACE extends DetectedFace,IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>> - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options
- FaceDetectorTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces
A command-line tool that displays the bounding boxes of detected
faces in the input image(s).
- FaceDetectorTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceDetectorTool
- FaceDetectorToolOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces
Options specific to the face detector tool.
- FaceDetectorToolOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceDetectorToolOptions
- FaceExtractorTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces.extraction
A tool that provides a means of extracting faces from videos and images.
- FaceExtractorTool(FaceExtractorToolOptions) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.extraction.FaceExtractorTool
Default constructor
- FaceExtractorToolOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces.extraction
Command-line option class for the face extractor tool.
- FaceExtractorToolOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.extraction.FaceExtractorToolOptions
- FaceFVComparator<T extends FacialFeature & FeatureVectorProvider<Q>,Q extends FeatureVector> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison
- FaceFVComparator(FVComparator<Q>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.FaceFVComparator
- FaceImageFeature - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
that is just the pixel values
of a (possibly aligned) face detection.
- FaceImageFeature(FloatFV) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FaceImageFeature
Construct with the given feature
- FaceImageFeature.Extractor<T extends DetectedFace> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- faceParts - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature
- facePatch - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
The extracted sub-image representing the face.
- FacePatchFeature - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
that is built by concatenating each of the normalised
facial part patches from a detected face.
- FacePatchFeature() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature
Default constructor.
- FacePatchFeature.DetectedFacePart - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- FacePatchFeature.Extractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- FaceRecogniser<FACE extends DetectedFace,PERSON> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition
Base class for all Face Recognisers.
- FaceRecogniser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecogniser
- FaceRecogniserProvider<FACE extends DetectedFace,PERSON> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking
- FaceRecogniserTrainingTool<T extends DetectedFace> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition
A tool for training face recognisers
- FaceRecogniserTrainingTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.FaceRecogniserTrainingTool
- FaceRecognitionCrossValidatorTool<FACE extends DetectedFace> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition
A command line tool for performing cross-validation experiments for face
recognition or classification.
- FaceRecognitionCrossValidatorTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.FaceRecognitionCrossValidatorTool
- FaceRecognitionEngine<FACE extends DetectedFace,PERSON> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition
- FaceRecognitionEngine() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
- FaceRecognitionEngine(FaceDetector<FACE, FImage>, FaceRecogniser<FACE, PERSON>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
- FaceRecognitionInfoTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition
A tool for printing out information about face recognisers.
- FaceRecognitionInfoTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.FaceRecognitionInfoTool
- FaceRecognitionTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition
A tool for using pre-trained face recognisers
- FaceRecognitionTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.FaceRecognitionTool
- faces() - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
- FaceSimilarityEngine<D extends DetectedFace,F extends FacialFeature,I extends Image<?,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity
- FaceSimilarityEngine(FaceDetector<D, I>, FacialFeatureExtractor<F, D>, FacialFeatureComparator<F>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
- FaceSimilarityTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces
Face similarity tool compares the faces in all given images and gives a score
for each comparison.
- FaceSimilarityTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceSimilarityTool
- FaceSimilarityTool.ImageGetter<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.faces
An interface to get images and names from a list of things.
- FaceSimilarityToolOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces
- FaceSimilarityToolOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceSimilarityToolOptions
- faceSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.extraction.FaceExtractorToolOptions
The minimum face size for the face detector
- FaceToolOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.faces
- FaceToolOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceToolOptions
- FaceTracker<I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking
An interface for classes that are able to track faces within images.
- FacialFeature - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
A FacialFeature is a feature describing a face that has
been detected.
- FacialFeatureComparator<T extends FacialFeature> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison
Interface for classes capable of comparing two
and producing a score.
- FacialFeatureExtractor<T extends FacialFeature,Q extends DetectedFace> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- FacialKeypoint - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints
- FacialKeypoint() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypoint
Default constructor.
- FacialKeypoint(FacialKeypoint.FacialKeypointType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypoint
Construct a FacialKeypoint at the origin with the specified type.
- FacialKeypoint(FacialKeypoint.FacialKeypointType, Point2d) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypoint
Construct a FacialKeypoint with the specified type and position.
- FacialKeypoint.FacialKeypointType - Enum in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints
- FacialKeypointExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints
A class capable of finding likely facial keypoints using
a masked Haar cascade for each keypoint, and then picking
the best combination of points based on a model.
- FacialKeypointExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypointExtractor
Construct a new facial keypoint extractor.
- facialKeypointExtractor - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
- factObjectsQuery(String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
- factor(DenseMatrix) - Method in class no.uib.cipr.matrix.EconomySVD
Computes an SVD
- factorize(Matrix) - Static method in class no.uib.cipr.matrix.EconomySVD
Convenience method for computing a full SVD
- Factory(TAsyncClientManager, TProtocolFactory) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.Factory
- Factory() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client.Factory
- Factory(PointListConnections, FLineSampler, int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.FNormalLandmarkModel.Factory
Default constructor.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.FPatchLandmarkModel.Factory
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the default number of trees and checks.
- Factory(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the given number of trees and checks.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the default number of trees and checks.
- Factory(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the given number of trees and checks.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the default number of trees and checks.
- Factory(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the given number of trees and checks.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the default number of trees and checks.
- Factory(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the given number of trees and checks.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the default number of trees and checks.
- Factory(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the given number of trees and checks.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the default number of trees and checks.
- Factory(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory
Construct the factory the given number of trees and checks.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory using Euclidean distance for the
produced ByteNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory(ByteFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory with the given distance function
for the produced ByteNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory using Euclidean distance for the
produced DoubleNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory(DoubleFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory with the given distance function
for the produced DoubleNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory using Euclidean distance for the
produced FloatNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory(FloatFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory with the given distance function
for the produced FloatNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory using Euclidean distance for the
produced IntNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory(IntFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory with the given distance function
for the produced IntNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory using Euclidean distance for the
produced LongNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory(LongFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory with the given distance function
for the produced LongNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory(DistanceComparator<? super T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory with the given distance function for the
produced ObjectNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory using Euclidean distance for the
produced ShortNearestNeighbours instances.
- Factory(ShortFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact.Factory
Construct the factory with the given distance function
for the produced ShortNearestNeighbours instances.
- factory - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
- factSubjectsQuery(String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
- FadeShotBoundary<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector
Represents a shot boundary that is a fade shot boundary between
two scenes.
- FadeShotBoundary(ShotBoundary<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.FadeShotBoundary
Create a new fade shot boundary giving the start
of the fade as a starting point.
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftSpout
- fail(Object) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.UnreliableKestrelThriftSpout
- fail(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalTweetSpout
- failed - Variable in class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer.SequencerEvent
Whether the event failed to fire
- failedURL(URL, String) - Method in interface org.openimaj.picslurper.output.OutputListener
Called for every URL that is a failure
- failedURL(URL, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.TrendDetectionOutputListener
- failedURL(URL, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.ZMQOutputListener
- FailEveryOther() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.spout.TestTopology.FailEveryOther
- failureCheck - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector.Configuration
The failure checker
- failureCheck - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackerVars
The failure checker
- failureStage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Stage
Get the next stage to evaluate should this one fail; if this stage fails
and this is
then the whole
- familiarityWithCategory - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.Response
How familiar is the responder with the category
- FAST - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.RenderHints
Fast drawing
- FastBasicKeypointMatcher<T extends Keypoint> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher
Basic keypoint matcher.
- FastBasicKeypointMatcher() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastBasicKeypointMatcher
Construct with a threshold of 8, corresponding to the 0.8 in Lowe's IJCV
- FastBasicKeypointMatcher(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastBasicKeypointMatcher
- FastChessboardDetector - Class in org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration
Analyser for performing a fast check to see if a chessboard is in the input
- FastChessboardDetector(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.FastChessboardDetector
* Construct with the given pattern size
- fastConvolve3(FImage, FImage, float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageConvolveSeparable
Fast convolution for separated 3x3 kernels.
- fastdot(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- FastEuclideanKeypointMatcher<T extends Keypoint> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher
Uses a ByteKDTree to estimate approximate nearest neighbours more
- FastEuclideanKeypointMatcher(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastEuclideanKeypointMatcher
- fastKNN(Collection<T>, Coordinate, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateKDTree
Faster implementation of K-nearest-neighbours.
- FastLimitedBasicKeypointMatcher<T extends Keypoint> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher
Basic keypoint matcher.
- FastLimitedBasicKeypointMatcher(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastLimitedBasicKeypointMatcher
- FastLimitedEuclideanKeypointMatcher<T extends Keypoint> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher
Basic keypoint matcher.
- FastLimitedEuclideanKeypointMatcher(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastLimitedEuclideanKeypointMatcher
Number of matches allowed
- fastminus(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- fastminusEquals(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- fastsetcol(Matrix, int, Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- FastSolveNormal3x2() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.FastSolveNormal3x2
- fastsparsedot(SparseRowMatrix, SparseColumnMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- fastsparseminusEquals(SparseColumnMatrix, SparseColumnMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- fastsparseminusEquals(SparseRowMatrix, SparseRowMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- favorites - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Number of users who "favorited" this
- FBEigenIterator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
A forward or backward iterator of eigen vector/value pairs
- FBEigenIterator(Eigenvalues) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.FBEigenIterator
- FBTest - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FBTest() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FBTest
- FCheck - Class in com.jsaragih
Check whether a patch looks like a face by applying an SVM classifier
- FCheck() - Constructor for class com.jsaragih.FCheck
- fcheck - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector.Configuration
Whether to use the face check (using pixels as a face classifier)
- fcheck - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Whether to use the face check (using pixels as a face classifier)
- fcn - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.SGD
- FConvolution - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Base class for implementation of classes that perform convolution operations
s as a @link{SinglebandImageProcessor}, with the kernel
itself formed from and @link{FImage}.
- FConvolution(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FConvolution
Construct the convolution operator with the given kernel
- FConvolution(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FConvolution
Construct the convolution operator with the given kernel
- FDDBDataset - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking
- FDDBDataset(File, File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.FDDBDataset
- FDDBEvaluation - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking
- FDDBEvaluation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.FDDBEvaluation
- FDDBEvaluation.EvaluationDetector - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking
- FDDBRecord - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking
- FDet - Class in com.jsaragih
Face detector.
- FDiscGausConvolve - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
From the matlab implementation of DISCGAUSSFFT which uses an FFT to apply a gaussian kernel.
- FDiscGausConvolve(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FDiscGausConvolve
Construct with given variance
- feats - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleFVSimilarityFunction
- feature - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.LocalFeatureImpl
- feature - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.globalfeature.HadoopGlobalFeaturesOptions
- feature - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecision
Feature index
- Feature - Class in org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt
A tracked feature
- Feature() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- FeatureCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION,FEATURE> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation
- FeatureCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator(FeatureExtractor<FEATURE, OBJECT>, BatchAnnotator<FEATURE, ANNOTATION>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.FeatureCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
Construct with the given feature extractor and batch annotator, and use
an in-memory cache.
- FeatureCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator(FeatureExtractor<FEATURE, OBJECT>, BatchAnnotator<FEATURE, ANNOTATION>, GroupedListCache<ANNOTATION, FEATURE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.FeatureCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
Construct with the given feature extractor and batch annotator, and use
an in-memory cache.
- FeatureComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature
Feature similarity/distance measures
- FeatureCount - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
Map Reduce job to count features
- FeatureCount() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureCount
- FeatureCount.Map - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
Map class.
- FeatureCount.Reduce - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
Reduce class.
- FeatureExtractionFunction<FEATURE,INPUT> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval
- FeatureExtractionFunction(Function<INPUT, FEATURE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.FeatureExtractionFunction
- featureExtractor - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.features.JAudioFeatureExtractor
The jaudio feature extractor
- FeatureExtractor<FEATURE,OBJECT> - Interface in org.openimaj.feature
Interface for objects capable of extracting features from a
given object.
- featureExtractor - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.AbstractOctaveLocalFeatureCollector
- FeatureFile - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
Interface defining accessors to a generic file containing
multiple local features.
- FeatureFile() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FeatureFile
- FeatureFileFeature - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
A simple "local" feature with a location and a feature vector.
- FeatureFileFeature() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FeatureFileFeature
- FeatureHistory - Class in org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt
The history of a set of tracked features through time
- FeatureHistory(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureHistory
Default constructor with given number of features
- FeatureList - Class in org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt
A list of features
- FeatureList(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureList
- featureOp - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.globalfeature.HadoopGlobalFeaturesOptions
- features - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
List of features representing this component
- features - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.AbstractOctaveLocalFeatureCollector
- features - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.InterestPointFeatureCollector
- features - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
- features - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureList
The list of features
- features - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureTable
The table of features
- FeatureSelect - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
Map-Reduce (random) feature selection
- FeatureSelect() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureSelect
- FeatureSelect.Map - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- FeatureSelect.Reduce - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- FeatureTable - Class in org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt
A table storing features per frame
- FeatureTable(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureTable
- FeatureVector - Interface in org.openimaj.feature
Interface for objects that represent feature vectors.
- featureVector - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature
- FeatureVectorCentroidsResult<T extends FeatureVector> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
- FeatureVectorCentroidsResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FeatureVectorCentroidsResult
- FeatureVectorExtractor<F extends FeatureVector,T extends ExtractorProperties> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.extraction
The FeatureExtractor interface describes a class capable of extracting
FeatureVector(s) from something.
- FeatureVectorKMeans<T extends FeatureVector> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Fast, parallel implementation of the K-Means algorithm with support for
bigger-than-memory data.
- FeatureVectorKMeans(KMeansConfiguration<ObjectNearestNeighbours<T>, T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Construct the clusterer with the the given configuration.
- FeatureVectorKMeans() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
A completely default
used primarily as a convenience
function for reading.
- FeatureVectorKMeans.Result<T extends FeatureVector> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Result object for FeatureVectorKMeans, extending
FeatureVectorCentroidsResult and ObjectNearestNeighboursProvider, as well
as giving access to state information from the operation of the K-Means
algorithm (i.e.
- FeatureVectorKMeansInit<T> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Initialisation for K-Means clustering.
- FeatureVectorKMeansInit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeansInit
- FeatureVectorKMeansInit.RANDOM<T> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Simple kmeans initialized on randomly selected samples.
- FeatureVectorPCA - Class in org.openimaj.ml.pca
- FeatureVectorPCA() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.pca.FeatureVectorPCA
- FeatureVectorPCA(PrincipalComponentAnalysis) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.pca.FeatureVectorPCA
- FeatureVectorProvider<T extends FeatureVector> - Interface in org.openimaj.feature
A FeatureVectorProvider marks classes that have an associated
FeatureVector or are capable of producing a FeatureVector from
their internal state.
- featureWindowSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.InterestPointImageExtractorProperties
- FeedForwardCombFilter - Class in org.openimaj.audio.filters
A basic feed-forward comb filter.
- FeedForwardCombFilter(int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FeedForwardCombFilter
Constructor that takes the number of samples delay
to apply to the signal.
- FeedForwardCombFilter(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FeedForwardCombFilter
Constructor that takes the frequency at which the comb filter
will operate and the gain to apply to the delayed signal.
- feedStatus(PicSlurper) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder
Start feeding statuses to the provided picslurper.
- feedStatus(PicSlurper) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.InputStreamFeeder
- feedStatus(PicSlurper) - Method in interface org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusFeeder
Start feeding statuses to the provided picslurper.
- feedStatus(PicSlurper) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.Twitter4JStreamFeeder
- FelzenszwalbHuttenlocherSegmenter<I extends Image<?,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.segmentation
Implementation of the segmentation algorithm described in:
Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation
Pedro F.
- FelzenszwalbHuttenlocherSegmenter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.FelzenszwalbHuttenlocherSegmenter
Default constructor
- FelzenszwalbHuttenlocherSegmenter(float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.FelzenszwalbHuttenlocherSegmenter
Construct with the given parameters
- fetchUnmatchedWorker() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.combinatorics.optimisation.HungarianAlgorithm
- FewEigenvalues - Class in ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues
Finds a few eigenvalues of a matrix.
- FewEigenvalues(int) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.FewEigenvalues
- FFastGaussianConvolve - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Fast approximate Gaussian smoothing using repeated fast box filtering.
- FFastGaussianConvolve(float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FFastGaussianConvolve
- FFT - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio
Example that demonstrates the processing of audio to extract the FFT
magnitudes and then visualise it.
- FFT() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.FFT
- FFTBandPassFilter - Class in org.openimaj.audio.filters
Naive band pass filter that uses the Fourier transform to filter
unwanted frequencies.
- FFTBandPassFilter(AudioStream, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FFTBandPassFilter
Chainable constructor
- FFTBandPassFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FFTBandPassFilter
Default constructor
- FFTEQ - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio
Example that demonstrates chaining of audio processors as well as visualising
the output of an FFT operation.
- FFTEQ() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.FFTEQ
- FGaussianConvolve - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Image processor for FImage capable of performing convolutions with Gaussians.
- FGaussianConvolve(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FGaussianConvolve
- FGaussianConvolve(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FGaussianConvolve
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- fieldForId(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- FieldGetter - Class in org.kohsuke.args4j.spi
A field getter calls .toString() on the underlying object
- FieldGetter(String, Object, Field) - Constructor for class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.FieldGetter
- file - Variable in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableImageOutput
- file - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- FileBackedVideo<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
A video backed by a image files on disk.
- FileBackedVideo(List<File>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
Construct the video from the provided files.
- FileBackedVideo(List<File>, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
Construct the video from the provided files.
- FileBackedVideo(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
Construct videos from numbered files using the given format string and
- FileEntityLocation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoCompanyAnnotatorEvaluator.FileEntityLocation
- fileExists(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
Use hadoop filesystem to check if the given path exists
- FileLocalFeatureList<T extends LocalFeature<?,?>> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.list
- FileLocalFeatureList(int, int, boolean, int, int, File, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.FileLocalFeatureList
- FileLooper - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.io
- FileLooper(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.io.FileLooper
- FileMetaMapper - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.metamapper
- FileMetaMapper(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.metamapper.FileMetaMapper
- FilenameKeyProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility.FilenameKeyProvider
- FileObjectISReader(InputStreamObjectReader<INSTANCE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset.FileObjectISReader
- FileOutputStreamOptionHandler - Class in org.kohsuke.args4j
- FileOutputStreamOptionHandler(CmdLineParser, OptionDef, Setter<? super FileOutputStream>) - Constructor for class org.kohsuke.args4j.FileOutputStreamOptionHandler
Default constructor.
- fileSystem - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- FileToolsUtil - Class in org.openimaj.tools
Tools for dealing with #InOutTool instances that are local file
- FileToolsUtil() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.FileToolsUtil
- FileTwitterStatusList<T extends USMFStatus> - Class in org.openimaj.twitter.collection
- FileTwitterStatusList(int, File, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- FileTwitterStatusList(int, File, String, Class<T>, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- FileTwitterStatusList(int, File, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- fileType - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- fileType - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- FileType - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
Different file formats containing local features.
- FILETYPE_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.ImageFeatureSelect
- FileUtils - Class in org.openimaj.io
Utility methods for dealing with files on the filesystem
- FileUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
- fill(double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
Fill with a constant
- fill(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Fill this image with the given colour.
- fill(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Fill an image with the given colour
- fill(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Fill this image with the given colour.
- fill(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- fill(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Fill this image with the given colour.
- fill - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BoundingBoxRenderer
- fill(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
Fill this image with the given colour.
- fill(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- fill(int, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
- fill(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.JamaDenseMatrix
Fill the elements with a constant value.
- fill(Matrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Fill a matrix with a constant value.
- fill(double[][], double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(double[], double, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value from the start index for the length given
- fill(double[], double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(float[][], float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(float[], float, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value from the start index for the length given
- fill(float[], float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(int[][], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value from the start index for the length given
- fill(int[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(long[][], long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(long[], long, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value from the start index for the length given
- fill(long[], long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(byte[][], byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(byte[], byte, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value from the start index for the length given
- fill(byte[], byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(short[][], short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(short[], short, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value from the start index for the length given
- fill(short[], short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fill the array with the value
- fill(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Fills the array with ordinal values
- fillAnalysis(GeneralJSON) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
- fillFromString(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Used by readASCII(), and available for external use to fill this
USMFStatus with the information held in the line
- fillMatrix_1D(int, double[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Fills 1D matrix with random numbers.
- fillMatrix_1D(int, float[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Fills 1D matrix with random numbers.
- fillMatrix_2D(int, int, double[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Fills 2D matrix with random numbers.
- fillMatrix_2D(int, int, float[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Fills 2D matrix with random numbers.
- fillMatrix_2D(int, int, double[][]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Fills 2D matrix with random numbers.
- fillMatrix_2D(int, int, float[][]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Fills 2D matrix with random numbers.
- fillMatrix_3D(int, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Fills 3D matrix with random numbers.
- fillMatrix_3D(int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Fills 3D matrix with random numbers.
- fillMatrix_3D(int, int, int, double[][][]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Fills 3D matrix with random numbers.
- fillMatrix_3D(int, int, int, float[][][]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Fills 3D matrix with random numbers.
- fillUSMF(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
This is the method that will be called by USMFStatus to fill itself with
the matching values from the extending class.
- fillUSMF(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONRDF
- fillUSMF(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- fillUSMF(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
- filter(LocationFilter) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
Create a new list by applying a
to all the
elements of this list.
- filter(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.JsonPathFilterSet
- filter(FImage, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MaxFilter
Apply the filter some number of times to an image with the default 3x3
block support
- filter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BellFilter
- filter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BlackmanFilter
- filter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BoxFilter
- filter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BSplineFilter
- filter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.CatmullRomFilter
- filter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.HammingFilter
- filter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.HanningFilter
- filter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.HermiteFilter
- filter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.Lanczos3Filter
- filter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.MitchellFilter
- filter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.TriangleFilter
- filter(double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeFilterFunction
The filter function.
- filter(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
Filter the cluster centroids be removing those with less than threshold
- filter(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.TwitterPreprocessingFilter
Whether the status should be filtered (i.e.
- filter(Collection<Q>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.filter.FilterUtils
Filter a collection, returning the accepted items in an
- filter(Collection<? extends T>, Collection<T>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.filter.FilterUtils
Filter a collection, storing the accepted items in the given output
- filter(Predicate<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
- filter(Predicate<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.stream.Stream
Transform the stream by creating a view that consists of only the items
that match the given
- filterAmplitude - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
The height of the filter
- FilterBank - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank
A FilterBank is a set of convolution filters which can be applied to an
- FilterBank(FConvolution[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.FilterBank
- filterDuplicatePoints(List<Pair<Keypoint>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency
- filterEdgesTransformed(Q, float, I, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
- filteredIterator(Iterable<? extends T>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.filter.FilterUtils
Create an iterator that filters items from the given
- filteredIterator(Iterator<? extends T>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.filter.FilterUtils
Create an iterator that filters items from the given
- filteredIterator(T[], Predicate<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.filter.FilterUtils
Create an iterator that filters items from the given array.
- FilteringObjectDetector<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>,DETECTED_OBJECT,FILTERED_OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection
- FilteringObjectDetector(ObjectDetector<IMAGE, DETECTED_OBJECT>, DetectionFilter<DETECTED_OBJECT, FILTERED_OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.FilteringObjectDetector
Construct with the given detector and filter.
- FilterSupport - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Methods and statically defined templates for defining the support of local
image filters.
- FilterSupport() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FilterSupport
- FilterUtils - Class in org.openimaj.util.filter
Utilities for filtering collections by applying a
- FImage - Class in org.openimaj.image
Class representing a single-band floating-point image; that is an image where
each pixel is represented by a floating-point number.
- FImage(float[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Create an
from an array of floating point values with the
given width and height.
- FImage(double[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Create an
from an array of double values with the given
width and height.
- FImage(double[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Create an
from an array of double values with the given
width and height.
- FImage(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Create an
from an array of floating point values.
- FImage(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Create an empty
of the given size.
- FImage(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Construct an
from an array of packed ARGB integers.
- FImage(int[], int, int, ARGBPlane) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Construct an
from an array of packed ARGB integers using
the specified plane.
- FImage2DoubleFV - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature
- FImage2DoubleFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.FImage2DoubleFV
- FImage2FloatFV - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature
- FImage2FloatFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.FImage2FloatFV
- FIMAGE_EXTRACTOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.stream.functions.ImageFromURL
- FIMAGE_READER - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.CIFARDataset
Reader for getting the data as
- FIMAGE_READER - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- FImageConvolveSeparable - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Image processor for separable convolution of an FImage.
- FImageConvolveSeparable(float[], float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageConvolveSeparable
Specify the horizontal kernel and vertical kernel separately.
- FImageConvolveSeparable(float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageConvolveSeparable
Specify a single kernel to be used as the horizontal and vertical.
- FImageFileBackedVideo - Class in org.openimaj.video
A video backed by a image files on disk.
- FImageFileBackedVideo(List<File>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.FImageFileBackedVideo
Construct the video from the provided files.
- FImageFileBackedVideo(List<File>, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.FImageFileBackedVideo
Construct the video from the provided files.
- FImageFileBackedVideo(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.FImageFileBackedVideo
Construct videos from numbered files using the given format string and
- FImageGradients - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Image processor for calculating gradients and orientations using
- FImageGradients() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients
- FImageGradients(FImageGradients.Mode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients
- FImageGradients.Mode - Enum in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Modes of operation for signed and unsigned orientations
- FImageOptionHandler - Class in org.kohsuke.args4j
that can provide a
a file name.
- FImageOptionHandler(CmdLineParser, OptionDef, Setter<? super FImage>) - Constructor for class org.kohsuke.args4j.FImageOptionHandler
Default constructor.
- FImageReader - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.cifar
for CIFAR data that converts the encoded rgb pixel
values into an
(by unweighted averaging).
- FImageReader(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.cifar.FImageReader
Construct with the given image height and width.
- FImageRenderer - Class in org.openimaj.image.renderer
- FImageRenderer(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
Construct with given target image.
- FImageRenderer(FImage, RenderHints) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
Construct with given target image and rendering hints.
- FImageToMBFImageVideoTranslator - Class in org.openimaj.video.translator
Converts an FImage video into an MBFImage video.
- FImageToMBFImageVideoTranslator(Video<FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.translator.FImageToMBFImageVideoTranslator
Create a translator using the input video.
- finalFitCondition(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.BestFitStoppingCondition
- finalFitCondition(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.NumberInliersStoppingCondition
- finalFitCondition(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.ProbabilisticMinInliersStoppingCondition
- finalFitCondition(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.StoppingCondition
Should the model be considered to fit after the final iteration has
- finalise() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.QuickIndexer
call IndexWriter.close()
- finalize() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
- finalize() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
- finalize() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.dataset.TextFileDataset
- finalize() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
- finalize() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
Closes the window and cleans up
- finalOutput(HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.DFIDFTokenMode
- finalOutput(HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match.TokenMatchMode
- finalOutput(HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.PairwiseMutualInformationMode
- finalOutput(HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions) - Method in interface org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.TwitterTokenMode
Drive the provided output mode with the final product of the tool
- FINANCE_DATA - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordTimeSeries
- find(K, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Search for the record identified by queryKey.
- find(K) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Search for the record identified by queryKey.
- find(Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Returns whether the given pixel is within this connected component.
- find(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Returns whether the given coordinates are within this connected
- find(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
Search for the representative of the subset containing the element x.
- findAllElements(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Get all DOM elements matching the given CSS selector
- findAndExport(K, String, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Find a record and write the value to a file.
- findAndExport(K, FileSystem, Path, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Find a record and write the value to a file.
- findArticleDate() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- findArticleEncoding() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- findArticleTitle() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Get the article title.
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByName(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its
not found.
- findByThriftId(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an
exception if it is not found.
- findByThriftIdOrThrow(int) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo._Fields
Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception
if it is not found.
- findChildNodeIndex(Node, Node) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- findChildNodesWithName(Node, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- findClasses(Package) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.reflection.ClassFinder
Scans all classes accessible from the context class loader which belong
to the given package and sub-packages.
- findClasses(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.reflection.ClassFinder
Scans all classes accessible from the context class loader which belong
to the given package and subpackages.
- findClassesInDir(File, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.reflection.ClassFinder
Recursive method to find all classes in a given directory and subdirs.
- findClassesInJar(File, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.reflection.ClassFinder
Finds all the classes in a given package or its subpackages within a jar
- findComponents(FImage, float, ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler.Algorithm
Find the connected components in an image.
- findComponents(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler
- findComponents(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.GreyscaleConnectedComponentLabeler
- findContours(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.SuzukiContourProcessor
Find contours in the given image and return the border
- findContours(FImage, SuzukiContourProcessor) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.SuzukiContourProcessor
Detect borders hierarchically in this binary image.
- findDefects(Polygon) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ConvexityDefect
Find the defects of the given polygon.
- findDefects(Polygon, Polygon) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ConvexityDefect
Find the defects of the given polygon, based on the given convex hull
- finder(MultiscaleInterestPointDetector<T>, IPDSelectionMode) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.FinderMode.Basic
- finder(MultiscaleInterestPointDetector<T>, IPDSelectionMode) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.FinderMode.Characteristic
- finder(MultiscaleInterestPointDetector<T>, IPDSelectionMode) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.FinderMode
Given a detector and the selection pmode
- finder(MultiscaleInterestPointDetector<T>, IPDSelectionMode) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.FinderMode.Logging
- FinderMode<T extends InterestPointData> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd
The type of finder to use
- FinderMode.Basic<T extends InterestPointData> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd
- FinderMode.Characteristic<T extends InterestPointData> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd
The characteristic finder throws away ellipses that are basically the
same, keeping the strongest one.
- FinderMode.Logging<T extends InterestPointData> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd
A logging logs as well as finding points.
- findFeatures(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ALTDoGSIFTEngine
- findFeatures(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ASIFTEngine
- findFeatures(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ColourASIFTEngine
- findFeatures(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.BasicGridSIFTEngine
- findFeatures(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGColourSIFTEngine
- findFeatures(MBFImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGColourSIFTEngine
Find DoG interest points in the given luminance image, but extract the
SIFT features from the colour image.
- findFeatures(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngine
- findFeatures(IMAGE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.Engine
Find local features in the given image and return them.
- findFeatures(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.AbstractIPDSIFTEngine
Find the interest points using the provided detector and extract a SIFT
descriptor per point.
- findFeatures(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.MinMaxDoGSIFTEngine
- findFeaturesInternal(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGColourSIFTEngine
- findFirstElement(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Get the first DOM element corresponding to the given CSS selector
- findInterestPoints(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- findInterestPoints(FImage, Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- findInterestPoints(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
- findInterestPoints(FImage, Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
- findInterestPoints(FImage) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointDetector
Find the interest points in an image
- findInterestPoints(FImage, Rectangle) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointDetector
Find the interest points in an image
- findInterestPoints(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- findInterestPoints(FImage, Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- findKeypoints(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ASIFTEngine
Find the features as a list of
- findKeypoints(FImage, AffineParams) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ASIFTEngine
Find the features of a single simulation as a list of
- findKeypoints(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ColourASIFTEngine
Find the features as a list of
- findKeypoints(MBFImage, AffineParams) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ColourASIFTEngine
Find the features of a single simulation as a list of
- findKeypointsMapped(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ASIFTEngine
Find the features and return the resultant features in a per-simulation
- findKeypointsMapped(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.asift.ColourASIFTEngine
Find the features and return the resultant features in a per-simulation
- findLetters(List<ConnectedComponent>, FImage, FImage, SWTTextDetector.Options) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LetterCandidate
Filter the components to find likely letter candidates.
- findMatch(T, List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicTwoWayMatcher
This searches through the keypoints in klist for the closest match to key.
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicMatcher
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicTwoWayMatcher
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.LocalConsistentKeypointMatcher
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ModelFittingLocalFeatureMatcher
Attempt to find matches between the model features from the database, and
given query features and learn the parameters of the underlying model
that links the two sets of features.
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastBasicKeypointMatcher
Given a pair of images and their keypoints, pick the first keypoint from
one image and find its closest match in the second set of keypoints.
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastEuclideanKeypointMatcher
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastLimitedBasicKeypointMatcher
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastLimitedEuclideanKeypointMatcher
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.LocalFeatureMatcher
Attempt to find matches between the model features from the database, and
given query features.
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.MultipleMatchesMatcher
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.quantised.BasicQuantisedKeypointMatcher
- findMatches(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.VotingKeypointMatcher
- findMaxClassCount(int[], Map<Integer, Integer>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterAnalyserUtils
- findMaximum(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- findModelNeighbours(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.VotingKeypointMatcher
- findNearestNeighbour(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
Find the nearest neighbour.
- findNearestNeighbour(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
Find the nearest neighbour.
- findNearestNeighbour(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
Find the nearest neighbour.
- findNearestNeighbour(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
Find the nearest neighbour.
- findNearestNeighbour(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
Find the nearest neighbour.
- findNearestNeighbour(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
Find the nearest neighbour.
- findNearestNeighbours(byte[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
Find the K nearest neighbours.
- findNearestNeighbours(double[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
Find the K nearest neighbours.
- findNearestNeighbours(float[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
Find the K nearest neighbours.
- findNearestNeighbours(int[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
Find the K nearest neighbours.
- findNearestNeighbours(long[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
Find the K nearest neighbours.
- findNearestNeighbours(short[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
Find the K nearest neighbours.
- findParts(FImage[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypointExtractor
- findRecursive(File, FilenameFilter) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
- findSubPixCorner(FImage, Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.SubPixelCorners
Find the sub-pixel estimated position of a corner
- findSubPixCorners(FImage, List<? extends Point2d>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.SubPixelCorners
Find the sub-pixel estimated position of each corner
- finish(ExperimentContext) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.RunnableExperiment
Finalise the experiment, possibly writing the results, cleaning up, etc.
- finish() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
Complete this contour by computing it's bounding box
- finish() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.CharacteristicOctaveInterestPointFinder
- finish() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.LoggingOctaveInterestPointFinder
- finish() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.OctaveInterestPointFinder
Once all the features have been detected, do something (default: nothing)
- finish(ExperimentContext) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.CrossValidationBenchmark
- finish(StormToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.LocalTopologyMode
- finish(StormToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.StormTopologyMode
- finish(StormToolOptions) - Method in interface org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.TopologyMode
After everything else in the tool is done, what should happen?
- finished(Job) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.Stage
Called when the stage's job is completed.
- finished(Job) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
- finished() - Method in interface org.openimaj.picslurper.output.OutputListener
When the picslurper is done
- finished() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.TrendDetectionOutputListener
- finished() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.ZMQOutputListener
- fireAfterPlay(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Fires an event that says the samples have been played.
- fireAnimationEvent() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
Fire an event to say a new vis update is available
- fireAnimationEvent() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
Fire the animation event
- fireAudioAvailable() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioGrabber
Fire the event and audio is now available
- fireAudioAvailable() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.JavaSoundAudioGrabber
Fire the event and audio is now available
- fireAudioEnded(AudioStream) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Fires the audio ended event to the listeners.
- fireBeforePlay(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Fires an event that says the samples will be played.
- fireBeforeUpdate(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Fire the event to the video listeners that a frame is about to be
displayed on the video.
- fired - Variable in class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer.SequencerEvent
Whether the event has already been fired.
- fireDataReceived(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialReader
Fire multiple events: one for each parsed string.
- fireDifferentialCalculated(VideoTimecode, double, I) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Fired each time a differential is calculated between frames.
- fireSerialDataEvent(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
Fires the serial data event when data is received on the port.
- fireShotDetected(ShotBoundary<I>, VideoKeyframe<I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Fire the event to the listeners that a new shot has been detected.
- fireStateChanged() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Fire the state changed event
- fireSynthQuiet() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Fired when the synth finished the release phase.
- fireVideoEndEvent() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Fire the event that says the video is at the end.
- fireVideoStartEvent() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Fire the event that says the video is at the start.
- fireVideoUpdate() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Fire the event to the video listeners that a frame has been put on the
- FIRFilter - Class in org.openimaj.audio.filters
FIR filter is a multiplication of the frequency domain of a signal with the frequency
domain of a filter.
- FIRFilter(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FIRFilter
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectBytePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectIntPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectLongPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectShortPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- first - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
The first element of the pair
- first_bound - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.LmtNode
Pointer to bound list
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in ascending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- FIRST_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Comparator for comparing the first element of a
in descending order.
- first_name - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
First (real) name of this User.
- FirstBandDoGOctave - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid
- FirstBandDoGOctave(GaussianPyramid<FImage>, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.FirstBandDoGOctave
Construct a Difference of Gaussian octave with the provided parent Pyramid
and octaveSize.
- FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid
- FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder(OctaveInterestPointFinder<GaussianOctave<FImage>, FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder
Construct with the given finder.
- FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder(OctaveInterestPointFinder<GaussianOctave<FImage>, FImage>, OctaveInterestPointListener<GaussianOctave<MBFImage>, MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder
Construct with the given finder and listener.
- firstCheck(float, int, int, int, FImage[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder
Perform the first of the checks that determine whether a point is a valid
interest point.
- firstCheck(float, int, int, int, FImage[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.BasicOctaveExtremaFinder
- firstCommonEdges - Variable in class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency.DTConsistencyInfo
- firstNonNull(T[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Return the first non-null item from an array.
- firstObject() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
- firstTrianglulation - Variable in class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency.DTConsistencyInfo
- FirstValueInitStrat - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
Completely ignores desired dimensions and returns the first
Y value seen
- FirstValueInitStrat() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.FirstValueInitStrat
- firstVertex() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- FisherFaceFeature - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- FisherFaceFeature() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FisherFaceFeature
- FisherFaceFeature(DoubleFV) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FisherFaceFeature
Construct the FisherFaceFeature with the given feature vector.
- FisherFaceFeature.Extractor<T extends DetectedFace> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- FisherFaceRecogniser<FACE extends DetectedFace,PERSON> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition
- FisherFaceRecogniser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FisherFaceRecogniser
- FisherFaceRecogniser(FisherFaceFeature.Extractor<FACE>, FaceRecogniser<FACE, PERSON>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FisherFaceRecogniser
Construct with the given feature extractor and underlying
- FisherFaceRecogniser(FisherFaceFeature.Extractor<FACE>, IncrementalAnnotator<FACE, PERSON>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FisherFaceRecogniser
- FisherImages - Class in org.openimaj.image.model
Implementation of Fisher Images (aka "FisherFaces").
- FisherImages(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.FisherImages
Construct with the given number of components.
- FisherTesting - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FisherTesting() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FisherTesting
- FisherVector<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate
Implementation of the Fisher Vector (FV) encoding scheme.
- FisherVector(MixtureOfGaussians, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.FisherVector
Construct with the given mixture of Gaussians and optional improvement
- FisherVector(MixtureOfGaussians) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.FisherVector
Construct the standard Fisher Vector encoder with the given mixture of
- FisherVector(MixtureOfGaussians, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.FisherVector
Construct the Fisher Vector encoder with the given mixture of Gaussians
and the optional improvement steps (in the sense of the VLFeat
- fit(FImage, int[], int, double, double) - Method in class com.jsaragih.CLM
Fit the model to the image
- fit(I, PointList) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel
Iteratively apply
ActiveShapeModel.performIteration(Image, PointList)
until the
maximum number of iterations is exceeded, or the number of points that
moved less than 0.5 of their maximum distance in an iteration is less
than the target inlier percentage.
- fit - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel.IterationResult
The percentage of points that moved less than 50% of their allowed
- fit(I, PointList) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.MultiResolutionActiveShapeModel
Perform multi-resolution fitting of the initial shape to
the initial image.
- fitData(List<? extends IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustAffineTransformEstimator
- fitData(List<? extends IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustFundamentalEstimator
- fitData(List<? extends IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustHomographyEstimator
- fitData(List<? extends IndependentPair<I, D>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
- fitData(List<? extends IndependentPair<I, D>>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.fit.ModelFitting
Attempt to fit the given data to the model.
- fitData(List<? extends IndependentPair<I, D>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- fitData(List<? extends IndependentPair<I, D>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.SimpleModelFitting
- fitModel(PointList) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
Determine the best parameters of the PDM for the given model.
- fixAxis(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Fix the x-axis to the given position in pixels.
- fixAxis(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Fix the x-axis to the given position in pixels.
- FixedChooser - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util
Always choose the same (fixed) number of annotations
- FixedChooser(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util.FixedChooser
Construct with the given number of annotations.
- FixedDataGenerator<X,Y> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.data
- FixedDataGenerator(List<IndependentPair<X, Y>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.FixedDataGenerator
- fixedges(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EdgePunctuationPatternProvider
pads start/end brackets with a space so they can be correctly matched
while not screwing up the rest of the text
- FixedHOGStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning
Implementation of an
that extracts normalised
HOG features in the style defined by Dalal and Triggs.
- FixedHOGStrategy(int, int, FixedHOGStrategy.BlockNormalisation) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning.FixedHOGStrategy
Construct with square cells of the given size (in pixels).
- FixedHOGStrategy(int, int, int, FixedHOGStrategy.BlockNormalisation) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning.FixedHOGStrategy
Construct with square cells of the given size (in pixels).
- FixedHOGStrategy(int, int, int, int, int, int, FixedHOGStrategy.BlockNormalisation) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning.FixedHOGStrategy
Construct with square cells of the given size (in pixels).
- FixedHOGStrategy.BlockNormalisation - Enum in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning
Block normalisation schemes
- FixedResizeProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize
A copy of the
which speeds up the resize operation
between images of a given size to another fixed size by caching the contribution
- FixedResizeProcessor(float, float, float, float, ResizeFilterFunction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.FixedResizeProcessor
Construct a fixed resize processor that will rescale the image to the given
width and height with the given filter function.
- FixedResizeProcessor(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.FixedResizeProcessor
Construct a fixed resize processor that will rescale the image to the given
width and height with the default filter function.
- FixedResizeProcessor(FImage, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.FixedResizeProcessor
- fixedSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
- FixedSizeBlockingChunkPartitioner<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition
- FixedSizeBlockingChunkPartitioner(Queue<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.FixedSizeBlockingChunkPartitioner
Construct with data in the form of a
- FixedSizeBlockingChunkPartitioner(Queue<T>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.FixedSizeBlockingChunkPartitioner
Construct with data in the form of an
and the given number
of items per chunk.
- FixedSizeChunkPartitioner<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition
- FixedSizeChunkPartitioner(Iterable<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.FixedSizeChunkPartitioner
Construct with data in the form of an
- FixedSizeChunkPartitioner(Iterable<T>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.FixedSizeChunkPartitioner
Construct with data in the form of an
and the given
number of items per chunk.
- FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.audio.processor
Provides an audio processor that will process sample chunks of specific sizes
when the incoming stream's sample chunk size is unknown.
- FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.processor.FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor
Create processor that will process chunks of the given size.
- FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor(AudioStream, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.processor.FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor
Create processor that will process chunks of the given size.
- FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.processor.FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor
Constructor that takes the size of the window and the size of the window
- FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor(AudioStream, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.processor.FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor
Chainable constructor that takes the size of the window and the number of
samples overlap.
- FKEFaceDetector - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints
F(rontal)K(eypoint)E(nriched)FaceDetector uses an underlying face detector to
detect frontal faces in an image, and then looks for facial keypoints within
the detections.
- FKEFaceDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
Default constructor.
- FKEFaceDetector(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
- FKEFaceDetector(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
Default constructor.
- FKEFaceDetector(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
Construct with a standard
and the given
minimum search size, and the given scale-factor for extracting the face
- FKEFaceDetector(FaceDetector<? extends DetectedFace, FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
Construct with the given underlying (frontal) face detector.
- FKEFaceDetector(FaceDetector<? extends DetectedFace, FImage>, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
Construct with the given underlying (frontal) face detector, and the
given scale-factor for extracting the face patch.
- flag - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractFMMInpainter
The working flag image
- flag - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.WikipediaEditsDataset.WikipediaEdit
The raw flags
- flags - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- FLASH - Static variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.SignProgrammer
- flatten() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- flatten() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Flatten the bands into a single band using the average value of the
pixels at each location.
- flatten() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
In some way flatten the held time series such that the output is:
- flatten() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleSynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- flattenClassStructure - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
Whether to flatten the properties in the class structure
- flattenListGroupedDataset(GroupedDataset<ANN, ? extends ListDataset<List<INSTANCE>>, ? extends List<INSTANCE>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.util.DatasetAdaptors
if you have a grouped dataset where the groups contains lists of feature
objects (i.e.
- flattenMax() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- flattenMax() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Flatten the bands into a single band by selecting the maximum value pixel
from each band.
- FleissInterraterAgreement - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement
Calculates Fleiss inter-rater agreement - a version of Cohen's kappa that
works with multiple raters.
- FleissInterraterAgreement() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement.FleissInterraterAgreement
- FlexibleHOGStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning
- FlexibleHOGStrategy(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning.FlexibleHOGStrategy
Construct with the given number of cells per window (or image).
- FlexibleHOGStrategy(int, int, int, FixedHOGStrategy.BlockNormalisation) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning.FlexibleHOGStrategy
Construct with the given number of cells per window (or image).
- FlexibleHOGStrategy(int, int, int, int, FixedHOGStrategy.BlockNormalisation) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning.FlexibleHOGStrategy
Construct with the given number of cells per window (or image).
- FlexibleHOGStrategy(int, int, int, int, int, int, FixedHOGStrategy.BlockNormalisation) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning.FlexibleHOGStrategy
Construct with the given number of cells per window (or image).
- flickr - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection
- FlickrAPIToken - Class in org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common
An authentication token for the Flickr API.
- FlickrAPIToken() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.FlickrAPIToken
Construct an empty token.
- FlickrAPIToken(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.FlickrAPIToken
Construct a token with the given parameters.
- FlickrBaseEncoder - Class in org.openimaj.web.flickr
For Flickr's URL shortening
- FlickrBaseEncoder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrBaseEncoder
- FlickrImage - Class in org.openimaj.web.flickr
A wrapper for Flickr images, and their URLs and what not.
- FlickrImage(long, int, int, String, char, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- FlickrImageDataset<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.dataset
Class to dynamically create image datasets from flickr through various api
- FlickrImageDataset(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>, List<Photo>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
- FlickrImageDataset.Size - Enum in org.openimaj.image.dataset
Possible sizes of image from flickr.
- FlickrPhotoCollection() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection.FlickrPhotoCollection
- FlickrPhotoSet() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection.FlickrPhotoSet
- flickrProcess(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection.FlickrPhotoCollection
- flickrProcess(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection.FlickrPhotoSet
- flickrProcess(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection
- flickrProcess(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection.Gallery
- flickrUseable(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection.FlickrPhotoCollection
- flickrUseable(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection.FlickrPhotoSet
- flickrUseable(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection
- flickrUseable(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection.Gallery
- FlickrWebpageImageCollection - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage
- FlickrWebpageImageCollection() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection
- FlickrWebpageImageCollection.FlickrPhotoCollection - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage
- FlickrWebpageImageCollection.FlickrPhotoSet - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage
- FlickrWebpageImageCollection.Gallery - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage
- FLineSampler - Enum in org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling
Methods for sampling along a line in an
- flipX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
- flipX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Flips the content horizontally.
- flipX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- flipX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- flipY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
- flipY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Flips the content vertically.
- flipY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- flipY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- FloatADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- FloatADCNearestNeighbours(FloatProductQuantiser, float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- FloatADCNearestNeighbours(FloatProductQuantiser, byte[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and pre-quantised data .
- FloatArrayBackedDataSource - Class in org.openimaj.data
- FloatArrayBackedDataSource(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.FloatArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data
- FloatArrayBackedDataSource(float[][], Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.FloatArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data and a random generator for random sampling
- FloatArrayStatsUtils - Class in org.openimaj.math.util
Some basic statistical operations on float arrays
- FloatArrayStatsUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
- FloatArrayValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- FloatArrayValueAnimator(ValueAnimator<Float>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.FloatArrayValueAnimator
- FloatArrayView - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A wrapper around a java float array that allows
views onto the array to be created without the
overhead of maintaining copies of the data.
- FloatArrayView(float[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
Create a view on the given array from l (inclusive) to
r (exclusive).
- FloatArrayView(float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
Create a view on the entirety of the given array.
- FloatArrayView(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
Create a view on an array of length n.
- floatAxis() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Allow the x-axis to move as best to fit the data
- floatAxis() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Allow the x-axis to move as best to fit the data
- FloatBytePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of float and byte types
- FloatBytePair(float, byte) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Construct pair with given values
- FloatBytePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Construct empty pair
- FloatCauchyFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that use a Cauchy
distribution to approximate L1 distance.
- FloatCauchyFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatCauchyFactory
Construct the factory with the given parameters.
- FloatCentroidsResult - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
- FloatCentroidsResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FloatCentroidsResult
- FloatDCT_1D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct
Computes 1D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) of single precision data.
- FloatDCT_1D(int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_1D
Creates new instance of FloatDCT_1D.
- FloatDCT_2D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct
Computes 2D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) of single precision data.
- FloatDCT_2D(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_2D
Creates new instance of FloatDCT_2D.
- FloatDCT_3D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct
Computes 3D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) of single precision data.
- FloatDCT_3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_3D
Creates new instance of FloatDCT_3D.
- FloatDHT_1D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht
Computes 1D Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT) of real, single precision data.
- FloatDHT_1D(int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_1D
Creates new instance of FloatDHT_1D.
- FloatDHT_2D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht
Computes 2D Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT) of real, single precision data.
- FloatDHT_2D(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_2D
Creates new instance of FloatDHT_2D.
- FloatDHT_3D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht
Computes 3D Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT) of real, single precision data.
- FloatDHT_3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_3D
Creates new instance of FloatDHT_3D.
- FloatDoublePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of float and double types
- FloatDoublePair(float, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Construct pair with given values
- FloatDoublePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Construct empty pair
- FloatDSIFTKeypoint - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift
Dense SIFT keypoint with a location and float feature vector.
- FloatDSIFTKeypoint() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.FloatDSIFTKeypoint
Construct with the default feature vector length for SIFT (128).
- FloatDSIFTKeypoint(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.FloatDSIFTKeypoint
Construct with the given feature vector length.
- FloatDSIFTKeypoint(float, float, float[], float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.FloatDSIFTKeypoint
Construct with the given parameters.
- FloatDST_1D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst
Computes 1D Discrete Sine Transform (DST) of single precision data.
- FloatDST_1D(int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_1D
Creates new instance of FloatDST_1D.
- FloatDST_2D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst
Computes 2D Discrete Sine Transform (DST) of single precision data.
- FloatDST_2D(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_2D
Creates new instance of FloatDST_2D.
- FloatDST_3D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst
Computes 3D Discrete Sine Transform (DST) of single precision data.
- FloatDST_3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_3D
Creates new instance of FloatDST_3D.
- FloatFFT_1D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
Computes 1D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of complex and real, single
precision data.
- FloatFFT_1D(int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Creates new instance of FloatFFT_1D.
- FloatFFT_2D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
Computes 2D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of complex and real, single
precision data.
- FloatFFT_2D(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Creates new instance of FloatFFT_2D.
- FloatFFT_3D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
Computes 3D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of complex and real, single
precision data.
- FloatFFT_3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Creates new instance of FloatFFT_3D.
- FloatFloatPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of float and float types
- FloatFloatPair(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Construct pair with given values
- FloatFloatPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Construct empty pair
- FloatFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic float single-dimensional feature vector implementation
- FloatFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- FloatFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- FloatFV(float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- FloatFV2FImage - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature
- FloatFV2FImage(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.FloatFV2FImage
Construct the converter with the given image size
- FloatFVComparator - Interface in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for FloatFV objects.
- FloatFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for FloatFV objects.
- FloatGaussianFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions using Gaussian
distributions to approximate the Euclidean distance.
- FloatGaussianFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatGaussianFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- FloatHammingFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that approximate the
Hamming distance.
- FloatHammingFactory(int, MersenneTwister, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHammingFactory
Construct a new factory using the given parameters.
- FloatHashFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- FloatHashFunctionFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- FloatHashFunctionFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHashFunctionFactory
- FloatHyperplaneCosineFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate cosine
distance using hyperplanes.
- FloatHyperplaneCosineFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHyperplaneCosineFactory
Construct with the given arguments.
- FloatHyperplaneL1Factory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate L1
(city-block) distance in closed spaces using random axis-aligned hyperplanes.
- FloatHyperplaneL1Factory(int, MersenneTwister, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHyperplaneL1Factory
Construct with the given arguments.
- FloatIntPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of float and int types
- FloatIntPair(float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Construct pair with given values
- FloatIntPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Construct empty pair
- FloatKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Immutable KD-Tree implementation for float[] data.
- FloatKDTree(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
- FloatKDTree(float[][], FloatKDTree.SplitChooser) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
Construct with the given data and splitting strategy
- FloatKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Approximate best-bin-first median splitting.
- FloatKDTree.BasicMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Basic median split.
- FloatKDTree.BBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Best-bin-first median splitting.
- FloatKDTree.KDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
An internal node of the KDTree
- FloatKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Randomised best-bin-first splitting strategy:
Nodes with less than a set number of items become leafs.
- FloatKDTree.SplitChooser - Interface in org.openimaj.util.tree
Interface for describing how a branch in the KD-Tree should be created
- FloatKDTreeEnsemble - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees for float data.
- FloatKDTreeEnsemble(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a FloatKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data,
using the default of 8 trees.
- FloatKDTreeEnsemble(float[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a FloatKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- FloatKDTreeEnsemble(float[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a FloatKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- FloatKDTreeEnsemble.FloatKDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
An internal node of the KDTree
- FloatKDTreeNode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatKDTreeEnsemble.FloatKDTreeNode
Construct a new node
- FloatKDTreeNode(float[][], IntArrayView, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatKDTreeEnsemble.FloatKDTreeNode
Construct a new node with the given data
- FloatKeypoint - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints
A local interest point with a location, scale, orientation and associated
- FloatKeypoint() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
Construct with the default feature vector length for SIFT (128).
- FloatKeypoint(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
Construct with the given feature vector length.
- FloatKeypoint(float, float, float, float, float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
Construct with the given parameters.
- FloatKeypoint(FloatKeypoint) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- FloatKeypoint(Keypoint) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- FloatKMeans - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Fast, parallel implementation of the K-Means algorithm with support for
bigger-than-memory data.
- FloatKMeans(KMeansConfiguration<FloatNearestNeighbours, float[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Construct the clusterer with the the given configuration.
- FloatKMeans() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
A completely default
used primarily as a convenience function for reading.
- FloatKMeans.Result - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Result object for FloatKMeans, extending FloatCentroidsResult and FloatNearestNeighboursProvider,
as well as giving access to state information from the operation of the K-Means algorithm
- FloatKMeansInit - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Initialisation for K-Means clustering.
- FloatKMeansInit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeansInit
- FloatKMeansInit.RANDOM - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Simple kmeans initialized on randomly selected samples.
- FloatKNNAssigner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft
that picks a fixed number of nearest neighbours.
- FloatKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<float[]>, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.FloatKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- FloatKNNAssigner(float[][], boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.FloatKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- FloatKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<float[]>, FloatFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.FloatKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- FloatKNNAssigner(float[][], FloatFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.FloatKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor<L extends Location> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local
This class is designed as a wrapper around any form of local feature and
provides a way of exposing that feature as a
, without the
cost of necessarily storing the underlying feature as a
- FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor(LocalFeature<L, ?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor
- FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor(LocalFeature<L, ?>, Normaliser<FloatFV>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor
- FloatLongPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of float and long types
- FloatLongPair(float, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Construct pair with given values
- FloatLongPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Construct empty pair
- FloatNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Abstract base class for k-nearest-neighbour calculations with float[] data.
- FloatNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighbours
- FloatNearestNeighboursExact - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Exact (brute-force) k-nearest-neighbour implementation.
- FloatNearestNeighboursExact(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the FloatNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset and using Euclidean distance.
- FloatNearestNeighboursExact(float[][], FloatFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the FloatNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset with the given distance function.
- FloatNearestNeighboursExact.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn
- FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Fast Nearest-Neighbours for float data using an ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees.
- FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree(float[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree
Construct the FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree with the given options.
- FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
- FloatNearestNeighboursProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.knn
Interface for classes able to expose a k-nearest-neighbour object.
- FloatObjectPair<Q> - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of float and a generic type
- FloatObjectPair(float, Q) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatObjectPair
Construct pair with given values
- FloatObjectPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatObjectPair
Construct empty pair
- FloatProductQuantiser - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Implementation of a Product Quantiser for vectors/arrays of floats.
- FloatProductQuantiser(FloatNearestNeighboursExact[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatProductQuantiser
- FloatProductQuantiserUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
- FloatPStableFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
Base class for hashing schemes based on P-Stable distributions.
- FloatPStableFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatPStableFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- FloatPStableFactory.PStableFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- FloatSampleBuffer - Class in org.openimaj.audio.samples
An implementation of a sample buffer that maintains the floating point
precision values.
- FloatSampleBuffer(float[], AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
- FloatSampleBuffer(double[], AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
- FloatSDCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Symmetric Distance Computation (SDC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- FloatSDCNearestNeighbours(FloatProductQuantiser, float[][][], float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatSDCNearestNeighbours
Construct the SDC with the given quantiser, centroids (corresponding to
the quantiser's internal assigners), and data.
- FloatShortPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of float and short types
- FloatShortPair(float, short) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Construct pair with given values
- FloatShortPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Construct empty pair
- FloodFill<I extends Image<?,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
Flood-fill of @link{FImage}s or @link{MBFImage}s.
- FloodFill(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FloodFill
Construct flood-fill processor with the given threshold and starting
- FloodFill(Pixel, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FloodFill
Construct flood-fill processor with the given threshold and starting
- floodFill(Image<T, ?>, int, int, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FloodFill
Flood-fill an image from the given starting pixel position with the given
- floodFill(Image<T, ?>, Pixel, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FloodFill
Flood-fill an image from the given starting pixel position with the given
- floodFill(FImage, Pixel, int[][], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.GreyscaleConnectedComponentLabeler
- floodFill(FImage, Pixel) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Performs a flood fill on the given image starting at the given pixel.
- flush_all_queues() - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftClient
- flush_all_queues(AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.flush_all_queues_call>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient
- flush_all_queues(AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.flush_all_queues_call>) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncIface
- flush_all_queues() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- flush_all_queues() - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Iface
- flush_all_queues_args() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
- flush_all_queues_args(Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- flush_all_queues_call(AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.flush_all_queues_call>, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.flush_all_queues_call
- flush_all_queues_result() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
- flush_all_queues_result(Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- flush_queue(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftClient
- flush_queue(String, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.flush_queue_call>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient
- flush_queue(String, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.flush_queue_call>) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncIface
- flush_queue(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- flush_queue(String) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Iface
- flush_queue_args() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- flush_queue_args(String) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- flush_queue_args(Kestrel.flush_queue_args) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- flush_queue_call(String, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.flush_queue_call>, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.flush_queue_call
- flush_queue_result() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
- flush_queue_result(Kestrel.flush_queue_result) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- FMeanVarianceField - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels
Compute the mean and variance fields from a video of
- FMeanVarianceField() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels.FMeanVarianceField
- FMOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer.FMOptions
- FN - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
The total number of pairs in different clusters which belong to the same class
- FNormalLandmarkModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.landmark
- FNormalLandmarkModel(PointListConnections, FLineSampler, int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.FNormalLandmarkModel
Default constructor.
- FNormalLandmarkModel.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.landmark
- Fold(int[], int[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator.Fold
- FOLD_ROOT(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearExperiment
- followRedirects() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.HadoopDownloaderOptions
- follows - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
Indicates that one UserAccount follows another UserAccount (e.g.
- Font<F extends Font<F>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.typography
- FONT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Attribute for the font.
- font - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
The font
- FONT_SIZE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Attribute for font size.
- FontRenderer<T,Q extends FontStyle<T>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.typography
The FontRenderer represents an object capable of rendering text with
a given font and style to an image.
- FontRenderer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontRenderer
- FontSimulator<Q,I extends Image<Q,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.ocr
Class that will generate images containing a rendering of a String in
a random font that has been randomly affected - the idea is to simulate
real-world images in a controlled way for training or testing OCR.
- FontSimulator(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Create a font simulator that will output the given text string.
- FontSimulator.FontSimListener<I> - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.ocr
This is an interface for objects that are interested in listening
for when the
creates an image during one of its
- fontSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Font size in pixels
- FontStyle<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.typography
Base class for the representation of font styles.
- FontStyle(Font<?>, ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- FontStyle(Font<?>, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- FontStyle.FontStyleAttribute - Class in org.openimaj.image.typography
- FontStyle.HorizontalAlignment - Enum in org.openimaj.image.typography
Horizontal alignment options
- FontStyle.VerticalAlignment - Enum in org.openimaj.image.typography
Vertical alignment options
- FontStyleAttribute(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle.FontStyleAttribute
Default constructor
- FORCE_SPARCITY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
Should all parameter matricies be held
instances and
therefore remain sparse.
- forceRM - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- forceWait() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale
Helper method for debugging when viewing images
- forEach(Iterable<T>, Operation<T>, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel ForEach loop over
- forEach(Iterable<T>, Operation<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel ForEach loop over
- forEach(Partitioner<T>, Operation<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel ForEach loop over partitioned data.
- forEach(Partitioner<T>, Operation<T>, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel ForEach loop over partitioned data.
- forEach(Operation<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
- forEach(Operation<T>, Predicate<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
- forEach(Operation<T>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
- forEach(Operation<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.stream.Stream
Apply the given
to each item in the stream.
- forEach(Operation<T>, Predicate<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.stream.Stream
Apply the given
to each item in the stream.
- forEach(Operation<T>, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.stream.Stream
Apply the given
to each item in the stream.
- forEachPartitioned(Partitioner<T>, Operation<Iterator<T>>, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel ForEach loop over partitioned data with batches of data.
- forEachPartitioned(Partitioner<T>, Operation<Iterator<T>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel ForEach loop over batched partitioned data.
- forEachUnpartitioned(Iterator<T>, Operation<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel ForEach loop over unpartitioned data.
- forEachUnpartitioned(Iterator<T>, Operation<T>, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel ForEach loop over unpartitioned data.
- forIndex(int, int, int, Operation<Integer>, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel integer for loop.
- forIndex(int, int, int, Operation<Integer>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel integer for loop.
- format - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.Audio
The format of the audio in this audio object
- format(Reference) - Method in interface org.openimaj.citation.annotation.output.ReferenceFormatter
Format a single reference
- format(Collection<Reference>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.citation.annotation.output.ReferenceFormatter
Format a multiples references
- format(Reference) - Method in enum org.openimaj.citation.annotation.output.StandardFormatters
- format(Collection<Reference>) - Method in enum org.openimaj.citation.annotation.output.StandardFormatters
- format(Map<String, SummaryStatistics>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.TimeTracker
Pretty-print a map of times
- format(SummaryStatistics) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.TimeTracker
Pretty print a time
- format(Logger, String, Level, Object...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.logger.LoggerUtils
- formatRefs(Iterable<Reference>) - Method in enum org.openimaj.citation.annotation.output.StandardFormatters
- forRange(int, int, int, Operation<Parallel.IntRange>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel integer for loop.
- forRange(int, int, int, Operation<Parallel.IntRange>, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
Parallel integer for loop.
- Forum - Interface in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
A discussion area on which Posts or entries are made.
- ForumImpl - Class in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
A discussion area on which Posts or entries are made.
- ForumImpl() - Constructor for class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- forward(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_1D
Computes 1D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(double[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_1D
Computes 1D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_2D
Computes 2D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(double[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_2D
Computes 2D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_3D
Computes the 3D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(double[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_3D
Computes the 3D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_1D
Computes 1D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_1D
Computes 1D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_2D
Computes 2D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_2D
Computes 2D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_3D
Computes the 3D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_3D
Computes the 3D forward DCT (DCT-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_1D
Computes 1D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(double[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_1D
Computes 1D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_2D
Computes 2D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(double[][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_2D
Computes 2D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_3D
Computes the 3D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(double[][][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_3D
Computes the 3D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_1D
Computes 1D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(float[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_1D
Computes 1D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_2D
Computes 2D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(float[][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_2D
Computes 2D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_3D
Computes the 3D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(float[][][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_3D
Computes the 3D real, forward DHT leaving the result in a
- forward(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_1D
Computes 1D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(double[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_1D
Computes 1D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_2D
Computes 2D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(double[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_2D
Computes 2D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_3D
Computes the 3D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(double[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_3D
Computes the 3D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_1D
Computes 1D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_1D
Computes 1D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_2D
Computes 2D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_2D
Computes 2D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_3D
Computes the 3D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- forward(float[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_3D
Computes the 3D forward DST (DST-II) leaving the result in a
- ForwardBackwardLoopingValueAnimator<T> - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- ForwardBackwardLoopingValueAnimator(ReversableValueAnimator<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ForwardBackwardLoopingValueAnimator
- FOTOLOG - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.CommonHTMLConsumers
Consumer for fotolog.com
- foundInterestPoint(OctaveInterestPointFinder<OCTAVE, IMAGE>, float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.ConcreteOctaveLocalFeatureCollector
- foundInterestPoint(OctaveInterestPointFinder<GaussianOctave<IMAGE>, IMAGE>, float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.OctaveKeypointCollector
- foundInterestPoint(OctaveInterestPointFinder<GaussianOctave<FImage>, FImage>, float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.OctaveMinMaxKeypointCollector
- foundInterestPoint(OctaveInterestPointFinder<GaussianOctave<FImage>, FImage>, float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.DoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- foundInterestPoint(OctaveInterestPointFinder<GaussianOctave<FImage>, FImage>, float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- foundInterestPoint(FImage, EllipticInterestPointData) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.AffineInterestPointFeatureCollector
- foundInterestPoint(FImage, EllipticInterestPointData, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.AffineInterestPointFeatureCollector
- foundInterestPoint(FImage, InterestPointData) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.CircularInterestPointFeatureCollector
- foundInterestPoint(FImage, InterestPointData, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.CircularInterestPointFeatureCollector
- foundInterestPoint(FImage, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.InterestPointFeatureCollector
Collect interest points from a single image
- foundInterestPoint(FImage, T, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.InterestPointFeatureCollector
Collect interest points from an image known to be in a pyramid with a given octave size
- foundInterestPoint(OctaveInterestPointFinder<OCTAVE, IMAGE>, float, float, float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.OctaveInterestPointListener
Do something with a detected interest point.
- FourierConvolve - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
convolution performed in the fourier domain.
- FourierConvolve(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FourierConvolve
Construct the convolution operator with the given kernel
- FourierConvolve(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FourierConvolve
Construct the convolution operator with the given kernel
- FourierCorrelation - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
correlation performed using an FFT.
- FourierCorrelation(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierCorrelation
Construct the correlation operator with the given template
- FourierTemplateMatcher - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
Basic template matching for
- FourierTemplateMatcher(FImage, FourierTemplateMatcher.Mode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher
Default constructor with the template to match.
- FourierTemplateMatcher(FImage, Rectangle, FourierTemplateMatcher.Mode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher
Construct with the template to match and the bounds rectangle in which
to search.
- FourierTemplateMatcher.Mode - Enum in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
Different algorithms for comparing templates to images.
- FourierTransform - Class in org.openimaj.audio.analysis
Perform an FFT on an audio signal.
- FourierTransform() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Default constructor for ad-hoc processing.
- FourierTransform(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Constructor for chaining.
- FourierTransform - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Perform forward and inverse Fast Fourier Transforms on image data.
- FourierTransform(FImage, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransform
Construct Fourier Transform by performing a forward transform on the
given image.
- FourierTransform(FImage, FImage, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransform
Construct Fourier Transform object from the given magnitude and phase
images in the frequency domain.
- FourierTransformComplex - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Perform forward and inverse Fast Fourier Transforms on image data.
- FourierTransformComplex(FImage, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransformComplex
Construct Fourier Transform by performing a forward transform on the
given image.
- FourierTransformComplex(FImage, FImage, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransformComplex
Construct Fourier Transform object from the given magnitude and phase
images in the frequency domain.
- FP - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
The total number of pairs in a cluster which do not belong to the same class
- FPatchLandmarkModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.landmark
- FPatchLandmarkModel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.FPatchLandmarkModel
- FPatchLandmarkModel.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.landmark
- fpd - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Number of frames on which to force a redetection
- FProjectionProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.transform
- FProjectionProcessor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.FProjectionProcessor
- fps - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.FrameNumberVideoTimecode
The number of frames per second
- frame - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.VideoFrame
The frame of video
- FrameGetter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo.FrameGetter
- frameNumber - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation.VideoTimelineMarker
The frame number in the data
- FrameNumberVideoTimecode - Class in org.openimaj.video.timecode
This class allows video timecodes to be stored as frame numbers.
- FrameNumberVideoTimecode(long, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.timecode.FrameNumberVideoTimecode
Default constructor that takes the frame number.
- framerate() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- framerate(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- frameRate - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.VideoWriter
The frame rate at which written videos will be replayed
- frameReset() - Method in class com.jsaragih.Tracker
Reset frame number (will perform detection in next image)
- frameReset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker
Reset frame number (will perform detection in next image)
- FramesPerSecond(ImageCollectionConfig) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.selection.XuggleVideoFrameSelection.FramesPerSecond
- freemanChainCode(ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Calculates the Freeman chaincode for this connected component.
- freenect_camera_to_world(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, int, int, int, Pointer<Double>, Pointer<Double>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_close_device(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_copy_registration(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- FREENECT_COUNTS_PER_G - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_depth_cb() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_cb
- FREENECT_DEPTH_MM_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- FREENECT_DEPTH_MM_NO_VALUE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- FREENECT_DEPTH_RAW_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- FREENECT_DEPTH_RAW_NO_VALUE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_destroy_registration(Pointer<freenect_registration>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_device_attributes - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- freenect_device_attributes() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_device_attributes
- freenect_find_depth_mode(ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution>, ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_format>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_find_video_mode(ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution>, ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_format>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_frame_mode - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- freenect_frame_mode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- freenect_free_device_attributes(Pointer<freenect_device_attributes>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_current_depth_mode(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_current_video_mode(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_depth_buffer_size(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_depth_mode(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_depth_mode_count() - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_mks_accel(Pointer<freenect_raw_tilt_state>, Pointer<Double>, Pointer<Double>, Pointer<Double>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_tilt_degs(Pointer<freenect_raw_tilt_state>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_tilt_state(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_tilt_status(Pointer<freenect_raw_tilt_state>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_user(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_video_buffer_size(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_video_mode(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_get_video_mode_count() - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_init(Pointer<Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>>, Pointer<?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_list_device_attributes(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>, Pointer<Pointer<freenect_device_attributes>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_log_cb() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_log_cb
- freenect_num_devices(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_open_device(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>, Pointer<Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>>, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_open_device_by_camera_serial(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>, Pointer<Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>>, Pointer<Byte>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_process_events(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_process_events_timeout(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>, Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.timeval>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_raw_tilt_state - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- freenect_raw_tilt_state() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_raw_tilt_state
- freenect_reg_info - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- freenect_reg_info() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- freenect_reg_pad_info - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- freenect_reg_pad_info() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_pad_info
- freenect_registration - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- freenect_registration() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
- freenect_select_subdevices(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>, ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device_flags>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_depth_buffer(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, Pointer<?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_depth_callback(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_cb>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_depth_mode(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, freenect_frame_mode) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_depth_mode_proxy(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution>, ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_format>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_led(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_led_options>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_log_callback(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>, Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_log_cb>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_log_level(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>, ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_loglevel>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_tilt_degs(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_user(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, Pointer<?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_video_buffer(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, Pointer<?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_video_callback(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_cb>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_video_mode(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, freenect_frame_mode) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_set_video_mode_proxy(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>, ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution>, ValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_format>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_shutdown(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_start_depth(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_start_video(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_stop_depth(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_stop_video(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_supported_subdevices() - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_update_tilt_state(Pointer<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- freenect_video_cb() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_cb
- freenect_zero_plane_info - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- freenect_zero_plane_info() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_zero_plane_info
- FREQ_LP_BEAT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.BeatDetector
Low Pass filter frequency
- frequency - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.util.WesternScaleNote
The frequency of the note
- FrequencyAudioSource - Class in org.openimaj.audio
- FrequencyAudioSource(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.FrequencyAudioSource
Construct on top of given stream
- FrequencyAudioSource.Listener - Interface in org.openimaj.audio
Interface for classes that listen to the frequency information
extracted by the
- FrequencyModulatedOscillator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.FrequencyModulatedOscillator
- frequencyToBarkFrequency(double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.AudioUtils
Converts a frequency to a Bark frequency
- frequencyToMelFrequency(double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.AudioUtils
Converts a frequency to an approximation of a Mel frequency.
- frequencyToNote(float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.WesternScaleNote
Converts a frequency to the nearest note number
- frexp(double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.MathUtils
Implementation of the C frexp
function to break
floating-point number into normalized fraction and power of 2.
- from(int, int, double...) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Build a matrix from the given values (row-major)
- from(double...) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
Construct a Vector from an array of values
- from - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.graph.SimpleEdge
First vertex
- fromBothEnds(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.FewEigenvalues
Compute eigenvalues from both end of the spectrum.
- fromCF(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Create a
from the Cognitive Foundry equivalent
- fromColor(Color) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Make an OpenImaj colour from a java.awt.Color.
- fromDoubleArray(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- FromFile() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection.FromFile
- fromJagged(double[][]) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
Create from jagged low triangular values
- fromJama(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- fromMap(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector.WeightedLocale
- fromMap(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentiment
- fromMap(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- fromMap(Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.Sentiment
- fromMap(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.TFFCountSentiment
- fromMap(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- fromMatlab(MLArray) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Create a
from a matlab
- fromRowPacked(double[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Construct a matrix from a row-packed (i.e.
- fromShape(Shape) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
- fromSign(double) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.PerceptronClass
- fromSquare(double[][]) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
Create from a square matrix
- fromString(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.JacardIndex
Read a new jacard index from a comma separated line
- fromString(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Get a colour from a string representation.
- fromString(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Convenience function for deserializing an object from a String.
- fromString(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.HrsMinSecFrameTimecode
- fromTransformMatrix2x2(Matrix, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.EllipseUtilities
Create an ellipse.
- FromURL() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection.FromURL
- fromUSMF(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
This is the method that will be called to allow this object
to fill itself from a USMF object.
- fromUSMF(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONRDF
- fromUSMF(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- fromUSMF(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
- fromValue(int) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_format
- fromValue(int) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device_flags
- fromValue(int) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_led_options
- fromValue(int) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_loglevel
- fromValue(int) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution
- fromValue(int) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_tilt_status_code
- fromValue(int) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_format
- fscore(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreAnalysis
- fscore - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEAnalysis
- fscore - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis
- fscore - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEAnalysis
- FScoreAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
Uses a decision analysis to produce the random index result
- FScoreAnalysis(DecisionAnalysis) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreAnalysis
- FScoreClusterAnalyser - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
- FScoreClusterAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreClusterAnalyser
- FSobel - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
that computes the X and Y image gradients using
Sobel filters.
- FSobel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FSobel
Construct with no Gaussian blurring
- FSobel(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FSobel
Construct with an initial Gaussian blurring of the given standard
- FSobelMagnitude - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Apply the sobel operator to an image.
- FSobelMagnitude() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FSobelMagnitude
- FSobelX - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Returns a kernel which is the x derivative of a gaussian of sigma 1
- FSobelX() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FSobelX
Returns a kernel which is the x derivative of a gaussian of sigma 1
- FSobelY - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Returns a kernel which is the y derivative of a gaussian of sigma 1
- FSobelY() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FSobelY
Returns a kernel which is the y derivative of a gaussian of sigma 1
- FStatisticalPixelProfileModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics
- FStatisticalPixelProfileModel(int, FLineSampler) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- fsutil - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplet
- fsutil - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplication
- fTol - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector.Configuration
Model fitting optimisation tolerance
- fTol - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Model fitting optimisation tolerance
- FTriangleFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Image convolution with a triangular filter.
- FTriangleFilter(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FTriangleFilter
Construct with the given dimensions.
- FTriangleFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FTriangleFilter
Construct with the given dimensions.
- FUL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
Full non-intersection
- FullMEAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
Sina Samangooei (ss@ecs.soton.ac.uk)
- FullMEAnalysis() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEAnalysis
- FullMEClusterAnalyser - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
A set of measures used to evaulate clustering.
- FullMEClusterAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEClusterAnalyser
- FullMultivariateGaussian - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution
- FullMultivariateGaussian(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.FullMultivariateGaussian
Construct the Gaussian with the provided center and covariance
- FullMultivariateGaussian(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.FullMultivariateGaussian
Construct the Gaussian with the zero mean and unit variance
- fullscreen - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.FullscreenUtility
- FullscreenUtility - Class in org.openimaj.content.slideshow
Utility class for dealing with fullscreen Swing applications.
- FullscreenUtility(JFrame) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.FullscreenUtility
Construct with the given JFrame.
- function - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.AnisotropicDiffusion
- Function<IN,OUT> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.function
Apply a function to some input, producing an appropriate result.
- function_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.RoleImpl
A UserAccount that has this Role.
- fundamental - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel
- Fundamental8PtResidual() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel.Fundamental8PtResidual
- fundamentalMatrix8Pt(List<? extends IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
The un-normalised 8-point algorithm for estimation of the Fundamental
- fundamentalMatrix8PtNorm(List<? extends IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
The normalised 8-point algorithm for estimating the Fundamental matrix
- FundamentalModel - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Implementation of a Fundamental matrix model that estimates the epipolar
- FundamentalModel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel
Create a
, automatically normalising data when
estimating the model
- FundamentalModel(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel
- FundamentalModel.EpipolarResidual - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Geometric residual that sums the distance of points from the closest
epipolar line.
- FundamentalModel.Fundamental8PtResidual - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Computes the algebraic residual of the point pairs applied to the F
- FundamentalModel.SampsonGeometricResidual - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
- FundamentalRefinement - Enum in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Refinement of fundamental matrix estimates using non-linear optimisation
(Levenberg-Marquardt) under different geometric distance/error assumptions.
- FundamentalRefinement.Base - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
- FundamentalRefinement.F12Epipolar - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Based on the following matlab:
- FundamentalRefinement.F12Sampson - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Based on the following matlab:
- FundamentalRefinement.F13Epipolar - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Based on the following matlab:
- FundamentalRefinement.F13Sampson - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Based on the following matlab:
- FundamentalRefinement.F23Epipolar - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Based on the following matlab:
- FundamentalRefinement.F23Sampson - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Based on the following matlab:
- FundamentalRefinement.FastSolveNormal3x2 - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
- FundamentalRefinement.Parameterisation - Enum in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Parameterisations of the fundamental matrix that preserve the rank-2
constraint by writing one of the rows as a weighted combination of the
other two.
- FValuePixel - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel
Represents a pixel location.
- FValuePixel(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.FValuePixel
Default constructor
- FValuePixel(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.FValuePixel
Constructor that takes the location and value of the
- FValuePixel.ReverseValueComparator - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel
- FValuePixel.ValueComparator - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel
- FVComparator<T extends FeatureVector> - Interface in org.openimaj.feature
Interface for objects that can compare feature vectors
- FVConverter - Class in org.openimaj.feature.conversion
- FVConverter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.conversion.FVConverter
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteCauchyFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteGaussianFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHammingFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHashFunctionFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHyperplaneCosineFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ByteHyperplaneL1Factory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleCauchyFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleGaussianFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHammingFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHashFunctionFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHyperplaneCosineFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoubleHyperplaneL1Factory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatCauchyFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatGaussianFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHammingFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHashFunctionFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHyperplaneCosineFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatHyperplaneL1Factory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntCauchyFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntGaussianFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHammingFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHashFunctionFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHyperplaneCosineFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHyperplaneL1Factory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongCauchyFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongGaussianFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHammingFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHashFunctionFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHyperplaneCosineFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHyperplaneL1Factory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortCauchyFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortGaussianFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHammingFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHashFunctionFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHyperplaneCosineFactory
- fvDistanceFunction() - Method in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHyperplaneL1Factory
- FVFWCheckGMM - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FVFWCheckGMM() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWCheckGMM
- FVFWCheckPCAGMM - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FVFWCheckPCAGMM() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWCheckPCAGMM
- FVFWDetectAlign - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FVFWDetectAlign() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWDetectAlign
- FVFWDSift - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FVFWDSift() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWDSift
- FVFWDSiftPCAAugment - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FVFWDSiftPCAAugment() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWDSiftPCAAugment
- FVFWDSiftPCAAugmentGMM - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FVFWDSiftPCAAugmentGMM() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWDSiftPCAAugmentGMM
- FVFWExperiment - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FVFWExperiment() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWExperiment
- FVFWExtractMatlabVectors - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FVFWExtractMatlabVectors() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWExtractMatlabVectors
- FVFWFVEncode - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FVFWFVEncode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWFVEncode
- FVFWFVEncodeMatlab - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- FVFWFVEncodeMatlab() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWFVEncodeMatlab
- FVProviderExtractor<FV extends FeatureVector,OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.feature
- FVProviderExtractor(FeatureExtractor<? extends FeatureVectorProvider<FV>, OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.FVProviderExtractor
Construct with the given extractor.
- FWD_MIN(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeTable
- gaborFilters - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
- GaborFilters - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Utility methods for creating Gabor Filters
- Gallery() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection.Gallery
- gamma - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ModifiedLuoSimplicity
- gamma - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.GammaCorrection
- GammaCorrection - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Class to perform Gamma correction on a grey-level image.
- GammaCorrection() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.GammaCorrection
Construct a GammaCorrection with the default gamma of 0.2
- GammaCorrection(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.GammaCorrection
Construct a GammaCorrection with the given gamma
- gauss - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.SingleGaussianPixelModel
- gaussian1D(float, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LeungMalikFilterBank
- Gaussian2D - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
Simple 2D Gaussian convolution.
- Gaussian2D(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.Gaussian2D
Construct with given kernel size and variance.
- Gaussian2D(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.Gaussian2D
Construct with given kernel size and variance.
- GaussianKLDivergence - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.metrics
Calculate the KL divergence of two multivariate gaussians.
- GaussianKLDivergence() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.metrics.GaussianKLDivergence
- GaussianMixtureModelEM - Class in org.openimaj.ml.gmm
Gaussian mixture model learning using the EM algorithm.
- GaussianMixtureModelEM(int, GaussianMixtureModelEM.CovarianceType, double, double, int, int, EnumSet<GaussianMixtureModelEM.UpdateOptions>, EnumSet<GaussianMixtureModelEM.UpdateOptions>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.gmm.GaussianMixtureModelEM
Construct with the given arguments.
- GaussianMixtureModelEM(int, GaussianMixtureModelEM.CovarianceType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.gmm.GaussianMixtureModelEM
Construct with the given arguments.
- GaussianMixtureModelEM.CovarianceType - Enum in org.openimaj.ml.gmm
- GaussianMixtureModelEM.EMGMM - Class in org.openimaj.ml.gmm
- GaussianMixtureModelEM.UpdateOptions - Enum in org.openimaj.ml.gmm
Options for controlling what gets updated during the initialisation
and/or iterations.
- GaussianOctave<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian
This class represents a Gaussian octave in the style of Lowe's SIFT paper.
- GaussianOctave(GaussianPyramid<IMAGE>, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianOctave
Construct a Gaussian octave with the provided parent Pyramid and
- GaussianPyramid<I extends Image<?,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian
A Gaussian image pyramid consisting of a stack of octaves where the image
halves its size.
- GaussianPyramid(GaussianPyramidOptions<I>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramid
Construct a Pyramid with the given options.
- GaussianPyramidOptions<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian
Options for constructing a Gaussian pyramid in the style of Lowe's SIFT
- GaussianPyramidOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Default constructor.
- GaussianPyramidOptions(GaussianPyramidOptions<?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Construct the pyramid options by copying the non-processor options from
the given options object.
- gaussians - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
The individual gaussians
- gaussianSigma - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
- gaussianSigma - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
The width of the Gaussian used for weighting samples, relative to the
half-width of the sampling window (default 1.0).
- GaussianTimeSeriesProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor
Calculates a moving average over a specified window in the past such that
data[t_n] = sum^{m}_{i=1}{data[t_{n-i}}
This processor returns a value for each time in the underlying time series.
- GaussianTimeSeriesProcessor(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.GaussianTimeSeriesProcessor
- GaussianVectorNaiveBayesModel<T> - Class in org.openimaj.math.model
An implementation of a
that uses a
to associate vectors (actually double[])
with a category based on the naive bayes model.
- GaussianVectorNaiveBayesModel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.GaussianVectorNaiveBayesModel
- GaussianWeighting - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp
- GaussianWeighting() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.GaussianWeighting
Construct with a default standard deviation of 3.0
- GaussianWeighting(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.GaussianWeighting
Construct with the given standard deviation
- gaussianWindowSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Size of the Gaussian window (in relative to of the size of a bin)
- GaussPyr - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- GaussPyr() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.GaussPyr
- GD_SVD - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- GD_SVD(Matrix, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.GD_SVD
- GD_SVD2 - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- GD_SVD2(Matrix, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.GD_SVD2
- gen - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackedFace
- GeneralFont - Class in org.openimaj.image.typography.general
This is a wrapper for the Java AWT Font in the OpenIMAJ system.
- GeneralFont(String, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFont
Create a font with the given name, type and size.
- GeneralFontRenderer<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.typography.general
A font renderer that takes the glyph outline as generated by the Java AWT
Font system and renders it into an OpenIMAJ image using the ImageRenderer
- GeneralFontRenderer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFontRenderer
- GeneralFontStyle<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.typography.general
This is a wrapper and extensions for the Java AWT Font as an OpenIMAJ
Font style.
- GeneralFontStyle(GeneralFont, ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFontStyle
Create a new font style that will be drawn solid.
- GeneralFontStyle(GeneralFont, ImageRenderer<T, ?>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFontStyle
Create a new GeneralFontStyle.
- GeneralisedEigenvalueProblem - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix
Methods for solving the Generalised Eigenvalue Problem: A x = L B x.
- GeneralisedEigenvalueProblem() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GeneralisedEigenvalueProblem
- GeneralisedProcrustesAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm
Implementation of shape alignment using Generalised Procrustes Analysis.
- GeneralisedProcrustesAnalysis(float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.GeneralisedProcrustesAnalysis
- GeneralisedProcrustesAnalysis(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.GeneralisedProcrustesAnalysis
- GeneralJSON - Class in org.openimaj.twitter
This interface should be implemented by classes that will define a new json
input format for the USMFStatus object.
- GeneralJSON() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
- GeneralJSONRDF - Class in org.openimaj.twitter
Holds an internal Jena Graph of the USMF status.
- GeneralJSONRDF() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONRDF
- GeneralJSONTwitter - Class in org.openimaj.twitter
GeneralJSONTwitter extends GeneralJSON to provide an object that GSon can
fill from a twitter json string.
- GeneralJSONTwitter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- GeneralJSONTwitterRawText - Class in org.openimaj.twitter
- GeneralJSONTwitterRawText() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitterRawText
- GeneralSentimentFeatureExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.classifier
- GeneralSentimentFeatureExtractor(List<List<String>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.classifier.GeneralSentimentFeatureExtractor
Construct with the training set.
- GeneralSentimentFeatureExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.classifier.GeneralSentimentFeatureExtractor
Blank constructor.
- generate(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Generate a new "observation" as a linear combination of
the eigenvectors (ev): mean + ev * scaling.
- generate(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Generate a new "observation" as a linear combination of the principal
components (PC): mean + PC * scaling.
- generate() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BiconvexDataGenerator
- generate() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BiconvexIncrementalDataGenerator
- generate() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator
- generate() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.DataGenerator
- generate() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.FixedDataGenerator
- generate() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.LinearPerceptronDataGenerator
- generate() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.MatlabFileDataGenerator
- generate() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.MatrixDataGenerator
- generate(DoubleFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.pca.FeatureVectorPCA
Generate a new "observation" as a linear combination of the principal
components (PC): mean + PC * scaling.
- generate(InputStream, Generator.GeneratorOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator
Generate the classes for the RDF information that's read from the given
input stream.
- generate(Locale, int, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.MarkovChainLanguageModel
Generate a string using this model of the desired length
- generate(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Generates a render of the text string in some random font with some
random transform.
- generateAll() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator
- generateAnnotations - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
Whether to generate @@Predicate annotations.
- generateClass(File, Map<URI, String>, Map<URI, ClassDef>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.ClassDef
Generates a Java file in the target directory
- generateColours(int) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap
Generate a list of colours using a colour map
- generateFaceMap(FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
- generateFeatures(int, int, HaarFeatureType...) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.HaarFeatureType
Generate features of the given types for all possible locations and sizes
in the given window bounds.
- generateFeatures(int, int, Collection<HaarFeatureType>) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.HaarFeatureType
Generate features of the given types for all possible locations and sizes
in the given window bounds.
- generateInterface(File, Map<URI, String>, Map<URI, ClassDef>) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.ClassDef
Generates a Java interface file in the target directory
- generateMatte(MBFImage, int, MatteGenerator.MatteType, Object...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.mask.MatteGenerator
Generate a matte into the given image on the given band.
- generateMatte(FImage, MatteGenerator.MatteType, Object...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.mask.MatteGenerator
Generate a matte into the given
- generateMatte(FImage, Object...) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.mask.MatteGenerator.MatteType
Generate the matte into the given image.
- generateMildTransform(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.KeypointCorrespondenceTestHelper
Generate an affine transform between some reasonable limits:
- Rotate it between 0 and 360
- transform it between 0 and 10 pixels
- slant it (sheer in x and y) between 0 and 10 degrees
- scale it between 0 and 2.0 times
- generateMildTransform(FImage, Random) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.KeypointCorrespondenceTestHelper
Generate an affine transform between some reasonable limits:
- Rotate it between 0 and 360
- transform it between 0 and 10 pixels
- slant it (sheer in x and y) between 0 and 10 degrees
- scale it between 0 and 2.0 times
- generateMSERs(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
Performs a watershed then an MSER detection on the given image and
returns the MSERs.
- generateMSERs(FImage, MSERFeatureGenerator.MSERDirection) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
Performs a watershed then an MSER detection on the given image and
returns the MSERs.
- generateNegativeExamples(int, int, int, long, InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.datasets.INRIAPersonDataset
- generateNewShape(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
Generate a plausible new shape from the scaling vector.
- generatePackageMappings(Collection<ClassDef>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator
Creates a cache of mappings that map URIs to package names.
- generateSkinColorMap(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
- generateSobelMagnitudes(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
- generateWeightTableCache(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.HammingAudioProcessor
Generate the cos table cache
- generateWeightTableCache(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.HanningAudioProcessor
Generate the cos table cache
- generateWeightTableCache(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.WeightedWindowedAudioProcessor
Generate the cos table cache
- Generator - Class in org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java
The main class of the OWL 2 Java tool.
- Generator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator
- Generator.GeneratorOptions - Class in org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java
Options for the generation of the Java classes.
- GeneratorOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
- Generic() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.AbstractWebpageImageCollection.Generic
- GenericValuePixel<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel
Represents a pixel location.
- GenericValuePixel(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.GenericValuePixel
Default constructor
- GenericValuePixel(int, int, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.GenericValuePixel
Constructor that takes the location and value of the
- geo - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- geo - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Latitude/Longitude content creation location
- geo - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.User
Latitude/Logitude User location
- GeoFilter - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter
- GeoFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.GeoFilter
- geometricMeanAveragePrecision() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- GeometricObject2d - Interface in org.openimaj.math.geometry
A generalised 2D geometric object that has a calculable centre of gravity and
regular bounding box.
- GeonamesIndex - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.geocode
- GeonamesIndexGenerator - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.geocode
A harvester to parse and index the geo data into an embedded Solr index.
- GeonamesIndexGenerator(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.geocode.GeonamesIndexGenerator
Basic constructor.
- get(String, int, int, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftClient
- get(int, int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
- get(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseVector
- get(int, int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- get(int, int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- get(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
- get(int, int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
- get(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
Get the value at the given index
- get(String, int, int, int, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.get_call>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient
- get(String, int, int, int, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.get_call>) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncIface
- get(String, int, int, int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- get(String, int, int, int) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Iface
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Get the sample at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Get the sample at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Get the sample at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Get the sample at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableListDataset
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Get the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Get the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Get the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Get the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Get the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Get the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
Get the element at the given flat index
- get(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.searching.IncrementalMetaIndex
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.searching.MapBackedMetaIndex
- get(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Get the next value in the queue
- get(String, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Get the next value in the queue
- get(String, Duration) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Get the next value from the queue
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
Get the data item at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Get the ith point
- get(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
- get(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.JamaDenseMatrix
- get(ANNOTATION) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.utils.AnnotatedListHelper
Retrieve all the items from the data that have a specific
- get(long, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- get(long, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- get(long, int, int, TIMESERIES) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- get(long, long, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- get(long, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- get(long, int, int, TS) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- get(long, long, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- get(long, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- get(long, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- get(long, int, int, DoubleTimeSeries) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- get(long, long, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- get(long, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- get(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- get(long, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
returns the DATA at a specific point in time and those before and after
to the number requested.
- get(long, int, int, RETURNTYPE) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- get(long, long, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
returns the RETURNTYPE at a specific point in time and those before and
after within the specified thresholds.
- get(long, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
returns the RETURNTYPE between the specified time periods.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FeatureFile
The ith local feature
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.MemoryFeatureFile
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.StreamedFeatureFile
- get(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.DefaultTokenFactory
Convenience method equivalent to
- get(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.DefaultTokenFactory
Convenience method equivalent to
getInstance().getToken(tokenClass, name).
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Get the value at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Get the value at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Get the value at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Get the value at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Get the value at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Get the value at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AcceptingListView
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.ConcatenatedList
- get(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.SkippingListView
- get(KEY) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.KeyedParameters
- get2dPoint(GL2, double, double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- get_age() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- get_args() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- get_args(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- get_args(Kestrel.get_args) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- get_auto_abort_msec() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- get_bytes() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- get_call(String, int, int, int, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.get_call>, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.get_call
- get_data() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- get_expiration_msec() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- get_head_item() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- get_id() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- get_ids() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- get_ids() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- get_ids_iterator() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- get_ids_iterator() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- get_ids_size() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- get_ids_size() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- get_items() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- get_items() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- get_items_iterator() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- get_items_size() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- get_journal_bytes() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- get_max_items() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- get_min_size() - Method in class com.jsaragih.FDet
- get_open_transactions() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- get_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- get_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- get_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- get_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- get_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- get_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- get_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- get_result() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- get_result(List<Item>) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- get_result(Kestrel.get_result) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- get_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- get_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- get_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- get_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- get_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- get_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- get_success_iterator() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- get_success_size() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- get_timeout_msec() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- get_version() - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftClient
- get_version(AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.get_version_call>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient
- get_version(AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.get_version_call>) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncIface
- get_version() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- get_version() - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Iface
- get_version_args() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
- get_version_args(Kestrel.get_version_args) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- get_version_call(AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.get_version_call>, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.get_version_call
- get_version_result() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- get_version_result(String) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- get_version_result(Kestrel.get_version_result) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- get_waiters() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- getAbout() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getAbout() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getAbout() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getAcceleration() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Get the current acceleration values from the device
- getAccessLevel() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getAccount_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getAccount_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getAccumulator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Returns the accumulator space.
- getActualHeightScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
Get the actual scale to render the font at.
- getActualPoints(FacialKeypoint[], Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.MeshWarpAligner
- getActualWidthScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
Get the actual scale to render the font at.
- getAddressed_to() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getAddressed_to() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getAddressed_to() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getAdministrator_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getAdministrator_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getAffineConsistencyCheck() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getAggregatedResult() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMAggregator
- getAggregatedResult() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.ResultAggregator
Get the aggregated result
- getAlbumImages(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient
Calls http://api.imgur.com/2/album/:ID
- getAliasFrom(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
- getAligner() - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.Aligners.AlignerDetectorProvider
- getAll() - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollection
- getAll() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection
- getAll() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.AbstractWebpageImageCollection
- getAllInputs() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.InOutToolOptions
- getAllLinks() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getAllMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d
- getAllMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.LocalConsistentKeypointMatcher
- getAllMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.VotingKeypointMatcher
- getAllSuperclasses(RepositoryConnection) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.ClassDef
Traverses up the tree from this class to find all ancestor
- getAllTransitiveLeavesOf(String, String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.SparqlTransitiveClosure
Given a root entity, return a hash set of all transitive relationships up
until a leaf nodes
- getAnalysis(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
- getAnalysisKey() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.CountryCodeMode
- getAnalysisKey() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.LanguageDetectionMode
- getAnalysisKey() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.NERMode
- getAnalysisKey() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.SentimentExtractionMode
- getAnalysisKey() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.StemmingMode
- getAnalysisKey() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.StopwordMode
- getAnalysisKey() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TokeniseMode
- getAnalysisKey() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TwitterPreprocessingMode
- getAnalyzer() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.QuickIndexer
- getAngle() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- getAngleJitter() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Get the amount of angle jitter in use.
- getAnnotationKeyList() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.TextPipeAnnotation
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset.CorelAnnotatedImage
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- getAnnotations() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.annotation.Annotated
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AnnotatedObject
- getAnnotations() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.annotation.Annotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.IndependentPriorRandomAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.UniformRandomAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.bayes.NaiveBayesAnnotator
- getAnnotations(VectorNaiveBayesCategorizer<ANNOTATION, NaiveBayesAnnotator.PDF>, Vector) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.annotation.bayes.NaiveBayesAnnotator.Mode
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.FeatureCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.InstanceCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.DenseLinearTransformAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LiblinearAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LinearSVMAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.model.ModelAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.svm.SVMAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.utils.AnnotatedListHelper
Get the set of all known annotations
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityCandidateAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityCompleteAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityContextAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.TokenListSentimentAnnotator
- getAnnotations() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.TokenSentimentAnnotator
- getAnnotationsFor(Class<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.TextPipeAnnotation
- getAnnotationsQ1(GroupedDataset<String, ListDataset<MMSys2013.Response>, MMSys2013.Response>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
For a given
that represents the results from a
single category, returns a list of scored annotations for each group, for
question 1 (contains depication of category).
- getAnnotationsQ2(GroupedDataset<String, ListDataset<MMSys2013.Response>, MMSys2013.Response>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
For a given
that represents the results from a
single category, returns a list of scored annotations for each group, for
question 2 (is in category).
- getAnnotator() - Method in enum org.openimaj.audio.AudioAnnotator.AudioAnnotatorType
Returns a annotator that can train a DoubleFV feature with a specific
String label.
- getAnnotator() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioAnnotator
Get the annotator type in use.
- getAnyJavaOutputLine(AudioFormat) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.AudioUtils
Gets a Java output line (SourceDataLine) that can play something with
the given audio format.
- getArgs() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions
- getArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.MBFPatchClassificationModel
- getArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.PatchClassificationModel
- getArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.MBFPixelClassificationModel
- getArray(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.PixelClassificationModel
- getArrayBackedVideo() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoCache
- getArticleContentType() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getArticleDate() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getArticleDateString() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getArticleHTML() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getArticleHTML_DOM() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getArticleImages() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getArticleLinks() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getArticleSubheadings() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getArticleText() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getArticleTextMapping(TreeWalker, List<Readability.MappingNode>) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getArticleTextMapping() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Get the mapping between bits of text in the dom & their xpaths
- getArticleTitle() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.EnumFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.FeatureVector
Get an element of the feature as a double value
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- getAspect() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getAssignmentHistogram() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
Compute the histogram of number of assignments to each cluster
- getAssignments() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.meanshift.ExactMeanShift
Get the assignments
- getAsyncClient(TNonblockingTransport) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.Factory
- getAttachment() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getAttachment() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getAttachment() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getAttack() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Get the ADSR attack time in milliseconds
- getAttr(double) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Colorfulness.ColorfulnessAttr
Get the colourfulness class for a given colourfulness value.
- getAttr(double, double) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.global.HueStats.ToneAttr
Estimate the tone from the given mean and variance of the hue.
- getAudioOverview() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation.AudioOverviewGenerator
- getAudioOverview(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation.AudioOverviewGenerator
Refactors the overview to given another overview.
- getAudioStream(ListDataset<List<SampleBuffer>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.benchmarking.AudioDatasetHelper
From a dataset that contains sample buffers, this method will return an
which will return each of the sample buffers in turn.
- getAudioWaveformImage(AudioStream, int, int, Float[], Float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation
Generates a waveform image that fits within the given width and height
and drawn in the given colour.
- getAvatar() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getAvatar() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getAxesRenderer() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
Provides access to the underlying axes renderer so that various changes
can be made to the visualisation.
- getAxesRenderer() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
Returns the object rendering the axes
- getAxis() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.effects.DioramaEffect
Get the current tilt axis
- getAxisColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- getAxisColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- getAxisLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
- getAxisLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Returns the last calculated axis location
- getAxisLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Returns the last calculated axis location
- getAxisPaddingBottom() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- getAxisPaddingLeft() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- getAxisPaddingRight() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- getAxisPaddingTop() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- getAxisRangeX() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
The data range being displayed.
- getAxisRangeY() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
The data range being displayed.
- getAxisRangeY() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
The data range being displayed.
- getAxisWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Get the width of the axis being drawn
- getAxisWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Get the width of the axis being drawn
- getBackgroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- getBackgroundColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- getBand(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Get the band at index i.
- getBandwidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateKernelDensityEstimate
Get the bandwidth
- getBarColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- getBarColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- getBarColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
- getBarWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- getBasis() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Get the basis (the LDA eigenvectors)
- getBasis() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Get the principal components.
- getBasisVector(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.FisherImages
Get a specific basis vector as a double array.
- getBasisVector(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Get a specific basis vector as
a double array.
- getBeats() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode
Returns the number of beats.
- getBeatTimecode() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.BeatDetector
Returns the timecode at which the first beat in this sample chunk
was detected.
- getBeginPoint() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Get the start point
- getBest(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughCircles
Get the n-best detected circles.
- getBestLine() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Returns the top line in the accumulator space.
- getBestLine(FImage, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Returns the top line in the given accumulator space.
- getBestLine(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Returns the best line within a certain angular range.
- getBestLines(int, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Returns the top n lines from the given accumulator space within the range.
- getBestLines(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Returns the top n lines from the accumulator space.
- getBestLines(int, FImage, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Returns the top n lines from the given accumulator space.
- getBestResponses(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher
Get the top-N "best" responses found by the template matcher.
- getBestResponses(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
Get the top-N "best" responses found by the template matcher.
- getBestResponses(int, FImage, int, int, Comparator<FValuePixel>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
Get the top-N "best" responses found by the template matcher.
- getBias() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getBias() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getBias() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.DoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- getBias() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.KernelPerceptron
- getBias() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.Projectron
- getBias() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
Get the bias, b
- getBibliography() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.ExperimentContext
Get the bibliography for the experiment.
- getBiggest(List<FACE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DatasetFaceDetector
Get the biggest face (by area) from the list
- getBilinearLearner(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
Construct a learner with the desired number of users and words.
- getBilinearLearner() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getBinHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
(Optional operation) Get the height of a single bin of the sampling
window (in pixels).
- getBinHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- getBinHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- getBinHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
This returns the bin size of the zeroth level only.
- getBinMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
- getBinWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
(Optional operation) Get the width of a single bin of the sampling window
(in pixels).
- getBinWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- getBinWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- getBinWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
This returns the bin size of the zeroth level only.
- getBlockSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
Get the number of samples processed in a batch by a thread.
- getBlurredPixelProportion() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SharpPixelProportion
- getBody() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Get the BODY element of the loaded page
- getBody() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Get the BODY element of the loaded page
- getBody() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Equivalent to document.body in JS
- getBorderPixels() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Get the number of pixels used for a border that processors shouldn't
- getBottomRight() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- getBoundingBoxColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- getBoundingBoxes() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
- getBoundingBoxPaddingPc() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic
Get the expansion value of the bounding boxes that are generated for the
text regions.
- getBounds() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.Caltech101.Record
Get the bounds rectangle if it is available
- getBounds() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get a rectangle representing the image, with the top-left at 0,0 and the
bottom-right at width,height
- getBounds() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
Get the bounding box of the face in the detection image.
- getBounds() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.DoGSIFTFeature
- getBounds() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackedFace
- getBounds(String, int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontRenderer
Calculate the bounding box of the rendered text with the given style.
- getBounds(AttributedString, ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontRenderer
- getBounds() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.geo.WorldPolygons
- getBounds() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureList
Returns the bounding box of the features
- getBounds() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPolygons
Get the bounds of all the polygons
- getBounds() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- getBPM() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
Returns the number of BPMs this timekeeper is running at.
- getBrightness() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.AvgBrightness
Get the brightness.
- getBucketId(OBJECT[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
Compute identifiers of the buckets in which the given points belong for
all the tables.
- getBucketId(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
Compute identifiers of the buckets in which the given point belongs for
all the tables.
- getBuffer() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.BlockingDroppingBufferedStream
- getByte(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Get the next value in the queue
- getByte(String, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Get the next value in the queue
- getByte(String, Duration) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Get the next value from the queue
- getByteKeypoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
- getByteKeypoints(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
- getByteKeypoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- getByteKeypoints(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- getByteKeypoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- getByteKeypoints(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- getByteKeypoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getByteKeypoints(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getByteKeypointsGrouped() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getByteKeypointsGrouped(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getBytes(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Returns the contents of a file in a byte array.
- getBytes(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Converts the input stream to a byte array.
- getC() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.LeastSquaresLinearModel
Get the offset (c in y=mx+c)
- getCameraPosition() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- getCameraPosition() - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.general.CameraPositionProvider
Returns the camera position (x, y, z) position,
(x, y, z) look at position, (x, y, z) camera normal (up).
- getCameraPosition() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.RotatingCameraProvider
Returns the camera position (x, y, z) position,
(x, y, z) look at position, (x, y, z) camera normal (up).
- getCameras() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.CameraCalibrationZhang
Get the computed (extrinsic and intrinsic) camera parameters for all
images used at construction time (in the same order).
- getCandidates(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityCandidateFinderFactory.YagoEntityCandidateFinder
Gets candidate entities.
- getCandidatesFromReversableTokenList(List<TokenAnnotation>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityCandidateFinderFactory.YagoEntityCandidateFinder
Gets candidate entities.
- getCannyEdgeDetector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector
Get the edge detector used.
- getCanonicalImageDimension() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypointExtractor
Get the size of the face image that the keypoint extractor
can work with.
- getCascade() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- getCentreFrequency() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
Get the centre frequency
- getCentroid() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.VotingKeypointMatcher
- getCentroids() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ByteCentroidsResult
- getCentroids() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.CentroidsProvider
- getCentroids() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.DoubleCentroidsResult
- getCentroids() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FeatureVectorCentroidsResult
- getCentroids() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FloatCentroidsResult
- getCentroids() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IntCentroidsResult
- getCentroids() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
- getCentroids() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.LongCentroidsResult
- getCentroids() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- getCentroids() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ShortCentroidsResult
- getChannelPolygon(int, boolean, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation.AudioOverviewGenerator
Returns a polygon representing the channel overview.
- getChannelsInUse() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.PolyphonicSynthesizer
The number of synths in use.
- getCharCount(Element, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Get the number of times a string s appears in the node e.
- getCharCount(Element) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getChildren() - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNode
Get all children
- getChildren() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
- getCircle(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
Create an ellipse based on the features parameters.
- getClass(Type) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.reflection.ReflectionUtils
Get the underlying class for a type, or null if the type is a variable
- getClassDistribution(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.UnivariateGaussianNaiveBayesModel
Get the class distribution for the given class.
- getClassDistribution() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.UnivariateGaussianNaiveBayesModel
Get the class distribution for all classes.
- getClasses() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.BasicTrainingData
- getClasses() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.CachedTrainingData
- getClasses() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.classification.LabelledDataProvider
- getClassifier() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Get the classifier tree or cascade used by this detector.
- getClassPriors() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.UnivariateGaussianNaiveBayesModel
- getClassWeight(Element) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Get an elements class/id weight.
- getClient(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client.Factory
- getClient(TProtocol, TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client.Factory
- getClusterCentroid(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
Given a path, get the cluster centroid associated with the cluster index of the path.
- getClusterCentroid(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
Given a path, get the cluster centroid associated with the cluster index of the path.
- getClusterCentroid(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
Given a path, get the cluster centroid associated with the cluster index of the path.
- getClusterCentroid(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
Given a path, get the cluster centroid associated with the cluster index of the path.
- getClusterCentroid(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
Given a path, get the cluster centroid associated with the cluster index of the path.
- getClusterCentroid(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
Given a path, get the cluster centroid associated with the cluster index of the path.
- getClusterClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- getClusterClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getClusterClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getClusterClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterType.ClusterTypeOp
- getClusterInputStream(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- getClusterInputStream() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- getClusterInputString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- getClusterType() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- getClusterType() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getClusterType() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getCoefficients(double, double) - Method in enum org.openimaj.audio.filters.EQFilter.EQType
Initialise the filter
- getCoefficients() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FIRFilter
Returns the coefficients for the particular filter
- getCoherenceFactor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector
Get the edge coherence factor.
- getColor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getColorfulness() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Colorfulness
- getColorfulnessAttribute() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Colorfulness
- getColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.AbstractRenderer
Returns the colour that the components will be drawn in.
- getColour(ConfigurableRenderOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererMono
Get the colour that a specific option will be drawn in.
- getColour(ConfigurableRenderOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererRGB
Get the colour that a specific option will be drawn in.
- getColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- getColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getColourMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- getColourMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
- getColourMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- getColourMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
- getColourMapMax() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
- getColourMapMax() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- getColourMapMin() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
- getColourMapMin() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- getColourSpace() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Get the colour space of this image
- getColourspace() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.animators.ColourSpaceAnimator
- getCols() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the image width in pixels.
- getCombinations(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.Rationaliser
- getComp(T, FeatureComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.CollectionComparisonTool
Get a feature comparison class for the given feature and metric.
- getComp(T, FeatureComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.PairWiseComparisonTool
- getComp(T, FeatureComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.SegmentingPairWiseComparisonTool
- getComparisonMeasure() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.HistogramPatchModel
- getCompassData() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassSerialReader
- getComponent(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.AudioVideoSlide
- getComponent(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.PictureSlide
- getComponent(int, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slide
Get the component to draw.
- getComponent(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.VideoSlide
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DownloadBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalTweetSpout
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PrintBolt
- getComponentConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.bolt.PrintingBolt
- getComponents() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler
- getComponents() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.GreyscaleConnectedComponentLabeler
- getCompressionCodecClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- getCompressionType() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- getConcurrency() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getConf() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairPartitioner
- getConf() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortPartitioner
- getConfidence(CLASS) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.BasicClassificationResult
- getConfidence(CLASS) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationResult
Get the confidence associated with the given class.
- getConfidence() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
Get the confidence of the detection.
- getConfig(LDALearner.LDAConfig) - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDALearner
- getConfig() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
- getConfig() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector
Get the internal configuration of the detector.
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Get the configuration
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
Get the configuration
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Get the configuration
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Get the configuration
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Get the configuration
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Get the configuration
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Get the configuration
- getConnectedComponent() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CCDetectedFace
- getConnectedComponent(DetectedFace) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.FaceDetectorFeatures
- getConnectionColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- getConnections() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets.ShapeModelDataset
Get the connections between the points
- getConnections(Point2d, PointList) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
Get the points connected to the given point.
- getConnections(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
Get the indices of all the points connected to the point with the given
- getContainer_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- getContainer_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- getContainer_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- getContent() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getContent() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getContent() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getContent_encoded() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- getContent_encoded() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getContentArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Get bounding box of non-zero-valued pixels around the outside of the
- getContentArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get bounding box of non-zero-valued pixels around the outside of the
- getContentArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Get bounding box of non-zero-valued pixels around the outside of the
- getContentArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- getContentUrl() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceResponse
- getContext() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoNamedEntity
- getContour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.Caltech101.Record
Get the object polygon if it is available.
- getContrast() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RGBRMSContrast
- getContrast() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RMSContrast
- getContrast() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.WeberContrast
- getContributors() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getConvexHull(List<Point2d>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.GrahamScan
Returns the convex hull of the Point2ds created from the list
- getCoordinates(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
- getCoordinates(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
- getCoordinates(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
- getCoordinates(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
- getCoordinates(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
- getCoordinates(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
- getCorners() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.ChessboardCornerFinder
- getCount() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.ExtractionState
- getCount() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getCountMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getCountryCode() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPlace
- getCountryCodeByName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
Returns a country code for a given country name.
- getCountryLocation(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
Returns the lat/long of a country given its country code
- getCovariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- getCovariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- getCovariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.CachingMultivariateGaussian
- getCovariance(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.CachingMultivariateGaussian
- getCovariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.DiagonalMultivariateGaussian
- getCovariance(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.DiagonalMultivariateGaussian
- getCovariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.FullMultivariateGaussian
- getCovariance(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.FullMultivariateGaussian
- getCovariance() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateGaussian
Get the covariance
- getCovariance(int, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateGaussian
Get a covariance value from the covariance matrix.
- getCovariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.SphericalMultivariateGaussian
- getCovariance(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.SphericalMultivariateGaussian
- getCovariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
Get the covariance matrix
- getCreated_at() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- getCreated_at() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getCreatedAt() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getCreator_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getCreator_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getCSVHeader() - Static method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- getCumulativeEnergies() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Get the cumulative energies of each principal component
- getCumulativeEnergy(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Get the cumulative energy of the ith principal component
- getCurrentAngleDegrees() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
Get the current absolute angle in degrees (relative to the position at
- getCurrentAngleRadians() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
Get the current absolute angle in radians (relative to the position at
- getCurrentDisplayedPixelColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Returns the current displayed pixel colour (as an RGB encoded int) from the
currently displayed image.
- getCurrentDrawPosition() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Get the position at which the next spectrum will be drawn.
- getCurrentFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectStream
- getCurrentFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.AnimatedVideo
- getCurrentFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
- getCurrentFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
- getCurrentFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
- getCurrentFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.gstreamer.GStreamerVideo
- getCurrentFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
Get the current frame
- getCurrentFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.translator.VideoTranslator
- getCurrentFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Get the current frame
- getCurrentFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Get the current frame
- getCurrentFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.video.VGetVideo
- getCurrentFrameIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Get the index of the current frame
- getCurrentFrameIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Get the index of the current frame
- getCurrentGradientProps(ScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties<MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.ColourGradientFeatureExtractor
Get the GradientScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties for the given
- getCurrentGradientProps(ScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties<FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.GradientFeatureExtractor
Get the GradientScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties for the given
- getCurrentGradientProps(ScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties<FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.extractor.InterestPointGradientFeatureExtractor
Get the GradientScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties for the given
- getCurrentKey() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.combine.CombineSequenceFileRecordReader
- getCurrentMouseImagePosition() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Returns the current mouse position in the coordinates of the image and is
determined by the scaling factors and the position of the image within the
- getCurrentMousePosition() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Returns the current mouse position in pixels within the viewport.
- getCurrentPixelColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Returns the current pixel colour at the point of the mouse.
- getCurrentPositionLineColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Get the colour of the current position line
- getCurrentScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
- getCurrentScaleIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.DoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- getCurrentScaleIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- getCurrentScaleIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder
- getCurrentScaleIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveInterestPointFinder
- getCurrentScaleIndex() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.OctaveInterestPointFinder
Get the current scale index within the octave.
- getCurrentShapes() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Get the current shapes as an array for efficient access, first entry for
each shape is its rectangle, second entry is the shape
- getCurrentTimecode() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Returns a video timecode for the current frame.
- getCurrentUserRetweetId() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getCurrentValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.combine.CombineSequenceFileRecordReader
- getCurrentValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.CurrentUMean
- getCurrentValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.CurrentValueMean
- getCurrentValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.CurrentWMean
- getCutOff() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.kernel.UnivariateKernel
Get the absolute value at which the kernel's response is essentially
- getData(int, int, DATATYPE[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.AbstractMultiListDataSource
- getData(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.AbstractMultiListDataSource
- getData(int, int, T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int, int, byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ByteArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ByteArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int, int, DATATYPE[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.DataSource
Get data between given rows.
- getData(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.DataSource
Get the data for a given row
- getData(int, int, double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.DoubleArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.DoubleArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int, int, float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.FloatArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.FloatArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int, int, DATATYPE[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.IndexedViewDataSource
- getData(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.IndexedViewDataSource
- getData(int, int, int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.IntArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.IntArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int, int, long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.LongArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.LongArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int, int, short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ShortArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ShortArrayBackedDataSource
- getData(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.Caltech101
Get a dataset of the Caltech 101 images and metadata.
- getData() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
Get a read-only view of the underlying data.
- getData(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Get the data array backing this matrix (in column-major format)
- getData() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateKernelDensityEstimate
Get the underlying data
- getData() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- getData() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- getData() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- getData() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- getData() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeriesCollection
- getData() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- getData(int, int, byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchByteDataSource
- getData(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchByteDataSource
- getData(int, int, int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchIntDataSource
- getData(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchIntDataSource
- getDataDirectory() - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.DataUtils
Get the openimaj data directory.
- getDataLocation(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.DataUtils
Get the location of the given data file/directory.
- getDataLocation(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.DataUtils
Get the location of the given data file/directory.
- getDataset() - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache.GroupedListCache
- getDataset() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache.InMemoryGroupedListCache
- getDecay() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Get the ADSR decay time in milliseconds
- getDecayAmount() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Get the amount of decay in use
- getDecisionAnalysis() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreAnalysis
- getDecisionAnalysis() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomIndexAnalysis
- getDeclarationType() - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
Returns the Java declaration type for this property
- getDeclaredField(Class<?>, String) - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.ProxyOptionHandler
- getDefaultAliasFilePath() - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
- getDefaultCountryLandColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
- getDefaultCountryOutlineColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
- getDefaultIndexDirectoryPath() - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
- getDefaultMetaVariable() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.FileOutputStreamOptionHandler
- getDefaultMetaVariable() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.FImageOptionHandler
- getDefaultMetaVariable() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.MBFImageOptionHandler
- getDefaultMetaVariable() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.ProxyOptionHandler
- getDefaultRootPath() - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
- getDelta() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
- getDelta() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
- getDemixingMatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.ica.IndependentComponentAnalysis
- getDemixingMatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.ica.SymmetricFastICA
- getDensestSubgraph() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.graph.algorithm.CharikarDensestSubgraph
- getDependantValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getDependentVariables() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.ExperimentContext
Get the dependent variables of the experiment and their values at the
time this method is called.
- getDepth() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
Get the depth of the cluster tree
- getDepth() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
Get the depth of the cluster tree
- getDepth() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
Get the depth of the cluster tree
- getDepth() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
Get the depth of the cluster tree
- getDepth() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
Get the depth of the cluster tree
- getDepth() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
Get the depth of the cluster tree
- getDescription() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- getDescription() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getDescriptors() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
- getDescriptors() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- getDescriptors() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- getDescriptors() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.AnalysisResult
Get a JasperPrint
detailing the result.
- getDetailReport() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.AnalysisResult
Get a
detailing the result.
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.AggregatedCMResult
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.AggregatedCMResult
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMResult
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMResult
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.roc.ROCResult
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.roc.ROCResult
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.AdjustedRandomIndexAnalysis
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.AdjustedRandomIndexAnalysis
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterStatsAnalysis
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterStatsAnalysis
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreAnalysis
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreAnalysis
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEAnalysis
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEAnalysis
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.NMIAnalysis
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.NMIAnalysis
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.PurityAnalysis
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.PurityAnalysis
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalysis
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalysis
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomIndexAnalysis
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomIndexAnalysis
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEAnalysis
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEAnalysis
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.RangedAnalysisResult
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.RangedAnalysisResult
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalResult
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalResult
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.PrecisionAtNResult
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.PrecisionAtNResult
- getDetailReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.TRECResult
- getDetailReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.TRECResult
- getDetections(FDDBRecord) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.FDDBEvaluation.EvaluationDetector
- getDetectionScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- getDetector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- getDetector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
- getDetector() - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.Aligners.AlignerDetectorProvider
- getDetector() - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.FaceDetectors.FaceDetectorProvider
- getDetIntScaleFactor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- getDevice(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.DeviceList
- getDevices() - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.AudioUtils
Returns a list of devices that are available on this system.
- getDifferentials() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Get the differentials between frames (if storeAllDiff is true).
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.SpatialLocation
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointLocation
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- getDimensions() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Coordinate
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PayloadCoordinate
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- getDimensions() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- getDirection() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.StrokeWidthTransform
Get the direction of the SWT; true for dark on light, false for light
- getDirection(List<double[]>, List<Double>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.kernel.LinearVectorKernel
- getDirectoryFile() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor.DirectoryImageProcessor
- getDisplayedImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Returns the currently displaying image.
- getDisplayFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Returns the speed at which the display is being updated.
- getDistanceMaps() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.AbstractLtpDtFeature
Get the Euclidean distance maps for each slice.
- getDistances() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EuclideanDistanceTransform
- getDistances(File, List<File>, FaceSimilarityEngine<?, ?, FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceSimilarityTool
Calculates the distance between all the faces in the first image with all
the faces in the given images.
- getDistances(List<File>, FaceSimilarityEngine<?, ?, FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceSimilarityTool
Calculates the distance between faces in the given images.
- getDistances(List<File>, boolean, FaceSimilarityEngine<?, ?, FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceSimilarityTool
Calculates the distance between faces in the given images.
- getDistances(List<String>, List<FImage>, boolean, FaceSimilarityEngine<?, ?, FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceSimilarityTool
Calculates the distance between faces in the given images.
- getDistances(List<T>, boolean, FaceSimilarityTool.ImageGetter<T>, FaceSimilarityEngine<?, ?, FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceSimilarityTool
This is the actual comparison function that performs the nested loops as
necessary to match all the faces against each other.
- getDocument() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- getDocuments() - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.util.Corpus
- getDocuments() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- getDoGOctave() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.DoGOctaveExtremaFinder
Get the difference-of-Gaussian octave corresponding to
the current Gaussian octave.
- getDoGOctave() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder
Get the difference-of-Gaussian octave corresponding to
the current Gaussian octave.
- getDoublePixelVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Returns the pixels of the image as a vector (array) of doubles.
- getDoublePixelVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Returns the pixels of the image as a vector (array) of doubles.
- getDrawableSurface() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
Get the drawable surface for 3D operations.
- getDroppedFrameCount() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Returns the number of frames that have been dropped while playing the
- getDuplicatePoints(List<? extends Point2d>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency
- getDuration() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Returns the duration of the video in seconds.
- getEdgeImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
- getEdges() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- getEdgeThreshold() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
- getEffectiveSoundPressure() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.EffectiveSoundPressure
- getEigenValue(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Get the eigen value corresponding to the ith principal component.
- getEigenValue(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Get the eigen value corresponding to the ith principal component.
- getEigenvalueRatio() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the threshold on the ratio of the Eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix
(Lowe IJCV, p.12)
- getEigenValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
- getEigenValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
- getEigenVectors() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Get the basis eigenvectors.
- getEigenVectors() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Get the principal components.
- getElement() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- getElementId() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- getEllipse() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
Create an ellipse based on the features parameters
- getEllipse(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
Create an ellipse based on the features parameters.
- getEllipse() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticInterestPointData
- getEllipse() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointData
- getEllipseBoundingBox(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
Create a rotated rectangle that fits around an ellipse
based on the features parameters.
- getEllipseBoundingRectsData(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
- getEmail() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getEmail() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getEmail_sha1() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getEmail_sha1() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getEmbeds_knowledge() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getEmbeds_knowledge() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getEmbeds_knowledge() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getEncoding() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- getEnd() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.NamedEntityAnnotation
Get the end char the matching substring for this Named Entity.
- getEndIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
- getEndPoint() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Get the end point
- getEndTimecode() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.FadeShotBoundary
Get the timecode at the end of the fade.
- getEndTimeMilliseconds() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation
Returns the end time of the timeline object in the timeline.
- getEndTimeMilliseconds() - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObject
Returns the end time of the timeline object in the timeline.
- getEndTimeMilliseconds() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObjectAdapter
Returns the end time of the timeline object in the timeline.
- getEndTimeMilliseconds() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
Returns the end time of the timeline object in the timeline.
- getEnvelopePhase() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Returns the phase of the ADSR envelope
- getEps() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DoubleNNDBSCAN
- getEps() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.SparseMatrixDBSCAN
- getErrors() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.KernelPerceptron
- getEvaluators() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- getEvents() - Method in class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer
Returns the set of events in this sequencer.
- getExifPath() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIFOptions
- getExpected() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationEvaluator
Get the expected classes for each instance
- getExperimentName() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearExperiment
- getExperimentName() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.StreamAustrianDampeningExperiments
- getExperimentSetName() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearExperiment
- getExpertData() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
Returns the results from the expert turkers.
- getExtension() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getExtractor() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.ListModeOptions
- getExtractor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerData
- getExtractUsageInfo() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tool.StormToolOptions
- getExtraInputs(double[], double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.JAudioFeatureExtractor
Returns the extra inputs required by a specific feature extractor
- getExtraInputs(double[], double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.MagnitudeSpectrum
Returns the extra inputs required by a specific feature extractor
- getExtraInputs(double[], double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.MFCC
Returns the extra inputs required by a specific feature extractor
- getExtraInputs(double[], double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.SpectralFlux
Returns the extra inputs required by a specific feature extractor
- getExtraScaleSteps() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Get the number of extra scale steps taken beyond scales.
- getF() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel
Get the fundamental matrix
- getFacePatch() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
Returns the sub-image representing the face.
- getFarm() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- getFast(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view omitting any
bounds checks.
- getFast(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view omitting any
bounds checks.
- getFast(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view omitting any
bounds checks.
- getFast(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view omitting any
bounds checks.
- getFast(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view omitting any
bounds checks.
- getFast(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
Get the ith element of this array view omitting any
bounds checks.
- getFeature(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
Get the feature at the given index
- getFeature(Class<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
Get the feature matching the given class if it exists.
- getFeature(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.BasicTrainingData
- getFeature(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.CachedTrainingData
- getFeatureClass() - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.LocalFeatureExtractor
- getFeatureList() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.BasicMBFImageObjectTracker
Returns the list of features that the tracker has been tracking.
- getFeatureList() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.BasicObjectTracker
Returns the list of features that the tracker has been tracking.
- getFeatureList() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker
- getFeatureMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale.PyramidTextExtractor
Get the feature map for the image.
- getFeatureResponse(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.BasicTrainingData
- getFeatureResponse(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.CachedTrainingData
- getFeatureResponse(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.classification.LabelledDataProvider
Get the response for all items for a specific dimension of each feature
- getFeatures(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.SequenceFileByteImageFeatureSelector
- getFeatures() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
Get the list of all the detected features
- getFeatures() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.AbstractOctaveLocalFeatureCollector
Get the list of features collected.
- getFeatures() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.collector.Collector
Get the list of features collected.
- getFeatures() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.InterestPointFeatureCollector
- getFeatureVector() - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.FeatureVectorProvider
Get the FeatureVector associated with this object.
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.LocalFeatureImpl
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.quantised.QuantisedLocalFeature
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector
Get the FeatureVector associated with this object.
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.AffineInvariantMoments
- getFeatureVector(BasicShapeDescriptor) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor.BasicShapeDescriptorType
Create a @link{FeatureVector} representation of the specified
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BoundaryDistanceDescriptor
- getFeatureVector(ColourDescriptor) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor.ColourDescriptorType
Extract the feature for the given descriptor.
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.HuMoments
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ByteDSIFTKeypoint
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.FloatDSIFTKeypoint
- getFeatureVector(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.HOG
Compute the HOG feature for the given window.
- getFeatureVector(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.PHOG
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.PHOG
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.AvgBrightness
- getFeatureVector() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Colorfulness.ColorfulnessAttr
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Colorfulness
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ColourContrast
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.HorizontalIntensityDistribution
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.HueStats
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.LRIntensityBalance
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.LuoSimplicity
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ModifiedLuoSimplicity
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Naturalness
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RGBRMSContrast
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RMSContrast
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ROIProportion
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RuleOfThirds
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Saturation
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SaturationVariation
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Sharpness
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SharpnessVariation
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SharpPixelProportion
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.WeberContrast
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.YehBokehEstimator
- getFeatureVector() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.GradientFeatureProvider
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BlockHistogramModel
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.HistogramModel
- getFeatureVector(List<? extends DetectedFace>, T) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.FaceDetectorFeatures
Compute a feature vector describing the detections.
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseFeature
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseShapeFeature
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMShapeFeature
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.EigenFaceFeature
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FaceImageFeature
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FisherFaceFeature
- getFeatureVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.LocalLBPHistogram
- getFeatureVectorArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.AffineInvariantMoments
Get all the values of the descriptor as an array.
- getFeatureVectorArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor
Get all the values of the descriptor as an array in the order area,
centroid_x, centroid_y, direction, elongatedness, compactness
convex_hull_fit, corner_count
- getFeatureVectorArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BoundaryDistanceDescriptor
Get the feature vector as a double array
- getFeatureVectorArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor
- getFeatureVectorArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.HuMoments
Get all the values of the descriptor as an array.
- getField(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Get the given field of this image.
- getField(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the given field of this image.
- getField(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Get the given field of this image.
- getField(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- getFieldCopy(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Get the given field of this image, maintaining the image's aspect ratio
by doubling the fields.
- getFieldCopy(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the given field of this image, maintaining the image's aspect ratio
by doubling the fields.
- getFieldCopy(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Get the given field of this image, maintaining the image's aspect ratio
by doubling the fields.
- getFieldCopy(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- getFieldInterpolate(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Get the given field of this image, maintaining the image's aspect ratio
by interpolating between the fields.
- getFieldInterpolate(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the given field of this image, maintaining the image's aspect ratio
by interpolating between the fields.
- getFieldInterpolate(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Get the given field of this image, maintaining the image's aspect ratio
by interpolating between the fields.
- getFieldInterpolate(Image.Field) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result._Fields
- getFieldName() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo._Fields
- getFields() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.StormPlayground.RandomFieldSpout
- getFieldValue(Item._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.abort_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.abort_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.confirm_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.confirm_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.delete_queue_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.delete_queue_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.flush_queue_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.flush_queue_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.get_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.get_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.get_version_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.get_version_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.peek_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.peek_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.put_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- getFieldValue(Kestrel.put_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- getFieldValue(QueueInfo._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- getFileObject(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSGroupDataset
Get the underlying file descriptor for a particular group in the dataset.
- getFileObject(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset
Get the underlying file descriptor for a particular instance in the
- getFileObjects() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset
Get the underlying file descriptors of the files in the dataset
- getFilePaths(String[], String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get a list of all the sequence files (with a given name prefix) in the
set of input paths.
- getFilePaths(String[], String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get a list of all the sequence files (with a given name prefix) in the
set of input paths.
- getFilePaths(String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get a list of all the sequence files (with a given name prefix) in a
- getFiles(String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get a list of all the sequence files (with a given name prefix) in a
- getFilesList(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
Get a list of numbered files using the given format string and indices.
- getFilesRegex(String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get a list of all the sequence files whose names match the given regular
expression in a directory.
- getFileSystem(URI) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get the filesystem associated with a uri.
- getFileSystem(URI, Configuration) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get the filesystem associated with a uri.
- getFileSystem(URI) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- getFileSystem(URI) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIFOptions
- getFileSystem(URI) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- getFileSystem(URI) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
- getFileSystem(Path) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
Get the FileSystem
corresponding to a Path
- getFileSystem(URI) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.SequenceFileIndexerOptions
- getFileSystem(URI) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor.SequenceFileProcessor
- getFileType() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getFilterAmplitude() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
Returns the filter amplitude
- getFilters() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MelFilterBank
Returns a list of filters in this filter bank
- getFilters() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions
- getFImage() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.FDDBRecord
- getFinderMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.AbstractIPDSIFTEngine
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ByteBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ByteDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ByteFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ByteIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ByteLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteObjectPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ByteObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteObjectPair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ByteShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<DoubleBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<DoubleDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<DoubleFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<DoubleIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<DoubleLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleObjectPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<DoubleObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleObjectPair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<DoubleShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<FloatBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<FloatDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<FloatFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<FloatIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<FloatLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatObjectPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<FloatObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatObjectPair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<FloatShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst(Iterable<? extends IndependentPair<T, Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<IntBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<IntDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<IntFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<IntIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<IntLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntObjectPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<IntObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntObjectPair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<IntShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<LongBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<LongDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<LongFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<LongIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<LongLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongObjectPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<LongObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongObjectPair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<LongShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectBytePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ObjectBytePair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectBytePair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectDoublePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ObjectDoublePair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectDoublePair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectFloatPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ObjectFloatPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectFloatPair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectIntPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ObjectIntPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectIntPair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectLongPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ObjectLongPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectLongPair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectShortPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ObjectShortPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectShortPair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ShortBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ShortDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ShortFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ShortIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ShortLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortObjectPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ShortObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortObjectPair
Extract the first objects from a list of pairs.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Get the value of the first element
- getFirst(Iterable<ShortShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Extract the first values from a list of pairs.
- getFirst_name() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getFirst_name() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getFirstFunction() - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
Get the function that returns the first object from the pair
- getFirstObject() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
- getFixedPoints() - Static method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
- getFixedPoints() - Static method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- getFloatKeypoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
- getFloatKeypoints(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
- getFloatKeypoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- getFloatKeypoints(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- getFloatKeypoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- getFloatKeypoints(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- getFloatKeypoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getFloatKeypoints(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getFloatKeypointsGrouped() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getFloatKeypointsGrouped(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getFloatPixelVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Returns the pixels of the image as a vector (array) of floats.
- getFlooded() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FloodFill
Get the binary flooded image map
- getFn() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- getFocalLengthX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Get the focal length in the x direction (in pixels)
- getFocalLengthY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Get the focal length in the y direction (in pixels)
- getFollows() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getFollows() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getFont() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- getFontPointSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Get the size of the font that is being drawn
- getFontSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- getFontsToAvoid() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Get the list of fonts to avoid.
- getForceRetry() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.KLTHaarFaceTracker
- getFormat() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.Audio
Get the audio format of this audio object.
- getFormat() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Returns the audio format for this set of samples.
- getFormat() - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Returns the audio format for this set of samples.
- getFormat() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Returns the audio format for this set of samples.
- getFormat() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Returns the audio format for this set of samples.
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectStream
Get the frame rate
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.AnimatedVideo
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
Get the frame rate
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Get the frame rate
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
Get the frame rate
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.gstreamer.GStreamerVideo
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
Get the frame rate
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.translator.VideoTranslator
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Get the frame rate
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoWriter
Get the frame rate
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Get the frame rate
- getFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.video.VGetVideo
- getFrame(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoCache
Returns the frame at the given index.
- getFrameNumber() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.FrameNumberVideoTimecode
Returns the frame number of the frame represented by the
video timecode.
- getFrameNumber() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.VideoTimecode
Returns the frame number of the frame represented by the
video timecode.
- getFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.HrsMinSecFrameTimecode
Get the number of frames within the second.
- getFrequency() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FeedForwardCombFilter
This returns the frequency that this comb filter is set to detect.
- getFrequencyBands() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Get the frequency bands which are being drawn in Hz.
- getFreshness() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getFunction_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Role
- getFunction_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.RoleImpl
- getFunctions(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>, FundamentalRefinement.Parameterisation) - Method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement
- getGalleryImages() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient
Calls http://imgur.com/gallery.json
- getGaussians() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
Get the gaussians that make up the mixture
- getGaussianSigma() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the width of the Gaussian used for weighting samples, relative to the
half-width of the sampling window (default 1.0).
- getGeneralJSONClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
- getGeoLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getGradientMagnitudesAndOrientations(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients
- getGradientMagnitudesAndOrientations(FImage, FImageGradients.Mode) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients
- getGradientX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CLSobel
- getGradientY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CLSobel
- getGraphics2D() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- getGridRef(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.Snap
Estimate a grid reference from an image using the MapSnapper algorithm.
- getGroundTruth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
Returns the ground truth set.
- getGroundTruth() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.FDDBRecord
- getGroupDirectories() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSGroupDataset
Get the underlying file descriptors of the directories that form the
groups of the dataset
- getGroupedDatasetSubset(GroupedDataset<ANN, DATASET, INSTANCE>, ANN...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.util.DatasetAdaptors
Takes a grouped dataset and returns a new dataset that contains only
those groups specified.
- getGroupingFilter() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- getGroups() - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.dataset.GroupedDataset
Get the set of all defined group keys.
- getGroups() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
- getGroups() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableGroupDataset
- getHandler(String, String, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.JarURLProtocolHandlerFactory
- getHarmonicity() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FeedForwardCombFilter
Returns the harmonicity power.
- getHas_administrator() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Site
- getHas_administrator() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SiteImpl
- getHas_container() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getHas_container() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getHas_container() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getHas_discussion() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getHas_discussion() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getHas_discussion() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getHas_host() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Forum
- getHas_host() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- getHas_member() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Usergroup
- getHas_member() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UsergroupImpl
- getHas_moderator() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Forum
- getHas_moderator() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- getHas_modifier() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getHas_modifier() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getHas_modifier() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getHas_parent() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- getHas_parent() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- getHas_parent() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- getHas_reply() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getHas_reply() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getHas_reply() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getHas_scope() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Role
- getHas_scope() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.RoleImpl
- getHas_subscriber() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- getHas_subscriber() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- getHas_subscriber() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- getHas_usergroup() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SiteImpl
- getHas_usergroup() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Space
- getHas_usergroup() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SpaceImpl
- getHashtagEntities() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectStream
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns the image height in pixels.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Returns the image height in pixels.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.StageTreeClassifier
Get the classifier height
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
Returns the image height in pixels.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- getHeight() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.AnimatedVideo
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
Get the height of the video frame.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Get the height of the video frame.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
Get the height of the video frame.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.gstreamer.GStreamerVideo
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
Get the height of the video frame.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.translator.VideoTranslator
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Get the height of the video frame.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Get the height of the video frame.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Get the height of the browser.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.video.VGetVideo
- getHeightScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
- getHighestConfidenceClass(ClassificationResult<CLASS>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationResultUtils
Get the class with the highest confidence
- getHighFrequency() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
Gets the high frequency
- getHighlightCountryLandColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
- getHistogram() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- getHistogram(double[][], int) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Util
Get the histogram
- getHistogram() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector
Returns the edge direction coherence histogram that was calculated.
- getHistogram() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.HistogramAnalyser
Returns the histogram that was built having run the processing function.
- getHistogram(FImage, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.HistogramAnalyser
Quickly create a histogram from an image.
- getHistogram() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalUniformBinaryPatternHistogram
Get the histograms as a single
- getHistograms() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalUniformBinaryPatternHistogram
Get the histograms
- getHorizontalAlignment() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- getHorizontalGridElements() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.GridProcessor
Returns the number of columns in the grid.
- getHost_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Site
- getHost_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SiteImpl
- getHours() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.HrsMinSecFrameTimecode
Get the number of hours.
- getHref() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Anchor
- getHTML() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Get the HTML of the currently loaded page
- getHueVariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.HueStats
Get the variance in hue value.
- getHystThresh1() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Get the first hysteresis threshold.
- getHystThresh2() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Get the second hysteresis threshold.
- getID(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableListDataset
Get an identifier for the instance at the given index.
- getID() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSGroupDataset
- getID(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset
- getID() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset
- getID() - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.identity.Identifiable
- getID() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.identity.IdentifiableObject
- getID() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.UKBenchGroupDataset
- getID() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.UKBenchListDataset
- getID() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset.CorelAnnotatedImage
- getID() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.Caltech101.Record
- getID() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset
- getID(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
- getID() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.searching.ImageSearchResult
- getId() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getId() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- getId() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.MappingNode
- getIdentifier() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.Device
- getIdentifierStr() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.Device
- getIM() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Complex
Return the imaginary part.
- getImage(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset
- getImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- getImage() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.ImageProvider
Get the image that this provider provides.
- getImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- getImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature.DetectedFacePart
- getImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.AbstractRenderer
Returns the image that is being rendered on.
- getImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererMono
Get the rendered image.
- getImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererRGB
Get the rendered image.
- getImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Get the target image
- getImage(List<T>, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceSimilarityTool.ImageGetter
Get the image associated with the item
- getImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoKeyframe
Return the image at the shot boundary.
- getImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
- getImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
Reads the actual flickr image.
- getImageContent() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getImageName() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.FDDBRecord
- getImageRDF(File, ExifTool.Tag...) - Method in class com.thebuzzmedia.exiftool.RDFExifTool
- getImageRDF(File, String, ExifTool.Tag...) - Method in class com.thebuzzmedia.exiftool.RDFExifTool
- getImageRDF(File, ExifTool.Format, ExifTool.Tag...) - Method in class com.thebuzzmedia.exiftool.RDFExifTool
- getImageRDF(File, ExifTool.Format, String, ExifTool.Tag...) - Method in class com.thebuzzmedia.exiftool.RDFExifTool
- getImages(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.Caltech101
Get a dataset of the Caltech 101 images.
- getImages() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset
- getImages() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets.ShapeModelDataset
Get the image for each instance
- getImages(ImgurClient.ImgurTypeHash) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient
- getImageSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Get the size of the images that this dataset produces.
- getImageType() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getImageVector(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeUtilities
Returns an ArrayList of which each index represents one element of a edge
direction coherence vector
- getImageVector(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.KNNCharacterClassifier
Get the feature vector for a single image.
- getImaginary() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransformComplex
- getIndependentComponentMatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.ica.IndependentComponentAnalysis
- getIndependentComponentMatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.ica.SymmetricFastICA
- getIndependentVariables() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.ExperimentContext
Get the independent variables of the experiment and their values at the
time this method is called.
- getIndex(int, int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_2D
Returns the 1d index of the specified 2d Fourier mode.
- getIndex(int, int, int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_3D
Returns the 1d index of the specified 3d Fourier mode.
- getIndex(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Convert the given coordinate into a flat index value
- getIndex(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Convert the given coordinate into a flat index value
- getIndex(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Convert the given coordinate into a flat index value
- getIndex(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Convert the given coordinate into a flat index value
- getIndex(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Convert the given coordinate into a flat index value
- getIndex(int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Convert the given coordinate into a flat index value
- getIndex(Polygon, RotatingCalipers.Corner) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.RotatingCalipers
- getIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Get the index
- getIndex(int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex(int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex(int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex(int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex(int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex(int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
Translates a path down the KDTree as a cluster index.
- getIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.QuickIndexer
- getIndexValue(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Get a value from the index
- getIndices() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EuclideanDistanceTransform
- getInit() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Get the current initialisation algorithm
- getInit() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
Get the current initialisation algorithm
- getInit() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Get the current initialisation algorithm
- getInit() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Get the current initialisation algorithm
- getInit() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Get the current initialisation algorithm
- getInit() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Get the current initialisation algorithm
- getInit() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Get the current initialisation algorithm
- getInitialSigma() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Get the assumed initial scale of the first image in each octave.
- getInitialVars() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Returns the initial variables that will be used by the tracker for each
found face.
- getInitialVars() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker
Returns the initial variables used for each face tracker.
- getInlierPercentage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel
- getInliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustAffineTransformEstimator
- getInliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustFundamentalEstimator
- getInliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustHomographyEstimator
- getInliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
- getInliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- getInliers() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RobustModelFitting
- getInliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.SimpleModelFitting
- getInnerBoundary(ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Returns an ordered list of pixels that are on the inner boundary of the
- getInnerDetector() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.RotationSimulationObjectDetector
Get the internal detector
- getInnerHTML(Node) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getInnerPoly(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Get the inner polygon at the given index.
- getInnerPolys() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Returns the list of inner polygons.
- getInnerText(Element, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Get the inner text of a node - cross browser compatibly.
- getInnerText(Element) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getInnerTextSep(Node) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getInput() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.InOutToolOptions
- getInput() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.ExtractorOptions
Get the input location
- getInput() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.SimilarityMatrixToolOptions
- getInputClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- getInputFile() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.InOutToolOptions
- getInputFileCommonRoot() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getInputFiles(List<File>, File, Pattern) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.VLADBuilder
- getInputFiles() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getInputFileString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- getInputFileString() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getInputFileString() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getInputImage(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.BaseExtractorOptions
Read the input image as bytes
- getInputImage(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.BaseExtractorOptions
Read the input image as bytes
- getInputImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.ExtractorOptions
Read the input image as bytes
- getInputParser() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.HadoopDownloaderOptions
- getInputPaths() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- getInputPaths() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.HadoopDownloaderOptions
Get the input file(s) containing the URLs
- getInputPaths() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIFOptions
- getInputPaths(InOutToolOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
- getInputPaths(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
Get the input paths from a String.
- getInputPaths(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
- getInputPaths(String[], String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
All the files starting with "part" in the paths which look like: "paths[i]/subdir
- getInputPaths() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.localfeature.HadoopLocalFeaturesToolOptions
- getInputPaths() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.SequenceFileIndexerOptions
- getInputPaths() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- getInputPower() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FeedForwardCombFilter
Returns the input power for the last processed frame.
- getInputs() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.BatchExtractorOptions
Get the input files
- getInputStream() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
Returns the input stream for this device.
- getInputString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIFOptions
- getInputString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.SequenceFileIndexerOptions
- getInReplyToScreenName() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getInReplyToStatusId() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getInReplyToUserId() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getInstance(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- getInstance(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListDataset
Returns the instance at the specified position in this dataset.
- getInstance(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset
- getInstance(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.UKBenchListDataset
- getInstance(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset
- getInstance(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.DefaultTokenFactory
Get the default singleton instance
- getInstanceFeature(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.BasicTrainingData
- getInstanceFeature(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.CachedTrainingData
- getInstanceFeature(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.classification.LabelledDataProvider
Get the feature vector for a specific instance
- getInstances(KEY) - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.dataset.GroupedDataset
Get sub-dataset corresponding to the given group key
- getInstances(KEY) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
- getInstances(KEY) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableGroupDataset
- getIntegrationScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- getInterestPoints(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- getInterestPoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- getInterestPoints(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- getInterestPoints(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
- getInterestPoints(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
- getInterestPoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
- getInterestPoints(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointDetector
Retrieve the interest points found
- getInterestPoints(float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointDetector
Retrieve the interest points found whose normalised score exceeds the
- getInterestPoints() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointDetector
Get all the interest points found.
- getInterestPoints(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- getInterestPoints(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- getInterestPoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- getInterestPointsThresh(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- getInterframeDistance(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.CombiShotDetector
Returns the inter-frame distance between this frame and the last.
- getInterframeDistance(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.HistogramVideoShotDetector
Checks whether a shot boundary occurred between the given frame
and the previous frame, and if so, it will add a shot boundary
to the shot boundary list.
- getInterframeDistance(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.LocalHistogramVideoShotDetector
Returns the inter-frame distance between this frame and the last.
- getInterframeDistance(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Returns the inter-frame distance between this frame and the last.
- getInterpolatedPRData() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalResult
- getIntersection(Line2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Calculates the intersection point of this line and another line
- getIntrisics() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.CameraCalibrationZhang
Get the computed intrinsic parameters calculated during construction.
- getInverseCovariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- getInverseCovariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- getIp_address() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getIp_address() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getIp_address() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getISOA2() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.geo.WorldPlace
- getISOA2() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPlace
- getItalicSlant() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
- getJacobianFunction(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyRefinement
- getJavaAudioFormat() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Get a Java Sound API AudioFormat object using this object's
- getJavaOutputLine(String, AudioFormat) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.AudioUtils
Returns a Java sound line for the given device name.
- getJitteredFont(GeneralFont) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Returns a font that is somewhat randomised from the
initial font.
- getJitteredFontStyle(GeneralFontStyle<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Get a jittered font style
- getJitterTransform(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Returns an affine transform matrix based on the jitter
- getJsonPath() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions
- getK() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
- getK() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
Get the number of clusters per node
- getK() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
Get the number of clusters per node
- getK() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
Get the number of clusters per node
- getK() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
Get the number of clusters per node
- getK() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
Get the number of clusters per node
- getK() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
Get the number of clusters per node
- getK() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
Get the number of clusters
- getKernelHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FSobelMagnitude
- getKernelHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Dilate
- getKernelHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Erode
- getKernelHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.HitAndMiss
- getKernelHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AbstractLocalThreshold
Get the height of the local sampling rectangle
- getKernelHeight() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.KernelProcessor
Get the height of the kernel required by this processor.
- getKernelSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Get the kernel size being used.
- getKernelWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FSobelMagnitude
- getKernelWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Dilate
- getKernelWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Erode
- getKernelWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.HitAndMiss
- getKernelWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AbstractLocalThreshold
Get the width of the local sampling rectangle
- getKernelWidth() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.KernelProcessor
Get the width of the kernel required by this processor.
- getKey(FileSystem, Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility.FilenameKeyProvider
- getKey(FileSystem, Path, Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility.FilenameKeyProvider
- getKey(FileSystem, Path) - Method in interface org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility.KeyProvider
- getKey(FileSystem, Path, Path) - Method in interface org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility.KeyProvider
- getKey(FileSystem, Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility.MD5UUIDKeyProvider
- getKey(FileSystem, Path, Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility.MD5UUIDKeyProvider
- getKey(FileSystem, Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility.RelativePathFilenameKeyProvider
- getKey(FileSystem, Path, Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility.RelativePathFilenameKeyProvider
- getKeyframe() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.ShotBoundary
- getKeypoint(FacialKeypoint[], FacialKeypoint.FacialKeypointType) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypoint
Search the given points for the a keypoint with the
specified type and return it.
- getKeypoint(FacialKeypoint.FacialKeypointType) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.KEDetectedFace
Get a keypoint of the specified type.
- getKeypointInterpolated(FacialKeypoint.FacialKeypointType) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.KEDetectedFace
Get a keypoint of the specified type, interpolating the position if the
internal model doesn't have a matching point.
- getKeypoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.KEDetectedFace
- getKeypointsMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
get the detected interest points, grouped by simulation
- getKeys() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.DoGSIFTFeature
- getLabel() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineTrack
Get the name of the track
- getLabelTransformer() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getLandmarkModels() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel
- getLanguageModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector
- getLast_item_date() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- getLast_item_date() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- getLast_item_date() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- getLast_name() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getLast_name() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getLastCalculatedFeature() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.JAudioFeatureExtractor
- getLastCalculatedFeatureWithoutFirst() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.MFCC
Returns the MFCCs with the first coefficient set to zero.
- getLastCepstrum() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.PowerCepstrumTransform
Returns the last generated cepstrum
- getLastFFT() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Get the last processed FFT frequency data.
- getLastHistogram() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector
- getLastKeyframe() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Returns the last video keyframe that was generated.
- getLastShotBoundary() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Return the last shot boundary in the list.
- getLatest_version() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getLatest_version() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getLatest_version() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getLatitude() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.GPSSerialReader
- getLatitude() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPlace
- getLayoutContext() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFontStyle
- getLayoutInfo() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Get the layout info of the page
- getLeftOverString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.RegExParser
This function must return the data that was left-over
from the previous parse, if at all.
- getLeftOverString() - Method in interface org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDataParser
This function must return the data that was left-over
from the previous parse, if at all.
- getLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioLooper
Returns the length of the audio stream in milliseconds.
- getLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer
Returns the length of the audio stream in milliseconds.
- getLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioStream
Returns the length of the audio stream in milliseconds.
- getLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Returns the length of the audio stream in milliseconds.
- getLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.JavaSoundAudioGrabber
Returns the length of the audio stream in milliseconds.
- getLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.AudioProcessor
Returns the length of the audio stream in milliseconds.
- getLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.MemoryAudioSource
For live streams, returns the length of the buffered audio,
otherwise returns the length of the original stream.
- getLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleAudio
Returns the length of the audio stream in milliseconds.
- getLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation
Returns the length of the audio data in milliseconds.
- getLetter(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecisionTree
The function which finds the path down this random tree for a given feature.
- getLetters() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LineCandidate
Get the letters corresponding to this line.
- getLetters() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector
Get the unfiltered detected characters.
- getLetters() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.WordCandidate
Get the letters within this word.
- getLevelDescriptors() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getLicense() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getLine() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.WordCandidate
Get the line containing this word.
- getLineFromParams(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
From a r,theta parameterisation of a line, this returns a
with endpoints at the given x coordinates.
- getLines() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector
Get the detected candidate lines of text
- getLines() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- getLines(PointListConnections) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- getLines(PointList) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
Get the connections as a list of lines based on the points in the given
- getLinkDensity(Element) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Get the density of links as a percentage of the content This is the
amount of text that is inside a link divided by the total text in the
- getList() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
Get the underlying list backing this dataset
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.demos.Demos.IconListRenderer
- getLocale() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector.WeightedLocale
- getLocalFile() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- getLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor
- getLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.LocalFeatureImpl
- getLocation() - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.LocationProvider
Get the location associated with this object.
- getLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.quantised.QuantisedLocalFeature
- getLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint
- getLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- getLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- getLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.MinMaxKeypoint
- getLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
- getLocation() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- getLogNormalisedMagnitude() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransform
Get a log-normalised copy of the magnitude image suitable for displaying.
- getLogoAsStream() - Static method in class org.openimaj.OpenIMAJ
Get a stream to the OpenIMAJ logo.
- getLogoAsURL() - Static method in class org.openimaj.OpenIMAJ
Get a URL to the OpenIMAJ logo.
- getLongitude() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.GPSSerialReader
- getLongitude() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPlace
- getLowestPoint2d(List<Point2d>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.GrahamScan
Returns the Point2ds with the lowest y coordinate.
- getLowFrequency() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
Returns the lowest frequency of the filter
- getM() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.LeastSquaresLinearModel
Get the gradient (m in y=mx+c)
- getMagnificationFactor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the magnification factor determining the size of a spatial SIFT bin
relative to the scale.
- getMagnitude() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransform
- getMagnitude() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CLSobel
- getMagnitude() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
- getMagnitude() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Complex
Return the magnitude of this complex number.
- getMagnitudes() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Returns the magnitudes of the last FFT data.
- getMagnitudeThreshold() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the threshold on the magnitude of detected points (Lowe IJCV, p.11)
- getMain(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.reflection.ReflectionUtils
Get the "public static main(String [] args)" method of the class,
or null if it doesn't have one.
- getMainClass(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.aop.classloader.ClassLoaderTransform
Get the main class from the manifest of the given jar file
- getMajor() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- getMajorGridColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMajorGridThickness() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMajorTickColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMajorTickLabelFont() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMajorTickLabelSpacing() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMajorTickLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMajorTickSpacing() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMajorTickThickness() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
Get the underlying map.
- getMask() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.mask.AbstractMaskedObject
- getMask() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.mask.MaskedObject
- getMask() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.AffineAligner
- getMask() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- getMask() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.FaceAligner
Return a mask image for aligned faces.
- getMask() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.IdentityAligner
- getMask() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.MeshWarpAligner
- getMask() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.RotateScaleAligner
- getMask() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.ScalingAligner
- getMatcher() - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityExactMatcherFactory
- getMatcher(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityExactMatcherFactory
- getMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicMatcher
- getMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicTwoWayMatcher
- getMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d
- getMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.LocalConsistentKeypointMatcher
- getMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastEuclideanKeypointMatcher
- getMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastLimitedEuclideanKeypointMatcher
- getMatches() - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.LocalFeatureMatcher
Get the matches detected by the underlying algorithm
- getMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.MultipleMatchesMatcher
- getMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.quantised.BasicQuantisedKeypointMatcher
- getMatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.VotingKeypointMatcher
- getMatchingShape(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.PiecewiseMeshWarp
Get the shape in the observation space for a point in the canonical
- getMatchingShapeIndex(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.PiecewiseMeshWarp
Get the shape pair index for a point in the canonical space.
- getMathInput() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFontStyle
- getMatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMResult
Get the internal ConfusionMatrix
- getMatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- getMatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.JamaDenseMatrix
- getMax() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
Get the expected maximum value in the input image.
- getMaxArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
- getMaxArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
- getMaximum() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Get the maximum value in use
- getMaximumDetectionSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector
- getMaximumDetectionSize() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.MultiScaleObjectDetector
(Optional operation).
- getMaxIterations() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel
- getMaxIterations() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- getMaxIterations() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
Get the maximum allowed number of iterations.
- getMaxIterations() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getMaxResidue() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getMaxSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- getMaxStrokeWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.StrokeWidthTransform
Get the maximum stroke width
- getMaxValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- getMaxValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Get the maximum value for the scaling
- getMaxValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Get the maximum value for the scaling
- getMaxVariation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
- getMaxVariation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
- getMaxYValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
Returns the maximum value of the y axis
- getMBFImage() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.FDDBRecord
- getMean() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- getMean() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- getMean() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
- getMean() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
- getMean() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
- getMean() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.AbstractMultivariateGaussian
- getMean() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateGaussian
Get the mean
- getMean() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
Get the mean vector
- getMean() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MeanCenteredKernelPerceptron
- getMean() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MeanCenteredProjectron
- getMean() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels.FMeanVarianceField
Get the mean field of all the frames that have been analysed so far.
- getMean() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels.MBFMeanVarianceField
Get the mean field of all the frames that have been analysed so far.
- getMeanHue() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.HueStats
Get the mean hue value.
- getMeasures() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode
Returns the number of measures.
- getMediaEntities() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getMember_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getMember_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getMergeTree() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
- getMeshColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- getMeta() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.Aggregation
- getMeta() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.MetaPayload
- getMetaClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAMessage
- getMetaClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAParser
- getMetaClass() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- getMetadata(Configuration) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.MetadataConfiguration
Read any metadata stored in the Configuration
- getMetadata() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Return the metadata map.
- getMetadata() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.searching.ImageSearchResult
- getMin() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
Get the expected minimum value in the input image
- getMinArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
- getMinArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
- getMinDegreeVertex(UndirectedGraph<V, E>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.graph.algorithm.CharikarDensestSubgraph
- getMinDegreeVertexBruteForce(UndirectedGraph<V, E>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.graph.algorithm.CharikarDensestSubgraph
- getMinDeterminant() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getMinDisplacement() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getMinDist() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getMinDiversity() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
- getMinDiversity() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
- getMinEigenvalue() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getMinimumBoundingRectangle(Polygon, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.RotatingCalipers
Use the rotating calipers algorithm to optimally find the minimum sized
rotated rectangle that encompasses the outer shell of the given polygon.
- getMinimumDetectionSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector
- getMinimumDetectionSize() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.MultiScaleObjectDetector
(Optional operation).
- getMinor() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- getMinorGridColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMinorGridThickness() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMinorTickColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMinorTickLabelFont() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMinorTickLabelSpacing() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMinorTickLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMinorTickSpacing() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMinorTickThickness() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getMinSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- getMinutes() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.HrsMinSecFrameTimecode
Get the number of minutes within the hour.
- getMinValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- getMinValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Get the minimum value in use.
- getMinValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Get the minimum value in use.
- getMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.BaseExtractorOptions
- getMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.LocalFeatureMode.LocalFeatureModeOp
- getMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Returns the current state of the video display.
- getModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d
- getModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.LocalConsistentKeypointMatcher
- getModel() - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ModelFittingLocalFeatureMatcher
Get the model that has been learned.
- getModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor
- getModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustAffineTransformEstimator
- getModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustFundamentalEstimator
- getModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustHomographyEstimator
- getModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
- getModel() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.fit.ModelFitting
- getModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- getModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.SimpleModelFitting
- getModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.ModelDistanceCheck
- getModelConstructionData() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- getModelTracker() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Returns the model tracker
- getModerator_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getModerator_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getModes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.meanshift.ExactMeanShift
Get the modes
- getModified_at() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- getModified_at() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getModifier_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getModifier_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getMotionVectors() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.MotionEstimator
Return the estimated motion vectors for the last processed frame.
- getN() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.Eigenvalues
- getN() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.Results
- getName(K, V, ExtractionState, boolean) - Method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.NamingStrategy
Generate the filename for the given record (key-value pair).
- getName() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.StageTreeClassifier
Get the classifier name
- getName() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.typography.Font
Get the name of this font
- getName() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFont
Get the name of this font
- getName() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFont
- getName() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFont
- getName(List<T>, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceSimilarityTool.ImageGetter
Get the name of the item
- getName() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.Device
- getName() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- getName() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPlace
- getNameColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getNameDirection() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getNameInternal(K, V, ExtractionState) - Method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.NamingStrategy
- getNameOrientation() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getNames() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- getNameSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getNameStr() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.Device
- getNaturalness() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Naturalness
- getNBits() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Get the number of bits in each sample.
- getnChars() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Get the number of characters being generated.
- getNDecisions() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- getNearestNeighbourFactory() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursProvider
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursProvider
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursProvider
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursProvider
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursProvider
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursProvider
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursProvider
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans.Result
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans.Result
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans.Result
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans.Result
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans.Result
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans.Result
- getNearestNeighbours() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans.Result
- getNegativePattern() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
- getNegativeTrainingImages(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.datasets.INRIAPersonDataset
- getNeighbours(FImage, int, int, float) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode
Get the neighbouring pixels
- getNext_by_date() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getNext_by_date() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getNext_by_date() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getNext_version() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getNext_version() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getNext_version() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getNextFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectStream
- getNextFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.AnimatedVideo
- getNextFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
- getNextFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Get the next frame.
- getNextFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
- getNextFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.gstreamer.GStreamerVideo
- getNextFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
Get the next frame.
- getNextFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.translator.VideoTranslator
- getNextFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Get the next frame.
- getNextFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Get the next frame.
- getNextFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.video.VGetVideo
- getNextOctaveImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianOctave
- getNextOctaveImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Octave
Get the image that starts the next octave.
- getNGrams(List<R>, int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NGramGenerator
- getNN() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactByteAssigner
Get the underlying nearest-neighbour implementation.
- getNN() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactDoubleAssigner
Get the underlying nearest-neighbour implementation.
- getNN() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFeatureVectorAssigner
Get the underlying nearest-neighbour implementation.
- getNN() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFloatAssigner
Get the underlying nearest-neighbour implementation.
- getNN() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactIntAssigner
Get the underlying nearest-neighbour implementation.
- getNN() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactLongAssigner
Get the underlying nearest-neighbour implementation.
- getNN() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactShortAssigner
Get the underlying nearest-neighbour implementation.
- getNode(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeTable
- getNoise() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DBSCANClusters
- getNonExpertData() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
Returns the results from the non-expert turkers.
- getNonHadoopArgs() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions
- getNonStopWords(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.IgnoreTokenStripper
Strips given list of tokens of all ignore words.
- getNormal() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Returns a line that is at 90 degrees to the original line.
- getNormal(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Returns a line that is at 90 degrees to the original line and also passes
through the given point.
- getNormalisations(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Generates the data for normalisation of the points such that each matched
point is centered about the origin and also scaled be be within
Math.sqrt(2) of the origin.
- getNormalisedColourPlanes(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Calculate normalised RGB planes.
- getNormalisedMagnitudes(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Scales the real and imaginary parts by the scalar prior to
calculating the (square) magnitude for normalising the outputs.
- getNormDirection() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.LinearPerceptronDataGenerator
- getNTrees() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- getNTweets() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TweetCountWordMap
- getNum_items() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- getNum_items() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- getNum_items() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- getNum_threads() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Forum
- getNum_threads() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- getNumBands() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourSpace
Get the number of bands required by this colour space
- getNumberOfDirBins() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector
- getNumberOfFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoCache
Returns the number of frames that have been cached.
- getNumberOfProcessors() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Returns the number of available processors.
- getNumberOfReducers() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.HadoopDownloaderOptions
- getNumberOfSamples() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Returns the number of samples in this sample chunk.
- getNumberOfSatellites() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.GPSSerialReader
- getNumberOfSegments() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Get the number of directional accumulator bins.
- getNumberOfThreads() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Returns the current number of threads.
- getNumberOfThreads() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.HadoopDownloaderOptions
Get the number of threads to use in the mapper.
- getNumberRecords() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get number of records in file.
- getNumberSamples() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- getNumberSamples() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- getNumberToStore() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.SpectralFlux
Get the number of spectral flux values to store in the feature
- getNumBins() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
- getNumBins() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.SATWindowedExtractor
- getNumBins() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.WindowedHistogramExtractor
Get the number of bins
- getNumBinsX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
Get the number of spatial bins in the X direction
- getNumBinsX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- getNumBinsX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- getNumBinsX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getNumBinsY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
Get the number of spatial bins in the Y direction
- getNumBinsY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- getNumBinsY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- getNumBinsY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getNumChannels() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Get the number of channels in this format.
- getNumComponents() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.EigenImages
Get the number of PCA components selected by this
- getNumDevices() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.DeviceList
- getNumInnerPoly() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Returns the number of inner polygons in this polygon including this
- getNumOriBins() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
Get the number of orientation bins
- getNumOriBins() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- getNumOriBins() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- getNumOriBins() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
- getNumOriBins() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the number of orientation bins (default 8) in the SIFT feature
- getNumOriHistBins() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the number of orientation histogram bins for finding the dominant
orientations; Lowe's IJCV paper (p.13) suggests 36 bins.
- getNumSpatialBins() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the number of spatial bins in each direction (default 4) in the SIFT
- getObject() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.UKBenchListDataset
- getObject() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset.CorelAnnotatedImage
- getObject() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.annotation.Annotated
- getObject() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.AnnotatedObject
- getObjectClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.Caltech101.Record
Get the class of the object depicted in the image.
- getObjectURI(Object, URIImpl) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Returns a URI for the given object.
- getOCRProcessor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.TextExtractor
Return the OCR processor being used to extract text from the
- getOctave() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.DoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- getOctave() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- getOctave() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder
- getOctave() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveInterestPointFinder
- getOctave() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.OctaveInterestPointFinder
Get the octave from which we are operating
- getOctaveInterestPointListener() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.DoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- getOctaveInterestPointListener() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- getOctaveInterestPointListener() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveInterestPointFinder
- getOctaveInterestPointListener() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.OctaveInterestPointFinder
Get the current listener object.
- getOctaveProcessor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.PyramidOptions
Get an OctaveProcessor to apply to each octave of the pyramid or null
if none is set.
- getOctaves() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Pyramid
Get the octaves of this pyramid if they have
been retained by the processing.
- getOffset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getOpposingColour(Float[]) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineMarkerType
Returns an opposing colour
- getOptionName() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.AbstractGetter
- getOptionName() - Method in interface org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.Getter
- getOptions() - Method in interface org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineOptionsProvider
- getOptions() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.DummyOscillator
- getOptions() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.FrequencyModulatedOscillator
- getOptions() - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator
Returns the options for the particular oscillator type.
- getOptions() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.NoiseOscillator
- getOptions() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.SawOscillator
- getOptions() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.SineOscillator
- getOptions() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.SquareOscillator
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.InputMode
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.TwitterTokenModeOption
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.TwitterTokenOutputModeOption
- getOptions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Pyramid
Get the options used to initialise this pyramid
- getOptions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGColourSIFTEngine
- getOptions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngine
- getOptions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.MinMaxDoGSIFTEngine
Get the options for this engine.
- getOptions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector
Get the current options.
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.picslurper.output.OutputListenerMode
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.picslurper.output.TrendDetectorFeatureMode
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.TopologyModeOption
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.fastkmeans.ByteKMeansInitialisers
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.Aligners.AnyAligner
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.FaceDetectors.AnyBasicFImageDetector
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.RecognitionStrategy
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.GlobalFeatureType
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.ShapeFeatures
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionProcessorMode
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.ImageCollectionProcessorMode
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.LocalFeatureMode
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.reddit.SplitModeOption
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.RegexEngineMode
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.TwitterPreprocessingFilterOption
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.TwitterOutputModeOption
- getOptions() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TwitterPreprocessingModeOption
- getOptionsMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterType.ClusterTypeOp
- getOrder() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.PhraseAnnotation
Returns a string representation of the Phrase order of this phrase.
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.SpatialLocation
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint.AffineSimulationKeypointLocation
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointLocation
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint.SIFTGeoLocation
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
Get the ordinate value for a specific dimension.
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Coordinate
Get the ordinate value for a specific dimension.
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.DoublePoint2dImpl
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PayloadCoordinate
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- getOrientation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
Get the primary orientation of the feature.
- getOrientation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CLSobel
- getOrientation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
- getOrientation() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- getOrigin() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.LinearPerceptronDataGenerator
- getOriginalLink() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient.ImageResponse
- getOriHistExtractor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.DominantOrientationExtractor
- getOscillator() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Returns the oscillator in use.
- getOtherInfoClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOtherInfoClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOtherInfoClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOtherInfoFile() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOtherInfoFile() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOtherInfoType() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOtherInfoType() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOtherInfoType() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOuterBoundary() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Returns an ordered list of pixels that are on the outer boundary of the
- getOutliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustAffineTransformEstimator
- getOutliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustFundamentalEstimator
- getOutliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustHomographyEstimator
- getOutliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
- getOutliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- getOutliers() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RobustModelFitting
- getOutliers() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.SimpleModelFitting
- getOutput(RecordDetail[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeUtilities
Calculates and returns message of given record detail array.
- getOutput() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.InOutToolOptions
- getOutput(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.BatchExtractorOptions
Get the output file corresponding to the input, making directories as
- getOutput() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.ExtractorOptions
Get the output location
- getOutput() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.SimilarityMatrixToolOptions
- getOutputClass() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- getOutputFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.scheme.StringScheme
- getOutputFields() - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftSpout
- getOutputFields() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.scheme.StringScheme
- getOutputFile() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOutputFileString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOutputFileString() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOutputFileString() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getOutputFormat() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.AudioConverter
- getOutputMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIFOptions
- getOutputPath() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.HadoopDownloaderOptions
- getOutputPath() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIFOptions
- getOutputPath(InOutToolOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
- getOutputPath(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
Get the output path from a String.
- getOutputPath() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.localfeature.HadoopLocalFeaturesToolOptions
- getOutputPath() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.SequenceFileIndexerOptions
- getOutputPath() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- getOutputPower() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FeedForwardCombFilter
Returns the output power for the last processed frame.
- getOutputPower() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MusicalNoteFilterBank
Get the last calculated output power.
- getOutputStream() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
Returns the output stream for this device.
- getOutputString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIFOptions
- getOutputString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.SequenceFileIndexerOptions
- getOversamplingAmount() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider
- getOversamplingAmount() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
- getOversamplingAmount() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.LocalFeatureProvider
Get the amount of required over-sampling outside of the unit square
- getOwner_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getOwner_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getPackageName(URI) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator
From the given URI will attempt to create a java package name by
reversing all the elements and separating with dots.
- getPackageName(URI, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator
From the given URI will attempt to create a java package name by
reversing all the elements and separating with dots.
- getPadding() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Get the amount of padding around the image.
- getParams() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getParams() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getParams() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getParent_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- getParent_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- getParent_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- getPartition(HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.MapperOut, Text, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.LSHPartitioner
- getPartition(BytesWritable, BytesWritable, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairPartitioner
- getPartition(BytesWritable, BytesWritable, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortPartitioner
- getPartitions() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.FixedSizeBlockingChunkPartitioner
- getPartitions() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.FixedSizeChunkPartitioner
- getPartitions() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.GrowingChunkPartitioner
- getPartitions() - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.Partitioner
- getPartitions() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.RangePartitioner
- getPatches(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointVisualizer
Extract the oriented sampling patches used in the construction of the
- getPatches() - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.RandomPatchSampler
- getPath(URI) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get a path from a uri.
- getPath(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPath(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPath(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPath(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPath(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPath(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPath(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPath(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPath(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPath(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPath(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPath(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
Given an index, what was the path down the hierarchy that lead to it.
- getPattern() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.BasicLocalBinaryPattern
- getPattern() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.ExtendedLocalBinaryPattern
- getPayload() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PayloadCoordinate
- getPayload() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.Aggregation
- getPayload() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.MetaPayload
- getPCA() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerData
- getPDM() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel
- getPDM() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.MultiResolutionActiveShapeModel
- getPeakThreshold() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the threshold for peak detection in the orientation histogram.
- getPenColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- getPenPosition() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- getPenThickness() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- getPercentageThreshold() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
- getPerspectiveJitter() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Get the amount of perspective jitter being simulated
- getPhase() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransform
- getPhoto(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Get the a specific underlying flickr Photo
object corresponding
to a particular image instance.
- getPhotos() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Get the underlying flickr Photo
- getPhrasefromString(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.PhraseAnnotation.Phrase
- getPitch() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Returns the pitch of the model (that is the look up/down, noddy head movement).
- getPixel(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Get the value of the pixel at coordinate (x, y)
- getPixel(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the value of the pixel at coordinate (x, y)
- getPixel(Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the value of the pixel at coordinate p
- getPixel(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- getPixel(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- getPixelComparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Returns a pixel comparator that is able to compare equality of pixels in
the given image type.
- getPixelComparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns a pixel comparator that is able to compare equality of pixels in
the given image type.
- getPixelComparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- getPixelComparator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- getPixelInterp(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Get the value of a sub-pixel using linear-interpolation.
- getPixelInterp(double, double, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Get the value of a sub-pixel using linear-interpolation.
- getPixelInterp(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the value of a sub-pixel using linear-interpolation.
- getPixelInterp(double, double, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the value of a sub-pixel using linear-interpolation.
- getPixelInterp(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- getPixelInterp(double, double, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- getPixelInterp(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- getPixelInterp(double, double, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- getPixelInterpNative(float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Interpolate the value of a pixel at the given coordinates
- getPixelInterpolated(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.ImageInterpolation
Get the interpolated pixel value of the previously analysed image
- getPixelNative(Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Get the value of the pixel at coordinate p
- getPixelNative(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Get the value of the pixel at coordinate (x, y)
- getPixelNative(Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Get the value of the pixel at coordinate p
- getPixelNative(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Get the value of the pixel at coordinate (x, y)
- getPixels() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
Get the pixels in the component.
- getPixels() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Returns the set of
s that are within this component.
- getPixels() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.HitAndMiss
Get the pixels selected by the hit and miss operator
- getPixelVector(Q[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns the pixels in this image as a vector (an array of the pixel
- getPixelVectorNative(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Returns the pixels in this image as a vector (an array of the pixel
- getPixelVectorNative(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Returns the pixels in this image as a vector (an array of the pixel
- getPlace() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getPlane() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.LinearPerceptronDataGenerator
- getPlaneDirections(List<double[]>, List<Double>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.kernel.LinearVectorKernel
- getPlanePoint(List<double[]>, List<Double>, double, double...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.kernel.LinearVectorKernel
On the plane
- getPlotter() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- getPoint(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.MultidimensionalScaling
Get the predicted point for a specific element.
- getPointColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- getPointLists() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets.ShapeModelDataset
Get the points for each instance
- getPoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
Get the underlying data points.
- getPoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
Get the underlying data points.
- getPoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
Get the underlying data points.
- getPoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
Get the underlying data points.
- getPoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
Get the underlying data points.
- getPoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
Get the underlying data points.
- getPoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.MultidimensionalScaling
Get a list of the 2-D coordinates learned by the MDS algorithm for each
element in the input similarity matrix.
- getPolygons(String, int, int, GeneralFontStyle<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFontRenderer
Returns a list of polygons that represent the letters in the given text.
- getPolygons(char[], int, int, GeneralFontStyle<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFontRenderer
Returns a list of polygons that represent the letters in the given text.
- getPool() - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.GlobalExecutorPool
Get the pool.
- getPoseParameters() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Get the parameters describing the pose of the face.
- getPoseShapeParameters() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Get a vector describing the pose (pitch, yaw and roll only) and shape of
the model.
- getPOSfromString(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.POSAnnotation.PartOfSpeech
- getPosition() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Returns the position of the play head in this video as a percentage of
the length of the video.
- getPositivePattern() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
- getPositiveTrainingImages(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.datasets.INRIAPersonDataset
- getPostProcess() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerData
- getPowerMagnitudes() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Returns the power magnitudes of the last FFT data.
- getPredictedClasses() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.BasicClassificationResult
- getPredictedClasses() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationResult
Get the set of classes predicted by this result.
- getPreferredSize() - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObject
The timeline object needs to be able to suggest a size, if it
needs a particular amount.
- getPreferredVideoCapture(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.CameraSelector
- getPreferredVideoCaptureDevice() - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.CameraSelector
- getPrevious_by_date() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getPrevious_by_date() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getPrevious_by_date() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getPrevious_version() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getPrevious_version() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getPrevious_version() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getPreviousPyramid() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getPrincipalComponent(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Get a specific principle component vector as a double array.
- getPrincipalPointX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Get the x-ordinate of the principal point (in pixels).
- getPrincipalPointY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Get the y-ordinate of the principal point (in pixels).
- getProductQuantiser() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerData
Get the product quantiser
- getProgress() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.combine.CombineSequenceFileRecordReader
- getProjection() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HorizontalProjection
- getProjection() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.VerticalProjection
- getProperty(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAMessage
- getProperty(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAParser
- getProperty(String) - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- getProtectedStringTokens() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.EntityTweetTokeniser
- getProtectedStringTokens() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.TweetTokeniser
- getPyramidProcessor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.PyramidOptions
Gets the currently set PyramidProcessor or null if none is set.
- getQuery() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getQuery() - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterSearchDataset
Get the current query
- getQuery() - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.ContextRoundRobinTwitterSearchAPIDataset
- getQuery() - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.RoundRobinTwitterSearchAPIDataset
- getQuery() - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.TwitterSearchDataset
- getRadius() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- getRandomByteArray(int, int, byte, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a two dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed byte values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomByteArray(int, int, byte, byte, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a two dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed byte values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomByteArray(int, byte, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed byte values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomByteArray(int, byte, byte, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed byte values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomByteArray(int, byte, byte, MersenneTwister) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed byte values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomDoubleArray(int, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a two dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed double values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomDoubleArray(int, int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a two dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed double values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomDoubleArray(int, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed double values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomDoubleArray(int, double, double, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed double values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomDoubleArray(int, double, double, MersenneTwister) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed double values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomFeatures(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.SequenceFileByteFeatureSelector
- getRandomFloatArray(int, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a two dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed float values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomFloatArray(int, int, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a two dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed float values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomFloatArray(int, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed float values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomFloatArray(int, float, float, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed float values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomFloatArray(int, float, float, MersenneTwister) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed float values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomInstance() - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.dataset.Dataset
- getRandomInstance(KEY) - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.dataset.GroupedDataset
Get a random instance from the sub-dataset corresponding to a specific
- getRandomInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- getRandomInstance(KEY) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
- getRandomInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
- getRandomInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableGroupDataset
- getRandomInstance(KEY) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableGroupDataset
- getRandomInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableListDataset
- getRandomInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc.AbstractIRCStreamDataset
- getRandomInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterSearchDataset
- getRandomInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterStatusesFilterDataset
- getRandomInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterStreamDataset
- getRandomIntArray(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a two dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed int values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomIntArray(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed int values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomIntArray(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed int values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomIntArray(int, int, int, MersenneTwister) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed int values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomLongArray(int, int, long, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a two dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed long values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomLongArray(int, int, long, long, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a two dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed long values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomLongArray(int, long, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed long values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomLongArray(int, long, long, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed long values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomLongArray(int, long, long, MersenneTwister) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed long values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomRows(DATATYPE[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.AbstractDataSource
- getRandomRows(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ArrayBackedDataSource
- getRandomRows(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ByteArrayBackedDataSource
- getRandomRows(DATATYPE[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.DataSource
- getRandomRows(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.DoubleArrayBackedDataSource
- getRandomRows(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.FloatArrayBackedDataSource
- getRandomRows(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.IntArrayBackedDataSource
- getRandomRows(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.LongArrayBackedDataSource
- getRandomRows(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ShortArrayBackedDataSource
- getRandomRows(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.SequenceFileByteDataSelector
- getRandomRows(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchByteDataSource
- getRandomRows(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchIntDataSource
- getRandomSeed() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getRandomShortArray(int, int, short, short, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a two dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed short values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomShortArray(int, short, short, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed short values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRandomShortArray(int, short, short, MersenneTwister) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns a one dimensional array of pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed short values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
- getRank() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.Ranked
- getRate(int, int, PTYPE) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.EpochAnnealedLearningRate
- getRate(int, int, PTYPE) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.LearningRate
- getRate(int, int, PTYPE) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.StaticLearningRate
- getRateLimitStatus() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getRawString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.TokenAnnotation
- getRawString() - Method in interface org.openimaj.text.nlp.tokenisation.ReversableToken
- getRawStringFromTest(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoCompanyAnnotatorEvaluator
- getRE() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Complex
Return the real part.
- getReadability(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Convenience method to build a
instance from an html
- getReadability(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Convenience method to build a
instance from an html
- getReal() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransformComplex
- getReals() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Returns just the real numbers from the last FFT.
- getRecogniser() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
- getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.MetadataSequenceFileOutputFormat
- getRedirect(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpContext) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils.MetaRefreshRedirectStrategy
- getReducerFiles(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get a list of all the reducer outputs in a directory.
- getReference() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- getReference() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getReferenceConnections() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Get the reference connections
- getReferences() - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.ReferenceListener
Get a copy of the references collected by the listener
- getReferenceTriangles() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Get the reference triangles
- getReferenceType(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.citation.annotation.ReferenceType
- getReg() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator.WindowedLinearRegressionAggregator
- getRegex() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
Returns the regular expression being used to split incoming strings.
- getRegression() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator.WindowedLinearRegressionAggregator
- getRegression() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.LinearRegressionProcessor
- getRegression() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.WindowedLinearRegressionProcessor
- getRegroupedDataset(GroupedDataset<ANN, DATASET, INSTANCE>, Map<ANN, ANN[]>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.util.DatasetAdaptors
Takes a grouped dataset and returns a new dataset with the groups
re-shuffled as specified in the regrouping criteria.
- getRelativeIndexList() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
- getRelativeKeypoints(List<Keypoint>, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
Create a list of
s from the input list, but with the
positions offset by the given amount.
- getRelativePixelTransformer(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
Returns a data pixel transformer that is based on this axes renderer but has its values
offset by the given number of pixels.
- getRelease() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Get the release time in milliseconds
- getRender() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.LayoutExtractorTool
- getRenderer(ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.typography.Font
Get a font renderer suitable for rendering this font to the given image renderer.
- getRenderer(ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Get the renderer suitable for rendering text with this style into the
given image.
- getRenderer(ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFont
Get a font renderer suitable for rendering this font to the given image renderer.
- getRenderer(ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFont
- getRenderer(ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFont
- getRenderHints() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Get the render hints object associated with this renderer
- getRenderingConfig() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- getReply_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getReply_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- getReply_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getRequiredSize() - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObject
Returns the size that this object wishes to be.
- getRequiredSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Get the current required size of the vis
- getResponse() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
- getResponse(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.FilterBank
Get the response vector for a given pixel.
- getResponseCurve(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MelFilterBank
Returns a set of values that represent the response of this filter bank
when the linear frequency is split in the given number of bins.
- getResponseCurve(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
Returns a set of values that represent the response of this filter
when the linear frequency is split in the given number of bins.
- getResponseFV(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.FilterBank
Get the response vector for a given pixel as a
- getResponseImages() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.FilterBank
- getResponseMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher
- getResponseMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
- getResponses() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.FilterBank
Build an array of responses for every pixel.
- getResult() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.abort_call
- getResult() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.confirm_call
- getResult() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.delete_queue_call
- getResult() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.flush_all_queues_call
- getResult() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.flush_queue_call
- getResult() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.get_call
- getResult() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.get_version_call
- getResult() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.peek_call
- getResult() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.put_call
- getResult(Class<Polygon>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.TopPolygonNode
- getRetweetCount() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getRetweetedStatus() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getROCData() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.roc.ROCResult
- getROCData(List<Results>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.Results
- getROI(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.landmark.FPatchLandmarkModel
- getROIMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.LuoTangSubjectRegion
- getRoll() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Returns the roll of the model (that is the spinning, standy on the head movement)
- getRoot() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.StageTreeClassifier
Get the root
of the classifier
- getRoot() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
Get the root node of the tree
- getRoot() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
Get the root node of the tree
- getRoot() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
Get the root node of the tree
- getRoot() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
Get the root node of the tree
- getRoot() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
Get the root node of the tree
- getRoot() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
Get the root node of the tree
- getRotation() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- getRows() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the height of this image.
- getS() - Method in class no.uib.cipr.matrix.EconomySVD
Returns the singular values (stored in descending order)
- getSafeSearch() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getSaliencyComponents() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.YehSaliency
Get a map of component->saliency for all the components in
the image
- getSaliencyMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.AchantaSaliency
- getSaliencyMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.DepthOfFieldEstimator
- getSaliencyMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.LuoTangSubjectRegion
- getSaliencyMap() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.saliency.SaliencyMapGenerator
Get the generated saliency map
- getSaliencyMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.YehSaliency
- getSampleBuffer() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Returns an appropriate sample buffer for this sample chunk.
- getSampleChunk(int, double, double, int, AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.DummyOscillator
- getSampleChunk(int, double, double, int, AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.FrequencyModulatedOscillator
- getSampleChunk(int, double, double, int, AudioFormat) - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator
- getSampleChunk(int, double, double, int, AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.NoiseOscillator
- getSampleChunk(int, double, double, int, AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.SawOscillator
- getSampleChunk(int, double, double, int, AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.SineOscillator
- getSampleChunk(int, double, double, int, AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.SquareOscillator
- getSampleChunk() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Returns NULL.
- getSampleChunk(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Returns NULL.
- getSampleChunk() - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Return a sample chunk that contains the data from this sample buffer.
- getSampleChunk(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Return a sample chunk that contains the data from a specific channel in
this sample buffer.
- getSampleChunk() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Return a sample chunk that contains the data from this sample buffer.
- getSampleChunk(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Return a sample chunk that contains the data from a specific channel in
this sample buffer.
- getSampleChunk() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Return a sample chunk that contains the data from this sample buffer.
- getSampleChunk(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Return a sample chunk that contains the data from a specific channel in
this sample buffer.
- getSampleKeypoints() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getSampleLine(Line2d, FImage, int) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.FLineSampler
- getSampleLine(Line2d, I, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.LineSampler
Get the a line representing the extremities of
the pixels that are actually sampled.
- getSampler() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- getSampler() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- getSampleRateKHz() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Get the rate at which the audio should be replayed
- getSamples() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Get the samples in this sample chunk
- getSamples() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getSamplesAsByteBuffer() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Returns a
that can be used to create views of the
samples in the object.
- getSamplesFile() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getSampleSlice(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Return a slice of data from the sample array.
- getSamplingBox(Keypoint) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointVisualizer
Get the sampling area of an single feature as a polygon.
- getSamplingBox(Keypoint, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointVisualizer
Get the sampling area of an single feature as a polygon.
- getSamplingSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the size of the sampling window relative to the sampling scale.
- getSaturation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Saturation
- getSaturationVariation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SaturationVariation
- getScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
- getScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- getScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- getScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Returns the scale (size) of the face
- getScale() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.ScaleSpacePoint
Get the scale associated with this point.
- getScaledBandwidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateKernelDensityEstimate
Get the bandwidth scaled by the kernel support.
- getScaledIntrinsics(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Compute a scaled set of intrinsic parameters based on the given image
- getScaledKeypoints(List<Keypoint>, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
Scale a list of keypoints by the given amount.
- getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Get the scale factor (the amount to change between scales
- getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- getScales() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Get the number of scales in this octave minus extraScaleSteps.
- getScaling() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the value for weighting the scaling Gaussian of the orientation
histogram relative to the keypoint scale.
- getScalingFactor() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Get the scaling factor in use.
- getScore() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.Scored
- getScore() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.searching.ImageSearchResult
- getScoredEntitiesFromContext(INPUT) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityContextScorer
Given a context give the likelihoods of each entity.
- getScoredEntitiesFromContext(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityContextScorerFactory.YagoEntityContextScorer
- getScoresForEntityList(List<String>, INPUT) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityContextScorer
Given the context give the likelihood of each entity limited by the
entityUris list
- getScoresForEntityList(List<String>, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityContextScorer
- getScoresForEntityList(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityContextScorerFactory.YagoEntityContextScorer
- getScoresForEntityList(List<String>, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityContextScorerFactory.YagoEntityContextScorer
- getScreen() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Get the frame the video is being drawn to
- getSeaColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
- getSearchAreaColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- getSearchAreaSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- getSearchBounds() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher
- getSearchBounds() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ByteBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ByteDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ByteFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ByteIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ByteLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteObjectPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ByteObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteObjectPair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ByteShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<DoubleBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<DoubleDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<DoubleFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<DoubleIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<DoubleLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleObjectPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<DoubleObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleObjectPair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<DoubleShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<FloatBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<FloatDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<FloatFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<FloatIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<FloatLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatObjectPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<FloatObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatObjectPair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<FloatShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond(Iterable<? extends IndependentPair<T, Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<IntBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<IntDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<IntFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<IntIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<IntLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntObjectPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<IntObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntObjectPair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<IntShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<LongBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<LongDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<LongFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<LongIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<LongLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongObjectPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<LongObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongObjectPair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<LongShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectBytePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ObjectBytePair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectBytePair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectDoublePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ObjectDoublePair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectDoublePair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectFloatPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ObjectFloatPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectFloatPair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectIntPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ObjectIntPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectIntPair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectLongPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ObjectLongPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectLongPair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectShortPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ObjectShortPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectShortPair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ShortBytePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ShortDoublePair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ShortFloatPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ShortIntPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ShortLongPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortObjectPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ShortObjectPair<Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortObjectPair
Extract the second objects from a list of pairs.
- getSecond() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Get the value of the second element
- getSecond(Iterable<ShortShortPair>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Extract the second values from a list of pairs.
- getSecondFunction() - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
Get the function that returns the second object from the pair
- getSecondMomentsAt(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- getSecondObject() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
- getSeconds() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.HrsMinSecFrameTimecode
Get the number of seconds within the minute.
- getSecret() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- getSentenceAnnotations(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractSentenceAnnotator
- getSentenceAnnotations(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPSentenceAnnotator
- getSequenceFilePath() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- getSerialPorts() - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
- getServer() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- getShape() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CCDetectedFace
- getShape() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
Get the shape of the detection.
- getShape() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.EllipticalDetectedFace
- getShapeMatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Get the matrix of points describing the model.
- getShapeParameters() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Get the parameters describing the shape model (i.e.
- getShapes() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.geo.WorldPlace
- getShapes() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.geo.WorldPolygons
- getShapes() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPlace
- getShapes() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPolygons
- getSharpness() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Sharpness
- getSharpnessVariation() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SharpnessVariation
- getShearJitter() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Get the amount of shear jitter in use.
- getShotBoundaries() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Get the list of shot boundaries that have been extracted so far.
- getSignalToInterferenceMatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.ica.IndependentComponentAnalysis
- getSignalToInterferenceMatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.ica.SymmetricFastICA
- getSimilarityDictionary() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
- getSimilarityMatrix(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
- getSingleImage(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient
Calls http://api.imgur.com/2/image/:HASH
- getSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getSize(String, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontRenderer
Calculate the bounding box of the rendered text with the given style.
- getSize(String, GeneralFontStyle<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFontRenderer
Calculate the bounding box of the rendered text with the given style.
- getSize(String, MathMLFontStyle<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFontRenderer
- getSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- getSizeJitter() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Get the amount of size jitter in use.
- getSizes() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
Get the bin sizes
- getSkewFactor() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Get the skew factor.
- getSkinModel() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
- getSkinThreshold() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
- getSleep() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.HadoopDownloaderOptions
- getSmatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThinSingularValueDecomposition
- getSmatrixSqrt() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThinSingularValueDecomposition
- getSmoothingIterations() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the number of iterations of the smoothing filter.
- getSmoothSpectrum(double, HomogeneousKernelMap) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.kernel.HomogeneousKernelMap.WindowType
- getSortedClassesAndConfidences(ClassificationResult<CLASS>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.ClassificationResultUtils
Get the all classes and confidences, sorted by decreasing confidence
- getSortedPoint2dSet(List<Point2d>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.GrahamScan
Returns a sorted set of Point2ds from the list Point2ds
- getSortedResponseIndices(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.BasicTrainingData
- getSortedResponseIndices(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.CachedTrainingData
- getSortedResponseIndices(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.classification.LabelledDataProvider
Get the indices of the responses corresponding to a specific dimension
for all items ordered such that the responses are ascending.
- getSource() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getSpace_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SiteImpl
- getSpace_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Space
- getSpace_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SpaceImpl
- getSpectrum(double) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.kernel.HomogeneousKernelMap.KernelType
- getSplit(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split.KWaySplitProvider
Get the ith split
- getStagePaths(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.MultiStagedJob
- getStandardDeviations(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
Compute the standard deviations of the shape components, multiplied by
the given value.
- getStandardDeviations() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Get the standard deviations (sqrt of eigenvalues) of the principal
- getStandardDeviations(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Get the standard deviations (sqrt of eigenvalues) of the n top principal
- getStart() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.NamedEntityAnnotation
Get the start char the matching substring for this Named Entity.
- getStartIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
- getStartTimecode() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Get the timecode at the start of this audio chunk.
- getStartTimecode() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Returns the timecode of the start of this sample buffer.
- getStartTimecode() - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Returns the timecode of the start of this sample buffer.
- getStartTimecode() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
- getStartTimecode() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
- getStartTimecode() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.FadeShotBoundary
Get the timecode at the start of the fade.
- getStartTimeMilliseconds() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation
Returns the start time of the timeline object in the timeline.
- getStartTimeMilliseconds() - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObject
Returns the start time of the timeline object in the timeline.
- getStartTimeMilliseconds() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObjectAdapter
Returns the start time of the timeline object in the timeline.
- getStatusType() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions
- getStepFactor() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getStoredSamples() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
- getStoredSamples(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
Get the stored samples
- getStoredSamples(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
Get the stored samples
- getStringPOSsFromTokenAnnotationList(List<TokenAnnotation>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.AnnotationUtils
- getStringToken() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.TokenAnnotation
- getStringTokens() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.EntityTweetTokeniser
- getStringTokens() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.TweetTokeniser
- getStringTokensFromTokenAnnotationList(List<TokenAnnotation>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.AnnotationUtils
- getStringValues() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.FieldGetter
- getStringValues() - Method in interface org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.Getter
object has an implicit knowledge about the property it's setting,
and the instance of the option bean.
- getStringValues() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.MapGetter
- getStringValues() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.MultiValueFieldGetter
- getStrokeColour(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- getStrokeColour(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- getStrokeColour(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.general.StrokeColourProvider
- getStrokeWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
- getSubject() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- getSubject() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getSubsampling() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getSubscriber_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getSubscriber_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- getSubsets() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
Get all the subsets stored in this forest.
- getSummaryData() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalResult
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.AnalysisResult
Get a JasperPrint
summarising the result.
- getSummaryReport() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.AnalysisResult
Get a
summarising the result.
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.AggregatedCMResult
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.AggregatedCMResult
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMResult
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMResult
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.roc.ROCResult
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.roc.ROCResult
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.AdjustedRandomIndexAnalysis
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.AdjustedRandomIndexAnalysis
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterStatsAnalysis
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterStatsAnalysis
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreAnalysis
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreAnalysis
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEAnalysis
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEAnalysis
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.NMIAnalysis
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.NMIAnalysis
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.PurityAnalysis
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.PurityAnalysis
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalysis
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalysis
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomIndexAnalysis
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomIndexAnalysis
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEAnalysis
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEAnalysis
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.RangedAnalysisResult
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.RangedAnalysisResult
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalResult
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalResult
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.PrecisionAtNResult
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.PrecisionAtNResult
- getSummaryReport(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.TRECResult
- getSummaryReport() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.TRECResult
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BellFilter
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BlackmanFilter
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BoxFilter
Returns the defaultSupport
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BSplineFilter
Returns the defaultSupport
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.CatmullRomFilter
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.HammingFilter
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.HanningFilter
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.HermiteFilter
Returns the defaultSupport
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.Lanczos3Filter
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.MitchellFilter
Returns the defaultSupport
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.PointFilter
- getSupport() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.TriangleFilter
- getSupport() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeFilterFunction
Returns the support width for the filter function.
- getSupport(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateKernelDensityEstimate
Get the underlying points that support the KDE within the window around
the given point.
- getSupportHeight(Set<Pixel>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FilterSupport
Get the height of the support region
- getSupports() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.DoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- getSupports() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.KernelPerceptron
- getSupports() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MeanCenteredKernelPerceptron
- getSupports() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MeanCenteredProjectron
- getSupportWidth(Set<Pixel>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FilterSupport
Get the width of the support region
- getSustain() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Get the ADSR sustain gain
- getTargetArea() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getTasks() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator
- getTemplate() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
- Getter<T> - Interface in org.kohsuke.args4j.spi
Abstraction of the value setter.
- getTernaryPattern() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
- Getters - Class in org.kohsuke.args4j.spi
Factory of Setter
- Getters() - Constructor for class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.Getters
- getTestClusters() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.ClusterTestDataLoader
- getTestData() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.ClusterTestDataLoader
- getTestDataset() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split.GroupedRandomSplitter
- getTestDataset() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split.TestSplitProvider
- getTestDataset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset.StandardCorel5kSplit
- getTestImages(BinaryReader<IMAGE>, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.CIFAR100Dataset
Load the test images using the given reader.
- getTestImages(BinaryReader<IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.CIFAR10Dataset
Load the test images using the given reader.
- getTestStats() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.ClusterTestDataLoader
- getText() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.TextExtractor
Get text that can be extracted from an image.
- getText() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.ocr.OCRProcessor
After processing, this method should return a set of bounding boxes of
regions within the image mapped to a String that contains the recognised
- getText() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getText() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Anchor
- getText() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.MappingNode
- getTextBasePad() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- getTextColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- getTextColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- getTextRegions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic
Returns a map of bounding box to image and textual string.
- getTextRegions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale
Get the text regions that can be extracted from an image.
- getTextRegions() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.TextExtractor
Get the text regions that can be extracted from an image.
- getTextSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- getTextSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- getTextString() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Get the text string in use.
- getTextStrings() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.TextExtractor
If you're not interested in where the strings are located in the image
you can use this method to simply get a list of extracted strings.
- getTextStrokeColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- getTextStrokeColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- getThickness() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- getThreadPool() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.BatchExtractorOptions
Get the thread pool to use for performing operations
- getThreadsBeginN_1D_FFT_2Threads() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Returns the minimal size of 1D data for which two threads are used.
- getThreadsBeginN_1D_FFT_4Threads() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Returns the minimal size of 1D data for which four threads are used.
- getThreadsBeginN_2D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Returns the minimal size of 2D data for which threads are used.
- getThreadsBeginN_3D() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Returns the minimal size of 3D data for which threads are used.
- getThreshold() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Get the threshold above which an edge pixel will be considered an edge.
- getThreshold() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Returns the current threshold value.
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result._Fields
- getThriftFieldId() - Method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo._Fields
- getThumbnailSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ImageThumbnailPlotter
- getTicks() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode
Returns the number of ticks in the current beat.
- getTicksPerBeat() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
Returns the number of ticks per beat
- getTilt() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Get the current angle in degrees
- getTiltStatus() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Determine the current tilt status of the device
- getTime() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Returns the current time.
- getTime() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
Returns the current time.
- getTime(long, long, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.util.TimeSpanUtils
- getTime(long, long, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.util.TimeSpanUtils
- getTime(long, int, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.util.TimeSpanUtils
- getTime() - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.TimeKeeper
Returns the current time.
- getTime() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.BasicVideoTimeKeeper
Returns the current time.
- getTimeBeforeSkip() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- getTimecode() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.FadeShotBoundary
Get the timecode of this shot boundary.
- getTimecode() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.ShotBoundary
Get the timecode of this shot boundary.
- getTimecode() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoKeyframe
Returns the timecode of this keyframe.
- getTimecodeInMilliseconds() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.AudioTimecode
All timecode instances must be able to return the time in seconds
from the beginning of the temporal media.
- getTimecodeInMilliseconds() - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.Timecode
All timecode instances must be able to return the time in seconds
from the beginning of the temporal media.
- getTimecodeInMilliseconds() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.FrameNumberVideoTimecode
All timecode instances must be able to return the time in seconds
from the beginning of the temporal media.
- getTimecodeObject() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Returns the current timecode.
- getTimePosition(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Find the position of the given time on the panel.
- getTimePosition(Timecode) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
Returns the position of the given timecode at the scale of the current
- getTimePosition(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
Returns the position of the given frame at the scale of the current
- getTimes() - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.TimeTracker
Get a copy of all the accumulated data
- getTimes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- getTimes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- getTimes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- getTimes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- getTimes() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- getTimeScalar() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Returns the scalar between milliseconds and pixels.
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectStream
Get the timestamp of the current frame
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.AnimatedVideo
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
Get the timestamp of the current frame in milliseconds
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Get the timestamp of the current frame in milliseconds
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
Get the timestamp of the current frame in milliseconds
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.gstreamer.GStreamerVideo
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
Get the timestamp of the current frame in milliseconds
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.translator.VideoTranslator
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Get the timestamp of the current frame in milliseconds
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoWriter
Get the timestamp of the current frame in milliseconds
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Get the timestamp of the current frame in milliseconds
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.video.VGetVideo
- getTimingInfo() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.ExperimentContext
Get the timing information for the experiment.
- getTitle() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- getTitle() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- getTitle() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- getToken(Class<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.DefaultTokenFactory
- getToken(Class<T>, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.DefaultTokenFactory
- getToken(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.api.auth.TokenFactory
Get the default token for the given class.
- getToken(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.api.auth.TokenFactory
Get the token for the given class, tagged with a specific name.
- getTokens() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.EntityTweetTokeniser
- getTokens() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.TweetTokeniser
- getTone() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.HueStats
Estimate the tone of the image.
- getToolMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.SimilarityMatrixToolOptions
- getTopLeft() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- getTrackedFaces() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- getTrackingContext() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker
- getTrackNumber() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineTrack
Return the number of this track.
- getTrainingData() - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.datasets.INRIAPersonDataset
- getTrainingDataset() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split.GroupedRandomSplitter
- getTrainingDataset() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split.TrainSplitProvider
- getTrainingDataset() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.DefaultValidationData
- getTrainingDataset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset.StandardCorel5kSplit
- getTrainingImages(BinaryReader<IMAGE>, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.CIFAR100Dataset
Load the training images using the given reader.
- getTrainingImages(BinaryReader<IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.CIFAR10Dataset
Load the training images using the given reader.
- getTransform() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticInterestPointData
- getTransform() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointData
- getTransform(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.PiecewiseMeshWarp
- getTransform() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel
- getTransform() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel3d
- getTransform() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyModel
- getTransform() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.MatrixTransformProvider
- getTransform() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.whitening.PCAWhitening
Get the underlying whitening transform matrix.
- getTransform() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
Get the transform matrix W
- getTransform3(List<Pair<Point2d>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.PiecewiseMeshWarp
- getTransform4(List<Pair<Point2d>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.PiecewiseMeshWarp
- getTransformer() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- getTranslationX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Returns the x-translation in the model
- getTranslationY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Returns the y-translation in the model
- getTree() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.MergeTreeBuilder
Return the tree that has been built.
- getTreeFile() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getTreeFile() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- getTrees() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- getTriangle() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ConvexityDefect
Get the triangle represented by this defect.
- getTriangles(MultiTracker.TrackedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Get the triangle mesh corresponding to a tracked face.
- getTriangles(Matrix, Matrix, int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Get the triangle mesh corresponding to a tracked face.
- getTurn(Point2d, Point2d, Point2d) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.GrahamScan
Returns the GrahamScan#Turn formed by traversing through the ordered Point2ds
, b
and c
- getTweetWordMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TweetCountWordMap
- getTwitterStatusList() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.TwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- getType() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.AbstractGetter
- getType() - Method in interface org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.Getter
- getType() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFont
Get the font attributes
- getType(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
- getTypeArguments(Class<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.reflection.ReflectionUtils
Get the actual type arguments a child class has used to extend a generic
base class.
- getTyped(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.LearningParameters
- getTyped(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.data.Context
Get the object from the context with the given key and coerce the type.
- getTyped(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- getTypeName(URI) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator
Returns the Java type name for a given URI
- getU() - Method in class no.uib.cipr.matrix.EconomySVD
Returns the left singular vectors, column-wise.
- getU() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BiconvexDataGenerator
- getU() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getU() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getUnderlyingStorage() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
Get access to the underlying array of this view.
- getUnderlyingStorage() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
Get access to the underlying array of this view.
- getUnderlyingStorage() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
Get access to the underlying array of this view.
- getUnderlyingStorage() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
Get access to the underlying array of this view.
- getUnderlyingStorage() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
Get access to the underlying array of this view.
- getUnderlyingStorage() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
Get access to the underlying array of this view.
- getUnderlyingStream() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.AudioProcessor
Get the underlying stream.
- getUniformPatterns(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.UniformBinaryPattern
Get a list of all the binary patterns of a given length that are
- getUniqueRandomInts(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns an array of N unique pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed int values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive).
- getUniqueRandomInts(int, int, int, Random) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns an array of N unique pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed int values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive).
- getUniqueRandomIntsA(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns an array of N unique pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed int values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive).
- getUniqueRandomIntsA(int, int, int, Random) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns an array of N unique pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed int values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive).
- getUniqueRandomIntsS(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns an array of N unique pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed int values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive).
- getUniqueRandomIntsS(int, int, int, Random) - Static method in class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
Returns an array of N unique pseudorandom, uniformly
distributed int values between min (inclusive) and
max (exclusive).
- getUnmodified() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalysis
- getUnprotectedStringTokens() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.EntityTweetTokeniser
- getUnprotectedStringTokens() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.TweetTokeniser
- getUnscaled(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Returns the sample value at the given index without scaling - that is, at
it's original sample value.
- getUnscaled(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Returns the sample value at the given index without scaling - that is, at
it's original sample value.
- getUnscaled(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Returns the sample value at the given index without scaling - that is, at
it's original sample value.
- getUnscaled(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Returns the sample value at the given index without scaling - that is, at
it's original sample value.
- getURI() - Method in interface comxmlns.foaf._0.Agent
- getURI() - Method in interface comxmlns.foaf._0.Document
- getURI() - Method in interface comxmlns.foaf._0.OnlineAccount
- getURI() - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Something
Get the URI of this instance
- getURI() - Method in interface org.w3._2004._03.trix.rdfg_1.Graph
- getURI() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Community
- getURI() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- getURI() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Forum
- getURI() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- getURI() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- getURI() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Role
- getURI() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Site
- getURI() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Space
- getURI() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Thread
- getURI() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- getURI() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Usergroup
- getURIList(URI, RepositoryConnection) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
For a given URI that represents a node in an RDF Collection, will returns
all the items in the list.
- getURIListBNode(MemBNode) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
Gets a list of URIs from a bnode that's part of an RDF Collection.
- getURL(Photo) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset.Size
- getUrl() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- getURL() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Get the URL for the currently loaded page
- getURLEntities() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getUser() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getUsergroup_of() - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Usergroup
- getUsergroup_of() - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UsergroupImpl
- getUserMentionEntities() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- getUsers() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getUUID() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get the UUID of this file
- getValidationDataset() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split.GroupedRandomSplitter
- getValidationDataset() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split.ValidateSplitProvider
- getValidationDataset() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.DefaultValidationData
- getValidClient() - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
Get a valid Kestrel client, reconnecting if necessary
- getVals() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
- getValue(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.WritableEnumCounter
- getValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.FValuePixel
- getValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.GenericValuePixel
- getValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.IntValuePixel
- getValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ValuePixel
Get the value of this pixel.
- getValue() - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNode
- getValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Returns the units value at the given pixel coordinate.
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Returns the units value at the given pixel coordinate.
- getValueFunction(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyRefinement
- getValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.EigenValueVectorPair
- getValueThreshold() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the threshold for the maximum value allowed in the histogram (default
- getValVect() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralIndexedClusters
- getVariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels.FMeanVarianceField
Get the variance field of all the frames that have been analysed so far.
- getVariance() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels.MBFMeanVarianceField
Get the variance field of all the frames that have been analysed so far.
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ArrayFeatureVector
Get the underlying representation
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.EnumFV
- getVector() - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.FeatureVector
Get the underlying data array.
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Get the underlying flat-vector representation
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Get the underlying flat-vector representation
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Get the underlying flat-vector representation
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Get the underlying flat-vector representation
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Get the underlying flat-vector representation
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Get the underlying flat-vector representation
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- getVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.KNNCharacterClassifier.ImageTrainer
Retrieve the set of training data as a double array.
- getVectors() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.EigenValueVectorPair
- getVerbosity() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- getVersion() - Static method in class org.openimaj.OpenIMAJ
Get the OpenIMAJ version currently being used
- getVerticalAlignment() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- getVerticalGridElements() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.GridProcessor
Returns the number of rows in the grid.
- getVertices() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Get the vertices of the polygon
- getVideo() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Get the video
- getVideo() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoIterator
- getVideo() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
Return the data being shown by this bar.
- getVideoDevices() - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Get a list of all compatible video devices attached to the machine.
- getVideoPlayerPanel() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Returns a JPanel video player which can be incorporated into other GUIs.
- getViewIdx() - Method in class com.jsaragih.CLM
- getVisibility() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Get the visibility matrix
- getVisualisationImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ChronologicalScrollingBarVisualisation3D
Return the static visualisation image.
- getVisualisationImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
Return the static visualisation image.
- getVisualisationImage() - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImageProvider
Return the static visualisation image.
- getVisualisationImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Returns the image to which the bars will be drawn.
- getVLAD() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerData
Get the
aggregator instance
- getVocabulary() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator
- getVocabulary() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getVolumeScalar() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.PeakNormalisationCalculator
Returns the calculated peak scalar as it currently stands in the stream.
- getVt() - Method in class no.uib.cipr.matrix.EconomySVD
Returns the right singular vectors, row-wise.
- getW() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BiconvexDataGenerator
- getW() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getW() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- getWarpedImage(FacialKeypoint[], FImage, Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.MeshWarpAligner
- getWeightAt(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
Returns the weighting provided by this filter at the given frequency (Hz).
- getWeights() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.WeightedWindowedAudioProcessor
Get the weights used.
- getWeights() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
Get the mixture weights for each gaussian.
- getWeights() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.DoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- getWeights() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.KernelPerceptron
- getWeights() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.SimplePerceptron
- getWeightsMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor
Get the weights map
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectStream
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Get the width (number of columns) in this image.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Get the width (number of columns) in this image.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.StageTreeClassifier
Get the classifier width
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
Get the width (number of columns) in this image.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- getWidth() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.AnimatedVideo
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
Get the width of the video frame
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Get the width of the video frame
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
Get the width of the video frame
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.gstreamer.GStreamerVideo
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
Get the width of the video frame
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.translator.VideoTranslator
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Get the width of the video frame
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Get the width of the video frame
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Get the width of the browser.
- getWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.video.VGetVideo
- getWidthScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
- getWindowHeight() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getWindowSize() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor
Returns the size of the sample window.
- getWindowStep() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor
Returns the step of each overlapping window.
- getWindowSum(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.WeightedWindowedAudioProcessor
The sum of the Hanning window
- getWindowSum(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.WeightedWindowedAudioProcessor
Get the sum of the Hanning window for the given parameters
- getWindowWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- getWords() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LineCandidate
Get the words corresponding to this line
- getX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- getX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- getX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- getX() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- getX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- getX() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2d
- getX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- getX() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
- getX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- getX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- getX() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- getxAxisColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- getxAxisColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- getxAxisConfig() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- getxAxisName() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- getxAxisName() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- getxAxisPosition() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
The y position of the x axis.
- getxAxisRenderer() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- getxAxisRenderer() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- getXOffset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher
- getXOffset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
- getY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- getY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- getY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- getY() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- getY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- getY() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2d
- getY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- getY() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
- getY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- getY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- getY() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- getYaw() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
Returns the yaw of the face (that is the side-to-side, shakey head movement).
- getyAxisColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- getyAxisColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- getyAxisConfig() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- getyAxisName() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- getyAxisName() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- getyAxisRenderer() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- getyAxisRenderer() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- getYOffset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher
- getYOffset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
- getYscale() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
The y-scale being used to plot the data.
- getYscale() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
The y-scale being used to plot the data.
- getZ() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
- getZ() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- getzAxisColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- getzAxisColour() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- getzAxisName() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- getzAxisName() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- getzAxisRenderer() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- Gist<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Implementation of the "Gist" spatial envelope feature.
- Gist() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
Construct a fixed size Gist extractor using the default values.
- Gist(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
Construct a variable or fixed size Gist extractor using the default
- Gist(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
Construct a fixed-size Gist extractor, with the given image size and the
default number of orientations per scale for the Gabor jet.
- Gist(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
Construct a fixed-size Gist extractor, with the given image size and
number of orientations per scale for the Gabor jet.
- Gist(int[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
Construct a variable or fixed size Gist extractor with the given number
of orientations per scale for the Gabor jet.
- Gist(int, int, int[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
Construct a variable or fixed size Gist extractor with the given number
of orientations per scale for the Gabor jet.
- Gist(int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
- GLOBAL_STATS_FILE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod
where to find the global stats file
- GlobalExecutorPool - Class in org.openimaj.util.parallel
- GlobalExecutorPool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.GlobalExecutorPool
- GlobalExecutorPool.DaemonThreadFactory - Class in org.openimaj.util.parallel
- GlobalFeatureExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature
Global feature extractors can enact based on an image and a mask
- GlobalFeatureExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.GlobalFeatureExtractor
- GlobalFeaturesTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature
A tool for extracting global image features.
- GlobalFeaturesTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.GlobalFeaturesTool
- GlobalFeatureType - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature
Different types of global image feature.
- glu - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
The GLU library we'll use
- glut - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
The GLUT library we'll use
- GMMFromFeatures - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval
This function turns a list of features to a gaussian mixture model
- GMMFromFeatures() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.GMMFromFeatures
- GMMFromFeatures(GaussianMixtureModelEM.CovarianceType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.GMMFromFeatures
- GMMFromFeatures(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.GMMFromFeatures
- GMMFromFeatures(int, GaussianMixtureModelEM.CovarianceType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.GMMFromFeatures
- go() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.StormTwitterPreprocessingTool
- go() - Method in class org.openimaj.utils.threads.WatchedRunner
- GolayAlphabet - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology
The Golay Alphabet of morphological structuring elements
- GolayAlphabet() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.GolayAlphabet
- GOLDEN_RATIO - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
The golden ratio (for comparing facial height/width)
- GPC_DIFF - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.OperationType
- GPC_INT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.OperationType
- GPC_UNION - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.OperationType
- GPC_XOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.OperationType
- GPSSerialReader - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.gps
This class reads GPS data from a serial port and makes available
the latest location information through its getters.
- GPSSerialReader(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.GPSSerialReader
Constructor that takes the name of the serial port onto which
the GPS is transmitting data.
- grabArticle() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
grabArticle - Using a variety of metrics (content score, classname,
element types), find the content that is most likely to be the stuff a
user wants to read.
- gradient(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.LossFunction
- gradient(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.MatLossFunction
- gradient(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.MatSquareLossFunction
- gradient(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.SquareLossFunction
- gradient(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.SquareMissingLossFunction
- gradient(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.LossFunction
- gradient(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.MatLossFunction
- gradient(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.MatSquareLossFunction
- GradientFeatureExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor
Class capable of extracting local descriptors from a circular region in an
image defined by its scale and centre.
- GradientFeatureExtractor(AbstractDominantOrientationExtractor, GradientFeatureProviderFactory) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.GradientFeatureExtractor
Construct with the given orientation extractor and gradient feature
- GradientFeatureExtractor(AbstractDominantOrientationExtractor, GradientFeatureProviderFactory, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.GradientFeatureExtractor
Construct with the given orientation extractor, gradient feature provider
and magnification factor determining the size of the sampling region
relative to the scale of the interest point.
- GradientFeatureProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient
Interface for classes capable of building local descriptors from the gradient
(magnitude and orientation) information in an image patch.
- GradientFeatureProviderFactory - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient
Interface for classes capable of producing new instances
of specific GradientFeatureProvider implementations.
- gradientMagnitudesAndOrientations(FImage, FImage, FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients
Estimate gradients magnitudes and orientations by calculating pixel
- gradientMagnitudesAndQuantisedOrientations(FImage, FImage[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients
Estimate gradients magnitudes and orientations by calculating pixel
- gradientMagnitudesAndQuantisedOrientations(FImage, FImage[], boolean, FImageGradients.Mode) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients
Estimate gradients magnitudes and orientations by calculating pixel
- gradientMagnitudesAndUnsignedOrientations(FImage, FImage, FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients
Estimate gradients magnitudes and orientations by calculating pixel
- GradientOrientationHistogramExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram
- GradientOrientationHistogramExtractor(int, boolean, FImageGradients.Mode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.GradientOrientationHistogramExtractor
- GradientScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties<I extends Image<?,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.extraction
- GradientScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.extraction.GradientScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties
- gradientX - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CLSobel
The computed Sobel gradient in the X direction
- gradientY - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CLSobel
The computed Sobel gradient in the Y direction
- gradx - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.PyramidSet
the x gradient pyramid
- grady - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.PyramidSet
the y gradient pyramid
- GrahamScan - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util
Graham Scan convex hull algorithm, based on the implementation by
Bart Kiers.
- GrahamScan() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.GrahamScan
- GrahamScan.Turn - Enum in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util
An enum denoting a directional-turn between 3 Point2ds (vectors).
- GramSchmidtProcess - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix
Perform the Gram-Schmid process on a vector, returning the orthogonal basis set
whose first vector is the input
- GramSchmidtProcess() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GramSchmidtProcess
an unseeded random start
- GramSchmidtProcess(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GramSchmidtProcess
Set the random seed of the purtubations
- graph - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.graph.algorithm.CharikarDensestSubgraph
- Graph - Interface in org.w3._2004._03.trix.rdfg_1
An RDF graph (with intensional semantics).
- GraphLaplacian - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
Functions which turn a graph weight adjacency matrix into the Laplacian
- GraphLaplacian() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.GraphLaplacian
- GraphLaplacian.Normalised - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
The inverted symmetric normalised Laplacian is defined as:
L = D^-1/2 A D^-1/2
- GraphLaplacian.Unnormalised - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
The symmetric normalised Laplacian is defined as:
L = D - W
- GraphLaplacian.Warped - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
The inverted symmetric normalised Laplacian is defined as:
L = D^-1 .
- GraphSerialiser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.GraphSerialiser
- GRAY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Gray colour as RGB
- greaterThan(Matrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
- greaterThanSet(Matrix, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
for every value in x greater than val set toset
- greatest(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.FewEigenvalues
Compute the largest eigenvalues in magnitude.
- greedyMatch() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.combinatorics.optimisation.HungarianAlgorithm
Find a valid matching by greedily selecting among zero-cost matchings.
- GREEN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Green colour as RGB
- GrepFilter - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter
The grep functionality.
- GrepFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.GrepFilter
- GreyscaleConnectedComponentLabeler - Class in org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent
A Connected Component Labeler for grey-level images.
- GreyscaleConnectedComponentLabeler() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.GreyscaleConnectedComponentLabeler
- GreyscaleSimulation - Class in org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim
- GreyscaleSimulation(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.GreyscaleSimulation
- GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.effects
that produces a slit-scan effect based on the time-map
in a greyscale image.
- GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.effects.GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor
Default constructor for using the video processor in an ad-hoc manner.
- GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor(FImage, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.effects.GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor
Default constructor for using the video processor in an ad-hoc manner.
- GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor(Video<MBFImage>, FImage, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.effects.GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor
Constructor for creating a video processor which is chainable.
- GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.effects.GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor
Default constructor for using the video processor in an ad-hoc manner.
- GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor(Video<MBFImage>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.effects.GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor
Constructor for creating a video processor which is chainable.
- GridMotionEstimator - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.motion
Estimates the motion field over a grid.
- GridMotionEstimator(MotionEstimatorAlgorithm, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.GridMotionEstimator
Construct a grid-based motion estimator.
- GridMotionEstimator(Video<FImage>, MotionEstimatorAlgorithm, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.GridMotionEstimator
Construct a chained grid-based motion estimator.
- GridProcessor<T,I extends Image<T,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processor
A processor that will process an image in a grid-wise fashion returning
a single value for each grid element.
- groundTruthFile - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
- GroupedDataset<KEY,DATASET extends Dataset<INSTANCE>,INSTANCE> - Interface in org.openimaj.data.dataset
that is grouped into separate classes or groups.
- GroupedKFold<KEY,INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross
K-Fold Cross-Validation on grouped datasets.
- GroupedKFold(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.GroupedKFold
- GroupedLeaveOneOut<KEY,INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross
- GroupedLeaveOneOut() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.GroupedLeaveOneOut
- GroupedListCache<KEY,OBJECT> - Interface in org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache
Definition of a cache for groups of lists.
- GroupedRandomisedPercentageHoldOut<KEY,INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.validation
Hold-Out validation for grouped data that selects a percentage of the
original data to use for training, and the remainder to use for validation.
- GroupedRandomisedPercentageHoldOut(double, GroupedDataset<KEY, ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.GroupedRandomisedPercentageHoldOut
Construct with the given dataset and percentage of training data (0..1).
- GroupedRandomSplitter<KEY,INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split
This class splits a
into subsets for training,
validation and testing.
- GroupedRandomSplitter(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split.GroupedRandomSplitter
Construct the dataset splitter with the given target instance sizes for
each group of the training, validation and testing data.
- GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler<KEY,INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling
A uniformly random sampling scheme for grouped datasets.
- GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
- GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler(double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
- GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
- GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
- groupingFilter - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- GroupSampler<KEY,INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling
- GroupSampler(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupSampler
Construct the sample to extract the given number of groups, either
randomly or by taking them in the order provided by the iterator of
- GrowingChunkPartitioner<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition
- GrowingChunkPartitioner(Iterable<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.GrowingChunkPartitioner
Construct with data in the form of an
- gson - Static variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
- GsonPLAY - Class in org.openimaj.twitter
Just some gson play
- GsonPLAY() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.GsonPLAY
- GStreamerException - Exception in org.openimaj.video.gstreamer
Signals an exception occurred during video capture from a GStreamer pipeline.
- GStreamerException(String) - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.video.gstreamer.GStreamerException
Constructs an VideoCaptureException
with the specified detail
- GStreamerVideo - Class in org.openimaj.video.gstreamer
- GStreamerVideo(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.gstreamer.GStreamerVideo
- guessType(ImageCollectionConfig) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionMode
- GZIPFileProvider(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.iterator.TextLineIterable.GZIPFileProvider
Construct with the given file
- I - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.GolayAlphabet
The I elements of the Golay Alphabet
- I1 - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.AffineInvariantMoments
The first affine-invariant moment
- I2 - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.AffineInvariantMoments
The second affine-invariant moment
- I3 - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.AffineInvariantMoments
The third affine-invariant moment
- I4 - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.AffineInvariantMoments
The forth affine-invariant moment
- ic - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.PictureSlide
- IconListRenderer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.Demos.IconListRenderer
- id - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.quantised.QuantisedLocalFeature
The identifier.
- id - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- id - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Unique ID
- id - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.User
Unique User ID
- ID - Static variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.SignProgrammer
- id_str - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- Identifiable - Interface in org.openimaj.data.identity
is an object that has an associated identifier.
- IdentifiableBuilder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset.IdentifiableBuilder
- IdentifiableObject<T> - Class in org.openimaj.data.identity
A simple implementation of
that wraps another object.
- IdentifiableObject(String, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.identity.IdentifiableObject
Construct with the given identity and data.
- identifier - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.ExperimentContext.Variable
The variables identifier taken from the annotation, or the variables
name if the annotation has the default identifier.
- identifier() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- identifier(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- identifier() - Method in interface org.openimaj.io.Cachable
- identifier() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- identifier() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.Device
- identifier(Pointer<Byte>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.Device
- identifierBinary(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
Generate a byte array identifier with some time stamp included.
- identify() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Sets the LEDs to blink red and yellow for five seconds before resetting
to green.
- identity(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class com.jsaragih.PDM
Initialise the identify face parameters
- identity - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.identity.IdentifiableObject
The identity
- IdentityAligner<T extends DetectedFace> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment
A FaceAligner that does nothing, and just passes on the patch from the
- IdentityAligner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.IdentityAligner
- IdentityFaceDetector<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection
A face detector that does nothing other than wrap the input image in a single
- IdentityFaceDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.IdentityFaceDetector
- IdentityFeatureExtractor<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.feature
An identity extractor hands back the object it is given as the extracted feature
- IdentityFeatureExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.IdentityFeatureExtractor
- IdentityFilter<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.filtering
- IdentityFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.filtering.IdentityFilter
- IdentityMapper<INPUT_KEY,INPUT_VALUE,MAP_OUTPUT_KEY,MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage
The identity mapper emits what it is given as input
- IdentityMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.IdentityMapper
Default constructor
- IdentityReducer<MAP_OUTPUT_KEY,MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE,OUTPUT_KEY,OUTPUT_VALUE> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage
The identity reducer outputs what it gets as input.
- IdentityReducer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.IdentityReducer
Default constructor
- ie - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.ItNode
Intersecting edge (bundle) pair
- IgnoreTokenStripper - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity
Class to remove stopwords from a list of tokens, or to check if a word is a
- IgnoreTokenStripper(IgnoreTokenStripper.Language) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.IgnoreTokenStripper
Constructor for specified language.
- IgnoreTokenStripper.Language - Enum in org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity
Language to build stripper from.
- ILI - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
Internal left intermediate
- im - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.util.Complex
The imaginary part
- im_ - Variable in class com.jsaragih.Patch
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.ImageInterpolation
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.Record
The Flickr Photo
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
The image being displayed
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.ColourGradientFeatureExtractor
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.extraction.LocalImageExtractorProperties
The image being processed
- Image<Q,I extends Image<Q,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image
Base class for representing and manipulating images.
- Image() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.Image
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.AbstractRenderer
The image that the rendered will write to
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererMono
The image to draw into
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererRGB
The image to draw into
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionEntry
- image - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient.ImageResponse
Image metadata
- Image.Field - Enum in org.openimaj.image
Enumerator for representing the type of field interlacing operations.
- ImageAnalyser<I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.analyser
An interface for objects that are able to perform analysis on images.
- ImageAnalyserFVFeatureExtractor<ANALYSER extends ImageAnalyser<IMAGE> & FeatureVectorProvider<FEATURE>,IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>,FEATURE extends FeatureVector> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature
- ImageAnalyserFVFeatureExtractor(ANALYSER) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.ImageAnalyserFVFeatureExtractor
Construct with the given analyser
- imageAtBoundary - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoKeyframe
An image at the shot boundary
- ImageClassificationModel<T extends Image<?,T>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.model
An ImageClassificationModel is a
constructed between
an generic image and a probability map in the form of an FImage.
- ImageCollection<ImageType extends Image<?,ImageType>> - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection
An image collection knows how to load itself from a given type of configuration.
- ImageCollectionConfig - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config
An ImageCollectionConfig can be written to and read from an ASCII str
- ImageCollectionConfig() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionConfig
- ImageCollectionConfig(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionConfig
- ImageCollectionConfig - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection
An ImageCollectionConfig can be written to and read from an ASCII str
- ImageCollectionConfig() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionConfig
- ImageCollectionConfig(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionConfig
- ImageCollectionEntry<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection
- ImageCollectionEntry() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionEntry
- ImageCollectionEntrySelection<T extends Image<?,T>> - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection
- ImageCollectionEntrySelection.All<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection
- ImageCollectionMode - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config
- ImageCollectionProcessor<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor
- ImageCollectionProcessor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor.ImageCollectionProcessor
- ImageCollectionProcessorJob<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool
- ImageCollectionProcessorJob(ImageCollection<T>, ImageCollectionProcessor<T>, MetaMapper) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionProcessorJob
- ImageCollectionProcessorJob.ProcessorJobEvent - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool
- ImageCollectionProcessorJob.ProcessorJobListener - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool
- ImageCollectionProcessorMode - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config
- ImageCollectionProcessorMode - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection
- ImageCollectionProcessorMode.ModeOp - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config
- ImageCollectionSetupException - Exception in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection
- ImageCollectionSetupException(String) - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionSetupException
- ImageCollectionSetupException(ParseException) - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionSetupException
- ImageCollectionState - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection
- ImageCollectionState() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionState
- ImageCollectionTool<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool
- ImageCollectionTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionTool
- ImageCombiner<I1 extends Image<?,I1>,I2 extends Image<?,I2>,O extends Image<?,O>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.combiner
Interface for classes capable of combining two images into one.
- ImageComponent() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Default constructor
- ImageComponent(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Default constructor.
- ImageComponent(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Construct with given image
- ImageComponent(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Default constructor.
- ImageComponent(float, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Default constructor.
- imageCreated(I) - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator.FontSimListener
Called when an image is created during one of its runs.
- imageCreated(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.KNNCharacterClassifier.ImageTrainer
- ImageDataSourceQuery() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- ImageDataSourceResponse(JSONObject) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceResponse
- ImageFeatureMDS - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- ImageFeatureMDS() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.ImageFeatureMDS
- ImageFeatureSelect - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- ImageFeatureSelect() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.ImageFeatureSelect
- ImageFeatureSelect.Map - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- ImageFeatureSelect.Reduce - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- ImageFromURL<I extends Image<?,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.stream.functions
This class implements a function that can read images from URLs.
- ImageFromURL(ObjectReader<I, InputStream>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.functions.ImageFromURL
Construct with the given image reader.
- imageHeight - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
- ImageInterpolation - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
that can provide interpolate pixel values using a
variety of interpolation approaches.
- ImageInterpolation(ImageInterpolation.Interpolator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.ImageInterpolation
Default constructor.
- ImageInterpolation.InterpolationType - Enum in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
Standard interpolation types.
- ImageInterpolation.Interpolator - Interface in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
Interface defining an object capable of performing pixel interpolation
- imagePanned(double, double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent.ImageComponentListener
Called when the image has been panned to a new position.
- ImageProcessor<I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processor
An interface for objects that are able to process whole images.
- ImageProvider<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image
Interface for objects that can provide images
- ImageRenderer<Q,I extends Image<Q,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.renderer
ImageRenderer is the abstract base class for all renderers capable of drawing
to images.
- ImageRenderer(I) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Construct with given target image.
- ImageRenderer(I, RenderHints) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Construct with given target image and rendering hints.
- ImageResponse() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient.ImageResponse
- images - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Octave
The images that make up this Octave
- images - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- imagesDone - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionProcessorJob.ProcessorJobEvent
- ImageSearchResult<METADATA extends Identifiable> - Class in org.openimaj.image.searching
- ImageSearchResult(METADATA, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.searching.ImageSearchResult
- ImageSiteURLExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.stream.functions
This class implements a function that will given an input URL outputs a list
of URLs to the possible images related to the input URL.
- ImageSiteURLExtractor(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.functions.ImageSiteURLExtractor
Construct with or without Tumblr support
- ImageSiteURLExtractor(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.functions.ImageSiteURLExtractor
Construct with or without Tumblr support
- ImageSiteURLExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.functions.ImageSiteURLExtractor
Default constructor; includes tumblr support.
- imagesTotal - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionProcessorJob.ProcessorJobEvent
- ImageThumbnailPlotter - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
An item plotter that is able to plot images into a visualisation at a given
position and size.
- ImageThumbnailPlotter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.ImageThumbnailPlotter
- imageToVector(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.KMColourSegmenter
- imageToVector(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.KMSpatialColourSegmenter
- ImageTrainer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.KNNCharacterClassifier.ImageTrainer
Constructor that takes the size of the output vector (that is the
total number of training instances).
- imageURLs - Variable in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumption
The consume image urls
- ImageUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.image
A static utility class with methods for dealing with images.
- imageWidth - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
- imageZoomed(double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent.ImageComponentListener
Called when the image has been zoomed to the new zoom factor.
- img - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.gui.TestGUI
- ImgDetector - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- ImgDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.ImgDetector
- imgPyr - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.PyramidSet
the image pyramid
- ImgurClient - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
An imgur client has the various functionality of the imgur.com api
- ImgurClient() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient
- ImgurClient.ImageResponse - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
An image response is composed of two Maps, one describing the image and
another describing its links
- ImgurClient.ImgurType - Enum in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
- ImgurClient.ImgurTypeHash - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
- ImgurConsumer - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
Downloads images hosted on imgur.com using their API
- ImgurConsumer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurConsumer
- ImgurTypeHash(ImgurClient.ImgurType, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient.ImgurTypeHash
- imgurURLtoHash(URL) - Static method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient
- IMM - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
Internal maximum and minimum
- IMMFaceDatabase - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets
The IMM Face Database (a set of labelled faces with connected points).
- IMMFaceDatabase() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets.IMMFaceDatabase
- IMN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
Internal minimum
- importMap - Static variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
A map of XML Schema types to imports
- improveEstimate - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
- improveEstimate - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- IMX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
Internal maximum
- in(Iterator<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.iterator.IterableIterator
Wrapper to allow an
as an
so it can be
used in a foreach loop.
- in_reply_to_screen_name - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- in_reply_to_status_id - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- in_reply_to_user_id - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- inc() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.lexicon.TotalLexBuilder.Counter
- incoherentHistogram - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector.EdgeDirectionCoherenceHistogram
The incoherent part of the histogram
- IncompatibleTimeSeriesException - Exception in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries
- IncompatibleTimeSeriesException() - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.IncompatibleTimeSeriesException
- IncompatibleTimeSeriesException(String) - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.IncompatibleTimeSeriesException
- incr(StatusConsumption) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumption
- incr - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel.IntRange
Increment amount
- incrColumn(Matrix, int, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Increment values in a single column by a constant
- increment(int, byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
- increment(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
- increment(int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
- increment(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
- increment(int, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
- increment(int, short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
- increment(int, byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Increment the value at the given index.
- increment(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Increment the value at the given index.
- increment(int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Increment the value at the given index.
- increment(int, byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
- increment(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
- increment(int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
- increment(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
- increment(int, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
- increment(int, short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
- increment(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Increment the value at the given index.
- increment(int, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Increment the value at the given index.
- increment(int, short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Increment the value at the given index.
- IncrementalAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation
that can be trained/updated incrementally.
- IncrementalAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.IncrementalAnnotator
- IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner
- IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
Instantiates with the default params
- IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner(BilinearLearnerParameters) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Incremental Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC)
on Product Quantised vectors.
- IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours(ByteProductQuantiser, byte[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours(ByteProductQuantiser, List<byte[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours(ByteProductQuantiser, DataSource<byte[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours(ByteProductQuantiser, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours(ByteProductQuantiser, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalByteKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Implementation of a simple incremental KDTree for byte[]
- IncrementalByteKDTree() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
Create an empty KDTree object
- IncrementalByteKDTree(Collection<byte[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalByteKDTree(byte[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Incremental Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC)
on Product Quantised vectors.
- IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours(DoubleProductQuantiser, double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours(DoubleProductQuantiser, List<double[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours(DoubleProductQuantiser, DataSource<double[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours(DoubleProductQuantiser, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours(DoubleProductQuantiser, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalDoubleKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Implementation of a simple incremental KDTree for double[]
- IncrementalDoubleKDTree() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
Create an empty KDTree object
- IncrementalDoubleKDTree(Collection<double[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalDoubleKDTree(double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Incremental Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC)
on Product Quantised vectors.
- IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours(FloatProductQuantiser, float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours(FloatProductQuantiser, List<float[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours(FloatProductQuantiser, DataSource<float[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours(FloatProductQuantiser, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours(FloatProductQuantiser, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalFloatKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Implementation of a simple incremental KDTree for float[]
- IncrementalFloatKDTree() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
Create an empty KDTree object
- IncrementalFloatKDTree(Collection<float[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalFloatKDTree(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalIndexer<DATA extends ImageProvider<MBFImage>,RESULT extends Identifiable & Scored,QUERY extends ImageProvider<MBFImage>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.indexing
- IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Incremental Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC)
on Product Quantised vectors.
- IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours(IntProductQuantiser, int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours(IntProductQuantiser, List<int[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours(IntProductQuantiser, DataSource<int[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours(IntProductQuantiser, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours(IntProductQuantiser, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalIntKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Implementation of a simple incremental KDTree for int[]
- IncrementalIntKDTree() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
Create an empty KDTree object
- IncrementalIntKDTree(Collection<int[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalIntKDTree(int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalLifetimeSparseClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental
- IncrementalLifetimeSparseClusterer(SparseMatrixClusterer<? extends IndexClusters>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental.IncrementalLifetimeSparseClusterer
- IncrementalLifetimeSparseClusterer(SparseMatrixClusterer<? extends IndexClusters>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental.IncrementalLifetimeSparseClusterer
- IncrementalLifetimeSparseClusterer(SparseMatrixClusterer<? extends IndexClusters>, int, double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental.IncrementalLifetimeSparseClusterer
- IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Incremental Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC)
on Product Quantised vectors.
- IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours(LongProductQuantiser, long[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours(LongProductQuantiser, List<long[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours(LongProductQuantiser, DataSource<long[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours(LongProductQuantiser, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours(LongProductQuantiser, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalLongKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Implementation of a simple incremental KDTree for long[]
- IncrementalLongKDTree() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
Create an empty KDTree object
- IncrementalLongKDTree(Collection<long[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalLongKDTree(long[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalMetaIndex<DATA,METADATA extends Identifiable> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.searching
- IncrementalNearestNeighbours<DATA,DISTANCES,PAIR_TYPE> - Interface in org.openimaj.knn
Extension to K-nearest-neighbour that allows database points to be added
- IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Incremental Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC)
on Product Quantised vectors.
- IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours(ShortProductQuantiser, short[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours(ShortProductQuantiser, List<short[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours(ShortProductQuantiser, DataSource<short[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours(ShortProductQuantiser, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours(ShortProductQuantiser, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
Construct an empty ADC with the given quantiser.
- IncrementalShortKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Implementation of a simple incremental KDTree for short[]
- IncrementalShortKDTree() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
Create an empty KDTree object
- IncrementalShortKDTree(Collection<short[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalShortKDTree(short[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
Create a KDTree object and populate it with the given data.
- IncrementalSparseClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental
An incremental clusterer which holds old
instances internally,
only forgetting rows once they have been clustered and are relatively stable.
- IncrementalSparseClusterer(SparseMatrixClusterer<? extends IndexClusters>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental.IncrementalSparseClusterer
- IncrementalSparseClusterer(SparseMatrixClusterer<? extends IndexClusters>, int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental.IncrementalSparseClusterer
- IncrementalTrainer<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.training
Interface describing objects capable of performing
incremental training.
- incrementClue(TFF.Clue, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.TFFCountSentiment
- incrementTweetCount(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TweetCountWordMap
- incrRow(Matrix, int, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Increment values in a single column by a constant
- incTopicTotal(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAModel
Increment a topic and word index by d.
- incTopicWord(int, int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAModel
Increment a topic and word index by d.
- IndependentComponentAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.ica
- IndependentComponentAnalysis() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.ica.IndependentComponentAnalysis
- IndependentPair<A,B> - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
represents a generic pair of objects of different
(independent) types.
- IndependentPair(A, B) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
Constructs a Pair object with two objects obj1 and obj2
- IndependentPriorRandomAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic
Annotator that randomly assigns annotations, but takes account of the prior
probability of each annotation based on the proportion of times it occurred
in training.
- IndependentPriorRandomAnnotator(NumAnnotationsChooser) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.IndependentPriorRandomAnnotator
- IndependentVariable - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.experiment.annotations
Annotation for marking independent or controlled variables within a
- index - Variable in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector.Entry
The index
- index - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IndexedByteArray
- index - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.MapperOut
- index - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint.AffineSimulationKeypointLocation
The simulation index
- index - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint
The simulation index of the keypoint; this corresponds to the simulation
in which the keypoint was detected.
- index(List<? extends LocalFeature<?, ?>>, IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerData
Index the given features into the given nearest neighbours object by
converting them to the PCA-VLAD representation and then
- index(MBFImage, IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerData
Index the given image into the given nearest neighbours object by
extracting the PCA-VLAD representation and then product-quantising.
- index - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
- index - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray.Entry
The index in the array of the value
- index - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray.Entry
The index in the array of the value
- index - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray.Entry
The index in the array of the value
- index - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray.Entry
The index in the array of the value
- index - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray.Entry
The index in the array of the value
- index - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray.Entry
The index in the array of the value
- IndexClusters - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
Class to describe objects that are the result of the clustering where the
training data is implicitly clustered
- IndexClusters() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
Used only to initailise for
- IndexClusters(int[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
- IndexClusters(int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
- IndexClusters(int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
- IndexClusters(List<int[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
- IndexedByteArray - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- IndexedByteArray(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IndexedByteArray
- IndexedByteArray(byte[], Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IndexedByteArray
- IndexedByteArray(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IndexedByteArray
- IndexedByteArrayPriorityQueue - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- IndexedByteArrayPriorityQueue(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IndexedByteArrayPriorityQueue
- IndexedViewDataSource<DATATYPE> - Class in org.openimaj.data
- IndexedViewDataSource(DataSource<DATATYPE>, int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.IndexedViewDataSource
- indexes(BillMatlabFileDataGenerator.Fold) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator.Mode
- indexImage(int[][], T) - Method in class org.openimaj.demos.BasicDuplicateImageDatabase
Index a new image based on its features
- indexImage(DATA) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.indexing.IncrementalIndexer
- indexImage(DATA) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexer
- indexImage(WriteableImageOutput) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.TrendDetector
index a new image
- indexOf(Vector) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Get the index of the given vector
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- indexOf(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Get the offset in the index for a given value
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- indexOfID(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableListDataset
Get the index of the instance with the given ID, or -1 if it can't be
- indexRadiusSearch(byte[], byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
Search the tree for the indexes of all points contained within the
hypersphere defined by the given centre and radius.
- indexRadiusSearch(double[], double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
Search the tree for the indexes of all points contained within the
hypersphere defined by the given centre and radius.
- indexRadiusSearch(float[], float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
Search the tree for the indexes of all points contained within the
hypersphere defined by the given centre and radius.
- indexRadiusSearch(int[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
Search the tree for the indexes of all points contained within the
hypersphere defined by the given centre and radius.
- indexRadiusSearch(long[], long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
Search the tree for the indexes of all points contained within the
hypersphere defined by the given centre and radius.
- indexRadiusSearch(short[], short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
Search the tree for the indexes of all points contained within the
hypersphere defined by the given centre and radius.
- indexRangeSearch(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- indexRangeSearch(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- indexRangeSearch(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- indexRangeSearch(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- indexRangeSearch(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- indexRangeSearch(short[], short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- indexSort(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Determine the indices of the given array if it were to be sorted into
ascending order.
- indexSort(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Determine the indices of the given array if it were to be sorted into
ascending order.
- indexSort(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Determine the indices of the given array if it were to be sorted into
ascending order.
- indexSort(long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Determine the indices of the given array if it were to be sorted into
ascending order.
- indexSort(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Determine the indices of the given array if it were to be sorted into
ascending order.
- indexSort(short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Determine the indices of the given array if it were to be sorted into
ascending order.
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- indices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- indices - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.KDTreeNode
The leaf only holds the indices of the original data
- indices - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.KDTreeNode
The leaf only holds the indices of the original data
- indices - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.KDTreeNode
The leaf only holds the indices of the original data
- indices - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.KDTreeNode
The leaf only holds the indices of the original data
- indices - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.KDTreeNode
The leaf only holds the indices of the original data
- indices - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.KDTreeNode
The leaf only holds the indices of the original data
- info_mode - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- infoFile - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- init - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- init(List<?>, EstimatableModel<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.BestFitStoppingCondition
- init(List<?>, EstimatableModel<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.NumberInliersStoppingCondition
- init(List<?>, EstimatableModel<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.PercentageInliersStoppingCondition
- init(List<?>, EstimatableModel<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.ProbabilisticMinInliersStoppingCondition
- init(List<?>, EstimatableModel<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.StoppingCondition
Initialise the stopping condition if necessary.
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.CurrentValueMean
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.FirstValueInitStrat
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.HardCodedInitStrat
- init(int, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.InitStrategy
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.MatlabFileInitStrat
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.RandomInitStrategy
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SingleValueInitStrat
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseOnesInitStrategy
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseRandomInitStrategy
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseRowOnesInitStrategy
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseRowRandomInitStrategy
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseSingleValueInitStrat
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseZerosInitStrategy
- init(int, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.init.InitStrategy
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.init.SingleValueInitStrat
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.init.SparseSingleValueInitStrat
- init(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.init.SparseZerosInitStrategy
- init(XuggleVideo) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.selection.XuggleVideoFrameSelection.FramesPerSecond
- init(XuggleVideo) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.selection.XuggleVideoFrameSelection
- init(InOutToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.SplitMode
- init() - Method in interface org.openimaj.twitter.RDFAnalysisProvider
Prepare yourself.
- init() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.AnimatedVideo
Called by the constructor.
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.Rectangle3DPlotter
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
- init() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Runs readability.
- initCollection(ImageCollectionConfig) - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionMode
- initFace(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
Initialise face detection with minimum face size
- InitialAntiAliasingSigma - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineSimulation
- initialise() - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.CitationAgent
- initialise() - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.ExperimentAgent
- initialise(DetectedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.DoGSIFTFeature
- initialise(KEDetectedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature
- initialise(FImage, FImage, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.LocalLBPHistogram
- initialise(double[][], double[][], boolean[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
Initialise the LMDR with the given data in three parallel data arrays.
- initialise() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideoWriter
Initialise the writer
- initialiseFaceModel(MultiTracker.TrackedFace) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- initialiseModel(int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.AdaptiveMoGBackgroundEstimator
Initialise the internal state of the model.
- initialiseTracking(Rectangle, MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.BasicMBFImageObjectTracker
Initialise the tracking with the given target area in the given image.
- initialiseTracking(Rectangle, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.BasicObjectTracker
Initialise this tracker with a particular area on a particular
- initialiseTracking(Rectangle, I) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.ObjectTracker
Initialise the tracking with the given target area in the given image.
- initialize(InputSplit, TaskAttemptContext) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.combine.CombineSequenceFileRecordReader
- initialize(List<List<String>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.classifier.GeneralSentimentFeatureExtractor
Allows a new vocabulary to be constructed from a new corpus.
- initializeNode(Element) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Initialize a node with the readability object.
- initializePhase(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.combinatorics.optimisation.HungarianAlgorithm
Initialize the next phase of the algorithm by clearing the committed
workers and jobs sets and by initializing the slack arrays to the values
corresponding to the specified root worker.
- initialSigma - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Assumed initial scale of the first image in each octave.
- initKMeans(DataSource<byte[]>, byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeansInit
Initialise the centroids based on the given data.
- initKMeans(DataSource<byte[]>, byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeansInit.RANDOM
- initKMeans(DataSource<double[]>, double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeansInit
Initialise the centroids based on the given data.
- initKMeans(DataSource<double[]>, double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeansInit.RANDOM
- initKMeans(DataSource<T>, T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeansInit
Initialise the centroids based on the given data.
- initKMeans(DataSource<T>, T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeansInit.RANDOM
- initKMeans(DataSource<float[]>, float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeansInit
Initialise the centroids based on the given data.
- initKMeans(DataSource<float[]>, float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeansInit.RANDOM
- initKMeans(DataSource<int[]>, int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeansInit
Initialise the centroids based on the given data.
- initKMeans(DataSource<int[]>, int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeansInit.RANDOM
- initKMeans(DataSource<long[]>, long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeansInit
Initialise the centroids based on the given data.
- initKMeans(DataSource<long[]>, long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeansInit.RANDOM
- initKMeans(DataSource<short[]>, short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeansInit
Initialise the centroids based on the given data.
- initKMeans(DataSource<short[]>, short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeansInit.RANDOM
- initMask() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractFMMInpainter
- initMask() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractImageMaskInpainter
Perform any initialisation once the mask has been set.
- initModel(LDAModel, Corpus) - Method in interface org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDABetaInitStrategy
Given a model and the corpus initialise the model's sufficient statistics
- initModel(LDAModel, Corpus) - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDABetaInitStrategy.RandomBetaInit
- initShape(Rectangle, Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker
Initialise the shape within the given rectangle based on the given
reference shape.
- InitStrategy - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
Initialise a matrix to some dimension
- InitStrategy - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.init
Initialise a matrix to some dimension
- initTransforms() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.PiecewiseMeshWarp
- inliers - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
- inliers - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- InMemoryCombiningReducer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod.InMemoryCombiningReducer
default construct does nothing
- InMemoryGroupedListCache<KEY,OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache
- InMemoryGroupedListCache() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache.InMemoryGroupedListCache
- inner - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextAdaptor
- innerAggregator - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.BlockSpatialAggregator
- innerAggregator - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.PyramidSpatialAggregator
- innerMatcher - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d
- InOutToolOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools
A file tool reads and writes files and knows whether existing outputs should
be deleted
- InOutToolOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.InOutToolOptions
- inpaint(int, int, IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractFMMInpainter
Inpaint the specified pixel of the given image.
- inpaint(int, int, IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.TeleaInpainting
- inpaint(int, int, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.TeleaInpainting
- inpaint(int, int, MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.TeleaInpainting
- Inpainter<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting
Interface defining an implementation of an inpainting algorithm.
- input - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.globalfeature.HadoopGlobalFeaturesOptions
- input_file - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- INPUT_LOCATION - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.neuralnet.HandWritingNeuralNetENCOG
Default location of inputs
- INPUT_LOCATION - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.neuralnet.HandWritingNeuralNetSANDIA
Default location of inputs
- inputFiles - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- InputMode - Enum in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader
Different types of input file formats.
- InputMode.Parser - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader
- inputs() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.SingleStagedJob
- inputs() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.StageRunner
- inputs - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- inputs() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterPreprocessingTool
- InputStreamFeeder - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
Single threaded read an input stream and hand to a consumer
- InputStreamFeeder(PicSlurper) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.InputStreamFeeder
Initialise a feeder on a slurper
- InputStreamObjectReader<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.io
Interface for classes capable of reading objects from a
- INRIAPersonDataset - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.datasets
- INRIAPersonDataset() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.datasets.INRIAPersonDataset
- insert(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateBruteForce
- insert(T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateIndex
Insert a single coordinate into the index.
- insert(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateKDTree
Inserts a point into the tree, preserving the spatial ordering.
- insert - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextAdaptor
- insert(T, Context) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextInsertor
Insert the object into the context
- insert(T, Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.KeyContextInsertor
- insert(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
Inserts a point into the tree, preserving the spatial ordering.
- insert(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
Inserts a point into the tree, preserving the spatial ordering.
- insert(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
Inserts a point into the tree, preserving the spatial ordering.
- insert(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
Inserts a point into the tree, preserving the spatial ordering.
- insert(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
Inserts a point into the tree, preserving the spatial ordering.
- insert(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
Inserts a point into the tree, preserving the spatial ordering.
- insertAll(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(Collection<byte[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(Collection<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(Collection<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(Collection<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(Collection<long[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(Collection<short[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertAll(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
Insert all the points from the given collection into the index.
- insertCount() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
- insertCount() - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concurrent.BlockingDroppingQueue
Returns the total number of items that have been inserted into this
within its lifetime.
- InstagramConsumer - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
Use the instagram api to download images
- InstagramConsumer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.InstagramConsumer
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.FImage2DoubleFV
Static instance that can be used instead of creating new objects
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.FImage2FloatFV
Static instance that can be used instead of creating new objects
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.FValuePixel.ReverseValueComparator
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.FValuePixel.ValueComparator
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BellFilter
The singleton instance of the filter
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BoxFilter
The singleton instance of the filter
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.BSplineFilter
The singleton instance of the filter
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.CatmullRomFilter
The singleton instance of the filter
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.HermiteFilter
The singleton instance of the filter
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.Lanczos3Filter
The singleton instance of the filter
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.MitchellFilter
The singleton instance of the filter
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.PointFilter
The singleton instance of the filter
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.TriangleFilter
The singleton instance of the filter
- instance() - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.geocode.GeonamesIndex
- InstanceCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation
- InstanceCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator(BatchAnnotator<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.InstanceCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
Construct with an in-memory cache and the given batch annotator.
- InstanceCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator(BatchAnnotator<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>, GroupedListCache<ANNOTATION, OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.InstanceCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
Construct with the given batch annotator and cache implementation.
- instanceFromString(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
- instanceFromString(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONRDF
- instanceFromString(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- instanceFromString(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitterRawText
- instanceFromString(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
- institution() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
The institution that was involved in the publishing, but not necessarily the publisher
- Instrument - Interface in org.openimaj.audio
Interface for instruments that can play music.
- INT16_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT16_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT32_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT32_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT64_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT64_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT8_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT8_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_FAST16_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_FAST16_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_FAST32_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_FAST32_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_FAST64_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_FAST64_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_FAST8_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_FAST8_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_LEAST16_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_LEAST16_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_LEAST32_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_LEAST32_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_LEAST64_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_LEAST64_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_LEAST8_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INT_LEAST8_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- IntADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- IntADCNearestNeighbours(IntProductQuantiser, int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- IntADCNearestNeighbours(IntProductQuantiser, byte[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and pre-quantised data .
- IntArrayBackedDataSource - Class in org.openimaj.data
- IntArrayBackedDataSource(int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.IntArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data
- IntArrayBackedDataSource(int[][], Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.IntArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data and a random generator for random sampling
- IntArrayView - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A wrapper around a java int array that allows
views onto the array to be created without the
overhead of maintaining copies of the data.
- IntArrayView(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
Create a view on the given array from l (inclusive) to
r (exclusive).
- IntArrayView(int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
Create a view on the entirety of the given array.
- IntArrayView(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
Create a view on an array of length n.
- IntBytePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of int and byte types
- IntBytePair(int, byte) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Construct pair with given values
- IntBytePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Construct empty pair
- IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(String, SequenceFile.CompressionType, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(String, SequenceFile.CompressionType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(URI, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(URI, SequenceFile.CompressionType, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(URI, SequenceFile.CompressionType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- IntCauchyFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that use a Cauchy
distribution to approximate L1 distance.
- IntCauchyFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntCauchyFactory
Construct the factory with the given parameters.
- IntCentroidsResult - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
- IntCentroidsResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IntCentroidsResult
- IntDoublePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of int and double types
- IntDoublePair(int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Construct pair with given values
- IntDoublePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Construct empty pair
- IntegerArrayValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- IntegerArrayValueAnimator(ValueAnimator<Integer>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.IntegerArrayValueAnimator
- integerRange(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.ArrayIndexComparator
- integrationScale - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- intensityThreshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Maximum difference in intensity for two letters to be considered to
be related
- interestPointData - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.InterestPointImageExtractorProperties
- InterestPointData - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
- InterestPointData() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointData
- InterestPointDetector<T extends InterestPointData> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
A detector of interest points.
- InterestPointFeatureCollector<T extends InterestPointData> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector
An interest point feature collector can be used to hold interest points found in an image.
- InterestPointFeatureCollector(InterestPointGradientFeatureExtractor) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.collector.InterestPointFeatureCollector
- InterestPointGradientFeatureExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.extractor
- InterestPointGradientFeatureExtractor(AbstractDominantOrientationExtractor, GradientFeatureProviderFactory) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.extractor.InterestPointGradientFeatureExtractor
- InterestPointImageExtractorProperties<P,I extends Image<P,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd
- InterestPointImageExtractorProperties(I, InterestPointData) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.InterestPointImageExtractorProperties
- InterestPointImageExtractorProperties(I, InterestPointData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.InterestPointImageExtractorProperties
- InterestPointKeypoint<T extends InterestPointData> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints
- InterestPointKeypoint() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.InterestPointKeypoint
Construct with a null
location and default length feature
- InterestPointKeypoint(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.InterestPointKeypoint
Construct with a null
location and feature of the given
- InterestPointKeypoint(OrientedFeatureVector, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.InterestPointKeypoint
- InterestPointVisualiser<T,Q extends Image<T,Q> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,Q>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
- InterestPointVisualiser(Q, List<Ellipse>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointVisualiser
Image from which interest points were extract and the extracted points.
- internalAssign(WordDFIDFTimeSeriesCollection) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDFTimeSeriesCollection
- internalAssign(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Assign the internal state from another image of the same type.
- internalAssign(int[], int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Copy pixels from given ARGB buffer image into this image.
- internalAssign(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Assign the internal state from another image of the same type.
- internalAssign(int[], int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Copy pixels from given ARGB buffer image into this image.
- internalAssign(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Assign planar RGB bytes (R1G1B1R2G2B2...) to this image.
- internalAssign(int[], int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- internalAssign(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Assign the internal state from another image of the same type.
- internalAssign(SVGImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- internalAssign(int[], int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- internalAssign(TIMESERIES) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- internalAssign(Collection<Long>, Collection<DATA>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollectionAssignable
Assign these values of data and time to the internal collection
- internalAssign(TS) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- internalAssign(long[], DATA[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- internalAssign(Collection<Long>, Collection<DATA>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- internalAssign(DoubleTimeSeries) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- internalAssign(Collection<Long>, Collection<Double>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- internalAssign(long[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- internalAssign(DoubleTimeSeriesCollection) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeriesCollection
- internalAssign(RETURNTYPE) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- internalAssign(long[], DATA) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- internalCopy(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Copy the internal state from another image of the same type.
- internalCopy(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Copy the internal state from another image of the same type.
- internalCopy(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Copy the internal state from another image of the same type.
- internalCopy(SVGImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- internalDoubleSize(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
- internalHalfSize(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
- InternalNearestNeighbours<DISTANCES> - Interface in org.openimaj.knn
Interface for K-nearest-neighbour implementations that are able to search
directly using an indexed item of their own internal data as the query.
- internalNewInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDFTimeSeriesCollection
- internalNewInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- internalNewInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleSynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- internalNewInstance() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeriesCollection
- internalTransformToOriginal(Point2d, int, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineSimulation
- interpolate(float, float, FImage, Object) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.ImageInterpolation.Interpolator
Interpolate a pixel value
- interpolate(DoubleTimeSeries, long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.LinearInterpolationProcessor
- interpolate(DoubleTimeSeries, long, long, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.TimeSeriesInterpolation
- interpolate(DoubleTimeSeries, long, int, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.TimeSeriesInterpolation
- interpolate(DoubleTimeSeries, long, long, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.TimeSeriesInterpolation
- interpolate(DoubleTimeSeries) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.TimeSeriesInterpolation
- interpolate(DoubleTimeSeries, long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.TimeSeriesInterpolation
- InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram
- InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor
Construct with the given number of bins.
- InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor
Construct with the given number of bins.
- InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor(int, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor
Construct with the given number of bins, and range.
- InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor(int, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.InterpolatedBinnedWindowedExtractor
Construct with the given number of bins, and range.
- interpolatedPrecision() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
- interpolatedPrecision() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- interpolateSample(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
Spread the sample around the closest bins in the histogram.
- InterpolatingOctaveExtremaFinder - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid
Implementation of the method described in
"Invariant Features from Interest Point Groups" by Matthew Brown and David
Lowe (http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~lowe/papers/brown02.pdf) for improving the
localisation of interest points detected in a difference-of-Gaussian by
fitting a 3D quadratic to the scale-space Laplacian (approximated by the
difference-of-Gaussian pyramid).
- InterpolatingOctaveExtremaFinder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.InterpolatingOctaveExtremaFinder
- InterpolatingOctaveExtremaFinder(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.InterpolatingOctaveExtremaFinder
- InterpolatingOctaveExtremaFinder(float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.InterpolatingOctaveExtremaFinder
Construct with the given magnitude and Eigenvalue thresholds andnumber of
- Interpolation - Class in org.openimaj.math.util
Static methods for performing interpolation
- Interpolation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
- interpolator - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.ImageInterpolation
- InterruptibleCharSequence - Class in org.openimaj.utils.threads
CharSequence that noticed thread interrupts -- as might be necessary
to recover from a loose regex on unexpected challenging input.
- InterruptibleCharSequence(CharSequence) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.utils.threads.InterruptibleCharSequence
- intersect(Polygon) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Returns the intersection of this polygon and the given polygon.
- intersectEntries(SparseByteArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Provide an iterator over the intersection of values present in
both this array and another array.
- intersectEntries(SparseDoubleArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Provide an iterator over the intersection of values present in
both this array and another array.
- intersectEntries(SparseFloatArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Provide an iterator over the intersection of values present in
both this array and another array.
- intersectEntries(SparseIntArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Provide an iterator over the intersection of values present in
both this array and another array.
- intersectEntries(SparseLongArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Provide an iterator over the intersection of values present in
both this array and another array.
- intersectEntries(SparseShortArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Provide an iterator over the intersection of values present in
both this array and another array.
- intersection - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.JacardIndex
The number of words forming the intersection between now and historic
- intersection(Polygon, Polygon, Class<Polygon>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.PolygonUtils
Return the intersection of p1
and p2
where the
return type is of polyClass
- intersection(Polygon, Polygon) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.PolygonUtils
Return the intersection of p1
and p2
where the
return type is of PolyDefault
- intersectionArea(Shape) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- intersectionArea(Shape, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- intersectionArea(Shape) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- intersectionArea(Shape, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- intersectionArea(Shape) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
- intersectionArea(Shape, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Return an estimate for the area of the intersection of this polygon and
another polygon.
- intersectionArea(Shape) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- intersectionArea(Shape, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- intersectionArea(Shape) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- intersectionArea(Shape, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- intersectionArea(Shape) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Shape
- intersectionArea(Shape, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Shape
Return an estimate for the area of the intersection of this polygon and
another polygon.
- intersectionArea(Shape) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- intersectionArea(Shape, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- intersectionPoint - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d.IntersectionResult
The point at which the lines intersect (if the type is INTERSECTING)
- IntersectionResult(Line2d.IntersectionType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d.IntersectionResult
Construct the IntersectionResult with the given type
- IntersectionResult(Point2d) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d.IntersectionResult
Construct the IntersectionResult with the given intersection point
- intersectionSides(Line2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
The intersection of this triangle with the line defined by y = mx + c.
- IntersectionUnionMap() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeTimeWord.IntersectionUnionMap
- IntersectionUnionReduce() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeTimeWord.IntersectionUnionReduce
- intersectRatio - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Ratio of vertical intersection for character pairing.
- IntervalSummationProcessor<ALLDATA,DATA,TS extends TimeSeries<ALLDATA,DATA,TS> & TimeSeriesArithmaticOperator<DATA,TS> & TimeSeriesCollectionAssignable<DATA,TS>> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor
Given time step calculate each timestep such that
value[timeStep(x)] = sum from x-1 to x as n [ timeStep(n) ]
The exact meaning of "sum" for any given timestep data must be defined.
- IntervalSummationProcessor(long[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.IntervalSummationProcessor
A processor which maps across given time steps
- IntFloatPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of int and float types
- IntFloatPair(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Construct pair with given values
- IntFloatPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Construct empty pair
- IntFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic int single-dimensional feature vector implementation
- IntFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- IntFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- IntFV(int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- IntFVComparator - Interface in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for IntFV objects.
- IntFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for IntFV objects.
- IntGaussianFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions using Gaussian
distributions to approximate the Euclidean distance.
- IntGaussianFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntGaussianFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- IntHammingFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that approximate the
Hamming distance.
- IntHammingFactory(int, MersenneTwister, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHammingFactory
Construct a new factory using the given parameters.
- IntHashFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- IntHashFunctionFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- IntHashFunctionFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHashFunctionFactory
- IntHyperplaneCosineFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate cosine
distance using hyperplanes.
- IntHyperplaneCosineFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHyperplaneCosineFactory
Construct with the given arguments.
- IntHyperplaneL1Factory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate L1
(city-block) distance in closed spaces using random axis-aligned hyperplanes.
- IntHyperplaneL1Factory(int, MersenneTwister, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntHyperplaneL1Factory
Construct with the given arguments.
- IntIntPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of int and int types
- IntIntPair(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Construct pair with given values
- IntIntPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Construct empty pair
- IntKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Immutable KD-Tree implementation for int[] data.
- IntKDTree(int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
- IntKDTree(int[][], IntKDTree.SplitChooser) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
Construct with the given data and splitting strategy
- IntKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Approximate best-bin-first median splitting.
- IntKDTree.BasicMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Basic median split.
- IntKDTree.BBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Best-bin-first median splitting.
- IntKDTree.KDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
An internal node of the KDTree
- IntKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Randomised best-bin-first splitting strategy:
Nodes with less than a set number of items become leafs.
- IntKDTree.SplitChooser - Interface in org.openimaj.util.tree
Interface for describing how a branch in the KD-Tree should be created
- IntKDTreeEnsemble - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees for int data.
- IntKDTreeEnsemble(int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a IntKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data,
using the default of 8 trees.
- IntKDTreeEnsemble(int[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a IntKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- IntKDTreeEnsemble(int[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a IntKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- IntKDTreeEnsemble.IntKDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
An internal node of the KDTree
- IntKDTreeNode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntKDTreeEnsemble.IntKDTreeNode
Construct a new node
- IntKDTreeNode(int[][], IntArrayView, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntKDTreeEnsemble.IntKDTreeNode
Construct a new node with the given data
- IntKMeans - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Fast, parallel implementation of the K-Means algorithm with support for
bigger-than-memory data.
- IntKMeans(KMeansConfiguration<IntNearestNeighbours, int[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Construct the clusterer with the the given configuration.
- IntKMeans() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
A completely default
used primarily as a convenience function for reading.
- IntKMeans.Result - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Result object for IntKMeans, extending IntCentroidsResult and IntNearestNeighboursProvider,
as well as giving access to state information from the operation of the K-Means algorithm
- IntKMeansInit - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Initialisation for K-Means clustering.
- IntKMeansInit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeansInit
- IntKMeansInit.RANDOM - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Simple kmeans initialized on randomly selected samples.
- IntKNNAssigner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft
that picks a fixed number of nearest neighbours.
- IntKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<int[]>, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.IntKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- IntKNNAssigner(int[][], boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.IntKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- IntKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<int[]>, IntFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.IntKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- IntKNNAssigner(int[][], IntFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.IntKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- IntLongPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of int and long types
- IntLongPair(int, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Construct pair with given values
- IntLongPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Construct empty pair
- IntLSHSketcher<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.sketch
that produces bit-string sketches encoded as int arrays.
- IntLSHSketcher(List<HashFunction<OBJECT>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.IntLSHSketcher
Construct with the given functions.
- IntLSHSketcher(HashFunction<OBJECT>, HashFunction<OBJECT>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.IntLSHSketcher
Construct with the given functions.
- IntLSHSketcher(HashFunctionFactory<OBJECT>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.IntLSHSketcher
Construct with the factory which is used to produce the required number
of functions.
- INTMAX_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INTMAX_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- IntNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Abstract base class for k-nearest-neighbour calculations with int[] data.
- IntNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighbours
- IntNearestNeighboursExact - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Exact (brute-force) k-nearest-neighbour implementation.
- IntNearestNeighboursExact(int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the IntNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset and using Euclidean distance.
- IntNearestNeighboursExact(int[][], IntFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the IntNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset with the given distance function.
- IntNearestNeighboursExact.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn
- IntNearestNeighboursKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Fast Nearest-Neighbours for int data using an ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees.
- IntNearestNeighboursKDTree(int[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree
Construct the IntNearestNeighboursKDTree with the given options.
- IntNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
- IntNearestNeighboursProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.knn
Interface for classes able to expose a k-nearest-neighbour object.
- IntObjectPair<Q> - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of int and a generic type
- IntObjectPair(int, Q) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntObjectPair
Construct pair with given values
- IntObjectPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntObjectPair
Construct empty pair
- IntProductQuantiser - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Implementation of a Product Quantiser for vectors/arrays of ints.
- IntProductQuantiser(IntNearestNeighboursExact[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntProductQuantiser
- IntProductQuantiserUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
- IntPStableFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
Base class for hashing schemes based on P-Stable distributions.
- IntPStableFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntPStableFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- IntPStableFactory.PStableFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- INTPTR_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- INTPTR_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- IntRAC - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac
- IntRAC() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
Sets the threshold to 128
- IntRAC(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
Define the threshold at which point a new cluster will be made.
- IntRAC(int[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
Iteratively select subSamples from bKeys and try to choose a threshold
which results in nClusters.
- IntRandomForest - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest
An implementation of the RandomForest clustering algorithm proposed by
Jurie et al.
- IntRandomForest() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
Makes a default random forest with 32 trees each with 32 decisions.
- IntRandomForest(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
Makes a random forest with nTrees each with nDecisions.
- intrinsicParameters - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.camera.Camera
The intrinsic parameters of this camera
- IntSDCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Symmetric Distance Computation (SDC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- IntSDCNearestNeighbours(IntProductQuantiser, int[][][], int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntSDCNearestNeighbours
Construct the SDC with the given quantiser, centroids (corresponding to
the quantiser's internal assigners), and data.
- IntShortPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of int and short types
- IntShortPair(int, short) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Construct pair with given values
- IntShortPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Construct empty pair
- intToByte(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayConverter
Convert the given int array to an array of bytes.
- intToByte(int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayConverter
Convert the given 2d int array to a 2d array of bytes.
- intToT(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- intToT(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Converts the given integer to a value that can be used as a pixel value.
- IntValuePixel - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel
Represents a pixel location.
- IntValuePixel(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.IntValuePixel
Default constructor
- IntValuePixel(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.IntValuePixel
Constructor that takes the location and value of the
- INVALID_TWEET_COUNT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TweetCountWordMap
If the ntweets is set to this value, the ntweets should be ignored
- InvalidSentimentException - Exception in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type
Your sentiment was invalid
- InvalidSentimentException(String) - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.InvalidSentimentException
- inverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_3D
Computes the 3D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in
- inverse(double[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.DoubleDCT_3D
Computes the 3D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in
- inverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_3D
Computes the 3D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in
- inverse(float[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.FloatDCT_3D
Computes the 3D inverse DCT (DCT-III) leaving the result in
- inverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_1D
Computes 1D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_1D
Computes 1D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_2D
Computes 2D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_2D
Computes 2D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_3D
Computes the 3D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.DoubleDHT_3D
Computes the 3D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_1D
Computes 1D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_1D
Computes 1D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_2D
Computes 2D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_2D
Computes 2D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_3D
Computes the 3D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.FloatDHT_3D
Computes the 3D real, inverse DHT leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_1D
Computes 1D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_1D
Computes 1D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_2D
Computes 2D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_2D
Computes 2D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_3D
Computes the 3D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in
- inverse(double[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.DoubleDST_3D
Computes the 3D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in
- inverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_1D
Computes 1D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_1D
Computes 1D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_2D
Computes 2D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_2D
Computes 2D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in a
- inverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_3D
Computes the 3D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in
- inverse(float[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.FloatDST_3D
Computes the 3D inverse DST (DST-III) leaving the result in
- inverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Invert the image pixels by finding the maximum value and subtracting each
pixel value from that maximum.
- inverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Invert the image pixels by finding the maximum value and subtracting each
pixel value from that maximum.
- inverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Invert the image pixels by finding the maximum value and subtracting each
pixel value from that maximum.
- inverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransform
Perform the inverse FFT using the underlying magnitude and phase images.
- inverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransformComplex
Perform the inverse FFT using the underlying magnitude and phase images.
- inverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- InverseComparableComparator<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in org.openimaj.util.comparator
- InverseComparableComparator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.comparator.InverseComparableComparator
- inverseTransform(AudioFormat, float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Given some transformed audio data, will convert it back into
a sample chunk.
- invert(int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterAnalyserUtils
Map index to cluster from cluster array
- invert(LocalFeatureListIndex<K, T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.LocalFeatureListIndex
Invert an index of quantised features.
- InvertData - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor
A similarity matrix processor that sets inverts all values
by setting the smallest to the biggest, etc.
- InvertData() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.InvertData
Default constructor.
- InvertedPriorityQueue<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.queue
This class provides an inverted
implementation, where
objects that are higher (according to the provided
or the
natural order) come first.
- InvertedPriorityQueue() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.queue.InvertedPriorityQueue
Creates a
with the default initial capacity
(11) that orders its elements according to their inverted
natural ordering.
- InvertedPriorityQueue(int, Comparator<? super T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.queue.InvertedPriorityQueue
Creates a InvertedPriorityQueue
with the specified initial
capacity that orders its elements according to the inverse of the
specified comparator.
- InvertedPriorityQueue(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.queue.InvertedPriorityQueue
Creates a
with the specified initial
capacity that orders its elements according to their inverse
natural ordering.
- invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
- invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.QueryHoldingStatus
- invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAMessage
- invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAParser
- invokeMethod(String, Object) - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- invSqrtSym(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Compute the inverse square root, X, of the symmetric matrix A; A^-(1/2)
- IO - Class in com.jsaragih
IO Utilities
- IO() - Constructor for class com.jsaragih.IO
- IO.Types - Enum in com.jsaragih
Types of object
- IOUtils - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.utils
I/O utilities.
- IOUtils - Class in org.openimaj.io
Methods for reading Readable objects and writing Writeable objects.
- IOUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
- ip_address - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
The IP address used when creating this Item.
- IPDRepeatability<T extends InterestPointData> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment
An interest point repeatability as originally implemented
- IPDRepeatability() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
- IPDRepeatability(Image<?, ?>, Image<?, ?>, List<Ellipse>, List<Ellipse>, Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
Check the repeatability against two imags, two sets of points and a
homography between the two images.
- IPDRepeatability(File, File, InterestPointDetector<T>, File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
Check the repeatability between two images from files, an interest point
detector used to find the feature points in the images and a homography
from a file.
- IPDRepeatability(MBFImage, MBFImage, InterestPointDetector<T>, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
Two images, features extracted using ipd, homography found in stream.
- IPDRepeatability(MBFImage, MBFImage, InterestPointDetector<T>, Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
Two images, features extracted using ipd, homography matrix between the
two images
- IPDRepeatability(List<Ellipse>, List<Ellipse>, Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
- IPDRepeatability.ScoredPair<B extends Comparable<B>,T extends Pair<B>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment
A pair of matching features with a score
- IPDSelectionMode - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
- IPDSelectionMode.All - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
- IPDSelectionMode.Count - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
- IPDSelectionMode.Threshold - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
- IPDSIFTEngine - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd
- IPDSIFTEngine(MultiscaleInterestPointDetector<InterestPointData>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.IPDSIFTEngine
- IREval - Class in org.lemurproject.ireval
A trec_eval style tool in pure java.
- IREval() - Constructor for class org.lemurproject.ireval.IREval
- IREvalAnalyser<QUERY,DOCUMENT extends Identifiable> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers
An evaluator suitable for any kind of result document from the
- IREvalAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalAnalyser
- IREvalResult - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers
- IREvalResult(SetRetrievalEvaluator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalResult
- IRI - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
Internal right intermediate
- IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient
- IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider
Construct a IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureExtractor with the default
- IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider
Construct a IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureExtractor with the default
- IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider
Construct a IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureExtractor with the default
- irrelevantRetrievedDocuments() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
This method returns a list of all documents that were retrieved
but assumed to be irrelevant.
- is_set_age() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
Returns true if field age is set (has been assigned a value) and false
- is_set_auto_abort_msec() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
Returns true if field auto_abort_msec is set (has been assigned a
value) and false otherwise
- is_set_bytes() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
Returns true if field bytes is set (has been assigned a value) and false
- is_set_data() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
Returns true if field data is set (has been assigned a value) and false
- is_set_expiration_msec() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
Returns true if field expiration_msec is set (has been assigned a
value) and false otherwise
- is_set_head_item() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
Returns true if field head_item is set (has been assigned a value) and
false otherwise
- is_set_id() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
Returns true if field id is set (has been assigned a value) and false
- is_set_ids() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
Returns true if field ids is set (has been assigned a value) and
false otherwise
- is_set_ids() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
Returns true if field ids is set (has been assigned a value) and
false otherwise
- is_set_items() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
Returns true if field items is set (has been assigned a value) and
false otherwise
- is_set_items() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
Returns true if field items is set (has been assigned a value) and false
- is_set_journal_bytes() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
Returns true if field journal_bytes is set (has been assigned a value)
and false otherwise
- is_set_max_items() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
Returns true if field max_items is set (has been assigned a value)
and false otherwise
- is_set_open_transactions() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
Returns true if field open_transactions is set (has been assigned a
value) and false otherwise
- is_set_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
Returns true if field queue_name is set (has been assigned a value)
and false otherwise
- is_set_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
Returns true if field queue_name is set (has been assigned a value)
and false otherwise
- is_set_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
Returns true if field queue_name is set (has been assigned a value)
and false otherwise
- is_set_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
Returns true if field queue_name is set (has been assigned a value)
and false otherwise
- is_set_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
Returns true if field queue_name is set (has been assigned a value)
and false otherwise
- is_set_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
Returns true if field queue_name is set (has been assigned a value)
and false otherwise
- is_set_queue_name() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
Returns true if field queue_name is set (has been assigned a value)
and false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and
false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and
false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and
false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and
false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and
false otherwise
- is_set_success() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and
false otherwise
- is_set_timeout_msec() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
Returns true if field timeout_msec is set (has been assigned a value)
and false otherwise
- is_set_waiters() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
Returns true if field waiters is set (has been assigned a value) and
false otherwise
- is_valid() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- is_valid(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- isAllowResize() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Whether this visualisation can be resized.
- isAlwaysOnTop() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
- isAsciiMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.SharedOptions
- isAutoPositionXAxis() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
- isAutoScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
Whether the axis should attempt to auto scale to fit the view
- isAutoScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Returns whether the bars are auto scaling
- isAutoScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- isAutoScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Returns whether the bars are auto scaling
- isAutoScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- isAutoScaleAxes() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- isAutoScaleAxes() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
- isAutoSpaceLabels() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- isAutoSpaceTicks() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- isAvoidOverlaps() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.LabelledPointVisualisation
- isAxisAlwaysVisible() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Whether the axis is always visible
- isAxisAlwaysVisible() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Whether the axis is always visible
- isBatchedSampleMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- isBigEndian() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Returns whether the data is big or little endian.
- isBinary(File, byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Opens an input stream and calls input stream version
- isBinary(BufferedInputStream, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Extracts the binary header from object and calls the byte[] version
- isBinary(BufferedInputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Checks whether a given input stream contains readable binary information
by checking for the first header.length bytes == header.
- isBinary - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- isBinary - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
Does the stream hold binary data (as opposed to ASCII)
- isBlockSupport(Set<Pixel>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FilterSupport
Test whether the given support is a centred block
- isCalculateFPS() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Returns whether the frames per second are being calculated at every
- isCalledAlliasQuery(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
- isCentre() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransform
- isCentre() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransformComplex
- isCentreBarsOnValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- isClockwise() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Test (outer) polygon path direction
- isClosed() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Is the polygon closed (i.e.
- isComplete() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.TimeBasedValueAnimator
Returns whether the animator has completed
- isComplete() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Returns whether the spectragram image is complete.
- isContainedBy(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are fully contained by the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isContainedBy(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are fully contained by the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isContainedBy(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are fully contained by the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isContainedBy(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are fully contained by the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isContainedBy(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are fully contained by the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isContainedBy(short[], short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are fully contained by the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isContent() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- isContinue() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.InOutToolOptions
- isConvex() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- isConvex() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- isConvex() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Test if the outer polygon is convex.
- isConvex() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- isConvex() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- isConvex() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Shape
Test if the shape is convex.
- isConvex() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- isCreateMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- isDate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- isDebug() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- isDecay() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Returns whether decay is set
- isDisjointFrom(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are disjoint from the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isDisjointFrom(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are disjoint from the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isDisjointFrom(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are disjoint from the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isDisjointFrom(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are disjoint from the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isDisjointFrom(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are disjoint from the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isDisjointFrom(short[], short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test whether the bounds of this node are disjoint from the
hyperrectangle described by the given bounds.
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.ByteFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.FloatFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.IntFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.LongFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.ShortFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFVComparison
- isDistance() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.DoGSIFTFeatureComparator
- isDistance() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.FaceFVComparator
- isDistance() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.LtpDtFeatureComparator
- isDistance() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.ReversedLtpDtFeatureComparator
- isDistance() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.metrics.GaussianKLDivergence
- isDistance() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.metrics.SampledMultivariateDistanceComparator
- isDistance() - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.comparator.DistanceComparator
- isDoubleInitialImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Should the starting image of the pyramid be stretched to twice its size?
- isDoubleSizePyramid() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale
Whether the initial image in the pyramid is being double sized.
- isDrawCurrentPositionLine() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Returns whether the current position line is being drawn
- isDrawFreqBands() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Returns whether the frequency bands are being drawn.
- isDrawMajorGrid() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- isDrawMajorTickLabels() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- isDrawMajorTicks() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- isDrawMinorGrid() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- isDrawMinorTickLabels() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- isDrawMinorTicks() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Return whether this polygon has no vertices or not.
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- isEnableLights() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
- isFavorited() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- isFinished() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.ExtractionState
- isFinished() - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalTweetSpout
- isFixAxis() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Returns whether the axis is fixed or not.
- isFixAxis() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Returns whether the axis is fixed or not.
- isForce() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.InOutToolOptions
- isFound() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.ChessboardCornerFinder
- isFull() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
- isFullscreen() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
- isFullscreen() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplet
- isFullscreen() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplication
- isFullscreen() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
- isHole() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
- isHole() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Returns whether this polygon is representing a hole in another polygon.
- isHtml() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- isIgnoreToken(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.IgnoreTokenStripper
Checks if given token is an ignore word
- isImage(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeUtilities
Obtains a files MIME type and returns true if it is of type image
- isImageReady() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
- isImages() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- isImproveEstimate() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- isInCorrectCategory - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.Response
Whether the image is in the correct category
- isInfoMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- isInLine(Point2d, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Tests whether the given point lies on this line.
- isInside(int, Shape[][], Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- isInside(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- isInside(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- isInside(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Test whether the point p is inside the polygon using the winding rule
- isInside(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- isInside(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
Test if the given rectangle is inside this one.
- isInside(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- isInside(Point2d) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Shape
Test whether the point p is inside the shape.
- isInside(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- isInsideContent() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- isInsideOnLine(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- isInvalid() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
- isItalic() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- isJar() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ReferencesToolOpts
- isJarResource(URL) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
Returns whether the given resource is a jar resource.
- isJarResource(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
Returns whether the given resource is a jar resource.
- isKeepOctaves() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.PyramidOptions
Determine whether the Pyramid should retain its octaves.
- isLeaf() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test to see if this node is a leaf node (i.e.
- isLeaf() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test to see if this node is a leaf node (i.e.
- isLeaf() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test to see if this node is a leaf node (i.e.
- isLeaf() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test to see if this node is a leaf node (i.e.
- isLeaf() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test to see if this node is a leaf node (i.e.
- isLeaf() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.KDTreeNode
Test to see if this node is a leaf node (i.e.
- isLeaf() - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNode
Does this tree node contain no children
- isLeaf() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
- isLeft(Pixel, Pixel, Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
- isLightingInsensitive() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- isLinks() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- isLoaded() - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.CitationAgent
Is the agent loaded?
- isLoaded() - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.ExperimentAgent
Is the agent loaded?
- isLocalExtremum(float, FImage, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder
Test to see if a point is a local extremum by searching the +/- 1 pixel
neighbourhood in x and y.
- isMatrixLoss() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.LossFunction
- isMatrixLoss() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.MatLossFunction
- isMatrixLoss() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.MatSquareLossFunction
- isMatrixLoss() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.SquareLossFunction
- isMatrixLoss() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.SquareMissingLossFunction
- isMatrixLoss() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.LossFunction
- isMatrixLoss() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.MatLossFunction
- isMatrixLoss() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.MatSquareLossFunction
- isMaxima - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.MinMaxKeypoint
Was the keypoint detected at a maxima?
- isMaxima - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.MinMaxKeypoint.MinMaxKeypointLocation
Was the keypoint detected at a maxima?
- isMouseConfined() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
- isMouseVisible() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
- isMSER - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
Whether this component represents an MSER
- isMultiDocument() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- isMultiMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- isMultiValued() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.AbstractGetter
- isMultiValued() - Method in interface org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.Getter
- isMultiValued() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.MapGetter
- isMultiValued() - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.MultiValueFieldGetter
- isNewPage - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.WikipediaEditsDataset.WikipediaEdit
Was a new page created?
- isNorm() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker
- isNotEdge(FImage, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder
Test if the pixel at x,y in the image is NOT on an edge.
- isNoteOn() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Returns whether the synth is playing a note or not.
- isNull() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.PyramidSet
- isOnLine(Point2d, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Tests whether the given point lies on this line.
- isOriginal() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- isOutline() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFontStyle
Returns whether this font is to be drawn in outline or not
- isOutlineText() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- isOutlineText() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- isOverlapping() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor
Returns whether the windows are overlapping or not.
- isOverlapping(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
Test if rectangles overlap.
- isPadToNextPowerOf2() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Returns whether the input will be padded to be the length
of the next higher power of 2.
- isPatternUniform(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.UniformBinaryPattern
Check whether the given nbits pattern is uniform.
- isPaused() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Is the video paused?
- isPossiblySensitive() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- isPowerOf2(int) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Checks if x is a power-of-two number.
- isQuantMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
- isReader - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- isRedirected(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpContext) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils.MetaRefreshRedirectStrategy
- isRedirected(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpContext) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer.StatusConsumerRedirectStrategy
- isRenderAxesLast() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
- isRenderAxis() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
Returns whether an axis should be rendered
- IsReplyFilter - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter
- IsReplyFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.IsReplyFilter
- isRetweet() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- isRetweetedByMe() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- isRobot - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.WikipediaEditsDataset.WikipediaEdit
Was it a robot that made the change?
- isSamplesFileMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- isSet(Item._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned
a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.abort_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.abort_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.confirm_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.confirm_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.delete_queue_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.delete_queue_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.flush_queue_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.flush_queue_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.get_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.get_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.get_version_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.get_version_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.peek_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.peek_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.put_args._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(Kestrel.put_result._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been
assigned a value) and false otherwise
- isSet(QueueInfo._Fields) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned
a value) and false otherwise
- isSigned() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Returns whether the data is signed or unsigned.
- isSingle - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- isSquare() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- isStdin(InOutToolOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.FileToolsUtil
Test whether the input is the stdin
- isStdout(InOutToolOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.FileToolsUtil
Test whether the requested output is stdout.
- isStopped() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioGrabber
Whether the stream is stopped or not.
- isStopped() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.JavaSoundAudioGrabber
Whether the stream is stopped or not.
- isStopped() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Returns whether the video is stopped or not.
- isSubhead() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- isText() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- isTextMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFontStyle
- isTitle() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- isTruncated() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder.DatabaseFeederStatus
- isTypeJitter() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Get whether the font type is being randomised.
- isUndecorated() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
- isUniform(boolean[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.UniformBinaryPattern
- isUnpatrolled - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.WikipediaEditsDataset.WikipediaEdit
Is the edit unpatrolled?
- isUsed(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
Test if an index has a set value
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Check whether the given index is used (i.e.
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Check whether the given index is used (i.e.
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Check whether the given index is used (i.e.
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Check whether the given index is used (i.e.
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Check whether the given index is used (i.e.
- isUsed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Check whether the given index is used (i.e.
- isUseFixedBarWidth() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- isValid(Locale) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.EntityTweetTokeniser
Check whether this locale is supported by this tokeniser.
- isValid(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.EntityTweetTokeniser
Check whether this locale (specified by the two letter country code,
) is
supported by this tokeniser.
- isValid(Locale) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.TweetTokeniser
Check whether this locale is supported by this tokeniser.
- isValid(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.TweetTokeniser
Check whether this locale (specified by the two letter country code,
) is supported by this tokeniser.
- isValidDirectory(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeUtilities
Checks whether a given directory contains valid images for classification
- isWriteFormatSupported(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Test if a given image output format name is supported
- isWriteFormatSupported(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Test if the image output format suggested by the extension of the given
filename is supported
- it - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.LocalFeatureMode.LocalFeatureModeOp
- ITALIC - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Attribute for italic text.
- italic - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
should the associated text be rendered in italic?
- ITALIC_SLANT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
Attribute for the amount of slant for italic text.
- Item - Class in net.lag.kestrel.thrift
- Item() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- Item(ByteBuffer, long) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- Item(Item) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
Performs a deep copy on other.
- Item - Interface in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
An Item is something which can be in a Container.
- Item._Fields - Enum in net.lag.kestrel.thrift
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods
for finding and manipulating them.
- ItemImpl - Class in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
An Item is something which can be in a Container.
- ItemImpl() - Constructor for class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- ItemPlotter<O,Q,I extends Image<Q,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.vis.general
An interface for classes that are able to plot items into a visualisation
using an
to determine the position.
- ItemPlotter3D<O> - Interface in org.openimaj.vis.general
An interface for classes that are able to plot items into a 3D visualisation
using an
to determine the position.
- iter - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- IterableIterator<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.iterator
Wrapper to allow an
as an
so it can be used
in an a foreach loop.
- iteration - Variable in class org.openimaj.algorithm.iterative.IterationState
The current iteration number
- iteration - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans.IterationResult
The iteration number, starting from 0
- iterationListeners - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
- IterationResult(Matrix, PointList, double, double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel.IterationResult
- IterationResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans.IterationResult
- iterations - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans.Result
- iterations - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans.Result
- iterations - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans.Result
- iterations - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans.Result
- iterations - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans.Result
- iterations - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans.Result
- iterations - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans.Result
- IterationState - Class in org.openimaj.algorithm.iterative
The current state of an iterative algorithm.
- IterationState() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.algorithm.iterative.IterationState
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioStream
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.AbstractDataSource
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ArrayBackedDataSource
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ByteArrayBackedDataSource
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableGroupDataset
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.DoubleArrayBackedDataSource
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.FloatArrayBackedDataSource
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.IntArrayBackedDataSource
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.LongArrayBackedDataSource
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ShortArrayBackedDataSource
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- iterator() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_format
- iterator() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device_flags
- iterator() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_led_options
- iterator() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_loglevel
- iterator() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution
- iterator() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_tilt_status_code
- iterator() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_format
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Octave
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Pyramid
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.SimplePyramid
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.QuadtreeSampler
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.RectangleSampler
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearLearnerParametersLineSearch
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleSynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PicSlurper
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.EntityTweetTokeniser
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.TweetTokeniser
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FeatureFile
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.MemoryFeatureFile
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchByteDataSource
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchIntDataSource
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.StreamedFeatureFile
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.AbstractWebpageImageCollection
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Returns an iterator over the elements in this queue in proper sequence.
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.iterator.ConcatenatedIterable
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.iterator.IterableIterator
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.iterator.TextLineIterable
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.iterator.UniformByteRangeIterable
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.iterator.UniformDoubleRangeIterable
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.iterator.UniformFloatRangeIterable
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.iterator.UniformIntRangeIterable
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.iterator.UniformLongRangeIterable
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.iterator.UniformShortRangeIterable
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
- iterator() - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNode
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureList
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.RandomPatchSampler
- iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.KeyedParameters
- ItNode - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon
Intersection table
- ItNode(EdgeNode, EdgeNode, double, double, ItNode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.ItNode
- itOp - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.LocalFeatureMode.LocalFeatureModeOp
- ivec - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
keypoint feature descriptor (i.e.
- L - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.GolayAlphabet
The L elements of the Golay Alphabet
- L1L2Regulariser - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.regul
- L1L2Regulariser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.regul.L1L2Regulariser
- L1L2Regulariser - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.regul
- L1L2Regulariser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.regul.L1L2Regulariser
- L1Regulariser - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.regul
- L1Regulariser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.regul.L1Regulariser
- L1Regulariser - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.regul
- L1Regulariser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.regul.L1Regulariser
- L5E5 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
- L5R5 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
- L5S5 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
- label - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.WordDFIDFValue
- label - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.LabelledPointVisualisation.LabelledDot
The label
- label - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineMarker
The label of the marker, if it has one
- LABEL_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- LABEL_BORDER - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- LABEL_FONT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- LABEL_PADDING - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- labelAlliasQuery(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
- LabelledDataProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.classification
- LabelledDot(String, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.LabelledPointVisualisation.LabelledDot
Create a labelled dot.
- LabelledDot(String, double, Float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.LabelledPointVisualisation.LabelledDot
Create a labelled dot.
- LabelledPointVisualisation - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
Plots dots with a label.
- LabelledPointVisualisation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.LabelledPointVisualisation
Default constructor
- LabelledPointVisualisation(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.LabelledPointVisualisation
Constructor that takes the width and height of the visualisation
- LabelledPointVisualisation.LabelledDot - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
- labels() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- LABELS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- LabelTransformer - Interface in org.openimaj.vis.general
- lambda - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.AnisotropicDiffusion
- lambda - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.MultiviewSpectralClusteringConf
regularisation parameter
- LAMBDA - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
The parameter of the regulariser for both W and U
- lambda - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- LAMBDA_U - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
The parameter of the regulariser for U, defaults to LAMBDA
- lambda_u - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- lambda_u - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- LAMBDA_W - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
The parameter of the regulariser for W, defaults to LAMBDA
- lambda_w - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- lambda_w - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- LambdaSearchAustrian - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill
Optimise lambda and eta0 and learning rates with a line search
- LambdaSearchAustrian() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.LambdaSearchAustrian
- Lanczos3Filter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters
A Lanczos3 filter for the resample function.
- Lanczos3Filter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.Lanczos3Filter
- LandmarkModel<I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.model.landmark
models local image content and provides functionality
to move a point in an image to a nearby point with a lower cost than at the
initial point.
- LandmarkModelFactory<I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.model.landmark
- lang_true - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.experiments.langid.TrueLanguageTwitterStatus
the true languge of this tweet
- language - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector.WeightedLocale
Estimated language
- language - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.User
Spoken language of user
- LANGUAGE_MODEL_BINARY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector
default location of the compressed binary version of the language model
- LANGUAGE_MODEL_JSON - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector
default location of the compressed json version language model
- LanguageDetectionMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing
A gateway class which loads and uses the #LanguageDetector
- LanguageDetectionMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.LanguageDetectionMode
Loads the language detector
- LanguageDetector - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.language
Short text language detection ported from langid:
- LanguageDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector
- LanguageDetector(LanguageModel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector
Create a language detector with a provided language model
- LanguageDetector.WeightedLocale - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.language
A langauge with an associated confidence
- LanguageFilter - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter
- LanguageFilter(String...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.LanguageFilter
- LanguageModel - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.language
- LanguageModel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageModel
do nothing
- LanguageModel(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageModel
- LaplaceIPD - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
- LaplaceIPD(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.LaplaceIPD
- laplacian(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleSpectralClustering
- laplacian(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.GraphLaplacian
- laplacian(SparseMatrix, DiagonalMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.GraphLaplacian
- laplacian(SparseMatrix, DiagonalMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.GraphLaplacian.Normalised
- laplacian(SparseMatrix, DiagonalMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.GraphLaplacian.Unnormalised
- laplacian(SparseMatrix, DiagonalMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.GraphLaplacian.Warped
- laplacian - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralClusteringConf
The graph laplacian creator
- Laplacian3x3 - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
A convolution operator with a 3x3 kernel approximating the Laplacian.
- Laplacian3x3() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.Laplacian3x3
Construct the 3x3 Laplacian operator
- laplacianEigenVectors(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleSpectralClustering
- LaplacianOfGaussian2D - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
2D Laplacian of Gaussian filter
- LaplacianOfGaussian2D(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.LaplacianOfGaussian2D
Construct with given kernel size and variance.
- LaplacianOfGaussian2D(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.LaplacianOfGaussian2D
Construct with given kernel size and variance.
- LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection
- LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
Construct with the given target dimensionality and default values for the
other parameters (learning rate of 1.0 for W; learning rate of 0 for
- LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction(int, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
Construct with the given target dimensionality learning rates.
- largest(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.Eigenvalues
Configure to compute the largest nev
- largest(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.FewEigenvalues
Compute the largest algebraic eigenvalues.
- last_item_date - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
The date and time of the last Post (or Item) in a Forum (or a
Container), in ISO 8601 format.
- last_name - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
Last (real) name of this user.
- lastFrameWasBoundary - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Whether the last processed frame was a boundary
- lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- lastMatchBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackedFace
The last matched bounds: _rect
- latest_version - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
Links to the latest revision of this Item or Post.
- LawsTexture - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank
- LawsTexture() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTexture
Construct using 15*15 macro windows for the energy computation
- LawsTexture(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTexture
Construct using the given sized macro windows for the energy computation
- LawsTexture(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTexture
Construct using the given sized macro windows for the energy computation
- LawsTextureBase - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank
that provides the 16 raw kernels used in Laws texture
classification approach.
- LawsTextureBase() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
Default constructor
- LayoutExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.web.layout
Class for extracting information on the layout of DOM elements in
a web page.
- LayoutExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Default constructor
- LayoutExtractor(long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Default constructor
- LayoutExtractorTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.web
Tool for extracting information from rendered webpages.
- LayoutExtractorTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.web.LayoutExtractorTool
- LDABetaInitStrategy - Interface in org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle
Initialisation strategies for the beta matrix in the maximum liklihood LDA.
- LDABetaInitStrategy.RandomBetaInit - Class in org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle
initialises beta randomly s.t.
- LDALearner - Class in org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle
An implementation of variational inference LDA which can be saved and loaded
- LDALearner(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDALearner
- LDAModel - Class in org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle
Holds the sufficient statistics for a maximum liklihood LDA
as well as a single value for alpha (the parameter of the topic
dirichlet prior)
- LDAModel(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAModel
- LDAVariationlState - Class in org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle
The state of the E step of the MLE LDA
- LDAVariationlState(LDAModel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAVariationlState
The variational state holds phi and gamma states as well as
information for convergence of the E step.
- leafIndices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
Find all the indices seperated by leaves
- leafIndices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
Find all the indices seperated by leaves
- leafIndices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
Find all the indices seperated by leaves
- leafIndices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
Find all the indices seperated by leaves
- leafIndices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
Find all the indices seperated by leaves
- leafIndices() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
Find all the indices seperated by leaves
- learn(LabelledDataProvider, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.classification.boosting.AdaBoost
- learn(LabelledDataProvider, float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.classification.StumpClassifier.WeightedLearner
- learnBasis(Map<?, double[][]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Learn the LDA basis.
- learnBasis(List<double[][]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Learn the LDA basis.
- learnBasis(List<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Learn the principal components of the given data list.
- learnBasis(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Learn the principal components of the given data array.
- learnBasis(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Learn the principal components of the given data matrix.
- learnBasis(FeatureVector[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.pca.FeatureVectorPCA
Learn the PCA basis of the given feature vectors.
- learnBasis(Collection<? extends FeatureVector>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.pca.FeatureVectorPCA
Learn the PCA basis of the given feature vectors.
- learnBasis(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.pca.FeatureVectorPCA
- learnBasisIP(List<? extends IndependentPair<?, double[]>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Learn the LDA basis.
- learnBasisLL(List<List<double[]>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Learn the LDA basis.
- learnBasisML(Map<?, List<double[]>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Learn the LDA basis.
- learnBasisNorm(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.CovarPrincipalComponentAnalysis
- learnBasisNorm(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Learn the PCA basis from the centered data provided.
- learnBasisNorm(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.SvdPrincipalComponentAnalysis
- learnBasisNorm(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.ThinSvdPrincipalComponentAnalysis
- learnBasisNorm(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.pca.FeatureVectorPCA
- learner - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation.BilinearEvaluator
- learner - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.AbstractContextAwareInitStrategy
- learnFeatures(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.cifarexps.CIFARExperimentFramework
- learnFeatures(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.cifarexps.KMeansExp1
- LearningParameters - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner
- LearningParameters() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.LearningParameters
- LearningParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.LearningParameters
- LearningParameters.Placeholder - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner
- LearningRate<PTYPE extends Parameters<PTYPE>> - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation
- LearningRate() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.LearningRate
- learningRate - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.SGD
- learnModel(T...) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.model.ImageClassificationModel
Learn the model from the given
- learnModel(MBFImage...) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.HistogramPatchModel
- learnModel(MBFImage...) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.HistogramPixelModel
- learnModel(MBFImage...) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.OrthotopePixelModel
- learnModel(MBFImage...) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.SingleGaussianPixelModel
- LeastSquaresLinearModel - Class in org.openimaj.math.model
Model of mapping between pairs of integers learned from a least-squares
- LeastSquaresLinearModel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.LeastSquaresLinearModel
Construct model
- LeastSquaresLinearModel(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.LeastSquaresLinearModel
Construct model
- LeaveOneOut<INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross
Leave-One-Out Cross Validation (LOOCV) with a
- LeaveOneOut() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.LeaveOneOut
- LED - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
Left edge
- LEFT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.PolygonUtils
- Left(PunctuationPatternProvider) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EdgePunctuationPatternProvider.Left
- left - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the left
- left - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the left
- left - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the left
- left - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the left
- left - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the left
- left - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the left
- LEFT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.SignProgrammer
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.EnumFV
- length() - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.FeatureVector
Get the length of this vector
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.util.Document
- length - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
The length of the array
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- length - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
The length of the array
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- length - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
The length of the array
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- length - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
The length of the array
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- length - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
The length of the array
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- length - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
The length of the array
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- length() - Method in class org.openimaj.utils.threads.InterruptibleCharSequence
- lerp(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
Linear interpolation of y at x given x0,y0 and x1,y1.
- lerp(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Interpolation
Linear interpolation of y at x given x0,y0 and x1,y1.
- less - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.ScanBeamTree
- lessThan(Object, Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IndexedByteArrayPriorityQueue
- lessThan(Vector, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- lessThan(Matrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
- lessThanSet(Matrix, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
for every value in x less than val set toset
- LetterCandidate - Class in org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt
This class models a candidate textual letter/character from the
- LetterCandidate(PixelSet, float, FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LetterCandidate
- letterHeightRatio - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Maximum ratio of height for two letters to be considered to be
- letters - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LineCandidate
- letters - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.WordCandidate
The letters in this word
- letterVarianceMean - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Maximum allowed variance of stroke width in a single character as a
percentage of the mean.
- LeungMalikFilterBank - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank
Implementation of a the filter bank described in: T.
- LeungMalikFilterBank() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LeungMalikFilterBank
Default constructor with a filter support of 49 pixels
- LeungMalikFilterBank(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LeungMalikFilterBank
Construct with given support (filter size).
- levelIterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.QuadtreeSampler
Create an iterator over each of the levels in the pyramid.
- levelRectangles() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.QuadtreeSampler
Get all the sampling regions grouped by level
- levelsToString(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.PyramidSpatialAggregator
- libfreenectLibrary - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- libfreenectLibrary() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_context - Interface in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_cb - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
Typedef for depth image received event callbacks
native declaration : /usr/include/stdint.h
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_format - Enum in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device - Interface in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device_flags - Enum in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_led_options - Enum in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_log_cb - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
Typedef for logging callback functions
native declaration : /usr/include/stdint.h
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_loglevel - Enum in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution - Enum in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_tilt_status_code - Enum in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_cb - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
Typedef for video image received event callbacks
native declaration : /usr/include/stdint.h
- libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_format - Enum in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- libfreenectLibrary.timeval - Interface in org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect
- LiblinearAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear
Annotator based on linear classifiers learned using Liblinear (see
) or DenseLinear
depending on the density of the
- LiblinearAnnotator(FeatureExtractor<? extends FeatureVector, OBJECT>, LiblinearAnnotator.Mode, SolverType, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LiblinearAnnotator
Default constructor.
- LiblinearAnnotator(FeatureExtractor<? extends FeatureVector, OBJECT>, LiblinearAnnotator.Mode, SolverType, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LiblinearAnnotator
Default constructor.
- LiblinearAnnotator.Mode - Enum in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear
The classifier mode; either multiclass or multilabel.
- LiblinearHelper - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.utils
Helper methods for interoperability of OpenIMAJ types with Liblinear.
- LiblinearHelper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.utils.LiblinearHelper
- LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Light gray colour as RGB
- likelihood - Variable in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAVariationlState
The liklihood of the current topic sufficient statistics and variational parameters
- likelySubheadCandidateRe - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.Regexps
- likes - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Number of users who "liked" this
- line - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LetterCandidate
- line - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.WordCandidate
The line to which this word belongs
- Line2d - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.line
A line in two-dimensional space.
- Line2d() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Construct a line
- Line2d(Point2d, Point2d) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Construct a line
- Line2d(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Construct a line
- Line2d.IntersectionResult - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.line
The result of a line intersection.
- Line2d.IntersectionType - Enum in org.openimaj.math.geometry.line
The type of a result of a line intersection
- LinearByteValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that linearly animates a Byte value between two values.
- LinearByteValueAnimator(byte, byte, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearByteValueAnimator
- LinearByteValueAnimator(int, int, byte, byte, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearByteValueAnimator
- LinearDiscriminantAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm
Implementation of Multiclass Linear Discriminant Analysis.
- LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Construct with the given number of components.
- LinearDoubleValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that linearly animates a Double value between two values.
- LinearDoubleValueAnimator(double, double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearDoubleValueAnimator
- LinearDoubleValueAnimator(int, int, double, double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearDoubleValueAnimator
- LinearFloatValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that linearly animates a Float value between two values.
- LinearFloatValueAnimator(float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearFloatValueAnimator
- LinearFloatValueAnimator(int, int, float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearFloatValueAnimator
- LinearIntegerValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that linearly animates a Integer value between two values.
- LinearIntegerValueAnimator(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearIntegerValueAnimator
- LinearIntegerValueAnimator(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearIntegerValueAnimator
- LinearInterpolationProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation
Perform a linear interpolation such that the value of data at time t1 between t0 and t2 =
data[t1] = data[t0] * (t1 - t0)/(t2-t0) + data[t2] * (t2 - t1)/(t2-t0)
Note that this means if data is known at t1, then t0 = t1 and data[t1] == data[t0]
- LinearInterpolationProcessor(long[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.LinearInterpolationProcessor
- LinearInterpolationProcessor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.LinearInterpolationProcessor
- LinearInterpolationProcessor(long, int, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.LinearInterpolationProcessor
- LinearInterpolationProcessor(long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.LinearInterpolationProcessor
- LinearInterpolationProcessor(long, long, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.LinearInterpolationProcessor
- LinearLongValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that linearly animates a Long value between two values.
- LinearLongValueAnimator(long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearLongValueAnimator
- LinearLongValueAnimator(int, int, long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearLongValueAnimator
- LinearPerceptronDataGenerator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.data
- LinearPerceptronDataGenerator(double, int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.LinearPerceptronDataGenerator
- LinearPerceptronDataGenerator(double, int, double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.LinearPerceptronDataGenerator
The range for each dimension
- LinearRegression - Class in org.openimaj.ml.regression
Given a set of independant variables a linear regressions finds the optimal
vector B such that: (Y - Xb)^2 = 0 (Y - Xb)^{T}(Y-Xb) = 0
calculated by assuming a convex shape of (Y - Xb) with varying values of b
(reasonable as the function is linear) and then calculating the point at
which the first derivative of this function is 0.
- LinearRegression() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.regression.LinearRegression
linear regression model
- LinearRegressionProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor
Using a
model, a time series is used as input to
calculate the coefficients of a linear regression such that value = b * time
+ c
This is the simplest kind of model that can be applied to a time series
- LinearRegressionProcessor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.LinearRegressionProcessor
Calculate the regression from the same time series inputed
- LinearRegressionProcessor(LinearRegression) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.LinearRegressionProcessor
Use reg as the linear regression to predict.
- LinearResampler - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.resample
Simple linear resampling.
- LinearResampler(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.resample.LinearResampler
Construct with the given number of target vertices for lines to have
- LinearShortValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that linearly animates a Short value between two values.
- LinearShortValueAnimator(short, short, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearShortValueAnimator
- LinearShortValueAnimator(int, int, short, short, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearShortValueAnimator
- LinearSVMAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear
based on a set of linear SVMs (one per annotation).
- LinearSVMAnnotator(FeatureExtractor<? extends FeatureVector, OBJECT>, ANNOTATION) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LinearSVMAnnotator
Construct a new
with the given extractor and
the specified negative class.
- LinearSVMAnnotator(FeatureExtractor<? extends FeatureVector, OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LinearSVMAnnotator
- LinearTimeBasedByteValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- LinearTimeBasedByteValueAnimator(byte, byte, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedByteValueAnimator
- LinearTimeBasedDoubleValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- LinearTimeBasedDoubleValueAnimator(double, double, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedDoubleValueAnimator
- LinearTimeBasedFloatValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- LinearTimeBasedFloatValueAnimator(float, float, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedFloatValueAnimator
- LinearTimeBasedIntegerValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- LinearTimeBasedIntegerValueAnimator(int, int, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedIntegerValueAnimator
- LinearTimeBasedLongValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- LinearTimeBasedLongValueAnimator(long, long, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedLongValueAnimator
- LinearTimeBasedShortValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- LinearTimeBasedShortValueAnimator(short, short, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearTimeBasedShortValueAnimator
- LinearVectorKernel - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.kernel
- LinearVectorKernel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.kernel.LinearVectorKernel
- LineCandidate - Class in org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt
This class models a candidate line of text, with one of more word candidates
within it, from the
- LineCandidate() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LineCandidate
- lineFromRotation(int, int, double, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Create a line of a given length that starts at a point and has a given
- lineIterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- lineIterator() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Path2d
Convert the path to a iterated polyline representation
- lineIterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Polyline
- LineIterators - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel.util
Iterators for producing discrete pixel positions along a line.
- LineIterators() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.util.LineIterators
- LineSampler<I extends Image<?,I>,T> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling
defines an interface for objects capable
of extracting information from pixels along a line in an image.
- lineTo(Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
Draw a line from the current position to a pixel
- lineTo(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
Draw a line from the current position to a point
- lineWithinSquare(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Given a rectangle, return the line that actually fits inside the
rectangle for this line
- Link() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.Link
- LINK_DENSITY_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Threshold for removing elements with lots of links
- links - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
List of links
- links - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient.ImageResponse
various links
- ListBackedDataset<T> - Class in org.openimaj.data.dataset
- ListBackedDataset() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
Construct with the an empty
as the backing store.
- ListBackedDataset(List<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
Construct with the given list of items.
- ListBackedDataset(Iterable<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
Construct by consuming the contents of the given iterator into the
backing list.
- listBipolarSentiment() - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentiment
- ListDataset<INSTANCE> - Interface in org.openimaj.data.dataset
- listener - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.OctaveInterestPointFinder
- listener - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveInterestPointFinder
The listener object that gets informed when interest points are detected.
- listeners - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioGrabber
A list of listeners for samples
- ListFilter<IN> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function
- ListFilter(Predicate<IN>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.ListFilter
- ListFunction<IN,OUT> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function
- ListFunction(Function<IN, OUT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.ListFunction
- listImageFiles() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableImageOutput
- listImageFiles(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableImageOutput
- listIterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- listIterator(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- listIterator(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
- listKeys() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Return a list of the keys in the sequence file.
- listKeysAndOffsets() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Return a list of the keys in the sequence file.
- ListModeOptions - Enum in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile
Options for controlling what is printed when listing the contents of a
with the
- ListOperation<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.function
- ListOperation(Operation<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.function.ListOperation
The operation to apply to a
- listOptionsToExtractPolicy(List<ListModeOptions>) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.ListModeOptions
Construct a list of extractors from the given options.
- listPeople() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecogniser
- ListToArray(List<String>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.AnnotationUtils
Converst a list of strings to an array of strings
- LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic - Class in org.openimaj.image.text.extraction
A processor that attempts to extract text from an image.
- LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic
- LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale - Class in org.openimaj.image.text.extraction
An implementation of the multiscale text extractor from
Xiaoqing Liu and Jagath Samarabandu
The University of Western Ontario
- LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale
- LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale.PyramidTextExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.text.extraction
This is the main processor for this text extractor.
- LMedS<I,D,M extends EstimatableModel<I,D>> - Class in org.openimaj.math.model.fit
Least Median of Squares robust model fitting
- LMedS(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
Construct with the given model and residual calculator.
- LMedS(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
Construct with the given model, residual calculator and estimated
proportion of outliers.
- LMedS(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
Construct with the given model, residual calculator and estimated
proportion of outliers.
- LMedS(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, boolean, CollectionSampler<IndependentPair<I, D>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
Construct with the given model and residual calculator.
- LMedS(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, double, boolean, CollectionSampler<IndependentPair<I, D>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
Construct with the given model, residual calculator and estimated
proportion of outliers.
- LMedS(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, double, double, double, boolean, CollectionSampler<IndependentPair<I, D>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
Construct with the given model, residual calculator and estimated
proportion of outliers.
- LmtNode - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon
Local minima table
- LmtNode(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.LmtNode
- LmtTable - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon
- LmtTable() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.LmtTable
- load(InputStream) - Static method in class com.jsaragih.Tracker
- load(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets.AMToolsSampleDataset
Get a dataset of the IMM images and points.
- load(InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets.IMMFaceDatabase
Get a dataset of the IMM images and points.
- load() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector.BuiltInCascade
Create a new detector with the this cascade.
- load(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
- load(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker
Load a tracker from a file.
- load(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker
Load a tracker from an input stream.
- load(T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.Cache
- load(Class<? extends T>, Object...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.Cache
Create an instance of the clazz for the objects (for the constructor).
- load(T, Class<? extends T>, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.Cache
- load(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Load a web page from a URL
- load(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Load a web page from a URL
- load(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Load the page with the given URL
- load(URL, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Load the page with the given URL
- load(String, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Load the page with the given URL
- load(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Load the page with the given URL
- load(List<SparseFloatArray>, TDoubleArrayList, boolean, int, int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.Loader
- loadAgent(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.aop.agent.AgentLoader
Attempt to dynamically load the given agent class
- loadASFDataset(String, InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets.ShapeModelDatasets
Load a dataset from ASF format files as used by the IMM dataset.
- loadClasses(Generator.GeneratorOptions, RepositoryConnection) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.ClassDef
Loads all the class definitions from the given repository
- loadCluster(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans.Map
- loadCon(InputStream) - Static method in class com.jsaragih.IO
Load connections
- loadConfig() - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PicSlurper
Load the configuration file which looks for twitter usernames and
- loadCorrespondingImage(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.vis.QuantisedSIFTPatchExtractor
- loadedFromAPI() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- Loader - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm
- Loader(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.Loader
- loadFinished(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
- loadHTML(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Load a web page from an HTML string
- loadHTML(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Load the given html string into the browser
- loadImage(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
- loadImage(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.FImageFileBackedVideo
- loadImage(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.MBFImageFileBackedVideo
- loadJudgments(String) - Static method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.IREval
Loads a TREC judgments file.
- loadMapData() - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.Snap
- loadModel(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.svm.SVMAnnotator
Load an existing svm model.
- loadMoG(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWCheckPCAGMM
- loadOptions(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, LongWritable, Text>.Context) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.DateTwitterPreprocessingMapper
- loadOptions(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, LongWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod.Map
- loadOptions(Mapper<LongWritable, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.Map
- loadOptions(Reducer<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.NonCombinedTimesReducer
- loadOptions(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, BytesWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairEmit
- loadOptions(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.WordTimeperiodValueMapper
- loadOptions(Reducer<Text, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.WordValueCorrelationReducer
- loadOptions(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, LongWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.MapValuesByTime
- loadOptions(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.MapValuesByWord
- loadOptions(Reducer<LongWritable, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.ReduceValuesByTime
- loadOptions(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.TwitterPreprocessingMapper
- loadPatches(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.RandomPatchSampler
- loadPCA(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWCheckPCAGMM
- loadPTSDataset(String, String, String, InputStreamObjectReader<IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets.ShapeModelDatasets
Load a dataset from PTS format files as used by Tim Cootes's ASM/AAM
- loadRanking(String) - Static method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.IREval
Reads in a TREC ranking file.
- loadReference() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- loadSamplesFile() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
load the samples file
- loadSkipCache(Class<? extends T>, Object...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.Cache
Create an instance of the clazz for the objects (for the constructor).
- loadStarted() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
- loadStats(Path) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
- loadTimeCounts(Path) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
Load the total pairs seen in every time period from the pairmi location
- loadToken(Class<T>, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.DefaultTokenFactory
Load a token with an optional name tag from the backing store.
- loadTrainingSet(InputStream, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeTree
Loads a training set of a given size from an input stream
- loadTri(InputStream) - Static method in class com.jsaragih.IO
Load triangles
- loadXuggleVideo(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection.FromFile
- loadXuggleVideo(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection.FromURL
- loadXuggleVideo(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection
- loadXuggleVideo(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.YouTubeVideoImageCollection
- LocalColourFeatureMode - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper.client
- LocalColourFeatureMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.LocalColourFeatureMode
- LocalConsistentKeypointMatcher<T extends Keypoint> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent
Improved version of ConsistentKeypointMatcher.
- LocalConsistentKeypointMatcher(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.LocalConsistentKeypointMatcher
Default constructor
- LocalContrastFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Local contrast filter; replaces each pixel with the difference between the
maximum and minimum of its neighbours.
- LocalContrastFilter(Set<Pixel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.LocalContrastFilter
Construct with the given support region for selecting pixels to take the
median from.
- LocalFeature<L extends Location,T extends FeatureVector> - Interface in org.openimaj.feature.local
- LocalFeatureExtractor<FEATURE extends LocalFeature<?,?>,OBJECT> - Interface in org.openimaj.feature.local
Interface for objects capable of extracting local features from a given
- LocalFeatureImpl<L extends Location,F extends FeatureVector> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local
- LocalFeatureImpl(L, F) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.LocalFeatureImpl
- LocalFeatureList<T extends LocalFeature<?,?>> - Interface in org.openimaj.feature.local.list
- LocalFeatureListDataSource<T extends LocalFeature<?,? extends ArrayFeatureVector<F>>,F> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.data
- LocalFeatureListDataSource(LocalFeatureList<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.data.LocalFeatureListDataSource
Construct with the given list of data
- LocalFeatureListDataSource(LocalFeatureList<T>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.data.LocalFeatureListDataSource
Construct with the given lists of data
- LocalFeatureListDataSource(List<LocalFeatureList<T>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.data.LocalFeatureListDataSource
Construct with the given lists of data
- LocalFeatureListDataSource(Map<?, LocalFeatureList<T>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.data.LocalFeatureListDataSource
Construct with the given map of data.
- LocalFeatureListIndex<K extends ReadWriteable,V extends LocalFeature<?,?>> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.list
LocalFeatureListIndex is a @{link ReadWriteable} map of keys to local feature
- LocalFeatureListIndex() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.LocalFeatureListIndex
- LocalFeatureMatcher<T extends LocalFeature<?,?>> - Interface in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher
Interface for objects able to match sets of local features against each
- LocalFeatureMode - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options
Types of local feature
- LocalFeatureMode.AbstractDoGSIFTModeOp - Class in org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options
- LocalFeatureMode.LocalFeatureModeOp - Class in org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options
- LocalFeatureProvider<T extends FeatureVector> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor
Base interface for classes capable of building local descriptors.
- localFeaturesDir - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.VLADBuilder
- LocalFeaturesMain - Class in org.openimaj.tools.localfeature
Main tool entry point
- LocalFeaturesMain() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.LocalFeaturesMain
- LocalFeatureVectorProvider<L extends Location,T extends FeatureVector> - Interface in org.openimaj.feature.local
- LocalFileTweetSpout - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
- LocalFileTweetSpout(String...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalFileTweetSpout
- LocalHistogramExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
Local (block-based) pixel histograms
- LocalHistogramExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.LocalHistogramExtractor
- LocalHistogramVideoShotDetector - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector
A shot detector implementing the Steiner et al.
- LocalHistogramVideoShotDetector(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.LocalHistogramVideoShotDetector
- LocalHistogramVideoShotDetector(Video<MBFImage>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.LocalHistogramVideoShotDetector
- LOCALHOST - Static variable in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
the localhost
- LocalImageExtractorProperties<I extends Image<?,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.extraction
An extended
that holds the image being processed
and interest point location
- LocalImageExtractorProperties() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.extraction.LocalImageExtractorProperties
- LocalLBPHistogram - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
built from decomposing the face image into
(non-overlapping) blocks and building histograms of the
s for each block and then concatenating to
form the final feature.
- LocalLBPHistogram() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.LocalLBPHistogram
- LocalLBPHistogram.Extractor<T extends DetectedFace> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature
- localMemcached() - Static method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
- LocalTernaryPattern - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern
Implementation of a Local Ternary Pattern.
- LocalTernaryPattern(float, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
Construct an LTP extractor with the given parameters.
- localText() - Static method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
- localThrift() - Static method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
- LocalTopologyMode - Class in org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology
The local topology for testing.
- LocalTopologyMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.LocalTopologyMode
- LocalTweetSpout - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
- LocalTweetSpout() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.LocalTweetSpout
- LocalUniformBinaryPatternHistogram - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern
Class for extracting histograms of Local Uniform Binary Patterns.
- LocalUniformBinaryPatternHistogram(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalUniformBinaryPatternHistogram
Construct the extractor with the given block size for each local patch.
- LocatedObject(double, double, O) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation.LocatedObject
Create a located object
- LocatedObject3D(double, double, double, D) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D.LocatedObject3D
- location - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.LocalFeatureImpl
- Location - Interface in org.openimaj.feature.local
The Location interface models an object that has
a spatial position in some sense.
- location - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.quantised.QuantisedLocalFeature
The location of the local feature
- location - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.InterestPointKeypoint
The feature location
- location - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
The location of the point
- location - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FeatureFileFeature
The location
- location - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Plain Language content creation location
- location - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.User
Plain Language User location
- locationEquals(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- locationEquals(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- LocationFilter - Interface in org.openimaj.feature.local
A LocationFilter is capable of filtering
- LocationProvider<L extends Location> - Interface in org.openimaj.feature.local
marks classes that have an associated Location or
are capable of producing a
from their internal state.
- lock() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.ExperimentContext
- LOCKY - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- LOCKY() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- LOCKY(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- LOG - Static variable in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftSpout
- logger - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
The logging class
- logger - Static variable in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer
The logger
- logger - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterSearchDataset
- LoggerUtils - Class in org.openimaj.logger
Make using log4j slightly less awful
- LoggerUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.logger.LoggerUtils
- Logging() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.FinderMode.Logging
- LoggingOctaveInterestPointFinder<T extends InterestPointData> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder
Finder with a specified detector which finds interest points at a given
gaussian octave.
- LoggingOctaveInterestPointFinder(MultiscaleInterestPointDetector<T>, IPDSelectionMode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.LoggingOctaveInterestPointFinder
instantiate scalepoints the superclass and scalepoints to log
- LOGIN_KEY - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc.BasicIRCStreamDataset
The login key
- logInplace() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- logProbability(double[][], MultivariateGaussian[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
Compute the log probability of the given data points belonging to each of
the given gaussians
- logProbability(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
Compute the log probability of the given data points belonging to each of
the gaussians
- logScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.LocalColourFeatureMode
- logScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.SIFTTrendFeatureMode
- logScale() - Method in interface org.openimaj.picslurper.client.TrendDetectorFeatureExtractor
- logSum(double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.MathUtils
Given log(a) and log(b) calculate log(a + b) boils down to log(
exp(log_a) + exp(log_b) ) but this might overflow, so we turn this into
log([exp(log_a - log_c) + exp(log_b - log_c)]exp(log_c)) and we set log_c
== max(log_a,log_b) and so it becomes: LARGE + log(1 + exp(SMALL -
LARGE)) == LARGE + log(1 + SMALL) ~= large the whole idea being to avoid
an overflow (exp(LARGE) == VERY LARGE == overflow)
- LongADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- LongADCNearestNeighbours(LongProductQuantiser, long[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- LongADCNearestNeighbours(LongProductQuantiser, byte[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and pre-quantised data .
- LongArrayBackedDataSource - Class in org.openimaj.data
- LongArrayBackedDataSource(long[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.LongArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data
- LongArrayBackedDataSource(long[][], Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.LongArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data and a random generator for random sampling
- LongArrayValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- LongArrayValueAnimator(ValueAnimator<Long>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LongArrayValueAnimator
- LongArrayView - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A wrapper around a java long array that allows
views onto the array to be created without the
overhead of maintaining copies of the data.
- LongArrayView(long[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
Create a view on the given array from l (inclusive) to
r (exclusive).
- LongArrayView(long[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
Create a view on the entirety of the given array.
- LongArrayView(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
Create a view on an array of length n.
- LongBytePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of long and byte types
- LongBytePair(long, byte) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Construct pair with given values
- LongBytePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Construct empty pair
- LongCauchyFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that use a Cauchy
distribution to approximate L1 distance.
- LongCauchyFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongCauchyFactory
Construct the factory with the given parameters.
- LongCentroidsResult - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
- LongCentroidsResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.LongCentroidsResult
- LongDoublePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of long and double types
- LongDoublePair(long, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Construct pair with given values
- LongDoublePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Construct empty pair
- LongFloatPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of long and float types
- LongFloatPair(long, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Construct pair with given values
- LongFloatPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Construct empty pair
- LongFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic long single-dimensional feature vector implementation
- LongFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- LongFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- LongFV(long[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- LongFVComparator - Interface in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for LongFV objects.
- LongFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for LongFV objects.
- LongGaussianFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions using Gaussian
distributions to approximate the Euclidean distance.
- LongGaussianFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongGaussianFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- LongHammingFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that approximate the
Hamming distance.
- LongHammingFactory(int, MersenneTwister, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHammingFactory
Construct a new factory using the given parameters.
- LongHashFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- LongHashFunctionFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- LongHashFunctionFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHashFunctionFactory
- LongHyperplaneCosineFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate cosine
distance using hyperplanes.
- LongHyperplaneCosineFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHyperplaneCosineFactory
Construct with the given arguments.
- LongHyperplaneL1Factory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate L1
(city-block) distance in closed spaces using random axis-aligned hyperplanes.
- LongHyperplaneL1Factory(int, MersenneTwister, long, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongHyperplaneL1Factory
Construct with the given arguments.
- LongIntPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of long and int types
- LongIntPair(long, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Construct pair with given values
- LongIntPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Construct empty pair
- LongKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Immutable KD-Tree implementation for long[] data.
- LongKDTree(long[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
- LongKDTree(long[][], LongKDTree.SplitChooser) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
Construct with the given data and splitting strategy
- LongKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Approximate best-bin-first median splitting.
- LongKDTree.BasicMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Basic median split.
- LongKDTree.BBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Best-bin-first median splitting.
- LongKDTree.KDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
An internal node of the KDTree
- LongKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Randomised best-bin-first splitting strategy:
Nodes with less than a set number of items become leafs.
- LongKDTree.SplitChooser - Interface in org.openimaj.util.tree
Interface for describing how a branch in the KD-Tree should be created
- LongKDTreeEnsemble - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees for long data.
- LongKDTreeEnsemble(long[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a LongKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data,
using the default of 8 trees.
- LongKDTreeEnsemble(long[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a LongKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- LongKDTreeEnsemble(long[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a LongKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- LongKDTreeEnsemble.LongKDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
An internal node of the KDTree
- LongKDTreeNode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongKDTreeEnsemble.LongKDTreeNode
Construct a new node
- LongKDTreeNode(long[][], IntArrayView, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongKDTreeEnsemble.LongKDTreeNode
Construct a new node with the given data
- LongKMeans - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Fast, parallel implementation of the K-Means algorithm with support for
bigger-than-memory data.
- LongKMeans(KMeansConfiguration<LongNearestNeighbours, long[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Construct the clusterer with the the given configuration.
- LongKMeans() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
A completely default
used primarily as a convenience function for reading.
- LongKMeans.Result - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Result object for LongKMeans, extending LongCentroidsResult and LongNearestNeighboursProvider,
as well as giving access to state information from the operation of the K-Means algorithm
- LongKMeansInit - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Initialisation for K-Means clustering.
- LongKMeansInit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeansInit
- LongKMeansInit.RANDOM - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Simple kmeans initialized on randomly selected samples.
- LongKNNAssigner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft
that picks a fixed number of nearest neighbours.
- LongKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<long[]>, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.LongKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- LongKNNAssigner(long[][], boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.LongKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- LongKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<long[]>, LongFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.LongKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- LongKNNAssigner(long[][], LongFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.LongKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- LongLongPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of long and long types
- LongLongPair(long, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Construct pair with given values
- LongLongPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Construct empty pair
- LongLSHSketcher<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.sketch
that produces bit-string sketches encoded as long arrays.
- LongLSHSketcher(List<HashFunction<OBJECT>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.LongLSHSketcher
Construct with the given functions.
- LongLSHSketcher(HashFunction<OBJECT>, HashFunction<OBJECT>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.LongLSHSketcher
Construct with the given functions.
- LongLSHSketcher(HashFunctionFactory<OBJECT>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.LongLSHSketcher
Construct with the factory which is used to produce the required number
of functions.
- LongNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Abstract base class for k-nearest-neighbour calculations with long[] data.
- LongNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighbours
- LongNearestNeighboursExact - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Exact (brute-force) k-nearest-neighbour implementation.
- LongNearestNeighboursExact(long[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the LongNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset and using Euclidean distance.
- LongNearestNeighboursExact(long[][], LongFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the LongNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset with the given distance function.
- LongNearestNeighboursExact.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn
- LongNearestNeighboursKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Fast Nearest-Neighbours for long data using an ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees.
- LongNearestNeighboursKDTree(long[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree
Construct the LongNearestNeighboursKDTree with the given options.
- LongNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
- LongNearestNeighboursProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.knn
Interface for classes able to expose a k-nearest-neighbour object.
- LongObjectPair<Q> - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of long and a generic type
- LongObjectPair(long, Q) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongObjectPair
Construct pair with given values
- LongObjectPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongObjectPair
Construct empty pair
- LongProductQuantiser - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Implementation of a Product Quantiser for vectors/arrays of longs.
- LongProductQuantiser(LongNearestNeighboursExact[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongProductQuantiser
- LongProductQuantiserUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
- LongPStableFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
Base class for hashing schemes based on P-Stable distributions.
- LongPStableFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongPStableFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- LongPStableFactory.PStableFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- LongSDCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Symmetric Distance Computation (SDC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- LongSDCNearestNeighbours(LongProductQuantiser, long[][][], long[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongSDCNearestNeighbours
Construct the SDC with the given quantiser, centroids (corresponding to
the quantiser's internal assigners), and data.
- LongShortPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of long and short types
- LongShortPair(long, short) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Construct pair with given values
- LongShortPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Construct empty pair
- lookup - Variable in class org.openimaj.storm.util.graph.StormGraphCreator.NamingStrategy.AlphabeticNamingStrategy
maps names to their original name
- loop(ReversableValueAnimator<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ForwardBackwardLoopingValueAnimator
- loop(ValueAnimator<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LoopingValueAnimator
- loop(int, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.geocode.GeonamesIndexGenerator
Main processing loop for the function
- loop() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.io.FileLooper
Iterates through each line to do the work.
- loop() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder.StreamLooper
Iterates through each line to do the work.
- LoopingValueAnimator<T> - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- LoopingValueAnimator(ValueAnimator<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LoopingValueAnimator
Construct around the given
provide looping behavior.
- LOSS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
- loss - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- loss - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- Loss - Interface in org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm
- loss(double, double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.Loss
- LossFunction - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss
With a held Y and X, return gradient and evaluations of
a loss function of some parameters s.t.
- LossFunction() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.LossFunction
- LossFunction - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss
With a held Y and X, return gradient and evaluations of
a loss function of some parameters s.t.
- LossFunction() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.LossFunction
- LossFunctions - Enum in org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm
- lowest(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.FewEigenvalues
Compute the smallest eigenvalues in magnitude.
- lowFrequency - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
The lowest frequency of the filter
- lowSlope - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
The slope of first half of the filter.
- LRIntensityBalance - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Implementation of the intensity balance algorithm described by Yeh et al.
- LRIntensityBalance() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.LRIntensityBalance
Construct with the default 64 intensity histogram bins.
- LRIntensityBalance(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.LRIntensityBalance
Construct with the given number of intensity histogram bins.
- LrIntensityBalanceExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
Left-right intensity balance
- LrIntensityBalanceExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.LrIntensityBalanceExtractor
- LSBModifier<O> - Class in org.openimaj.util.hash.modifier
that extracts the Least Significant Bit of the
underlying hash.
- LSBModifier(HashFunction<O>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.hash.modifier.LSBModifier
Construct with the given hash function
- LSHGroupingComparator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.LSHGroupingComparator
- LSHMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.LSHMapper
- LSHNearestNeighbours<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.knn.lsh
Nearest-neighbours based on Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH).
- LSHNearestNeighbours(List<HashFunction<OBJECT>>, DistanceComparator<OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
Construct with the given hash functions and distance function.
- LSHNearestNeighbours(HashFunctionFactory<OBJECT>, int, DistanceComparator<OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
Construct with the given hash function factory which will be used to
initialize the requested number of hash tables.
- LSHPartitioner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.LSHPartitioner
- LSHReducer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.LSHReducer
- LtpDtFeature - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp
The LTP based feature using a truncated Euclidean distance transform
to estimate the distances within each slice.
- LtpDtFeature(FImage, FImage, LTPWeighting) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.LtpDtFeature
- LtpDtFeature.Extractor<Q extends DetectedFace> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp
- LtpDtFeatureComparator - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison
A comparator for Local Trinary Pattern Features using a
Euclidean distance transform.
- LtpDtFeatureComparator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.LtpDtFeatureComparator
- ltpPixels - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.AbstractLtpDtFeature
The pixels forming the binary patterns in each slice
- LTPWeighting - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp
- LuoSimplicity - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Estimate the simplicity of an image by looking at the colour distribution of
the background using the algorithm defined by Yiwen Luo and Xiaoou Tang.
- LuoSimplicity() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.LuoSimplicity
Construct with the defaults of 16 histograms per image band and a gamma
value of 0.01.
- LuoSimplicity(int, float, float, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.LuoSimplicity
Construct with the given parameters.
- LuoSimplicityExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
Luo's simplicity feature
- LuoSimplicityExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.LuoSimplicityExtractor
- LuoTangSubjectRegion - Class in org.openimaj.image.saliency
Extract the subject region of an image based on the
part that is least blurred (most in-focus).
- LuoTangSubjectRegion() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.saliency.LuoTangSubjectRegion
- LuoTangSubjectRegion(float, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.saliency.LuoTangSubjectRegion
Construct with the given parameters.
- lut - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.UniformBinaryPattern
- lxmxblur - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- lxmyblur - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- lymyblur - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- lzoCompress() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.Stage
- M - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomByteClusterer
- M - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomDoubleClusterer
- M - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomFloatClusterer
- M - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomIntClusterer
- M - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomLongClusterer
- M - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomShortClusterer
- m01() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
Get the value of m01
- m10() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
Get the value of m10
- MAGENTA - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Magenta colour as RGB
- magnification - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.ColourGradientFeatureExtractor
The magnification factor determining the size of the sampling region
relative to the scale of the interest point.
- magnification - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.GradientFeatureExtractor
The magnification factor determining the size of the sampling region
relative to the scale of the interest point.
- magnificationFactor - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
The magnification factor determining the size of a spatial SIFT bin
relative to the scale.
- magnitude - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.extraction.GradientScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties
The gradient magnitude map
- magnitude - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.CLSobel
The computed Sobel magnitude
- magnitude - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.EdgeFinder
The magnitudes of each edge as worked out by the hypotenuse of the triangle formed by the dx and dy of a pixel
- magnitudes - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.ColourGradientFeatureExtractor
- magnitudes - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients
The gradient magnitudes
- MagnitudeSpectrum - Class in org.openimaj.audio.features
A wrapper around the JAudio magnitude spectrum feature extractor.
- MagnitudeSpectrum() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.features.MagnitudeSpectrum
Default constructor
- magnitudeThreshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.BasicOctaveExtremaFinder
- magnitudeThreshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Threshold on the magnitude of detected points (Lowe IJCV, p.11)
- main(String[]) - Static method in class backtype.storm.spout.TestTopology
- main(String...) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.SingularValues
Sample main
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.AccuracyCheckDoubleDCT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.AccuracyCheckFloatDCT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkDoubleDCT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkFloatDCT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.AccuracyCheckDoubleDHT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.AccuracyCheckFloatDHT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkDoubleDHT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkFloatDHT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.AccuracyCheckDoubleDST
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.AccuracyCheckFloatDST
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkDoubleDST
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkFloatDST
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckDoubleFFT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.AccuracyCheckFloatFFT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.IREval
Tool main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.aop.classloader.ClassLoaderTransform
Main method for an alternative in-place loading strategy.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.AudioUtils
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.input.BibtexToReference
Helper tool to convert bibtex to
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeTree
Given an image filename, it will classify it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeUtilities
The main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.TrainClassifier
First arg: Number of images in directory to go through
Second arg: Directory of images
Third arg: File to write to
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.BasicDuplicateImageDatabase
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.ClusterTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.Demos
Default main just starts the demo system.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FBTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FisherTesting
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWCheckGMM
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWCheckPCAGMM
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWDetectAlign
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWDSift
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWDSiftPCAAugment
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWDSiftPCAAugmentGMM
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWExperiment
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWExtractMatlabVectors
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWFVEncode
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.FVFWFVEncodeMatlab
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.GaussPyr
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.ImageFeatureMDS
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.ImgDetector
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.JugglingKinect
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.PixelShuffle
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.SimpleMosaic
Build a mosaic
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.SuzukiTests
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.VideoTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.adv.advanced.parallel.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.adv.faces.eigen.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.adv.faces.pipeeigen.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.AudioWaveformDemo
Main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.FFT
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.FFTEQ
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.MFCCs
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.MFCCsLive
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.SpectralFluxLive
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.Spectrogram
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.gettingstarted.maven.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.clustseg.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.datasets.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.firstimage.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.imagehist.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.images.siftmatch.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.ml.class101.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.stream.twitterimages.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.video.faces.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.video.procvid.App
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.UKBenchGMMExperiment
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserTool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.HadoopDownloader
Main program entry point
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIF
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeans
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.globalfeature.HadoopGlobalFeaturesTool
The main method for the tool.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.ComputeLSHDistribution
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.DupsEdgeFilter
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopPcaVladExtractor
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopPqPcaVladIndexer
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.SimpleLSHDuplicatesFinder
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.localfeature.HadoopLocalFeaturesTool
The main entry point
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.SequenceFileIndexer
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.SequenceFileTool
Tool main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.SequenceFileMerger
Runs the tool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopCounterTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterPreprocessingTool
run the tool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenTool
run the tool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.matlabio.MatlabIO
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.matlabio.SparseCSVToMatlab
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndex
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassSerialReader
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.GPSSerialReader
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
Test the turntable
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EuclideanDistanceTransform
Test the distance transform
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset.Corel5kDataset
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.calibration.TestHarness
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.ChessboardCornerFinder
Simple test program
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.FastChessboardDetector
Simple test program
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.gui.TestGUI
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
an example run
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.OxfordRepeatabilityExperiment
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.RepeatabilityExperiment
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.SimulationDriver
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.DrawingTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.Runner
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.Testing
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.Evaluate
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.Test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.Testing
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.Training
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ocr.SimpleOCR
Process the given images (filenames or urls)
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.FDDBEvaluation
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
Run the face detector following the conventions of the ocv detector
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFontRenderer
Just for testing render quality against AWT
- main(String[]) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFont
Demonstrate the font engine
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFontRenderer
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.Cache
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.ica.SymmetricFastICA
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GramSchmidtProcess
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.model.GaussianVectorNaiveBayesModel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.model.UnivariateGaussianNaiveBayesModel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.benchmark.CFMatrixMultiplyBenchmark
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.benchmark.MatlibMatrixMultiplyBenchmark
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.WineDatasetExperiment
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.AustrianWordExperiments
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearLearnerParametersLineSearch
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillAustrianDampeningExperiments
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillAustrianExperiments
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillAustrianExperimentsNormalised
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillWordInvestigation
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.LambdaSearchAustrian
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.RegretExperiment
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.StreamAustrianDampeningExperiments
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.neuralnet.HandWritingNeuralNetENCOG
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.neuralnet.HandWritingNeuralNetSANDIA
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.neuralnet.OnlineBackpropOneHidden
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.ZMQFailClient
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.ZMQGraphicalClient
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.ZMQPicslurperClient
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.ZMQStreamingPicslurperClusterer
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PicSlurper
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PicslurperTwitterHarness
Instantiates a
tool which reads from a stream which
this class constructs.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StormPicSlurper
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.storm.StormPlayground
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.StormTwitterPreprocessingTool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.geocode.GeonamesIndexGenerator
Command line entry point.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector
prints available languages
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder
Defualt main.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NGramGenerator
lightweight test with some really horrible unicode
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.Rationaliser
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.SeedBuilder
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.SparqlTransitiveClosure
a subclasof test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoCompanyAnnotatorEvaluator
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
lightweight test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.lexicon.TotalLexBuilder
Quick tester for class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.PipePlayground
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.CBIRMain
Run the tool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.VLADBuilder
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.VLADIndexerBuilder
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiser
The main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.extraction.FaceExtractorTool
Default main
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceDetectorTool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceSimilarityTool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.FaceRecogniserTrainingTool
The main method of the tool.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.FaceRecognitionCrossValidatorTool
The main method for the tool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.FaceRecognitionInfoTool
The main method of the tool.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.FaceRecognitionTool
The main method of the tool.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.CollectionComparisonTool
Main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.GlobalFeaturesTool
The main method of the tool.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.PairWiseComparisonTool
The main method of the tool.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.ParallelExecutor
The main method of the tool.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.SegmentingGlobalFeaturesTool
The main method for the tool.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.SegmentingPairWiseComparisonTool
The main method of the tool.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionTool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.BatchExtractor
Run the tool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.Extractor
Run the tool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.LocalFeaturesMain
Run the tool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.SIFTGeoConverter
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Simple main that runs a simulation of 5 runs with the text "ABC" or
text supplied on the command line.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.KNNCharacterClassifier
The main does a training run then a test run.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.RedditHarvester
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.ReferencesTool
The main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.SimilarityMatrixTool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.NERMode
Tester for mode.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.TwitterPreprocessingTool
Run the tool
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.vis.QuantisedSIFTPatchExtractor
The main method of the tool.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.vis.QuantisedSIFTVisualiser
The main method of the tool.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.Dmoz2CSV
Main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.DmozExtractFeatures
Main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.LayoutExtractorTool
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.Reader
Main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.WebTools
Main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.experiments.langid.TrueLanguageExperiment
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GsonPLAY
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Test main method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.gstreamer.GStreamerVideo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.examples.Example1
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.examples.Example2
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.examples.Example3
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
Simple test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Shows a basic bar visualisation.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Shows a basic bar visualisation.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ChronologicalScrollingBarVisualisation3D
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
Main method to demonstrate the vis.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
Example of the height map.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
Simple test that opens a window, waits 2 seconds, then closes it.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.LabelledPointVisualisation
Main method to demonstrate the vis.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.Rectangle3DPlotter
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.SED2013Ternary
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryPlot
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Main method test for the timeline
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.VideoVisualisation
Main method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
Demonstration method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel.Accel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel.MovingEdges
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel.TestConnected
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel.VideoSpectrogram
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.AdaptiveMoGBackgroundEstimator
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.audio.AudioPlay
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.audio.AudioTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.BackgroundEstimator
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.BackgroundSubtractor
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.Cluster
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.EfrosLeungInpainter
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.cifarexps.KMeansExp1
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.RandomPatchSampler
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.Test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.Test2
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.TestImageClass
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.GD_SVD
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.GD_SVD2
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.SGD
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.Pendulum
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.PendulumNonTextured
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgdMain
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.SignProgrammer
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.Snap
- MAIN_CLASS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.aop.classloader.ClassLoaderTransform
- mainLoop(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Run the browsers main event loop for timeout milliseconds
- mainOptions(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiser
Prepare options
- MajorityVoting - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement
Majority voting.
- MajorityVoting() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement.MajorityVoting
- makeConfiguration(TwitterAPIToken) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterSearchDataset
- makeDisparityMap(MBFImage, MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.colour.CIEDE2000
Compute the disparity map between two images.
- makeDisplayFrame(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Get a frame that will display an image.
- makeDisplayFrame(String, int, int, BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Get a frame that will display an image.
- makeDisplayFrame(String, int, int, BufferedImage, Image<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Get a frame that will display an image.
- makeDisplayFrameSimple(String, int, int, BufferedImage, Image<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Get a frame that will display an image.
- makeFilter(float, int, int, float, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LeungMalikFilterBank
- makeFilters(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LeungMalikFilterBank
- makeFilters(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.RootFilterSetFilterBank
- makeFilters(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.SchmidFilterBank
- makeFrame(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Make a frame with the given title.
- makeHistogram(FImage, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.OtsuThreshold
- makeHistogram(float[], int, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.OtsuThreshold
- makeKernel(float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FGaussianConvolve
Construct a zero-mean Gaussian with the specified standard deviation.
- makeKernel(float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FGaussianConvolve
Construct a zero-mean Gaussian with the specified standard deviation.
- makeKernel(double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.GaussianTimeSeriesProcessor
Construct a zero-mean Gaussian with the specified standard deviation.
- makeKeypoint(QuantisedKeypoint) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.vis.QuantisedSIFTVisualiser
- makeLinear(int, byte...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ByteArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new ByteArrayValueAnimator from an array of
values using
s with the
range -max to +max and the given duration.
- makeLinear(int, int, byte, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ByteArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new ByteArrayValueAnimator from count
s with the given start
and finish values, and the given duration.
- makeLinear(int, double...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.DoubleArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new DoubleArrayValueAnimator from an array of
values using
s with the
range -max to +max and the given duration.
- makeLinear(int, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.DoubleArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new DoubleArrayValueAnimator from count
s with the given start
and finish values, and the given duration.
- makeLinear(int, float...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.FloatArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new FloatArrayValueAnimator from an array of
values using
s with the
range -max to +max and the given duration.
- makeLinear(int, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.FloatArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new FloatArrayValueAnimator from count
s with the given start
and finish values, and the given duration.
- makeLinear(int, int...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.IntegerArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new IntegerArrayValueAnimator from an array of
values using
s with the
range -max to +max and the given duration.
- makeLinear(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.IntegerArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new IntegerArrayValueAnimator from count
s with the given start
and finish values, and the given duration.
- makeLinear(int, long...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LongArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new LongArrayValueAnimator from an array of
values using
s with the
range -max to +max and the given duration.
- makeLinear(int, int, long, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LongArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new LongArrayValueAnimator from count
s with the given start
and finish values, and the given duration.
- makeLinear(int, short...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ShortArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new ShortArrayValueAnimator from an array of
values using
s with the
range -max to +max and the given duration.
- makeLinear(int, int, short, short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ShortArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new ShortArrayValueAnimator from count
s with the given start
and finish values, and the given duration.
- makeNextValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.AbstractValueAnimator
- makeNextValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearByteValueAnimator
- makeNextValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearDoubleValueAnimator
- makeNextValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearFloatValueAnimator
- makeNextValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearIntegerValueAnimator
- makeNextValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearLongValueAnimator
- makeNextValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearShortValueAnimator
- makeRandomLinear(int, byte...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ByteArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new ByteArrayValueAnimator from an array of
values using
s with the
range -max to +max and the given duration.
- makeRandomLinear(int, int, byte, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ByteArrayValueAnimator
- makeRandomLinear(int, double...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.DoubleArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new DoubleArrayValueAnimator from an array of
values using
s with the
range -max to +max and the given duration.
- makeRandomLinear(int, int, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.DoubleArrayValueAnimator
- makeRandomLinear(int, float...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.FloatArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new FloatArrayValueAnimator from an array of
values using
s with the
range -max to +max and the given duration.
- makeRandomLinear(int, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.FloatArrayValueAnimator
- makeRandomLinear(int, int...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.IntegerArrayValueAnimator
- makeRandomLinear(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.IntegerArrayValueAnimator
- makeRandomLinear(int, long...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LongArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new LongArrayValueAnimator from an array of
values using
s with the
range -max to +max and the given duration.
- makeRandomLinear(int, int, long, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LongArrayValueAnimator
- makeRandomLinear(int, short...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ShortArrayValueAnimator
Construct a new ShortArrayValueAnimator from an array of
values using
s with the
range -max to +max and the given duration.
- makeRandomLinear(int, int, short, short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ShortArrayValueAnimator
- makeReference(BibTeXEntry) - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
- makeRuns(int, FontSimulator.FontSimListener<I>, I) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Make a number of runs of creating text renders
- makeSet(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
Make a new subset from the given item
- makeTransform(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Create a transform to transform from one rectangle to another.
- makeValues(int, int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
- makeValues(int, int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
- mantissa - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.util.MathUtils.ExponentAndMantissa
The mantissa
- map - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
- map(LongWritable, Text, Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.DownloadMapper
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIF.HadoopEXIFMapper
- Map() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans.Map
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans.Map
- Map() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureCount.Map
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, IntWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureCount.Map
- Map() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureSelect.Map
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureSelect.Map
- Map() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.ImageFeatureSelect.Map
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.ImageFeatureSelect.Map
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.MapperOut, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.LSHMapper
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.RecordIndexMapper
- map(LongWritable, Text, Mapper<LongWritable, Text, LongWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.DateTwitterPreprocessingMapper
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopCounterTest.CounterMapper
- map(LongWritable, Text, Mapper<LongWritable, Text, LongWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopLZOTest.CounterMapper
- map(LongWritable, Text, Mapper<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.SimpleTwitterPreprocessingMapper
- Map() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod.Map
Mapper don't care, mapper don't give a fuck
- map(LongWritable, Text, Mapper<LongWritable, Text, LongWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod.Map
- Map() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.Map
Mapper constructor doesn't do anything (Mapper constructor doesn't
give a fuck)
- map(LongWritable, BytesWritable, Mapper<LongWritable, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.Map
- map(LongWritable, Text, Mapper<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match.TokenRegexMapper
- map(LongWritable, Text, Mapper<LongWritable, Text, BytesWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairEmit
- map(BytesWritable, BytesWritable, Mapper<BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortMapper
- map(LongWritable, Text, Mapper<LongWritable, Text, DoubleWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.PValueWordMapper
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.WordTimeperiodValueMapper
for each word, read its time period and quantised to a finance time period
emit for each word a quantised time period, the data needed to calculate DF-IDF at that time and the value from finance
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BooleanWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeTimeWord.IntersectionUnionMap
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, LongWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.TimeWordMapper
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, LongWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.MapValuesByTime
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.MapValuesByWord
- Map() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.TimeIndex.Map
- map(LongWritable, BytesWritable, Mapper<LongWritable, BytesWritable, LongWritable, LongWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.TimeIndex.Map
- Map() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndex.Map
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, LongWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndex.Map
- map(Text, BytesWritable, Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.timeseries.SpecificWordSelectionMapper
- map(LongWritable, Text, Mapper<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.TwitterPreprocessingMapper
- map - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.AchantaSaliency
- map - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.YehSaliency
- map(Function<T, R>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
- map(MultiFunction<T, R>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
- map(Function<T, R>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.stream.Stream
Transform the stream by creating a new stream that transforms the items
in this stream with the given
- map(MultiFunction<T, R>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.stream.Stream
Transform the stream by creating a new stream that transforms the items
in this stream with the given
- MapBackedDataset<KEY,DATASET extends Dataset<INSTANCE>,INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.data.dataset
- MapBackedDataset() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
- MapBackedDataset(Map<KEY, DATASET>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
Construct with the given map.
- MapBackedDataset.IdentifiableBuilder<DATASET extends Dataset<INSTANCE> & Identifiable,INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.data.dataset
- MapBackedMetaIndex<DATA,METADATA extends Identifiable> - Class in org.openimaj.image.searching
- MapBackedMetaIndex(FeatureExtractor<METADATA, DATA>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.searching.MapBackedMetaIndex
- MapGetter - Class in org.kohsuke.args4j.spi
A getter for map objects
- MapGetter(String, Object, Field) - Constructor for class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.MapGetter
- mapItem(String, ImageCollectionEntry<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.metamapper.ConsoleMetaMapper
- mapItem(String, ImageCollectionEntry<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.metamapper.FileMetaMapper
- mapItem(String, ImageCollectionEntry<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.metamapper.MetaMapper
- mappedInterestPoints - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
The detected interest points, grouped by simulation
- mapper() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.Stage
- mapper() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match.TokenRegexStage
- mapper() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
- mapper() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
- mapper() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordSort
- mapper() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordTimeSeries
- mapper() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.TimeWordJacardIndex
- mapper(ImageCollectionProcessor<MBFImage>) - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.MetaMapperMode
- mapper() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.MetaMapperMode
- mapperModeOp - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- MapperOut() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.MapperOut
- mapping(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.DoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- MappingNode(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.MappingNode
- MapValuesByTime - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv
Emits each word with the total number of times the word was seen
- MapValuesByTime() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.MapValuesByTime
construct the map instance (do nothing)
- MapValuesByWord - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv
Emits each word with the total number of times the word was seen
- MapValuesByWord() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.MapValuesByWord
construct the map instance (do nothing)
- MarginMeanCenteredPerceptron - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron
- MarginMeanCenteredPerceptron(VectorKernel, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MarginMeanCenteredPerceptron
- MarginMeanCenteredPerceptron(VectorKernel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MarginMeanCenteredPerceptron
- MarkovChainLanguageModel - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.language
Code to train, classify and generate language specific text by building a
first order Markov chain.
- MarkovChainLanguageModel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.MarkovChainLanguageModel
Generate a new empty markov chain language model
- mask - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.mask.AbstractMaskedObject
- mask - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- mask - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractImageMaskInpainter
The mask image
- MaskedObject<M extends Image<?,M>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.mask
An interface for objects with an image mask.
- MaskedRobustContrastEqualisation - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
An image processor that performs contrast equalisation
in a robust manner with a mask.
- MaskedRobustContrastEqualisation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MaskedRobustContrastEqualisation
Construct with no mask set
- MaskedRobustContrastEqualisation(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MaskedRobustContrastEqualisation
Construct with a mask.
- MaskingBlockHistogramModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics
An array of multidimensional histograms calculated from image pixels using a mask
(assumes image is in 0-1 range)
- MaskingBlockHistogramModel(FImage, int, int, int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MaskingBlockHistogramModel
Construct with the given parameters
- MaskingHistogramModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics
A multidimensional histogram calculated from image pixels selected through a mask
(assumes image is in 0-1 range)
- MaskingHistogramModel(FImage, int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MaskingHistogramModel
Construct with the given parameters
- match(List<? extends DetectedFace>, List<? extends DetectedFace>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.Matcher
- Match(DetectedFace, DetectedFace, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.Matcher.Match
- match(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.combinatorics.optimisation.HungarianAlgorithm
Helper method to record a matching between worker w and job j.
- match(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Javascript-like String.match
- matcher - Variable in class com.jsaragih.Patch
- Matcher - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking
- Matcher() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.Matcher
- Matcher.Match - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking
- matches - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicMatcher
- matches - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicTwoWayMatcher
- matches - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastEuclideanKeypointMatcher
- matches - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.MultipleMatchesMatcher
- matches - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.quantised.BasicQuantisedKeypointMatcher
- matches(Pixel, Set<Pixel>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
Determine if this structuring element is completely contained in the
pixels centered at p.
- matches(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.JavaRegexEngine
- matches(String) - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.RegexEngine
- matchesSafely(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.NotEmptyCollection
- matchExact(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityExactMatcherFactory.YagoEntityExactMatcher
Returns a list of most likely unique Named Entities.
- matchExact(List<TokenAnnotation>, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityExactMatcherFactory.YagoEntityExactMatcher
- MatchingUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher
Drawing utility useful for drawing two images and the matches between their feature points
- MatchingUtilities() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.MatchingUtilities
- MathMLFont - Class in org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml
- MathMLFont() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFont
- MathMLFontRenderer<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml
- MathMLFontRenderer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFontRenderer
- MathMLFontStyle<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml
- MathMLFontStyle(MathMLFont, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFontStyle
- MathUtils - Class in org.openimaj.math.util
A collection of maths functions not available anywhere else ive seen
- MathUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.util.MathUtils
- MathUtils.ExponentAndMantissa - Class in org.openimaj.math.util
Class to hold an exponent and mantissa
- MATLAB_DATA() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearExperiment
- MATLAB_DATA(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearExperiment
- MATLAB_OUT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.Values
- MatlabFileDataGenerator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.data
- MatlabFileDataGenerator(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.MatlabFileDataGenerator
- MatlabFileInitStrat - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
Given a matlab file, return its matrix held in the "arr" field as the initialisation matrix
- MatlabFileInitStrat(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.MatlabFileInitStrat
- MatlabIO - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.matlabio
- MatlabIO() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.matlabio.MatlabIO
- MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib
An implementation of a stochastic gradient decent with proximal perameter adjustment
(for regularised parameters).
- MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
The default parameters.
- MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner(BilinearLearnerParameters) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- MatlibMatrixMultiplyBenchmark - Class in org.openimaj.ml.benchmark
- MatlibMatrixMultiplyBenchmark() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.benchmark.MatlibMatrixMultiplyBenchmark
- MatlibMatrixUtils - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix
Some helpful operations on
instances from Adrian Kuhn's
- MatlibMatrixUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- MatLossFunction - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss
- MatLossFunction(LossFunction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.MatLossFunction
- MatLossFunction - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss
- MatLossFunction(LossFunction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.MatLossFunction
- matrices - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.AggregatedCMResult
- Matrix - Class in ch.akuhn.matrix
Two-dimensional table of floating point numbers.
- Matrix() - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- matrix - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.JamaDenseMatrix
The underlying matrix
- MatrixDataGenerator<T extends gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Matrix> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.linear.data
Generates instances of some system of the form:
Y = f(X)
- MatrixDecomposition - Interface in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- matrixFromFloat(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Construct a matrix from a 2D float array of data.
- MatrixTransformProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Interface for classes implementing a model of a matrix transformation.
- MatrixUtils - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix
Miscellaneous matrix operations.
- MatSquareLossFunction - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss
- MatSquareLossFunction() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.MatSquareLossFunction
- MatSquareLossFunction - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss
- MatSquareLossFunction() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.MatSquareLossFunction
- MatteGenerator - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.mask
Generator for grayscale mattes.
- MatteGenerator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.mask.MatteGenerator
- MatteGenerator.MatteType - Enum in org.openimaj.image.processing.mask
An enumerator for various matte algorithms.
- mavenArtifactId - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
The artifact identifier for the maven project, if -maven is used
- mavenParent - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
If a mavenParent is to be added to the pom.xml, the GAV is put here
- mavenProject - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
Whether to create a pom.xml file for the output files
- mavenVersionNumber - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
The version number for the maven project, if -maven is used
- max() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- max(double[], double) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Util
- max(double[][], double) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Util
- max - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
- max() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Find the maximum pixel value.
- max() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Find the maximum pixel value.
- max - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.OrthotopePixelModel
- max() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Find the maximum pixel value.
- max - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MinMaxAnalyser
- max() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- max(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Get the maximum element value
- max(Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Get the maximum element value
- max(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- max() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.Histogram
Compute the maximum value in the histogram
- max() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultidimensionalHistogram
Compute the maximum value in the histogram
- max - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util.RandomChooser
- max_rating - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Maximum "rating" of content
- MAX_VALUE - Static variable in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- maxAbsDiag(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Get the maximum absolute value of the diagonal.
- maxAlpha - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.WatermarkSimulation
- maxAngle() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients.Mode
Get the maximum angular value (in radians) computed by this mode.
- maxAspectRatio - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Maximum allowed aspect ratio for a single letter
- maxAxisRatio - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.CharacteristicOctaveInterestPointFinder
The maximum axis ratio difference before two keypoints are considered
- maxBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.KDTreeNode
The maximum bounds of this node
- maxBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.KDTreeNode
The maximum bounds of this node
- maxBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.KDTreeNode
The maximum bounds of this node
- maxBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.KDTreeNode
The maximum bounds of this node
- maxBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.KDTreeNode
The maximum bounds of this node
- maxBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.KDTreeNode
The maximum bounds of this node
- maxc - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- maxCardinality - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
The maximum number of occurrences of this property allowed
- maxCompression - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.CompressSimulation
- maxDiameterStrokeRatio - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Maximum allowed ratio of diameter to stroke width for a single
- maxDistance - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.CharacteristicOctaveInterestPointFinder
The maximum distance before two keypoints are considered "similar"
- maxEpochs - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.SGD
- MaxFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Max filter; replaces each pixel with the maximum of its neighbours.
- MaxFilter(Set<Pixel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MaxFilter
Construct with the given support region for selecting pixels to take the
median from.
- maxHeight - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Maximum character height
- MaxHistogramExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
- MaxHistogramExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.MaxHistogramExtractor
Default constructor
- maxima - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- Maxima(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD.Maxima
- maxIndex(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the biggest value in the array.
- maxIndex(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the biggest value in the array.
- maxIndex(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the biggest value in the array.
- maxIndex(long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the biggest value in the array.
- maxIndex(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the biggest value in the array.
- maxIndex(short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the biggest value in the array.
- maxIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- maxIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- maxIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- maxIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- maxIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- maxIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- maxInplace(SparseMatrix, SparseMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- maxIter - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
- MaxIterations - Class in org.openimaj.algorithm.iterative
Predicate for stopping iteration after a set maximum number of iterations.
- MaxIterations(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.algorithm.iterative.MaxIterations
Construct with the given maximum number of iterations
- maxIters - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
- maxKernelSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.DepthOfFieldEstimator
- maxNumOverlappingBoxes - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Maximum allowed number of overlapping characters
- MAXP_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordSort
- maxPixel() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Get the pixel with the maximum value.
- maxr - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- maxRad - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughCircles
- maxRotation - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.CharacteristicOctaveInterestPointFinder
The maximum rotation difference before two keypoints are considered
- maxScaleFactor - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.ArbitaryStretchSimulation
- maxScaleFactor - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.UniformScaleSimulation
- maxSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector
- maxSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.set.BoundedTreeSet
- MaxSizeFilter<T extends Shape> - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.filtering
Filter to select the biggest detection.
- MaxSizeFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.filtering.MaxSizeFilter
- maxStrokeWidth - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Maximum allowed stroke width
- maxValue(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the largest value in the array.
- maxValue(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the largest value in the array.
- maxValue(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the largest value in the array.
- maxValue(long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the largest value in the array.
- maxValue(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the largest value in the array.
- maxValue(short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the largest value in the array.
- maxValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- maxValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- maxValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- maxValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- maxValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- maxValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- maxX() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
- maxX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- maxX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- maxX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- maxX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- maxX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- maxX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- maxX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- maxY() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
- maxY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- maxY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- maxY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- maxY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- maxY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- maxY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- maxY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- mbfImage - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.PictureSlide
- MBFImage - Class in org.openimaj.image
A multiband floating-point image.
- MBFImage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Construct an empty MBFImage with a the default RGB colourspace
- MBFImage(ColourSpace, FImage...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Construct an MBFImage from single band images.
- MBFImage(FImage...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Construct an MBFImage from single band images with the default RGB
colourspace if there are three images, RGBA if there are 4 images, or
CUSTOM otherwise.
- MBFImage(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Construct an empty RGB image (3 bands)
- MBFImage(int, int, ColourSpace) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Construct an empty image
- MBFImage(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Construct an empty image.
- MBFImage(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Create an image from a BufferedImage object.
- MBFImage(int[], int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Create an image from a int[] object.
- MBFImage(double[], int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Create an MBFImage from an array of double values with the given width
and height.
- MBFIMAGE_EXTRACTOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.stream.functions.ImageFromURL
- MBFIMAGE_READER - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.CIFARDataset
Reader for getting the data as
- MBFIMAGE_READER - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- MBFImageConverter(IPixelFormat.Type, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo.MBFImageConverter
- MBFImageFileBackedVideo - Class in org.openimaj.video
A video backed by a image files on disk.
- MBFImageFileBackedVideo(List<File>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.MBFImageFileBackedVideo
Construct the video from the provided files.
- MBFImageFileBackedVideo(List<File>, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.MBFImageFileBackedVideo
Construct the video from the provided files.
- MBFImageFileBackedVideo(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.MBFImageFileBackedVideo
Construct videos from numbered files using the given format string and
- MBFImageOptionHandler - Class in org.kohsuke.args4j
that can provide a
a file name.
- MBFImageOptionHandler(CmdLineParser, OptionDef, Setter<? super MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.kohsuke.args4j.MBFImageOptionHandler
Default constructor.
- MBFImageReader - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.cifar
- MBFImageReader(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.cifar.MBFImageReader
Construct with the given image height and width.
- MBFImageRenderer - Class in org.openimaj.image.renderer
- MBFImageRenderer(MBFImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MBFImageRenderer
Construct with given target image.
- MBFImageRenderer(MBFImage, RenderHints) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MBFImageRenderer
Construct with given target image and rendering hints.
- MBFImageToFImageVideoTranslator - Class in org.openimaj.video.translator
Converts an MBFImage video into an FImage video using intensity.
- MBFImageToFImageVideoTranslator(Video<MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.translator.MBFImageToFImageVideoTranslator
Construct using the input video.
- MBFImageWrapper(MBFImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo.MBFImageWrapper
- MBFMeanVarianceField - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels
Compute the mean and variance fields from a video of
- MBFMeanVarianceField() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels.MBFMeanVarianceField
- MBFPatchClassificationModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.patch
- MBFPatchClassificationModel(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.MBFPatchClassificationModel
Construct the model with the specified dimensionality and patch size.
- MBFPixelClassificationModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.pixel
An abstract PixelClassificationModel for
- MBFPixelClassificationModel(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.MBFPixelClassificationModel
Construct the model with the specified dimensionality.
- MBFProjectionProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.transform
- MBFProjectionProcessor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.MBFProjectionProcessor
- MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics
- MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel(int, FLineSampler) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- md5sum(FileSystem, Path) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
Get the MD5 sum of a file
- MD5UUIDKeyProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility.MD5UUIDKeyProvider
- MDS - Class in org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes
- MDS() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.MDS
- mean() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- mean() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
- mean - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BasicDescriptiveStatisticsModel
The mean pixel value
- mean - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
- mean - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
- mean - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
- mean(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- mean - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.AbstractMultivariateGaussian
The mean vector
- mean - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
The mean vector (1xN)
- mean(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Find the mean of a single dimensional double array.
- mean(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the mean of a two dimensional double array.
- mean(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Find the mean of a single dimensional float array.
- mean(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the mean of a two dimensional float array.
- mean() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.RunningStat
Returns the running mean.
- MEAN() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.SplitDetectionMode.MEAN
- MeanAndCovariance - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics
Class to compute the mean and covariance of some given data.
- MeanAndCovariance(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
Construct a new
containing the mean vector and
covariance matrix of the given data (each row is a data point)
- MeanAndCovariance(double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
Construct a new
containing the mean vector and
covariance matrix of the given data (each row is a data point)
- MeanAndCovariance(Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.MeanAndCovariance
Construct a new
containing the mean vector and
covariance matrix of the given data (each row is a data point)
- meanAveragePrecision() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- meanBaselineMetric() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalComparator
- meanBinaryPreference() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- MeanCenter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
that computes the mean of the image's pixels
and subtracts the mean from all pixels.
- MeanCenter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MeanCenter
- MeanCenteredKernelPerceptron - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron
- MeanCenteredKernelPerceptron(VectorKernel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MeanCenteredKernelPerceptron
- MeanCenteredProjectron - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron
- MeanCenteredProjectron(VectorKernel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MeanCenteredProjectron
- MeanCenteredProjectron(VectorKernel, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MeanCenteredProjectron
- meanNormalizedDiscountedCumulativeGain() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- meanNormalizedDiscountedCumulativeGain(int) - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- meanPrecision(int) - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- meanReciprocalRank() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- meanRPrecision() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- MeanSquaredDifferenceAggregator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator
- MeanSquaredDifferenceAggregator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator.MeanSquaredDifferenceAggregator
- MeanSumLossEvaluator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation
- MeanSumLossEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation.MeanSumLossEvaluator
- meanTreatmentMetric() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalComparator
- MeanVector - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix
holds an updatable mean vector
- MeanVector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MeanVector
- MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode - Class in org.openimaj.audio.timecode
A standard MIDI-timecode that uses measures, beats and ticks.
- MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode
Sets up a 4-time, 120 tick MBT timecode.
- MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode(float, long, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode
Create a specific timecode.
- MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode(float, long, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode
Create a specific timecode in a different time signature.
- median - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BasicDescriptiveStatisticsModel
The median of pixel values
- median(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the median of the given array.
- median(double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the median of the given sub-array.
- median(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the median of the given array.
- median(float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the median of the given sub-array.
- MEDIAN() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.SplitDetectionMode.MEDIAN
- MedianFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Median filter; replaces each pixel with the median of its neighbours.
- MedianFilter(Set<Pixel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MedianFilter
Construct with the given support region for selecting pixels to take the
median from.
- medianStrokeWidth - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LetterCandidate
- medianStrokeWidthRatio - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Maximum ratio of stroke width for two letters to be considered to be
- MelFilter - Class in org.openimaj.audio.filters
A Mel triangular filter for frequency spectrum.
- MelFilter(double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MelFilter
The Mel Filter default constructor.
- MelFilterBank - Class in org.openimaj.audio.filters
Filter bank of Mel filters for applying to a frequency domain source.
- MelFilterBank() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MelFilterBank
Construct a default MelFilterBank.
- MelFilterBank(int, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MelFilterBank
Default constructor to create a filter bank with the given number
of filters between the two given frequencies.
- melFrequencyToFrequency(double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.AudioUtils
Converts a Mel frequency back into an approximation of a frequency.
- member_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
A Usergroup that this UserAccount is a member of.
- MemoryAudioSource - Class in org.openimaj.audio.util
Provides a buffered audio source such that the audio can be reset
and re-read as many times as needed without the need for redecoding.
- MemoryAudioSource(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.util.MemoryAudioSource
Constructor that takes the audio stream to buffer.
- MemoryFeatureFile - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
A feature file held in memory
- MemoryFeatureFile(byte[][], String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.MemoryFeatureFile
Construct with the given data
- MemoryLocalFeatureList<T extends LocalFeature<?,?>> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.list
An in-memory list of local features.
- MemoryLocalFeatureList() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
Construct an empty feature list
- MemoryLocalFeatureList(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
Construct an empty list with the given feature-vector length.
- MemoryLocalFeatureList(Collection<? extends T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
Construct a local feature list from the given collection of local
- MemoryLocalFeatureList(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
Construct an empty list with the given feature-vector length and
pre-allocate the underlying array with space for initialCapacity local
- MemoryTwitterStatusList<T extends USMFStatus> - Class in org.openimaj.twitter.collection
- MemoryTwitterStatusList(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.MemoryTwitterStatusList
Consume a collection into this list
- MemoryTwitterStatusList() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.MemoryTwitterStatusList
an empty list
- merge(Component) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
Merge another component with this one
- merge(ComponentFeature) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.ComponentFeature
Merge another feature with this one
- merge(ComponentFeature) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
- merge(ComponentFeature) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.PixelsFeature
- merge(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
- merge_left(PolygonNode, PolygonNode) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.TopPolygonNode
- merge_right(PolygonNode, PolygonNode) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.TopPolygonNode
- mergeModes(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.meanshift.ExactMeanShift
- MergeTreeBuilder - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed
A listener that listens to the watershed algorithm progress and creates a
region tree as the processing takes place.
- MergeTreeBuilder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.MergeTreeBuilder
Default constructor
- MeshWarpAligner - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment
A MeshWarpAligner aligns facial images using a piecewise mesh warping such
that all detected facial keypoints are moved to their canonical coordinates.
- MeshWarpAligner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.MeshWarpAligner
Default constructor
- MeshWarpAligner(String[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.MeshWarpAligner
Construct with the given mesh definition
- MESSAGE_KEY - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc.BasicIRCStreamDataset
The message text key
- meta - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionEntry
- metaAsJson(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.utils.MetaMapUtils
- MetadataConfiguration - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- metaDataMap - Static variable in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- MetadataSequenceFileOutputFormat<K,V> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile
Output format for a extended SequenceFile
that includes
additional metadata in the file header.
- MetadataSequenceFileOutputFormat() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.MetadataSequenceFileOutputFormat
- MetadataVideoIterator<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video
- MetadataVideoIterator(ImageCollectionEntrySelection<T>, Video<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.MetadataVideoIterator
- MetaMapper - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.metamapper
- MetaMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.metamapper.MetaMapper
- MetaMapperMode - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config
- MetaMapperMode - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection
- MetaMapUtils - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.utils
- MetaMapUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.utils.MetaMapUtils
- MetaPayload<PAYLOAD,META> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream.window
A payload with metadata
- MetaPayload(PAYLOAD, META) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.MetaPayload
- MetaPayloadStreamCombiner<AP,AM,BP,BM> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream.window
A stream combiner takes two streams and produces a new stream of syncrhonised
pairs of the stream values.
- MetaPayloadStreamCombiner(Stream<A>, Stream<? extends MetaPayload<BP, BM>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.MetaPayloadStreamCombiner
- MetaRefreshRedirectStrategy() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils.MetaRefreshRedirectStrategy
- MFCC - Class in org.openimaj.audio.features
A wrapper around the MFCC implementation of jAudio (which itself
is a wrapper around the OrangeCow Volume implementation of FFT).
- MFCC() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.features.MFCC
Default constructor
- MFCC(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.features.MFCC
Constructor for chaining to a stream
- MFCCs - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio
Example that shows the extraction of MFCC features from an audio stream
and displaying the results in a visualisation.
- MFCCs() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.MFCCs
- MFCCsLive - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio
Example that shows the extraction of MFCC features from a live audio stream
and displaying the results in a visualisation.
- MFCCsLive() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.MFCCsLive
- MFCheck - Class in com.jsaragih
Multiple face checker
- MFCheck() - Constructor for class com.jsaragih.MFCheck
- milliseconds - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.AudioTimecode
The number of milliseconds from the start of the audio file
- millisecondsInView - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation
The calculation of how many milliseconds are in the last generated view
at the resampled overview.
- millisPerBeat(float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.MusicUtils
Given a beats-per-minute rate, returns the number of milliseconds
in a single beat.
- min() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- min(double[], double) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Util
- min(double[][], double) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Util
- min - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
- min() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Find the minimum pixel value.
- min() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Find the minimum pixel value.
- min - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.OrthotopePixelModel
- min() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Find the minimum pixel value.
- min - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MinMaxAnalyser
- min() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- min(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Get the minimum element value
- min(Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Get the minimum element value
- min(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- min(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
min(A,B) returns an array the same size as A and B with the smallest elements
taken from A or B.
- min - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util.RandomChooser
- MIN_COVAR_RECONDITION - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
Amount to add to the diagonal of the covariance matrix if it's
- min_rating - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Minimum "rating" of content
- MIN_VALUE - Static variable in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- minAbsDiag(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Get the minimum absolute value of the diagonal.
- minAlpha - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.WatermarkSimulation
- minAngle() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients.Mode
Get the minimum angular value (in radians) computed by this mode.
- minArea - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Minimum allowed component size; used to quickly filter out small
- minBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.KDTreeNode
The minimum bounds of this node
- minBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.KDTreeNode
The minimum bounds of this node
- minBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.KDTreeNode
The minimum bounds of this node
- minBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.KDTreeNode
The minimum bounds of this node
- minBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.KDTreeNode
The minimum bounds of this node
- minBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.KDTreeNode
The minimum bounds of this node
- minc - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- minCardinality - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
The minimum number of occurrences of this property allowed
- minCompression - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.CompressSimulation
- mineps - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.ClusterTestDataLoader.TestStats
mineps variable
- MinEpsilon - Class in org.openimaj.algorithm.iterative
Predicate for stopping iteration after a given threshold on epsilon is
- MinEpsilon(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.algorithm.iterative.MinEpsilon
Construct with the given minimum epsilon value is reached
- MinEpsilonOrMaxIterations - Class in org.openimaj.algorithm.iterative
Convenience class that or's together the
to produce a predicate that stops (returns
true) as soon as either the minimum error is reached or the maximum number of
iterations is exceeded.
- MinEpsilonOrMaxIterations(double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.algorithm.iterative.MinEpsilonOrMaxIterations
Construct with the given minimum epsilon and maximum number of
- MinFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Min filter; replaces each pixel with the minimum of its neighbours.
- MinFilter(Set<Pixel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MinFilter
Construct with the given support region for selecting pixels to take the
median from.
- minHeight - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.CropSimulation
- minHeight - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Minimum character height
- minimumBoundingRectangle() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- minimumBoundingRectangle() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- minimumBoundingRectangle() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Compute the minimum size rotated bounding rectangle that contains this
shape using the rotating calipers approach.
- minimumBoundingRectangle(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Compute the minimum size rotated bounding rectangle that contains this
shape using the rotating calipers approach.
- minimumBoundingRectangle() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- minimumBoundingRectangle() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- minimumBoundingRectangle() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Shape
Compute the minimum size rotated bounding rectangle that contains this
- minimumBoundingRectangle() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- minIndex(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the smallest value in the array.
- minIndex(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the smallest value in the array.
- minIndex(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the smallest value in the array.
- minIndex(long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the smallest value in the array.
- minIndex(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the smallest value in the array.
- minIndex(short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the index to the smallest value in the array.
- minIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- minIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- minIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- minIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- minIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- minIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- minInplace(SparseMatrix, SparseMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- minLettersPerLine - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Minimum number of allowed letters on a line
- MinMaxAnalyser - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Analyser that computes for every pixel the minimum and maximum of its
- MinMaxAnalyser(Set<Pixel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MinMaxAnalyser
Construct with the given support region for selecting pixels to take the
median from.
- MinMaxDoGSIFTEngine - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine
A modified implementation of Lowe's difference-of-Gaussian detector and SIFT
feature extraction technique that also records whether features are detected
at local minima or maxima by looking at the sign of the difference of
- MinMaxDoGSIFTEngine() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.MinMaxDoGSIFTEngine
- MinMaxDoGSIFTEngine(DoGSIFTEngineOptions<FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.MinMaxDoGSIFTEngine
- MinMaxKeypoint - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints
extended to hold information on whether was detected at a
maxima or minima.
- MinMaxKeypoint() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.MinMaxKeypoint
Construct with the default feature vector length for SIFT (128).
- MinMaxKeypoint(float, float, float, float, byte[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.MinMaxKeypoint
Construct with the given parameters
- MinMaxKeypoint(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.MinMaxKeypoint
Construct with the given feature vector length.
- MinMaxKeypoint.MinMaxKeypointLocation - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints
- MinMaxKeypointLocation(float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.MinMaxKeypoint.MinMaxKeypointLocation
Construct with the given parameters
- minmaxmean(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- MINP_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
The minimum PMI
- MINPAIRCOUNT_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
The minimum number of pairs
- minPixel() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Get the pixel with the minimum value.
- minpts - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.ClusterTestDataLoader.TestStats
minpts variable
- minr - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- minRad - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughCircles
- minScaleFactor - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.ArbitaryStretchSimulation
- minScaleFactor - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.UniformScaleSimulation
- minSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector
- minSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.FelzenszwalbHuttenlocherSegmenter
- minSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.FaceDetectorToolOptions
Minimum detection size
- minus(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- minus(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- minus(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- minus(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- minus(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- minus(Point2d) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2d
Take point point from another point such that return = this - a
- minus(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- minus(Point3d) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
Take point point from another point such that return = this - a
- minus(Point3d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- minus(T, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- minus(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- minus(double, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- minus(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Subtract matrices A-B
- minus(Matrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Subtract a constant from all values
- minus(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- minusCol(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Subtract the given col vector (held as a Matrix) from every col of the given
matrix, returning the result in a new matrix.
- minusEqualsCol(Matrix, Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- minusEqualsRow(Matrix, Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- minusInplace(DiagonalMatrix, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Subtract two matrices, storing the result in the second:
A = D - A
- minusInplace(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Subtract two matrices, storing the result in the first:
A = A - B
- minusInplace(T, Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Subtract a vector from another vector A = A - D
- minusRow(Matrix, double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Subtract the given row vector from every row of the given matrix, returning
the result in a new matrix.
- minValue(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the smallest value in the array.
- minValue(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the smallest value in the array.
- minValue(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the smallest value in the array.
- minValue(long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the smallest value in the array.
- minValue(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the smallest value in the array.
- minValue(short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Returns the smallest value in the array.
- minValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- minValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- minValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- minValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- minValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- minValue() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- minVote - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.VotingKeypointMatcher
- minWidth - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.CropSimulation
- minX() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
- minX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- minX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- minX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- minX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- minX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- minX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- minX() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- minY() - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
- minY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- minY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- minY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- minY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- minY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- minY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- minY() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- MissingRequiredAnnotationException - Exception in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators
- MissingRequiredAnnotationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.MissingRequiredAnnotationException
- MitchellFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters
Mitchell filter for the resample function.
- MitchellFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.MitchellFilter
- mix(SampleBuffer[], SampleBuffer) - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer.MixEventListener
Callback for a mix event.
- MixtureOfGaussians - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution
Implementation of a mixture of gaussians (gaussian mixture model).
- MixtureOfGaussians(MultivariateGaussian[], double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
Construct the mixture with the given gaussians and weights
- MMSys2013 - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets
A wrapper dataset for the MMSys2013 Fashion-Focussed Creative Commons social
dataset (Loni, et.al).
- MMSys2013() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
- MMSys2013.QuestionResponse - Enum in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets
Allowable types of answer for each question.
- MMSys2013.Record - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets
A record in the Fashion 10,000 dataset.
- MMSys2013.Response - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets
A response to a HIT
- MockReference - Class in org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock
- MockReference(BibTeXEntry) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
Construct from a BibTeXEntry
- mode() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap
- mode - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler
- mode - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BasicDescriptiveStatisticsModel
The mode of pixel values
- mode - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients
The orientation mode
- model - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.HistogramPatchModel
The model histogram; public for speed.
- model - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.HistogramPixelModel
The model histogram; public for speed.
- model - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypointExtractor
- model - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
The tracker to use
- model - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
- model - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- model - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals.AbstractResidualCalculator
- Model<I,D> - Interface in org.openimaj.math.model
The Model interface defines a mathematical model which links dependent and
independent variables.
- Model(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.SparseAutoencoder.Model
- model - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.SGD
- ModelAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION,FEATURE> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.model
- ModelAnnotator(FeatureExtractor<FEATURE, OBJECT>, EstimatableModel<FEATURE, ANNOTATION>, Set<ANNOTATION>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.model.ModelAnnotator
Construct with the given parameters.
- modelCheck - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel
- modelCheck - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyModel
- modelConstructionData - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- ModelDistanceCheck - Class in org.openimaj.math.util.distance
- ModelDistanceCheck(Model<Double, Boolean>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.ModelDistanceCheck
Construct using the given model.
- modelfit - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d
- ModelFitting<I,D,M extends Model<I,D>> - Interface in org.openimaj.math.model.fit
An interface that describes an object capable of fitting data to a model in a
more generic way than through the Model's estimate method.
- ModelFittingLocalFeatureMatcher<T extends LocalFeature<?,?>> - Interface in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent
Interface for classes able to match local features within the constraints of
a mathematical model between pairs of 2d points (i.e.
- modelKeypoints - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicMatcher
- modelKeypoints - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicTwoWayMatcher
- modelKeypoints - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.quantised.BasicQuantisedKeypointMatcher
- modelKeypointsKNN - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastBasicKeypointMatcher
- modeOptionsOp - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
The preprocessing to perform
- moderator_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
A Forum that a UserAccount is a moderator of.
- modified_at - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
When this was modified, in ISO 8601 format.
- ModifiedLuoSimplicity - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Estimate the simplicity of an image by looking at the colour distribution of
the background.
- ModifiedLuoSimplicity() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ModifiedLuoSimplicity
Construct with the default values
- ModifiedLuoSimplicity(int, float, boolean, float, float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ModifiedLuoSimplicity
Construct with the given values
- ModifiedLuoSimplicityExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
Modified version of Luo's simplicity feature
- ModifiedLuoSimplicityExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.ModifiedLuoSimplicityExtractor
- modifier_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
An Item that this UserAccount has modified.
- modulator - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer.FMOptions
The modulator signal
- modulatorAmplitude - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer.FMOptions
The modulator amplitude
- ModuloModifier<O> - Class in org.openimaj.util.hash.modifier
Modify the underlying hash function by applying the modulus to the value.
- ModuloModifier(HashFunction<O>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.hash.modifier.ModuloModifier
Construct with the given hash function and range.
- MomentFeature - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature
Accumulate the values of u11, u20 and u02 required to fit an
ellipse to the feature.
- MomentFeature() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.MomentFeature
- month() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
The month of publication (or, if unpublished, the month of creation)
- MooreNeighborStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.image.contour
The Moore Neighborhood contour tracing strategy as described by
this tutorial.
- MooreNeighborStrategy() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.contour.MooreNeighborStrategy
- more - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.ScanBeamTree
- MotionEstimator - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.motion
A motion estimator will estimate the motion of parts of a video frame.
- MotionEstimator(MotionEstimatorAlgorithm) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.MotionEstimator
Constructor a new motion estimator using the given algorithm.
- MotionEstimator(Video<FImage>, MotionEstimatorAlgorithm) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.MotionEstimator
Create a chainable motion estimator.
- MotionEstimatorAlgorithm - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.motion
A set of algorithms for the motion estimator.
- MotionEstimatorAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.MotionEstimatorAlgorithm
- MotionEstimatorAlgorithm.PHASE_CORRELATION - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.motion
Basic phase correlation algorithm that finds peaks in the cross-power
spectrum between two images.
- MotionEstimatorAlgorithm.TEMPLATE_MATCH - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.motion
Within a search window around the subimages detect most likely match and
thus motion.
- motionVectors - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.MotionEstimator
The estimated motion vectors for the last analysed frame
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
- moveTo(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Move the image to the given position (image coordinates)
- moveTo(Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
Move to a pixel
- moveTo(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
Move to a point
- MovingAverageProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor
Calculates a moving average over a specified window in the past such that
data[t_n] = sum^{m}_{i=1}{data[t_{n-i}}
This processor returns a value for each time in the underlying time series.
- MovingAverageProcessor(long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.MovingAverageProcessor
- MovingEdges - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel
- MovingEdges(FImage[], Processor<FImage>, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel.MovingEdges
- MPatch - Class in com.jsaragih
Multiple patches
- MPQAToken - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist
An implementation of the Prior-Polarity baseline sentiment classifier described by Wilson et.
- MPQAToken() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.MPQAToken
Construct the sentiment model using the default word clue TFF
- MPQAToken(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.MPQAToken
Construct the sentiment model using the provided tff file
- MPQAToken(MPQAToken) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.MPQAToken
- MPQATokenList - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist
An implementation of the Prior-Polarity baseline sentiment classifier described by Wilson et.
- MPQATokenList() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.MPQATokenList
Construct the sentiment model using the default word clue TFF
- MPQATokenList(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.MPQATokenList
Construct the sentiment model using the provided tff file
- MPQATokenList(MPQATokenList) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.MPQATokenList
- MR8FilterBank - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank
Implementation of the MR8 filter bank described at:
This is the naive implementation and as such is quite slow.
- MR8FilterBank() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.MR8FilterBank
- MSERDetector - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser
Takes a merge tree from the watershed algorithm and detects MSERs.
- MSERDetector(TreeNode<Component>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
Constructor that takes the merge tree from the watershed algorithm.
- MSERFeatureGenerator - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser
Detector for MSER features.
- MSERFeatureGenerator(Class<? extends ComponentFeature>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
Default constructor
- MSERFeatureGenerator(int, int, int, float, float, Class<? extends ComponentFeature>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
Constructor that takes all the parameters for the MSER process.
- MSERFeatureGenerator.MSERDirection - Enum in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser
A way of representing how the MSER should be processed.
- mstep(GaussianMixtureModelEM.EMGMM, GaussianMixtureModelEM, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.gmm.GaussianMixtureModelEM.CovarianceType
Mode specific maximisation-step.
- mstep(GaussianMixtureModelEM.EMGMM, double[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.gmm.GaussianMixtureModelEM
- mtjToDoubleArray(DenseMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Convert an mtj matrix into a 2d double array
- mult(Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Returns y = Ax
- mult(Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- mult(Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
- mult(Vector) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
- MultiBandImage<T extends Comparable<T>,I extends MultiBandImage<T,I,S>,S extends SingleBandImage<T,S>> - Class in org.openimaj.image
A base class for multi-band images.
- MultiBandImage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Default constructor for a multiband image.
- MultiBandImage(ColourSpace) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Default constructor for a multiband image.
- MultiBandImage(ColourSpace, S...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Construct a multiband image using each of the given images as the bands
(in order).
- MultiBandRenderer<T extends Comparable<T>,I extends MultiBandImage<T,I,S>,S extends SingleBandImage<T,S>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.renderer
- MultiBandRenderer(I) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MultiBandRenderer
Construct with given target image.
- MultiBandRenderer(I, RenderHints) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MultiBandRenderer
Construct with given target image and rendering hints.
- MultichannelToMonoProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.audio.conversion
Converts a stereo audio stream into a mono one by averaging the
channels' samples and creating a mono sample set.
- MultichannelToMonoProcessor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.MultichannelToMonoProcessor
Create a processor to process chunks.
- MultichannelToMonoProcessor(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.MultichannelToMonoProcessor
Create a processor for the given audio stream.
- MultidimensionalByteFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic byte multidimensional feature vector implementation
- MultidimensionalByteFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- MultidimensionalByteFV(int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Construct empty FV with given dimensions
- MultidimensionalByteFV(byte[], int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- MultidimensionalByteFV(byte[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Construct from 2-dimensional array
- MultidimensionalByteFV(byte[][][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Construct from 3-dimensional array
- MultidimensionalDoubleFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic double multidimensional feature vector implementation
- MultidimensionalDoubleFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- MultidimensionalDoubleFV(int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Construct empty FV with given dimensions
- MultidimensionalDoubleFV(double[], int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- MultidimensionalDoubleFV(double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Construct from 2-dimensional array
- MultidimensionalDoubleFV(double[][][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Construct from 3-dimensional array
- MultidimensionalFloatFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic float multidimensional feature vector implementation
- MultidimensionalFloatFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- MultidimensionalFloatFV(int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Construct empty FV with given dimensions
- MultidimensionalFloatFV(float[], int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- MultidimensionalFloatFV(float[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Construct from 2-dimensional array
- MultidimensionalFloatFV(float[][][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Construct from 3-dimensional array
- MultidimensionalHistogram - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution
Simple Histogram based on a MultidimensionalDoubleFV.
- MultidimensionalHistogram(int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultidimensionalHistogram
Construct a histogram with the given number of bins
per dimension.
- MultidimensionalIntFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic int multidimensional feature vector implementation
- MultidimensionalIntFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- MultidimensionalIntFV(int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Construct empty FV with given dimensions
- MultidimensionalIntFV(int[], int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- MultidimensionalIntFV(int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Construct from 2-dimensional array
- MultidimensionalIntFV(int[][][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Construct from 3-dimensional array
- MultidimensionalLongFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic long multidimensional feature vector implementation
- MultidimensionalLongFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- MultidimensionalLongFV(int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Construct empty FV with given dimensions
- MultidimensionalLongFV(long[], int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- MultidimensionalLongFV(long[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Construct from 2-dimensional array
- MultidimensionalLongFV(long[][][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Construct from 3-dimensional array
- MultidimensionalScaling - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor
Implementation of Multidimensional Scaling.
- MultidimensionalScaling() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.MultidimensionalScaling
Default constructor.
- MultidimensionalScaling(Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.MultidimensionalScaling
Construct with the given random number generator and default learning
rate at 0.01 and the maximum number of iterations to 1000.
- MultidimensionalScaling(int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.MultidimensionalScaling
Construct MDS with the given maximum number of iterations and rate.
- MultidimensionalScaling(int, double, Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.MultidimensionalScaling
Construct MDS with the given maximum number of iterations, rate and
random number generator.
- MultidimensionalShortFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic short multidimensional feature vector implementation
- MultidimensionalShortFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- MultidimensionalShortFV(int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Construct empty FV with given dimensions
- MultidimensionalShortFV(short[], int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- MultidimensionalShortFV(short[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Construct from 2-dimensional array
- MultidimensionalShortFV(short[][][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Construct from 3-dimensional array
- multiFactObjectsQuery(Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
- MultiFunction<IN,OUT> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.function
Apply a function to some input, producing zero or more appropriate results.
- multiOut - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.MultipleOutputReducer
- MultipleMatchesMatcher<T extends Keypoint> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher
- MultipleMatchesMatcher(int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.MultipleMatchesMatcher
Construct with the given minimum number of similar features
and threshold for defining similarity.
- MultipleOutputReducer<MAP_OUTPUT_KEY,MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE,OUTPUT_KEY,OUTPUT_VALUE> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
- MultipleOutputReducer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.MultipleOutputReducer
- MultipleOutputStage<INPUT_FORMAT extends org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat<INPUT_KEY,INPUT_VALUE>,INPUT_KEY,INPUT_VALUE,MAP_OUTPUT_KEY,MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE,OUTPUT_KEY,OUTPUT_VALUE> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
A helper class for a common stage type.
- MultipleOutputStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.MultipleOutputStage
- multiply(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Multipy the samples by the given scalar
- multiply(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Multiply each pixel of this by the given scalar and return new image.
- multiply(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Multiply the pixel values in this image with the corresponding pixel
values in the given image.
- multiply(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Multiply each pixel of this by the given scalar and return new image.
- multiply(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Multiplies each pixel of every band by the given value and returns the
result as a new image.
- multiply(CLQueue, CLImage2D, CLImage2D, CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Multiply two images, storing the result in another image
- multiply(CLQueue, CLImage2D, float[], CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Multiply an image by a constant, storing the result in another image
- multiply(CLImage2D, CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Multiply two images, returning a new image with the result
- multiply(CLImage2D, float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Multiply an image by a constant, returning a new image with the result
- multiply(I, I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Multiply two images, returning a new image with the result
- multiply(I, float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Multiply an image by a constant, returning a new image with the result
- multiply(DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- multiply(Integer) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- multiply(WeightedBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- multiply(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- multiply(double[], double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(double[][], double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(float[], float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(float[][], float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(int[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(int[][], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(long[], long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(long[][], long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(byte[], byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(byte[][], byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(short[], short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(short[][], short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Multiply by a constant all elements and return the input
- multiply(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1
- multiply(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1.
- multiply(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1
- multiply(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1.
- multiply(int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1
- multiply(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1.
- multiply(long[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1
- multiply(long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1.
- multiply(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1
- multiply(byte[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1.
- multiply(short[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1
- multiply(short[][], short[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise multiplication, overwriting a1.
- multiply(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Copy this vector and multiply its values by a
- multiply(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Copy this vector and multiply its values by a
- multiply(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Copy this vector and multiply its values by a
- multiply(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Copy this vector and multiply its values by a
- multiply(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Copy this vector and multiply its values by a
- multiply(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Copy this vector and multiply its values by a
- multiply(OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ObjectArithmetic
Multiply a copy of this.
- multiply(SCALAR) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ScalarArithmetic
Multiply a copy of this.
- multiplyInplace(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Multiplies this image's pixel values by the corresponding pixel values in
the given image side-affecting this image.
- multiplyInplace(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Multiply each pixel of this by the given scalar.
- multiplyInplace(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Multiply all pixel values by the given value
- multiplyInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Multiply each pixel in this image by the corresponding pixel in the given
- multiplyInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Multiply each pixel in this image by the corresponding pixel in the given
- multiplyInplace(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Multiply each pixel of this by the given scalar.
- multiplyInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Multiply each pixel in this image by the corresponding pixel in the given
- multiplyInplace(MultiBandImage<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Multiplies every pixel in this image by the corresponding pixel in the
corresponding band in the given image.
- multiplyInplace(SingleBandImage<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Multiplies every pixel in this image by the corresponding pixel in the
given image.
- multiplyInplace(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Multiplies each pixel of every band by the given value.
- multiplyInplace(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Multiply each pixel of this by the given scalar.
- multiplyInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- multiplyInplace(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- multiplyInplace(DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- multiplyInplace(Integer) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- multiplyInplace(WeightedBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- multiplyInplace(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- multiplyInplace(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Multiply the values inplace by a scalar and return this
- multiplyInplace(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Multiply the values inplace by a scalar and return this
- multiplyInplace(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Multiply the values inplace by a scalar and return this
- multiplyInplace(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Multiply the values inplace by a scalar and return this
- multiplyInplace(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Multiply the values inplace by a scalar and return this
- multiplyInplace(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Multiply the values inplace by a scalar and return this
- multiplyInplace(OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ObjectArithmetic
Multiply this.
- multiplyInplace(SCALAR) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ScalarArithmetic
Multiply this.
- multiplyInplace(KeyedParameters<KEY>) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.KeyedParameters
- multiplyInplace(KEY, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.KeyedParameters
- multiplyInplace(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.KeyedParameters
- multiplyInplace(PTYPE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.Parameters
- multiplyInplace(double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.Parameters
- multiplyInplace(VectorParameters) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.VectorParameters
- multiplyInplace(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.VectorParameters
- MultiResolutionActiveShapeModel<I extends Image<?,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.asm
Implementation of a basic Multi-resolution Active Shape Model.
- MultiResolutionActiveShapeModel(ActiveShapeModel<I>[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.MultiResolutionActiveShapeModel
- MultiscaleInterestPointDetector<T extends InterestPointData> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
A multiscale detector of interest points.
- MultiScaleObjectDetector<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>,DETECTED_OBJECT> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection
Interface describing a multi-scale object detector.
- MultiStagedJob - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce
A set of hadoop jobs done in series.
- MultiStagedJob(Path[], Path, String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.MultiStagedJob
Start a multistaged job specification.
- MultiStagedJob(Path[], Path, boolean, String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.MultiStagedJob
Start a multistaged job specification.
- MultiStagedJob(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.MultiStagedJob
Conveniance function.
- MultiThreadedDetector - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar
- MultiThreadedDetector(StageTreeClassifier, float, int, int, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.MultiThreadedDetector
- MultiThreadedDetector(StageTreeClassifier, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.MultiThreadedDetector
- MultiThreadedDetector(StageTreeClassifier) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.MultiThreadedDetector
Construct the
with the given tree of
stages, and the default parameters for step sizes and scale factor.
- MultiTracker - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm
A CLM Tracker that is able to deal with multiple tracks within the same
- MultiTracker(CLM, FDet, MFCheck, Matrix, double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker
Create a tracker using the given model, face detector, failure checker,
reference shape and similarity measures.
- MultiTracker(MultiTracker.TrackerVars) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker
Create a tracker with the given variables.
- MultiTracker() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker
Constructor for making a tracker when loading data.
- MultiTracker.TrackedFace - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm
Encapsulates the variables for a single tracked face.
- MultiTracker.TrackerVars - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm
This class is used to store the tracker variables when they are loaded
from a file.
- MultiTransformClassFileTransformer - Class in org.openimaj.aop
- MultiTransformClassFileTransformer(ClassTransformer, ClassTransformer...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.aop.MultiTransformClassFileTransformer
- multiTripleObjectsQuery(Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
- MultiValueFieldGetter - Class in org.kohsuke.args4j.spi
- MultiValueFieldGetter(String, Object, Field) - Constructor for class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.MultiValueFieldGetter
- MultivariateDistribution - Interface in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution
A continuous multivariate distribution.
- MultivariateGaussian - Interface in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution
Interface describing a multivariate gaussian distribution
- MultivariateKernelDensityEstimate - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution
A Parzen window kernel density estimate using a univariate kernel and
Euclidean distance.
- MultivariateKernelDensityEstimate(double[][], UnivariateKernel, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateKernelDensityEstimate
Construct with the given data, kernel and bandwidth
- MultivariateKernelDensityEstimate(List<double[]>, UnivariateKernel, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateKernelDensityEstimate
Construct with the given data, kernel and bandwidth
- MultiviewSimilarityClusterer<CLUSTERS extends IndexClusters> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
- MultiviewSpectralClusteringConf<DATATYPE> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
- MultiviewSpectralClusteringConf(double, SpatialClusterer<? extends SpatialClusters<DATATYPE>, DATATYPE>, GraphLaplacian) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.MultiviewSpectralClusteringConf
- MultiviewSpectralClusteringConf(double, SpatialClusterer<? extends SpatialClusters<DATATYPE>, DATATYPE>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.MultiviewSpectralClusteringConf
- MultiviewSpectralClusteringConf(double, SpatialClusterer<? extends SpatialClusters<DATATYPE>, DATATYPE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.MultiviewSpectralClusteringConf
- murmurhash(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.hash.StringMurmurHashFunction
Compute the Murmur hash (http://murmurhash.googlepages.com/) of the given
- murmurhash(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.hash.StringMurmurHashFunction
Compute the Murmur hash (http://murmurhash.googlepages.com/) of the given
- murmurhash(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.hash.StringMurmurHashFunction
Compute the Murmur hash (http://murmurhash.googlepages.com/) of the given
- MusicalNoteFilterBank - Class in org.openimaj.audio.filters
A filter bank for musical note detection.
- MusicalNoteFilterBank(AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MusicalNoteFilterBank
Create a 12-deep filter bank for detecting notes
between C4 and C5.
- MusicalNoteFilterBank(int, int, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MusicalNoteFilterBank
Create a filter bank for detecting notes between the start
note given and the end note given.
- MusicalNoteOnsetDetector - Class in org.openimaj.audio.filters
Uses a
to determine the power output of
the notes of a western scale over the frame.
- MusicalNoteOnsetDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MusicalNoteOnsetDetector
- MusicSpeechDataset - Class in org.openimaj.audio.analysis.benchmarking.dataset
OpenIMAJ Dataset for the MusicSpeech Database
- MusicSpeechDataset(File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.benchmarking.dataset.MusicSpeechDataset
Create the Music-Speech Dataset from the given directory.
- MusicUtils - Class in org.openimaj.audio.util
Static utility methods that are related to music (more semantic
than audio utilities).
- MusicUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.util.MusicUtils
- mx - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
- my - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
- mz - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
- p1 - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
First tangential distortion term
- p2 - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Second tangential distortion term
- pa - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.pipes.YagoEntityPipe
- pack(double, int, int, double[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_2D
Sets the specified Fourier mode of the transformed data.
- pack(double, int, int, double[][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_2D
Sets the specified Fourier mode of the transformed data.
- pack(float, int, int, float[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_2D
Sets the specified Fourier mode of the transformed data.
- pack(float, int, int, float[][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_2D
Sets the specified Fourier mode of the transformed data.
- pack(double, int, int, int, double[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_3D
Sets the specified Fourier mode of the transformed data.
- pack(double, int, int, int, double[][][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_3D
Sets the specified Fourier mode of the transformed data.
- pack(float, int, int, int, float[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_3D
Sets the specified Fourier mode of the transformed data.
- pack(float, int, int, int, float[][][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_3D
Sets the specified Fourier mode of the transformed data.
- pack() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
- pack() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplet
- pack() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplication
- packedHamming(double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.HammingUtils
Bitwise (assuming packed bit strings) hamming distance
- packedHamming(float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.HammingUtils
Bitwise (assuming packed bit strings) hamming distance
- packedHamming(long, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.HammingUtils
Bitwise (assuming packed bit strings) hamming distance
- packedHamming(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.HammingUtils
Bitwise (assuming packed bit strings) hamming distance
- packedHamming(byte, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.HammingUtils
Bitwise (assuming packed bit strings) hamming distance
- packedHamming(char, char) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.HammingUtils
Bitwise (assuming packed bit strings) hamming distance
- packedHamming(short, short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.HammingUtils
Bitwise (assuming packed bit strings) hamming distance
- pad(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Pads the sample chunk to the given size with zeros.
- padding(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
- padding(int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Adds this many pixels to both sides of the image such that the new image
width = padding + width + padding with the original image in the middle
- PADDING - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- padding_bits_per_pixel() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- padding_bits_per_pixel(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- paddingSymmetric(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Adds pixels to around the image such that the new image width =
paddingLeft + width + paddingRight with the original image in the middle.
- page - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.WikipediaEditsDataset.WikipediaEdit
The page that was edited
- pageQuery(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.SparqlQueryPager
Process a query in the form of a string.
- pages() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
Page numbers
- pageUrl - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.WikipediaEditsDataset.WikipediaEdit
The URL of the page
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ScalingImageComponent
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.ButtonsPanel
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
- pair(byte, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(byte, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(byte, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(byte, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(byte, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(byte, Q) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteObjectPair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(byte, short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(double, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(double, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(double, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(double, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(double, Q) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleObjectPair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(double, short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(float, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(float, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(float, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(float, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(float, Q) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatObjectPair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(float, short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(T, Q) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(int, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(int, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(int, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(int, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(int, Q) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntObjectPair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(int, short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(long, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(long, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(long, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(long, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(long, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(long, Q) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongObjectPair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(long, short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(Q, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectBytePair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(Q, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectDoublePair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(Q, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectFloatPair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(Q, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectIntPair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(Q, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectLongPair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(Q, short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectShortPair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- Pair<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
Pair represents a generic pair of objects.
- Pair(T, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.Pair
Constructs a Pair object with two objects obj1 and obj2
- pair(short, byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(short, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(short, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(short, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(short, long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- pair(short, Q) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortObjectPair
Create a pair from the given objects.
- pair(short, short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Create a pair from the given values.
- PAIR_STATS_FILE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
The location of the statistics file
- paircount - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
Number of times this pair appears together
- pairedTTest() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalComparator
- PairEmit - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count
For each pair of tokens in a given document emit a count.
- PairEmit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairEmit
- PairEmitCombiner - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count
Assumes each key is a timeperiod split set of words ordered by single/pair words then by word order.
- PairEmitCombiner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairEmitCombiner
- PairEmitCounter - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count
The input to this reducer is ordered firstly by unary/pairs then within these sets by word
Given a particular time period, first read all unary counts and combine for each word
Then for all pairs, combine pair instances for a given pair then emit onces a new pair or the end is reached
Once the first non unary word is found, start counting for a particular word
- PairEmitCounter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairEmitCounter
- PairEnum - Enum in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count
Some statistics of pairs emitted
- pairList(List<T>, List<Q>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
Create a pair list from the given objects.
- PAIRMI_DIR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
The pairMI output directory
- PAIRMI_LOC - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
The location of the pairmi
- PairMutualInformation - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count
- PairMutualInformation(String[], long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
- PairWiseComparisonTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature
A tool for computing the similarities/distances between two images based
on a global feature.
- PairWiseComparisonTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.PairWiseComparisonTool
- PairwiseMutualInformationMode - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi
Perform DFIDF and output such that each timeslot is a instance and each word a feature
- PairwiseMutualInformationMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.PairwiseMutualInformationMode
- Parallel - Class in org.openimaj.util.parallel
Parallel processing utilities for looping.
- Parallel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel
- Parallel.IntRange - Class in org.openimaj.util.parallel
An integer range with a step size.
- ParallelExecutor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature
A tool for running other tools in parallel, in a similar manner to a UNIX
- ParallelExecutor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.ParallelExecutor
- parallelForEach(Operation<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
- parallelForEach(Operation<T>, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
- parallelForEach(Operation<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.stream.Stream
Apply the given
to each item in the stream, making use
of multiple threads.
- parallelForEach(Operation<T>, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.stream.Stream
Apply the given
to each item in the stream, making use
of multiple threads.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(double[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(float[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(int[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(long[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(byte[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortAscending(short[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(double[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(float[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(int[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(long[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(byte[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- parallelQuicksortDescending(short[], short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Sort parallel arrays.
- Parameter - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.util.api.auth
A parameter defining part of the authentication token required to access an
- parameters - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel.IterationResult
The model weight parameters
- Parameters<PTYPE extends Parameters<PTYPE>> - Interface in org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params
- params - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- params - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- parent - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
The parent contour, might be null
- parent_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
A child Container or Forum that this Container or Forum is a parent of.
- parentPyramid - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Octave
The pyramid that contains this Octave
- parse(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.InputMode.Parser
Parse a record into a key and list of potential URLs.
- parse(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.RegExParser
Called to parse the raw data into tokens or sentences.
- parse(String) - Method in interface org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDataParser
Called to parse the raw data into tokens or sentences.
- parse(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.WeightedRectangle
parse a string of the form "x y width height weight" to construct a
- parseABCNotes(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.MusicUtils
Parses the music notation from ABC files (without the header).
- parseArguments(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkDoubleDCT
- parseArguments(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dct.BenchmarkFloatDCT
- parseArguments(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkDoubleDHT
- parseArguments(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dht.BenchmarkFloatDHT
- parseArguments(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkDoubleDST
- parseArguments(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.dst.BenchmarkFloatDST
- parseArguments(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkDoubleFFT
- parseArguments(String[]) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.BenchmarkFloatFFT
- parseArguments(Parameters) - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.FileOutputStreamOptionHandler
- parseArguments(Parameters) - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.FImageOptionHandler
- parseArguments(Parameters) - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.MBFImageOptionHandler
- parseArguments(Parameters) - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.ProxyOptionHandler
- parseAttributes(Map<? extends AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute, Object>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Parse the attributes map and set this FontStyle accordingly.
- parseAttributes(Map<? extends AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute, Object>, ImageRenderer<T, ?>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Construct a new FontStyle from the given attribute map, suitable for
rendering into the given image.
- parseAttributes(Map<? extends AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute, Object>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
- parseAttributes(Map<? extends AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute, Object>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFontStyle
- parseDate() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- parseDateTime(String, String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- parseElement(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
Construct a structuring element from a @link{String} of the form produced
by @link{#toString()}.
- parseF(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
- parseKestrelAddressList(List<String>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
Parse a list of strings in the format: host:port.
- parseLatLong(double) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- parseLevelsAdvanced(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.PyramidSpatialAggregator
- parseLine(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.OS5000_0x01_Parser
Given a line of data, parses the line into a
- parseMetadata(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
- parseQR(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013
Given a string returns a question response.
- Parser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.InputMode.Parser
- parser - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.ReferencesToolOpts
- parseString(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAParser
- parseTime(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- parseTimeBinary(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
read time and pmi from a byte array.
- parseTimeBinary(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
- parseTimeTokenID(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- partition(List<T>, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- Partitioner<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition
partitions data into subsets that can
be processed in parallel.
- partitionSubsets(List<T>, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
Extract the subsets formed by constructing a
which partitions the given values using the given
determine equality of pairs of values.
- pass(SummedSqTiltAreaTable, float, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Stage
Test whether a stage passes.
- Patch - Class in com.jsaragih
A patch on a face
- Patch(int, double, double, FImage) - Constructor for class com.jsaragih.Patch
- PatchClassificationModel<Q,T extends Image<Q,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.patch
based on the idea of determining the
probability of a class of a pixel given the local patch of pixels surrounding
the pixel in question.
- PatchClassificationModel(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.PatchClassificationModel
Construct with the given dimensions for the sampling patch.
- patchHeight - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.PatchClassificationModel
- patchMean(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MeanCenter
- patchMean(float[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MeanCenter
Finds the mean value of a sub-patch of a 2D float array.
- patchOrientation - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider
- patchOrientation - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
- patchSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.cifarexps.CIFARExperimentFramework
- patchWidth - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.PatchClassificationModel
- path - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalByteHardAssigner
- path - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalDoubleHardAssigner
- path - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalFloatHardAssigner
- path - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalIntHardAssigner
- path - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalLongHardAssigner
- path - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalShortHardAssigner
- Path2d - Interface in org.openimaj.math.geometry.path
represents an arbitrary path between 2 points in a 2D space.
- pattern - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.BasicLocalBinaryPattern
- pattern - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.ExtendedLocalBinaryPattern
- pattern() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.PatternProvider
- pattern() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.TwitterStuffPatternProvider
- pattern() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.URLPatternProvider
- PatternProvider - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns
Pattern providers must provide a regex string.
- PatternProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.PatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.AbbreviationPatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.ColloquialismPatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.CombinedPatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.ComplicatedNumberPatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EdgePunctuationPatternProvider.Left
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EdgePunctuationPatternProvider.Right
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EmailPatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EmbeddedApostrophePatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EmbeddedDashPatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EmoticonPatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EntityPatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.PatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.PunctuationPatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.TimePatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.TruncatedURLPatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.TwitterStuffPatternProvider
- patternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.URLPatternProvider
- pause() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Pause the running of the timekeeper.
- pause() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
Pause the running of the timekeeper.
- pause() - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.TimeKeeper
Pause the running of the timekeeper.
- pause() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.BasicVideoTimeKeeper
Pause the running of the timekeeper.
- pause() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Pause the video
- PAW - Class in com.jsaragih
Piecewise affine warp
- payload(T, O) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PayloadCoordinate
- PayloadCoordinate<T extends Coordinate,O> - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.point
A concrete implementation of a
that has an associated
- PayloadCoordinate(T, O) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PayloadCoordinate
Construct with coordinate and payload.
- pc - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
- pca - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.pipes.YagoEntityPipe
- pcaSampleProp - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.VLADIndexerBuilder
- PCAWhitening - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.whitening
Whitening based on PCA.
- PCAWhitening(double, Normaliser) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.whitening.PCAWhitening
Construct with the given variance regularization parameter and data
normalisation strategy.
- PCAWhitening(double, Normaliser, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.whitening.PCAWhitening
Construct with the given variance regularization parameter, data
normalisation strategy and target dimensionality.
- PDM - Class in com.jsaragih
3D Point Distribution Model
- PDM() - Constructor for class com.jsaragih.PDM
- PeakNormalisationCalculator - Class in org.openimaj.audio.analysis
Calculates the scalar necessary to achieve peak value of the loudest part of
the given input signal.
- PeakNormalisationCalculator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.PeakNormalisationCalculator
- peakThreshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.DominantOrientationExtractor
Threshold for peak detection.
- peakThreshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Threshold for peak detection in the orientation histogram.
- peek(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftClient
- peek(String, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.peek_call>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient
- peek(String, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.peek_call>) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncIface
- peek(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- peek(String) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Iface
- peek(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Get the next value without popping it
- peek(String, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
The next value without popping it
- peek(String, Duration) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
The next value without popping it
- peek() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
- peek() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Peak at the head of the queue.
- peek_args() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- peek_args(String) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- peek_args(Kestrel.peek_args) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- peek_call(String, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.peek_call>, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.peek_call
- peek_result() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- peek_result(QueueInfo) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- peek_result(Kestrel.peek_result) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- peekByte(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Get the next value without popping it
- peekByte(String, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
The next value without popping it
- peekByte(String, Duration) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
The next value without popping it
- peekTail() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Retrieves, but does not remove, the tail of this queue, or returns
null if this queue is empty.
- penColour - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- Pendulum - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- Pendulum() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.Pendulum
- PendulumNonTextured - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- PendulumNonTextured() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.PendulumNonTextured
- penPosition - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- penThickness - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- PercentageEnergyComponentSelector(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis.PercentageEnergyComponentSelector
Construct with the given percentage
- PercentageInliersStoppingCondition(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.PercentageInliersStoppingCondition
Construct the stopping condition with the given percentage threshold
on the number of data points which must match for a model to be
considered a fit.
- PercentageInterraterAgreement - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement
Calculates the percentage interrater agreement for a given dataset between
two (and only two) raters.
- PercentageInterraterAgreement() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.agreement.PercentageInterraterAgreement
- percentageOverlap(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
Compute the percentage by which the given rectangle overlaps this one.
- PerceptronClass - Enum in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron
- PerExampleMeanCenter - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation
Subtract the mean of each example vector from itself to normalise the vector.
- PerExampleMeanCenter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation.PerExampleMeanCenter
- PerExampleMeanCenterVar - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation
Subtract the mean of each example vector from itself and divide by the
standard deviation to normalise the vector such that it has unit variance.
- PerExampleMeanCenterVar(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation.PerExampleMeanCenterVar
Construct with the given variance regularisation term.
- perform() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.RunnableExperiment
Perform the experiment
- perform(HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.DFIDFTokenMode
- perform(HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match.TokenMatchMode
- perform(HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.PairwiseMutualInformationMode
- perform(HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions) - Method in interface org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.TwitterTokenMode
- perform() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.CrossValidationBenchmark
- perform(Polyline) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.resample.LinearResampler
Apply the resampling operation in-place
- perform(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GramSchmidtProcess
- perform(Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextOperationAdaptor
- perform(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.ListOperation
- perform(T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.function.Operation
Perform the operation on the given object.
- performAction() - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.Sequencer.SequencedAction
Perform the sequenced action.
- performAnnotation(RawTextAnnotation) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractPhraseAnnotator
- performAnnotation(RawTextAnnotation) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractPOSAnnotator
- performAnnotation(RawTextAnnotation) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractSentenceAnnotator
- performAnnotation(RawTextAnnotation) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractTokenAnnotator
- performBenchmark() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.FaceRecognitionCrossValidatorTool
- performBlendedProjection(int, int, int, int, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.FProjectionProcessor
Perform blended projection but only request data for pixels within the windowed range provided.
- performBlendedProjection(int, int, int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Perform blended projection but only request data for pixels within the
windowed range provided.
- performCalibration(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.CameraCalibration
- performCalibration(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.CameraCalibrationZhang
- performClustering(DATA) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.processor.Clusterer
- performClustering(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DoubleNNDBSCAN
- performClustering(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.SparseMatrixDBSCAN
- performClustering(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental.IncrementalSparseClusterer
- performClustering(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.DoubleKDTreeClusterer
- performClustering(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
- performClustering(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
- performClustering(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
- performClustering(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Perform clustering on the given data.
- performClustering(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
- performClustering(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeans
- performClustering(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeans
- performClustering(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeans
- performClustering(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeans
- performClustering(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeans
- performClustering(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeans
- performClustering(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
- performClustering(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
- performClustering(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
- performClustering(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
- performClustering(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- performClustering(byte[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomByteClusterer
- performClustering(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomClusterer
- performClustering(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomDoubleClusterer
- performClustering(float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomFloatClusterer
- performClustering(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomIntClusterer
- performClustering(long[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomLongClusterer
- performClustering(short[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomShortClusterer
- performClustering(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- performClustering(List<SparseMatrix>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleMultiviewSpectralClustering
- performClustering(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleSpectralClustering
- performClustering(Eigenvalues) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.PreparedSpectralClustering
- performEvaluation(ListDataset<FDDBRecord>, FDDBEvaluation.EvaluationDetector) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.FDDBEvaluation
- performExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.AustrianWordExperiments
- performExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearExperiment
- performExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillAustrianDampeningExperiments
- performExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillAustrianExperiments
- performExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillAustrianExperimentsNormalised
- performExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BillWordInvestigation
- performExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.LambdaSearchAustrian
- performExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.RegretExperiment
- performExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.StreamAustrianDampeningExperiments
- performInpainting(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractFMMInpainter
- performInpainting(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractImageMaskInpainter
Perform the inpainting of the given image
- performInpainting(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.EfrosLeungInpainter
- performInpainting(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.EfrosLeungInpainter
- performIteration(I, PointList) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel
Perform a single iteration of model fitting.
- performMeanShift() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.meanshift.ExactMeanShift
- performMSERDetection(List<MergeTreeBuilder>, MSERFeatureGenerator.MSERDirection) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
Performs MSER detection on the trees provided.
- performPreprocessing() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions
If there were any preprocessing arguments, perform the preprocessing and
use the preprocessing output as the input to the rest of the process.
- performProjection(int, int, int, int, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.FProjectionProcessor
Perform projection but only request data for pixels within the windowed range provided.
- performProjection(int, int, MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.MBFProjectionProcessor
- performProjection() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Using all the images currently processed, perform the projection on each
image and draw every pixel with valid data.
- performProjection(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Perform projection specifying the background colour (i.e.
- performProjection(boolean, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Perform projection specifying the background colour (i.e.
- performProjection(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Perform projection but only request data for pixels within the windowed
range provided.
- performProjection(int, int, int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Perform projection but only request data for pixels within the windowed
range provided.
- performProjection(int, int, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Perform projection but only request data for pixels within the windowed
range provided.
- performTest() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
Compute the similarities between faces in the query and target
- performWatershed(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
Perform the watershed algorithm on the given image.
- period - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.TimeSplitMode
- PERIOD_END - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordTimeSeries
- PERIOD_START - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordTimeSeries
- PERSON_MODEL_PROP - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPPersonAnnotator
Property name containing the person model
- PHASE_CORRELATION() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.MotionEstimatorAlgorithm.PHASE_CORRELATION
- phi - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticKeyPoint
- phi - Variable in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAVariationlState
the n'th unique word in a document's probability for each topic
- PHOG - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient
This class is an implementation of an extractor for the PHOG (Pyramid
Histograms of Orientation Gradients) feature described by Bosch et al.
- PHOG() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.PHOG
Construct with the values used in the paper: 4 levels (corresponds to l=3
in the paper), 40 orientation bins (interpolated), signed gradients
(called "shape360" in the original paper) and Canny edge detection.
- PHOG(int, int, FImageGradients.Mode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.PHOG
Construct with the given values, using Canny edge detection and gradient
histogram interpolation.
- PHOG(int, int, boolean, FImageGradients.Mode, ImageProcessor<FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.PHOG
Construct with the given parameters.
- PHOTONUI - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.CommonHTMLConsumers
Consumer for photonui.com
- photos - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
- phrase - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.PhraseAnnotation
- PHRASE_MODEL_PROP - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPPhraseChunkAnnotator
The system property
- PhraseAnnotation - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations
An annotation representing a phrase as per the Penn Treebank.
- PhraseAnnotation(PhraseAnnotation.Phrase, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.PhraseAnnotation
- PhraseAnnotation.Phrase - Enum in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations
Penn Treebank phrase abbreviations.
- phraseChunk(List<TokenAnnotation>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractPhraseAnnotator
- phraseChunk(List<TokenAnnotation>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPPhraseChunkAnnotator
- PI - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
- PI - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineSimulation
- pickRandomFont() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Picks a random font from your system and returns it.
- PICS_LOCKERZ - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.CommonHTMLConsumers
Consumer for pics.lockerz.com
- PicSlurper - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
A tool for slurping images off twitter
- PicSlurper(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.PicSlurper
- PicSlurper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.PicSlurper
no args
- PicslurperTwitterHarness - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
- PicSlurperUtils - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
Functions for writing various parts of PicSlurper
- PicSlurperUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.PicSlurperUtils
- PictureSlide - Class in org.openimaj.content.slideshow
A slide that displays a picture, scaled to the size of the slide.
- PictureSlide(URL) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.PictureSlide
Create a picture slide
- PictureSlide(MBFImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.PictureSlide
Create a picture slide
- pictureSlide - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.VideoSlide
- PiecewiseMeshWarp<T,I extends Image<T,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.transform
Implementation of a piecewise warp.
- PiecewiseMeshWarp(List<Pair<Shape>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.PiecewiseMeshWarp
Construct the warp with a list of matching shapes (which must be either
quads or triangles).
- PINK - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Pink colour as RGB
- PipePlayground - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations
Simple demo and play area.
- PipePlayground() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.PipePlayground
- pitch - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
Pitch in degrees
- pivot - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
The pivot pixel
- Pixel - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel
Represents a pixel within an image, storing its coordinates.
- Pixel(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
Construct a pixel with the given coordinates.
- Pixel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
Construct a pixel at the origin
- PixelAnalyser<Q> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.analyser
An interface for objects that are able to analyse individual pixels.
- PixelClassificationModel<Q,T extends Image<Q,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.pixel
Simple model for classifying pixels.
- PixelClassificationModel() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.PixelClassificationModel
- PixelProcessor<Q> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processor
An interface for objects that are able to process individual pixels.
- PixelProfileModel<I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics
Interface for classes capable of building "models"
of pixels along a line.
- pixels - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
The underlying pixels
- pixels - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
The set of pixels within this connected component
- PixelSet - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel
A set of (not-necessarily connected) pixels within an image.
- PixelSet() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Default constructor; makes an empty PixelSet
- PixelSet(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
- PixelSet(int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Constructs a PixelSet from a mask image.
- PixelSet(FImage, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Constructs a PixelSet from a mask image.
- PixelSet(Set<Pixel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Construct a PixelSet from the given set of
- PixelsFeature - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature
PixelsFeature is used to dynamically create the ConnectedComponents
corresponding to MSERs.
- PixelsFeature() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.feature.PixelsFeature
- PixelShuffle - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- PixelShuffle() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.PixelShuffle
- pixelTransformer - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObjectAdapter
The pixel transformer to use
- pkg - Variable in class org.openimaj.demos.Demos.DemoObject
- place - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- Placeholder(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.LearningParameters.Placeholder
- play() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Play the video.
- plotAudioWaveformImage(int, int, Float[], Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation
Generates a waveform image that fits within the given width and height
and drawn in the given colour.
- plotBars(MBFImage, double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Plot the given data to the given image.
- plotBars(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Plot the given data to the bar image.
- plotComponent(Component, BufferedImage, Color) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.gui.ComponentUtils
- plotComponentList(List<Component>, BufferedImage, Color) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.gui.ComponentUtils
- plotObject(MBFImage, XYPlotVisualisation.LocatedObject<BarVisualisation.Bar>, AxesRenderer2D<Float[], MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Plots a single bar into the visualisation.
- plotObject(MBFImage, XYPlotVisualisation.LocatedObject<DotPlotVisualisation.ColouredDot>, AxesRenderer2D<Float[], MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
Plots a specific object to the visualisation using the
provide the position of the object.
- plotObject(GLAutoDrawable, XYZVisualisation3D.LocatedObject3D<DotPlotVisualisation.ColouredDot>, AxesRenderer3D) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- plotObject(MBFImage, XYPlotVisualisation.LocatedObject<MBFImage>, AxesRenderer2D<Float[], MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ImageThumbnailPlotter
- plotObject(I, XYPlotVisualisation.LocatedObject<O>, AxesRenderer2D<Q, I>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.general.ItemPlotter
Plots a specific object to the visualisation using the
provide the position of the object.
- plotObject(GLAutoDrawable, XYZVisualisation3D.LocatedObject3D<O>, AxesRenderer3D) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.general.ItemPlotter3D
Plots a specific object to the 3D visualisation using the
provide the position of the object.
- plotObject(MBFImage, XYPlotVisualisation.LocatedObject<LabelledPointVisualisation.LabelledDot>, AxesRenderer2D<Float[], MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.LabelledPointVisualisation
Plots a specific object to the visualisation using the
provide the position of the object.
- plotObject(GLAutoDrawable, XYZVisualisation3D.LocatedObject3D<Rectangle3D>, AxesRenderer3D) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.Rectangle3DPlotter
Plots a specific object to the 3D visualisation using the
provide the position of the object.
- plotObject(MBFImage, XYPlotVisualisation.LocatedObject<TimelineObject>, AxesRenderer2D<Float[], MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineObjectPlotter
Plots a specific object to the visualisation using the
provide the position of the object.
- Plotter<Q,I extends Image<Q,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image
A simple 2d plotter
- Plotter(I) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
Construct a plotter that writes to the given image.
- Plotter(I, Q) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
Construct a plotter that writes to the given image with the
given initial pen colour.
- Plotter(I, Q, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
Construct a plotter that writes to the given image.
- plotter - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
The item plotter to use
- plotter - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
The plotter for the items in the display
- plus(Matrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Add a constant to all values
- plusEquals(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Add a matrix to another inline.
- plusEqualsRow(Matrix, Matrix, int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Add the rows to the mat at rowIndex.
- plusInplace(Matrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Add a constant to the matrix, returning the input matrix
- plusInplace(SparseMatrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Add two matrices, storing the results in the first:
A = A + B
- plusInplace(T, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Add two matrices, storing the results in the first:
A = A + B
- plusInplace(T, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Add a constant inplace A = A + d
- plusInplace(T, Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Subtract a vector from another vector A = A + D
- plusInplace(DiagonalMatrix, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Add two matrices, storing the results in the second:
A = D + A
- PlusOneDoubleArrayKernelPerceptron - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron
An implementation of a simple
which works with
double array inputs and is binary.
- PlusOneDoubleArrayKernelPerceptron(VectorKernel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.PlusOneDoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- pmi(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairUnaryCount
Calculate the Pointwise mutual information score such that:
PMI(x,y) = log( p(x,y) / ( p(x) p(y) ) )
where we can estimate the probabilities as:
p(x,y) = c(x,y) / n
p(x) = c(x) / n
p(y) = c(y) / n
where n is the total number of pairs observed
- PMI_NAME - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
the output name
- PMIPairSort - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort
Sort pairs by PMI within timeperiods
- PMIPairSort(double, Path) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
- PMIPairSort(double, int, Path) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
- PMISortKeyComparator - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort
Read a tokenpair and make sure the single words appear before the pair words
- PMISortKeyComparator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortKeyComparator
- PMISortMapper - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort
- PMISortMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortMapper
does nothing
- PMISortPartitioner - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort
- PMISortPartitioner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortPartitioner
- PMISortReducer - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort
- PMISortReducer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortReducer
- PMISortValueGroupingComparator - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort
Read a tokenpair and make sure the single words appear before the pair words
- PMISortValueGroupingComparator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortValueGroupingComparator
- Pmu - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.AffineAligner
Normalised positions of facial parts
- pnmReadHeader(byte[], Map<String, Integer>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Reads a PNM header from the byte array containing the PNM binary data.
- pnorm(double[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the p-norm of the array
- pnorm(float[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the p-norm of the array
- pnorm(int[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the p-norm of the array
- pnorm(long[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the p-norm of the array
- pnorm(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the p-norm of the array
- pnorm(short[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the p-norm of the array
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteKDTreeEnsemble
The underlying data array
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleKDTreeEnsemble
The underlying data array
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatKDTreeEnsemble
The underlying data array
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntKDTreeEnsemble
The underlying data array
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongKDTreeEnsemble
The underlying data array
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortKDTreeEnsemble
The underlying data array
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact
- pnts - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
- point - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.ItNode
Point of intersection
- Point2d - Interface in org.openimaj.math.geometry.point
Interface representing a point in 2d space with x and y coordinates.
- Point2dImpl - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.point
Simple concrete implementation of a two dimensional point.
- Point2dImpl(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
Construct a Point2dImpl with the given (x, y) coordinates
- Point2dImpl(Point2d) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
Construct a Point2dImpl with the (x,y) coordinates given via another
- Point2dImpl() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
Construct a Point2dImpl at the origin.
- Point2dImpl(Coordinate) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- Point2dImpl(double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
Construct a Point2dImpl with the given (x, y) coordinates.
- Point3d - Interface in org.openimaj.math.geometry.point
Interface representing a point in 3d space with x and y coordinates
- Point3dImpl - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.point
Simple concrete implementation of a three dimensional point.
- Point3dImpl(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
Construct a Point3dImpl with the given (x, y, z) coordinates
- Point3dImpl(double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
Construct a Point3dImpl with the given (x, y, z) coordinates packed into
an array
- Point3dImpl(Point3d) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
Construct a Point3dImpl with the (x,y,z) coordinates given via another
- Point3dImpl() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
Construct a Point3dImpl at the origin.
- PointDistributionModel - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
A 2d point distribution model learnt from a set of
s with
corresponding points (the ith point in each
is the same
- PointDistributionModel(List<PointList>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
- PointDistributionModel(PointDistributionModel.Constraint, List<PointList>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
- PointDistributionModel.BoxConstraint - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
A constraint that ensures that each individual element of the scaling
vector is within +/- x standard deviations of the model.
- PointDistributionModel.Constraint - Interface in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
Interface for modelling constraints applied to the scaling vector of
s so that generated models are plausible.
- PointDistributionModel.EllipsoidConstraint - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
Constrain the scaling vector to a hyper-ellipsoid.
- PointDistributionModel.NullConstraint - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
A constraint that does nothing.
- PointFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters
Point filter for the resampling function
- PointFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.PointFilter
- PointList - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.point
- PointList(Point2d...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- PointList(Collection<? extends Point2d>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- PointList(Collection<? extends Point2d>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Construct a
from the points, possibly copying the
points first
- PointListConnections - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.point
Class to model the connections between points in a
- PointListConnections() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
Default constructor.
- PointListConnections(PointList, List<Line2d>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointListConnections
- points - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.CameraCalibrationZhang
- points - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- points - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.MultidimensionalScaling
- pointsFound() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- polannsrc - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Clue
The source of this polarity
- polarity - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Clue
the polarity of the clue
- poll() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
- poll(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
- poll(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concurrent.BlockingDroppingQueue
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, waiting up to the specified
wait time if necessary for an element to become available.
- poll() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Poll the head of the queue.
- pollTail() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Retrieves and remove the tail of this queue, or returns null if
this queue is empty.
- Polygon - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
A polygon, modelled as a list of vertices.
- Polygon() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Constructs an empty polygon to which vertices may be added.
- Polygon(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Constructs an empty polygon to which vertices may be added.
- Polygon(Point2d...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Construct a Polygon from vertices
- Polygon(Collection<? extends Point2d>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Construct a Polygon from vertices
- Polygon(Collection<? extends Point2d>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Construct a Polygon from the vertices, possibly copying the vertices
- PolygonNode - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon
Internal contour / tristrip type
- PolygonNode(PolygonNode, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.PolygonNode
- PolygonUtils - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util
is a Java version of the General Polygon Clipper
algorithm developed by Alan Murta (gpc@cs.man.ac.uk).
- PolygonUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.PolygonUtils
Creates a new instance of PolygonUtils
- PolyHashComposition<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.composition
that uses a polynomial function to combine the
individual hashes.
- PolyHashComposition(List<HashFunction<OBJECT>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.composition.PolyHashComposition
Construct with the given functions.
- PolyHashComposition(HashFunction<OBJECT>, HashFunction<OBJECT>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.composition.PolyHashComposition
Construct with the given functions.
- PolyHashComposition(HashFunctionFactory<OBJECT>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.composition.PolyHashComposition
Construct with the factory which is used to produce the required number
of functions.
- Polyline - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.path
A polyline is a
implicitly made up of
based on the assumption of ordered points held in a
- Polyline(Point2d...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Polyline
- Polyline(List<? extends Point2d>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Polyline
- Polyline(List<? extends Point2d>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Polyline
Construct a
from the points, possibly copying the points
- Polyline(Iterator<Line2d>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.path.Polyline
- polyMatchToPointsMatch(Polygon, Polygon) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.PiecewiseMeshWarp
- PolyphonicSynthesizer - Class in org.openimaj.audio.generation
A class that uses a pool of synthesizers for creating a polyphonic
- PolyphonicSynthesizer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.generation.PolyphonicSynthesizer
- port - Variable in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
the kestrel host port
- pos - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.POSAnnotation
- pos(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.AbstractPOSAnnotator
- pos(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPPOSAnnotator
- pos_lookahead(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.util.RegexUtil
- POS_MODEL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPPOSAnnotator
- POS_MODEL_PROP - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPPOSAnnotator
Name of system property pointing to the POS model
- POSAnnotation - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations
Part of Speech Annotation based on the Penn treebank.
- POSAnnotation(POSAnnotation.PartOfSpeech) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.POSAnnotation
- POSAnnotation.PartOfSpeech - Enum in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations
Penn Treebank part of speech types.
- pose - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel.IterationResult
The model pose from model coordinates to image coordinates
- poses - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Clue
The parts of speech of each word
- position - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypoint
The position of the keypoint in the image
- positionNamed(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities
Set the position of a named window.
- positive - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
Set of positive pixels in the structuring element
- POSITIVE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentiment
a positive sentiment instance
- positive() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentiment
- POSITIVE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
A single positive count
- positive() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- positive() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- positive(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- POSITIVE_CLASS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.svm.SVMAnnotator
The input to the SVM model for positive classes
- positiveBinaryPattern - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
- positiveRe - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.Regexps
- Post - Interface in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
An article or message that can be posted to a Forum.
- postFilterOptionsOp - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
the postfiltering to perform
- PostImpl - Class in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
An article or message that can be posted to a Forum.
- PostImpl() - Constructor for class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- postings - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.User
Number of postings made
- postProcess - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.VLADIndexerBuilder
- postProcessesSkip(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
Check the internal postprocessing filters and say whether a given status
should be skipped
- Pow - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm
Process pixels by raising there value to a value
- Pow(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.Pow
Construct with the default power
- pow(Matrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Return a copy of the matrix with all the values raised to a power.
- PowerCepstrumTransform - Class in org.openimaj.audio.analysis
An implementation of the power cepstrum of an audio signal.
- PowerCepstrumTransform() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.PowerCepstrumTransform
- powInplace(T, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Bring each element to the power d
- powInplace(T, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Bring each element to the power d
- powInplace(T, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Raise each element to the power d, operating on the matrix itself
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
- pq - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
- PQUtils - Class in org.openimaj.rdf.utils
Some tools for playing with ParameterizedSparqlString
- PQUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.utils.PQUtils
- pre() - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
- precalc() - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.DataUnitsTransformer
Force a precalculation of the variables required for
the pixel transformation.
- precalc() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
Config may be null as it is not used.
- precalc() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- precalc() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
Perform any precalculations that will allow the axes to
be drawn faster, or to allow the data transformer to work.
- precalc() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
- precision(int) - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
Returns the precision of the retrieval at a given number of documents retrieved.
- precision() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
- precision - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterType.ClusterTypeOp
The precision of the clusters
- Precision - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
Precisions for holding centroids
- precisionAtFixedPoints() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
- precisionAtFixedPoints() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- PrecisionAtN<QUERY,DOCUMENT extends Identifiable> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers
that computes the precision after N documents have
been retrieved (P@N).
- PrecisionAtN(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.PrecisionAtN
Construct with the given N.
- PrecisionAtNResult<QUERY> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers
- PrecisionAtNResult(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.PrecisionAtNResult
Construct with the given N.
- PredefinedStrategy - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.faces
- Predicate - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.rdf.serialize
An annotation for members of classes that can be serialized as relationships
in an RDF graph by the
, this annotation should provide
the URI of the predicate to use for the field.
- Predicate<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.function
is used to apply a boolean test to a particular object to
see if it passes some criteria.
- predict(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.PatchClassificationModel
- predict(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.PixelClassificationModel
- predict(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel
- predict(Point3d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel3d
- predict(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel
- predict(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyModel
- predict(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.NullModel
- predict(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.GaussianVectorNaiveBayesModel
- predict(Integer) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.LeastSquaresLinearModel
- predict(I) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.Model
Uses the model to predict dependent data from an independent value.
- predict(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.UnivariateGaussianNaiveBayesModel
- predict(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
Predict the class (the index of the most-probable gaussian) to which the
given data point belongs.
- predict(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- predict(Map<String, Map<String, Double>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- predict(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- predict(INDEPENDANT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.OnlineLearner
- predict(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.DoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- predict(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.OISVM
- predict(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.SimplePerceptron
- predict(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.ThresholdDoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- predict(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.neuralnet.OnlineBackpropOneHidden
- predict(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.regression.LinearRegression
- predict(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.regression.LinearRegression
Helper function which adds the constant component to x and returns
predicted values for y, one per row
- predict(int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.GD_SVD2
- predictLogPosterior(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
Predict the log-posterior for the given sample; this is the
log-probability of the sample point belonging to each of the gaussians in
the mixture.
- predictLogPosterior(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
Predict the log-posterior for the given samples; this is the
log-probability of each sample point belonging to each of the gaussians
in the mixture.
- Preemphasiser - Class in org.openimaj.audio.filters
A simple preemphasiser that applies a high-pass filter to the the audio
for speech signals.
- Preemphasiser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.Preemphasiser
Default constructor
- Preemphasiser(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.Preemphasiser
Constructor that takes the emphasis factor.
- Preemphasiser(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.Preemphasiser
Chainiable constructor
- Preemphasiser(AudioStream, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.Preemphasiser
Chainable constructor that takes the emphasis factor.
- PREFERRED_DEVICE_NAME - Static variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.CameraSelector
The name of the preferred device
- prefilterFC - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
The number of cycles per image for the pre-filter Gaussian
- preFilterOptionsOp - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
The prefiltering to perform
- premain(String, Instrumentation) - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.CitationAgent
JVM hook to statically load the javaagent at startup.
- premain(String, Instrumentation) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.ExperimentAgent
JVM hook to statically load the javaagent at startup.
- prepare(Map, TopologyContext, OutputCollector) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.TestTopology.FailEveryOther
- prepare(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.HadoopDownloaderOptions
Prepare the options
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIFOptions
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.localfeature.HadoopLocalFeaturesToolOptions
Prepare the options
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.SequenceFileIndexerOptions
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions
- prepare(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.HOGClassifier
- prepare(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.ClusterTestDataLoader
- prepare(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.AbsoluteValueEigenChooser
- prepare(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.ChangeDetectingEigenChooser
- prepare(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.EigenChooser
Make a coarse decision of the number of eigen vectors to extract in the first place
with the knowledge of the eigen values that will likely be important
- prepare(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.HardCodedEigenChooser
- prepare(Corpus) - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAModel
- prepare(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAModel
initialises the sufficient statistic holder based on ntopics and
the vocabularySize.
- prepare(Document) - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAVariationlState
initialises the phi and sets everything to 0
- prepare(Map, TopologyContext, OutputCollector) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DownloadBolt
- prepare() - Method in interface org.openimaj.picslurper.output.OutputListener
start things off
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.TrendDetectionOutputListener
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.ZMQOutputListener
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PicSlurper
prepare the tool for running
- prepare(Map, TopologyContext) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PrintBolt
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StormPicSlurper
prepare the tool for running
- prepare(Map, TopologyContext, OutputCollector) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.bolt.CountingEmittingBolt
- prepare(Map, TopologyContext, OutputCollector) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.bolt.PrintingBolt
- prepare(Map, TopologyContext, OutputCollector) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.StormPlayground.JoinBolt
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tool.StormToolOptions
Parse arguments and validate
- prepare(Map, TopologyContext, OutputCollector) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.bolts.BaseTwitterRichBolt
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.bolts.BaseTwitterRichBolt
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.bolts.TweetPreprocessingBolt
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
Prepare options by parsing arguments
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.RedditHarvesterOptions
prepare the tool for running
- prepare() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
prepare the tool for running
- prepareCL() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions
prepare the tool for running (command line version)
- prepareConfig() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tool.StormToolOptions
- prepareConsoleLogger() - Static method in class org.openimaj.logger.LoggerUtils
Prepare a console logger with a default layout.
- prepareData(FImage, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransform
Prepare data for a input to the FFT, padding if necessary.
- prepareData(float[][], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransform
Prepare data for a input to the FFT, padding if necessary.
- prepareData1d(FImage, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransform
Prepare data for a input to the FFT, padding if necessary.
- prepareData1d(float[][], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierTransform
Prepare data for a input to the FFT, padding if necessary.
- PreparedSpectralClustering - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
For a given set of
perform the stages of spectral
clustering which involve the selection of the best eigen values and the
calling of an internal clustering algorithm
- PreparedSpectralClustering(SpectralClusteringConf<double[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.PreparedSpectralClustering
- prepareExperiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.experiments.langid.TrueLanguageExperiment
Load the tweets needed for this experiment
- prepareExperimentLog(BilinearLearnerParameters) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearExperiment
- prepareExperimentLog() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.LambdaSearchAustrian
- prepareExperimentRoot() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.BilinearExperiment
- prepareExperimentRoot() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.LambdaSearchAustrian
- prepareFeats() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleFVSimilarityFunction
- prepareInterestPoints(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- prepareMultivaluedArgument(List<T>, T...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.InOutToolOptions
Fixes a problem with args4j with multivalued arguments being preserved
within the same JVM
- prepareTemplate(FImage) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher.Mode
Prepare the template if necessary.
- prepareURLs(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.AbstractWebpageImageCollection.Generic
- prepareURLs(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.AbstractWebpageImageCollection
- prepareURLs(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection
- prepareWorkingSpace(FImage) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher.Mode
Prepare an object to hold the working space required by the
mode during score computation.
- prepArticle(Element) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Prepare the article node for display.
- prepDocument() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Prepare the HTML document for readability to scrape it.
- prepend(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Prepends the given samples to the front of this sample chunk.
- preProcessesSkip(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
Check the internal preprocessing filters and say whether a given status
should be skipped
- preprocessingMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- PrettyPrint - Class in org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes
- PrettyPrint() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.PrettyPrint
- prev - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeNode
Previous edge in the AET
- prev - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.StNode
Previous edge in sorted list
- PREV_INDEX(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.PolygonUtils
- previous() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- previous_by_date - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
Previous Item or Post in a given Container sorted by date.
- previous_version - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
Links to the previous revision of this Item or Post.
- previousPyramidSet() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- prevPow2(int) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Returns the closest power-of-two number less than or equal to x.
- PrincipalComponentAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca
Abstract base class for PCA implementations.
- PrincipalComponentAnalysis() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
- PrincipalComponentAnalysis.ComponentSelector - Interface in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca
Interface for classes capable of selecting a subset of the PCA components
- PrincipalComponentAnalysis.EnergyThresholdComponentSelector - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca
- PrincipalComponentAnalysis.NumberComponentSelector - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca
- PrincipalComponentAnalysis.PercentageEnergyComponentSelector - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca
- print() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.AetTree
- print() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.LmtTable
- print() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.TopPolygonNode
- PrintBolt - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
- PrintBolt() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.PrintBolt
- printClassificationQuality(LabelledDataProvider, List<ObjectFloatPair<StumpClassifier>>, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.classification.boosting.AdaBoost
- printFile(V) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- printFile(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.TextBytesSequenceFileUtility
- printFile(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- printFile(BytesWritable) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- PrintingBolt - Class in org.openimaj.storm.bolt
A simple bolt that prints what it sees
- PrintingBolt() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.bolt.PrintingBolt
- printStructureTensorStats() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- printTiming() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- printTiming() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.BaseExtractorOptions
- PriorChooser - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util
Choose the number of annotations based on the numbers of annotations
of each training example.
- PriorChooser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util.PriorChooser
- ProbabilisticMinInliersStoppingCondition(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.ProbabilisticMinInliersStoppingCondition
Default constructor.
- ProbabilisticMinInliersStoppingCondition(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.ProbabilisticMinInliersStoppingCondition
Constructor with defaults for bad inlier probability and percentage
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.BeatDetector
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.EffectiveSoundPressure
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleBuffer) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Process the given sample buffer
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.PeakNormalisationCalculator
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.PowerCepstrumTransform
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.AudioConverter
- process(SampleChunk, AudioFormat) - Method in enum org.openimaj.audio.conversion.BitDepthConverter.BitDepthConversionAlgorithm
Process a sample chunk and output a sample chunk in the given
output format.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.BitDepthConverter
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.MultichannelToMonoProcessor
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.SampleRateConverter
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk, AudioFormat) - Method in enum org.openimaj.audio.conversion.SampleRateConverter.SampleRateConversionAlgorithm
Process a sample chunk and output a sample chunk in the given
output format.
- process(SampleBuffer) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.JAudioFeatureExtractor
Process the given sample buffer.
- process(double[][], double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.JAudioFeatureExtractor
Process the given sample data.
- process(double[], double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.JAudioFeatureExtractor
Process the given sample array for a single channel
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.JAudioFeatureExtractor
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.EQFilter
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FeedForwardCombFilter
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FFTBandPassFilter
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FIRFilter
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(float[][], AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MelFilterBank
Process the input power spectrum with this filter bank.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MusicalNoteFilterBank
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MusicalNoteOnsetDetector
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.Preemphasiser
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(float[], AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
Requires a power spectrum and produces an output the filter
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.VolumeAdjustProcessor
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.WeightedWindowedAudioProcessor
Process the given sample chunk.
- process(SampleBuffer) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.WeightedWindowedAudioProcessor
Process the given sample buffer with the Hanning window.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.FrequencyAudioSource
- process(AudioStream) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.AudioProcessor
Function to process a whole audio stream.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.AudioProcessor
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.processor.ReferenceProcessor
- process(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianOctave
- process(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramid
- process(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Octave
Populate the octave, starting from the provided image.
- process(OCTAVE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.OctaveProcessor
Process the provided octave.
- process(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Pyramid
Process the image and construct a pyramid applying any specified
OctaveProcessor and/or PyramidProcessor along the way.
- process(GaussianPyramid<IMAGE>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.PyramidProcessor
Process the given pyramid.
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.AffineInvariantMoments
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BoundaryDistanceDescriptor
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.HuMoments
- process(GaussianOctave<I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.DoGOctave
- process(GaussianOctave<FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.DoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- process(GaussianOctave<MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.FirstBandDoGOctave
- process(GaussianOctave<MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- process(GaussianOctave<FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.OctaveInterestPointFinder
- process(OCTAVE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder
- process(OCTAVE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.BasicOctaveGridFinder
- process(GaussianOctave<FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.InterpolatingOctaveExtremaFinder
- process(KernelProcessor<Float, FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Process this image with the given
and return new
image containing the result.
- process(KernelProcessor<Float, FImage>, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Process this image with the given
and return new
image containing the result.
- process(GridProcessor<Q, I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with the given
and return new
image containing the result.
- process(ImageProcessor<I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with an
and return new image
containing the result.
- process(KernelProcessor<Q, I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with the given
and return new
image containing the result.
- process(KernelProcessor<Q, I>, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with the given
and return new
image containing the result.
- process(PixelProcessor<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with the given
and return a new
image containing the result.
- process(Processor<I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with an
and return new image
containing the result.
- process(SinglebandImageProcessor<T, S>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- process(SinglebandKernelProcessor<T, S>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- process(SinglebandKernelProcessor<T, S>, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- process(SinglebandPixelProcessor<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- process(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.ocr.SimpleOCR
Extract the date-time from the given image
- process(Collection<ConnectedComponent>, ConnectedComponentProcessor) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
- process(ConnectedComponentProcessor) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
- process(GroupedDataset<PERSON, ? extends ListDataset<IMAGE>, IMAGE>, FaceDetector<FACE, IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DatasetFaceDetector
Apply a face detector to all the images in the given dataset, choosing
only the biggest face if multiple are found.
- process(List<IMAGE>, FaceDetector<FACE, IMAGE>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DatasetFaceDetector
Apply a face detector to all the images in the given dataset, choosing
only the biggest face if multiple are found.
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Close
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Dilate
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Erode
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.HitAndMiss
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Open
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.SequentialThin
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Thicken
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Thin
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentProcessor
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.AxisRenderer
Draws the principle axes of the connected component into the image.
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BlobExtractorRenderer
Copies pixels that are within the connected component from the copyImage
into the write image.
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BlobRenderer
Draws connected component into an image as a coloured blob.
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BorderRenderer
Draws the boundary of the connected component into the image.
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.BoundingBoxRenderer
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.CentroidRenderer
Draws the component's centroid into the image as a small 5 pixel square
centred on the centroid.
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererMono
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererRGB
- process(ConnectedComponent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.OrientatedBoundingBoxRenderer
- process(SinglebandImageProcessor<T, S>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable
- process(SinglebandKernelProcessor<T, S>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.SinglebandKernelProcessor.Processable
- process(SinglebandKernelProcessor<T, S>, boolean) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.SinglebandKernelProcessor.Processable
- process(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.renderer.ScanRasteriser.ScanLineListener
Process the given scan
- process(KernelProcessor<Q, I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
Process this image with the given
and return new
image containing the result.
- process(KernelProcessor<Q, I>, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
Process this image with the given
and return new
image containing the result.
- process(SinglebandKernelProcessor<Q, I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
- process(SinglebandKernelProcessor<Q, I>, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
- process(SinglebandImageProcessor<Q, I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
- process(GaussianPyramid<FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale.PyramidTextExtractor
Process the given pyramid.
- process(SimilarityMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.InvertData
- process(SimilarityMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.MultidimensionalScaling
- process(SimilarityMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.NormaliseData
- process(SimilarityMatrix) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.SimilarityMatrixProcessor
- process(SimilarityMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.Threshold
- process(SimilarityMatrixProcessor) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Process a copy of this similarity matrix with the
given processor and return the copy.
- process(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- process(Map<String, Map<String, Double>>, Map<String, Double>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- process(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- process(INDEPENDANT, DEPENDANT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.OnlineLearner
- process(INDEPENDANT, DEPENDANT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.KernelPerceptron
- process(double[], PerceptronClass) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.MarginMeanCenteredPerceptron
- process(double[], PerceptronClass) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.OISVM
- process(double[], Integer) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.SimplePerceptron
- process(DoubleTimeSeries) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.GaussianTimeSeriesProcessor
- process(DoubleTimeSeries) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.TimeSeriesInterpolation
- process(TS) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.IntervalSummationProcessor
- process(DoubleTimeSeries) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.LinearRegressionProcessor
- process(DoubleTimeSeries) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.MovingAverageProcessor
- process(TIMESERIES) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.TimeSeriesProcessor
- process(DoubleTimeSeries) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.WindowedLinearRegressionProcessor
- process(TimeSeriesProcessor<DATA, SINGLE_TYPE, RETURNTYPE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
process using the provided processor, return
- process(ImageCollectionEntry<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor.DirectoryImageProcessor
- process(ImageCollectionEntry<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor.ImageCollectionProcessor
- process(ImageCollectionEntry<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor.SequenceFileProcessor
- process(SimilarityMatrix, File) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.Binarize
- process(SimilarityMatrix, File) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.ConnectedComponents
- process(SimilarityMatrix, File) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.DensestSubgraph
- process(SimilarityMatrix, File) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.MDS
- process(SimilarityMatrix, File) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.PrettyPrint
- process(SimilarityMatrix, File) - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.ToolMode
- process(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.CountryCodeMode
- process(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.LanguageDetectionMode
- process(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.NERMode
- process(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.SentimentExtractionMode
- process(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.StemmingMode
- process(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.StopwordMode
- process(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TokeniseMode
- process(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TwitterPreprocessingMode
Alters the twitter status in place with the analysis that is required to
be performed
- process(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.vis.QuantisedSIFTPatchExtractor
- process() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Process the video.
- process(Video<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
Process the given video using this processor.
- process() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation.AudioOverviewGenerator
Function that takes a sample chunk and processes the chunk.
- process(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Processes a single sample chunk: calculates the FFT, gets the magnitudes,
copies the format (if it's the first chunk), and then goes on to update the image.
- processAll(Status) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer
Process all added URLs
- processCorrelationMap(FImage, FImage, FImage) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher.Mode
Process the cross-correlation image to the contain the relevant output values for the
chosen mode.
- processEndAction(VideoDisplay.EndAction) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Process the end of the video action.
- ProcessException - Exception in org.openimaj.util.processes
An exception indicating an external process failed.
- ProcessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.util.processes.ProcessException
Constructs a new ProcessException with the specified detail message and
- ProcessException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.util.processes.ProcessException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message
of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically
contains the class and detail message of cause).
- processExtrema(FImage[], int, int, int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveExtremaFinder
Perform any additional checks on the point, and then inform the listener
that a point has been found.
- processExtrema(FImage[], int, int, int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.BasicOctaveExtremaFinder
- processExtrema(FImage[], int, int, int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.InterpolatingOctaveExtremaFinder
- processExtremaInternal(FImage[], int, int, int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.InterpolatingOctaveExtremaFinder
- processFeatureFile(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.vis.QuantisedSIFTPatchExtractor
- processFeatureMap(FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic
Process a feature map.
- processFrame(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.analyser.VideoAnalyser
- processFrame(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.effects.GreyscaleSlitScanProcessor
- processFrame(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.effects.SlitScanProcessor
- processFrame(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Process a frame in this video.
- processFrame(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoFrameProcessor
Process a frame in this video.
- processFrame(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
Process a frame in this video.
- processFrame(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoWriter
Process a frame in this video.
- processFrame(MBFImage, Timecode) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.ShotBoundaryVideoBarVisualisation
Process a particular frame of the data.
- processFrame(MBFImage, Timecode) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
Process a particular frame of the data.
- processFrame(MBFImage, Timecode) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoObjectVisualisation
Process a particular frame of the data.
- processFrame(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.AdaptiveMoGBackgroundEstimator
- processGridElement(I) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.GridProcessor
Process the given grid element (patch
) and returns
a single pixel value for that element.
- processImage(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.SimplePyramid
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.WatershedProcessor
Process the given image.
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.AnisotropicDiffusion
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.DifferenceOfGaussian
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.EqualisationProcessor
Equalise the colours in the image.
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierCorrelation
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.LocalContrastFilter
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MaskedRobustContrastEqualisation
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MaxFilter
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MeanCenter
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MedianFilter
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.MinFilter
- processImage(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.background.BasicBackgroundSubtract
Process the input by subtracting the background
- processImage(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageProcessor
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.AverageBoxFilter
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FConvolution
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FDiscGausConvolve
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FFastGaussianConvolve
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FGaussianConvolve
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageConvolveSeparable
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FourierConvolve
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FTriangleFilter
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.SumBoxFilter
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector
- processImage(FImage, FSobel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector
Apply non-max suppression and hysteresis thresholding based using the
analyser to generate the gradients.
- processImage(FImage, FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector
Apply non-max suppression and hysteresis thresholding based on the given
(Sobel) gradient maps and write the result to the given output image.
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Process an image.
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.StrokeWidthTransform
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.SUSANEdgeDetector
Process an image.
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.effects.DioramaEffect
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.extraction.OrientedPolygonExtractionProcessor
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Close
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Open
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.SequentialThin
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Thicken
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Thin
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.BicubicInterpolation
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.BilinearInterpolation
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.FixedResizeProcessor
Process an image.
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Process an image.
- processImage(IMAGE) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractImageMaskInpainter
- processImage(IMAGE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.Inpainter
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdBernsen
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdContrast
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdGaussian
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdMean
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AdaptiveLocalThresholdMedian
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.OtsuThreshold
- processImage(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.PiecewiseMeshWarp
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.RemapProcessor
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.SkewCorrector
Process an image.
- processImage(I) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.ImageProcessor
Process an image.
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic
Process an image.
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale
Process an image.
- processImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.BrightnessClusteringTransform
- processImageOneIteration(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.AnisotropicDiffusion
Perform a single iteration of anisotropic diffusion
- processingComplete(AudioStream) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.AudioProcessor
Called when the processing of a given audio stream has been completed.
- processingComplete() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
A hook for subclasses to be called when processing for the video has
completed to clean up after themselves.
- processingComplete() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideoWriter
A hook for subclasses to be called when processing for the video has
completed to clean up after themselves.
- processingMarker - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
The marker that's used for processing progress
- processInplace(PixelProcessor<Float>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Process this image with the given
this image.
- processInplace(Processor<I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with the given
side-affecting this
- processInplace(ImageProcessor<I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with the given
this image.
- processInplace(KernelProcessor<Q, I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with the given
this image.
- processInplace(KernelProcessor<Q, I>, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with the given
this image.
- processInplace(PixelProcessor<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with the given
this image.
- processInplace(SinglebandImageProcessor<T, S>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- processInplace(SinglebandKernelProcessor<T, S>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- processInplace(SinglebandKernelProcessor<T, S>, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- processInplace(SinglebandPixelProcessor<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- processInplace(ConnectedComponentProcessor) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
- processInplace(SinglebandImageProcessor<T, S>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable
- processInplace(SinglebandKernelProcessor<T, S>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.SinglebandKernelProcessor.Processable
- processInplace(SinglebandKernelProcessor<T, S>, boolean) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.SinglebandKernelProcessor.Processable
- processInplace(SinglebandKernelProcessor<Q, I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
- processInplace(SinglebandKernelProcessor<Q, I>, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
- processInplace(SinglebandImageProcessor<Q, I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
- processInplace(SimilarityMatrixProcessor) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Process this matrix with the given processor.
- processInplace(TimeSeriesProcessor<DATA, SINGLE_TYPE, RETURNTYPE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
Process using the provided processor
- processInternal(TimeSeriesProcessor<ALLINPUT, SINGLEINPUT, INTERNALSERIES>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
process the internal series held by this collection with this processor
- processInternalInplace(TimeSeriesProcessor<ALLINPUT, SINGLEINPUT, INTERNALSERIES>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
process the internal series held by this collection with this processor
- processKernel(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FSobelMagnitude
- processKernel(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Dilate
- processKernel(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Erode
- processKernel(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.HitAndMiss
- processKernel(I) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.KernelProcessor
Process the patch with this kernel processor and return a value
that will be used to build the convolved image.
- processMasked(FImage, PixelProcessor<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with the given
only affecting
those pixels where the mask is non-zero.
- processMaskedInplace(FImage, PixelProcessor<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Process this image with the given
, only affecting
those pixels where the mask is non-zero.
- processOctaveLevelPoints(FImage, List<T>, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.LoggingOctaveInterestPointFinder
- processOctaveLevelPoints(FImage, List<T>, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.OctaveInterestPointFinder
- ProcessOptions(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess.ProcessOptions
Construct a new
that inherits the classpath of
the current JVM and will runs the main method of the given class.
- ProcessOptions(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess.ProcessOptions
- ProcessOptions(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess.ProcessOptions
- Processor(I) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Processor
- Processor(I, Map<String, ProcessFunction<I, ? extends TBase>>) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Processor
- Processor<I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processor
- processor() - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionProcessorMode.ModeOp
- processor() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.ImageCollectionProcessorMode
- ProcessorJobEvent() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionProcessorJob.ProcessorJobEvent
- ProcessorUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.image.processor
Utility functions for dealing with
- ProcessorUtilities() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processor.ProcessorUtilities
- processPixel(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.GammaCorrection
- processPixel(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.Pow
- processPixel(Q) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processor.PixelProcessor
Process the given pixel returning a new value
for the pixel.
- processSamples(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.FFTBandPassFilter
Process the band-filtered samples.
- processSamples(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.WeightedWindowedAudioProcessor
Process the Hanning samples.
- processStream(AudioStream) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Process the entire stream (or as much data will fit into the
visualisation window).
- processTweet(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.bolts.BaseTwitterRichBolt
- processTweet(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.bolts.TweetPreprocessingBolt
- processURLs(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.functions.ImageSiteURLExtractor
- processURLs(URL) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.functions.SiteSpecificURLExtractor
- processVideo() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
Begin processing the data in a separate thread.
- ProcrustesAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm
Ordinary Procrustes Analysis between two sets of corresponding
- ProcrustesAnalysis(PointList) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ProcrustesAnalysis
- ProcrustesAnalysis(PointList, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ProcrustesAnalysis
- profile - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.User
Href to user profile
- ProgrammaticBrowser - Class in org.openimaj.web
An offscreen web-browser that can be accessed programmatically.
- ProgrammaticBrowser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Default constructor.
- ProgrammaticBrowser(BrowserDelegate) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Construct with given delegate object.
- progress(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- progressUpdate(ImageCollectionProcessorJob.ProcessorJobEvent) - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionProcessorJob.ProcessorJobListener
- progressUpdate(ImageCollectionProcessorJob.ProcessorJobEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionTool
- project(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HorizontalProjection
Project an image onto the x-axis.
- project(FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.VerticalProjection
Project an image onto the y-axis.
- project(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.Camera
Project a 2d point (technically a 3d point on the z=0 world plane)
- project(Point3d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.Camera
Project a 3d point onto the image plane
- project(T, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Utility function, project one image with one matrix.
- project(T, Matrix, Q) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Utility function, project one image with one matrix.
- project(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Project a matrix of row vectors by the basis.
- project(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
Project a vector by the basis.
- project(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Project a matrix of row vectors by the basis.
- project(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Project a vector by the basis.
- project(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
Compute the low rank estimate of the given vector
- project(FeatureVector) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.pca.FeatureVectorPCA
Project a vector by the basis.
- projectedRectangles - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- projectedShapes - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- projectHS(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Transform the Hue and Saturation components of a MBFImage by projecting
them from a radial coordinate system to Cartesian coordinates.
- ProjectionProcessor<Q,T extends Image<Q,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.transform
- ProjectionProcessor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Construct a projection processor starting with an identity matrix for any
images processed (i.e., don't do anything)
- Projectron - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron
- Projectron(VectorKernel, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.Projectron
- Projectron(VectorKernel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.Projectron
- properties - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.ClassDef
List of the properties in this class
- PropertyDef - Class in org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java
Represents the definition of a property of a class.
- PropertyDef(Generator.GeneratorOptions) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
- PropertyDef.PropertyType - Enum in org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java
The type of the property.
- prox(Matrix, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.regul.L1L2Regulariser
- prox(Matrix, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.regul.L1Regulariser
- prox(Matrix, double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.regul.Regulariser
- prox(Matrix, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.regul.L1L2Regulariser
- prox(Matrix, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.regul.L1Regulariser
- prox(Matrix, double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.regul.Regulariser
- Proxy(ImageCollectionEntrySelection<MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.selection.XuggleVideoFrameSelection.Proxy
- ProxyOptionHandler - Class in org.kohsuke.args4j
- ProxyOptionHandler(CmdLineParser, OptionDef, Setter<? super Object>) - Constructor for class org.kohsuke.args4j.ProxyOptionHandler
Default constructor.
- pseudoInverse(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse.
- PseudoInverse - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix
Methods for calculating the Moore-Penrose Pseudo-Inverse
- PseudoInverse() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.PseudoInverse
- pseudoInverse(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.PseudoInverse
Compute the Moore-Penrose Pseudo-Inverse.
- pseudoInverse(Matrix, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.PseudoInverse
Compute the lower-rank approximation of the Moore-Penrose Pseudo-Inverse.
- pseudoInverse(Matrix, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.PseudoInverse
Compute the lower-rank approximation of the Moore-Penrose Pseudo-Inverse.
- PTRDIFF_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- PTRDIFF_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- publisher() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
The publisher's name
- PunctuationPatternProvider - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns
- PunctuationPatternProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.PunctuationPatternProvider
- purity - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEAnalysis
A measure of how pure each cluster is.
- purity - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.PurityAnalysis
the purity
- purity - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis
A measure of how pure each cluster is.
- purity - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEAnalysis
A measure of how pure each cluster is.
- PurityAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
A measure of how pure each cluster is.
- PurityAnalysis() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.PurityAnalysis
- PurityClusterAnalyser - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
Create a measure of purity
- PurityClusterAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.PurityClusterAnalyser
- push(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.RunningStat
Push a data value from the stream into the calculation.
- put(String, List<ByteBuffer>, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftClient
- put(String, String, int) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftClient
- put(int, int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
- put(int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseVector
- put(int, int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Set the value at the given row/column
- put(int, int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- put(int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
- put(int, int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
- put(int, double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
Set the value at an index
- put(String, List<ByteBuffer>, int, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.put_call>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient
- put(String, List<ByteBuffer>, int, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.put_call>) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncIface
- put(String, List<ByteBuffer>, int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- put(String, List<ByteBuffer>, int) - Method in interface net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Iface
- put(KEY, DATASET) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
- put(CLASS, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.BasicClassificationResult
Add a class/confidence pair.
- put(int, DATA) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.searching.IncrementalMetaIndex
- put(int, DATA) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.searching.MapBackedMetaIndex
- put(int, int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
- put(int, int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.JamaDenseMatrix
- put(E) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
- put(E) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concurrent.BlockingDroppingQueue
Inserts the specified element into this queue, dropping the oldest
element to make space if necessary.
- put_args() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- put_args(String, List<ByteBuffer>, int) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- put_args(Kestrel.put_args) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
Performs a deep copy on other.
- put_call(String, List<ByteBuffer>, int, AsyncMethodCallback<Kestrel.AsyncClient.put_call>, TAsyncClient, TProtocolFactory, TNonblockingTransport) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.AsyncClient.put_call
- put_result() - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- put_result(int) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- put_result(Kestrel.put_result) - Constructor for class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
Performs a deep copy on other.
- PValueWordMapper - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation
- PValueWordMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.PValueWordMapper
- PValueWordReducer - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation
- PValueWordReducer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.PValueWordReducer
- Pyramid<OPTIONS extends PyramidOptions<OCTAVE,IMAGE>,OCTAVE extends Octave<OPTIONS,?,IMAGE>,IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid
An image pyramid consisting of a stack of octaves.
- Pyramid(OPTIONS) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Pyramid
Construct a Pyramid with the given options.
- pyramid - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.SimplePyramid
The images forming the pyramid
- Pyramid - Class in org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt
A simple Gaussian pyramid
- Pyramid(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Pyramid
- PyramidDenseSIFT<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift
A scale-space pyramid of dense SIFT for
- PyramidDenseSIFT(AbstractDenseSIFT<IMAGE>, float, int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
Construct the pyramid dense sift extractor.
- PyramidOptions<OCTAVE extends Octave<?,?,IMAGE>,IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid
Basic options for constructing a pyramid
- PyramidOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.PyramidOptions
- pyramidProcessor - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.PyramidOptions
PyramidProcessor for processing the pyramid after construction.
- PyramidProcessor<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid
The PyramidProcessor interface defines an object that
is capable performing work on a pyramid.
- pyramidResize(FImage, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
Resize the image using a pyramid.
- PyramidSet - Class in org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt
A common set of objects, namely the gaussian pyramid for an image and the gradients of each
level of the pyramid
- PyramidSet(FImage, TrackingContext) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.PyramidSet
- PyramidSet(Pyramid, Pyramid, Pyramid) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.PyramidSet
- PyramidSpatialAggregator<T,AGGREGATE extends FeatureVector & Concatenatable<AGGREGATE,AGGREGATE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate
- PyramidSpatialAggregator(VectorAggregator<ArrayFeatureVector<T>, AGGREGATE>, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.PyramidSpatialAggregator
Construct with the given aggregator and pyramid description (i.e.
- PyramidSpatialAggregator(VectorAggregator<ArrayFeatureVector<T>, AGGREGATE>, int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.PyramidSpatialAggregator
Construct with the given aggregator and number of blocks per level.
- PyramidTextExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale.PyramidTextExtractor
- r - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.BytePStableFactory.PStableFunction
- r - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.DoublePStableFactory.PStableFunction
- r - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.FloatPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- r - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.IntPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- r - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.LongPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- r - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortPStableFactory.PStableFunction
- R5E5 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
- R5L5 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
- R5R5 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
- R5S5 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
- radius - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.ExtendedLocalBinaryPattern
- radius - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
- radius - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature
The radius of the descriptor samples about each point
- radius - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- radiusDistanceSearch(byte[], byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radiusDistanceSearch(double[], double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radiusDistanceSearch(float[], float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radiusDistanceSearch(int[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radiusDistanceSearch(long[], long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radiusDistanceSearch(short[], short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radiusSearch(byte[], byte, TIntObjectProcedure<byte[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radiusSearch(double[], double, TIntObjectProcedure<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radiusSearch(float[], float, TIntObjectProcedure<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radiusSearch(byte[], byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point
- radiusSearch(double[], double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point
- radiusSearch(float[], float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point
- radiusSearch(int[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point
- radiusSearch(long[], long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point
- radiusSearch(short[], short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point
- radiusSearch(int[], int, TIntObjectProcedure<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radiusSearch(long[], long, TIntObjectProcedure<long[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radiusSearch(short[], short, TIntObjectProcedure<short[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
Find all the points within the given radius of the given point.
- radmap - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughCircles
- randGaussian(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Generate a matrix with Gaussian distributed randoms
- randIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreAnalysis
- randIndex - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FullMEAnalysis
- randIndex - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis
- randIndex() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomIndexAnalysis
- randIndex - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEAnalysis
- random(int, int, double) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
Create a random matrix
- random - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.RandomisedHashFunction
- RANDOM() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeansInit.RANDOM
- RANDOM() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeansInit.RANDOM
- RANDOM() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeansInit.RANDOM
- RANDOM() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeansInit.RANDOM
- RANDOM() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeansInit.RANDOM
- RANDOM() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeansInit.RANDOM
- RANDOM() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeansInit.RANDOM
- random - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomByteClusterer
- random - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomDoubleClusterer
- random - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomFloatClusterer
- random - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomIntClusterer
- random - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomLongClusterer
- random - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomShortClusterer
- RANDOM - Static variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.SignProgrammer
- RandomBaselineClusterAnalyser<ANNER extends ClusterAnalyser<ANNYS>,ANNYS extends RandomBaselineWrappable & AnalysisResult> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
Wraps the functionality of any
as corrected by
a Random baseline.
- RandomBaselineClusterAnalyser(ANNER) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalyser
- RandomBaselineClusterAnalyser(ANNER, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalyser
- RandomBaselineClusterAnalyser(ANNER, int, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalyser
- RandomBaselineClusterAnalysis<T extends RandomBaselineWrappable & AnalysisResult> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
The result of a TestRandomBaselineClusterAnalyser
which wraps the
baseline result and result of an AnalysisResult
- RandomBaselineClusterAnalysis(T, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalysis
- RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
Results of applying a RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis to evaluate clustering.
- RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis(int[][], int[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis
Construct with the correct assignments and estimated assignments.
- RandomBaselineSMEClusterAnalyser - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
A set of measures used to evaluate clustering quality.
- RandomBaselineSMEClusterAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEClusterAnalyser
Default constructor
- RandomBaselineWrappable - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
which can offer some score and thus be compared to
a random baseline
- RandomBetaInit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDABetaInitStrategy.RandomBetaInit
unseeded random
- RandomBetaInit(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDABetaInitStrategy.RandomBetaInit
seeded random
- RandomByteClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A simple (yet apparently quite effective in high dimensions)
clustering technique trained used randomly sampled data points.
- RandomByteClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomByteClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomByteClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomByteClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomChooser - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util
Choose a random number of annotations between the given
- RandomChooser(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util.RandomChooser
Construct so that the maximum possible number of annotations
is max and the minimum is 0.
- RandomChooser(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util.RandomChooser
Construct so that the minimium possible number of annotations
is min and the maximum is max.
- RandomClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
Given a similarity or distance matrix, this clusterer randomly selects a
number of clusters and randomly assigned each row to each cluster.
- RandomClusterer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomClusterer
unseeded random
- RandomClusterer(long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomClusterer
seeded random
- RandomClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomClusterer
seeded random
- RandomClusterer(int, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomClusterer
seeded random
- randomColour() - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Generate a random colour
- randomColours(int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Generate a list of random colours.
- RandomData - Class in org.openimaj.data
Utility functions for creating random data
- RandomData() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.RandomData
- RandomDecision - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest
A single decision node of a RandomForest tree.
- RandomDecision(int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecision
- RandomDecision(int, int[], int[], Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecision
- RandomDecision() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecision
Emtpy contructor provided to allow reading of the decision
- RandomDecisionTree - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest
A tree of
nodes used for constructing a string of bits which represent a cluster
point for a single data point
- RandomDecisionTree(int, int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecisionTree
Construct a new RandomDecisionTree setting the number of decisions and the values needed
to choose a random index and min/max values for each feature vector index.
- RandomDecisionTree(int, int, int[], int[], Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecisionTree
Construct a new RandomDecisionTree setting the number of decisions and the values needed
to choose a random index and min/max values for each feature vector index.
- RandomDecisionTree() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecisionTree
A convenience function allowing the RandomDecisionTree to be written and read.
- RandomDoubleClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A simple (yet apparently quite effective in high dimensions)
clustering technique trained used randomly sampled data points.
- RandomDoubleClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomDoubleClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomDoubleClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomDoubleClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomFieldSpout(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.StormPlayground.RandomFieldSpout
- RandomFieldSpout(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.StormPlayground.RandomFieldSpout
- RandomFilter - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter
- RandomFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.RandomFilter
- RandomFloatClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A simple (yet apparently quite effective in high dimensions)
clustering technique trained used randomly sampled data points.
- RandomFloatClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomFloatClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomFloatClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomFloatClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- randomFloatInRange(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.Simulation
- randomImage(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Create a random image of the given size.
- randomImage(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Create a random RGB image.
- RandomIndexAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
Uses a decision analysis to produce the random index result
- RandomIndexAnalysis(DecisionAnalysis) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomIndexAnalysis
- RandomIndexClusterAnalyser - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
- RandomIndexClusterAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomIndexClusterAnalyser
- RandomInitStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
- RandomInitStrategy(double, double, Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.RandomInitStrategy
- RandomIntClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A simple (yet apparently quite effective in high dimensions)
clustering technique trained used randomly sampled data points.
- RandomIntClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomIntClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomIntClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomIntClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- randomIntInRange(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.Simulation
- RandomisableList<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.list
A list from which random elements can be extracted
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(int, int, int, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the given values.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(int, int, int, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the given values.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(int, int, int, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the given values.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(int, int, int, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the given values.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(int, int, int, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the given values.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the default values of 14 points per leaf (max), 128
samples for computing variance, and the 5 most varying dimensions
randomly selected.
- RandomisedBBFMeanSplit(int, int, int, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit
Construct with the given values.
- RandomisedHashFunction<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A randomised hash function
- RandomisedHashFunctionFactory<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- RandomisedHashFunctionFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.RandomisedHashFunctionFactory
* @param ndims number of dimensions of data
- RandomisedPercentageHoldOut<INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.validation
Hold-Out validation that selects a percentage of the original
data to use for training, and the remainder to use for validation.
- RandomisedPercentageHoldOut(double, ListDataset<INSTANCE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.RandomisedPercentageHoldOut
Construct with the given dataset and percentage of training
data (0..1).
- randomizedTest() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalComparator
- RandomLinearByteValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that continuously animates between
randomly selected values in a range.
- RandomLinearByteValueAnimator(byte, byte, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearByteValueAnimator
- RandomLinearByteValueAnimator(byte, byte, int, byte) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearByteValueAnimator
- RandomLinearByteValueAnimator(int, int, byte, byte, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearByteValueAnimator
- RandomLinearByteValueAnimator(int, int, byte, byte, int, byte) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearByteValueAnimator
- RandomLinearDoubleValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that continuously animates between
randomly selected values in a range.
- RandomLinearDoubleValueAnimator(double, double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearDoubleValueAnimator
- RandomLinearDoubleValueAnimator(double, double, int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearDoubleValueAnimator
- RandomLinearDoubleValueAnimator(int, int, double, double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearDoubleValueAnimator
- RandomLinearDoubleValueAnimator(int, int, double, double, int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearDoubleValueAnimator
- RandomLinearFloatValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that continuously animates between
randomly selected values in a range.
- RandomLinearFloatValueAnimator(float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearFloatValueAnimator
- RandomLinearFloatValueAnimator(float, float, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearFloatValueAnimator
- RandomLinearFloatValueAnimator(int, int, float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearFloatValueAnimator
- RandomLinearFloatValueAnimator(int, int, float, float, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearFloatValueAnimator
- RandomLinearIntegerValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that continuously animates between
randomly selected values in a range.
- RandomLinearIntegerValueAnimator(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearIntegerValueAnimator
- RandomLinearIntegerValueAnimator(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearIntegerValueAnimator
- RandomLinearIntegerValueAnimator(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearIntegerValueAnimator
- RandomLinearIntegerValueAnimator(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearIntegerValueAnimator
- RandomLinearLongValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that continuously animates between
randomly selected values in a range.
- RandomLinearLongValueAnimator(long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearLongValueAnimator
- RandomLinearLongValueAnimator(long, long, int, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearLongValueAnimator
- RandomLinearLongValueAnimator(int, int, long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearLongValueAnimator
- RandomLinearLongValueAnimator(int, int, long, long, int, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearLongValueAnimator
- RandomLinearShortValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
that continuously animates between
randomly selected values in a range.
- RandomLinearShortValueAnimator(short, short, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearShortValueAnimator
- RandomLinearShortValueAnimator(short, short, int, short) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearShortValueAnimator
- RandomLinearShortValueAnimator(int, int, short, short, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearShortValueAnimator
- RandomLinearShortValueAnimator(int, int, short, short, int, short) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearShortValueAnimator
- RandomLongClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A simple (yet apparently quite effective in high dimensions)
clustering technique trained used randomly sampled data points.
- RandomLongClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomLongClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomLongClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomLongClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomPatchSampler<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn
- RandomPatchSampler(Dataset<IMAGE>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.RandomPatchSampler
- RandomProjectionHashComposition<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.composition
Compose a set of hash functions by computing the dot product of the hashes
they produce with a random vector.
- RandomProjectionHashComposition(MersenneTwister, List<HashFunction<OBJECT>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.composition.RandomProjectionHashComposition
Construct with the given functions.
- RandomProjectionHashComposition(MersenneTwister, HashFunction<OBJECT>, HashFunction<OBJECT>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.composition.RandomProjectionHashComposition
Construct with the given functions.
- RandomProjectionHashComposition(MersenneTwister, HashFunctionFactory<OBJECT>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.composition.RandomProjectionHashComposition
Construct with the factory which is used to produce the required number
of functions.
- RandomSampleDataSource<DATATYPE> - Class in org.openimaj.data
- RandomSampleDataSource(DataSource<DATATYPE>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.RandomSampleDataSource
Construct the view over the given
such that it has
requestedSize items.
- RandomSampleDataSource(DataSource<DATATYPE>, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.RandomSampleDataSource
Construct the view over the given
such that it has the
given proportion of items from the original.
- RandomSetByteClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A similar strategy to
however it is
guaranteed that the same training vector will not be sampled more than once.
- RandomSetByteClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetByteClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomSetByteClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetByteClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomSetDoubleClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A similar strategy to
however it is
guaranteed that the same training vector will not be sampled more than once.
- RandomSetDoubleClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetDoubleClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomSetDoubleClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetDoubleClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomSetFloatClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A similar strategy to
however it is
guaranteed that the same training vector will not be sampled more than once.
- RandomSetFloatClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetFloatClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomSetFloatClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetFloatClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomSetIntClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A similar strategy to
however it is
guaranteed that the same training vector will not be sampled more than once.
- RandomSetIntClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetIntClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomSetIntClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetIntClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomSetLongClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A similar strategy to
however it is
guaranteed that the same training vector will not be sampled more than once.
- RandomSetLongClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetLongClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomSetLongClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetLongClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomSetShortClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A similar strategy to
however it is
guaranteed that the same training vector will not be sampled more than once.
- RandomSetShortClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetShortClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomSetShortClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomSetShortClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomShortClusterer - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random
A simple (yet apparently quite effective in high dimensions)
clustering technique trained used randomly sampled data points.
- RandomShortClusterer(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomShortClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create K centroids with data containing M elements.
- RandomShortClusterer(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomShortClusterer
Creates a new random byte cluster used to create centroids with data containing M elements.
- randomSparseCol(int, int, double, double, double, Random) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Create a random SparseColumnMatrix
- randomSparseRow(int, int, double, double, double, Random) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Create a random SparseRowMatrix
- randomSubList(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
- randomSubList(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.MemoryTwitterStatusList
- randomSubList(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- randomSubList(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
This method creates a random sublist in ram from elements consumed
from the target list.
- randomSubList(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.list.RandomisableList
Extract a sublist made up of nelem elements from the this list.
- range - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BasicDescriptiveStatisticsModel
The range of pixel values
- range(double...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
range is: - a single number (a) (0:1:a) - two numbers (a,b) (a:1:b) - three
numbers (a,b,c) (a:b:c)
- range(int...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
range is: - a single number (a) (0:1:a) - two numbers (a,b) (a:1:b) - three
numbers (a,b,c) (a:b:c)
- range - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
The range of the property (for Object properties)
- range(int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Extract a range
- RangedAnalysisResult<KEY,ANA extends AnalysisResult> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster
- RangedAnalysisResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.RangedAnalysisResult
- RangedDBSCANClusterEvaluator<D,T extends AnalysisResult> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster
- RangedDBSCANClusterEvaluator(UniformDoubleRangeIterable, SparseMatrixDBSCAN, SparseMatrix, int[][], ClusterAnalyser<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.RangedDBSCANClusterEvaluator
- RangedDBSCANClusterEvaluator(UniformDoubleRangeIterable, SparseMatrixDBSCAN, SparseMatrix, Map<A, ? extends List<B>>, ClusterAnalyser<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.RangedDBSCANClusterEvaluator
- RangedDBSCANClusterEvaluator(UniformDoubleRangeIterable, SparseMatrixDBSCAN, SparseMatrix, Function<B, Integer>, Map<A, ? extends List<B>>, ClusterAnalyser<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.RangedDBSCANClusterEvaluator
- RangedDBSCANClusterEvaluator(UniformDoubleRangeIterable, SparseMatrixDBSCAN, Map<A, ? extends List<B>>, Function<List<B>, SparseMatrix>, ClusterAnalyser<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.RangedDBSCANClusterEvaluator
- RangePartitioner<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition
partitions data of a known size into a predefined
number of equally sized partitions.
- RangePartitioner(List<T>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.RangePartitioner
Construct with a
of data and the given number of partitions.
- RangePartitioner(Collection<T>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.RangePartitioner
Construct with a
of data and the given number of
- RangePartitioner(T[], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.RangePartitioner
Construct with an array of data and the given number of partitions.
- RangePartitioner(List<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.RangePartitioner
Construct with a
of data and the number of partitions equal
to the number of hardware threads.
- RangePartitioner(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.RangePartitioner
Construct with a
of data and the number of partitions
equal to the number of hardware threads.
- RangePartitioner(T[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.parallel.partition.RangePartitioner
Construct with an array of data and the number of partitions equal to the
number of hardware threads.
- rangePow(double, double...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
d to the power of each value in range.
- rangeSearch(Collection<T>, Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateBruteForce
- rangeSearch(Collection<T>, Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateIndex
Search for all the coordinates in the index that
lie in the hyper-rectangle defined by the lower and
upper bound coordinates.
- rangeSearch(Collection<T>, Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.CoordinateKDTree
Searches the tree for all points contained within a given k-dimensional
bounding box and stores them in a Collection.
- rangeSearch(byte[], byte[], TIntObjectProcedure<byte[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- rangeSearch(double[], double[], TIntObjectProcedure<double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- rangeSearch(float[], float[], TIntObjectProcedure<float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- rangeSearch(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalByteKDTree
Searches the tree for all points contained within the bounding box
defined by the given upper and lower extremes
- rangeSearch(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalDoubleKDTree
Searches the tree for all points contained within the bounding box
defined by the given upper and lower extremes
- rangeSearch(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalFloatKDTree
Searches the tree for all points contained within the bounding box
defined by the given upper and lower extremes
- rangeSearch(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalIntKDTree
Searches the tree for all points contained within the bounding box
defined by the given upper and lower extremes
- rangeSearch(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalLongKDTree
Searches the tree for all points contained within the bounding box
defined by the given upper and lower extremes
- rangeSearch(short[], short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IncrementalShortKDTree
Searches the tree for all points contained within the bounding box
defined by the given upper and lower extremes
- rangeSearch(int[], int[], TIntObjectProcedure<int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- rangeSearch(long[], long[], TIntObjectProcedure<long[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- rangeSearch(short[], short[], TIntObjectProcedure<short[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
Search the tree for all points contained within the hyperrectangle
defined by the given upper and lower extremes.
- rank - Variable in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator.Document
The rank of the document in a retrieved ranked list.
- Ranked - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval
Interface for objects that have a ranked position.
- RANSAC<I,D,M extends EstimatableModel<I,D>> - Class in org.openimaj.math.model.fit
The RANSAC Algorithm (RANdom SAmple Consensus)
- RANSAC(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, double, int, RANSAC.StoppingCondition, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
Create a RANSAC object with uniform random sampling for creating the
- RANSAC(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, DistanceCheck, int, RANSAC.StoppingCondition, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
Create a RANSAC object with uniform random sampling for creating the
- RANSAC(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, double, int, RANSAC.StoppingCondition, boolean, CollectionSampler<IndependentPair<I, D>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
Create a RANSAC object
- RANSAC(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, DistanceCheck, int, RANSAC.StoppingCondition, boolean, CollectionSampler<IndependentPair<I, D>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
Create a RANSAC object
- RANSAC.BestFitStoppingCondition - Class in org.openimaj.math.model.fit
Stopping condition that allows the RANSAC algorithm to run until all the
iterations have been exhausted.
- RANSAC.NumberInliersStoppingCondition - Class in org.openimaj.math.model.fit
Stopping condition that tests the number of matches against a threshold.
- RANSAC.PercentageInliersStoppingCondition - Class in org.openimaj.math.model.fit
Stopping condition that tests the number of matches against a percentage
threshold of the whole data.
- RANSAC.ProbabilisticMinInliersStoppingCondition - Class in org.openimaj.math.model.fit
Stopping condition that tests the number of matches against a percentage
threshold of the whole data.
- RANSAC.StoppingCondition - Interface in org.openimaj.math.model.fit
Interface for classes that can control RANSAC iterations
- rate - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.MultidimensionalScaling
- rates - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Number of users who "rated" this
- rating - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Average "rating" of content
- Rationaliser - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity
This class aims to return a list of possible rationalizations of a word that
is out of vocabulary.
- Rationaliser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.Rationaliser
- raw_to_mm_shift() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
- raw_to_mm_shift(Pointer<Short>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
- RawTextAnnotation - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations
- RawTextAnnotation(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.RawTextAnnotation
- RBFSimilarityDoubleClustererWrapper<T> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
Construct a similarity matrix using a Radial Basis Function
- RBFSimilarityDoubleClustererWrapper(FeatureExtractor<DoubleFV, T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.RBFSimilarityDoubleClustererWrapper
- RDF_OPENIMAJ_P_CLASSNAME - Static variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Predicate for giving the class name
- RDF_OPENIMAJ_P_COLLECTIONITEM - Static variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Predicate for unnamed collections
- RDF_OPENIMAJ_TMP_GRAPH - Static variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
URI used for temporary graph when loading into a store
- rdfAnalysisProvider() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.LanguageDetectionMode
- rdfAnalysisProvider() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TwitterPreprocessingMode
- RDFAnalysisProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.twitter
The analysis held in
can be translated to JSON very
easily The same analysis cannot be easily translated to RDF so this class
must be registered in GeneralJSONRDF's map to do so.
- RDFCollection - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.rdf.serialize
This annotation will force a collection object to be output as an
RDF collection (or sequence) rather than as individual triples when using
to serialise objects.
- RDFExifTool - Class in com.thebuzzmedia.exiftool
- RDFExifTool(String) - Constructor for class com.thebuzzmedia.exiftool.RDFExifTool
- rdfFile - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
The RDF file to convert
- RDFSerializer - Class in org.openimaj.rdf.serialize
The RDFSerializer is used to serialise an object to RDF.
- RDFSerializer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Default constructor
- RDFSerializer(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Constructor that determines whether to create predicates automatically when
annotation does not exist.
- RDFType - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.rdf.serialize
An annotation that can be used to specify a URI for the type of
an object as it is serialised to an RDF graph.
- re - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.util.Complex
The real part
- read(Scanner, boolean) - Static method in class com.jsaragih.CLM
Read a CLM
- read(Scanner, boolean) - Static method in class com.jsaragih.FDet
Read the Face detector.
- read(Scanner, boolean) - Static method in class com.jsaragih.MFCheck
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- read(TProtocol) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- read(InputStream) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.reader.OneSecondClipReader
Read an object from the source
- read(FileObject) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset.FileObjectISReader
- read(File, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.FileLocalFeatureList
Read a file containing a set of local features of a type clz.
- read(File, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
Create a MemoryLocalFeatureList by reading all the local features from
the specified file.
- read(InputStream, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
Create a MemoryLocalFeatureList by reading all the local features from
the specified stream.
- read(BufferedInputStream, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
Create a MemoryLocalFeatureList by reading all the local features from
the specified stream.
- read(InputStream, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.StreamLocalFeatureList
Construct a new StreamLocalFeatureList from the given input stream.
- read(BufferedInputStream, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.StreamLocalFeatureList
Construct a new StreamLocalFeatureList from the given input stream.
- read(byte[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.cifar.BinaryReader
Read the binary data into an object
- read(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.cifar.FImageReader
- read(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.cifar.MBFImageReader
- read(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
Read a .siftgeo file.
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
Read .siftgeo file from a stream.
- read(DataInputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
Read .siftgeo file from a stream.
- read(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerData
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerData
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.OCVHaarLoader
Read the cascade from an OpenCV xml serialisation.
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
Deserialize the detector from a stream.
- read(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
- read(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Read an object from a file.
- read(File, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Read an object from a file.
- read(File, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Read a new instance of type class from a file.
- read(File, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Read a new instance of type class from a file.
- read(InputStream, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Read a new instance of type class from an input stream.
- read(InputStream, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Read a new instance of type class from an input stream.
- read(File, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Open file input stream and call Readable#read(InputStream,T)
- read(File, T, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Open file input stream and call Readable#read(InputStream,T)
- read(InputStream, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Read an instance of an object from an input stream.
- read(InputStream, T, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Read an instance of an object from an input stream.
- read(Reader, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Read an instance of an object from a reader.
- read(Reader, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Read an instance of an object from a reader.
- read(DataInput) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
- read(SOURCE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.io.ObjectReader
Read an object from the source
- read(Kryo, Input, Class<Graph>) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.GraphSerialiser
- read(Kryo, Input, Class<KestrelServerSpec>) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.KestrelServerSpec_Serializer
- read(Kryo, Input, Class<Node[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.NodeSerialiser_ARRAY
- read(Kryo, Input, Class<Node_Blank>) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.NodeSerialiser_Blank
- read(Kryo, Input, Class<Node_Literal>) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.NodeSerialiser_Literal
- read(Kryo, Input, Class<Node_URI>) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.NodeSerialiser_URI
- read(Kryo, Input, Class<Node_Variable>) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.NodeSerialiser_Variable
- read(Kryo, Input, Class<Rule>) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.RuleSerializer
- read(Kryo, Input, Class<Template>) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.TemplateSerialiser
- read(Kryo, Input, Class<Triple>) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.TripleSerialiser
- read(InputStream, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AsciiInterestPoint
Read the file
- read(File, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AsciiInterestPoint
Read the file
- read(File) - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FileType
Read a file
- read(InputStream) - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FileType
Read a file
- read(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionConfig
- read(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionConfig
- read(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.MemoryTwitterStatusList
- read(File, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.MemoryTwitterStatusList
- read(InputStream, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.MemoryTwitterStatusList
- read(InputStream, int, Class<T>, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.MemoryTwitterStatusList
- read(BufferedInputStream, int, Class<T>, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.MemoryTwitterStatusList
- read(InputStream, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(InputStream, int, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(InputStream, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(BufferedInputStream, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(BufferedInputStream, int, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(InputStream, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(InputStream, int, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(InputStream, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(InputStream, int, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(InputStream, int, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
- read(BufferedInputStream, int, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(BufferedInputStream, int, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- read(BufferedInputStream, int, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
Construct a new StreamTwitterStatusList from the given input stream.
- Readability - Class in org.openimaj.web.readability
Class for extracting the "content" from web-pages, and ignoring adverts, etc.
- Readability(Document) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Construct with the given document.
- Readability(Document, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Construct with the given document.
- Readability(Document, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Construct with the given document.
- Readability.MappingNode - Class in org.openimaj.web.readability
- Readability.Regexps - Class in org.openimaj.web.readability
Regular expressions for different types of content
- readable(File, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Check whether a given file is readable by a given Writeable class.
- readable(File, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Check whether a file is readable by checking it's first bytes contains
the header.
- readable(File, byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Check readability by checking whether a file starts with a given header.
- readable(BufferedInputStream, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Check whether an InputStream can be read by an instantiated class based
on it's binary and ascii headers.
- readable(BufferedInputStream, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Check whether an input stream starts with a header string.
- readable(BufferedInputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Check whether a stream starts with a header.
- Readable - Interface in org.openimaj.io
Interface for objects capable of deserialising themselves from ascii
and/or binary formats.
- Readable2DArrayBinary - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
A wrapper for 2D Array that is readable.
- Readable2DArrayBinary(double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.Readable2DArrayBinary
Construct with a backing matrix
- ReadableArrayBinary<V> - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
A wrapper for
that is readable.
- ReadableArrayBinary(V[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableArrayBinary
Construct with a backing list
- ReadableASCII - Interface in org.openimaj.io
Interface for objects capable of deserialising themselves from ascii
- ReadableBinary - Interface in org.openimaj.io
Interface for objects capable of deserialising themselves from binary formats.
- ReadableGroupDataset<KEY,DATASET extends Dataset<INSTANCE>,INSTANCE,SOURCE> - Class in org.openimaj.data.dataset
- ReadableGroupDataset(ObjectReader<INSTANCE, SOURCE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableGroupDataset
- ReadableListBinary<V> - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
A wrapper for
that is readable.
- ReadableListBinary(List<V>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableListBinary
Construct with a backing list
- ReadableListDataset<INSTANCE,SOURCE> - Class in org.openimaj.data.dataset
- ReadableListDataset(ObjectReader<INSTANCE, SOURCE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableListDataset
- ReadableMapBinary<K,V> - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
A wrapper for
that is readable.
- ReadableMapBinary(Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableMapBinary
Construct with a backing map
- ReadableWritableJSON() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList.ReadableWritableJSON
- readall(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
Utility method for reading a whole file into a single string.
- readall(InputStream, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
Utility method for reading a whole file into a single string.
- readall(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
Utility method for reading a whole file into a single string.
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.EnumFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.LocalFeatureImpl
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.quantised.QuantisedLocalFeature
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.SpatialLocation
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairUnaryCount
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.WritableEnumCounter
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.JacardIndex
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDF
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDFTimeSeries
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDFTimeSeriesCollection
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ByteDSIFTKeypoint
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.FloatDSIFTKeypoint
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint.AffineSimulationKeypointLocation
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticInterestPointData
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointData
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.InterestPointKeypoint
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointLocation
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.MinMaxKeypoint.MinMaxKeypointLocation
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint.SIFTGeoLocation
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineParams
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in interface org.openimaj.io.ReadableASCII
Read internal state from in.
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableByte
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableDouble
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableFloat
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableInt
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableLong
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableShort
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableString
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PayloadCoordinate
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ReadWriteableMatrix
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ByteCentroidsResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.DoubleCentroidsResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FeatureVectorCentroidsResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FloatCentroidsResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IntCentroidsResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.KDTreeClusters
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.LongCentroidsResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecisionTree
Read/Write RandomDecisionTree (including decision nodes)
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ShortCentroidsResult
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeriesCollection
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableFailedURL
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableImageOutput
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumption
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionConfig
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionConfig
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionState
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList.ReadableWritableJSON
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONRDF
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitterRawText
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- readASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.EnumFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.LocalFeatureListIndex
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.LocalFeatureImpl
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.quantised.QuantisedLocalFeature
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.SpatialLocation
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder.TimeFrequency
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairUnaryCount
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.WordDFIDFValue
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TimeperiodTweetCountWordCount
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TweetCountWordMap
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDF
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ByteDSIFTKeypoint
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.FloatDSIFTKeypoint
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint.AffineSimulationKeypointLocation
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticInterestPointData
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointData
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.InterestPointKeypoint
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.KeypointLocation
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.MinMaxKeypoint.MinMaxKeypointLocation
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint.SIFTGeoLocation
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.EigenImages
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.FisherImages
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.AffineAligner
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.IdentityAligner
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.MeshWarpAligner
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.RotateScaleAligner
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.ScalingAligner
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CCDetectedFace
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMDetectedFace
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.IdentityFaceDetector
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypoint
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.KEDetectedFace
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseFeature.Extractor
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseFeature
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseShapeFeature.Extractor
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMPoseShapeFeature
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMShapeFeature.Extractor
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.CLMShapeFeature
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.DoGSIFTFeatureComparator
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.FaceFVComparator
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.LtpDtFeatureComparator
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.ReversedLtpDtFeatureComparator
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.DoGSIFTFeature.Extractor
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.DoGSIFTFeature
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.EigenFaceFeature.Extractor
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.EigenFaceFeature
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FaceImageFeature.Extractor
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FaceImageFeature
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature.DetectedFacePart
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature.Extractor
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FisherFaceFeature.Extractor
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FisherFaceFeature
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.LocalLBPHistogram.Extractor
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.LocalLBPHistogram
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.AbstractLtpDtFeature
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.GaussianWeighting
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.LtpDtFeature.Extractor
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.TruncatedWeighting
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineParams
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in interface org.openimaj.io.ReadableBinary
Read internal state from in.
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.Readable2DArrayBinary
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableArrayBinary
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableListBinary
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableMapBinary
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWritableIndependentPair
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableByte
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableDouble
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableFloat
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableInt
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableListBinary
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableLong
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableShort
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableString
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PayloadCoordinate
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ReadWriteableMatrix
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ByteCentroidsResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.DoubleCentroidsResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FeatureVectorCentroidsResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FloatCentroidsResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IntCentroidsResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.KDTreeClusters
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.LongCentroidsResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecision
Read decision
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecisionTree
Read/Write RandomDecisionTree (including decision nodes)
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ShortCentroidsResult
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableFailedURL
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableImageOutput
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumption
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageModel
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList.ReadableWritableJSON
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSON
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- readBinary(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- readCorpus() - Method in interface org.openimaj.pgm.util.CorpusReader
- readCorpus() - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.util.SimpleCorpusReader
- readData(File, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AsciiInterestPoint
Read the data
- readData(File, int[], boolean, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AsciiInterestPoint
Read the data
- readData(Scanner, Header, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AsciiInterestPoint
- reader - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableGroupDataset
- reader - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableListDataset
- Reader - Class in org.openimaj.tools.web
Command-line driver for the readability4j engine.
- Reader() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.web.Reader
- ReaderOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.web
Options for the Reader command-line program.
- ReaderOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- readF(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Reads an
from the given file.
- readF(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Reads an
from the given input stream.
- readF(URL) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Reads an
from the given URL.
- readF(DataInput) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Read an
from a DataInput
- readFeatures(File, int...) - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FileType
Read features at given indices from the file.
- readFeatures(InputStream, int...) - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FileType
Read features at given indices from an input stream.
- readFeatures(File) - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FileType
Read all the features from the file.
- readFeatures(InputStream) - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FileType
Read all the features from the file.
- readFields(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.MapperOut
- readFile(FileSystem, Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- readFile(FileSystem, Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.TextBytesSequenceFileUtility
- readFile(FileSystem, Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.IntBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- readFile(FileSystem, Path) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- readFirst(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWritableIndependentPair
- readFrom(Scanner) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- readFromFile(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
- readHeader(File, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AsciiInterestPoint
Read the header
- readHeader(Scanner, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AsciiInterestPoint
- readHeader(File) - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FileType
Read the header (num features and dimensionality of features) from given
- readHeader(InputStream) - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FileType
Read the header (num features and dimensionality of features) from given
- readHomography(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
- readHomography(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
- readIntDataLine(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.ClusterTestDataLoader
- readKey(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableMapBinary
- readLine(Scanner, Header, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AsciiInterestPoint
- readlines(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
Read a whole hadoop file into a string.
- readlines(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
- readlines(File, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
- readlines(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
- readlines(InputStream, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.FileUtils
- readMat(Scanner) - Static method in class com.jsaragih.IO
Read a matrix
- readMatlabInterestPoints(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
Read an ellipses from the matlab interest point files
- readMBF(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- readMBF(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Reads an
from the given input stream.
- readMBF(URL) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- readMBFAlpha(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- readMBFAlpha(InputStream) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
Reads an
from the given input stream.
- readMBFAlpha(URL) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.ImageUtilities
- readNoHeader(DataInput, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
Create a MemoryLocalFeatureList by reading all the local features from
the specified
- readRecord(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- readRecord(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
- readRecordASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- readRecordASCII(Scanner) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
- readSampleBatches(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
Read batches from a file
- readSecond(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWritableIndependentPair
- readSentiSet(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.BillMPQASentiment
- readStatus(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions
- readStatusPart(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenToolOptions
Read json from text and try to extract the part to the type required
- readString(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecision
Read decision from a string
- readTimeCountLines(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeTimeWord
from a report output path get the words
- readTimeCountLines(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.TimeIndex
from a report output path get the words
- readTimeIndex(Path) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod
- readURL(URL) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
- readURL(URL, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
- readURL(URL, T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
Read the internal state of an object from the given URL.
- readURL(URL, Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
Read the an object from the given URL.
- readURL(URL, Q) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
Read the an object from the given URL.
- readURLAsByteArrayInputStream(URL, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
- readURLAsByteArrayInputStream(URL, RedirectStrategy) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
- readURLAsByteArrayInputStream(URL, int, int, RedirectStrategy, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
- readURLAsBytes(URL) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
Read the contents of the given
as an array of bytes.
- readURLAsBytes(URL, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
Read the contents of the given
as an array of bytes.
- readURLAsStream(URL) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
- readURLAsStream(URL, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.HttpUtils
- readUSMF(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- readUSMF(File, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- readUSMF(File, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- readUSMF(File, String, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- readUSMF(File, String, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- readUSMF(File, int, String, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- readUSMF(File, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.FileTwitterStatusList
- readUSMF(InputStream, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
- readUSMF(InputStream, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
- readUSMF(InputStream, int, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
- readUSMF(InputStream, int, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
- readValue(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableArrayBinary
- readValue(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableListBinary
- readValue(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableMapBinary
- readValue(DataInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableListBinary
- readWordCountLines(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndex
- readWordCountLines(String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndex
from a report output path get the words
- readWordDFIDF(String, LinkedHashMap<Long, IndependentPair<Long, Long>>, LinkedHashMap<String, IndependentPair<Long, Long>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.Values
Construct a time series per word
- ReadWritableIndependentPair<A,B> - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
Base class for writing any independent pair.
- ReadWritableIndependentPair(A, B) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWritableIndependentPair
initialise with data
- ReadWritableIndependentPair(IndependentPair<A, B>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWritableIndependentPair
initialise with an existing pair
- ReadWriteable - Interface in org.openimaj.io
Interface for objects capable of serialising and deserialising
themselves to and from ascii and/or binary formats.
- ReadWriteableASCII - Interface in org.openimaj.io
Interface for objects capable of serialising and deserialising
themselves to and from ascii format.
- ReadWriteableBinary - Interface in org.openimaj.io
Interface for objects capable of serialising and deserialising
themselves to and from binary format.
- ReadWriteableByte - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
A wrapper around byte that can be read and written.
- ReadWriteableByte(byte) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableByte
Construct the wrapper with the given value.
- ReadWriteableByte() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableByte
Construct the wrapper with the value of 0.
- ReadWriteableDouble - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
A wrapper around double that can be read and written.
- ReadWriteableDouble(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableDouble
Construct the wrapper with the given value.
- ReadWriteableDouble() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableDouble
Construct the wrapper with the value of 0.
- ReadWriteableFloat - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
A wrapper around float that can be read and written.
- ReadWriteableFloat(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableFloat
Construct the wrapper with the given value.
- ReadWriteableFloat() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableFloat
Construct the wrapper with the value of 0.
- ReadWriteableInt - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
A wrapper around int that can be read and written.
- ReadWriteableInt(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableInt
Construct the wrapper with the given value.
- ReadWriteableInt() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableInt
Construct the wrapper with the value of 0.
- ReadWriteableListBinary<V> - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
- ReadWriteableListBinary(List<V>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableListBinary
Construct with the given list.
- ReadWriteableLong - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
A wrapper around long that can be read and written.
- ReadWriteableLong(long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableLong
Construct the wrapper with the given value.
- ReadWriteableLong() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableLong
Construct the wrapper with the value of 0.
- ReadWriteableMatrix - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix
A wrapper around a JAMA Matrix that is read-writeable by
OpenIMAJ IOUtils.
- ReadWriteableMatrix() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ReadWriteableMatrix
Construct a new matrix of zero size.
- ReadWriteableMatrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ReadWriteableMatrix
Construct a matrix using the provided 2-D double array.
- ReadWriteableMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ReadWriteableMatrix
Construct a new matrix of the given size
- ReadWriteableMatrix(Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ReadWriteableMatrix
Construct a matrix using the provided matrix.
- ReadWriteableShort - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
A wrapper around short that can be read and written.
- ReadWriteableShort(short) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableShort
Construct the wrapper with the given value.
- ReadWriteableShort() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableShort
Construct the wrapper with the value of 0.
- ReadWriteableString - Class in org.openimaj.io.wrappers
A wrapper around a String that can be read and written.
- ReadWriteableString(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableString
Construct a ReadWriteableString with the given value
- ReadWriteableString() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableString
Construct a ReadWriteableString with an empty string
- real_name - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.User
Real name of user
- RealFFTUtils_2D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
This is a set of utility methods for R/W access to data resulting from a call
to the Fourier transform of real data.
- RealFFTUtils_2D(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_2D
Creates a new instance of this class.
- RealFFTUtils_3D - Class in edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft
This is a set of utility methods for R/W access to data resulting from a call
to the Fourier transform of real data.
- RealFFTUtils_3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.RealFFTUtils_3D
Creates a new instance of this class.
- realForward(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(double[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(double[][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(double[][][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(float[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(float[][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(float[][][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(double[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(double[][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(double[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(double[][][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(float[], int) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(float[][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(float[]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(float[][][]) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(double[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(double[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(double[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(float[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(float[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse2(double[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
- realInverse2(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
- realInverseFull(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(double[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(double[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(double[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(double[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(float[][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D
Computes 2D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(float[], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(float[][][], boolean) - Method in class edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_3D
Computes 3D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- RealTimeWindowFunction<IN> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream.window
Given a period of time to wait in milliseconds, this function consumes
a stream for that period of time and produces a new stream of lists representing windows of that time period
- RealTimeWindowFunction(long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.RealTimeWindowFunction
- reason - Variable in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableFailedURL
- recalculateCumulativeFrequencies() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder
- recall(int) - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
Returns the recall of the retrieval at a given number of documents retrieved.
- recall() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
- reciprocalRank() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
Returns the reciprocal of the rank of the first relevant document
retrieved, or zero if no relevant documents were retrieved.
- recognise(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
Detect and recognise the faces in the given image, returning a list of
potential people for each face.
- recognise(FImage, Set<PERSON>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
Detect and recognise the faces in the given image, returning a list of
potential people for each face.
- recogniseBest(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
Detect and recognise the faces in the given image, returning the most
likely person for each face.
- recogniseBest(FImage, Set<PERSON>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
Detect and recognise the faces in the given image, returning the most
likely person for each face.
- recogniser - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
- RecognitionEngineProvider<FACE extends DetectedFace> - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options
Interface for objects capable of providing configured recognition engines
- RecognitionStrategy - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options
Standard recognition strategies
- recomputeBias(double[][], double[][], boolean[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
- recomputeSubsets() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split.GroupedRandomSplitter
Recompute the underlying splits of the training, validation and testing
data by randomly picking new subsets of the input dataset given in the
- reconstruct(DoubleFV) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.EigenImages
Reconstruct an image from a weight vector
- reconstruct(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.EigenImages
Reconstruct an image from a weight vector
- Record(FileObject) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.Caltech101.Record
- Record() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.Record
- record(FeatureList, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureHistory
Record a list of features at a given time
- RecordIndexMapper - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index
- RecordIndexMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.RecordIndexMapper
- RecordInformationExtractor - Interface in org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile
Interface for objects capable of producing an information
snippet (as a
) from a record (key-value pair)
in a SequenceFile.
- recordLength - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- recordLength - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
The length (in bytes) of each item held in the list
- Rectangle - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
A rectangle shape oriented to the axes.
- Rectangle() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
Construct a unit rectangle
- Rectangle(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
Construct a Rectangle with the given parameters.
- Rectangle(Rectangle) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
Construct a Rectangle by copying from another rectangle.
- Rectangle(Point2d, Point2d) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
Construct a Rectangle with the given parameters.
- Rectangle3D - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
A rectangle in 3D space.
- Rectangle3D() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle3D
- Rectangle3DPlotter - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
Plots rectangles into a 3D space.
- Rectangle3DPlotter(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.Rectangle3DPlotter
Create a visualisation with the given size
- Rectangle3DPlotter.RectanglePlotPosition - Enum in org.openimaj.vis.general
Where the actual position of the rectangle is relative to the geometry.
- RectangleSampler - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling
provides an easy way to generate a sliding window
of rectangle over an image or other domain.
- RectangleSampler(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.RectangleSampler
Construct the sampler with the given parameters
- RectangleSampler(Rectangle, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.RectangleSampler
Construct the sampler with the given parameters
- RectangleSampler(Image<?, ?>, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.RectangleSampler
Construct the sampler with the given parameters
- rects - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.HaarFeature
The rectangles that make up this feature.
- recv_abort() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- recv_confirm() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- recv_delete_queue() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- recv_flush_all_queues() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- recv_flush_queue() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- recv_get() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- recv_get_version() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- recv_peek() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- recv_put() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- RED - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Red colour as RGB
- RED - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
Right edge
- REDDIT_BASE_URL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.RedditHarvesterOptions
the root reddit url
- RedditHarvester - Class in org.openimaj.tools.reddit
- RedditHarvester(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.RedditHarvester
- RedditHarvesterOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.reddit
- RedditHarvesterOptions(String[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.RedditHarvesterOptions
- RedditHarvesterOptions(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.RedditHarvesterOptions
- redetectedBounds - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackedFace
The redetected bounds: R
- redirection() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer.StatusConsumerRedirectStrategy
- reduce(IntWritable, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<IntWritable, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans.Combine
- Reduce() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans.Reduce
- reduce(IntWritable, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<IntWritable, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans.Reduce
- Reduce() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureCount.Reduce
- reduce(Text, Iterable<IntWritable>, Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureCount.Reduce
- Reduce() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureSelect.Reduce
- reduce(IntWritable, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<IntWritable, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureSelect.Reduce
- Reduce() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.ImageFeatureSelect.Reduce
- reduce(Text, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.ImageFeatureSelect.Reduce
- reduce(HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.MapperOut, Iterable<Text>, Reducer<HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.MapperOut, Text, IntWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.LSHReducer
- reduce(Text, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopCounterTest.CounterReducer
- reduce(LongWritable, Iterable<Text>, Reducer<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopLZOTest.CounterReducer
- reduce(LongWritable, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<LongWritable, BytesWritable, LongWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod.InMemoryCombiningReducer
- reduce(LongWritable, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<LongWritable, BytesWritable, LongWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod.TimeIndexReducer
- reduce(Text, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.NonCombinedTimesReducer
- Reduce() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.Reduce
default construct does nothing
- reduce(Text, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.Reduce
- reduce(BytesWritable, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairEmitCombiner
- reduce(BytesWritable, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairEmitCounter
- reduce(BytesWritable, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<BytesWritable, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortReducer
- reduce(DoubleWritable, Iterable<Text>, Reducer<DoubleWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.PValueWordReducer
- reduce(Text, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<Text, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.WordValueCorrelationReducer
For each word,
- reduce(LongWritable, Iterable<Text>, Reducer<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeJacardReducer
- reduce(BytesWritable, Iterable<BooleanWritable>, Reducer<BytesWritable, BooleanWritable, LongWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeTimeWord.IntersectionUnionReduce
- reduce(LongWritable, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<LongWritable, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeTimeWord.JacardReduce
- reduce(LongWritable, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<LongWritable, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.ReduceValuesByTime
- reduce(NullWritable, Iterable<Text>, Reducer<NullWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.ReduceValuesByWord
- Reduce() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.TimeIndex.Reduce
- reduce(LongWritable, Iterable<LongWritable>, Reducer<LongWritable, LongWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.TimeIndex.Reduce
- Reduce() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndex.Reduce
- reduce(Text, Iterable<LongWritable>, Reducer<Text, LongWritable, LongWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndex.Reduce
- Reduce() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndexSort.Reduce
- reduce(LongWritable, Iterable<Text>, Reducer<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndexSort.Reduce
- reduce(Text, Iterable<BytesWritable>, Reducer<Text, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.timeseries.WordDFIDFTimeSeriesReducer
- reduce() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.combinatorics.optimisation.HungarianAlgorithm
Reduce the cost matrix by subtracting the smallest element of each row
from all elements of the row as well as the smallest element of each
column from all elements of the column.
- reducer() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.MultipleOutputStage
- reducer() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.Stage
- reducer() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
- reducer() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
- reducer() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordSort
- reducer() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.TimeWordJacardIndex
- reduceRank(Matrix, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Reduce the rank a matrix by estimating a the best (in a least-squares sense)
approximation using the thin SVD.
- reduceRank(Matrix, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThinSingularValueDecomposition
Reduce the rank of the input matrix using the thin SVD to get a lower
rank least-squares estimate of the input.
- ReducerModeOption - Enum in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter
A style of reducer
- ReduceValuesByTime - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv
Writes each word,count
- ReduceValuesByTime() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.ReduceValuesByTime
construct the reduce instance, do nothing
- ReduceValuesByWord - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv
Writes each word,count
- ReduceValuesByWord() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.ReduceValuesByWord
construct the reduce instance, do nothing
- reduceVertices(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Reduce the number of vertices in a polygon.
- Reference - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.citation.annotation
Annotation for bibtex-style references inside the code.
- reference - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ProcrustesAnalysis
- reference - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
Links either created explicitly or extracted implicitly on the HTML level
from the Post.
- reference_distance() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_zero_plane_info
- reference_distance(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_zero_plane_info
- reference_pixel_size() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_zero_plane_info
- reference_pixel_size(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_zero_plane_info
- referenceCog - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ProcrustesAnalysis
- ReferenceFormatter - Interface in org.openimaj.citation.annotation.output
- ReferenceListener - Class in org.openimaj.citation
Listener that registers instances of
- ReferenceListener() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.citation.ReferenceListener
- ReferenceProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.citation.annotation.processor
- ReferenceProcessor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.processor.ReferenceProcessor
- References - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.citation.annotation
Annotation for multiple bibtex-style references inside the code.
- ReferencesClassTransformer - Class in org.openimaj.citation
that dynamically augments classes and methods
annotated with
annotations to
register the annotations with a global listener if the class is constructed,
or the method is invoked.
- ReferencesClassTransformer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.citation.ReferencesClassTransformer
- referenceShape - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector.Configuration
The reference shape
- referenceShape - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackedFace
The reference shape
- referenceShape - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackerVars
The reference shape
- ReferencesTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools
A tool for running another program and extracting a bibliography for all the
annotated methods and classes that are used during the programs execution.
- ReferencesTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.ReferencesTool
- ReferencesToolOpts - Class in org.openimaj.tools
Options for the References Tool
- ReferencesToolOpts(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.ReferencesToolOpts
Load the options from the arguments string
- referenceTriangles - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- ReferenceType - Enum in org.openimaj.citation.annotation
Standard BibTeX types.
- refine(Matrix, List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement
Refine an initial guess at the homography that takes the first points in
data to the second using non-linear Levenberg Marquardt optimisation.
- refine(Matrix, List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Point2d, ? extends Point2d>>) - Method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyRefinement
Refine an initial guess at the homography that takes the first points in
data to the second using non-linear Levenberg Marquardt optimisation.
- reflectAroundLine(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Reflects a point around a this line.
- ReflectionUtils - Class in org.openimaj.util.reflection
Utility methods for java reflection
- ReflectionUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.reflection.ReflectionUtils
- reg_info() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
- reg_info(freenect_reg_info) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
- reg_pad_info() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
- reg_pad_info(freenect_reg_pad_info) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
- regex - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.VLADBuilder
- regex_char_neg(List<String>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.util.RegexUtil
- REGEX_KEY - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match.TokenRegexStage
The key where regexs are stored
- regex_or_match(String...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.util.RegexUtil
- regex_or_match(PatternProvider...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.util.RegexUtil
- regex_or_match(List<String>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.util.RegexUtil
- RegexEngine - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter
Regex engines can be told about a set of regex patterns to match strings
- RegexEngineMode - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter
Command line options for regex engine selection
- RegExParser - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.serial
Takes incoming data from a serial parser and splits it into multiple
strings based on a regular expression.
- RegExParser(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.RegExParser
Construct a new regex parser
- RegexPathFilter - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile
A PathFilter
based on matching regular expressions.
- RegexPathFilter(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.RegexPathFilter
Construct with the given regex
- Regexps() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.Regexps
- RegexUtil - Class in org.openimaj.text.util
A collection of utility functions for regex construction
- RegexUtil() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.util.RegexUtil
- region - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.TeleaInpainting
- RegionMode<PAIRTYPE> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.neighbourhood
instances can provide Neighbours of the n'th data
point given all the data points
- regionQuery(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.neighbourhood.RegionMode
- register(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc.AbstractIRCStreamDataset
- register(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.BlockingDroppingBufferedStream
- registerRDFAnalysisProvider(String, RDFAnalysisProvider) - Static method in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONRDF
Registers an analysis provider to be used when some analysis key is met
- registerSerializers(Config) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils
- registerStatus(Query, Status, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterSearchDataset
- registerStatus(Status, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterStatusesFilterDataset
- registerStatus(Status, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterStreamDataset
- registerStatus(Query, Status, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.ContextRoundRobinTwitterSearchAPIDataset
- registerStatus(Query, Status, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.RoundRobinTwitterSearchAPIDataset
- registerStatus(Query, Status, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.TwitterSearchDataset
- registerStatus(Status, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.TwitterStreamDataset
- registerStatus(Status, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.TwitterStreamFilterDataset
- registration_table() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
A table of 640*480 pairs of x,y values.
C type : int32_t[2]*
- registration_table(Pointer<Pointer<Integer>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_registration
A table of 640*480 pairs of x,y values.
C type : int32_t[2]*
- RegretExperiment - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill
- RegretExperiment() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.RegretExperiment
- REGUL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
- regul - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- regul - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- Regulariser - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.regul
- Regulariser - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.regul
- reinitParams() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
must be called if any parameters are changed
- reinitParams() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.IncrementalBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- reinitParams() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
must be called if any parameters are changed
- RelationList - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.rdf.serialize
An annotation that marks a member of a class that must be an instance of
to be treated specially during serialisation.
- RelativePathFilenameKeyProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility.RelativePathFilenameKeyProvider
- relevant - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.RetrievalEvaluator
- relevantDocuments() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
Returns a list of all documents judged relevant, whether they were
retrieved or not.
- relevantMissedDocuments() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
Returns a list of documents that were judged relevant that
were not retrieved.
- relevantRetrieved(int) - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
The number of relevant documents retrieved at a particular
- relevantRetrievedDocuments() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
Returns a list of retrieved documents that were judged relevant,
in the order that they were retrieved.
- remaining() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
Get the number of records remaining in the stream
- remainingCapacity() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Returns the number of additional elements that this queue can ideally (in
the absence of memory or resource constraints) accept without blocking.
- remainingCapacity() - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concurrent.BlockingDroppingQueue
Returns the number of additional elements that this queue can ideally (in
the absence of memory or resource constraints) accept without blocking,
or Integer.MAX_VALUE if there is no intrinsic limit.
- remap(FImage, FImage, FImage, ImageInterpolation.Interpolator) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.RemapProcessor
Transform an image using the given parameters
- remap(FImage, FImage, FImage, ImageInterpolation) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.RemapProcessor
Transform an image using the given parameters
- remap(FImage, FImage, FImage, FImage, ImageInterpolation) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.RemapProcessor
Transform an image using the given parameters, and write te results into
- remap(FImage, FImage, FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.RemapProcessor
Transform an image using the given parameters.
- remap(FImage, FImage, FImage, FImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.RemapProcessor
Transform an image using the given parameters, and write the results into
- RemapProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.transform
and associated static utility methods for transforming
an image based on the pixel positions given by a distortion map:
destination(x,y) = source(mapx(x,y), mapy(x,y))
- RemapProcessor(FImage, FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.RemapProcessor
- RemapProcessor(FImage, FImage, ImageInterpolation.Interpolator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.RemapProcessor
Construct with the given distortion map and interpolator.
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
- remove(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- remove(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.FBEigenIterator
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PicSlurper
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.KeypointListArrayIterator
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.MetadataVideoIterator
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.URLImageIterator
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayIterator
- remove(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Removes a single instance of the specified element from this queue, if it
is present.
- remove(Object) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concurrent.BlockingDroppingQueue
Removes a single instance of the specified element from this queue, if it
is present.
- remove(Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException()
- remove() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoIterator
- removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- removeAnimatedVisualisationListener(AnimatedVisualisationListener) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.AnimatedVisualisationProvider
Remove a given listener from being informed of animation events.
- removeAnimatedVisualisationListener(AnimatedVisualisationListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
Remove a given listener from being informed of animation events.
- removeAnimatedVisualisationListener(AnimatedVisualisationListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
- removeAnimatedVisualisationListener(AnimatedVisualisationListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
Remove a given listener from being informed of animation events.
- removeAudioEventListener(AudioEventListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Remove the given event from the listeners on this player.
- removeAudioGrabberListener(AudioGrabberListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioGrabber
Remove an audio grabber listener from this audio grabber.
- removeChild(TreeNode<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNode
Remove a child node (if it exists)
- removeChild(TreeNode<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
- removeChildren(Node) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- removeComments(Node) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- removeComponentStackMergeListener(ComponentStackMergeListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.WatershedProcessorAlgorithm
- removeFile(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
Delete a file
- removeHighlightCountry(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
Remove a highlighted country
- removeImageComponentListener(DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent.ImageComponentListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Remove the given listener from this image component.
- removeIntermediate(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.MultiStagedJob
- removeListener(AudioSpectrogram.SpectrogramCompleteListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Remove the given listener
- removeMixEventListener(AudioMixer.MixEventListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer
- removeOverlay(VisualisationImpl<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Remove the given overlay from this visualisation
- removePoint(O) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
Remove a specific object
- removeSerialDataListener(SerialDataListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
- removeSerialDataListener(SerialDataListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialReader
Remove the given listener from this reader.
- removeShotDetectedListener(ShotDetectedListener<I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Remove the given shot detected listener from this object.
- removeStream(AudioStream) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer
Remove the given audio stream from the mixer.
- removeSynthesizerListener(SynthesizerListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
remove the synth listener from this synth.
- removeVideoDisplayStateListener(VideoDisplayStateListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Remove a listener from the state of this player
- removeVideoPositionListener(VideoPositionListener) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Remove visible panty lines...
- render(MBFImage, int, CLMDetectedFace) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.util.CLMDetectedFaceRenderer
Static helper function for quick and dirty rendering
- render(List<IndependentPair<String, Point2d>>, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes.MDS
- render() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Render the current page to an image
- render(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Render the current page to an image of the given size or smaller
- renderAxis(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
Render the axis to the given image
- renderAxis(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- renderAxis() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
- renderContentLayout(Float[], Float[], Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Render the layout of the content.
- renderContentLayout(MBFImage, Float[], Float[], Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Render the layout of the content.
- renderer - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- renderFilters(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.FilterBank
Create an image to visualise the filters in the bank.
- RenderHints - Class in org.openimaj.image.renderer
Hints for
implementations to (optionally)
use when drawing.
- RenderHints() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.RenderHints
Default constructor.
- RenderHints(RenderHints.DrawingAlgorithm) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.RenderHints
Construct with the given drawing algorithm
- RenderHints.DrawingAlgorithm - Enum in org.openimaj.image.renderer
Different approaches to drawing
- renderLayoutInfo(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Render ALL the content boxes to a new image in the given color
- renderLayoutInfo(MBFImage, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.LayoutExtractor
Render ALL the content boxes to the given image in the given color
- renderRestarting() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Called just before a render of the visualisation is about to start.
- renderRestarting() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
Called just before a render of the visualisation is about to start.
- renderRestarting() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- renderRestarting() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ImageThumbnailPlotter
Called just before a render of the visualisation is about to start.
- renderRestarting() - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.general.ItemPlotter
Called just before a render of the visualisation is about to start.
- renderRestarting() - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.general.ItemPlotter3D
Called just before a render of the visualisation is about to start.
- renderRestarting() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.LabelledPointVisualisation
Called just before a render of the visualisation is about to start.
- renderRestarting() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.Rectangle3DPlotter
Called just before a render of the visualisation is about to start.
- renderRestarting() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineObjectPlotter
Called just before a render of the visualisation is about to start.
- renderSegments(MBFImage, List<? extends PixelSet>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.SegmentationUtilities
Render the components to the image with randomly assigned colours.
- renderSegments(int, int, List<? extends PixelSet>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.SegmentationUtilities
Render the components to an image with randomly assigned colours.
- renderText(ImageRenderer<T, ?>, String, int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontRenderer
Render the given text string to the image starting at (x, y) with the
given style.
- renderText(ImageRenderer<T, ?>, AttributedString, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontRenderer
- renderText(ImageRenderer<T, ?>, String, int, int, GeneralFontStyle<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFontRenderer
Render the given text string to the image starting at (x, y) with the
given style.
- renderText(ImageRenderer<T, ?>, String, int, int, MathMLFontStyle<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFontRenderer
- renderToImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Get a render of the page as an image
- renderToImage(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.ProgrammaticBrowser
Get a render of the page as an image
- renderVis(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
Renders the visualisation
- renderVis(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
Render the visualisation into the drawable
- renderVis(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- renderVis(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
Render the visualisation into the drawable
- renorm() - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- repeatability(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
The percentage of valid points found to be repeatable.
- repeatability(Image<?, ?>, Image<?, ?>, List<Ellipse>, List<Ellipse>, Matrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
Generates and initialises a new Repeatability instance.
- repeatability(MBFImage, MBFImage, List<T>, List<T>, Matrix, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
- RepeatabilityExperiment - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment
- replace - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.TwitterTokenOutputMode
- replace(Float, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
- replace(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Replace pixels of a certain colour with another colour.
- replace(Q, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Replace pixels of a certain colour with another colour.
- replace(T[], T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- replace(Float[], Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- replaceBrsRe - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.Regexps
- replaceCodes(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator
Replaces GAV codes in the given string.
- replaceFontsRe - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.Regexps
- replaceLostFeatures(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker
Main routine, visible to the outside.
- reply_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
Links to an Item or Post which this Item or Post is a reply to.
- reply_to - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Reply to
- repmat(Matrix, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Given a matrix, repeat the matrix over i rows and j columns
- reposition() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Repositions the connected component so that its bounding box has its
origin at (0,0).
- requiredNumberOfFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.MotionEstimatorAlgorithm
The required number of frames required for the given motion estimation
algorithm to work.
- resample(FImage, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Returns a new image that is a resampled version of the given image.
- resample(FImage, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Resamples the given image returning it as a reference.
- resample(FImage, int, int, boolean, ResizeFilterFunction) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Resamples the given image returning it as a reference.
- reserved() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- reserved(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioAnnotator
Reset the object to its initial condition, as if
it hasn't seen any training data.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioGrabber
Does nothing by default for an audio grabber.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioLooper
Reset the audio stream.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer
Reset the audio stream.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Reset the timekeeper.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioStream
Reset the audio stream.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Reset the audio stream.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.AudioProcessor
Reset the audio stream.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
Reset the timekeeper.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.MemoryAudioSource
Reset the audio stream.
- reset() - Static method in class org.openimaj.citation.ReferenceListener
Reset the references held by the listener, returning the current set of
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.AbstractValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ByteArrayValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.DoubleArrayValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.FloatArrayValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ForwardBackwardLoopingValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.IntegerArrayValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LongArrayValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LoopingValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearByteValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearDoubleValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearFloatValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearIntegerValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearLongValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearShortValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ShortArrayValueAnimator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.TimeBasedValueAnimator
Reset the animator back to its initial condition.
- reset() - Method in interface org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ValueAnimator
Reset the animator back to its initial condition.
- reset() - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache.GroupedListCache
Reset the cache
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.cache.InMemoryGroupedListCache
- reset() - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.TimeTracker
Reset all the previously accumulated times, returning them.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectStream
- reset() - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.analyser.PixelAnalyser
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Colorfulness
- reset(MultidimensionalHistogram) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BlockHistogramModel
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.HistogramModel
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Force a reset on the next frame to be tracked.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MeanVector
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.bayes.NaiveBayesAnnotator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.FeatureCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.InstanceCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
- reset() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.training.IncrementalTrainer
Reset the object to its initial condition, as if
it hasn't seen any training data.
- reset() - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.TimeKeeper
Reset the timekeeper.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.AnimatedVideo
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.FileBackedVideo
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.gstreamer.GStreamerVideo
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels.FMeanVarianceField
Reset the accumulated field data.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.pixels.MBFMeanVarianceField
Reset the accumulated field data.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
No implementation.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
No implementation.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.translator.VideoTranslator
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Reset the video - putting the frame counter back to the start.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoCache
Clears the cache.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.BasicVideoTimeKeeper
Reset the timekeeper.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleAudio
Reset the audio stream.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Reset the video - putting the frame counter back to the start.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideoWriter
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.animators.ColourSpaceAnimator
Reset the animator back to its initial condition.
- reset() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.video.VGetVideo
- resetDroppedFrameCount() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Reset the dropped frame count to zero.
- resetThreadsBeginN() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Resets the minimal size of 2D and 3D data for which threads are used.
- resetThreadsBeginN_FFT() - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Resets the minimal size of 1D data for which two and four threads are
- resetToInitial() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.AbstractValueAnimator
- resetToInitial() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearByteValueAnimator
- resetToInitial() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearDoubleValueAnimator
- resetToInitial() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearFloatValueAnimator
- resetToInitial() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearIntegerValueAnimator
- resetToInitial() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearLongValueAnimator
- resetToInitial() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearShortValueAnimator
- resetVecLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
Reset the internal feature vector length to the length of the first
- reshape(Matrix, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Get a reshaped copy of the input matrix
- reshape(Matrix, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Get a reshaped copy of the input matrix
- reshape(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array
- reshape(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array
- reshape(int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array
- reshape(long[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array
- reshape(byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array
- reshape(short[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array
- reshape(double[], double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(float[], float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(float[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(int[], int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(long[], long[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(byte[], byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(short[], short[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshape(GLAutoDrawable, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
- reshapeDouble(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array of doubles
- reshapeDouble(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array of doubles
- reshapeDouble(int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array of doubles
- reshapeDouble(long[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array of doubles
- reshapeDouble(byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array of doubles
- reshapeDouble(short[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 2D array into a 1D array of doubles
- reshapeFloat(double[], float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- reshapeFloat(double[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reshape a 1D array into a 2D array
- ResidualCalculator<I,D,M extends Model<I,D>> - Interface in org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals
Interface describing the computation of an error (the residuals) of a set of
(independent and dependent) data points with respect to a model.
- residualEstimator - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
- resize(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
- ResizeFilterFunction - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize
The interpolation filter function used for the resampling function.
- resizeMax(FImage, int, ResizeFilterFunction) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Resize an image such that its biggest size is at most as big as the given
- resizeMax(FImage, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Resize an image such that its biggest size is at most as big as the given
- resizeMaxArea(FImage, int, ResizeFilterFunction) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Resize an image such that its area size is at most as big as the given
- resizeMaxArea(FImage, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Resize an image such that its area size is at most as big as the given
- ResizeProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize
Image processor and utility methods that can resize images.
- ResizeProcessor(ResizeProcessor.Mode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Constructor that takes the resize mode.
- ResizeProcessor(float, ResizeFilterFunction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Constructor a resize processor that will rescale the image by a given
scale factor using the given filter function.
- ResizeProcessor(float, float, ResizeFilterFunction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Construct a resize processor that will rescale the image to the given
width and height with the given filter function.
- ResizeProcessor(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Constructor a resize processor that will rescale the image by a given
scale factor using the default filter function.
- ResizeProcessor(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Construct a resize processor that will rescale the image to the given
width and height with the default filter function.
- ResizeProcessor(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Construct a resize processor that will rescale images that are taller or
wider than the given size such that their biggest side is equal to the
given size.
- ResizeProcessor(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Construct a resize processor that will rescale images that are either
bigger than a maximum area or are taller or wider than the given size
such that their biggest side is equal to the given size.
- ResizeProcessor(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Construct a resize processor that will rescale the image to the given
width and height (optionally maintaining aspect ratio) with the default
filter function.
- ResizeProcessor(int, int, boolean, ResizeFilterFunction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Construct a resize processor that will rescale the image to the given
width and height (optionally maintaining aspect ratio) with the given
filter function.
- ResizeProcessor.Mode - Enum in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize
The resize mode to use.
- resizeTo(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
Resize the vector
- resolution() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
< Resolution this freenect_frame_mode describes, should you want to find it again with freenect_find_*_frame_mode().
C type : freenect_resolution
- resolution(IntValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_frame_mode
< Resolution this freenect_frame_mode describes, should you want to find it again with freenect_find_*_frame_mode().
C type : freenect_resolution
- resolveURL(URL, StatusConsumption) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer
Given a URL, use
to turn the url into a list of
images and write the images into the output location using the names
- Response(MMSys2013.QuestionResponse, MMSys2013.QuestionResponse, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.Response
- response - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
- responseAt(int, int, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FConvolution
Return the kernel response at the x,y in the given image.
- responses - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.FilterBank
- RestrictedAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.annotation
interface describes annotators
that can predict annotations based on an external context
that restricts what annotations are allowed.
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.CrossValidationBenchmark
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalByteHardAssigner
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalDoubleHardAssigner
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalFloatHardAssigner
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalIntHardAssigner
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalLongHardAssigner
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalShortHardAssigner
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalBytePathAssigner
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalDoublePathAssigner
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalFloatPathAssigner
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalIntPathAssigner
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalLongPathAssigner
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalShortPathAssigner
- Result() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans.Result
- Result() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans.Result
- Result() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans.Result
- Result() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans.Result
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult.Node
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult.Node
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult.Node
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult.Node
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult.Node
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult.Node
- Result() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans.Result
- Result() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans.Result
- Result() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans.Result
- result - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans.IterationResult
The current results
- ResultAggregator<RESULT,AGGREGATED extends AnalysisResult> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation
- Results - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking
- results(USMFStatus, TwitterPreprocessingMode<Q>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TwitterPreprocessingMode
Given a twitter status, attempts to extract the analysis for this mode.
- results() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- resultsString() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- RetrievalAnalyser<RESULT extends AnalysisResult,QUERY,DOCUMENT extends Identifiable> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval
- RetrievalEngine<DOCUMENT extends Identifiable,QUERY> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval
Interface describing a retrieval engine
- RetrievalEvaluator - Class in org.lemurproject.ireval
A retrieval evaluator object computes a variety of standard
information retrieval metrics commonly used in TREC, including
binary preference (BPREF), geometric mean average precision (GMAP),
mean average precision (MAP), and standard precision and recall.
- RetrievalEvaluator(String, List<RetrievalEvaluator.Document>, Collection<RetrievalEvaluator.Judgment>) - Constructor for class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
Creates a new instance of RetrievalEvaluator
- RetrievalEvaluator<RESULT extends AnalysisResult,DOCUMENT extends Identifiable,QUERY> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval
An implementation of an
for the evaluation of retrieval
experiments using the Cranfield methodology.
- RetrievalEvaluator(RetrievalEngine<DOCUMENT, QUERY>, Collection<QUERY>, Map<QUERY, Set<DOCUMENT>>, RetrievalAnalyser<RESULT, QUERY, DOCUMENT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.RetrievalEvaluator
- RetrievalEvaluator(RetrievalEngine<DOCUMENT, QUERY>, Map<QUERY, Set<DOCUMENT>>, RetrievalAnalyser<RESULT, QUERY, DOCUMENT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.RetrievalEvaluator
- RetrievalEvaluator(Map<QUERY, List<DOCUMENT>>, Map<QUERY, Set<DOCUMENT>>, RetrievalAnalyser<RESULT, QUERY, DOCUMENT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.RetrievalEvaluator
- RetrievalEvaluator.Document - Class in org.lemurproject.ireval
This class represents a document returned by a retrieval
- RetrievalEvaluator.Judgment - Class in org.lemurproject.ireval
This class represents a relevance judgment of a particular document
for a specific query.
- retrievedDocuments() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
- retweet_count - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
This is a string because sometimes retweet_count can look like: "100+"
- retweeted - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- retweeted_status - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
New style retweets
- retweetPatternString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.TwitterStuffPatternProvider
- REV_MIN(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeTable
- ReversableToken - Interface in org.openimaj.text.nlp.tokenisation
- ReversableValueAnimator<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- reverse(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThinSingularValueDecomposition
- reverse(List<? extends ReversableToken>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.TokenAnnotation
- reverse(List<? extends ReversableToken>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.text.nlp.tokenisation.ReversableToken
- reverse(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reverse the elements in the input and return the input.
- reverse(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reverse the elements in the input and return the input.
- reverse(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reverse the elements in the input and return the input.
- reverse(long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reverse the elements in the input and return the input.
- reverse(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reverse the elements in the input and return the input.
- reverse(short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Reverse the elements in the input and return the input.
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Reverse the elements, returning this.
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Reverse the elements, returning this.
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Reverse the elements, returning this.
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Reverse the elements, returning this.
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Reverse the elements, returning this.
- reverse() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Reverse the elements, returning this.
- reverseAnimator() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ForwardBackwardLoopingValueAnimator
- reverseAnimator() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearByteValueAnimator
- reverseAnimator() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearDoubleValueAnimator
- reverseAnimator() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearFloatValueAnimator
- reverseAnimator() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearIntegerValueAnimator
- reverseAnimator() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearLongValueAnimator
- reverseAnimator() - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.LinearShortValueAnimator
- reverseAnimator() - Method in interface org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ReversableValueAnimator
Reverse the animator and return it, or make a new animator
with the same state as this animator, but reversed direction.
- reverseColumns(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Create a copy of a matrix with the columns in reverse order.
- reverseColumnsInplace(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Reverse the column order of the input matrix inplace.
- ReversedLtpDtFeatureComparator - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison
A comparator for Local Trinary Pattern Features using a
Euclidean distance transform.
- ReversedLtpDtFeatureComparator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.ReversedLtpDtFeatureComparator
- ReverseGeoCode - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.geocode
Use a Solr index built against the geonames allcountries.txt dump.
- ReverseGeoCode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.geocode.ReverseGeoCode
- ReverseGeoCode(String...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.geocode.ReverseGeoCode
- reverseRows(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Create a copy of a matrix with the rows in reverse order.
- reverseRowsInplace(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Reverse the row order of the input matrix inplace.
- RGB(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Create a colour from an RGB triplet with integer values in the range
- RGB(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.RGBColour
Create a colour from an RGB triplet with float values in the range 0..1.
- RGB_TO_CIELab(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert RGB to CIE Lab.
- RGB_TO_CIELabNormalised(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert CIEXYZ to CIELab and normalise the resultant L, a & b values to
- RGB_TO_CIELUV(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert RGB to CIE LUV.
- RGB_TO_CIEXYZ(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
CIE_XYZ color space transform from RGB.
- RGB_TO_H2S(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert RGB to H2S
- RGB_TO_H2S_2(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert RGB to H2S VARIANT 2
- RGB_TO_H2SV(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert RGB to H2SV
- RGB_TO_H2SV_2(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert RGB to H2SV2 VARIANT 2
- RGB_TO_HS(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Transform 3 band RGB image to HS
- RGB_TO_HS_2(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert to HS using the formulation from
- RGB_TO_HSI(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Transform 3 band RGB image to HSV
- RGB_TO_HSL(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Transform 3 band RGB image to HSL
- RGB_TO_HSL(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Converts an RGB color value to HSL.
- RGB_TO_HSV(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert to HSV using the formulation from:
http://ilab.usc.edu/wiki/index.php/HSV_And_H2SV_Color_Space The
assumption is that RGB are in the range 0..1.
- RGB_TO_HSY(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Transform 3 band RGB image to HSY
- RGB_TO_RGB_NORMALISED(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Intensity normalisation
- RGB_TO_YUV(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert from RGB to YUV.
- RGB_TO_YUV(MBFImage, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert from RGB to YUV.
- RGB_TO_YUVNormalised(MBFImage) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
Convert from RGB to normalised YUV.
- RGBColour - Class in org.openimaj.image.colour
Convenience constants and methods for RGB colours for use in MBFImages
- RGBRMSContrast - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Implementation of the RGB RMS contrast feature.
- RGBRMSContrast() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RGBRMSContrast
- RidgeIPD - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
- RidgeIPD(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.RidgeIPD
- RIGHT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.PolygonUtils
- Right(PunctuationPatternProvider) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EdgePunctuationPatternProvider.Right
- right - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the right
- right - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the right
- right - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the right
- right - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the right
- right - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the right
- right - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree.KDTreeNode
Node to the right
- RIGHT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.SignProgrammer
- rigidMatrix(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Compute the least-squares rigid alignment between two sets of matching
points in N-dimensional space.
- rigidMatrix(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends Coordinate, ? extends Coordinate>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Compute the least-squares rigid alignment between two sets of matching
points in N-dimensional space.
- RigidTransformModel3d - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
Concrete implementation of a model of a 3D rigid transform with only rotation
and translation allowed.
- RigidTransformModel3d() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.RigidTransformModel3d
- RMSContrast - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Implementation of the RMS contrast feature.
- RMSContrast() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RMSContrast
- rnd - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.UniformRandomAnnotator
- rng - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.ArrayBackedDataSource
- rng - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.ByteArrayBackedDataSource
- rng - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.DoubleArrayBackedDataSource
- rng - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.FloatArrayBackedDataSource
- rng - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.IntArrayBackedDataSource
- rng - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.LongArrayBackedDataSource
- rng - Variable in class org.openimaj.data.ShortArrayBackedDataSource
- rng - Variable in class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.RandomisedHashFunctionFactory
- rng - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.MultidimensionalScaling
- rng - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util.RandomChooser
- rng - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
- RobustAffineTransformEstimator - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation
Helper class to simplify robust estimation of 2D affine transforms without
having to deal with the nuts and bolts of the underlying robust model
fitters, etc.
- RobustAffineTransformEstimator(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustAffineTransformEstimator
Construct using the
algorithm with the given expected
outlier percentage
- RobustAffineTransformEstimator(double, int, RANSAC.StoppingCondition) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustAffineTransformEstimator
Construct using the
algorithm with the given options.
- RobustAffineTransformEstimator(double, Predicate<AffineTransformModel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustAffineTransformEstimator
Construct using the
algorithm with the given expected
outlier percentage
- RobustAffineTransformEstimator(double, int, RANSAC.StoppingCondition, Predicate<AffineTransformModel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustAffineTransformEstimator
Construct using the
algorithm with the given options.
- RobustFundamentalEstimator - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation
Helper class to simplify robust estimation of the Fundamental matrix without
having to deal with the nuts and bolts of the underlying robust model
fitters, etc.
- RobustFundamentalEstimator(double, FundamentalRefinement) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustFundamentalEstimator
Construct using the
algorithm with the given expected
outlier percentage
- RobustFundamentalEstimator(double, int, RANSAC.StoppingCondition, FundamentalRefinement) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustFundamentalEstimator
Construct using the
algorithm with the given options.
- RobustHomographyEstimator - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation
Helper class to simplify robust estimation of homographies without having to
deal with the nuts and bolts of the underlying robust model fitters, etc.
- RobustHomographyEstimator(double, HomographyRefinement) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustHomographyEstimator
Construct using the
algorithm with the given expected
outlier percentage
- RobustHomographyEstimator(double, int, RANSAC.StoppingCondition, HomographyRefinement) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustHomographyEstimator
Construct using the
algorithm with the given options.
- RobustHomographyEstimator(double, HomographyRefinement, Predicate<HomographyModel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustHomographyEstimator
Construct using the
algorithm with the given expected
outlier percentage
- RobustHomographyEstimator(double, int, RANSAC.StoppingCondition, HomographyRefinement, Predicate<HomographyModel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.RobustHomographyEstimator
Construct using the
algorithm with the given options.
- RobustModelFitting<I,D,M extends Model<I,D>> - Interface in org.openimaj.math.model.fit
RobustModelFitting is an interface for fitting models that are able to
distinguish between inliers and outliers in the training data.
- ROCAnalyser<OBJECT,CLASS> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.roc
capable of producing
a Receiver Operating Characteristic curve and associated
- ROCAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.roc.ROCAnalyser
- ROCResult<CLASS> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.roc
representing a set of ROC curves and associated
- rodrigues(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Convert a 3D rotation matrix to a Rodrigues rotation vector, which is
oriented along the rotation axis, and has magnitude equal to the rotation
- rodrigues(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Convert a Rodrigues rotation vector to a rotation matrix.
- roi - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector
- roi - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.VideoSubFrame
The region of interest defining the sub-window.
- ROIProportion - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Implementation of the region of interest based image simplicity measure
described by Yeh et al.
- ROIProportion() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ROIProportion
Construct with the default values
- ROIProportion(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ROIProportion
Construct with the given alpha value, but use the defaults for the
- ROIProportion(float, float, float, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ROIProportion
Construct with the given parameters.
- roiProportion - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ROIProportion
- RoiProportionExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
ROI proportion
- RoiProportionExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.RoiProportionExtractor
- Role - Interface in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
A Role is a function of a UserAccount within a scope of a particular Forum,
Site, etc.
- RoleImpl - Class in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
A Role is a function of a UserAccount within a scope of a particular Forum,
Site, etc.
- RoleImpl() - Constructor for class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.RoleImpl
- roll - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
Roll in degrees
- rollout_blank() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- rollout_blank(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- rollout_size() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- rollout_size(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_info
- root - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.contour.SuzukiContourProcessor
the root border detected
- root - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode.Aestheticode
The border object describing the shape of the code
- root - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ByteKDTree
The tree roots
- root - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.DoubleKDTree
The tree roots
- root - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.FloatKDTree
The tree roots
- root - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.IntKDTree
The tree roots
- root - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.LongKDTree
The tree roots
- root - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
The tree roots
- RootFilterSetFilterBank - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank
Implementation of the Root Filter Set filter bank described at:
- RootFilterSetFilterBank() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.RootFilterSetFilterBank
Default constructor with a support of 49 pixels.
- RootFilterSetFilterBank(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.RootFilterSetFilterBank
Construct with given support (filter size).
- RootMeanSumLossEvaluator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation
- RootMeanSumLossEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation.RootMeanSumLossEvaluator
- rootName - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NamedEntity
Unique root name of entity
- rotate(Point2d, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Rotate the
about the given origin with the given angle
(in radians)
- rotate(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Rotate the
about (0,0) with the given angle (in
- rotate - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ProcrustesAnalysis
- rotate(Point2d, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
Rotate the
about the given pivot with the given angle
(in radians)
- Rotate90Simulation - Class in org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim
Simulate rotations by 90,180,270,0 degrees
- Rotate90Simulation(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.Rotate90Simulation
- rotateByDegrees(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
Rotate the turntable by the given angle in degrees.
- rotateByRadians(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
Rotate the turntable by the given angle in radians.
- RotatedRectangle - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
A rectangle rotated by an angle.
- RotatedRectangle(Rectangle, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
Construct with a regular
rotated about its centroid
- RotatedRectangle(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
Construct with the given parameters
- RotatedRectangle(float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
Construct with the given parameters
- RotateScaleAligner - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment
Attempt to align a face by rotating and scaling it.
- RotateScaleAligner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.RotateScaleAligner
Default constructor with no mask.
- RotateScaleAligner(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.RotateScaleAligner
Default constructor with no mask.
- RotateScaleAligner(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.RotateScaleAligner
Construct with a mask (in the canonical frame) to apply after alignment.
- rotateToDegrees(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
Rotate the turntable to the given absolute angle in degrees (relative to
the position at initialisation).
- rotateToRadians(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
Rotate the turntable to the given absolute angle in radians (relative to
the position at initialisation).
- RotatingCalipers - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util
Rotating calipers algorithm, based on the implementation by
Bart Kiers.
- RotatingCalipers() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.RotatingCalipers
- RotatingCalipers.Caliper - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util
- RotatingCalipers.Corner - Enum in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util
- RotatingCameraProvider - Class in org.openimaj.vis.general
This provides an implementation of the camera position provider interface
that points a camera at a specific point and rotates the camera around the
X, Y and Z planes with specific speeds at a specific radius.
- RotatingCameraProvider(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.RotatingCameraProvider
Rotating camera provider looking at x, y, z with the given radius.
- RotatingCameraProvider(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.general.RotatingCameraProvider
Rotating camera provider looking at x, y, z with the given radius.
- rotation - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.camera.Camera
The rotation of this camera in world coordinates
- rotation - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
The rotation angle in radians
- rotationMatrix(double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Construct a rotation about 0, 0.
- rotationMatrixAboutPoint(double, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Construct a rotation about the centre of the rectangle defined by width
and height (i.e.
- RotationSimulationObjectDetector<IMAGE extends Image<PIXEL,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>,PIXEL,DETECTED_OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection
- RotationSimulationObjectDetector(ObjectDetector<IMAGE, DETECTED_OBJECT>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.RotationSimulationObjectDetector
Construct with the given inner detector and number of rotations.
- RotationSimulationObjectDetector(ObjectDetector<IMAGE, DETECTED_OBJECT>, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.RotationSimulationObjectDetector
Construct with the given inner detector, number of rotations and scale
- RotationSimulationObjectDetector(ObjectDetector<IMAGE, DETECTED_OBJECT>, float[], float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.RotationSimulationObjectDetector
Construct with the given inner detector, simulation angles and scale
- round(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
- roundDouble(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
- roundDouble(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
- roundDouble(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
- roundDouble(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
- roundDouble(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
- roundDouble(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
- roundFloat(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
- roundFloat(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
- roundFloat(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
- roundFloat(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
- roundFloat(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
- roundFloat(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
- roundInt(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
- roundInt(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
- roundInt(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
- roundInt(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
- roundInt(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
- roundInt(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
- roundLong(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
- roundLong(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
- roundLong(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
- roundLong(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
- roundLong(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
- roundLong(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
- RoundRobinStreamCombiner<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream.combine
Given a
of streams of a given type, present a stream of that
type which asks each stream in the
for an item in turn.
- RoundRobinStreamCombiner(List<Stream<T>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.combine.RoundRobinStreamCombiner
Construct with the given streams.
- RoundRobinTwitterSearchAPIDataset - Class in org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter
- RoundRobinTwitterSearchAPIDataset(List<Query>, TwitterAPIToken, BlockingDroppingQueue<Status>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.RoundRobinTwitterSearchAPIDataset
- roundVertices() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Iterates through the vertices and rounds all vertices to round integers.
- row(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Get the given row as a vector
- row(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- rowCount() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
- rowCount() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- rowCount() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- rowCount() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
- rowCount() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
- rowCount() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.JamaDenseMatrix
- rowMean(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
- rows() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
- rows() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- rows() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- rowSparsity(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Compute the proportion of completely zero rows to rows with non-zero
- rowSum(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each row of a 2d array
- rowSum(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each row of a 2d array
- rowSum(int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each row of a 2d array
- rowSum(long[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each row of a 2d array
- rowSum(byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each row of a 2d array
- rowSum(short[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in each row of a 2d array
- rowwiseMean() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- rowwiseMean() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
- rPrecision() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator
Returns the precision at the rank equal to the total number of
relevant documents retrieved.
- RuleOfThirds - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Implementation of the rule-of-thirds algorithm described by Yeh et al.
- RuleOfThirds() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RuleOfThirds
- RuleOfThirds(float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.RuleOfThirds
- RuleOfThirdsExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
Rule of thirds feature
- RuleOfThirdsExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.RuleOfThirdsExtractor
- RuleSerializer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.RuleSerializer
- run() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.AllEigenvalues
- run() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.Eigenvalues
Run the decomposition algorithm.
- run() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.FewEigenvalues
Runs the eigenvalue decomposition, using an implicitly restarted Arnoldi
process (IRAP).
- run(ClassPool, MultiTransformClassFileTransformer, File, String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.aop.classloader.ClassLoaderTransform
Run the main method of the given jar file, passing all classes as they
are loaded through the transformer to modify the bytecode.
- run(ClassPool, MultiTransformClassFileTransformer, String, String, String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.aop.classloader.ClassLoaderTransform
Run the main method of the given class, transforming any classes found on
the given classpath as they are loaded.
- run(MultiTransformClassFileTransformer, Class<?>, String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.aop.classloader.ClassLoaderTransform
Re-load the given class in a newly created Loader
that is
configured to apply the given transform(s), and then run the main method.
- run(ClassLoader, ClassPool, MultiTransformClassFileTransformer, String, String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.aop.classloader.ClassLoaderTransform
- run(Class<?>, String[], ClassTransformer, ClassTransformer...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.aop.classloader.ClassLoaderTransform
If the the given class has not already been loaded in by Loader
load it in a newly created Loader
that is configured to apply the
given transform(s), run the main method and return true.
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioGrabber
Start the stream grabbing.
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Use this method to start the time keeper running.
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.FrequencyAudioSource
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.JavaSoundAudioGrabber
Start the stream grabbing.
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
Use this method to start the time keeper running.
- run(ResultAggregator<ANALYSIS_RESULT, AGGREGATE_ANALYSIS_RESULT>, DATASET, CrossValidator<DATASET>, ValidationOperation<DATASET, ANALYSIS_RESULT>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.ValidationRunner
Perform cross validation using the given cross validation scheme
on the given data.
- run(ResultAggregator<ANALYSIS_RESULT, AGGREGATE_ANALYSIS_RESULT>, DATASET, CrossValidator<DATASET>, ValidationOperation<DATASET, ANALYSIS_RESULT>, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.ValidationRunner
Perform cross validation using the given cross validation scheme
on the given data.
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.StageRunner
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserTool
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.HadoopDownloader
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIF
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeans
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.SequenceFileByteFeatureSelector
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.SequenceFileByteImageFeatureSelector
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.globalfeature.HadoopGlobalFeaturesTool
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.ComputeLSHDistribution
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.DupsEdgeFilter
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopPcaVladExtractor
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopPqPcaVladIndexer
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.SimpleLSHDuplicatesFinder
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.localfeature.HadoopLocalFeaturesTool
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.SequenceFileIndexer
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.SequenceFileMerger
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopCounterTest
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopLZOTest
- run(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterTokenTool
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassSerialReader
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.GPSSerialReader
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.ZMQStreamingPicslurperClusterer
- run(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoCompanyAnnotatorEvaluator
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer
- run() - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.TimeKeeper
Use this method to start the time keeper running.
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionProcessorJob
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.OutputWorker
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.utils.threads.WatchedRunner
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.BasicVideoTimeKeeper
Use this method to start the time keeper running.
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.AnimatorThread
- run() - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.cifarexps.CIFARExperimentFramework
- runAll() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.MultiStagedJob
Run all the staged jobs.
- runClassifier(String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.CityLandscapeUtilities
Method to utilize all necessary classification methods in correct order with given mode
which specifies the classifier to be used (loads correct training set).
- runExperiment(RunnableExperiment) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.ExperimentRunner
Run an experiment, filling in the context of the experiment as
it runs.
- runMain(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.StageRunner
- RunnableExperiment - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment
Interface for classes implementing experiments that can be
run with the
- Runner - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training
- Runner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.Runner
- RunningStat - Class in org.openimaj.math.util
This class is used for providing a running mean and variance of streams of
- RunningStat() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.util.RunningStat
Default constructor
- RunningStat(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.util.RunningStat
Constructor that takes the first value
- runProcess(Class<?>, String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess
Run the main
main method of the given class in a new JVM.
- runProcess(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess
Run the main
main method of the given class in a new JVM.
- runProcess(Class<?>, String[], String[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess
Run the main
main method of the given class in a new JVM.
- runProcess(Class<?>, String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess
Run the main
main method of the given class in a new JVM.
- runProcess(JavaProcess.ProcessOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess
- S - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThinSingularValueDecomposition
The singular values
- s - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- S5E5 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
- S5L5 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
- S5R5 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
- S5S5 - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.LawsTextureBase
- sa - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.pipes.YagoEntityPipe
- saliencyGenerator - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ROIProportion
- SaliencyMapGenerator<I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.saliency
Interface for classes capable of processing images (as an image processor)
to generate saliency maps.
- sample(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
- sample(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
Sample a dataset with the given percentage of instances to select.
- sample(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>, double, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
Sample a dataset with the given percentage of instances to select, using
with with-replacement or without-replacement sampling.
- sample(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
Sample a dataset with the given number of instances to select.
- sample(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
Sample a dataset with the given number of instances to select, using with
with-replacement or without-replacement sampling.
- sample(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupSampler
- sample(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.GroupSampler
Sample a dataset with the given number of groups to select.
- sample(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.NamedGroupSampler
- sample(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>, Collection<KEY>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.NamedGroupSampler
Sample a dataset by selecting only the given group keys.
- sample(DATASET) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.Sampler
Perform the sampling operation on the given data
and return the sampled dataset.
- sample(GroupedDataset<KEY, ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.StratifiedGroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
- sample(ListDataset<INSTANCE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.UniformRandomisedSampler
- sample(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.sampling.BucketingSampler2d
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.AbstractMultivariateDistribution
- sample(Random) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.AbstractMultivariateGaussian
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.AbstractMultivariateGaussian
- sample(Random) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.CachingMultivariateGaussian
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.CachingMultivariateGaussian
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.DiagonalMultivariateGaussian
- sample(Random) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.kernel.UnivariateKernel
Draw a sample from the kernel's underlying distribution
- sample(Random) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
- sample(int, Random) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
- sample(int, Random) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateDistribution
Sample the distribution.
- sample(Random) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateDistribution
Sample the distribution.
- sample(Random) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MultivariateKernelDensityEstimate
- sample(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.CollectionSampler
- sample(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.UniformSampler
- SampleBatch - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch
A batch of samples
- SampleBatch() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
Default constructor
- SampleBatch(FileType, File, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
Default constructor
- SampleBatch(FileType, File, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
Default constructor
- SampleBatchByteDataSource - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch
A batched datasource
- SampleBatchByteDataSource(List<SampleBatch>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchByteDataSource
Construct with batches
- SampleBatchIntDataSource - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch
A batched datasource
- SampleBatchIntDataSource(List<SampleBatch>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchIntDataSource
Construct with batches
- SampleBuffer - Interface in org.openimaj.audio.samples
This class provides a consistent API for access samples of different sizes
- SampleBuffer16Bit - Class in org.openimaj.audio.samples
- SampleBuffer16Bit(SampleChunk, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Create a new 16-bit sample buffer using the given samples and the given
audio format.
- SampleBuffer16Bit(AudioFormat, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Create a new 16-bit sample buffer using the given sample format at the
given size.
- SampleBuffer8Bit - Class in org.openimaj.audio.samples
- SampleBuffer8Bit(SampleChunk, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Create a new 8-bit sample buffer using the given samples and the given
audio format.
- SampleBuffer8Bit(AudioFormat, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Create a new sample buffer with the given format and the given number of
- SampleBufferFactory - Class in org.openimaj.audio.samples
- SampleBufferFactory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBufferFactory
- SampleChunk - Class in org.openimaj.audio
Represents a chunk of an audio file and stores the raw audio data.
- SampleChunk(AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Create a new SampleChunk buffer with the given audio format, but do not
initialise the samples.
- SampleChunk(byte[], AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Create a new sample chunk using the given samples and the given audio
- SampleChunk(byte[], AudioFormat, AudioTimecode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Create a new sample chunk using the given samples and the given audio
- SampledMultivariateDistanceComparator - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.metrics
By sampling a distribution and calculating the log liklihood
of those samples against another distribution, construct a distance metric.
- SampledMultivariateDistanceComparator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.metrics.SampledMultivariateDistanceComparator
- SampledMultivariateDistanceComparator(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.metrics.SampledMultivariateDistanceComparator
- SampledMultivariateDistanceComparator(long, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.metrics.SampledMultivariateDistanceComparator
- SampleEqualityChecker - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- SampleEqualityChecker() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.SampleEqualityChecker
- sampleProp - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.VLADBuilder
- Sampler<DATASET extends Dataset<?>> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling
Interface describing classes that can sample instances
from a dataset to create a new (smaller) dataset.
- sampler - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.LMedS
- sampler - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- SampleRateConverter - Class in org.openimaj.audio.conversion
A sample rate conversion audio processing class.
- SampleRateConverter(SampleRateConverter.SampleRateConversionAlgorithm, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.SampleRateConverter
Default constructor that takes the input conversion
- SampleRateConverter(AudioStream, SampleRateConverter.SampleRateConversionAlgorithm, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.conversion.SampleRateConverter
Chainable constructor.
- SampleRateConverter.SampleRateConversionAlgorithm - Enum in org.openimaj.audio.conversion
An enumerator of the different sample rate conversion algorithms
available in this sample rate converter.
- sampleResponses(FImage, float[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
Sample the average response from each of the blocks in the image and
insert into the vector.
- samples - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.ExtendedLocalBinaryPattern
- samples - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
- samplesAvailable(SampleChunk) - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.AudioGrabberListener
Called by an
when a new sample chunk is available
for processing.
- samplesFile - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- samplesFileMode - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- samplesOnly - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeansOptions
- samplingSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.OrientationHistogramExtractor
- samplingSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
The size of the sampling window relative to the sampling scale.
- SampsonGeometricResidual() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel.SampsonGeometricResidual
- SandeepFaceDetector - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection
Implementation of a face detector along the lines of "Human Face Detection in
Cluttered Color Images Using Skin Color and Edge Information" K.
- SandeepFaceDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
- SandeepFaceDetector(MBFPixelClassificationModel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
Construct the detector with the given pixel classification model.
- sanitise(Float[]) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourSpace
Sanitise the given colour array to fit the colour space format.
- sanitise(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.FImageRenderer
- sanitise(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Sanitize the colour given to fit this image's pixel type.
- sanitise(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.MBFImageRenderer
- sanitise(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- sanitizeFilename(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer
Replaces illegal characters in a filename with "_" illegal characters : :
\ / * ? | < >
- sats - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.SATWindowedExtractor
- Saturation - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Estimate the saturation of an image using the RGB approximation of
avg(max(R,G,B) - min(R,G,B)).
- Saturation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Saturation
- SaturationVariation - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Estimate the variation in saturation of an image using the RGB approximation
of avg(max(R,G,B) - min(R,G,B)).
- SaturationVariation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SaturationVariation
- SATWindowedExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram
This class implements a
with the primary
purpose of of producing efficient access to histograms of arbitrary windows
of the image.
- SATWindowedExtractor(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.SATWindowedExtractor
Protected constructor for subclasses to use if they don't wan't to
compute the SATs at construction time
- SATWindowedExtractor(FImage[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.SATWindowedExtractor
Construct with the given spatial histogram magnitude maps.
- save(OutputStream) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
Serialize the detector using java serialization to the given stream
- save(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
- saveRecogniser() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.FaceRecognitionCrossValidatorTool
- saveToken(T, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.DefaultTokenFactory
Save the parameters of the given token to the backing preference store.
- SawOscillator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.SawOscillator
- sb_tree - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.ScanBeamTreeEntries
- sbout - Variable in enum org.openimaj.audio.conversion.SampleRateConverter.SampleRateConversionAlgorithm
- sbt_entries - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.ScanBeamTreeEntries
- ScalarArithmetic<OBJECT,SCALAR extends Number> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.math
Implementing classes provide a set of simple arithmetic operators which can be
applied both in-place and on new object instances.
- scale - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
the scale
- scale - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.extraction.ScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties
The scale of the interest point
- scale - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
scale of keypoint
- scale - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
scale of keypoint
- scale - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
The scale at which to process the video
- scale - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.BicubicInterpolation
- scale - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.BilinearInterpolation
- scale(float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
Scale the shape by the given amount about (0,0).
- scale(Point2d, float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
Scale the shape by the given amount about the given point.
- scale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- scale(Point2d, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- scale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Scale the
by the given amount about (0,0).
- scale(Point2d, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Scale the
by the given amount about the given point.
- scale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- scale(Point2d, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- scale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- scale(Point2d, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- scale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Scale the polygon by the given amount about (0,0).
- scale(Point2d, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Scale the polygon by the given amount about the given point.
- scale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- scale(Point2d, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- scale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- scale(Point2d, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- scale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- scale(Point2d, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- SCALE_FONT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- SCALE_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- SCALE_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- scaleAndAddTo(double, Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
- scaleAndAddTo(double, Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
y = y + a*this
- scaleCentroid(float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
Scale the shape about its centroid.
- scaleCentroid(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- scaleCentroid(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Scale the
about its centre of gravity.
- scaleCentroid(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- scaleCentroid(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- scaleCentroid(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- scaleCentroid(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- scaleCentroid(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- scaleDimension(D) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.DataUnitsTransformer
Given a specific data dimension, calculates a render dimension.
- scaleDimension(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
Given a specific data dimension, calculates a render dimension.
- scaleDimension(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- scaleDimension(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
- scaleDimension(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
- scaleDimensions(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
Given two dimensions, returns the dimensions scaled to the appropriate sizes.
- scaleFactor - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
- scaleFactor - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.HOGDetector
- scaleInplace(T, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
A = A .
- scaleMatrix(double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Construct a homogeneous scaling transform with the given amounts of
- scaleMatrixAboutPoint(double, double, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Create a scaling centered around a point.
- scaleMatrixAboutPoint(double, double, Point2d) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Create a scaling centered around a point.
- scales - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
The number of scales in this octave minus extraScaleSteps.
- scales - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.BasicOctaveExtremaFinder
- SCALES - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.RootFilterSetFilterBank
- ScaleSpaceFeatureExtractor<F extends FeatureVector,IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor
- ScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties<I extends Image<?,I> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.extraction
- ScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.extraction.ScaleSpaceImageExtractorProperties
- ScaleSpaceLocation - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local
ScaleSpaceLocation represents a
in scale-space.
- ScaleSpaceLocation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
Construct the ScaleSpaceLocation at 0, 0, 0.
- ScaleSpaceLocation(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
Construct the ScaleSpaceLocation with the given x, y and
scale coordinates.
- ScaleSpacePoint - Interface in org.openimaj.math.geometry.point
ScaleSpacePoint represents a
in scale-space.
- scaleX(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Scale the
only in the x-direction by the given amount
about (0,0).
- scaleX(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Scale the polygon only in the x-direction by the given amount about
- scaleXY(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Scale the
by the given amount about (0,0).
- scaleXY(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Scale the polygon by the given amount about (0,0).
- scaleY(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Scale the
only in the y-direction by the given amount
about (0,0).
- scaleY(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Scale the polygon only in the y-direction by the given amount about
- scaling - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.OrientationHistogramExtractor
- scaling - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
The value for weighting the scaling Gaussian of the orientation histogram
relative to the keypoint scale.
- scaling - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.KMColourSegmenter
- scaling - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ProcrustesAnalysis
- ScalingAligner<T extends DetectedFace> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment
A FaceAligner that just scales the face patch held with the
to a predefined size.
- ScalingAligner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.ScalingAligner
Construct with the default target size of 100x100.
- ScalingAligner(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.ScalingAligner
Construct the aligner with the given target size
- ScalingImageComponent() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ScalingImageComponent
Construct the ScalingImageComponent with fast scaling enabled
- ScalingImageComponent(boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ScalingImageComponent
Construct the ScalingImageComponent, choosing between fast scaling or high
quality scaling
- ScanBeamTree - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon
Scanbeam tree
- ScanBeamTree(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.ScanBeamTree
- ScanBeamTreeEntries - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon
- ScanBeamTreeEntries() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.ScanBeamTreeEntries
- scanFill(List<Point2d>, ScanRasteriser.ScanLineListener) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ScanRasteriser
The scan-fill algorithm.
- ScanRasteriser - Class in org.openimaj.image.renderer
Implementation of the scan-line rasterisation algorithm for filling polygons.
- ScanRasteriser.ScanLineListener - Interface in org.openimaj.image.renderer
Listen for scans.
- SchmidFilterBank - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank
Implementation of the MR8 filter bank described in: C.
- SchmidFilterBank() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.SchmidFilterBank
Default constructor with a support of 49 pixels.
- SchmidFilterBank(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.filterbank.SchmidFilterBank
Construct with given support (filter size).
- school() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
The school where the thesis was written
- scl - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FacePatchFeature
The scale of the descriptor samples about each point
- score - Variable in class org.lemurproject.ireval.RetrievalEvaluator.Document
The score given to this document by the retrieval system.
- score() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreAnalysis
- score() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.NMIAnalysis
- score() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.PurityAnalysis
- score() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalysis
- score() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineWrappable
- score() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomIndexAnalysis
- score(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.UKBenchGMMExperiment
- score - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointData
- score(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
Compute the matching score between a pair of (high dimensional) features.
- Scored - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval
Interface for objects that have an associated score.
- ScoredAnnotation<ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation
An annotation that was produced automatically with a given confidence.
- ScoredAnnotation(ANNOTATION, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.ScoredAnnotation
Construct with the given annotation and confidence
- scorer - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalByteHardAssigner
- scorer - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalDoubleHardAssigner
- scorer - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalFloatHardAssigner
- scorer - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalIntHardAssigner
- scorer - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalLongHardAssigner
- scorer - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalShortHardAssigner
- scoreSamples(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.MixtureOfGaussians
Compute the posterior distribution of the samples, and the overall log
probability of each sample as belonging to the model.
- scoresAscending() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher.Mode
Are the scores ascending (i.e.
- scoresAscending() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher.Mode
Are the scores ascending (i.e.
- search(int[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.demos.BasicDuplicateImageDatabase
Search for a given image (represented by its features) in the database
- search(QUERY) - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.RetrievalEngine
Search with the given query and return a ranked list of matching
- search(ImageProvider<MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexer
- search(OBJECT[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
Search for similar data in the underlying tables and return all matches
- search(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
Search for a similar data item in the underlying tables and return all
- search(String, String[], String, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.QuickSearcher
Given a search field to search,the name of the field to return results in
and a query string, return search results up to the limit.
- search(double[], double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Find the given value in the array, and return all indices at which it occurs.
- search(float[], float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Find the given value in the array, and return all indices at which it occurs.
- search(int[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Find the given value in the array, and return all indices at which it occurs.
- search(long[], long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Find the given value in the array, and return all indices at which it occurs.
- search(byte[], byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Find the given value in the array, and return all indices at which it occurs.
- search(short[], short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Find the given value in the array, and return all indices at which it occurs.
- search(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
Javascript-like String.search
- searchAreaSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
The size of the search area for redetection (template matching)
- searchFiltered(String, String[], String, String, List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.QuickSearcher
Given a list of values for the filterField, this method will return the
scores of a search for the documents which satisfy one of those filter
- searchKNN(byte[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(List<byte[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(byte[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(double[][], int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(List<double[]>, int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(double[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(float[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(List<float[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(float[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(int[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(List<int[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(int[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(long[][], int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(List<long[]>, int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(long[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(short[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(List<short[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(short[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchKNN(byte[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(List<byte[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(byte[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(double[][], int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(List<double[]>, int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(double[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(float[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(List<float[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(float[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(int[], int, int[][], DISTANCES[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.InternalNearestNeighbours
Search for the K nearest neighbours to each of the N queries, and return
the indices of each nearest neighbour and their respective distances.
- searchKNN(int[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(List<int[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(int[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(long[][], int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(List<long[]>, int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(long[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(OBJECT[], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<OBJECT>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(OBJECT, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(DATA[], int, int[][], DISTANCES[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.NearestNeighbours
Search for the K nearest neighbours to each of the N queries, and return
the indices of each nearest neighbour and their respective distances.
- searchKNN(List<DATA>, int, int[][], DISTANCES[]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.NearestNeighbours
Search for the K nearest neighbours to each of the N queries, and return
the indices of each nearest neighbour and their respective distances.
- searchKNN(DATA, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.NearestNeighbours
Search for the K nearest neighbours to the given query and return an
ordered list of pairs containing the distance and index of each
- searchKNN(T[], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(List<T>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(T, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(byte[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<byte[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(byte[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(double[][], int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<double[]>, int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(double[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(float[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<float[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(float[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(byte[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<byte[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(byte[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(double[][], int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<double[]>, int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(double[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(float[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<float[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(float[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(int[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<int[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(int[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(long[][], int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<long[]>, int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(long[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(short[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<short[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(short[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(int[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<int[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(int[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(long[][], int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<long[]>, int, int[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(long[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(short[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(List<short[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(short[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchKNN(short[][], int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(List<short[]>, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
- searchKNN(short[], int) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(byte[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(List<byte[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(double[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(List<double[]>, int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(float[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(List<float[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(int[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(List<int[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(long[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(List<long[]>, int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(short[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(List<short[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree
- searchNN(byte[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(List<byte[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(double[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(List<double[]>, int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(float[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(List<float[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(int[], int[], DISTANCES) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.InternalNearestNeighbours
Search for the nearest neighbour to each of the N queries (given by their
index in this nearest neighbours object), and return the index of each
nearest neighbour and the respective distance.
- searchNN(int[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(List<int[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(long[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(List<long[]>, int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(OBJECT[], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<OBJECT>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(OBJECT) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(DATA[], int[], DISTANCES) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.NearestNeighbours
Search for the nearest neighbour to each of the N queries, and return the
index of each nearest neighbour and the respective distance.
- searchNN(List<DATA>, int[], DISTANCES) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.NearestNeighbours
Search for the nearest neighbour to each of the N queries, and return the
index of each nearest neighbour and the respective distance.
- searchNN(DATA) - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.NearestNeighbours
Search for the nearest neighbour to the given query and return a pair
containing the distance and index of that neighbour.
- searchNN(T[], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(List<T>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(byte[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<byte[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(double[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<double[]>, int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(float[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<float[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(byte[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<byte[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(double[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<double[]>, int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(float[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<float[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(int[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<int[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(long[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<long[]>, int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(short[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<short[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(int[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<int[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(long[][], int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<long[]>, int[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(short[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(List<short[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
- searchNN(short[][], int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(List<short[]>, int[], float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
- searchNN(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectBytePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectIntPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectLongPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectShortPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortObjectPair
The first element of the pair
- second - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
The first element of the pair
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_ASCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in ascending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- SECOND_ITEM_DESCENDING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Comparator for comparing the second element of a
in descending order.
- secondCommonEdges - Variable in class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency.DTConsistencyInfo
- secondMomentsAndScale() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- secondObject() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
- seconds - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.extraction.FaceExtractorToolOptions
How often to take a face test
- secondTrianglulation - Variable in class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency.DTConsistencyInfo
- secondVertex() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- secret - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.FlickrAPIToken
The API Secret
- SED2013Ternary - Class in org.openimaj.vis.ternary
- SED2013Ternary() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.SED2013Ternary
- seed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Set the seed for the internal random number generator.
- seed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
Set the seed for the internal random number generator.
- seed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Set the seed for the internal random number generator.
- seed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Set the seed for the internal random number generator.
- seed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Set the seed for the internal random number generator.
- seed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Set the seed for the internal random number generator.
- seed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Set the seed for the internal random number generator.
- seed - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomByteClusterer
- seed - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomDoubleClusterer
- seed - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomFloatClusterer
- seed - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomIntClusterer
- seed - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomLongClusterer
- seed - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomShortClusterer
- SEED - Static variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
The random seed of any randomised components of this learner (usually
- SEED - Static variable in class org.openimaj.util.hash.HashCodeUtil
An initial value for a hashCode
, to which is added contributions
from fields.
- SeedBuilder - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity
- seek(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Seek to a given timestamp.
- seek(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioStream
Seeks the audio to the given timestamp.
- seek(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
Seek to a given timestamp.
- seek(long) - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.TimeKeeper
Seek to a given timestamp.
- seek(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Seek the video to a given timestamp in SECONDS.
- seek(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.BasicVideoTimeKeeper
Seek to a given timestamp.
- seek(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Seek to a given timestamp in millis.
- seek(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleAudio
Seeks the audio to the given timestamp.
- seek(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Seek the video to a given timestamp in SECONDS.
- seekPrecise(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Implements a precise seeking mechanism based on the Xuggle seek method
and the naive seek method which simply reads frames.
- seekToBeginning() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
This is a convenience method that will seek the stream to be the
- segment(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.ConnectedThresholdSegmenter
- segment(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.FelzenszwalbHuttenlocherSegmenter
- segment(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.KMColourSegmenter
- segment(I) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.segmentation.Segmenter
- segment(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.ThresholdSegmenter
- SegmentationUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.image.segmentation
Some utility functions for dealing with segmented output
- Segmenter<I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.segmentation
The Segmenter interface defines an object capable of segmenting an image into
s (or subclasses thereof).
- segmentGraph(int, List<SimpleWeightedEdge<Pixel>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.FelzenszwalbHuttenlocherSegmenter
- segmentImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.FelzenszwalbHuttenlocherSegmenter
- SegmentingGlobalFeaturesTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature
A tool that computes features from the foreground
object in an image.
- SegmentingGlobalFeaturesTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.SegmentingGlobalFeaturesTool
- SegmentingPairWiseComparisonTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature
A tool for computing the similarities/distances between two images based
on a feature from the foreground object in the image.
- SegmentingPairWiseComparisonTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.SegmentingPairWiseComparisonTool
- select(PrincipalComponentAnalysis) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis.ComponentSelector
Select a subset of principal components, discarding the ones not
- select(PrincipalComponentAnalysis) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis.EnergyThresholdComponentSelector
- select(PrincipalComponentAnalysis) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis.NumberComponentSelector
- select(PrincipalComponentAnalysis) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis.PercentageEnergyComponentSelector
- selectGoodFeatures(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker
Main routine, visible to the outside.
- selectionMode - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.OctaveInterestPointFinder
- SelectiveAnalysisOutputMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output
An ouput mode which alters the tweets being outputted
- SelectiveAnalysisOutputMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.SelectiveAnalysisOutputMode
Non selective, output everything
- SelectiveAnalysisTwitterOutputMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output
An ouput mode which alters the tweets being outputted
- SelectiveAnalysisTwitterOutputMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.SelectiveAnalysisTwitterOutputMode
Non selective, output everything
- selectPoints(InterestPointDetector<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.IPDSelectionMode.All
- selectPoints(InterestPointDetector<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.IPDSelectionMode.Count
- selectPoints(InterestPointDetector<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.IPDSelectionMode
- selectPoints(InterestPointDetector<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.IPDSelectionMode.Threshold
- selectSubset(PrincipalComponentAnalysis.ComponentSelector) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
- selectSubset(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Select a subset of the principal components.
- selectSubsetEnergyThreshold(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Select a subset of the principal components such that all remaining
components have a cumulative energy less than the given value.
- selectSubsetPercentageEnergy(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Select a subset of the principal components such that all remaining
components have a certain percentage cumulative energy of the total.
- send_abort(String, Set<Long>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- send_confirm(String, Set<Long>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- send_delete_queue(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- send_flush_all_queues() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- send_flush_queue(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- send_get(String, int, int, int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- send_get_version() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- send_peek(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- send_put(String, List<ByteBuffer>, int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.Client
- sendCommand(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
- sendCommand(int, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
- SENDER_KEY - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.irc.BasicIRCStreamDataset
The sender key
- SENTENCE_MODEL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPSentenceAnnotator
- SENTENCE_MODEL_PROP - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPSentenceAnnotator
Property name pointing to the sentence model
- SentenceAnnotation - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations
- SentenceAnnotation(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.SentenceAnnotation
- SentenceAnnotation(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.SentenceAnnotation
- sentenceType - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAMessage
- sentiment() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentiment
- Sentiment - Interface in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type
A generic sentiment.
- SentimentAnnotator<OBJECT,CLONETYPE extends SentimentAnnotator<OBJECT,CLONETYPE>> - Interface in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model
- SentimentExtractionMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing
- SentimentExtractionMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.SentimentExtractionMode
- SentimentExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment
- SentimentExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.SentimentExtractor
- separateImplementations - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
Whether to put the implementation files in a separate package
- SequenceFileByteDataSelector - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- SequenceFileByteDataSelector(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.SequenceFileByteDataSelector
- SequenceFileByteFeatureSelector - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- SequenceFileByteFeatureSelector(String, String, HadoopFastKMeansOptions) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.SequenceFileByteFeatureSelector
- SequenceFileByteImageFeatureSelector - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- SequenceFileByteImageFeatureSelector(List<String>, String, HadoopFastKMeansOptions) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.SequenceFileByteImageFeatureSelector
- SequenceFileIndexer - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index
- SequenceFileIndexer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.SequenceFileIndexer
- SequenceFileIndexerOptions - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index
- SequenceFileIndexerOptions(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.SequenceFileIndexerOptions
- SequenceFileMerger - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools
Map-Reduce based tool that merges sequence files
- SequenceFileMerger() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.SequenceFileMerger
- sequenceFilePath - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- SequenceFileProcessor<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor
- SequenceFileProcessor(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor.SequenceFileProcessor
- SequenceFileStage<INPUT_KEY,INPUT_VALUE,MAP_OUTPUT_KEY,MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE,OUTPUT_KEY,OUTPUT_VALUE> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
A helper class for a common stage type.
- SequenceFileStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.SequenceFileStage
- SequenceFileTextStage<INPUT_KEY,INPUT_VALUE,MAP_OUTPUT_KEY,MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE,OUTPUT_KEY,OUTPUT_VALUE> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
A helper class for a common stage type.
- SequenceFileTextStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.SequenceFileTextStage
- sequenceFileToCluster(String, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans
- SequenceFileTool - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile
is a commandline tool for creating, extracting and
inspecting Hadoop
- SequenceFileTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.SequenceFileTool
- SequenceFileUtility<K extends org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable,V extends org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile
Base class for a utility class that deals with specifically typed sequence
- SequenceFileUtility(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- SequenceFileUtility(URI, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- SequenceFileUtility(String, SequenceFile.CompressionType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- SequenceFileUtility(URI, SequenceFile.CompressionType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- SequenceFileUtility(String, SequenceFile.CompressionType, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- SequenceFileUtility(URI, SequenceFile.CompressionType, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.SequenceFileUtility
- SequenceFileUtility.FilenameKeyProvider - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile
A class that provides Text keys from the name of a file
- SequenceFileUtility.KeyProvider<K> - Interface in org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile
Interface for objects that can make a key from a path
- SequenceFileUtility.MD5UUIDKeyProvider - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile
A class that provides Text keys by calculating a UUID from the MD5 of a
- SequenceFileUtility.RelativePathFilenameKeyProvider - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile
A class that provides Text keys from the relative path + name of a file
- Sequencer - Class in org.openimaj.time
An object that will fire events at specific times thereby sequencing
objects into a stream.
- Sequencer(TimeKeeper<? extends Timecode>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer
Default constructor that instantiates a sequencer that will check
for actions every 10 milliseconds using the given time keeper.
- Sequencer(TimeKeeper<? extends Timecode>, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer
Constructor that instantiates a sequencer that will check for actions
at the given rate using the given time keeper.
- Sequencer.SequencedAction - Interface in org.openimaj.time
A class that can be sequenced by the sequencer can implement this
- Sequencer.SequencerEvent - Class in org.openimaj.time
An event in the sequencer, this represents an action occurring at a
specific time.
- SequencerEvent(long, Sequencer.SequencedAction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer.SequencerEvent
Create a new sequencer event that occurs at a specific time.
- SequencerEvent(Timecode, Sequencer.SequencedAction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer.SequencerEvent
Create a new sequencer event that occurs at a specific time.
- sequentialMode() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- SequentialStreamAggregator<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream.window
- SequentialStreamAggregator(Comparator<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.window.SequentialStreamAggregator
- SequentialThin - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology
Morphological sequential thinning of connected components and (assumed binary) FImages.
- SequentialThin(StructuringElement...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.SequentialThin
Construct the sequential thin operator with the given structuring elements
- SequentialThin(int, StructuringElement...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.SequentialThin
Construct the sequential thin operator with the given structuring elements
and number of iterations
- SerialDataListener - Interface in org.openimaj.hardware.serial
An event listener for objects that wish to be informed
of data arriving on a serial port.
- SerialDataParser - Interface in org.openimaj.hardware.serial
An interface for objects that can parse serial data.
- SerialDevice - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.serial
Serial device driver.
- SerialDevice(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
Constructor that takes the port name to connect to and the rate at which
to connect.
- SerialDevice(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
Complete constructor that takes all the information required to connect
to a port.
- serialEvent(SerialPortEvent) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialReader
- serialiseExtractor() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.BaseExtractorOptions
Serialise the feature extractor to a file so it can be reused by other
tools or code.
- serialize(WriteableBinary) - Static method in class org.openimaj.io.IOUtils
Convenience function for serializing a writeable object as a byte array.
- serialize(Object, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Serialize the given object as RDF.
- serializeAux(Object, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Serialize the given object as RDF.
- serializeAux(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Serialize the given object as RDF.
- SerialReader - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.serial
An event listener that receives data from the serial port, buffers the data,
parses the data then calls the listeners for every sentence parsed.
- SerialReader(InputStream, SerialDataParser) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialReader
Default constructor
- series() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
The series of books the book was published in (e.g.
- series(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- series(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- seriesByName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- seriesMap() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- seriesMapInerp(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- seriesMapInerp(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
Interpolated finance results from the beggining time till the end in perscribed delta
- service - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Service Name
- set(int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Set the sample value at the given index.
- set(int, float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Set the sample value at the given index.
- set(int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Set the sample value at the given index.
- set(int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Set the sample value at the given index.
- set(int, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- set(byte, int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
Set the the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- set(double, int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
Set the the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- set(float, int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
Set the the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- set(int, int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
Set the the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- set(long, int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
Set the the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- set(short, int...) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
Set the the element at the given n-dimensional coordinate
- set(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Performs a put kestrel call on the string value with a expiary of 0 (i.e.
- set(String, int, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Performs a put kestrel call with the provided expiration.
- set(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Performs a put with the byte array value with no expiration
- set(String, int, byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
Performs a put with the byte array valye with an expiration
- set(long[], Map<String, ALLINPUT>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- set(long[], Map<String, ALLINPUT>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- set(long[], DATA[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- set(long[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- set(long[], DATA) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
Set the data associated with each time.
- set(int, byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- set(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- set(int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- set(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- set(int, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- set(int, short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- set(int, byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
- set(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
- set(int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
- set(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
- set(int, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
- set(int, short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
- set(int, byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Set the value at the given index.
- set(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Set the value at the given index.
- set(int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Set the value at the given index.
- set(int, byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
- set(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
- set(int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
- set(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
- set(int, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
- set(int, short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
- set(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Set the value at the given index.
- set(int, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Set the value at the given index.
- set(int, short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Set the value at the given index.
- set(int, T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- set(KEY, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.KeyedParameters
- set_age(long) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_age_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_auto_abort_msec(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- set_auto_abort_msec_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- set_bytes(long) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_bytes_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_data(byte[]) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- set_data(ByteBuffer) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- set_data_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- set_expiration_msec(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- set_expiration_msec_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- set_head_item(byte[]) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_head_item(ByteBuffer) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_head_item_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_id(long) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- set_id_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- set_ids(Set<Long>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- set_ids(Set<Long>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- set_ids_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- set_ids_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- set_items(List<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- set_items(long) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_items_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- set_items_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_journal_bytes(long) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_journal_bytes_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_max_items(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- set_max_items_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- set_min_size(int) - Method in class com.jsaragih.FDet
- set_open_transactions(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_open_transactions_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_queue_name(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- set_queue_name(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- set_queue_name(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- set_queue_name(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- set_queue_name(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- set_queue_name(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- set_queue_name(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- set_queue_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- set_queue_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- set_queue_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- set_queue_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- set_queue_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- set_queue_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- set_queue_name_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- set_success(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- set_success(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- set_success(List<Item>) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- set_success(String) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- set_success(QueueInfo) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- set_success(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- set_success_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- set_timeout_msec(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- set_timeout_msec_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- set_waiters(int) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- set_waiters_isSet(boolean) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- setAbout(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setAbout(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setAbout(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setAccount_of(List<Agent>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setAccount_of(List<Agent>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setAccuracy(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.SkewCorrector
Set the accuracy of the skew corrector.
- setAckQueue(String) - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.UnreliableKestrelThriftSpout
The ackQueue holds statistics about acknowledgement time useful for
measuring topology throughput
- setAcrossScales(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.AbstractIPDSIFTEngine
- setAddressed_to(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setAddressed_to(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setAddressed_to(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setAdministrator_of(List<Site>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setAdministrator_of(List<Site>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setAffineConsistencyCheck(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Enable or disable the affine consistency check
- setAllowPanning(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Set whether to allow panning.
- setAllowResize(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Set whether this visualisation can be resized.
- setAllowUnvalidatedRelations(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Something
Set whether to allow unvalidated relations in the subgraph.
- setAllowUnvalidatedTriples(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Something
Set whether to allow unvalidated triples in the subgraph.
- setAllowZoom(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Set whether to allow zooming.
- setAlpha(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAModel
- setAlwaysOnTop(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
- setAlwaysRun(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer
Whether to run the mixer when there are no audio streams to mix.
- setAnchorText(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Anchor
Set the anchor text
- setAngle(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- setAngleJitter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Set the amount of angle jitter to use.
- setAnnotator(AudioAnnotator.AudioAnnotatorType) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioAnnotator
Set the annotator type to use.
- setAnswerElement(int, int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThreadedMatrixMulti
- setArgs(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess.ProcessOptions
Set the argument string to pass to the program
- setArgs(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess.ProcessOptions
Set the arguments to pass to the program
- setAspect(BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Aspect) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setAttachment(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setAttachment(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setAttachment(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setAttack(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Set the ADSR attack time in milliseconds
- setAutoFit(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Sets whether to automatically size the image to fit within the bounds of the
image component which is being sized externally.
- setAutoFit(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Whether to auto fit the x-axis
- setAutoPack(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Sets whether the component is to attempt to pack a frame into which it is
- setAutoPositionXAxis(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
- setAutoPredicate(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Set whether to attempt to output all fields from the objects, not just those
annotated with
- setAutoResize(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Sets whether to automatically resize the component to fit image (at it's
given scale factor) within it.
- setAutoScale(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Whether to auto fit the y-axis
- setAutoScale(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
Set whether the axis should attempt to auto scale to fit the view
- setAutoScale(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Set whether the bars should auto scale to fit all values within the vis.
- setAutoScale(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- setAutoScale(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Set whether the bars should auto scale to fit all values within the vis.
- setAutoScale(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
Set whether to fit the maximum possible value into the height map cube.
- setAutoScale(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- setAutoScaleAxes(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setAutoScaleAxes(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
- setAutoSpaceLabels(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setAutoSpaceLabels(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setAutoSpaceTicks(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setAutoSpaceTicks(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setAvatar(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setAvatar(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setAvoidOverlaps(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.LabelledPointVisualisation
- setAxesRanges(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- setAxis(Line2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.effects.DioramaEffect
Set the current tilt axis
- setAxisAlwaysVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Set whether the axis should always be visible.
- setAxisAlwaysVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Set whether the axis should always be visible.
- setAxisColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setAxisColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- setAxisLength(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
- setAxisLocation(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Set the axis location.
- setAxisLocation(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Set the axis location.
- setAxisPaddingBottom(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setAxisPaddingLeft(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setAxisPaddingRight(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setAxisPaddingTop(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setAxisThickness(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- setAxisWidth(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Set the axis width
- setAxisWidth(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Set the axis width
- setBackground(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.background.BasicBackgroundSubtract
Set the background image
- setBackgroundColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setBackgroundColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- setBandSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineObjectPlotter
Set the size of a band.
- setBarColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setBarColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- setBarColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
- setBarWidth(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setBeginPoint(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Set the start point
- setBias(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.LossFunction
- setBias(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.MatLossFunction
- setBias(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.LossFunction
- setBias(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.MatLossFunction
- setBias(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
- setBigEndian(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Set whether the data is big-endian or not.
- setBinHeight(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
(Optional operation) Set the height of a single bin of the sampling
window (in pixels).
- setBinHeight(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- setBinHeight(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- setBinHeight(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
Not supported.
- setBinWidth(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.AbstractDenseSIFT
(Optional operation) Set the width of a single bin of the sampling window
(in pixels).
- setBinWidth(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ColourDenseSIFT
- setBinWidth(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
- setBinWidth(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.PyramidDenseSIFT
Not supported.
- setBlockSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
Set the number of samples processed in a batch by a thread.
- setBorderPixels(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Set the number of pixels used for a border that processors shouldn't
- setBoundingBoxColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- setBoundingBoxPaddingPc(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic
Set the expansion value for the subimage extraction.
- setBounds(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.RectangleSampler
Adjust the bounds of the sampler
- setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.RectangleSampler
Adjust the bounds of the sampler
- setBounds(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.RectangleSampler
Adjust the bounds of the sampler
- setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
Set the bounds of this face.
- setBounds(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
Set the position and size of this rectangle
- setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- setBPM(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
Set the tempo of the timekeeper
- setBruteForce(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FConvolution
Set brute-force convolution; disables kernel separation and other
- setBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer
Set the size of the buffer that the mixer will mix.
- setButtons(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Set the buttons to show on this video player.
- setButtons(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.ButtonsPanel
Set the list of buttons available on the player.
- setCache(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
Set whether detections should be cached
- setCalculateFPS(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Set whether the frames per second display rate will be calculated at
every frame.
- setCameraPosition(CameraPositionProvider) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- setCascade(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
Set the cascade classifier for this detector.
- setCentreBarsOnValues(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setCentreFrequency(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
Set the new centre frequency
- setClearBeforeDraw(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Sets whether to clear the image before drawing.
- setClusterInit(ByteKMeans) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.fastkmeans.ByteKMeansInitialisers.Options
Initialise the clusterer
- setClusterType(ClusterType) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
Set the cluster type
- setClusterTypeOp(ClusterType.ClusterTypeOp) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
Set the clusterTypeOp
- setCoherenceFactor(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector
Set the edge coherence factor.
- setCollection(Collection<? extends IndependentPair<Point2d, Point2d>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.estimation.sampling.BucketingSampler2d
- setCollection(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.CollectionSampler
Set the items to sample from.
- setCollection(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.UniformSampler
- setColor(BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Color) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setColour(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.AbstractRenderer
Set the colour that the components will be drawn in.
- setColour(ConfigurableRenderOptions, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererMono
Set the colour of a specific option to override the default.
- setColour(ConfigurableRenderOptions, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRendererRGB
Set the colour of a specific option to override the default.
- setColour(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- setColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Set the colour to draw the signal
- setColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setColourMap(ColourMap) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- setColourMap(ColourMap) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
- setColourMap(ColourMap) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- setColourMap(ColourMap) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
- setColourMapMax(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
- setColourMapMax(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- setColourMapMin(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
- setColourMapMin(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- setColourMapRange(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation
- setColourMapRange(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation3D
- setColourspace(ColourSpace) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.animators.ColourSpaceAnimator
- setColumn(Matrix, int, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Set the values of the elements in a single column to a constant value.
- setCombinerClass(Job, Class<? extends Reducer<MAP_OUTPUT_KEY, MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE, MAP_OUTPUT_KEY, MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.Stage
For stages which require more fine grained control of how a job's
combiner is set.
- setComparisonMeasure(DoubleFVComparison) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.patch.HistogramPatchModel
Set the comparison measure used.
- setConf(Configuration) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairPartitioner
- setConf(Configuration) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortPartitioner
- setConfidence(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
Set the confidence of the detection.
- setConfig(AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer
- setConfig(AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
- setConfiguration(KMeansConfiguration<ByteNearestNeighbours, byte[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Set the configuration
- setConfiguration(KMeansConfiguration<DoubleNearestNeighbours, double[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
Set the configuration
- setConfiguration(KMeansConfiguration<ObjectNearestNeighbours<T>, T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Set the configuration
- setConfiguration(KMeansConfiguration<FloatNearestNeighbours, float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Set the configuration
- setConfiguration(KMeansConfiguration<IntNearestNeighbours, int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Set the configuration
- setConfiguration(KMeansConfiguration<LongNearestNeighbours, long[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Set the configuration
- setConfiguration(KMeansConfiguration<ShortNearestNeighbours, short[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Set the configuration
- setConnectionColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- setContainer_of(List<Item>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- setContainer_of(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- setContainer_of(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- setContent(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- setContent(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setContent(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setContent(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setContent_encoded(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- setContent_encoded(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setContext(INDEPENDANT, DEPENDANT) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.AbstractContextAwareInitStrategy
- setContext(INDEPENDANT, DEPENDANT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.ContextAwareInitStrategy
The current INDEPENDANT and DEPENDANT values at the time of initialization
- setCount(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setCovariances(MultivariateGaussian[], Matrix) - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.gmm.GaussianMixtureModelEM.CovarianceType
- setCreated_at(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- setCreated_at(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setCreator_of(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setCreator_of(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setCurrentFrameIndex(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.ArrayBackedVideo
- setCurrentFrameIndex(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
- setCurrentFrameIndex(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.Video
Set the current frame index (i.e.
- setCurrentFrameIndex(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo
Set the current frame index (i.e.
- setCurrentPositionLineColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Set the colour of the line which is showning the current draw position.
- setData(int, int, double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ReadWriteableMatrix
- setData(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Set the data to be visualised.
- setData(SampleChunk) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Add the given sample chunk into the spectrogram.
- setData(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
If the samples are represented as a set of doubles, you can set them
- setData(double[], AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Samples represented as a set of doubles.
- setData(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Set the data from a float array.
- setData(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Set the data from a long array.
- setData(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Set the data to a double array
- setData(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
Set the data to display in the visualisation.
- setData(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Set the data from a float array.
- setData(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Set the data from a long array.
- setData(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ChronologicalScrollingBarVisualisation3D
Data is copied into the visualisation, so the arrays passed in are untouched.
- setData(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeatMap
- setData(List<XYPlotVisualisation.LocatedObject<O>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
Set the data to be visualised.
- setData(T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation
Set the data to display in the visualisation.
- setData(D) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
Set the data to display in the visualisation.
- setData(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Set the data to be visualised.
- setDataPixelTransformer(DataUnitsTransformer<Float[], double[], int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation
The timeline object will need to know how to convert between
time and pixels, and the
given here
should be able to do that.
- setDataPixelTransformer(DataUnitsTransformer<Float[], double[], int[]>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObject
The timeline object will need to know how to convert between
time and pixels, and the
given here
should be able to do that.
- setDataPixelTransformer(DataUnitsTransformer<Float[], double[], int[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObjectAdapter
The timeline object will need to know how to convert between
time and pixels, and the
given here
should be able to do that.
- setDecay(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Set the ADSR decay time in milliseconds
- setDecay(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Set whether decay is to be used
- setDecayAmount(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Set the amount of decay to use
- setDefaultCountryLandColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
- setDefaultCountryOutlineColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
- setDelta(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
- setDelta(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
- setDescription(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- setDescription(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setDetectionScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- setDetectionScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
- setDetectionScale(float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.MultiscaleInterestPointDetector
Set the detection scale for the detector
- setDetIntScaleFactor(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- setDirection(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.StrokeWidthTransform
Set the direction of the SWT; true for dark on light, false for light
- setDiversityAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DiversityAxis
Set the name of the diversity axis.
- setDoubleInitialImage(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Set whether starting image of the pyramid be stretched to twice its size?
- setDoubleSizePyramid(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorMultiscale
Set whether to double the size of the pyramid
- setDrawCurrentPositionLine(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Set whether to draw the position at which the current spectra will be drawn
- setDrawFreqBands(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Set whether to overlay the frequency bands onto the image.
- setDrawMajorGrid(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- setDrawMajorGrid(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setDrawMajorTickGrid(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setDrawMajorTickLabels(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setDrawMajorTicks(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setDrawMinorGrid(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- setDrawMinorGrid(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setDrawMinorTickGrid(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setDrawMinorTickLabels(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setDrawMinorTicks(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setDrawValues(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Sets whether values are drawn to the image.
- setDrawValues(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Sets whether values are drawn to the image.
- setDrawXAxis(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setDrawXAxisName(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setDrawXTickLabels(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setDrawXTicks(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setDrawYAxis(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setDrawYAxisName(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setDrawYTickLabels(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setDrawYTicks(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setDriver(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.DatabaseStatusFeeder
Set the database driver to use.
- setEdgeThreshold(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
Set the edge threshold.
- setEigenvalueRatio(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Set the threshold on the ratio of the Eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix
(Lowe IJCV, p.12)
- setElement(QWebElement) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- setEmail(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setEmail(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setEmail_sha1(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setEmail_sha1(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setEmbeds_knowledge(List<Graph>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setEmbeds_knowledge(List<Graph>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setEmbeds_knowledge(List<Graph>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setEnableLights(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
- setEndAction(VideoDisplay.EndAction) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Set the action to occur when the video reaches its end.
- setEndPoint(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Set the end point
- setEndPoint() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Get the end point
- setEndTimecode(VideoTimecode) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.FadeShotBoundary
Set the timecode at the end of the fade.
- setEntrySelection(ImageCollectionEntrySelection<ImageType>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollection
Control how an image collection is to accept or ignore a given entry of the collection
- setEntrySelection(ImageCollectionEntrySelection<MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection
- setEntrySelection(ImageCollectionEntrySelection<MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.AbstractWebpageImageCollection
- setEps(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.SparseMatrixDBSCAN
- setError(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.LinearPerceptronDataGenerator
- setExpireTime(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.bolts.TweetPreprocessingBolt
- setExtraScaleSteps(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Set the number of extra scale steps taken beyond scales.
- setF(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalModel
Set the Fundamental matrix
- setFacePatch(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.DetectedFace
Reset the face patch image
- setFarm(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- setFast(int, byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- setFast(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- setFast(int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- setFast(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- setFast(int, long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- setFast(int, short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
Set the ith element of this array view to the value v.
- setFastDifferentiationScale(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
- setFeatureExtractor(TrendDetectorFeatureExtractor) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.TrendDetector
- setFeatureList(FeatureList) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker
Set the tracking context
- setFieldValue(Item._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.abort_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.abort_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.confirm_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.confirm_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.delete_queue_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.delete_queue_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.flush_queue_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.flush_queue_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.get_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.get_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.get_version_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.get_version_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.peek_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.peek_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.put_args._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- setFieldValue(Kestrel.put_result._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- setFieldValue(QueueInfo._Fields, Object) - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- setFileType(FileType) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
Set the file type
- setFilterAmplitude(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MelFilterBank
Set the filter amplitude for all the generated filters.
- setFilterAmplitude(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
Set the filter amplitude
- setFilterFunction(ResizeFilterFunction) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor
Set the filter function used by the filter
- setFinderMode(FinderMode<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.AbstractIPDSIFTEngine
set the underlying finder
- setFindKeyframes(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Set whether to store keyframes of boundaries when they
have been found.
- setFirst(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteObjectPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleObjectPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatObjectPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntObjectPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongObjectPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectBytePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectDoublePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectFloatPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectIntPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectLongPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectShortPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortObjectPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Set the value of the first element
- setFirst_name(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setFirst_name(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setFirstObject(A) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
Set first object in pair to obj
- setFittingModel(RobustModelFitting<Point2d, Point2d, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d
- setFittingModel(RobustModelFitting<Point2d, Point2d, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.LocalConsistentKeypointMatcher
- setFittingModel(RobustModelFitting<Point2d, Point2d, ?>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ModelFittingLocalFeatureMatcher
Set the object which robustly attempts to fit matches to the model
- setFixAxis(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Set whether the axis should be fixed.
- setFixAxis(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Set whether the axis should be fixed.
- setFn(Object) - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- setFocalLengthX(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Set the focal length in the x direction (in pixels)
- setFocalLengthY(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Set the focal length in the y direction (in pixels)
- setFold(int, BillMatlabFileDataGenerator.Mode) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator
- setFollows(List<UserAccount>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setFollows(List<UserAccount>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setFont(Font<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- setFontPointSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Set the point size of the font to draw
- setFontSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- setFontsToAvoid(List<String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Set the list of fonts to avoid.
- setForceRetry(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.KLTHaarFaceTracker
- setFormat(AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.Audio
Set the audio format of this audio object.
- setFormat(AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.JavaSoundAudioGrabber
Set the audio format of this audio object.
- setFormat(AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Reset the audio format for the samples in this buffer.
- setFormat(AudioFormat) - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Reset the audio format for the samples in this buffer.
- setFormat(AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Reset the audio format for the samples in this buffer.
- setFormat(AudioFormat) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Reset the audio format for the samples in this buffer.
- setFPS(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Set the number of frames per second.
- setFPS(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Set the frames per second value for the video being processed.
- setFrameNumber(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.FrameNumberVideoTimecode
Set the frame number.
- setFrequency(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Set the frequency at which the synth will generate tones.
- setFrequencyBands(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram
Set the frequency bands to overlay on the image in Hz.
- setFreshness(BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Freshness) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.EnumFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.FeatureVector
Set an element of the feature from a double value
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
- setFromDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
- setFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.FullscreenUtility
Method allows changing whether this window is displayed in fullscreen or
windowed mode.
- setFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
Method allows changing whether this window is displayed in fullscreen or
windowed mode.
- setFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplet
- setFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplication
- setFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
- setFunction_of(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Role
- setFunction_of(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.RoleImpl
- setGain(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Set the gain at which the synth will generate tones
- setGaussianSigma(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Get the width of the Gaussian used for weighting samples, relative to the
half-width of the sampling window (default 1.0).
- setGeneralJSONClass(Class<? extends GeneralJSON>) - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
set the type of json that backs this instance (used primarily for
- setGLAD(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
- setGLAutoDrawable(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
- setGridDirection(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer3D
- setGroupingFilter(DetectionFilter<Rectangle, ObjectIntPair<Rectangle>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
Set the filter for merging detections
- setHas_administrator(List<UserAccount>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Site
- setHas_administrator(List<UserAccount>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SiteImpl
- setHas_container(List<Container>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setHas_container(List<Container>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setHas_container(List<Container>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setHas_discussion(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setHas_discussion(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setHas_discussion(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setHas_host(List<Site>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Forum
- setHas_host(List<Site>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- setHas_member(List<UserAccount>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Usergroup
- setHas_member(List<UserAccount>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UsergroupImpl
- setHas_moderator(List<UserAccount>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Forum
- setHas_moderator(List<UserAccount>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- setHas_modifier(List<UserAccount>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setHas_modifier(List<UserAccount>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setHas_modifier(List<UserAccount>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setHas_parent(List<Container>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- setHas_parent(List<Container>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- setHas_parent(List<Container>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- setHas_reply(List<Item>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setHas_reply(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setHas_reply(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setHas_scope(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Role
- setHas_scope(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.RoleImpl
- setHas_subscriber(List<UserAccount>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- setHas_subscriber(List<UserAccount>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- setHas_subscriber(List<UserAccount>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- setHas_usergroup(List<Usergroup>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SiteImpl
- setHas_usergroup(List<Usergroup>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Space
- setHas_usergroup(List<Usergroup>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SpaceImpl
- setHeight(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setHeightMapType(HeightMap3D.HeightMapType) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
Set the way the height map is rendered.
- setHeightScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
- setHighFrequency(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
Set the high frequency of the filter
- setHighlightCountryLandColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
- setHorizontalAlignment(FontStyle.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- setHost_of(List<Forum>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Site
- setHost_of(List<Forum>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SiteImpl
- setHref(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Anchor
Set the href
- setHystThresh1(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Set the fist hysteresis threshold.
- setHystThresh2(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Set the second hysteresis threshold.
- setId(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- setIM(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Complex
Set the imaginary part.
- setImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectVideoStreamCallback
Set the current image from the underlying buffer data
- setImage(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor
Set the image to extract pixels from.
- setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Set the image to draw
- setImage(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- setImage(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Change the target image of this renderer.
- setImage(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setImage(Image<Q, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisRenderer2D
- setImageBlurred(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- setImageContent(BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.ImageContent) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setImageSize(FlickrImageDataset.Size) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
Set the size of the images that this dataset produces.
- setImageType(BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.ImageType) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setImproveEstimate(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
Set whether RANSAC should attempt to improve the model using all inliers
as data
- setIndexValue(int, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Set the value of the index at a given offset
- setInit(ByteKMeansInit) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
Set the current initialisation algorithm
- setInit(DoubleKMeansInit) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
Set the current initialisation algorithm
- setInit(FeatureVectorKMeansInit<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
Set the current initialisation algorithm
- setInit(FloatKMeansInit) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
Set the current initialisation algorithm
- setInit(IntKMeansInit) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
Set the current initialisation algorithm
- setInit(LongKMeansInit) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
Set the current initialisation algorithm
- setInit(ShortKMeansInit) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Set the current initialisation algorithm
- setInitialSigma(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Set the assumed initial scale of the first image in each octave.
- setInlierPercentage(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel
Set the target percentage of the number of points that move less than 0.5
of their total possible distance within an iteration to stop fitting.
- setInput(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.InOutToolOptions
When the input file is set, any existing input file LIST file is removed
(anything from -if)
- setInputFile(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.InOutToolOptions
- setInputFiles(List<File>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
Set the input files
- setInsideContent(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- setIntegrationScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD
- setIntegrationScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AffineAdaption
- setInvidiualBarColours(Float[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Set the colours to use for each bar.
- setIp_address(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setIp_address(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setIp_address(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setIRMode(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Switch the main camera between InfraRed and RGB modes.
- setIsHole(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Set whether this polygon represents a hole in another polygon.
- setItalic(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- setItalicSlant(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
- setItemPlotter(ItemPlotter<O, Float[], MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
Set the plotter
- setIteratorType(Class<? extends Iterator<FeatureFileFeature>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.StreamedFeatureFile
Set the iterator type
- setJvmArgs(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess.ProcessOptions
Set the JVM arguments to use when launching the program.
- setJvmArgs(String[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess.ProcessOptions
Set the JVM arguments to use when launching the program.
- setK(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
Set the number of neighbours
- setK(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
Set the number of clusters
- setKeepAspect(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Sets whether to keep the aspect ratio of the image constant when the image is
being autoFit into the component.
- setKeepOctaves(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.PyramidOptions
Set whether the Pyramid should retain its octaves.
- setKernelSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Set the kernel size to use.
- setKeyframe(VideoKeyframe<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.ShotBoundary
- setLabelTransformer(LabelTransformer) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setLast_item_date(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- setLast_item_date(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- setLast_item_date(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- setLast_name(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setLast_name(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setLastCalculatedFeature(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.JAudioFeatureExtractor
- setLatest_version(List<Item>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setLatest_version(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setLatest_version(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setLearner(BilinearSparseOnlineLearner) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation.BilinearEvaluator
- setLearner(OnlineLearner<INDEPENDANT, DEPENDANT>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.AbstractContextAwareInitStrategy
- setLearner(OnlineLearner<INDEPENDANT, DEPENDANT>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.ContextAwareInitStrategy
- setLED(KinectLEDMode) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Set the device status LEDs
- setLength(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Set the length of the array.
- setLength(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Set the length of the array.
- setLength(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Set the length of the array.
- setLength(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Set the length of the array.
- setLength(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Set the length of the array.
- setLength(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Set the length of the array.
- setLength(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
Set the length of the rendered map
- setLicense(BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.License) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setLightingInsensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Enable or disable lighting insensitivity
- setLocalFile(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- setLocation(KeypointLocation) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint
- setLocation(KeypointLocation) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- setLocation(KeypointLocation) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- setLocation(KeypointLocation) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.MinMaxKeypoint
- setLocation(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- setLowFrequency(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
Sets the low frequency
- setMagnificationFactor(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Set the magnification factor determining the size of a spatial SIFT bin
relative to the scale.
- setMagnitudeThreshold(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Set the threshold on the magnitude of detected points (Lowe IJCV, p.11)
- setMajorGridColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMajorGridColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMajorGridThickness(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMajorGridThickness(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMajorTickColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMajorTickColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMajorTickLabelFont(Font) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMajorTickLabelSpacing(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMajorTickLength(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMajorTickLength(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMajorTickSpacing(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMajorTickThickness(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMajorTickThickness(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMapperClass(Job, Class<? extends Mapper<INPUT_KEY, INPUT_VALUE, MAP_OUTPUT_KEY, MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.Stage
For stages which need more fine grained control of how a job's mapper is
- setMask(M) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.mask.AbstractMaskedObject
- setMask(M) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.mask.MaskedObject
Set the mask image.
- setMask(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractImageMaskInpainter
- setMask(int, int, Collection<? extends Iterable<Pixel>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractImageMaskInpainter
- setMask(int, int, PixelSet...) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractImageMaskInpainter
- setMask(FImage) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.Inpainter
Set the mask.
- setMask(int, int, Collection<? extends Iterable<Pixel>>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.Inpainter
Set the mask.
- setMask(int, int, PixelSet...) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.Inpainter
Set the mask.
- setMathInput(MathMLFontStyle.MathInput) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFontStyle
- setMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
Set the matrix, any images processed from this point forward will be
projected using this matrix
- setMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.HardCodedInitStrat
The matrix to init things to
- setMax(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
Set the expected maximum value.
- setMaxArea(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
- setMaxArea(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
- setMaxBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.JavaSoundAudioGrabber
Set the maximum size buffer to be returned.
- setMaxBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialReader
Set the size of the buffer to use.
- setMaxFileExtract(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.ExtractionState
Set the maximum allowed number of records to extract.
- setMaximum(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Set the maximum value that the signal can achieve.
- setMaximum(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
Set the maximum data value
- setMaximum(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ChronologicalScrollingBarVisualisation3D
Set the maximum data value
- setMaximumDetectionSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector
- setMaximumDetectionSize(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.MultiScaleObjectDetector
(Optional operation).
- setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel
Set the maximum allowed number of iterations in fitting the model
- setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
Set the maximum number of allowed iterations
- setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
Set the maximum allowed number of iterations.
- setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Set the maximum number of iterations
- setMaxResidue(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Set the maximum residue
- setMaxSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
Set the maximum detection window size
- setMaxStrokeWidth(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.StrokeWidthTransform
Set the maximum stroke width
- setMaxValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- setMaxValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Set the maximum value (in units) for the bars.
- setMaxValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Set the maximum value (in units) for the bars.
- setMaxValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
Set the maximum value expected in this heightmap.
- setMaxVariation(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
- setMaxVariation(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
- setMaxXValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMaxXValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
Set the maximum x value
- setMaxYValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMaxYValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
Set the maximum y value
- setMaxZValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
Set the maximum z value
- setMember_of(List<Usergroup>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setMember_of(List<Usergroup>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setMeshColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- setMetaClass(MetaClass) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAMessage
- setMetaClass(MetaClass) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAParser
- setMetaClass(MetaClass) - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- setMetadata(Map<String, String>, Configuration) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.MetadataConfiguration
Write the given metadata to the Configuration
- setMin(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
Set the expected minimum value.
- setMinArea(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
- setMinArea(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
- setMinDeterminant(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Set the minimum determinant
- setMinDisplacement(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Set the minimum displacement
- setMinDist(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Set the minimum distance
- setMinDiversity(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERDetector
- setMinDiversity(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator
- setMinEigenvalue(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Set the minimum eigenvalue
- setMinimumDetectionSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector
- setMinimumDetectionSize(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.MultiScaleObjectDetector
(Optional operation).
- setMinMax(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
The maximum and minimum values for the various dimentions against which
random decisions will be based.
- setMinorGridColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMinorGridColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMinorGridThickness(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMinorGridThickness(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMinorTickColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMinorTickColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMinorTickLabelFont(Font) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMinorTickLabelSpacing(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMinorTickLength(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMinorTickLength(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMinorTickSpacing(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMinorTickThickenss(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMinorTickThickness(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setMinRelativeChildProp(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.SuzukiContourProcessor
Set the threshold at which small children (measured relative to their
parent area) are removed.
- setMinSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
Set the minimum detection window size
- setMinTickSpacing(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMinValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- setMinValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
Set the minimum value (in units) to use to plot the bars.
- setMinValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
Set the minimum value (in units) to use to plot the bars.
- setMinValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
Set the minimum value expected in this heightmap;
- setMinXValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMinXValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
Set the Minimum x value
- setMinYValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setMinYValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
Set the Minimum y value
- setMinZValue(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer3D
Set the Minimum z value
- setMixEvents(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer
Whether to fire mix events or not (default is that the mixer doesn't)
- setMode(AudioPlayer.Mode) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Set the mode of the player.
- setMode(VideoDisplay.Mode) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Set whether this player is playing, paused or stopped.
- setModel(M) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.AlgebraicResidual2d
- setModel(M) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.SingleImageTransferResidual2d
- setModel(M) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.SymmetricTransferResidual2d
- setModel(M) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.TransformedSITR2d
- setModel(M) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
Set the underlying model being fitted
- setModel(M) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals.AbstractResidualCalculator
- setModel(M) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.fit.residuals.ResidualCalculator
Set the current model being evaluated.
- setModelConstructionData(List<? extends IndependentPair<I, D>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
Set the data used to construct the model
- setModelFeatures(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicMatcher
- setModelFeatures(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicTwoWayMatcher
- setModelFeatures(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.ConsistentLocalFeatureMatcher2d
- setModelFeatures(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.consistent.LocalConsistentKeypointMatcher
- setModelFeatures(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastBasicKeypointMatcher
- setModelFeatures(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastEuclideanKeypointMatcher
- setModelFeatures(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastLimitedEuclideanKeypointMatcher
- setModelFeatures(List<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.LocalFeatureMatcher
Set the features that represent the database to match queries against
- setModelFeatures(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.MultipleMatchesMatcher
- setModelFeatures(List<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.quantised.BasicQuantisedKeypointMatcher
- setModerator_of(List<Forum>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setModerator_of(List<Forum>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setModified_at(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- setModified_at(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setModifier_of(List<Item>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setModifier_of(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setMouseConfined(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
- setMouseVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
- setName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- setNameColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setNameDirection(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setNameOrientation(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setNameSize(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setNbins(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.BinnedWindowedExtractor
Set the number of bins.
- setNBits(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Sets the number of bits in this audio format.
- setnChars(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Set the number of characters to randomly generate.
- setNearestNeighbourFactory(NearestNeighboursFactory<? extends NN, DATA>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
- setNext_by_date(List<Item>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setNext_by_date(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setNext_by_date(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setNext_version(List<Item>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setNext_version(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setNext_version(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setNextAnimator(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearByteValueAnimator
- setNextAnimator(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearDoubleValueAnimator
- setNextAnimator(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearFloatValueAnimator
- setNextAnimator(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearIntegerValueAnimator
- setNextAnimator(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearLongValueAnimator
- setNextAnimator(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.RandomLinearShortValueAnimator
- setNgrams(Integer...) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoEntityCandidateFinderFactory.YagoEntityCandidateFinder
Set the ngram sizes that the CandidateFinder will search with.
- setNoiseAsClusters(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DBSCAN
Treat noise as clusters on their own
- setNorm(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker
Set whether input images are in [0,1] (true) or [0,255] (false).
- setNTweets(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TweetCountWordMap
set the number of tweets
- setNull(ParameterizedSparqlString, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.utils.PQUtils
Set a ParameterizedSparqlString
- setNum_items(List<Integer>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- setNum_items(List<Integer>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- setNum_items(List<Integer>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- setNum_threads(List<Integer>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Forum
- setNum_threads(List<Integer>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- setNumberOfBins(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EdgeDirectionCoherenceVector
Set the number of bins.
- setNumberOfSegments(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.HoughLines
Set the number of segments used in the accumulator space.
- setNumberOfThreads(int) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Sets the number of threads.
- setNumberToStore(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.features.SpectralFlux
Set the number of spectral flux values to store in the feature
- setNumChannels(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Set the number of channels in this format.
- setNumClusters(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
Set the number of clusters
- setNumComponents(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
Set the number of components of the PDM
- setNumComponents(PrincipalComponentAnalysis.ComponentSelector) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.PointDistributionModel
- setNumOriBins(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Set the number of orientation bins (default 8) in the SIFT feature
- setNumOriHistBins(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Set the number of orientation histogram bins for finding the dominant
orientations; Lowe's IJCV paper (p.13) suggests 36 bins.
- setNumSpatialBins(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Set the number of spatial bins in each direction (default 4) in the SIFT
- setObjectField(Object, Field, Object) - Method in class org.kohsuke.args4j.ProxyOptionHandler
- setOCRProcessor(OCRProcessor<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.TextExtractor
For the text regions that are extracted to be associated with textual
representations of the text regions, an OCR processor must be used.
- setOctaveInterestPointListener(OctaveInterestPointListener<GaussianOctave<FImage>, FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.DoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- setOctaveInterestPointListener(OctaveInterestPointListener<GaussianOctave<MBFImage>, MBFImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.pyramid.FirstBandDoGOctaveExtremaFinder
- setOctaveInterestPointListener(InterestPointFeatureCollector<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.ipd.finder.OctaveInterestPointFinder
- setOctaveInterestPointListener(OctaveInterestPointListener<OCTAVE, IMAGE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.AbstractOctaveInterestPointFinder
- setOctaveInterestPointListener(OctaveInterestPointListener<OCTAVE, IMAGE>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.pyramid.OctaveInterestPointFinder
Set a listener object that will listen to events triggered when interest
points are detected.
- setOctaveProcessor(OctaveProcessor<OCTAVE, IMAGE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.PyramidOptions
Get an OctaveProcessor to apply to each octave of the pyramid.
- setOffset(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setOptions(HadoopFastKMeansOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.HadoopFastKMeans
- setOptions(OPTIONS) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.Pyramid
Set the options used to initialise this pyramid
- setOptionsMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterType.ClusterTypeOp
Set options
- setOrdinate(int, Number) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- setOrdinate(int, Number) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- setOrdinate(int, Number) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- setOrdinate(int, Number) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- setOrdinate(int, Number) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Coordinate
Set the ordinate value for a specific dimension.
- setOrdinate(int, Number) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.DoublePoint2dImpl
- setOrdinate(int, Number) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PayloadCoordinate
- setOrdinate(int, Number) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- setOrdinate(int, Number) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- setOrdinate(int, Number) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- setOrientation(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
Set the orientation of the x axis
- setOrientation(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- setOriginal(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- setOriginalImage(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
If you want to be able to inspect the original image's pixel values (rather
than the generated BufferedImage) set the original image here.
- setOscillatorType(Oscillator) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Set the type of oscillator used to generate tones.
- setOutline(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFontStyle
Set whether this font should be drawn in outline or not.
- setOutlineText(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setOutlineText(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- setOutput(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.InOutToolOptions
- setOutputClassNames(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.RDFSerializer
Set whether to output class names as triples.
- setOwner_of(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setOwner_of(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setPadding(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Set the padding around the outside of the image.
- setPadToNextPowerOf2(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Set whether to pad the input to the next power of 2.
- setParent(Contour) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
- setParent_of(List<Container>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Container
- setParent_of(List<Container>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ContainerImpl
- setParent_of(List<Container>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ForumImpl
- setPatchOrientation(float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.GradientFeatureProvider
Set the primary orientation of the sample patch in the image being
- setPatchOrientation(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider
- setPatchOrientation(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
- setPayload(O) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PayloadCoordinate
Set the payload.
- setPeakThreshold(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Set the threshold for peak detection in the orientation histogram.
- setPenColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- setPenPosition(Pixel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- setPenThickness(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Plotter
- setPercentageThreshold(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
Set the percentage threshold
- setPerspectiveJitter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Set the amount of perspective jitter to use.
- setPixel(int, int, Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Sets the pixel at (x,y)
to the given value.
- setPixel(int, int, Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Sets the pixel at (x,y)
to the given value.
- setPixel(int, int, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
- setPixel(int, int, T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Sets the pixel at (x,y)
to the given value.
- setPixel(int, int, Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- setPixelNative(int, int, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Sets the pixel at (x,y)
to the given value.
- setPixelNative(int, int, float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MBFImage
Sets the pixel at (x,y)
to the given value.
- setPlotter(ItemPlotter3D<D>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- setPointColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- setPosition(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Set the position of the play head to the given percentage.
- setPrevious_by_date(List<Item>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setPrevious_by_date(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setPrevious_by_date(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setPrevious_version(List<Item>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setPrevious_version(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setPrevious_version(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setPreviousPyramid(PyramidSet) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- setPrincipalPointX(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Set the x-ordinate of the principal point (in pixels).
- setPrincipalPointY(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Set the y-ordinate of the principal point (in pixels).
- setProgress(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.ButtonsPanel
Set the progress (0-100)
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAMessage
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAParser
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
- setPSSIri(ParameterizedSparqlString, String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.utils.PQUtils
- setPSSLiteral(ParameterizedSparqlString, String[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.utils.PQUtils
Set a ParameterizedSparqlString
- setPSSLiteral(ParameterizedSparqlString, String, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.utils.PQUtils
Set a ParameterizedSparqlString
- setPSSLiteral(ParameterizedSparqlString, String, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.utils.PQUtils
Set a ParameterizedSparqlString
- setPSSLiteral(ParameterizedSparqlString, String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.utils.PQUtils
Set a ParameterizedSparqlString
- setPSSResource(ParameterizedSparqlString, String, Resource) - Static method in class org.openimaj.rdf.utils.PQUtils
- setPyramidProcessor(PyramidProcessor<IMAGE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.PyramidOptions
Sets the PyramidProcessor.
- setQuery(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setQuery(I, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
Set the query image.
- setQueryTest() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
Compare the query to itself for the next test
- setRadius(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
Set the radius of the circle.
- setRandomSeed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- setRandomSeed(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecision
Random seed upon which a java
object is seeded and used to choose
random indecies and thresholds.
- setRandomSelection(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.ExtractionState
Instruct the state to extract number records from the file randomly.
- setRE(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Complex
Set the real part.
- setRedetectEvery(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Set the number of frames after which a redection is forced by the tracker.
- setReducerClass(Job, Class<? extends Reducer<MAP_OUTPUT_KEY, MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE, OUTPUT_KEY, OUTPUT_VALUE>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.Stage
For stages which require more fine grained control of how a job's reducer
is set.
- setReference(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- setReference(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setRegEx(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.RegExParser
Set the regular expression to use.
- setRegex(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.serial.SerialDevice
Set the regular expression to use to split incoming strings.
- setRegisteredDepth(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Set whether depth should be registered
- setRelease(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Set the ADSR release time in milliseconds
- setRemoveEventsWhenComplete(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer
Sets whether to remove events from the event list when they have
been completed.
- setRenderAxesLast(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
- setRenderAxis(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setRenderHints(RenderHints) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Set the render hints associated with this renderer
- setRenderingConfig(AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig
- setReply_of(List<Item>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Item
- setReply_of(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.ItemImpl
- setReply_of(List<Item>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setRequiredSize(Dimension) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ChronologicalScrollingBarVisualisation3D
Set the required size of the visualisation image.
- setRequiredSize(Dimension) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
- setRequiredSize(Dimension) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImageProvider
Set the required size of the visualisation image.
- setRequiredSize(Dimension) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Set the required size of the vis
- SetRetrievalComparator - Class in org.lemurproject.ireval
- SetRetrievalComparator(Map<String, Double>, Map<String, Double>) - Constructor for class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalComparator
Creates a new instance of SetRetrievalComparator
- SetRetrievalEvaluator - Class in org.lemurproject.ireval
Computes summary statistics over a set of queries.
- SetRetrievalEvaluator(Collection<RetrievalEvaluator>) - Constructor for class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
Creates a new instance of SetRetrievalEvaluator
- setRetryFailedEvents(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer
Sets whether failed events will be retried at the next processing
- setROI(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.AbstractMultiScaleObjectDetector
- setROI(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.FilteringObjectDetector
- setROI(Rectangle) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.ObjectDetector
(Optional operation).
- setROI(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.RotationSimulationObjectDetector
- setRow(int, SparseVector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- setRow(Matrix, int, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Set the values of the elements in a single column to a constant value.
- setSafeSearch(BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.SafeSearch) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setSampleRateKHz(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Set the sample rate at which the audio should be replayed
- setSamples(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Set the samples in this sample chunk.
- setSamples(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
Set the number of samples
- setSamplingSize(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Set the size of the sampling window relative to the sampling scale.
- setSaveModel(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.svm.SVMAnnotator
Set whether to save the SVM model to disk.
- setScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.ScaleSpaceLocation
- setScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- setScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- setScale(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.HaarFeature
Set the current detection scale, setting up the internal caches
- setScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.StageTreeClassifier
Set the current detection scale.
- setScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
Set the detector scale factor
- setScale(float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.ScaleSpacePoint
Set the scale associated with this point.
- setScaleFactor(double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Set the scale factor to draw the image.
- setScaleFactor(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Set the scale factor (the amount to change between scales
- setScaleFactorX(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Set the scale factor to draw the image in the x-direction.
- setScaleFactorY(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Set the scale factor to draw the image in the y-direction.
- setScales(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.gaussian.GaussianPyramidOptions
Set the number of scales in this octave minus extraScaleSteps.
- setScaling(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Set the value for weighting the scaling Gaussian of the orientation
histogram relative to the keypoint scale.
- setScalingFactor(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.FourierTransform
Set the scaling factor to use.
- setSeaColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldMap
- setSearchAreaColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- setSearchAreaSize(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
- setSearchBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher
Set the search bounds rectangle.
- setSearchBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
Set the search bounds rectangle.
- setSecond(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteObjectPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleObjectPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatObjectPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntObjectPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongObjectPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectBytePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectDoublePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectFloatPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectIntPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectLongPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ObjectShortPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortObjectPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecond(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Set the value of the second element
- setSecondObject(B) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
Set second object in pair to obj
- setSecret(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- setSeed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomByteClusterer
- setSeed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomDoubleClusterer
- setSeed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomFloatClusterer
- setSeed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomIntClusterer
- setSeed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomLongClusterer
- setSeed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.random.RandomShortClusterer
- setSeed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchByteDataSource
Set the random seed
- setSeed(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchIntDataSource
Set the random seed
- setSelectionMode(IPDSelectionMode) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.ipd.AbstractIPDSIFTEngine
set the selection mode number
- setSequentialMode(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Enable or disable sequential mode
- setServer(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- setShearJitter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Set the amount of shear jitter
- setShowButtons(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent
Set whether the buttons are in view or not.
- setShowPixelColours(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Set whether to show pixel colours or not.
- setShowXYPosition(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Set whether to show the XY position of the mouse curson or not
- setSigned(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
Set whether the data is signed or not.
- setSize(BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Size) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setSize(char) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- setSizeJitter(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Set the amount of size jitter to use.
- setSkewFactor(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
Set the skew factor.
- setSkinModel(MBFPixelClassificationModel) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
Set the underlying skin-tone classifier
- setSkinThreshold(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.SandeepFaceDetector
Set the detection threshold.
- setSmallStep(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Set the step size the detector will make if there is any hint of a
- setSmoothingIterations(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Set the number of iterations of the smoothing filter.
- setSoundLineBufferSize(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Set the length of the sound line's buffer in milliseconds.
- setSourceImage(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
- setSpace_of(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SiteImpl
- setSpace_of(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Space
- setSpace_of(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SpaceImpl
- setStage(Stage<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.SingleStagedJob
- setStartTimecode(AudioTimecode) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.SampleChunk
Set the timecode at the start of this audio chunk.
- setStartTimecode(AudioTimecode) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Set the timecode for this buffer.
- setStartTimeMilliseconds(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioOverviewVisualisation
Set the start time of this object
- setStartTimeMilliseconds(long) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObject
Set the start time of this object
- setStartTimeMilliseconds(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObjectAdapter
Set the start time of this object
- setStepFactor(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Set the step factor
- setStoreAllDifferentials(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Set whether to store differentials during the processing
- setStrokeColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setStrokeColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- setStrokeProvider(StrokeColourProvider<Float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setStrokeProvider(StrokeColourProvider<Float[]>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- setStrokeWidth(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
- setSubject(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- setSubject(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setSubMatrix(Matrix, int, int, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Set a submatrix of a larger matrix
- setSubMatrixCol(Matrix, int, int, Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Starting from a given row of a column, set the values of a matrix to the
values of v
- setSubMatrixRow(Matrix, int, int, Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Starting from a given column of a row, set the values of a matrix to the
values of v
- setSubsampling(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Set the amount of subsampling
- setSubscriber_of(List<Container>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccount
- setSubscriber_of(List<Container>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
- setSubscriptionKey(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setSubVector(Vector, int, Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- setSustain(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
Set the ADSR sustain gain
- setTargetArea(Shape) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Set the target
- setTest(I, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.similarity.FaceSimilarityEngine
Set the image against which the query will be compared to next
- setTextBasePad(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setTextColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setTextColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- setTextSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setTextSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- setTextString(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Set the text string to use.
- setTextStrokeColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setTextStrokeColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisationBasic
- setThickness(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxisConfig.AxisRenderingConfig
- setThreadsBeginN_1D_FFT_2Threads(int) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Sets the minimal size of 1D data for which two threads are used.
- setThreadsBeginN_1D_FFT_4Threads(int) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Sets the minimal size of 1D data for which four threads are used.
- setThreadsBeginN_2D(int) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Sets the minimal size of 2D data for which threads are used.
- setThreadsBeginN_3D(int) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Sets the minimal size of 3D data for which threads are used.
- setThreshold(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicMatcher
Set the matching threshold
- setThreshold(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.FastEuclideanKeypointMatcher
Set the matching threshold
- setThreshold(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.CannyEdgeDetector2
Get the threshold above which an edge pixel will be considered an edge.
- setThreshold(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Set the threshold that will determine a shot boundary.
- setThumbnailSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ImageThumbnailPlotter
- setTilt(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Set the tilt to the given angle in degrees
- setTimecodeInMilliseconds(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.AudioTimecode
Set the current timecode to the given time in seconds, converting
as necessary.
- setTimecodeInMilliseconds(long) - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.Timecode
Set the current timecode to the given time in seconds, converting
as necessary.
- setTimecodeInMilliseconds(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.FrameNumberVideoTimecode
Set the current timecode to the given time in seconds, converting
as necessary.
- setTimecodeObject(AudioTimecode) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioMixer
The timecode object
- setTimecodeObject(AudioTimecode) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Set the timecode object that is updated as the audio is played.
- setTimeKeeper(TimeKeeper<? extends Timecode>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Set the timekeeper to use for this video.
- setTimeOffset(long) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.BasicVideoTimeKeeper
Set the time offset to use in the current time calculation.
- setTimeScalar(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Set the time scalar of this timeline.
- setTitle(List<String>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Post
- setTitle(List<String>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
- setTrackingContext(TrackingContext) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker
Set the tracking context
- setTransform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticInterestPointData
- setTransform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyModel
Set the transform matrix to the new one
- setTransform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
- setTransformer(LabelTransformer) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setTransparencyGrid(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent
Set whether to allow drawing of the transparency grid.
- setType(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.general.GeneralFont
Set the type of the font.
- setTypeJitter(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.FontSimulator
Set whether to jitter the font type or not.
- setU(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- setU(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- setUndecorated(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
- setUnderlyingStream(AudioStream) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.AudioProcessor
Sets the underlying stream, allowing it to be changed.
- setup() - Method in interface org.openimaj.experiment.RunnableExperiment
Setup of the experiment
- setup(Reducer<MAP_OUTPUT_KEY, MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE, OUTPUT_KEY, OUTPUT_VALUE>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.MultipleOutputReducer
- setup(Job) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.Stage
Add any final adjustments to the job's config
- setup(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.DownloadMapper
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.HadoopEXIF.HadoopEXIFMapper
- setup(Reducer<IntWritable, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans.Combine
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans.Map
- setup(Reducer<IntWritable, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.AKMeans.Reduce
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, IntWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureCount.Map
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureSelect.Map
- setup(Reducer<IntWritable, BytesWritable, IntWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.FeatureSelect.Reduce
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.ImageFeatureSelect.Map
- setup(Reducer<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.ImageFeatureSelect.Reduce
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.index.RecordIndexMapper
- setup(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, LongWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.DateTwitterPreprocessingMapper
- setup(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.SimpleTwitterPreprocessingMapper
- setup(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, LongWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod.Map
- setup(Mapper<LongWritable, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.Map
- setup(Reducer<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod.NonCombinedTimesReducer
- setup(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match.TokenRegexMapper
- setup(Job) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match.TokenRegexStage
- setup(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, BytesWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairEmit
- setup(Reducer<BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairEmitCounter
- setup(Job) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
- setup(Job) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
- setup(Mapper<BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMISortMapper
- setup(Job) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordSort
- setup(Job) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.CorrelateWordTimeSeries
- setup(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, DoubleWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.PValueWordMapper
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.WordTimeperiodValueMapper
- setup(Reducer<Text, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.WordValueCorrelationReducer
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, BytesWritable, BooleanWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeTimeWord.IntersectionUnionMap
- setup(Job) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.TimeWordJacardIndex
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, LongWritable, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.MapValuesByTime
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.MapValuesByWord
- setup(Reducer<LongWritable, BytesWritable, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.ReduceValuesByTime
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, LongWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndex.Map
- setup(Reducer<Text, LongWritable, LongWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndex.Reduce
- setup(Reducer<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndexSort.Reduce
- setup(Mapper<Text, BytesWritable, Text, BytesWritable>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.timeseries.SpecificWordSelectionMapper
- setup(Mapper<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text>.Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.TwitterPreprocessingMapper
- setup() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.CrossValidationBenchmark
- setup(ImageCollectionConfig) - Method in interface org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollection
Setup this collection using the provided collection config.
- setup(ImageCollectionConfig) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection
- setup(ImageCollectionConfig) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.AbstractWebpageImageCollection
- setup(ImageCollectionConfig) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.webpage.FlickrWebpageImageCollection
- setup() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionTool
- setup(Java) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess.ProcessOptions
- setURI(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Something
Set the URI of this instance.
- setUrl(URI) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
- setUseFixedBarWidth(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation
- setUsergroup_of(List<Space>) - Method in interface orgrdfs.sioc.ns.Usergroup
- setUsergroup_of(List<Space>) - Method in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UsergroupImpl
- setValue(T, Long) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.WritableEnumCounter
- setValue(T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNode
Set the node value
- setValue(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
- setValues(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.EigenValueVectorPair
Set the Eigen values
- setValueThreshold(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Set the threshold for the maximum value allowed in the histogram (default
- setVectors(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.EigenValueVectorPair
Set the Eigen vectors
- setVerbosity(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker
- setVerticalAlignment(FontStyle.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
- setW(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- setW(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.MatlibBilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- setWidth(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery
- setWidth(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D
Set the width of the rendered map
- setWidthScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
- setWindowHeight(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Set the window height
- setWindowSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor
Set the size of the window required.
- setWindowStep(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.processor.FixedSizeSampleAudioProcessor
Set the step of each overlapping window.
- setWindowWidth(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Set the window width
- setWordCount(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.util.Document
sets a word in the document's count.
- setWorkingDirectory(File) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.processes.JavaProcess.ProcessOptions
Set the working directory for the JVM.
- setWriteInternalImages(boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
Enable or disable writing of internal images to disk
- setX(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- setX(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- setX(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- setX(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
Set x coordinate of point
- setX(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- setX(float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2d
Set x coordinate of point
- setX(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- setX(double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
Set x coordinate of point
- setX(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- setX(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
Set the x-ordinate of the centre of the circle.
- setX(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.LossFunction
- setX(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.MatLossFunction
- setX(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.LossFunction
- setX(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.MatLossFunction
- setX(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- setxAxisColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setxAxisColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- setxAxisColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- setxAxisConfig(AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setxAxisLabelTransformer(LabelTransformer) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setxAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setxAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- setXAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ChronologicalScrollingBarVisualisation3D
Set the x axis name
- setxAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- setxAxisNameColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setxAxisNameSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setxAxisPosition(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setxAxisThickness(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setxLabelSpacing(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setxMajorTickSpacing(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setxMinorTickSpacing(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setXScale(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioWaveform
Set the x-scale at which to draw the waveform.
- setxTickLabelColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setxTickLabelSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setY(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- setY(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- setY(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- setY(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
Set y coordinate of point
- setY(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- setY(float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2d
Set y coordinate of point
- setY(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- setY(double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
Set y coordinate of point
- setY(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- setY(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
Set the y-ordinate of the centre of the circle.
- setY(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.LossFunction
- setY(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.MatLossFunction
- setY(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.LossFunction
- setY(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.loss.MatLossFunction
- setY(float) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- setyAxisColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setyAxisColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- setyAxisColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- setyAxisConfig(AxisConfig<Q>) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setyAxisLabelTransformer(LabelTransformer) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setyAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setyAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- setYAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ChronologicalScrollingBarVisualisation3D
Set the y axis name
- setyAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- setyAxisNameColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setyAxisNameSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setyAxisThickness(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setyLabelSpacing(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setyMajorTickSpacing(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setyMinorTickSpacing(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setyTickLabelColour(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setyTickLabelSize(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.AxesRenderer2D
- setZ(double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
Set z coordinate of point
- setZ(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- setzAxisColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- setzAxisColour(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- setzAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation3D
- setZAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.ChronologicalScrollingBarVisualisation3D
Set the z axis name
- setzAxisName(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYZVisualisation3D
- SGD<MODEL,DATATYPE,PTYPE extends Parameters<PTYPE>> - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation
- SGD() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.SGD
- sh - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Dilate
- sh - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Erode
- sh - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.HitAndMiss
- shape - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel.IterationResult
The updated shape in image coordinates
- shape - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector.Configuration
The current shape
- shape - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackedFace
The current shape
- shape - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackerVars
The current shape
- Shape - Interface in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
Interface for classes that represent a shape.
- ShapeFeatures - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature
Features describing the shape of the foreground object in an image.
- ShapeFeatures.ShapeFeaturesOp - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature
An object able to perform the execution associated with a ShapeFeatures
type; possibly contains extra options for the operation.
- ShapeModelDataset<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets
Dataset representing pairs of images and fixed size sets of points, together
with a set of connections between points which are valid across all
- ShapeModelDatasets - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.asm.datasets
- SharedOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options
Common options
- SharedOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.SharedOptions
- sharesVertex(Triangle) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
Test whether this triangle shares a vertex with another triangle.
- Sharpness - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Sharpness measures the clarity and level of detail of an image.
- Sharpness() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Sharpness
Construct with no mask set
- Sharpness(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Sharpness
Construct with a mask.
- sharpness - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Sharpness
- SharpnessExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
- SharpnessExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.SharpnessExtractor
- SharpnessVariation - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Sharpness measures the clarity and level of detail of an image.
- SharpnessVariation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SharpnessVariation
Construct with no mask set
- SharpnessVariation(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SharpnessVariation
Construct with a mask.
- sharpnessVariation - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SharpnessVariation
- SharpPixelProportion - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.global
Implementation of the blur estimation feature described by Ke, Tang and Jing,
and Yeh et al.
- SharpPixelProportion() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SharpPixelProportion
Construct with a default threshold on Fourier magnitude of 2.0.
- SharpPixelProportion(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.SharpPixelProportion
Construct with the given threshold on Fourier magnitude.
- SharpPixelProportionExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type
Sharp pixel proportion
- SharpPixelProportionExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.type.SharpPixelProportionExtractor
- shiftDown() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns a new image that is it shifted around the x-ordinates by one
- shiftDown(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns a new image that is it shifted around the x-ordinates by the
number of pixels given.
- shiftDownInplace() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Shifts all the pixels down by one pixels
- shiftDownInplace(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Shifts all the pixels down by count pixels
- shiftLeft() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns a new image that is it shifted around the x-ordinates by one
- shiftLeft(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns a new image that is it shifted around the x-ordinates by the
number of pixels given.
- shiftLeftInplace() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Shifts all the pixels to the left by one pixel
- shiftLeftInplace(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Shifts all the pixels to the left by count pixel
- shiftLeftInplace(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- shiftRight() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns a new image that is it shifted around the x-ordinates by one
- shiftRight(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns a new image that is it shifted around the x-ordinates by the
number of pixels given.
- shiftRightInplace() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Shifts all the pixels to the right by one pixel
- shiftRightInplace(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Shifts all the pixels to the right by count pixel
- shiftRightInplace(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
- shiftUp() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns a new image that is it shifted around the x-ordinates by one
- shiftUp(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns a new image that is it shifted around the x-ordinates by the
number of pixels given.
- shiftUpInplace() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Shifts all the pixels up by one pixel
- shiftUpInplace(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Shifts all the pixels up by count pixels
- shiftx - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- shifty - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.LOCKY
- ShortADCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Asymmetric Distance Computation (ADC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- ShortADCNearestNeighbours(ShortProductQuantiser, short[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and data points.
- ShortADCNearestNeighbours(ShortProductQuantiser, byte[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
Construct the ADC with the given quantiser and pre-quantised data .
- ShortArrayBackedDataSource - Class in org.openimaj.data
- ShortArrayBackedDataSource(short[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.ShortArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data
- ShortArrayBackedDataSource(short[][], Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.ShortArrayBackedDataSource
Construct with data and a random generator for random sampling
- ShortArrayValueAnimator - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
- ShortArrayValueAnimator(ValueAnimator<Short>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.ShortArrayValueAnimator
- ShortArrayView - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A wrapper around a java short array that allows
views onto the array to be created without the
overhead of maintaining copies of the data.
- ShortArrayView(short[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
Create a view on the given array from l (inclusive) to
r (exclusive).
- ShortArrayView(short[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
Create a view on the entirety of the given array.
- ShortArrayView(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
Create a view on an array of length n.
- ShortBytePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of short and byte types
- ShortBytePair(short, byte) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Construct pair with given values
- ShortBytePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
Construct empty pair
- ShortCauchyFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that use a Cauchy
distribution to approximate L1 distance.
- ShortCauchyFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortCauchyFactory
Construct the factory with the given parameters.
- ShortCentroidsResult - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
- ShortCentroidsResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ShortCentroidsResult
- ShortDoublePair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of short and double types
- ShortDoublePair(short, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Construct pair with given values
- ShortDoublePair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
Construct empty pair
- ShortFloatPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of short and float types
- ShortFloatPair(short, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Construct pair with given values
- ShortFloatPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
Construct empty pair
- ShortFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
Basic short single-dimensional feature vector implementation
- ShortFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
Construct an empty feature vector
- ShortFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- ShortFV(short[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
Construct from flattened values array and dimensions
- ShortFVComparator - Interface in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for ShortFV objects.
- ShortFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for ShortFV objects.
- ShortGaussianFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions using Gaussian
distributions to approximate the Euclidean distance.
- ShortGaussianFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortGaussianFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- ShortHammingFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory for producing hash functions that approximate the
Hamming distance.
- ShortHammingFactory(int, MersenneTwister, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHammingFactory
Construct a new factory using the given parameters.
- ShortHashFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- ShortHashFunctionFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- ShortHashFunctionFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHashFunctionFactory
- ShortHyperplaneCosineFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate cosine
distance using hyperplanes.
- ShortHyperplaneCosineFactory(int, MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHyperplaneCosineFactory
Construct with the given arguments.
- ShortHyperplaneL1Factory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
A hash function factory that produces hash functions that approximate L1
(city-block) distance in closed spaces using random axis-aligned hyperplanes.
- ShortHyperplaneL1Factory(int, MersenneTwister, short, short) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortHyperplaneL1Factory
Construct with the given arguments.
- ShortIntPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of short and int types
- ShortIntPair(short, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Construct pair with given values
- ShortIntPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
Construct empty pair
- ShortKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Immutable KD-Tree implementation for short[] data.
- ShortKDTree(short[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
- ShortKDTree(short[][], ShortKDTree.SplitChooser) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.ShortKDTree
Construct with the given data and splitting strategy
- ShortKDTree.ApproximateBBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Approximate best-bin-first median splitting.
- ShortKDTree.BasicMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Basic median split.
- ShortKDTree.BBFMedianSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Best-bin-first median splitting.
- ShortKDTree.KDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
An internal node of the KDTree
- ShortKDTree.RandomisedBBFMeanSplit - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
Randomised best-bin-first splitting strategy:
Nodes with less than a set number of items become leafs.
- ShortKDTree.SplitChooser - Interface in org.openimaj.util.tree
Interface for describing how a branch in the KD-Tree should be created
- ShortKDTreeEnsemble - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees for short data.
- ShortKDTreeEnsemble(short[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a ShortKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data,
using the default of 8 trees.
- ShortKDTreeEnsemble(short[][], int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a ShortKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- ShortKDTreeEnsemble(short[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortKDTreeEnsemble
Construct a ShortKDTreeEnsemble with the provided data and
number of trees.
- ShortKDTreeEnsemble.ShortKDTreeNode - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
An internal node of the KDTree
- ShortKDTreeNode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortKDTreeEnsemble.ShortKDTreeNode
Construct a new node
- ShortKDTreeNode(short[][], IntArrayView, Uniform) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortKDTreeEnsemble.ShortKDTreeNode
Construct a new node with the given data
- ShortKMeans - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Fast, parallel implementation of the K-Means algorithm with support for
bigger-than-memory data.
- ShortKMeans(KMeansConfiguration<ShortNearestNeighbours, short[]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
Construct the clusterer with the the given configuration.
- ShortKMeans() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
A completely default
used primarily as a convenience function for reading.
- ShortKMeans.Result - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Result object for ShortKMeans, extending ShortCentroidsResult and ShortNearestNeighboursProvider,
as well as giving access to state information from the operation of the K-Means algorithm
- ShortKMeansInit - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Initialisation for K-Means clustering.
- ShortKMeansInit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeansInit
- ShortKMeansInit.RANDOM - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Simple kmeans initialized on randomly selected samples.
- ShortKNNAssigner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft
that picks a fixed number of nearest neighbours.
- ShortKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<short[]>, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ShortKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- ShortKNNAssigner(short[][], boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ShortKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data.
- ShortKNNAssigner(CentroidsProvider<short[]>, ShortFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ShortKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- ShortKNNAssigner(short[][], ShortFVComparison, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ShortKNNAssigner
Construct the assigner using the given cluster data and
distance function.
- ShortLongPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of short and long types
- ShortLongPair(short, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Construct pair with given values
- ShortLongPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
Construct empty pair
- ShortLSHSketcher<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.sketch
that produces bit-string sketches encoded as short arrays.
- ShortLSHSketcher(List<HashFunction<OBJECT>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ShortLSHSketcher
Construct with the given functions.
- ShortLSHSketcher(HashFunction<OBJECT>, HashFunction<OBJECT>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ShortLSHSketcher
Construct with the given functions.
- ShortLSHSketcher(HashFunctionFactory<OBJECT>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.sketch.ShortLSHSketcher
Construct with the factory which is used to produce the required number
of functions.
- ShortNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Abstract base class for k-nearest-neighbour calculations with short[] data.
- ShortNearestNeighbours() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighbours
- ShortNearestNeighboursExact - Class in org.openimaj.knn
Exact (brute-force) k-nearest-neighbour implementation.
- ShortNearestNeighboursExact(short[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the ShortNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset and using Euclidean distance.
- ShortNearestNeighboursExact(short[][], ShortFVComparator) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
Construct the ShortNearestNeighboursExact over the provided
dataset with the given distance function.
- ShortNearestNeighboursExact.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn
- ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
Fast Nearest-Neighbours for short data using an ensemble of Best-Bin-First KDTrees.
- ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree(short[][], int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree
Construct the ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree with the given options.
- ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree.Factory - Class in org.openimaj.knn.approximate
- ShortNearestNeighboursProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.knn
Interface for classes able to expose a k-nearest-neighbour object.
- ShortObjectPair<Q> - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of short and a generic type
- ShortObjectPair(short, Q) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortObjectPair
Construct pair with given values
- ShortObjectPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortObjectPair
Construct empty pair
- ShortProductQuantiser - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Implementation of a Product Quantiser for vectors/arrays of shorts.
- ShortProductQuantiser(ShortNearestNeighboursExact[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortProductQuantiser
- ShortProductQuantiserUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
- ShortPStableFactory - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
Base class for hashing schemes based on P-Stable distributions.
- ShortPStableFactory(int, MersenneTwister, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.lsh.functions.ShortPStableFactory
Construct with the given parameters.
- ShortPStableFactory.PStableFunction - Class in org.openimaj.lsh.functions
- ShortSDCNearestNeighbours - Class in org.openimaj.knn.pq
Nearest-neighbours using Symmetric Distance Computation (SDC) on Product
Quantised vectors.
- ShortSDCNearestNeighbours(ShortProductQuantiser, short[][][], short[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortSDCNearestNeighbours
Construct the SDC with the given quantiser, centroids (corresponding to
the quantiser's internal assigners), and data.
- ShortShortPair - Class in org.openimaj.util.pair
A pair of short and short types
- ShortShortPair(short, short) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Construct pair with given values
- ShortShortPair() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
Construct empty pair
- ShotBoundary<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector
A class for encapsulating shot boundary information.
- ShotBoundary(VideoTimecode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.ShotBoundary
Construct a shot boundary using the given video timecode.
- ShotBoundaryVideoBarVisualisation - Class in org.openimaj.vis.video
Will display a video in a timeline with shot detections marked on it.
- ShotBoundaryVideoBarVisualisation(Video<MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.video.ShotBoundaryVideoBarVisualisation
Default constructor that takes the video to visualise
- shotDetected(ShotBoundary<T>, VideoKeyframe<T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.ShotDetectedListener
Called when a shot is detected by the shot detector with the
shot boundary definition and an associated key frame.
- ShotDetectedListener<T extends Image<?,T>> - Interface in org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector
Interface for objects that wish to listen to shot detections from
the shot detector.
- shouldStopIterations(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.BestFitStoppingCondition
- shouldStopIterations(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.NumberInliersStoppingCondition
- shouldStopIterations(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.ProbabilisticMinInliersStoppingCondition
- shouldStopIterations(int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC.StoppingCondition
Should we stop iterating and return the model?
- shouldWait() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.StageRunner
- shouldWait() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterPreprocessingTool
- showComplex_1D(double[], String) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Displays elements of x
, assuming that it is 1D complex
- showComplex_2D(int, int, double[], String) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Displays elements of x
, assuming that it is 2D complex
- showComplex_3D(int, int, int, double[], String) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Displays elements of x
, assuming that it is 3D complex
- showComplex_3D(int, int, int, double[][][], String) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Displays elements of x
- showComplex_3D(int, int, int, float[], String) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Displays elements of x
, assuming that it is 3D complex
- showFrame() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Shows the video player in a frame.
- showReal_1D(double[], String) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Displays elements of x
, assuming that it is 1D real array.
- showReal_2D(int, int, double[], String) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Displays elements of x
, assuming that it is 2D real array.
- showReal_3D(int, int, int, double[], String) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Displays elements of x
, assuming that it is 3D real array.
- showReal_3D(int, int, int, double[][][], String) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.IOUtils
Displays elements of x
- showWindow(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.JOGLWindow
Force an initialisation of the window.
- showWindow(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Show a window containing this visualisation
- shutdown() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.geocode.GeonamesIndexGenerator
Shutdown function for cleaning up instantiated object.
- shutdownFreenect() - Static method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
Completely shutdown the context.
- si - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticKeyPoint
- SIFTFeatureProvider - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient
An extractor for SIFT features.
- SIFTFeatureProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
- SIFTFeatureProvider(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
- SIFTFeatureProvider(int, int, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
- SIFTGeoConverter - Class in org.openimaj.tools.localfeature
Simple tool to batch convert files in siftgeo format to lowe's sift format.
- SIFTGeoConverter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.SIFTGeoConverter
- SIFTGeoKeypoint - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints
Implementation of a
based on the .siftgeo format
developed by Krystian Mikolajczyk for his tools.
- SIFTGeoKeypoint(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
Construct with the location set to zero, and with an empty descriptor of
the given length.
- SIFTGeoKeypoint(float, float, float, float, float, Matrix, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
Construct with the given parameters
- SIFTGeoKeypoint.SIFTGeoLocation - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints
- SIFTGeoLocation(float, float, float, float, float, Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint.SIFTGeoLocation
Construct with the given parameters
- SIFTGeoLocation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint.SIFTGeoLocation
Default constructor.
- SIFTTrendFeatureMode - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper.client
- SIFTTrendFeatureMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.SIFTTrendFeatureMode
- SIG_ATOMIC_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- SIG_ATOMIC_MIN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- sigma - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.saliency.AchantaSaliency
- sigma - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.FelzenszwalbHuttenlocherSegmenter
- sigmaSq2 - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
2 times the weighting Gaussian squared (normalised to the patch size in
terms of spatial bins)
- sign(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
For each element of X, sign(X) returns 1 if the element is greater than zero,
0 if it equals zero and -1 if it is less than zero.
- sign - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.classification.StumpClassifier
The sign of the stump (determines which side of the threshold corresponds
to positive)
- SignProgrammer - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- SignProgrammer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.SignProgrammer
- signTest() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalComparator
- similarity() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleFVSimilarityFunction
- similarity() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.NormalisedSimilarityDoubleClustererWrapper
- similarity() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.RBFSimilarityDoubleClustererWrapper
- SimilarityClusterer<CLUSTERS extends IndexClusters> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
- SimilarityDBSCAN - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan
- SimilarityDBSCAN(double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.SimilarityDBSCAN
- SimilarityMatrix - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity
A similarity matrix is a square matrix with an associated index.
- SimilarityMatrix() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Construct an empty similarity matrix.
- SimilarityMatrix(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Construct a similarity matrix with the given size
and allocate the index accordingly.
- SimilarityMatrix(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Construct a similarity matrix with the given index
and set the matrix size based on the index length.
- SimilarityMatrix(String[], Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Construct a similarity matrix based on the given index
and matrix.
- SimilarityMatrix(String[], double[][]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Construct a similarity matrix based on the given index
and matrix data.
- SimilarityMatrixProcessor - Interface in org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor
- SimilarityMatrixTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix
- SimilarityMatrixTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.SimilarityMatrixTool
- SimilarityMatrixToolOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix
- SimilarityMatrixToolOptions() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.SimilarityMatrixToolOptions
- SimilarityMatrixToolOptions.Mode - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix
- SimpleBlockStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.binning
that extracts histograms from a number of
equally-sized, non-overlapping within the sample region and concatenates them
- SimpleBlockStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.binning.SimpleBlockStrategy
Construct with the given number of blocks in both the x and y directions.
- SimpleBlockStrategy(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.binning.SimpleBlockStrategy
Construct with the given number of blocks in the x and y directions.
- SimpleComposition<OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.util.hash.composition
Simple composition function.
- SimpleComposition(List<HashFunction<OBJECT>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.hash.composition.SimpleComposition
Construct with the given functions.
- SimpleComposition(HashFunction<OBJECT>, HashFunction<OBJECT>...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.hash.composition.SimpleComposition
Construct with the given functions.
- SimpleComposition(HashFunctionFactory<OBJECT>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.hash.composition.SimpleComposition
Construct with the factory which is used to produce the required number
of functions.
- SimpleCorpusReader - Class in org.openimaj.pgm.util
A corpus from a document whose lines are documents and whose words are
seperated by a space
- SimpleCorpusReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.pgm.util.SimpleCorpusReader
- SimpleDetectedFaceRenderer - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.util
Draws the bounding box detected
- SimpleDetectedFaceRenderer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.util.SimpleDetectedFaceRenderer
- SimpleEdge<VERTEX> - Class in org.openimaj.math.graph
A simple representation of a graph edge with public accessors
for fast access.
- SimpleEdge() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.graph.SimpleEdge
- SimpleHTMLScrapingConsumer - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping
Simple scraper that just uses the given css selector to find all
relevant data in the page
- SimpleHTMLScrapingConsumer(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.SimpleHTMLScrapingConsumer
- SimpleKestrelClient - Class in org.openimaj.kestrel
A simple Kestrel client taken from
https://github.com/hogelog/simple-kestrel-client by Hogelog.
- SimpleKestrelClient(String, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
- SimpleKestrelClient(InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.kestrel.SimpleKestrelClient
initialise a Client
instance using ServiceFactory
from a
- SimpleLSHDuplicatesFinder - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing
- SimpleLSHDuplicatesFinder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.SimpleLSHDuplicatesFinder
- SimpleMEAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
- SimpleMEAnalysis() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEAnalysis
- SimpleMEClusterAnalyser - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser
A set of measures used to evaluate clustering.
- SimpleMEClusterAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.SimpleMEClusterAnalyser
- SimpleModelFitting<I,D,M extends EstimatableModel<I,D>> - Class in org.openimaj.math.model.fit
Example robust fitting, that simply wraps the models estimate method.
- SimpleModelFitting(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.SimpleModelFitting
Creates a SimpleModelFitting object to fit data to a model
- SimpleModelFitting(M, ResidualCalculator<I, D, M>, DistanceCheck) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.SimpleModelFitting
Creates a SimpleModelFitting object to fit data to a model
- SimpleMosaic - Class in org.openimaj.demos
Demonstration of building an image mosiac
- SimpleMosaic() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.SimpleMosaic
- SimpleOCR - Class in org.openimaj.image.ocr
Really simple (arabic numerical) OCR engine, specifically designed to extract
the date and time from the GlacsWeb timelapse images
- SimpleOCR() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.ocr.SimpleOCR
Construct the engine and load the templates.
- SimplePerceptron - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron
- SimplePerceptron() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.SimplePerceptron
- SimplePyramid<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid
A simple image pyramid built as a stack of images.
- SimplePyramid(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.SimplePyramid
Construct a pyramid with the given scale factor.
- SimplePyramid(float, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.SimplePyramid
Construct a pyramid with the given scale factor and number of levels.
- SimplePyramid(float, Processor<IMAGE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.SimplePyramid
Construct a pyramid with the given scale factor.
- SimplePyramid(float, int, Processor<IMAGE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.pyramid.SimplePyramid
Construct a pyramid with the given scale factor and number of levels.
- SimpleSequenceFileStage<INPUT_KEY,INPUT_VALUE,OUTPUT_KEY,OUTPUT_VALUE> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
A helper class for a common stage type.
- SimpleSequenceFileStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.SimpleSequenceFileStage
- SimpleSequenceFileTextStage<INPUT_KEY,INPUT_VALUE,OUTPUT_KEY,OUTPUT_VALUE> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
A helper class for a common stage type.
- SimpleSequenceFileTextStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.SimpleSequenceFileTextStage
- SimpleSpout - Class in org.openimaj.storm.spout
This class just overrides some methods from IRichSpout so that you don't need
to override them if you extend it.
- SimpleSpout() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.spout.SimpleSpout
- simpleSusan(FImage, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.SUSANEdgeDetector
Performs the simple SUSAN edge detection.
- SimpleTwitterPreprocessingMapper - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter
- SimpleTwitterPreprocessingMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.SimpleTwitterPreprocessingMapper
- SimpleWeightedEdge<VERTEX> - Class in org.openimaj.math.graph
A simple weighted edge representation
- SimpleWeightedEdge() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.graph.SimpleWeightedEdge
- simplicity - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.ModifiedLuoSimplicity
- Simulation - Class in org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim
- Simulation(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.Simulation
- SimulationDriver - Class in org.openimaj.image.neardups
- SimulationDriver() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.neardups.SimulationDriver
- simulationOrder - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationExtractor
The list of simulation parameters in the order the simulations were
- simulations - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.neardups.sim.ComboSimulation
- SineOscillator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.SineOscillator
- SingleBandImage<Q extends Comparable<Q>,I extends SingleBandImage<Q,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.image
A base class for representing a single band image of any pixel type.
- SingleBandImage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.SingleBandImage
- SinglebandImageProcessor<T,S extends Image<T,S>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processor
- SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<T,S extends Image<T,S>,I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processor
- SinglebandKernelProcessor<T,I extends Image<T,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processor
A KernelProcessor for single band images.
- SinglebandKernelProcessor.Processable<T,S extends Image<T,S>,I extends Image<?,I>> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processor
Interfaces for objects that allow themselves to be processed by a
- SinglebandPixelProcessor<Q> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.processor
A pixel processor for single band images.
- singleEvaluation(SetRetrievalEvaluator, boolean) - Static method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.IREval
Returns an output string very similar to that of trec_eval.
- SingleGaussianPixelModel - Class in org.openimaj.image.model.pixel
- SingleGaussianPixelModel(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.SingleGaussianPixelModel
Construct with the given number of dimensions.
- SingleImageTransferResidual2d<M extends Model<Point2d,Point2d>> - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals
Compute the 2d geometric Single Image Transfer residual.
- SingleImageTransferResidual2d() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.SingleImageTransferResidual2d
- singleQuery(String, RetrievalEvaluator) - Static method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.IREval
Returns an output string very similar to that of trec_eval.
- SingleStagedJob - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce
- SingleStagedJob(Path[], Path) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.SingleStagedJob
- SingleStagedJob(Stage<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, Path[], Path) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.SingleStagedJob
- SingleValueInitStrat - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
- SingleValueInitStrat(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SingleValueInitStrat
- SingleValueInitStrat - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.init
- SingleValueInitStrat(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.init.SingleValueInitStrat
- singularityDistance - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.VotingKeypointMatcher
- SingularValues - Class in ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues
Compute the Singular Value Decomposition.
- SingularValues(Matrix, int) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.SingularValues
Construct with the given matrix and required number of S.V.s
- Site - Interface in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
A Site can be the location of an online community or set of communities, with
UserAccounts and Usergroups creating Items in a set of Containers.
- SiteImpl - Class in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
A Site can be the location of an online community or set of communities, with
UserAccounts and Usergroups creating Items in a set of Containers.
- SiteImpl() - Constructor for class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SiteImpl
- siteSpecific - Static variable in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer
the site specific consumers
- siteSpecific - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.functions.SiteSpecificURLExtractor
the site specific consumers
- SiteSpecificConsumer - Interface in org.openimaj.web.scraping
Site specific consumers answer whether they can handle a URL and when asked
handle the URL, returning another URL from which the data can be downloaded.
- SiteSpecificURLExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.stream.functions
This class implements a function that will given an input URL outputs a list
of URLs based on applying a list of
s to the
- SiteSpecificURLExtractor(List<SiteSpecificConsumer>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.functions.SiteSpecificURLExtractor
Construct with the given list of consumers.
- SiteSpecificURLExtractor(SiteSpecificConsumer...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.functions.SiteSpecificURLExtractor
Construct with the given consumers.
- SiteSpecificURLExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.functions.SiteSpecificURLExtractor
Construct with empty list of consumers.
- size() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseVector
- size() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
- size() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Returns the size of this buffer.
- size() - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer
Returns the size of this buffer.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer16Bit
Returns the size of this buffer.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.SampleBuffer8Bit
Returns the size of this buffer.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.AbstractMultiListDataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ArrayBackedDataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ByteArrayBackedDataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableListDataset
- size() - Method in interface org.openimaj.data.DataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.DoubleArrayBackedDataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.FloatArrayBackedDataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.IndexedViewDataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.IntArrayBackedDataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.LongArrayBackedDataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.ShortArrayBackedDataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
The size of the component (i.e.
- size - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticKeyPoint
- size - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.CLMAligner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
Get the size of the structuring element in the form [width, height, x, y]
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteNearestNeighboursKDTree
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleNearestNeighboursKDTree
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatNearestNeighboursKDTree
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntNearestNeighboursKDTree
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongNearestNeighboursKDTree
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortNearestNeighboursKDTree
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ByteNearestNeighboursExact
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.DoubleNearestNeighboursExact
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.FloatNearestNeighboursExact
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.IntNearestNeighboursExact
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.LongNearestNeighboursExact
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in interface org.openimaj.knn.NearestNeighbours
Get the size of the dataset
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ObjectNearestNeighboursExact
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalByteADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalDoubleADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalFloatADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalIntADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalLongADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IncrementalShortADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortADCNearestNeighbours
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.knn.ShortNearestNeighboursExact
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ConstrainedFloatAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactByteAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactDoubleAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFeatureVectorAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactFloatAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactIntAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactLongAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.ExactShortAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalByteHardAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalDoubleHardAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalFloatHardAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalIntHardAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalLongHardAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalShortHardAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeByteEuclideanAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeDoubleEuclideanAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeFloatEuclideanAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeIntEuclideanAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeLongEuclideanAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.KDTreeShortEuclideanAssigner
- size() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.HardAssigner
The number of centroids or unique ids that can be generated.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ByteKNNAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.DoubleKNNAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.FloatKNNAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalBytePathAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalDoublePathAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalFloatPathAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalIntPathAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalLongPathAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.HierarchicalShortPathAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.IntKNNAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.LongKNNAssigner
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.soft.ShortKNNAssigner
- size() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.SoftAssigner
The number of clusters.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
The number of centroids; this potentially grows as assignments are made.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.IntRandomForest
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.MatlabFileDataGenerator
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.util.Corpus
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FeatureFile
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.MemoryFeatureFile
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchByteDataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatchIntDataSource
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.StreamedFeatureFile
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
Get the size (number of elements) in the view.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
Get the size (number of elements) in the view.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
Get the size (number of elements) in the view.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
Get the size (number of elements) in the view.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
Get the size (number of elements) in the view.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
Get the size (number of elements) in the view.
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Returns the number of elements in this queue.
- size - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- size - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
The size of the list
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractStreamBackedList
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AcceptingListView
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.ConcatenatedList
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.SkippingListView
- size() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- size(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
Get the size of a subset
- size - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.DotPlotVisualisation.ColouredDot
The size of the dot
- SIZE_MAX - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary
- sizeSuffixes - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.flickr.FlickrImage
The allowable size suffixes
- sizeX - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AbstractLocalThreshold
- sizeY - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.threshold.AbstractLocalThreshold
- Skeleton - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology
Morphological skeletonisation of connected components
and (assumed binary) FImages.
- Skeleton(StructuringElement...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Skeleton
- Skeleton() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Skeleton
Construct the skeleton operator
- sketch(Keypoint) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.Sketcher
- Sketcher() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.image.indexing.HadoopSiftLSHExtractor.Sketcher
- Sketcher<IN,OUT> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.sketch
A sketch is a lightweight summary of an object.
- SkewCorrector - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.transform
Uses the Hough transform (for lines) to attempt to find the skew of the image
and unskews it using a basic skew transform.
- SkewCorrector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.SkewCorrector
- skipEigenVectors - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralClusteringConf
- skipLine(Scanner, Header, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AsciiInterestPoint
- SkippingListView<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.list
A read-only view on a list with a set of indices from the
underlying list that must be skipped.
- SkippingListView(List<T>, int...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.list.SkippingListView
Construct with the underlying list and a set of
indices to skip.
- skipPom - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
Skip generation of the maven pom
- sleep(long) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease
execution) for the specified number of milliseconds.
- sleepTime - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.LocalTopologyMode
Time to wait in local mode
- Slide - Interface in org.openimaj.content.slideshow
A slide that can be displayed by a
- slideHeight - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
- slides - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
- Slideshow - Class in org.openimaj.content.slideshow
Implementation of a slideshow made up of
- Slideshow(RootPaneContainer, List<Slide>, int, int, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
Default constructor.
- SlideshowApplet - Class in org.openimaj.content.slideshow
A slideshow implementation that can be run as an applet.
- SlideshowApplet(JApplet, List<Slide>, int, int, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplet
Default constructor.
- SlideshowApplication - Class in org.openimaj.content.slideshow
A slideshow that can be used in a Java Swing application.
- SlideshowApplication(List<Slide>, int, int, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplication
Default constructor.
- SlideshowApplication(Slide, int, int, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplication
Default constructor.
- SlideshowApplication(Slide, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.SlideshowApplication
Default constructor.
- slideWidth - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.Slideshow
- SlitScanProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.effects
- SlitScanProcessor(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.effects.SlitScanProcessor
Default constructor for using the video processor in an ad-hoc manner.
- SlitScanProcessor(Video<MBFImage>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.effects.SlitScanProcessor
Constructor for creating a video processor which is chainable.
- smallest(int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.FewEigenvalues
Compute the smallest algebraic eigenvalues.
- smallStep - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
- smallStep() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Detector
Get the step size the detector will make if there is any hint of a
- smf - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearSparseOnlineLearner
- smoothCircularSusan(FImage, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.SUSANEdgeDetector
Performs the simple SUSAN edge detection.
- smoothingIterations - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.dog.extractor.OrientationHistogramExtractor
- smoothingIterations - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
The number of iterations of the smoothing filter.
- smoothSusan(FImage, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.SUSANEdgeDetector
Performs the simple SUSAN edge detection.
- Snap - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress
- Snap() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.Snap
- sniffClusterType(String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- sniffClusterType(File) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterType
Guess the type of the clusters based on the file header
- sniffClusterType(BufferedInputStream) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterType
Guess the type of the clusters based on the file header
- SoftAssigner<DATATYPE,DISTANCES> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment
interface describes classes that assign a spatial
point to multiple clusters, possibly with weighting.
- SoftBagOfVisualWords<DATATYPE,DISTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate
Implementation of an object capable of extracting the soft-assigned Bag of
Visual Words (BoVW) representation of an image given a list of local features
and an
with an associated codebook.
- SoftBagOfVisualWords(SoftAssigner<DATATYPE, DISTANCE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.SoftBagOfVisualWords
Construct with the given assigner.
- solve(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.FastSolveNormal3x2
Solve the over-determined system [r1 r2]x = [r3] where r1, r2 and r3
are 3-dimensional column vectors and x is a 2 dimensional column
vector x=[r; s].
- solveEikonalStep(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractFMMInpainter
Solve a step of the Eikonal equation.
- solveGeneralQuadratic(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.QuadraticEquation
Solve the general quadratic ax^2 + bx + c = 0
- solveGeneralQuadratic(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.QuadraticEquation
Solve the general quadratic ax^2 + bx + c = 0
- solveHomogeneousSystem(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Solves the system Ax = 0
, returning the vector x as an array.
- solveHomogeneousSystem(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Solves the system Ax = 0
, returning the vector x as an array.
- solveHomogeneousSystem(DenseMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Solves the system Ax = 0
, returning the vector x as an array.
- Something - Class in org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java
Top level class that all top-level superclasses generated from an ontology
will inherit from.
- Something() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Something
- sortedPMIReader(File) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.PairwiseMutualInformationMode
- source - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- source - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
User friendly link to content
- Space - Interface in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
A Space is a place where data resides, e.g.
- space_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SpaceImpl
A resource which belongs to this data Space.
- SpaceImpl - Class in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
A Space is a place where data resides, e.g.
- SpaceImpl() - Constructor for class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.SpaceImpl
- SparqlQueryPager - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity
A class to handle the page iteration through a set of results from a sparql endpoint query.
- SparqlQueryPager(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.SparqlQueryPager
- SparqlTransitiveClosure - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity
Given an endpoint, resolve transitive relationships of a root entity.
- SparqlTransitiveClosure(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.SparqlTransitiveClosure
- sparse(int, int) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Create a sparse matrix
- sparse(int) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
Create an empty sparse vector
- SparseAutoencoder - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn
- SparseAutoencoder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.SparseAutoencoder
- SparseAutoencoder.Model - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn
- SparseBinSearchByteArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A Sparse array of byte values implemented using a pair of
sorted parallel arrays.
- SparseBinSearchByteArray(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
Construct from an existing array of values
- SparseBinSearchByteArray(int, int, int[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
- SparseBinSearchByteArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseBinSearchByteArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseBinSearchByteArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseBinSearchDoubleArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A Sparse array of double values implemented using a pair of
sorted parallel arrays.
- SparseBinSearchDoubleArray(double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
Construct from an existing array of values
- SparseBinSearchDoubleArray(int, int, int[], double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
- SparseBinSearchDoubleArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseBinSearchDoubleArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseBinSearchDoubleArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseBinSearchFloatArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A Sparse array of float values implemented using a pair of
sorted parallel arrays.
- SparseBinSearchFloatArray(float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
Construct from an existing array of values
- SparseBinSearchFloatArray(int, int, int[], float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
- SparseBinSearchFloatArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseBinSearchFloatArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseBinSearchFloatArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseBinSearchIntArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A Sparse array of int values implemented using a pair of
sorted parallel arrays.
- SparseBinSearchIntArray(int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
Construct from an existing array of values
- SparseBinSearchIntArray(int, int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
- SparseBinSearchIntArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseBinSearchIntArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseBinSearchIntArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseBinSearchLongArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A Sparse array of long values implemented using a pair of
sorted parallel arrays.
- SparseBinSearchLongArray(long[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
Construct from an existing array of values
- SparseBinSearchLongArray(int, int, int[], long[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
- SparseBinSearchLongArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseBinSearchLongArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseBinSearchLongArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseBinSearchShortArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A Sparse array of short values implemented using a pair of
sorted parallel arrays.
- SparseBinSearchShortArray(short[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
Construct from an existing array of values
- SparseBinSearchShortArray(int, int, int[], short[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
- SparseBinSearchShortArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseBinSearchShortArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseBinSearchShortArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseByteArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A sparse array of byte values.
- SparseByteArray() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- SparseByteArray.DualEntry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
An entry representing the values in two parallel
at the same index.
- SparseByteArray.Entry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseByteFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
A sparse one-dimensional feature vector of byte-valued elements.
- SparseByteFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
Construct an empty FV with zero length
- SparseByteFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- SparseByteFV(SparseByteArray) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
Construct from sparse array
- SparseByteFV(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
Construct from native array
- SparseByteFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for DoubleFV objects.
- SparseCSVTokenOutputMode - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv
Create a sparse CSV token output.
- SparseCSVTokenOutputMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.SparseCSVTokenOutputMode
- SparseCSVToMatlab - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.matlabio
- SparseCSVToMatlab() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.matlabio.SparseCSVToMatlab
- SparseDoubleArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A sparse array of double values.
- SparseDoubleArray() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- SparseDoubleArray.DualEntry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
An entry representing the values in two parallel
at the same index.
- SparseDoubleArray.Entry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseDoubleFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
A sparse one-dimensional feature vector of double-valued elements.
- SparseDoubleFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
Construct an empty FV with zero length
- SparseDoubleFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- SparseDoubleFV(SparseDoubleArray) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
Construct from sparse array
- SparseDoubleFV(double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
Construct from native array
- SparseDoubleFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for DoubleFV objects.
- SparseFloatArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A sparse array of float values.
- SparseFloatArray() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- SparseFloatArray.DualEntry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
An entry representing the values in two parallel
at the same index.
- SparseFloatArray.Entry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseFloatFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
A sparse one-dimensional feature vector of float-valued elements.
- SparseFloatFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
Construct an empty FV with zero length
- SparseFloatFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- SparseFloatFV(SparseFloatArray) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
Construct from sparse array
- SparseFloatFV(float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
Construct from native array
- SparseFloatFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for DoubleFV objects.
- SparseHashedByteArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseHashedByteArray(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
- SparseHashedByteArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseHashedByteArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseHashedByteArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseHashedDoubleArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseHashedDoubleArray(double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
- SparseHashedDoubleArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseHashedDoubleArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseHashedDoubleArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseHashedFloatArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseHashedFloatArray(float[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
- SparseHashedFloatArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseHashedFloatArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseHashedFloatArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseHashedIntArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseHashedIntArray(int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
- SparseHashedIntArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseHashedIntArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseHashedIntArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseHashedLongArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseHashedLongArray(long[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
- SparseHashedLongArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseHashedLongArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseHashedLongArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseHashedShortArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseHashedShortArray(short[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
- SparseHashedShortArray(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
Construct the array with the given length
- SparseHashedShortArray(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
Construct the array with the given length and capacity for non-zero elements
- SparseHashedShortArray(int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
Construct the array with the given length and expected density
- SparseIntArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A sparse array of int values.
- SparseIntArray() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- SparseIntArray.DualEntry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
An entry representing the values in two parallel
at the same index.
- SparseIntArray.Entry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseIntFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
A sparse one-dimensional feature vector of int-valued elements.
- SparseIntFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
Construct an empty FV with zero length
- SparseIntFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- SparseIntFV(SparseIntArray) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
Construct from sparse array
- SparseIntFV(int[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
Construct from native array
- SparseIntFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for DoubleFV objects.
- SparseLongArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A sparse array of long values.
- SparseLongArray() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- SparseLongArray.DualEntry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
An entry representing the values in two parallel
at the same index.
- SparseLongArray.Entry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseLongFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
A sparse one-dimensional feature vector of long-valued elements.
- SparseLongFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
Construct an empty FV with zero length
- SparseLongFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- SparseLongFV(SparseLongArray) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
Construct from sparse array
- SparseLongFV(long[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
Construct from native array
- SparseLongFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for DoubleFV objects.
- SparseMatrix - Class in ch.akuhn.matrix
A sparse matrix
- SparseMatrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
Construct with the given values
- SparseMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
Construct with the given size
- SparseMatrixClusterer<CLUSTERS extends IndexClusters> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
A matrix clusterer can cluster a matrix of data in some way
- SparseMatrixDBSCAN - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan
Implementation of DBSCAN (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBSCAN) using
- SparseMatrixDBSCAN(double, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.SparseMatrixDBSCAN
Perform a DBScane with this configuration
- SparseOnesInitStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
- SparseOnesInitStrategy(double, Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseOnesInitStrategy
- SparseRandomInitStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
- SparseRandomInitStrategy(double, double, double, Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseRandomInitStrategy
- SparseRowOnesInitStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
- SparseRowOnesInitStrategy(double, Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseRowOnesInitStrategy
- SparseRowRandomInitStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
- SparseRowRandomInitStrategy(double, double, double, Random) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseRowRandomInitStrategy
- SparseShortArray - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
A sparse array of short values.
- SparseShortArray() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- SparseShortArray.DualEntry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
An entry representing the values in two parallel
at the same index.
- SparseShortArray.Entry - Class in org.openimaj.util.array
- SparseShortFV - Class in org.openimaj.feature
A sparse one-dimensional feature vector of short-valued elements.
- SparseShortFV() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
Construct an empty FV with zero length
- SparseShortFV(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
Construct empty FV with given number of bins
- SparseShortFV(SparseShortArray) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
Construct from sparse array
- SparseShortFV(short[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
Construct from native array
- SparseShortFVComparison - Enum in org.openimaj.feature
Comparison/distance methods for DoubleFV objects.
- SparseSingleValueInitStrat - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
- SparseSingleValueInitStrat(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseSingleValueInitStrat
- SparseSingleValueInitStrat - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.init
- SparseSingleValueInitStrat(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.init.SparseSingleValueInitStrat
- SparseVector - Class in ch.akuhn.matrix
A sparse vector
- SparseVector(double[]) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
- SparseVector(int) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
- SparseVector(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
Construct with the given length and capacity
- sparseVectorToSparseArray(SparseVector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- SparseZerosInitStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init
- SparseZerosInitStrategy() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.init.SparseZerosInitStrategy
- SparseZerosInitStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.init
- SparseZerosInitStrategy() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.matlib.init.SparseZerosInitStrategy
- sparsity(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Compute the sparsity
- sparsity(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Compute the matrix sparsity (i.e.
- sparsity(SparseMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Compute the sparsity (i.e.
- SpatialBinningStrategy - Interface in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.histogram.binning
Interface that describes the creation of a histogram from a spatial region of
an image based on sub-histograms extracted using a
- SpatialClusterer<CLUSTERTYPE extends SpatialClusters<DATATYPE>,DATATYPE> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
- SpatialClusters<DATATYPE> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering
Interface to describe objects that are the result of the clustering performed
by a
- SpatialLocation - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local
SpatialLocation represents a
in 2d-space.
- SpatialLocation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.SpatialLocation
Construct the ScaleSpaceLocation at 0, 0.
- SpatialLocation(float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.SpatialLocation
Construct the SpatialLocation with the given x and y coordinates.
- SpatialVectorAggregator<FEATURE extends FeatureVector,LOCATION extends Location,BOUNDS> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate
Interface describing an object that can convert a list of local features from
a single image into an aggregated vector form, using both the featurevector
and spatial location of each local feature.
- SPECIFIC_WORD - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.timeseries.SpecificWordStageProvider
- SpecificWordSelectionMapper - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.timeseries
given a list of configured words, emits only those words
- SpecificWordSelectionMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.timeseries.SpecificWordSelectionMapper
- SpecificWordStageProvider - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.timeseries
Given a set of specific words, this a mapper is prepared which emits only the dfidf values of those specific words
and a reducer is created which emits a serialised time series for each word.
- SpecificWordStageProvider(List<String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.timeseries.SpecificWordStageProvider
- SpecificWordTimeSeries - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.timeseries
- SpecificWordTimeSeries() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.timeseries.SpecificWordTimeSeries
- spectralCluster(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.CachedDoubleSpectralClustering
- spectralCluster(SparseMatrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleSpectralClustering
- SpectralClusteringConf<DATATYPE> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
- SpectralClusteringConf(SpatialClusterer<? extends SpatialClusters<DATATYPE>, DATATYPE>, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralClusteringConf
- SpectralClusteringConf(SpatialClusterer<? extends SpatialClusters<DATATYPE>, DATATYPE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralClusteringConf
- SpectralClusteringConf(SpatialClusterer<? extends SpatialClusters<DATATYPE>, DATATYPE>, GraphLaplacian, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralClusteringConf
- SpectralClusteringConf(SpatialClusterer<? extends SpatialClusters<DATATYPE>, DATATYPE>, GraphLaplacian) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralClusteringConf
- SpectralClusteringConf(SpectralClusteringConf.ClustererProvider<DATATYPE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralClusteringConf
- SpectralClusteringConf.ClustererProvider<DATATYPE> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
A function which can represent itself as a string
- SpectralClusteringConf.DefaultClustererFunction<DATATYPE> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
- SpectralFlux - Class in org.openimaj.audio.features
Wrapper around the jAudio implementation of Spectral flux.
- SpectralFlux() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.features.SpectralFlux
Default constructor
- SpectralFlux(AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.features.SpectralFlux
Constructor that's chainable.
- SpectralFluxLive - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio
Example that shows the extraction of MFCC features from a live audio stream
and displaying the results in a visualisation.
- SpectralFluxLive() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.SpectralFluxLive
- SpectralIndexedClusters - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
which also hold the eigenvector/value pairs which created them
- SpectralIndexedClusters(IndexClusters, IndependentPair<double[], double[][]>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralIndexedClusters
- Spectrogram - Class in org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio
This is the code for exercise 1 in the basic audio tutorial.
- Spectrogram() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.docs.tutorial.fund.audio.Spectrogram
- spectrogramComplete(AudioSpectrogram) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.audio.AudioSpectrogram.SpectrogramCompleteListener
Called when the spectragram is complete
- SphericalKMeans - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Multithreaded (optionally) damped spherical k-means with support for
bigger-than-memory data.
- SphericalKMeans(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
Construct with the given parameters.
- SphericalKMeans(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
Construct with the given parameters.
- SphericalKMeans(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
Construct with the given parameters.
- SphericalKMeans.IterationResult - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
Object storing the result of the previous iteration of spherical kmeans.
- SphericalKMeansResult - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans
- SphericalKMeansResult() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
- SphericalMultivariateGaussian - Class in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution
- SphericalMultivariateGaussian(Matrix, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.SphericalMultivariateGaussian
Construct the Gaussian with the provided center and covariance
- SphericalMultivariateGaussian(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.SphericalMultivariateGaussian
Construct the Gaussian with the zero mean and unit variance
- split(Corel5kDataset) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset.StandardCorel5kSplit
- SplitDetectionMode - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree
Given a vector, tell me the split
- SplitDetectionMode.MEAN - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree
Use the mean to split
- SplitDetectionMode.MEDIAN - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree
Splits clusters becuase they don't have exactly the same value!
- SplitDetectionMode.OPTIMISED - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree
minimise for y: (y' * (D - W) * y) / ( y' * D * y );
- SplitDetectionMode.VARIABLE_MEDIAN - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree
Find the median, attempt to find a value which keeps clusters together
- splitFileRoot - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.SplitMode
- SplitMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.reddit
A split mode is told of the most recent items read and suggests a filename
- SplitMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.SplitMode
- SplitModeOption - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.reddit
- sqrt(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Compute the principle square root, X, of the matrix A such that A=X*X
- sqSum - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqAreaTable
The squared sum data
- squaredEuclideanDistance(FImage, FImage, int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EuclideanDistanceTransform
The static function which underlies EuclideanDistanceTransform.
- squaredEuclideanDistanceBinary(FImage, FImage, int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.EuclideanDistanceTransform
Calculate the squared euclidean distance transform of a binary image with
foreground pixels set to 1 and background set to 0.
- SquaredSummedDifferenceAggregator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator
- SquaredSummedDifferenceAggregator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator.SquaredSummedDifferenceAggregator
- SquareLossFunction - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss
- SquareLossFunction() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.SquareLossFunction
- SquareMissingLossFunction - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss
- SquareMissingLossFunction() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.SquareMissingLossFunction
- SquareOscillator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Oscillator.SquareOscillator
- stage() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.SingleStagedJob
- stage(Path[], Path, Configuration) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.MultipleOutputStage
- Stage<INPUT_FORMAT extends org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat<INPUT_KEY,INPUT_VALUE>,OUTPUT_FORMAT extends org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat<OUTPUT_KEY,OUTPUT_VALUE>,INPUT_KEY,INPUT_VALUE,MAP_OUTPUT_KEY,MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE,OUTPUT_KEY,OUTPUT_VALUE> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage
A stage in a multi step job.
- Stage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.Stage
Inititalise all the classes based on the generics
- stage(Path[], Path, Configuration) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.Stage
- stage(MultiStagedJob) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.StageAppender
- stage() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.StageProvider
- stage() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.StageRunner
- stage() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterPreprocessingTool
- stage() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod
- stage() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountWordsAcrossTimeperiod
- stage(Path[], Path, Configuration) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
- stage(MultiStagedJob) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeTimeWord
- stage() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.TimeIndex
- stage() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.Values
- stage(MultiStagedJob) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordIndex
- stage() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.timeseries.SpecificWordStageProvider
- Stage - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar
A classification stage.
- Stage(float, Classifier[], Stage, Stage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Stage
Construct a new stage.
- StageAppender - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage
Something with the ability to append one or more stages to a MultistagedJob
- StageAppender() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.StageAppender
- StageProvider - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage
Something with the ability of providing a stage in a multistaged job
- StageProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.StageProvider
- StageRunner - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce
A StageRunner provides the various components to run an individual stage.
- StageRunner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.StageRunner
- StageTreeClassifier - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar
A tree of classifier stages.
- StageTreeClassifier(int, int, String, boolean, Stage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.StageTreeClassifier
- StandardCorel5kSplit - Class in org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset
- StandardCorel5kSplit() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.dataset.StandardCorel5kSplit
- standardDeviation() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.RunningStat
Returns the running standard deviation
- StandardFormatters - Enum in org.openimaj.citation.annotation.output
Standard reference formatters.
- StandardUnivariateKernels - Enum in org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.kernel
Standard univariate (1-d) kernel (window) implementations
- start(ClassPool) - Method in class org.openimaj.aop.MultiTransformClassFileTransformer
- start - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
where the contour starts
- start - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.algorithm.ConvexityDefect
The starting point on the convex hull
- start - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.PhraseAnnotation
true if this is the start token of a phrase segment.
- start - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.SentenceAnnotation
- start - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.TokenAnnotation
- start() - Method in class org.openimaj.time.NanoTimer
Start the timer
- start() - Method in class org.openimaj.time.Timer
Start the timer
- start() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.metamapper.FileMetaMapper
- start() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.metamapper.MetaMapper
- start() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor.DirectoryImageProcessor
- start() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor.ImageCollectionProcessor
Start this image sink, called before an image is stored.
- start() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.processor.SequenceFileProcessor
- start - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel.IntRange
Starting value (inclusive)
- START - Static variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.SignProgrammer
- start_lines() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_pad_info
- start_lines(short) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_reg_pad_info
- startCapture() - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
Start a video capture, default size, default device
- startCapture(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
Initialise video capture on the default device
- startCapture(int, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.processing.OpenIMAJ
Initialise video capture
- startChar - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NamedEntity
Start char of the match
- startPour() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.WatershedProcessorAlgorithm
Start the detection process by pouring on water at the pour point.
- StartPunc - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.EdgePunctuationPatternProvider
- startSession(int, int, double, Device) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
- startSession(int, int, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
- startTime - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObjectAdapter
The start time
- startToken - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NamedEntity
Start token of the match
- startValue - Variable in class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.TimeBasedValueAnimator
The start value of the animation
- startX - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation.Bar
Data units where the bar is drawn
- State(int, RegionMode<IntDoublePair>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DBSCAN.State
- State(int, RegionMode<IntDoublePair>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DBSCAN.State
- state - Variable in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAVariationlState
The current LDAModel (i.e.
- state - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.ImageCollectionState
- StaticLearningRate<PTYPE extends Parameters<PTYPE>> - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation
- StaticLearningRate(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.StaticLearningRate
- stats - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis
General statistics
- stats - Variable in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableImageOutput
- StatsOutputMode - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.stats
- StatsOutputMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.stats.StatsOutputMode
- StatsWordMatch - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.stats
- StatsWordMatch() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.stats.StatsWordMatch
- status - Variable in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableImageOutput
- status - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.QueryHoldingStatus
the status
- StatusConsumer - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
- StatusConsumer(boolean, File, File, List<OutputListener>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer
- StatusConsumer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer
for convenience
- StatusConsumer.StatusConsumerRedirectStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
- StatusConsumerRedirectStrategy() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumer.StatusConsumerRedirectStrategy
- StatusConsumption - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
Statistics about status consumption
- StatusConsumption() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.StatusConsumption
- StatusFeeder - Interface in org.openimaj.picslurper
- statusType - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
the status type to take as input
- StatusType - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options
The social media status to be read in (useful for tools which control
- std(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sample standard deviation of a 2D array.
- std(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sample standard deviation of a 1D array.
- std(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the standard deviation of a 2D array.
- std(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the standard deviation of a 1D array.
- StdinSpout - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
- StdinSpout() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.StdinSpout
- stemmed - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Clue
Whether the words are stemmed
- StemmingMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing
A gateway class which loads and uses the #PorterEnglishStemmingFilter
- StemmingMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.StemmingMode
Loads the language detector
- step(double[], double[], boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.projection.LargeMarginDimensionalityReduction
Perform a single update step of the SGD optimisation.
- stepBack() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Step back a frame.
- stepEnded(IterativeAlgorithm) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.neuralnet.HandWritingNeuralNetSANDIA
- stepForward() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Step forward a frame.
- stepStarted(IterativeAlgorithm) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.neuralnet.HandWritingNeuralNetSANDIA
- stepX - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Step size of sampling window in x-direction (in pixels)
- stepY - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Step size of sampling window in y-direction (in pixels)
- StNode - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon
Sorted edge table
- StNode(EdgeNode, StNode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.StNode
- stop() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioGrabber
Stop the stream grabbing
- stop() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Use this method to stop the time keeper from running.
- stop() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.JavaSoundAudioGrabber
Stop the stream grabbing
- stop() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
Use this method to stop the time keeper from running.
- stop() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectStream
Stop the stream
- stop() - Method in interface org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectStreamCallback
Stop the stream
- stop() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectVideoStreamCallback
- stop - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.MultiviewSpectralClusteringConf
when to stop iterating
- stop(List<IndependentPair<double[], double[][]>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.StoppingCondition.HardCoded
- stop(List<IndependentPair<double[], double[][]>>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.StoppingCondition
Called once at the beggining of each full iteration
- stop - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.SentenceAnnotation
- stop - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.TokenAnnotation
- stop() - Method in class org.openimaj.time.NanoTimer
Stop the timer
- stop() - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.TimeKeeper
Use this method to stop the time keeper from running.
- stop() - Method in class org.openimaj.time.Timer
Stop the timer
- stop - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.parallel.Parallel.IntRange
Stopping value (exclusive)
- stop() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.BasicVideoTimeKeeper
Use this method to stop the time keeper from running.
- stop() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Stop the video
- stopCapture() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Stop the video capture system.
- stopChar - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NamedEntity
Stop char of the match
- stopNow - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.AnimatorThread
- stoppingCondition - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.model.fit.RANSAC
- StoppingCondition - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
The stopping condition for a multiview spectral clustering algorithm
- StoppingCondition.HardCoded - Class in org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral
Counts the iterations
- stopToken - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NamedEntity
Stop token of the match
- StopwordMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing
- StopwordMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.StopwordMode
- storeFeatureList(FeatureList, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureTable
Store a list of features for the given frame number
- storeOn(double[], int) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
- storeSparseOn(Appendable) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- storeSparseOn(String) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Write to file
- StormGraphCreator - Class in org.openimaj.storm.util.graph
Create DirectedGraph
instances from StormTopology
- StormGraphCreator.NamedNode - Class in org.openimaj.storm.util.graph
A name and type node
- StormGraphCreator.NamingStrategy - Interface in org.openimaj.storm.util.graph
- StormGraphCreator.NamingStrategy.AlphabeticNamingStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.storm.util.graph
Names ComponentCommon
as A, B, C...
- StormGraphCreator.NamingStrategy.DefaultNamingStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.storm.util.graph
Uses id as name
- StormPicSlurper - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
A tool for slurping images off twitter
- StormPicSlurper(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.StormPicSlurper
- StormPicSlurper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.StormPicSlurper
no args
- StormPlayground - Class in org.openimaj.storm
- StormPlayground() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.StormPlayground
- StormPlayground.JoinBolt - Class in org.openimaj.storm
- StormPlayground.RandomFieldSpout - Class in org.openimaj.storm
- StormToolOptions - Class in org.openimaj.storm.tool
- StormToolOptions(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.tool.StormToolOptions
- StormTopologyMode - Class in org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology
- StormTopologyMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.StormTopologyMode
- StormTopologyOrchestrator - Interface in org.openimaj.storm.topology.orchestrator
- StormTwitterPreprocessingTool - Class in org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter
A storm implementation of twitter preprocessing
- StormTwitterPreprocessingTool(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.StormTwitterPreprocessingTool
- strategy - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMAnalyser
- strategy - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.HOG
- strategy() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.PredefinedStrategy
- StratifiedGroupedKFold<KEY,INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross
Stratified K-Fold Cross-Validation on grouped datasets.
- StratifiedGroupedKFold(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.StratifiedGroupedKFold
- StratifiedGroupedRandomisedPercentageHoldOut<KEY,INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.validation
Stratified Hold-Out validation for grouped data that selects a percentage of
the original data to use for training, and the remainder to use for
- StratifiedGroupedRandomisedPercentageHoldOut(double, GroupedDataset<KEY, ListDataset<INSTANCE>, INSTANCE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.StratifiedGroupedRandomisedPercentageHoldOut
Construct with the given dataset and percentage of training data (0..1).
- StratifiedGroupedUniformRandomisedSampler<KEY,INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling
A stratified uniformly random sampling scheme for grouped datasets.
- StratifiedGroupedUniformRandomisedSampler(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.StratifiedGroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
- StratifiedGroupedUniformRandomisedSampler(double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.StratifiedGroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
- StratifiedGroupedUniformRandomisedSampler(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.StratifiedGroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
- StratifiedGroupedUniformRandomisedSampler(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.sampling.StratifiedGroupedUniformRandomisedSampler
- Stream<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.stream
Interface describing a stream of data items.
- StreamAustrianDampeningExperiments - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill
- StreamAustrianDampeningExperiments() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.experiments.sinabill.StreamAustrianDampeningExperiments
- StreamCombiner<A,B> - Class in org.openimaj.util.stream.combine
A stream combiner takes two streams and produces a new stream of synchronised
pairs of the stream values.
- StreamCombiner(Stream<A>, Stream<B>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.stream.combine.StreamCombiner
- StreamedFeatureFile - Class in org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser
- StreamedFeatureFile() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.StreamedFeatureFile
Default constructor
- StreamedFeatureFile(LocalFeatureList<? extends LocalFeature<?, ?>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.StreamedFeatureFile
Construct with list
- StreamedFeatureFile(File, Class<? extends Keypoint>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.StreamedFeatureFile
Construct with file
- StreamedFeatureFile(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.StreamedFeatureFile
Construct with file
- StreamedFeatureFile(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.StreamedFeatureFile
Construct with stream
- StreamedFeatureFile(InputStream, Class<? extends Keypoint>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.StreamedFeatureFile
Construct with stream
- streamFactory() - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.TwitterInputStreamFactory
- StreamingDataset<INSTANCE> - Interface in org.openimaj.data.dataset
- StreamJSONStatusList - Class in org.openimaj.twitter.collection
A list of json maps
- StreamJSONStatusList(InputStream, int, boolean, int, int, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamJSONStatusList
- StreamJSONStatusList.ReadableWritableJSON - Class in org.openimaj.twitter.collection
a readable json hashmap
- StreamLocalFeatureList<T extends LocalFeature<?,?>> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.list
- StreamLocalFeatureList(InputStream, int, boolean, int, int, int, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.StreamLocalFeatureList
- StreamLooper(BufferedReader) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityExtractionResourceBuilder.StreamLooper
- StreamTwitterStatusList<T extends USMFStatus> - Class in org.openimaj.twitter.collection
Converts an input stream into a list
instances using various methods.
- StreamTwitterStatusList(InputStream, int, boolean, int, int, Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
- StreamTwitterStatusList(InputStream, int, boolean, int, int, Class<? extends GeneralJSON>, Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
- StreamTwitterStatusList(InputStream, int, boolean, int, int, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.StreamTwitterStatusList
- string - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAMessage
- stringMatched - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NamedEntity
The string that resulted in a match
- StringMurmurHashFunction - Class in org.openimaj.util.hash
Use MurmurHash (http://murmurhash.googlepages.com/) to generate a random hash
for a string.
- StringMurmurHashFunction() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.hash.StringMurmurHashFunction
- StringMurmurHashFunction(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.hash.StringMurmurHashFunction
- StringMurmurHashFunctionFactory - Class in org.openimaj.util.hash
- StringMurmurHashFunctionFactory() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.hash.StringMurmurHashFunctionFactory
Construct the factory with a newly constructed MersenneTwister
seeded with the current time.
- StringMurmurHashFunctionFactory(MersenneTwister) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.hash.StringMurmurHashFunctionFactory
Construct the factory with the given random generator
- StringNGramGenerator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NGramGenerator.StringNGramGenerator
- StringScheme - Class in backtype.storm.scheme
- StringScheme() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.scheme.StringScheme
- StringScheme - Class in org.openimaj.storm.scheme
- StringScheme() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.scheme.StringScheme
- StringScheme(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.scheme.StringScheme
- stringToNode(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability
- STROKE_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFontStyle
Attribute for the stroke width.
- strokeColour - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation.Bar
The stroke colour
- StrokeColourProvider<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.vis.general
- strokeWidthRatio - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Options
Maximum allowed ratio of a pair of stroke widths for them to be
considered part of the same connected component.
- StrokeWidthTransform - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.edges
Implementation of the Stroke Width Transform.
- StrokeWidthTransform(boolean, CannyEdgeDetector) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.StrokeWidthTransform
Construct the SWT with the given Canny edge detector.
- StrokeWidthTransform(boolean, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.StrokeWidthTransform
Construct the SWT with the given sigma for smoothing in the Canny phase
The Canny thresholds are chosen automatically.
- StrokeWidthTransform(boolean, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.StrokeWidthTransform
Construct with all Canny parameters set manually.
- StructuringElement - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology
Morphological structuring element
The central element is the pixel 0,0.
- StructuringElement() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
Construct an empty structuring element
- StructuringElement(Set<Pixel>, Set<Pixel>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
Construct a structuring element with the given positive and negative
- StructuringElement(Pixel[], Pixel[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
Construct a structuring element with the given positive and negative
- StumpClassifier - Class in org.openimaj.ml.classification
- StumpClassifier() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.classification.StumpClassifier
- StumpClassifier.WeightedLearner - Class in org.openimaj.ml.classification
- subClassWordnetCompanyQuery() - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
- subImageIterator(I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.RectangleSampler
Create an iterator to extract sub-images from an image based on the
rectangles defined by this sampler.
- SUBJ - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.PolygonUtils
- subject - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
Keyword(s) describing subject of the Post.
- subList(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- subList(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.FileLocalFeatureList
- subList(int, int) - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.list.LocalFeatureList
- subList(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
- subList(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.StreamLocalFeatureList
- subList(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- subMatrix(T, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Extract the submatrix of the same type of mat
- subMatrix(T, TIntCollection, TIntCollection) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Extract a submatrix from the given rows and cols
- subMatrix(T, TIntArrayList, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- subMatrix(T, int, int, TIntArrayList) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- submit(Runnable) - Static method in class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils
Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future representing
that task.
- submitTopology(StormToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.LocalTopologyMode
- submitTopology(StormToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.StormTopologyMode
- submitTopology(StormToolOptions) - Method in interface org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.TopologyMode
- SubPixelCorners - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest
Refines detected corners (i.e.
- SubPixelCorners(int, int, Predicate<IterationState>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.SubPixelCorners
Construct with the given search window size and predicate to stop the
- SubPixelCorners(int, int, int, int, Predicate<IterationState>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.SubPixelCorners
Construct with the given search window size, zeroed window and predicate to
stop the iteration.
- subscriber_of - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.UserAccountImpl
A Container that a UserAccount is subscribed to.
- subscribers - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.User
Number of subscribers
- subscriptions - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.User
Number of subscriptions
- subSequence(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.utils.threads.InterruptibleCharSequence
- subtract(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Subtracts the given
from this image returning a new image
containing the result.
- subtract(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Subtract a scalar from every pixel value in this image and return new
- subtract(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Subtract the corresponding pixel value from the given image from the
pixel values in this image.
- subtract(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Subtract the corresponding pixel value from the given image from the
pixel values in this image.
- subtract(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Subtract a scalar from every pixel value in this image and return new
- subtract(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Subtracts the given value from every pixel in every band and returns the
result as a new image.
- subtract(CLQueue, CLImage2D, CLImage2D, CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Subtract two images, storing the result in another image
- subtract(CLQueue, CLImage2D, float[], CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Subtract a constant from an image, storing the result in another image
- subtract(CLImage2D, CLImage2D) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Subtract two images, returning a new image with the result
- subtract(CLImage2D, float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Subtract a constant from an image, returning a new image with the result
- subtract(I, I) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Subtract two images, returning a new image with the result
- subtract(I, float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.CLImageArithmetic
Subtract a constant from an image, returning a new image with the result
- subtract(DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- subtract(Integer) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- subtract(WeightedBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- subtract(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- subtract(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(long[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(byte[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(short[][], short[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(short[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise subtraction of two arrays.
- subtract(double[], double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Subtracts s
from all elements in a1
the array.
- subtract(float[], float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Subtracts s
from all elements in a1
the array.
- subtract(int[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Subtracts s
from all elements in a1
the array.
- subtract(long[], long) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Subtracts s
from all elements in a1
the array.
- subtract(byte[], byte) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Subtracts s
from all elements in a1
the array.
- subtract(short[], short) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Subtracts s
from all elements in a1
the array.
- subtract(SparseByteArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from a copy of
this vector and return the result
- subtract(SparseDoubleArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from a copy of
this vector and return the result
- subtract(SparseFloatArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from a copy of
this vector and return the result
- subtract(SparseIntArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from a copy of
this vector and return the result
- subtract(SparseLongArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from a copy of
this vector and return the result
- subtract(SparseShortArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from a copy of
this vector and return the result
- subtract(OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ObjectArithmetic
Subtract from a copy of this.
- subtract(SCALAR) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ScalarArithmetic
Subtract from a copy of this.
- subtractInplace(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Subtracts (pixel-by-pixel) the given
from this image.
- subtractInplace(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Subtract a scalar from every pixel value in this image.
- subtractInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Subtract the corresponding pixel value from the given image from the
pixel values in this image.
- subtractInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Subtract the corresponding pixel value from the given image from the
pixel values in this image.
- subtractInplace(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Subtract a scalar from every pixel value in this image.
- subtractInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Subtract the corresponding pixel value from the given image from the
pixel values in this image.
- subtractInplace(MultiBandImage<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Subtracts from every pixel in every band the corresponding pixel value in
the corresponding band of the given image.
- subtractInplace(SingleBandImage<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Subtracts from every pixel in every band the corresponding pixel value in
the given image.
- subtractInplace(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Subtracts the given value from every pixel in every band.
- subtractInplace(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Subtract a scalar from every pixel value in this image.
- subtractInplace(Image<?, ?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- subtractInplace(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- subtractInplace(DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- subtractInplace(Integer) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- subtractInplace(WeightedBipolarSentiment) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- subtractInplace(Double) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- subtractInplace(SparseByteArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from
this array and return this
- subtractInplace(SparseDoubleArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from
this array and return this
- subtractInplace(SparseFloatArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from
this array and return this
- subtractInplace(SparseIntArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from
this array and return this
- subtractInplace(SparseLongArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from
this array and return this
- subtractInplace(SparseShortArray) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Subtract the values in the given vector from
this array and return this
- subtractInplace(OBJECT) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ObjectArithmetic
Subtract from this.
- subtractInplace(SCALAR) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.math.ScalarArithmetic
Subtract from this.
- subvector(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ArrayFeatureVector
Returns a new featurevector that is a subsequence of this vector.
- subvector(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ArrayFeatureVector
Returns a new string that is a subvector of this vector.
- subvector(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- subvector(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- subvector(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- subvector(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- subvector(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- subvector(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- subvector(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- subvector(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- subvector(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- subvector(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- subvector(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- subvector(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- subView(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
Get a subview of this view from l1 (inclusive) to r1 (exclusive).
- subView(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
Get a subview of this view from l1 (inclusive) to r1 (exclusive).
- subView(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
Get a subview of this view from l1 (inclusive) to r1 (exclusive).
- subView(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
Get a subview of this view from l1 (inclusive) to r1 (exclusive).
- subView(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
Get a subview of this view from l1 (inclusive) to r1 (exclusive).
- subView(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
Get a subview of this view from l1 (inclusive) to r1 (exclusive).
- succ - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeNode
Edge connected at the upper end
- successStage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.Stage
Get the next stage to evaluate should this one pass; if this stage passes
and this is
then the whole
- sum(double[][]) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Util
- sum(double[]) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Util
- sum() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
- sum() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDFTimeSeries
An explicit assumption is made that
instances all come
from the same period of time and therefore have the same total number of
tweets and total number of word instances across time (i.e.
- sum - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqAreaTable
The sum data
- sum() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
- sum(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Sum the matrix entries
- sum(DiagonalMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Sum the diagonal of the given matrix
- sum(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Compute the sum of all elements of the matrix.
- sum(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum of a 2D array.
- sum(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum of a 1D array.
- sum(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum of a 2D array.
- sum(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum of a 1D array.
- sum() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- sum() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeriesArithmaticOperator
add together all time series data elements
- sum(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sum(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sum(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sum(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sum(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sum(int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sum(long[][], long[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sum(long[], long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sum(byte[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sum(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sum(short[][], short[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sum(short[], short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Element-wise summation of two arrays, output writes over first array
- sumAbs(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum of the absolute values of a 2D array.
- sumAbs(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum the absolute values of a 1D array.
- sumAbs(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum of the absolute values of a 2D array.
- sumAbs(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum the absolute values of a 1D array.
- SumBoxFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution
A rectangular summing convolution operator (often known as a unnormalized Box
- SumBoxFilter(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.SumBoxFilter
Construct the averaging operator with a kernel of the given dimensions.
- SumBoxFilter(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.SumBoxFilter
Construct the averaging operator with a square kernel of the given
- sumCols(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Compute the sum of values in all cols
- sumColumn(Matrix, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Compute the sum of values in a single column
- sumLoss(List<Pair<Matrix>>, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, BilinearLearnerParameters) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation.MeanSumLossEvaluator
- sumLoss(List<Pair<Matrix>>, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, BilinearLearnerParameters) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation.RootMeanSumLossEvaluator
- sumLoss(List<Pair<Matrix>>, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, BilinearLearnerParameters) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation.SumLossEvaluator
- SumLossEvaluator - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation
- SumLossEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.evaluation.SumLossEvaluator
- SummarySketcher<T,V> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.sketch
As described by: http://lkozma.net/blog/sketching-data-structures/
"Sketching" data structures store a summary of a data set in situations where
the whole data would be prohibitively costly to store (at least in a
fast-access place like the memory as opposed to the hard disk).
- SummedAreaTable - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
Implementation of an Integral Image or Summed Area Table.
- SummedAreaTable() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedAreaTable
Construct an empty SAT
- SummedAreaTable(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedAreaTable
Construct a SAT from the provided image
- SummedSqAreaTable - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
Implementation of an Integral Image or Summed Area Table.
- SummedSqAreaTable() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqAreaTable
Construct an empty SAT
- SummedSqAreaTable(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqAreaTable
Construct a SAT from the provided image
- SummedSqTiltAreaTable - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
Implementation of an Integral Image or Summed Area Table.
- SummedSqTiltAreaTable() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqTiltAreaTable
Construct an empty SAT.
- SummedSqTiltAreaTable(FImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqTiltAreaTable
Construct a SAT for normal sum, squared sum and tilted sum from the
provided image.
- SummedSqTiltAreaTable(FImage, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqTiltAreaTable
Construct a SAT for normal sum, squared sum and (optionally) tilted sum
from the provided image.
- sumRow(Matrix, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Compute the sum of values in a single row
- sumRows(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Compute the sum of values in all rows
- sumSq(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum of the squared values of a 2D array.
- sumSq(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum the squared values of a 1D array.
- sumSq(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum of the squared values of a 2D array.
- sumSq(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sum the squared values of a 1D array.
- sumValues(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in an array
- sumValues(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in an array
- sumValues(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in an array
- sumValues(long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in an array
- sumValues(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in an array
- sumValues(short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in an array
- sumValues(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in a 2d array
- sumValues(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in a 2d array
- sumValues(int[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in a 2d array
- sumValues(long[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in a 2d array
- sumValues(byte[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in a 2d array
- sumValues(short[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values in a 2d array
- sumValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Compute the sum of values
- sumValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Compute the sum of values
- sumValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Compute the sum of values
- sumValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Compute the sum of values
- sumValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Compute the sum of values
- sumValues() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Compute the sum of values
- sumValuesSquared(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values squared in an array
- sumValuesSquared(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values squared in an array
- sumValuesSquared(int[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values squared in an array
- sumValuesSquared(long[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values squared in an array
- sumValuesSquared(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values squared in an array
- sumValuesSquared(short[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Compute the sum of values squared in an array
- sumValuesSquared() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Compute the sum of values squared
- sumValuesSquared() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Compute the sum of values squared
- sumValuesSquared() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Compute the sum of values squared
- sumValuesSquared() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Compute the sum of values squared
- sumValuesSquared() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Compute the sum of values squared
- sumValuesSquared() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Compute the sum of values squared
- supercover(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.util.LineIterators
Generate the pixels for the supercover of the line between two points.
- supercoverAsList(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.util.LineIterators
Generate the pixels for the supercover of the line between two points.
- supercoverAsList(Pixel, Pixel) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.util.LineIterators
Generate the pixels for the supercover of the line between two points.
- supportIndex - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.OISVM
- supports - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.DoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- supports - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.OISVM
- supportsPause() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Returns whether the timekeeper supports pausing.
- supportsPause() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
Returns whether the timekeeper supports pausing.
- supportsPause() - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.TimeKeeper
Returns whether the timekeeper supports pausing.
- supportsPause() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.BasicVideoTimeKeeper
Returns whether the timekeeper supports pausing.
- supportsSeek() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer
Returns whether the timekeeper supports seeking.
- supportsSeek() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.BasicMusicTimekeeper
Returns whether the timekeeper supports seeking.
- supportsSeek() - Method in interface org.openimaj.time.TimeKeeper
Returns whether the timekeeper supports seeking.
- supportsSeek() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.BasicVideoTimeKeeper
Returns whether the timekeeper supports seeking.
- SUSANEdgeDetector - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.edges
Implementations of the SUSAN edge detection algorithm.
- SUSANEdgeDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.SUSANEdgeDetector
Default constructor that instantiates a simple SUSAN edge detector with
threshold 0.08 and global threshold weighting 9.
- SUSANEdgeDetector(SUSANEdgeDetector.SUSANDetector, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.SUSANEdgeDetector
- SUSANEdgeDetector(SUSANEdgeDetector.SUSANDetector, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.edges.SUSANEdgeDetector
- SuzukiContourProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.image.contour
Given a binary image (1-connected and 0-connected regions) detect contours
and provide both the contours and a hierarchy of contour membership.
- SuzukiContourProcessor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.contour.SuzukiContourProcessor
- SuzukiNeighborStrategy - Class in org.openimaj.image.contour
The neighbourhood border/contour tracing algorithm described in Appendix 1 of
the Suzuki contour detection algorithm
- SuzukiNeighborStrategy() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.contour.SuzukiNeighborStrategy
- SuzukiTests - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- SuzukiTests() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.SuzukiTests
- SvdPrincipalComponentAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca
Compute the PCA using an SVD without actually constructing the covariance
- SvdPrincipalComponentAnalysis() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.SvdPrincipalComponentAnalysis
- SvdPrincipalComponentAnalysis(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.SvdPrincipalComponentAnalysis
- SVGImage - Class in org.openimaj.image
- SVGImage(SVGRenderHints) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- SVGImage(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
Construct an empty SVG-backed image of the given size
- SVGRenderer - Class in org.openimaj.image.renderer
- SVGRenderer(SVGImage) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
Construct with given target image.
- SVGRenderer(SVGImage, SVGRenderHints) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
Construct with given target image and rendering hints.
- SVGRenderer(SVGRenderHints) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
Construct with given target image and rendering hints.
- SVGRenderer(SVGImage, Graphics) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- SVGRenderer(SVGImage, RenderHints, Graphics) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderer
- SVGRenderHints - Class in org.openimaj.image.renderer
Hints for
implementations to (optionally)
use when drawing.
- SVGRenderHints(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.renderer.SVGRenderHints
- SVMAnnotator<OBJECT,ANNOTATION> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.annotation.svm
Wraps the libsvm SVM and provides basic positive/negative
annotation for a single class.
- SVMAnnotator(FeatureExtractor<? extends FeatureVector, OBJECT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.svm.SVMAnnotator
Constructor that takes the feature extractor to use.
- SvmSgd - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm
- SvmSgd(int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- SvmSgd(int, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- SvmSgdMain - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm
- SvmSgdMain() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgdMain
- sw - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Dilate
- sw - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Erode
- sw - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.HitAndMiss
- swap() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
- swapFrames() - Method in interface org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectStreamCallback
swap the stream and callback buffers if the
callback buffer has fresher data.
- swapFrames() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectVideoStreamCallback
- swapList(List<? extends IndependentPair<? extends T, ? extends Q>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
Swap the order of the pairs
- SWTTextDetector - Class in org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt
Implementation of the Stroke Width Transform text detection algorithm by
Epshtein et al.
- SWTTextDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector
- SWTTextDetector(SWTTextDetector.Options) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector
- SWTTextDetector.Direction - Enum in org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt
Text search "directions": Dark text on a lighter background, light text
on a dark background and both.
- SWTTextDetector.Options - Class in org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt
- symmetricEig2x2(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Compute the real Eigen decomposition of a symmetric 2x2 matrix.
- SymmetricFastICA - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.ica
- SymmetricFastICA() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.ica.SymmetricFastICA
- symmetricGeneralisedEigenvalues(DenseMatrix, DenseMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GeneralisedEigenvalueProblem
Compute the generalised eigenvalues, L, of the problem A x = L B x.
- symmetricGeneralisedEigenvalues(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GeneralisedEigenvalueProblem
Compute the generalised eigenvalues, L, of the problem A x = L B x.
- symmetricGeneralisedEigenvectors(DenseMatrix, DenseMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GeneralisedEigenvalueProblem
Solve the general problem A x = L B x.
- symmetricGeneralisedEigenvectors(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GeneralisedEigenvalueProblem
Solve the general problem A x = L B x.
- symmetricGeneralisedEigenvectorsSorted(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GeneralisedEigenvalueProblem
Solve the general problem A x = L B x.
- symmetricGeneralisedEigenvectorsSorted(Matrix, Matrix, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.GeneralisedEigenvalueProblem
Solve the general problem A x = L B x.
- SymmetricMatrix - Class in ch.akuhn.matrix
Matrix where aij = aji
for all elements.
- SymmetricMatrix(int) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
Construct with given size
- SymmetricMatrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.SymmetricMatrix
Construct with given values, which must be jagged and represent the lower
triangular values
- SymmetricTransferResidual2d<M extends Model<Point2d,Point2d> & MatrixTransformProvider> - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals
The points in the first image are projected by the homography matrix to
produce new estimates of the second image points and the second image point
projected by the inverse homography to produce estimates of the first.
- SymmetricTransferResidual2d() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.SymmetricTransferResidual2d
- SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection<ALLINPUT,SINGLEINPUT,TIMESERIES extends SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection<ALLINPUT,SINGLEINPUT,TIMESERIES,INTERNALSERIES>,INTERNALSERIES extends TimeSeries<ALLINPUT,SINGLEINPUT,INTERNALSERIES>> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection
A collection of time series which share exactly the same time steps.
- SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
initialise the underlying time series holder
- SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollectionAggregator<TIMESERIES extends TimeSeries<?,?,TIMESERIES>,STSCOLLECTION extends SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection<?,?,?,TIMESERIES>,OUTPUT> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator
A time series collection aggregators take as input a time series collection
and output a specified type
- Synthesizer - Class in org.openimaj.audio.generation
Really really basic synthesizer.
- Synthesizer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.generation.Synthesizer
- Synthesizer.FMOptions - Class in org.openimaj.audio.generation
Options class for FM synthesis.
- Synthesizer.OscillatorOptions - Interface in org.openimaj.audio.generation
Interface for options.
- SynthesizerListener - Interface in org.openimaj.audio.generation
An interface for objects that want to listen for synthesizer events.
- synthQuiet() - Method in interface org.openimaj.audio.generation.SynthesizerListener
Called when the synthesizer goes quiet (gets to the end of a release)
- sysin - Static variable in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.TwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
this is available mainly for testing
- SysOutRDFSerializer - Class in org.openimaj.rdf.serialize
Debugging class that outputs triples to the System.out stream.
- SysOutRDFSerializer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.serialize.SysOutRDFSerializer
- T_FILTER - Static variable in class org.openimaj.audio.analysis.BeatDetector
Low Pass filter time constant
- ta - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.pipes.YagoEntityPipe
- tables - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.lsh.LSHNearestNeighbours
- take() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
- take() - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.concurrent.BlockingDroppingQueue
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, waiting if necessary until
an element becomes available.
- tanh(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Return a copy of the input matrix where every value is the hyperbolic tangent
of the elements.
- targetDirectory - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.Generator.GeneratorOptions
The target directory for the output
- targetImage - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
- targetSize - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
- taskCompleted() - Method in class org.openimaj.utils.threads.WatchedRunner
- TED - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
Top edge
- TeleaInpainting<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting
Implementation of Alexandru Telea's FMM-based inpainting algorithm.
- TeleaInpainting(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.TeleaInpainting
Construct the inpainting operator with the given radius.
- temperature - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
Temperature in degrees centigrade
- template - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.algorithm.FourierCorrelation
The template image
- TEMPLATE_MATCH() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.MotionEstimatorAlgorithm.TEMPLATE_MATCH
- TEMPLATE_MATCH(float, TemplateMatcher.Mode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.motion.MotionEstimatorAlgorithm.TEMPLATE_MATCH
Given the template's size, search around a border of size
- templateImage - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackedFace
The template image
- TemplateMatcher - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
Basic template matching for
- TemplateMatcher(FImage, TemplateMatcher.Mode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
Default constructor with the template to match and the mode
with which to estimate template responses.
- TemplateMatcher(FImage, TemplateMatcher.Mode, Rectangle) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher
Construct with the template to match, the mode with which to
estimate template responses and the bounds rectangle in which
to search.
- TemplateMatcher.Mode - Enum in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
Different algorithms for comparing templates to images.
- TemplateSerialiser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.TemplateSerialiser
- terminationEps - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeans
- terms - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.DenseLinearTransformAnnotator
- TernaryData(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryPlot.TernaryData
- TernaryParams - Class in org.openimaj.vis.ternary
- TernaryParams() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- ternaryPattern - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
- TernaryPlot - Class in org.openimaj.vis.ternary
A ternary plot draws a triangle simplex.
- TernaryPlot(float, List<TernaryPlot.TernaryData>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryPlot
- TernaryPlot.TernaryData - Class in org.openimaj.vis.ternary
Holds an a value for the 3 ternary dimensions and a value
- test(IterationState) - Method in class org.openimaj.algorithm.iterative.MaxIterations
- test(IterationState) - Method in class org.openimaj.algorithm.iterative.MinEpsilon
- test(LocalFeature<?, ByteFV>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.filter.ByteEntropyFilter
- test(Contour) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode.AestheticodeDetector
- Test - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog
- Test() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.Test
- test(M) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.check.ConvexityCheck2D
- test(M) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.check.OrientationCheck2D
- test(M) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.check.TransformMatrixConditionCheck
- test(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.KNNCharacterClassifier
Run a bunch of tests to determine how good the classifier is.
- test(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.DateFilter
- test(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.GeoFilter
- test(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.GrepFilter
- test(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.IsReplyFilter
- test(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.LanguageFilter
- test(USMFStatus) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.RandomFilter
- test(Context) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.context.ContextPredicateAdaptor
- test(T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.function.Predicate
Tests whether a specific object passes some criteria.
- test(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.predicates.And
- test(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.predicates.NegationPredicate
- test(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.function.predicates.Or
- Test - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn
- Test() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.Test
- test(int, int, SparseFloatArray[], double[], String) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- test(int, int, List<SparseFloatArray>, TDoubleArrayList, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- Test2 - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn
- Test2() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.Test2
- test_backtrack(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.LossFunction
- test_backtrack(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.loss.MatSquareLossFunction
- TestConnected - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel
- TestConnected() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel.TestConnected
- TestGUI - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.gui
Test GUI for the MSER extractor
- TestGUI() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.gui.TestGUI
This is the default constructor
- TestHarness - Class in org.openimaj.image.calibration
- TestHarness() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.calibration.TestHarness
- TestImageClass - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn
- TestImageClass() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.TestImageClass
- Testing - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training
- Testing() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.Testing
- Testing - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog
- Testing() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.Testing
- testOne(SparseFloatArray, double, double[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- testSingleEllipseFromMatlab() - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
Check the overlap of a single ellipse using covariance numbrers loaded
from matlab
- TestSplitProvider<OUT extends Dataset<?>> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split
An object that can provide a test dataset.
- TestStats() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.ClusterTestDataLoader.TestStats
- TestTopology - Class in backtype.storm.spout
- TestTopology() - Constructor for class backtype.storm.spout.TestTopology
- TestTopology.FailEveryOther - Class in backtype.storm.spout
- text - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.RawTextAnnotation
The original text.
- text - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- text - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
Microblog text / Video Title / Etc
- TEXT_MODE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.mathml.MathMLFontStyle
- TextByteByteStage - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
A helper class for a common stage type.
- TextByteByteStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.TextByteByteStage
- TextBytesJobUtil - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce
Utility methods for creating Job
s that injest and output Text
keys and BytesWritable
- TextBytesJobUtil() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.TextBytesJobUtil
- TextBytesSequenceFileUtility - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile
A concrete implementation of a
s with
keys and
- TextBytesSequenceFileUtility(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.TextBytesSequenceFileUtility
- TextBytesSequenceFileUtility(String, SequenceFile.CompressionType, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.TextBytesSequenceFileUtility
- TextBytesSequenceFileUtility(String, SequenceFile.CompressionType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.TextBytesSequenceFileUtility
- TextBytesSequenceFileUtility(URI, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.TextBytesSequenceFileUtility
- TextBytesSequenceFileUtility(URI, SequenceFile.CompressionType, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.TextBytesSequenceFileUtility
- TextBytesSequenceFileUtility(URI, SequenceFile.CompressionType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.TextBytesSequenceFileUtility
- TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans
- TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(String, SequenceFile.CompressionType, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(String, SequenceFile.CompressionType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(URI, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(URI, SequenceFile.CompressionType, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility(URI, SequenceFile.CompressionType) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.fastkmeans.TextBytesSequenceMemoryUtility
- TextDaySplitStage - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter
- TextDaySplitStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.TextDaySplitStage
- TextEntryType - Enum in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode
The types of stats that can be held
- TextExtractor<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.image.text.extraction
An interface for classes that are able to extract text from images.
- TextExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.TextExtractor
- TextFileDataset - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.dataset
A simple dataset of people and their images, backed by a
text file with the following format:
- TextFileDataset(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.dataset.TextFileDataset
Construct from the given file.
- TextFileDataset(File, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.dataset.TextFileDataset
Construct from the given file, using the given separator.
- TextLineIterable - Class in org.openimaj.util.iterator
that can provide access to lines of a text file
referenced by a
- TextLineIterable(TextLineIterable.Provider) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.iterator.TextLineIterable
Construct with the given provider
- TextLineIterable(File) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.iterator.TextLineIterable
Construct with the given file
- TextLineIterable(File, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.iterator.TextLineIterable
Construct with the given file and charset
- TextLineIterable(URL, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.iterator.TextLineIterable
Construct with the given url and charset
- TextLineIterable(URL) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.iterator.TextLineIterable
Construct with the given url
- TextLineIterable.GZIPFileProvider - Class in org.openimaj.util.iterator
- TextLineIterable.Provider - Interface in org.openimaj.util.iterator
- TextLongByteStage - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
A helper class for a common stage type.
- TextLongByteStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.TextLongByteStage
- TextPipeAnnotation - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations
- TextPipeAnnotation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.TextPipeAnnotation
- textRegionDetection(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic
Calculate the feature map that give the approximate localisation of
candidate text regions.
- textRegionLocalisation(FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.LiuSamarabanduTextExtractorBasic
Extract the regions that probably contain text (as given by the feature
- TextSequenceFileStage<MAP_OUTPUT_KEY,MAP_OUTPUT_VALUE,OUTPUT_KEY,OUTPUT_VALUE> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
A helper class for a common stage type.
- TextSequenceFileStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.TextSequenceFileStage
- TextSomethingTextStage<MAPOUTKEY,MAPOUTVALUE> - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
A helper class for a common stage type.
- TextSomethingTextStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.TextSomethingTextStage
- TextStage - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
A stage that takes text in and spits text out
- TextStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.TextStage
- TextTextByteStage - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper
A helper class for a common stage type.
- TextTextByteStage() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.mapreduce.stage.helper.TextTextByteStage
- tf - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDF
Number of tweets in this timeperiod
- tf_iterator() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.samples.FloatSampleBuffer
Returns a trove float iterator
- TFF - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util
The TFF data format is the word clue format used by OpinionFinder.
- TFF() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF
instatiate the clue map and the clue list
- TFF.Clue - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util
A particular clue
- TFF.Polarity - Enum in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util
The polarity of this word in this POS
- TFF.Pos - Enum in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util
The Part of Speech of this clue.
- TFF.Type - Enum in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util
The subjectivity leve
- TFFCountSentiment - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type
A Discrete count sentiment is one which a set of arbitrary sentiments are given a count in a given phrase .
- TFFCountSentiment() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.TFFCountSentiment
all weights set to 0
- TFFCountSentiment(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.TFFCountSentiment
- TH - Static variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.HState
Top horizontal edge
- theta - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint.AffineSimulationKeypointLocation
The rotation angle
- theta - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineParams
The angle of rotation
- Thicken - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology
Morphological thickening of connected components and (assumed binary) FImages.
- Thicken(StructuringElement...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Thicken
Construct the thickening operator with the given structuring element
- Thin - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology
Morphological thinning of connected components and (assumed binary) FImages.
- Thin(StructuringElement...) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.Thin
Construct the thinning operator with the given structuring element
- ThinSingularValueDecomposition - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix
Thin SVD based on Adrian Kuhn's wrapper around ARPACK.
- ThinSingularValueDecomposition(Matrix, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThinSingularValueDecomposition
Perform thin SVD on matrix, calculating at most ndims dimensions.
- ThinSingularValueDecomposition(Matrix, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThinSingularValueDecomposition
Perform thin SVD on matrix, calculating at most ndims dimensions.
- ThinSvdPrincipalComponentAnalysis - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca
Compute the PCA using a thin SVD to extract the best-n principal
components directly.
- ThinSvdPrincipalComponentAnalysis(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.ThinSvdPrincipalComponentAnalysis
- thirdVertex() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- Thread - Interface in orgrdfs.sioc.ns
A container for a series of threaded discussion Posts or Items.
- ThreadedMatrixMulti - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix
Perform a multithreaded matrix multiplication
- ThreadedMatrixMulti() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThreadedMatrixMulti
- ThreadedMatrixMulti(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThreadedMatrixMulti
- threadpool - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.KMeansConfiguration
The threadpool for parallel processing
- thresh - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.BasicMatcher
- threshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.binarypattern.LocalTernaryPattern
- Threshold(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.IPDSelectionMode.Threshold
- threshold(Float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Set all values less than the given threshold to 0 and all others to 1.
- threshold(Q) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Set all values less than the given threshold to 0 and all others to 1.
- threshold(T) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Sets the value of any pixel below the given threshold to zero and all
others to 1 for all bands.
- threshold(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Set all values less than the given threshold to 0 and all others to 1.
- threshold(Float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- threshold(SparseMatrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Set values below the given threshold to zero in the output matrix.
- Threshold - Class in org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor
A similarity matrix processor that sets all values
less than a threshold to 0 and all other values to
- Threshold(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.Threshold
Default constructor.
- threshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.Threshold
- threshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
- threshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.classification.StumpClassifier
The threshold which is the feature is tested against
- threshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.incremental.IncrementalSparseClusterer
- threshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- threshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecision
Feature threshold
- threshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.extraction.FaceExtractorToolOptions
The shot differential threshold to use for the shot boundary detector
- threshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
The threshold to use to determine a shot boundary - this default is arbitrary
- ThresholdDistanceCheck - Class in org.openimaj.math.util.distance
Implementation of a
that tests the distance against a
fixed threshold.
- ThresholdDistanceCheck(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.util.distance.ThresholdDistanceCheck
Construct with the given threshold for checking the distance.
- ThresholdDoubleArrayKernelPerceptron - Class in org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron
An implementation of a simple
which works with
double array inputs and is binary.
- ThresholdDoubleArrayKernelPerceptron(VectorKernel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.ThresholdDoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- ThresholdDoubleArrayKernelPerceptron(double, double, VectorKernel) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.ThresholdDoubleArrayKernelPerceptron
- ThresholdSegmenter - Class in org.openimaj.image.segmentation
Simple wrapper to make thresholding algorithms into
s by
applying the thresholding operation and then gathering the pixel sets
belonging to each segment.
- ThresholdSegmenter(Processor<FImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.segmentation.ThresholdSegmenter
Construct with the given thresholding algorithm implementation.
- thriftClientIterator(List<KestrelServerSpec>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.kestrel.KestrelServerSpec
- throughput - Variable in class backtype.storm.spout.AckStats
The measured throughput
- thumbnail - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.Link
Direct href to thumbnail for item
- tick() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.ExtractionState
- TICK_FONT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- TICKS_PER_DEGREE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
- TICKS_PER_RADIAN - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
- TICKS_PER_REVOLUTION - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
- ticksPerBeat - Variable in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode
Standard MIDI is generally 120 ticks per beat
- tilt - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint.AffineSimulationKeypointLocation
The amount of tilt
- tilt - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineParams
The amount of tilt
- tilt_angle() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_raw_tilt_state
- tilt_angle(byte) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_raw_tilt_state
- tilt_status() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_raw_tilt_state
< State of the tilt motor (stopped, moving, etc...)
C type : freenect_tilt_status_code
- tilt_status(IntValuedEnum<libfreenectLibrary.freenect_tilt_status_code>) - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.freenect_raw_tilt_state
< State of the tilt motor (stopped, moving, etc...)
C type : freenect_tilt_status_code
- tiltSum - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.SummedSqTiltAreaTable
The tilted sum data
- Time - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.experiment.annotations
An annotation to mark that you want the execution time
of a method to be recorded during an experiment.
- time - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.JacardIndex
current time period
- time - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineMarker
The time of the marker
- TIME_DELTA - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeTimeWord
- TIME_ELDEST - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.CumulativeTimeWord
- TimeBasedValueAnimator<T> - Class in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
An animator that will animate a value over a given time period.
- TimeBasedValueAnimator(T, T, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.animation.animator.TimeBasedValueAnimator
- TimeClassTransformer - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.agent
that dynamically augments classes and methods
annotated with
annotations in order to register and collect the
method timing information.
- TimeClassTransformer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.TimeClassTransformer
- Timecode - Interface in org.openimaj.time
A top-level interface for objects that are able to represent
instants in temporal media.
- timecode - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.ShotBoundary
The timecode of the shot boundary
- timecode - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoKeyframe
The timecode of the keyframe
- timecode - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.VideoFrame
The timecode of the frame
- TIMECOUNT_DIR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod
option for the timecount dir location
- TIMEDELTA - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
The time delta between time periods
- TimeFrequency() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder.TimeFrequency
- TimeFrequency(long, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder.TimeFrequency
initialise, presumed to be at the beginning of some time period so
the cumulative == the period frequency
- TimeFrequencyHolder - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf
- TimeFrequencyHolder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder
- TimeFrequencyHolder.TimeFrequency - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf
Holds the number of a thing at a moment in time and the total number of
that thing seen across all time
- timeFromBinaryIdentity(byte[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- timeFromBinaryIdentity(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- TimeIndex - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv
- TimeIndex() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.TimeIndex
- timeIndex - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordTimeValue
- TimeIndex.Map - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv
Emits each word with the total number of times the word was seen
- TimeIndex.Reduce - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv
Writes each word,count
- TIMEINDEX_FILE - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod
A time index holding tweet totals and cumulative totals for each time
- TIMEINDEX_LOCATION_PROP - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod
A time index holding tweet totals and cumulative totals for each time
- TimeIndexReducer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod.TimeIndexReducer
- TimeKeeper<T extends Timecode> - Interface in org.openimaj.time
A time keeper knows what time it is.
- Timeline - Class in org.openimaj.vis.timeline
A timeline visualisation.
- Timeline(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline
Default constructor
- Timeline.TimelineMarker - Class in org.openimaj.vis.timeline
Timeline markers that are drawn onto a timeline
- Timeline.TimelineMarkerType - Enum in org.openimaj.vis.timeline
Different type of markers.
- Timeline.TimelineObjectPlotter - Class in org.openimaj.vis.timeline
- Timeline.TimelineTrack - Class in org.openimaj.vis.timeline
Represents a track in the timeline.
- TimelineMarker() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineMarker
- TimelineObject - Interface in org.openimaj.vis.timeline
An object that can be drawn into a timeline needs to be able to provide
the start and end time of its data, and also be able to accept a size
at which it should draw itself.
- TimelineObjectAdapter<T> - Class in org.openimaj.vis.timeline
A timeline object is a temporal object and is able to drawn sections
of temporal data into a given viewport.
- TimelineObjectAdapter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.TimelineObjectAdapter
Default constructor.
- TimelineObjectPlotter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineObjectPlotter
- TimelineTrack(String, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineTrack
Instantiate a new track with the given label.
- timeMap - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.restoration.inpainting.AbstractFMMInpainter
The space-time map (T)
- TimePatternProvider - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns
A regex to match times which look like: 18:00h
- TimePatternProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.TimePatternProvider
- timeperiod - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TimeperiodTweetCountWordCount
The timeperiod of these counts
- timeperiod - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDF
the measurment time period
- TIMEPERIOD_COUNT_OUTPUT_ROOT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
The root directory where timeperiod pair counts will be stored
- TIMEPERIOD_OUTPUT_NAME - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairMutualInformation
Name of the timeperiod count directory
- timeperiods() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- TimeperiodTweetCountWordCount - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils
Class encapsulating a number of tweets across which certain words were seen
- TimeperiodTweetCountWordCount() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TimeperiodTweetCountWordCount
empty words and 0 tweets
- TimeperiodTweetCountWordCount(long, long, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TimeperiodTweetCountWordCount
- timePMIBinary(long, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.sort.PMIPairSort
write time pmi to a byte array
- timer() - Static method in class org.openimaj.time.NanoTimer
- Timer - Class in org.openimaj.time
Timer instances let you track time from start to end of some
- Timer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.time.Timer
Create a timer.
- timer() - Static method in class org.openimaj.time.Timer
- times(double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseVector
- times(double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
- times(double[][], double) - Static method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Util
Multiply by constant
- times(double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
Multiply by a constant, creating a new vector
- times(DiagonalMatrix, SparseMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Left multiply two matrices: R = D .
- times(SparseMatrix, DiagonalMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Right multiply two matrices: R = A .
- times(Matrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Multiply a matrix by a constant inplace, returning the matrix.
- times(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThreadedMatrixMulti
- times(double[][], double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThreadedMatrixMulti
- timesEquals(double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseVector
- timesEquals(double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
- timesEquals(double) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
Multiply by a constant in-place
- TimeSeries<DATA,SINGLE_TYPE,RETURNTYPE extends TimeSeries<DATA,SINGLE_TYPE,RETURNTYPE>> - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries
A time series defines data at discrete points in time.
- TimeSeries() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- TimeSeriesArithmaticOperator<DATA,TS extends TimeSeries<?,DATA,TS>> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries
An object which defines a set of arithmatic operations of the represented time series
A collection of time series which share exactly the same time steps.
- TimeSeriesCollection() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
initialise the underlying time series holder
- TimeSeriesCollectionAggregator<TIMESERIES extends TimeSeries<?,?,TIMESERIES>,TSCOLLECTION extends TimeSeriesCollection<?,?,?,TIMESERIES>,OUTPUT> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.aggregator
A time series collection aggregators take as input a time series collection
and output a specified type
- TimeSeriesCollectionAssignable<DATA,TS extends TimeSeries<?,DATA,TS>> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection
An object which can initialise a time series based on two java collections for time and data
- TimeSeriesConverter<INPUTALL,INPUTSINGLE,INPUTTS extends TimeSeries<INPUTALL,INPUTSINGLE,INPUTTS>,OUTPUTALL,OUTPUTSINGLE,OUTPUTTS extends TimeSeries<OUTPUTALL,OUTPUTSINGLE,OUTPUTTS>> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.converter
- timeSeriesHolder - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.TimeSeriesCollection
- TimeSeriesInterpolation - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation
Interpolate values of a time series.
- TimeSeriesInterpolation() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.TimeSeriesInterpolation
The processor's times are set to default, i.e.
- TimeSeriesInterpolation(long, long, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.TimeSeriesInterpolation
- TimeSeriesInterpolation(long, int, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.TimeSeriesInterpolation
- TimeSeriesInterpolation(long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.TimeSeriesInterpolation
- TimeSeriesInterpolation(long[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.TimeSeriesInterpolation
- TimeSeriesProcessor<ALLDATA,SINGLEDATA,TIMESERIES extends TimeSeries<ALLDATA,SINGLEDATA,TIMESERIES>> - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor
A time series processor alters a type of
in place.
- TimeSeriesSetException - Exception in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries
Thrown if time series are set with insufficient times/dates
- TimeSeriesSetException(String) - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeriesSetException
Constructs a new TimeSeriesSetException with the given message.
- TimeSeriesSetException() - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeriesSetException
Constructs a new TimeSeriesSetException with the default message.
- timesInplace(Matrix, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Multiply a matrix by a constant, storing the results in the input matrix.
- timesInplace(SparseMatrix, SparseMatrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- timesInplace(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- TimeSpanUtils - Class in org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.util
Some utility functions used by various
classes to get
arrays of spans of time
- TimeSpanUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.processor.interpolation.util.TimeSpanUtils
- TimeSplitMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.reddit
The time split attempts to read times from the json items provided and splits
- TimeSplitMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.reddit.TimeSplitMode
- timestamp - Variable in class backtype.storm.spout.AckStats
The time measurment was taken
- timestamp - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEAMessage
- timestamp - Variable in class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer.SequencerEvent
The time at which the sequenced action should happen
- TimeTracker - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.agent
A class for tracking various execution times and generating
- TimeTracker() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.TimeTracker
- TimeWordJacardIndex - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard
Count word instances (not occurences) across times.
- TimeWordJacardIndex() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.TimeWordJacardIndex
- TimeWordMapper - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard
- TimeWordMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.jacard.TimeWordMapper
- title() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
The title of the work
- title - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus.Link
Title of item
- title - Variable in class orgrdfs.sioc.ns.PostImpl
This is the title (subject line) of the Post.
- titleSeparatorRe - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.Regexps
- tm - Variable in class org.openimaj.storm.tool.StormToolOptions
The topology
- TmblrPhotoConsumer - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
Using a tumblr API key turn a Tmblr URL to an image id and call the tumblr
API's posts function.
- TmblrPhotoConsumer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TmblrPhotoConsumer
- TmblrPhotoConsumer(TumblrAPIToken) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TmblrPhotoConsumer
Construct with the given api token
- tmOp - Variable in class org.openimaj.storm.tool.StormToolOptions
- TN - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
The total number of pairs in different clusters which belong to different classes
- to - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.graph.SimpleEdge
Second vertex
- to_users - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
List of to users
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- toArray(V[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
Convert this view to an array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
Convert this view to an array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
Convert this view to an array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
Convert this view to an array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
Convert this view to an array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
Convert this view to an array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray(byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray(double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray(float[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray(int[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray(long[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray(short[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
Convert this sparse array to a dense array.
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this queue, in proper
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this queue, in proper
sequence; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified
- toArray(E[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.list.AbstractFileBackedList
- toArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- toArray(E[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.set.DisjointSetForest
- toByteImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Convert the image to a byte representation suitable for writing to a pnm
type format.
- toByteImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Convert the image to a byte representation suitable for writing to a pnm
type format.
- toByteImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Convert the image to a byte representation suitable for writing to a pnm
type format.
- toByteImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- toClusters() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.cluster.ClusterEvalDataset
- toColJama(Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- toCSVString() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- toEllipse() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
- toFImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Returns a mask image for this connected component that will be the size
of this component's bounding box.
- toFImage(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Returns a mask image for this connected component that will be the size
of this component's bounding box plus a border of the given amount of
- toFloatFV(DoubleFV) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.conversion.FVConverter
- toFloatFV(FeatureVector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.feature.conversion.FVConverter
- togglePause() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Pause or resume the display.
- toIdentifiable() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ReadableListDataset
Create a view of this dataset in which the instances are wrapped up in
- toImage(IVideoPicture) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.xuggle.XuggleVideo.MBFImageConverter
- toJama(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- toJavaDefinition(String, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
Outputs a Java definition for the property, including a comment if there
is a comment for the property.
- toJavaString(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Format a matrix as a single-line string suitable for using in java
- toJson() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
- tok1count - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairUnaryCount
count of token 1 pairs
- tok2count - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairUnaryCount
count of token 2 pairs
- Token - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.util.api.auth
Metadata describing an API token
- TOKEN_MODEL_PROP - Static variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPTokenAnnotator
- TokenAnnotation - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations
- TokenAnnotation(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.TokenAnnotation
- TokenFactory - Interface in org.openimaj.util.api.auth
Interface describing a class capable of providing API tokens.
- tokenise(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.DefaultTokenAnnotator
- tokenise(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotators.OpenNLPTokenAnnotator
- TokeniseMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing
Use the twokeniser to tokenise tweets
- TokeniseMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TokeniseMode
literally do nothing
- TokenListSentimentAnnotator<EXTRACTOR extends FeatureExtractor<?,List<String>>,CLONETYPE extends SentimentAnnotator<List<String>,CLONETYPE>> - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model
A sentiment annotator which can deal with word tokens
- TokenListSentimentAnnotator(EXTRACTOR) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.TokenListSentimentAnnotator
- TokenMatchMode - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match
- TokenMatchMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match.TokenMatchMode
- TokenPairCount - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count
A pair of strings with 2 distinct counts:
number of times the pair appears together in a document
- TokenPairCount() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- TokenPairCount(String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- TokenPairCount(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- TokenPairKeyComparator - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count
Read a tokenpair and make sure the single words appear before the pair words
- TokenPairKeyComparator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairKeyComparator
- TokenPairPartitioner - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count
- TokenPairPartitioner() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairPartitioner
- TokenPairUnaryCount - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count
A Pair count with a unary count for each item of the pair.
- TokenPairUnaryCount() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairUnaryCount
- TokenPairUnaryCount(String, String, long, long, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairUnaryCount
- TokenPairUnaryCount(TokenPairCount, long, long) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairUnaryCount
- TokenPairValueGroupingComparator - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count
Read a tokenpair and make sure the single words appear before the pair words
- TokenPairValueGroupingComparator() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairValueGroupingComparator
- TokenRegexMapper - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match
For each tweet match each token against each regex.
- TokenRegexMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match.TokenRegexMapper
- TokenRegexStage - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match
If tokens in set of terms spit out the whole line, otherwise ignore.
- TokenRegexStage(List<String>, String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.match.TokenRegexStage
- TOKENS_ALL - Static variable in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TokeniseMode
- TOKENS_PROTECTED - Static variable in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TokeniseMode
- TOKENS_UNPROTECTED - Static variable in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TokeniseMode
- TokenSentimentAnnotator<EXTRACTOR extends FeatureExtractor<?,String>,CLONETYPE extends SentimentAnnotator<String,CLONETYPE>> - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model
A sentiment annotator which can deal with word tokens
- TokenSentimentAnnotator(EXTRACTOR) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.TokenSentimentAnnotator
- tokensMatched - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.NamedEntityAnnotation
Tokens matched by this Named Entity
- toMatlabString(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Format a matrix as a single-line string suitable for using in matlab or
- toMLArray(String, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Convert a matlab MLArray
to a Matrix
- toMTJ(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- ToolMode - Interface in org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.modes
- toOrderedArray() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this queue.
- toOrderedArray(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Returns a sorted array containing all of the elements in this queue; the
runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
- toOrderedArrayDestructive() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this queue.
- toOrderedArrayDestructive(T[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Returns a sorted array containing all of the elements in this queue; the
runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
- toOrderedList() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Create a new list with the contents of the queue and sort them into their
natural order, or the order specified by the
used in
constructing the queue.
- toOrderedListDestructive() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.queue.BoundedPriorityQueue
Create a new list with the contents of the queue with the elements
inserted in their natural order, or the order specified by the
used in constructing the queue.
- top - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeNode
Edge upper (x, y) coordinate
- top_node - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.AetTree
- top_node - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.LmtTable
- TOP_RIGHT_X - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- TOP_RIGHT_Y - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- toPackedARGBPixels() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Returns a 1D array representation of this image with each pixel
represented as a packed ARGB integer.
- toPackedARGBPixels() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Returns a 1D array representation of this image with each pixel
represented as a packed ARGB integer.
- toPackedARGBPixels() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.MultiBandImage
Returns a 1D array representation of this image with each pixel
represented as a packed ARGB integer.
- toPackedARGBPixels() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.SVGImage
- topicTotal - Variable in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAModel
The maximum likelihood sufficient statistics for estimation of Beta.
- topicWord - Variable in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAModel
The maximum likelihood sufficient statistics for estimation of Beta.
- topLeftMostPixel() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Gets the top-left most pixel within the connected component.
- topologyCleanup() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tool.StormToolOptions
- TopologyMode - Interface in org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology
A topoogy mode controls how a topology is submitted
- TopologyModeOption - Enum in org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology
Topology submission instructions.
- topologyName() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tool.StormToolOptions
- toPolygon() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent
Converts this connected component into a
by performing a 4-connected boundary trace and converting the resulting
pixels into vertices.
- TopPolygonNode - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon
- TopPolygonNode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.TopPolygonNode
- toPythonString(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Format a matrix as a single-line string suitable for using in python
- toRGB() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
- toRowJama(Vector) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
- toSettersAndGetters(String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
Generates setters and getters for the property.
- toSingleHistogram() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BlockHistogramModel
- toString() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
- toString() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- toString() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- toString() - Method in class org.lemurproject.ireval.SetRetrievalEvaluator
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioDevice
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioFormat
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.MelFilter
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.AudioTimecode
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.timecode.MeasuresBeatsTicksTimecode
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.util.WesternScaleNote
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.ListBackedDataset
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.MapBackedDataset
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSGroupDataset
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.demos.Demos.DemoObject
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.AggregatedCMResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.roc.ROCResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.AdjustedRandomIndexAnalysis
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.ClusterStatsAnalysis
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.FScoreAnalysis
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.NMIAnalysis
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.PurityAnalysis
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineClusterAnalysis
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomBaselineSMEAnalysis
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.RandomIndexAnalysis
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.IREvalResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.PrecisionAtNResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.TRECResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.ExperimentContext
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.gmm.retrieval.UKBenchGroupDataset
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.GroupedKFold
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.GroupedLeaveOneOut
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.KFold
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.LeaveOneOut
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.cross.StratifiedGroupedKFold
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ByteFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.CachingFeatureExtractor
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DiskCachingFeatureExtractor
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.FloatFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.IntFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.LongFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalByteFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalDoubleFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalFloatFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalIntFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalLongFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.MultidimensionalShortFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.ShortFV
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder.TimeFrequency
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.TimeFrequencyHolder
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.TokenPairCount
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.stats.StatsWordMatch
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDF
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDFTimeSeriesCollection
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.compass.CompassData
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectAcceleration
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.analysis.watershed.Component
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.Record
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.Response
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.camera.CameraIntrinsics
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.AffineInvariantMoments
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.HuMoments
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.astheticode.Aestheticode
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.ByteDSIFTKeypoint
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.FloatDSIFTKeypoint
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.affine.AffineSimulationKeypoint
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.SIFTGeoKeypoint
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
- toString(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.EigenImages
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.pixel.HistogramPixelModel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.FValuePixel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.GenericValuePixel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.IntValuePixel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BasicDescriptiveStatisticsModel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BlockHistogramModel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.FStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.HistogramModel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.MBFStatisticalPixelProfileModel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.alignment.IdentityAligner
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.Matcher.Match
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.benchmarking.Results
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.IdentityFaceDetector
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FKEFaceDetector
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.FaceFVComparator
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.LtpDtFeatureComparator
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.comparison.ReversedLtpDtFeatureComparator
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.EigenFaceFeature.Extractor
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.LocalLBPHistogram.Extractor
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.GaussianWeighting
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.LtpDtFeature.Extractor
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.TruncatedWeighting
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.benchmarking.dataset.TextFileDataset
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.EigenFaceRecogniser
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FisherFaceRecogniser
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackedFace
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.morphology.StructuringElement
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineParams
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.LetterCandidate
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Displays the complete list of vertices unless the number of vertices is
greater than 10 - then a sublist is shown of 5 from the start and 5 from
the end separated by ellipses.
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle3D
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.BundleState
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.OperationType
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel3d
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.pca.PrincipalComponentAnalysis
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.EigenValueVectorPair
- toString(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
Generate a
representation of a matrix.
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.processor.MultidimensionalScaling
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.model.LeastSquaresLinearModel
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.AbstractMultivariateGaussian
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.Complex
Text representation of this complex number.
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.ScoredAnnotation
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ByteCentroidsResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DBSCANClusters
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.DoubleNNDBSCAN
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.SparseMatrixDBSCAN
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.DoubleCentroidsResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FeatureVectorCentroidsResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.FloatCentroidsResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IndexClusters
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.IntCentroidsResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ByteKMeans
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.DoubleKMeans
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FeatureVectorKMeans
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.FloatKMeans
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalByteKMeansResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalDoubleKMeansResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalFloatKMeansResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalIntKMeansResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalLongKMeansResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.HierarchicalShortKMeansResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.IntKMeans
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.LongKMeans
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.ShortKMeans
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kmeans.SphericalKMeansResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.LongCentroidsResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecision
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rforest.RandomDecisionTree
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.ShortCentroidsResult
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.AbsoluteValueEigenChooser
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.DoubleSpectralClustering
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.HardCodedEigenChooser
- toString() - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralClusteringConf.ClustererProvider
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.spectral.SpectralClusteringConf.DefaultClustererFunction
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.BilinearLearnerParameters
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.regression.LinearRegression
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.collection.SynchronisedTimeSeriesCollection
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.ConcreteTimeSeries
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeries
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.series.DoubleTimeSeriesCollection
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.timeseries.TimeSeries
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.WriteableImageOutput
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.ClassDef
Outputs the Java class definition for this class def
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.util.graph.StormGraphCreator.NamedNode
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.WikipediaEditsDataset.WikipediaEdit
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.geo.WorldPlace
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.LanguageDetector.WeightedLocale
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NamedEntity
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentiment
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.DiscreteCountBipolarSentiment
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.time.Sequencer.SequencerEvent
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.samplebatch.SampleBatch
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.finance.YahooFinanceData
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.twitter.USMFStatus
- toString(double[], String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Format the array as a string, using the provided format
string to control how each value is printed.
- toString(float[], String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Format the array as a string, using the provided format
string to control how each value is printed.
- toString(int[], String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Format the array as a string, using the provided format
string to control how each value is printed.
- toString(long[], String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Format the array as a string, using the provided format
string to control how each value is printed.
- toString(byte[], String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Format the array as a string, using the provided format
string to control how each value is printed.
- toString(short[], String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Format the array as a string, using the provided format
string to control how each value is printed.
- toString(String[], String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Convert the array to a
by joining the elements with the
given glue.
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ByteArrayView
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.DoubleArrayView
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.FloatArrayView
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.IntArrayView
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.LongArrayView
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ShortArrayView
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingDroppingQueue
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteBytePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteDoublePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteFloatPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteIntPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteLongPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ByteShortPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleBytePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleDoublePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleFloatPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleIntPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleLongPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.DoubleShortPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatBytePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatDoublePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatFloatPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatIntPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatLongPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.FloatShortPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IndependentPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntBytePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntDoublePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntFloatPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntIntPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntLongPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.IntShortPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongBytePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongDoublePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongFloatPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongIntPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongLongPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.LongShortPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.Pair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortBytePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortDoublePair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortFloatPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortIntPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortLongPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.pair.ShortShortPair
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.utils.threads.InterruptibleCharSequence
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.capture.Device
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.FadeShotBoundary
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.ShotBoundary
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.FrameNumberVideoTimecode
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.timecode.HrsMinSecFrameTimecode
- toString(String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
Convert to string representation with the given format
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureHistory
- toString(String, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureList
Convert to a string representation with the given format.
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureList
- toString(String, boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureTable
Convert to a string representation.
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.FeatureTable
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation.Bar
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.world.WorldPlace
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.layout.ElementInfo
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Anchor
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.MappingNode
- toString() - Method in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient.ImgurTypeHash
- toStringImage() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Returns an ASCII representation of the connected component as a mask;
where the output is "1" for a pixel within the mask and "0" for a pixel
outside of the mask.
- total() - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.WeightedBipolarSentiment
- TOTAL_TIME - Static variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.dfidf.CountTweetsInTimeperiod.Map
A total of the number of tweets, must be ignored!
- TotalLexBuilder - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.lexicon
An implementation of Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown's approach to a
semisupervised method of building a bipolar sentiment lexicon.
- TotalLexBuilder(List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.lexicon.TotalLexBuilder
- TotalLexBuilder.Counter - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.lexicon
Easily incremented object for counting.
- totalSamples - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.rac.IntRAC
- toUndirectedUnweightedGraph(double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.similarity.SimilarityMatrix
Convert the similarity matrix to an unweighted, undirected
graph representation.
- toUnitVector() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Convert the line to a unit vector
- TP - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.cluster.analyser.DecisionAnalysis
The total number of pairs in a cluster which belong to the same class
- trace(Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
- track(FImage, int[], int, int, double, double, boolean) - Method in class com.jsaragih.Tracker
- track(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Track the face in the given frame.
- track(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
Track the face in the given frame.
- track(FImage, int[], int, int, double, double, boolean, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker
Track faces from a previous frame to the given frame.
- TrackedFace(Rectangle, MultiTracker.TrackerVars) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackedFace
- trackedFaces - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker
- Tracker - Class in com.jsaragih
The initial ported version of the CLMTracker that can only track a single
face in an image.
- TrackerVars() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.MultiTracker.TrackerVars
- trackFace(I) - Method in interface org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.FaceTracker
Given the image, can a face be tracked on the image.
- trackFace(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.KLTHaarFaceTracker
Given the image, can a face be tracked on the image.
- trackFeatures(FImage, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker
Tracks feature points from one image to the next.
- trackFeatures(FImage, FImage, PyramidSet, PyramidSet) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker
Tracks feature points from one image to the next.
- TrackingContext - Class in org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt
Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi tracker
- TrackingContext() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.TrackingContext
- trackObject(ObjectTracker<O, I>, Video<I>, VideoTimecode, Rectangle, ObjectTimeFinder.TimeFinderListener<O, I>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.timefinder.ObjectTimeFinder
Given a video, a keyframe (timecode) and a region of the image,
this method will attempt to track the the contents of the rectangle
from the given frame, back and forth to find the place
at which the object appears and disappears from the video.
- trackObject(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.BasicMBFImageObjectTracker
Track the object in the image.
- trackObject(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.BasicObjectTracker
Reset this tracker using the given image
- trackObject(I) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.processing.tracking.ObjectTracker
Track the object in the image.
- trackObject(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoObjectVisualisation
Tracks an object within the frame and returns a set of points
that somehow delineate the object or give its position.
- train(Annotated<DoubleFV, String>) - Method in class org.openimaj.audio.AudioAnnotator
Train/update object using a new instance.
- train(List<? extends FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.EigenImages
- train(Map<?, ? extends List<FImage>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.FisherImages
Train on a map of data.
- train(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<FImage>, FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.FisherImages
Train on a grouped dataset.
- train(List<? extends IndependentPair<?, FImage>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.FisherImages
- train(List<? extends T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.EigenFaceFeature.Extractor
- train(Dataset<? extends T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.EigenFaceFeature.Extractor
Train from a dataset
- train(List<? extends IndependentPair<?, T>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FisherFaceFeature.Extractor
- train(Map<?, ? extends List<T>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FisherFaceFeature.Extractor
Train on a map of data.
- train(GroupedDataset<KEY, ? extends ListDataset<T>, T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.FisherFaceFeature.Extractor
Train on a grouped dataset.
- train(Annotated<FACE, PERSON>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- train(Iterable<? extends Annotated<FACE, PERSON>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.AnnotatorFaceRecogniser
- train(GroupedDataset<PERSON, ListDataset<FImage>, FImage>) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
Train with a dataset
- train(PERSON, FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
Train the recogniser with a single example, returning the detected face.
- train(FACE, PERSON) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.recognition.FaceRecognitionEngine
Train for the given face patch without doing any face detection.
- train(byte[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteProductQuantiserUtilities
Learn a
by applying exact K-Means to
sub-vectors extracted from the given data.
- train(byte[][], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ByteProductQuantiserUtilities
Learn a
by applying exact K-Means to
sub-vectors extracted from the given data.
- train(double[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleProductQuantiserUtilities
- train(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.DoubleProductQuantiserUtilities
- train(float[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatProductQuantiserUtilities
- train(float[][], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.FloatProductQuantiserUtilities
- train(int[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntProductQuantiserUtilities
Learn a
by applying exact K-Means to
sub-vectors extracted from the given data.
- train(int[][], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.IntProductQuantiserUtilities
Learn a
by applying exact K-Means to
sub-vectors extracted from the given data.
- train(long[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongProductQuantiserUtilities
Learn a
by applying exact K-Means to
sub-vectors extracted from the given data.
- train(long[][], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.LongProductQuantiserUtilities
Learn a
by applying exact K-Means to
sub-vectors extracted from the given data.
- train(short[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortProductQuantiserUtilities
- train(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.knn.pq.ShortProductQuantiserUtilities
- train(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.whitening.PCAWhitening
- train(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.whitening.WhiteningTransform
Train the whitening transform with the given features.
- train(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.whitening.ZCAWhitening
- train(double[][]) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation.TrainableNormaliser
Train the normaliser.
- train(double[][]) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation.ZScore
- train(List<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.IndependentPriorRandomAnnotator
- train(Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.KNNAnnotator
- train(List<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.UniformRandomAnnotator
- train(List<? extends Annotated<O, A>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util.FixedChooser
- train(List<? extends Annotated<O, A>>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util.NumAnnotationsChooser
Train the chooser with the given data.
- train(List<? extends Annotated<O, A>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util.PriorChooser
- train(List<? extends Annotated<O, A>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.basic.util.RandomChooser
- train(GroupedDataset<ANNOTATION, ? extends ListDataset<OBJECT>, OBJECT>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.BatchAnnotator
Train the annotator with the given grouped dataset.
- train(Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.bayes.NaiveBayesAnnotator
- train(Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.FeatureCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
- train(Iterable<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.IncrementalAnnotator
Train the annotator with the given data.
- train(GroupedDataset<ANNOTATION, ? extends ListDataset<OBJECT>, OBJECT>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.IncrementalAnnotator
Train the annotator with the given grouped dataset.
- train(Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.InstanceCachingIncrementalBatchAnnotator
- train(List<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.DenseLinearTransformAnnotator
- train(List<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LiblinearAnnotator
- train(GroupedDataset<ANNOTATION, ? extends ListDataset<OBJECT>, OBJECT>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LiblinearAnnotator
- train(List<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LinearSVMAnnotator
- train(List<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.model.ModelAnnotator
- train(List<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.svm.SVMAnnotator
Train the object with the given data.
- train(List<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.training.BatchTrainer
Train the object with the given data.
- train(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.training.IncrementalTrainer
Train the object with the given data.
- train(T) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.training.IncrementalTrainer
Train/update object using a new instance.
- train(Locale, String, String) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.MarkovChainLanguageModel
Add an example to a language's markov chain
- train(Locale, InputStream) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.language.MarkovChainLanguageModel
Train a given language on a stream of text
- train(Iterable<? extends Annotated<List<String>, SENTIMENT>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.classifier.NaiveBayesSentimentAnnotator
- train() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ocr.KNNCharacterClassifier
Train the classifier by generating a bunch of random training examples
of characters in various fonts (using the
and using the features extracted from those images, train a nearest
neighbour classifier.
- train(DataSource<DATATYPE>) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.SGD
- train(int, int, SparseFloatArray[], double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- train(int, int, List<SparseFloatArray>, TDoubleArrayList) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- TrainableNormaliser - Interface in org.openimaj.math.statistics.normalisation
Interface for
s that need to be pre-trained in order to
compute relevant statistics to perform the actual normalisation operation.
- TrainClassifier - Class in org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape
- TrainClassifier() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.classifier.citylandscape.TrainClassifier
- training - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.DefaultValidationData
- Training - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog
- Training() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.hog.Training
- trainModel(PrincipalComponentAnalysis.ComponentSelector, List<IndependentPair<PointList, I>>, PointDistributionModel.Constraint, LandmarkModelFactory<I>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.ActiveShapeModel
- trainModel(int, PrincipalComponentAnalysis.ComponentSelector, List<IndependentPair<PointList, I>>, PointDistributionModel.Constraint, LandmarkModelFactory<I>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.model.asm.MultiResolutionActiveShapeModel
- trainMultiClass(GroupedDataset<ANNOTATION, ? extends ListDataset<OBJECT>, OBJECT>) - Method in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.IncrementalAnnotator
Train the annotator with the given grouped dataset.
- trainOne(SparseFloatArray, double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.SvmSgd
- TrainSplitProvider<OUT extends Dataset<?>> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split
An object that can provide a training dataset.
- transf - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticKeyPoint
- transform(String, CtClass) - Method in interface org.openimaj.aop.ClassTransformer
Transform the given class
- transform(ClassLoader, String, Class<?>, ProtectionDomain, byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.aop.MultiTransformClassFileTransformer
- transform(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.aop.MultiTransformClassFileTransformer
Transform the given class.
- transform(String, CtClass) - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.ReferencesClassTransformer
- transform(String, CtClass) - Method in class org.openimaj.experiment.agent.TimeClassTransformer
- transform - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.EllipticInterestPointData
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.FImage
Apply a transform matrix to the image and returns the result as a new
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Apply a transform matrix to the image and returns the result as a new
- transform - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.TransformedDetection
The transform to be applied to the detected object to map it to the image
in which the detection was made.
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Affine transform the shape with the given transform matrix.
- transform(I, int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.PiecewiseMeshWarp
Transform the content of the input image into an output image of the
given dimensions.
- transform(Matrix) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
Transform a line.
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- transform(Matrix) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2d
Transform the point by the given matrix
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- transform(Matrix) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
Transform the point by the given matrix
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
Apply a 3x3 transform matrix to a copy of the
return it
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Apply a 3x3 transform matrix to a copy of the polygon and return it
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- transform(Matrix) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Shape
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- transform - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel
- transform - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.AffineTransformModel3d
- transform - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.algorithm.whitening.PCAWhitening
- transform - Variable in class org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.DenseLinearTransformAnnotator
- transform(Function<Stream<T>, Stream<R>>) - Method in class org.openimaj.util.stream.AbstractStream
- transform(Function<Stream<T>, Stream<R>>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.util.stream.Stream
Transform the stream using the given function to transform the items in
this stream.
- transform(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- transform(double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.vis.general.LabelTransformer
Transform the given value into a different label.
- transformAffine(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- transformAffineCovar(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- TransformedDetection<DETECTED_OBJECT> - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection
An object detection with an associated transform that maps the detection
shape to the image.
- TransformedDetection(DETECTED_OBJECT, Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.TransformedDetection
- TransformedSITR2d<M extends Model<Point2d,Point2d>> - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals
- TransformedSITR2d(Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.residuals.TransformedSITR2d
Construct with the given transforms
- TRANSFORMERS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.aop.classloader.ClassLoaderTransform
- TRANSFORMERS_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.aop.classloader.ClassLoaderTransform
- transformImage(I, int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineSimulation
Compute the transformed images based on the given number of tilts.
- transformImage(I, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineSimulation
Compute a single transformed image for a given rotation and tilt.
- transformImage(I, AffineParams) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineSimulation
Compute a single transformed image for a given rotation and tilt.
- transformInplace(Matrix) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
Inplace transform the point by the given matrix.
- transformMatrix() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
Get the transform matrix required to turn points on a unit circle into
the points on this ellipse.
- TransformMatrixConditionCheck<M extends Model<?,?> & MatrixTransformProvider> - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.check
A check for
s that produce transform matrices (via the
) that tests whether the condition number is
below a threshold.
- TransformMatrixConditionCheck(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.check.TransformMatrixConditionCheck
Construct the check with the given threshold.
- Transforms - Class in org.openimaj.image.colour
A collection of static methods for colour transformations
- Transforms() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.colour.Transforms
- transforms - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- transformsInverted - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.ProjectionProcessor
- transformToOriginal(Point2d, int, int, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineSimulation
Compute the position of a point in an image given the position in the
transformed image and the transform parameters.
- transformToOriginal(Point2d, Image<?, ?>, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineSimulation
Compute the position of a point in an image given the position in the
transformed image and the transform parameters.
- transformToOriginal(Point2d, int, int, AffineParams) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineSimulation
Compute the position of a point in an image given the position in the
transformed image and the transform parameters.
- transformToOriginal(Point2d, Image<?, ?>, AffineParams) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineSimulation
Compute the position of a point in an image given the position in the
transformed image and the transform parameters.
- transformToOriginal(Q, I, float, float) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.processing.transform.AffineSimulation
Transform the coordinates of the given points from a transformed image to
the original space.
- TransformUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms
A collection of static methods for creating transform matrices.
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- translate(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- translate(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.Keypoint
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- translate(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.quantised.QuantisedKeypoint
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- translate(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.Pixel
- translate(int, int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.PixelSet
Translates the region's pixels by x and y.
- translate(float, float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.GeometricObject2d
Translate the shapes position
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- translate(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.AbstractPoint2d
- translate(float, float) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2d
Translate the position of the point by the given amounts
- translate(Point2d) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2d
Translate the position of the point by the given amounts
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- translate(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point2dImpl
- translate(double, double, double) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
Translate the position of the point by the given amounts
- translate(Point3d) - Method in interface org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3d
Translate the position of the point by the given amounts
- translate(double, double, double) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- translate(Point3d) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.Point3dImpl
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.point.PointList
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Circle
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Ellipse
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Polygon
Translate the polygons position
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Rectangle
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.RotatedRectangle
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
- translate(float, float) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- translate(Point2d) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
- translateFrame(FImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.translator.FImageToMBFImageVideoTranslator
- translateFrame(MBFImage) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.translator.MBFImageToFImageVideoTranslator
- translateFrame(INPUT) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.translator.VideoTranslator
Translate the given input frame to the appropriate output frame.
- translateMatrix(double, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Construct a translation.
- translateToPointMatrix(Point2d, Point2d) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.TransformUtilities
Given two points, get a transform matrix that takes points from point a
to point b
- translation - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.camera.Camera
The position of this camera in world coordinates
- transpose(T) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Transpose a matrix, returning a new matrix.
- transposeDotProduct(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Compute A^T .
- transposeMultiply(Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Returns y = (A^T)x
- transposeMultiply(Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
- transposeMultiply(Vector) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
- transposeNonTransposeMultiply(Vector) - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Matrix
Returns y = (A^T)Ax
- transposeNonTransposeMultiply(Vector) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.DiagonalMatrix
- TRECEvalAnalyser<QUERY,DOCUMENT extends Identifiable> - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers
that uses the trec_eval commandline tool to
perform the analysis.
- TRECEvalAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.TRECEvalAnalyser
Default constructor
- TRECResult - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers
- TRECResult(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.retrieval.analysers.TRECResult
Construct with the given output from trec_eval
- TreeNode<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.util.tree
- TreeNodeImpl<T> - Class in org.openimaj.util.tree
- TreeNodeImpl() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
Construct an empty node.
- TreeNodeImpl(T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
Construct a node holding the given value.
- trees - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ByteKDTreeEnsemble
The tree roots
- trees - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.DoubleKDTreeEnsemble
The tree roots
- trees - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.FloatKDTreeEnsemble
The tree roots
- trees - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.IntKDTreeEnsemble
The tree roots
- trees - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.LongKDTreeEnsemble
The tree roots
- trees - Variable in class org.openimaj.knn.approximate.ShortKDTreeEnsemble
The tree roots
- TrendDetectionOutputListener - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper.output
Find trends using graphs for duplicate detection and graph cardinality for trend detection
- TrendDetectionOutputListener() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.output.TrendDetectionOutputListener
Construct the publishing connector
- TrendDetector - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper.client
A trend detector indexes new images and is able to tell you the n highest
trending sets of near duplicate images
- TrendDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.TrendDetector
instantiate the LSH
- TrendDetectorFeatureExtractor - Interface in org.openimaj.picslurper.client
- TrendDetectorFeatureMode - Enum in org.openimaj.picslurper.output
- trending(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.client.TrendDetector
- Triangle - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
A triangle shape
- Triangle(Point2d, Point2d, Point2d) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
Construct a Triangle with the given vertices.
- Triangle(Point2d[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
Construct a Triangle with the given vertices.
- TRIANGLE_BORDER - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- TRIANGLE_BORDER_COLOUR - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- TRIANGLE_BORDER_THICKNESS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- TRIANGLE_BORDER_TICK_THICKNESS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- TRIANGLE_BORDER_TICKS - Static variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryParams
- TriangleFilter - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters
A triangle filter for the resample function
- TriangleFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.filters.TriangleFilter
- triangles - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.CLMFaceDetector.Configuration
The face mesh
- triangles - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.tracking.clm.CLMFaceTracker
The face mesh
- triangles - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.TriangulatedPolygon
- TriangularFilter - Class in org.openimaj.audio.filters
A default non-isoceles triangular filter definition, where the low, mid
and top frequencies are defined.
- TriangularFilter(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.TriangularFilter
- triangulate(List<? extends Point2d>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.triangulation.DelaunayTriangulator
Trianglate a set of vertices.
- TriangulatedPolygon - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape
A polygon that has been broken into triangles.
- TriangulatedPolygon(Polygon) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.TriangulatedPolygon
- TriangulatedPolygon(Shape) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.TriangulatedPolygon
- triangulateFirst(List<? extends Pair<? extends Point2d>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency
- triangulateSecond(List<? extends Pair<? extends Point2d>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.demos.DTConsistency
- trim() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseMatrix
Trim each row
- trim() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
Trim the underlying dense arrays to compact space and save memory
- trim() - Method in class org.openimaj.image.Image
Removes zero-valued pixels from around the outside of the image.
- trimRe - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.Regexps
- TripleList - Annotation Type in org.openimaj.rdf.serialize
An annotation that marks a member of a class that is a Collection
object to be treated specially during serialization.
- tripleObjectsQuery(String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
- TripleSerialiser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.rdf.storm.utils.JenaStormUtils.TripleSerialiser
- tripleSubjectsQuery(String, String) - Static method in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.YagoQueryUtils
- TrueLanguageExperiment - Class in org.openimaj.twitter.experiments.langid
Perform an experiment, a set of tweets with a known language compared to the
's response
- TrueLanguageExperiment() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.experiments.langid.TrueLanguageExperiment
- TrueLanguageTwitterStatus - Class in org.openimaj.twitter.experiments.langid
A twitter status with a true language as ascribed by some users
- TrueLanguageTwitterStatus(Class<? extends GeneralJSON>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.experiments.langid.TrueLanguageTwitterStatus
- truncate(double[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates the given array to the given size.
- truncate(double[][], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates every element in the given array to the given size.
- truncate(float[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates the given array to the given size.
- truncate(float[][], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates every element in the given array to the given size.
- truncate(int[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates the given array to the given size.
- truncate(int[][], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates every element in the given array to the given size.
- truncate(long[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates the given array to the given size.
- truncate(long[][], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates every element in the given array to the given size.
- truncate(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates the given array to the given size.
- truncate(byte[][], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates every element in the given array to the given size.
- truncate(short[], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates the given array to the given size.
- truncate(short[][], int) - Static method in class org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils
Truncates every element in the given array to the given size.
- truncated - Variable in class org.openimaj.twitter.GeneralJSONTwitter
- TruncatedURLPatternProvider - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns
Some tweets end with ...
- TruncatedURLPatternProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.TruncatedURLPatternProvider
- TruncatedWeighting - Class in org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp
A truncated weighting scheme which cuts-off distances
beyond a threshold.
- TruncatedWeighting() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.TruncatedWeighting
Construct with the default distance threshold of 6
- TruncatedWeighting(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.feature.ltp.TruncatedWeighting
Construct with the given distance threshold.
- tryEachKestrelUntilBufferFilled() - Method in class backtype.storm.spout.KestrelThriftSpout
- Ttf - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDF
Total number of tweets in all timeperiods
- TumblrAPIToken - Class in org.openimaj.util.auth.web
API token for tumblr for methods using the api_key parameter
- TumblrAPIToken() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.auth.web.TumblrAPIToken
- tuningOfA - Static variable in class org.openimaj.audio.util.WesternScaleNote
The standing tuning is A=440Hz.
- Turntable - Class in org.openimaj.hardware.turntable
A simple controller for our serially connected electronic turntable.
- Turntable(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
Default constructor.
- turntableDevice - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.turntable.Turntable
- tweetcount - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TimeperiodTweetCountWordCount
The total number of tweets in this time period
- TweetCountWordMap - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils
Class encapsulating a number of tweets across which certain words were seen
- TweetCountWordMap() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TweetCountWordMap
empty words and 0 tweets
- TweetCountWordMap(int, TObjectIntHashMap<String>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.TweetCountWordMap
- TweetPreprocessingBolt - Class in org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.bolts
- TweetPreprocessingBolt(String, List<String>, String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.storm.tools.twitter.bolts.TweetPreprocessingBolt
- TweetTokeniser - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp
A tokeniser built to work with short text, like that found in twitter.
- TweetTokeniser(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.TweetTokeniser
- TweetTokeniserException - Exception in org.openimaj.text.nlp
An error of with the tweet tokeniser
- TweetTokeniserException() - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.text.nlp.TweetTokeniserException
- twelfthRootOfTwo - Static variable in class org.openimaj.audio.util.WesternScaleNote
The twelfth root of 2
- Twf - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.utils.WordDFIDF
Number of tweets containing this word in all timeperiods
- TwipleConsumer - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
A Twiple screen scraper
- TwipleConsumer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TwipleConsumer
- TwitPicConsumer - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
Use JSoup to load the twitpic page and find the img tag that has a source
which contains the string "photos" or "cloudfront"
- TwitPicConsumer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TwitPicConsumer
- twitter - Variable in class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.AbstractTwitterSearchDataset
- Twitter4JStreamFeeder - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
Uses the TwitterStreamFactory
of twitter4j and oAuth using
- Twitter4JStreamFeeder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.picslurper.Twitter4JStreamFeeder
- Twitter4jUtil - Class in org.openimaj.twitter.utils
Create a Twitter4j instance
- Twitter4jUtil() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.utils.Twitter4jUtil
- TwitterAPIToken - Class in org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common
An authentication token for the Twitter API.
- TwitterAPIToken() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.TwitterAPIToken
Construct an empty token.
- TwitterAPIToken(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.util.api.auth.common.TwitterAPIToken
Construct a token with the given parameters.
- TwitterInputStreamFactory - Class in org.openimaj.picslurper
Factory provides input streams to twitter, managing the disconnection of old
- TwitterOutputMode - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output
how the processing should be outputed
- TwitterOutputMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.TwitterOutputMode
- TwitterOutputModeOption - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output
Control how twitter analysis should be outputted
- TwitterPhotoConsumer - Class in org.openimaj.web.scraping.images
Download images from twitter's own image hosting service
- TwitterPhotoConsumer() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.TwitterPhotoConsumer
- TwitterPreprocessingFilter - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter
A filter takes in a status and filters the status (says whether it should remain or be deleted)
based on some internal process
- TwitterPreprocessingFilter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.TwitterPreprocessingFilter
- TwitterPreprocessingFilterOption - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter
The mode of the twitter processing tool
- TwitterPreprocessingMapper - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter
- TwitterPreprocessingMapper() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.TwitterPreprocessingMapper
- TwitterPreprocessingMode<T> - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing
A processing mode that is able to process a tweet and also typed on the data
which it analyses from the tweet (so it can return this data if required)
- TwitterPreprocessingMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TwitterPreprocessingMode
- TwitterPreprocessingModeOption - Enum in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing
The mode of the twitter processing tool
- TwitterPreprocessingPredicate - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter
A filter takes in a status and filters the status (says whether it should remain or be deleted)
based on some internal process
- TwitterPreprocessingPredicate() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.TwitterPreprocessingPredicate
- TwitterPreprocessingTool - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter
A tool for applying preprocessing to a set of tweets and outputting the results in json
- TwitterPreprocessingTool() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.TwitterPreprocessingTool
- TwitterPreprocessingToolOptions - Class in org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options
The single processing command line version of the twitter tool
- TwitterPreprocessingToolOptions(String[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.TwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- TwitterSearchDataset - Class in org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter
- TwitterSearchDataset(Query, TwitterAPIToken) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.TwitterSearchDataset
Construct the dataset from the given API token and query.
- TwitterSearchDataset(Query, TwitterAPIToken, BlockingDroppingQueue<Status>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.TwitterSearchDataset
Construct the dataset from the given API token, query and buffer.
- TwitterStatusList<T extends USMFStatus> - Interface in org.openimaj.twitter.collection
- TwitterStatusListUtils - Class in org.openimaj.twitter.collection
- TwitterStatusListUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.twitter.collection.TwitterStatusListUtils
- TwitterStreamDataset - Class in org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter
- TwitterStreamDataset(TwitterAPIToken) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.TwitterStreamDataset
Construct the dataset from the given API token.
- TwitterStreamDataset(TwitterAPIToken, BlockingDroppingQueue<Status>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.TwitterStreamDataset
Construct the dataset from the given API token and buffer.
- TwitterStreamFilterDataset - Class in org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter
- TwitterStreamFilterDataset(FilterQuery, TwitterAPIToken) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.TwitterStreamFilterDataset
Construct the dataset from the given API token.
- TwitterStreamFilterDataset(String[], TwitterAPIToken) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.TwitterStreamFilterDataset
Construct the dataset from the given API token.
- TwitterStreamFilterDataset(FilterQuery, TwitterAPIToken, BlockingDroppingQueue<Status>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.provider.twitter.TwitterStreamFilterDataset
Construct the dataset from the given API token and buffer.
- TwitterStuffPatternProvider - Class in org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns
Borrowed heavily from https://github.com/twitter/twitter-text-java
- TwitterStuffPatternProvider() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.text.nlp.patterns.TwitterStuffPatternProvider
- TwitterTokenMode - Interface in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode
A method of extracting tokens from twitter and outputting them in some way
- TwitterTokenModeOption - Enum in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode
A twitter tweet token counting mode
- TwitterTokenOutputMode - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode
- TwitterTokenOutputMode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.TwitterTokenOutputMode
- TwitterTokenOutputModeOption - Enum in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode
A twitter tweet token counting mode
- TwitterURLExtractor - Class in org.openimaj.stream.functions.twitter
This class implements a function that processes Twitter Status
objects to extract all the mentioned URLs.
- TwitterURLExtractor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.stream.functions.twitter.TwitterURLExtractor
- type - Variable in class org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.AbstractGetter
- type() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
The type of publication
- type() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap
- type - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.contour.Contour
The type of contour
- type - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypoint
The type of facial keypoint
- type - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d.IntersectionResult
The type of intersection
- type - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeNode
PolygonUtils / subject edge flag
- type - Variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
The type of this property
- type - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NamedEntity
Type of Named Entity
- type - Variable in class org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Clue
The clue subjectivity
- type() - Method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.StatusType
- type - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineMarker
The marker type
- type - Variable in class org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient.ImgurTypeHash
- typeMap - Static variable in class org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef
A map of XML Schema types to Java types
- v() - Method in enum org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.PerceptronClass
- val - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.AbstractStructureTensorIPD.Maxima
- val - Variable in class org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.Feature
value of feature
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result
- validate() - Method in class net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.clusterquantiser.HadoopClusterQuantiserOptions
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.globalfeature.HadoopGlobalFeaturesOptions
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.HadoopTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- validate(CmdLineParser) - Method in class org.openimaj.storm.tool.StormToolOptions
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.AbstractClusterQuantiserOptions
Validate the options
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterQuantiserOptions
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.ReferencesToolOpts
Validate the options, throwing a CmdLineException
if the
arguments are not valid.
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.DateFilter
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.GeoFilter
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.GrepFilter
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.LanguageFilter
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.TwitterPreprocessingFilter
Prepare the filter
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.TwitterPreprocessingPredicate
Prepare the filter
- validate(AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.SelectiveAnalysisOutputMode
- validate(AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.SelectiveAnalysisTwitterOutputMode
- validate(AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions) - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.TwitterOutputMode
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.TwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- validate() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.web.ReaderOptions
- validateData() - Method in class org.openimaj.vis.general.XYPlotVisualisation
Set up the min/max of the axes based on the data.
- validateInput(InOutToolOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
- validateLocalInput(InOutToolOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.FileToolsUtil
Validate the (local) input from an
and return
the corresponding file.
- validateLocalOutput(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.PicSlurper
Validate the (local) ouput from an String and return the corresponding
- validateLocalOutput(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.picslurper.StormPicSlurper
Validate the (local) ouput from an String and return the corresponding
- validateLocalOutput(InOutToolOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.FileToolsUtil
Validate the (local) ouput from an
and return
the corresponding file.
- validateLocalOutput(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.FileToolsUtil
Validate the (local) ouput from an String and return the corresponding
- validateLocalOutput(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.tools.FileToolsUtil
Validate the (local) ouput from an String and return the corresponding
- validateOutput(InOutToolOptions) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
- validateOutput(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.HadoopToolsUtil
- ValidateSplitProvider<OUT extends Dataset<?>> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.dataset.split
An object that can provide a validation dataset.
- validation - Variable in class org.openimaj.experiment.validation.DefaultValidationData
- ValidationData<DATASET extends Dataset<?>> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.validation
Data for performing validation.
- ValidationOperation<DATASET extends Dataset<?>,ANALYSIS_RESULT> - Interface in org.openimaj.experiment.validation
Interface describing the contract for classes which can
perform a the operations required for a single round
of validation.
- ValidationRunner - Class in org.openimaj.experiment.validation
Utility methods for performing validation and cross validation.
- validPoints(List<Ellipse>, Image<?, ?>, Matrix) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.experiment.IPDRepeatability
Use the transform to call find the location sourceImage.getBounds() in
another image.
- validRegion(List<PAIRTYPE>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.ml.clustering.dbscan.neighbourhood.RegionMode
- validTotal - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.tool.ImageCollectionProcessorJob.ProcessorJobEvent
- valsToIndex(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatrixUtils
- value - Variable in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.Eigenvalues
The eigenvalues
- value - Variable in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.SingularValues
Singular values
- value - Variable in class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector.Entry
The value
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.correlation.WordDFIDFValue
- value - Variable in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_format
- value() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_format
- value - Variable in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device_flags
- value() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device_flags
- value - Variable in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_led_options
- value() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_led_options
- value - Variable in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_loglevel
- value() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_loglevel
- value - Variable in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution
- value() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution
- value - Variable in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_tilt_status_code
- value() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_tilt_status_code
- value - Variable in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_format
- value() - Method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_format
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.FValuePixel
The value of the pixel
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.GenericValuePixel
The value of the pixel
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.IntValuePixel
The value of the pixel
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.Readable2DArrayBinary
The underlying Matrix
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableArrayBinary
The underlying list
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableListBinary
The underlying list
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadableMapBinary
The backing map
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableByte
The underlying value
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableDouble
The underlying value
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableFloat
The underlying value
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableInt
The underlying value
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableListBinary
The underlying list
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableLong
The underlying value
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableShort
The underlying value
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.ReadWriteableString
The underlying value
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.Writeable2DArrayBinary
The underlying array
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.WriteableArrayBinary
The underlying array
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.WriteableListBinary
The underlying list.
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.io.wrappers.WriteableMapBinary
The underlying map.
- value(RealVector) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.Base
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray.Entry
The value of the array at the index
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray.Entry
The value of the array at the index
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray.Entry
The value of the array at the index
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray.Entry
The value of the array at the index
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray.Entry
The value of the array at the index
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray.Entry
The value of the array at the index
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.tree.TreeNodeImpl
The value of the node.
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.general.BarVisualisation.Bar
The value (height) of the bar
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.ternary.TernaryPlot.TernaryData
the value at a,b,c
- value(SparseAutoencoder.Model, double[]) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.featlearn.SparseAutoencoder
- value(MODEL, DATATYPE) - Method in interface org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.ObjectiveFunction
- value - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.KeyedParameters.ObjectDoubleEntry
- value(MODEL, DATATYPE) - Method in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.SGD
- ValueAnimator<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.content.animation.animator
Interface for objects capable of "animating" a value;
that is providing a new value everytime
called, subject to some constraints.
- valueClass - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.LocalFeatureListIndex
- ValueClassifier - Class in org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar
A classifier that just returns a constant value.
- ValueClassifier(float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.ValueClassifier
Construct with the given value.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.jsaragih.IO.Types
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo._Fields
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.audio.AudioAnnotator.AudioAnnotatorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.audio.conversion.BitDepthConverter.BitDepthConversionAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.audio.conversion.SampleRateConverter.SampleRateConversionAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.audio.filters.EQFilter.EQType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.citation.annotation.output.StandardFormatters
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.citation.annotation.ReferenceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMAnalyser.Strategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.ByteFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.FloatFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.IntFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.LongFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.ShortFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFVComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.NamingStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.DownloadMapper.Counters
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.InputMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.EXIFOutputMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.ListModeOptions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.ReducerModeOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.WritablePairEnum
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.TextEntryType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.TwitterTokenModeOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Method in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.WritableEnumCounter
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.TwitterTokenOutputModeOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_format
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device_flags
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_led_options
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_loglevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_tilt_status_code
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_format
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectLEDMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectTiltStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.ImageInterpolation.InterpolationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.QuestionResponse
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.ARGBPlane
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.ChessboardCornerFinder.Options
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourSpace
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler.Algorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor.BasicShapeDescriptorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor.ColourDescriptorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.contour.ContourType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Aspect
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Color
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Freshness
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.ImageContent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.ImageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.License
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.SafeSearch
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Size
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset.Size
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning.FixedHOGStrategy.BlockNormalisation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.global.AvgBrightness.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Colorfulness.ColorfulnessAttr
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.global.HueStats.ToneAttr
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator.MSERDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.Image.Field
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerDataBuilder.StandardPostProcesses
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.HaarFeatureType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.FLineSampler
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.FaceDetectorFeatures
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector.BuiltInCascade
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypoint.FacialKeypointType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(int) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypoint.FacialKeypointType
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.mask.MatteGenerator.MatteType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRenderOptions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.renderer.RenderHints.DrawingAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle.HorizontalAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle.VerticalAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFont
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d.IntersectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.GrahamScan.Turn
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.RotatingCalipers.Corner
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.Parameterisation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyRefinement
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.kernel.StandardUnivariateKernels
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.annotation.bayes.NaiveBayesAnnotator.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LiblinearAnnotator.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalByteHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalDoubleHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalFloatHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalIntHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalLongHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalShortHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.gmm.GaussianMixtureModelEM.CovarianceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.gmm.GaussianMixtureModelEM.UpdateOptions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.kernel.HomogeneousKernelMap.KernelType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.kernel.HomogeneousKernelMap.WindowType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.PerceptronClass
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.picslurper.output.OutputListenerMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.picslurper.output.TrendDetectorFeatureMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef.PropertyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.TopologyModeOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityAnnotator.EntityType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.IgnoreTokenStripper.Language
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NamedEntity.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Polarity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Pos
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentiment.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.PhraseAnnotation.Phrase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.POSAnnotation.PartOfSpeech
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.fastkmeans.ByteKMeansInitialisers
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FileType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.Precision
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.PredefinedStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.Aligners.AnyAligner
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.FaceDetectors.AnyBasicFImageDetector
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.RecognitionStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.FeatureComparison
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.GlobalFeatureType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.ShapeFeatures
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionProcessorMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.MetaMapperMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.ImageCollectionProcessorMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.MetaMapperMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.LocalFeatureMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.reddit.SplitModeOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.SimilarityMatrixToolOptions.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.RegexEngineMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.TwitterPreprocessingFilterOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.TwitterOutputModeOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TwitterPreprocessingModeOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.StatusType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker.SelectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.EndAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D.HeightMapType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.vis.general.Rectangle3DPlotter.RectanglePlotPosition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineMarkerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoObjectVisualisation.DrawType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient.ImgurType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.LossFunctions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- ValuePixel<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.pixel
An abstract class for objects that represent a pixel and its value.
- ValuePixel(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.pixel.ValuePixel
Default constructor
- values - Variable in class ch.akuhn.matrix.DenseMatrix
- values() - Method in class ch.akuhn.matrix.SparseVector
- values() - Static method in enum com.jsaragih.IO.Types
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.abort_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.confirm_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.delete_queue_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_all_queues_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.flush_queue_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.get_version_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.peek_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_args._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Kestrel.put_result._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.lag.kestrel.thrift.QueueInfo._Fields
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.audio.AudioAnnotator.AudioAnnotatorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.audio.AudioPlayer.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.audio.conversion.BitDepthConverter.BitDepthConversionAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.audio.conversion.SampleRateConverter.SampleRateConversionAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.audio.filters.EQFilter.EQType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.citation.annotation.output.StandardFormatters
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.citation.annotation.ReferenceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.experiment.evaluation.classification.analysers.confusionmatrix.CMAnalyser.Strategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.ArrayFeatureVector
Array of all the values in the feature vector
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.ByteFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.DoubleFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.FloatFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.IntFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.LongFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.ShortFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFV
The underlying data backing the feature vector
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseByteFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFV
The underlying data backing the feature vector
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseDoubleFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFV
The underlying data backing the feature vector
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseFloatFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFV
The underlying data backing the feature vector
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseIntFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFV
The underlying data backing the feature vector
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseLongFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFV
The underlying data backing the feature vector
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.feature.SparseShortFVComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.sequencefile.NamingStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.DownloadMapper.Counters
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.downloader.InputMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.exif.EXIFOutputMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.sequencefile.ListModeOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.ReducerModeOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.pointwisemi.count.PairEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.TextEntryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.mode.TwitterTokenModeOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- Values - Class in org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv
Output the word/time values for each word
- Values(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.Values
Assign the output path for the stage
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.sparsecsv.WordTimeValue
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hadoop.tools.twitter.token.outputmode.TwitterTokenOutputModeOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.gps.NMEASentenceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_depth_format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_device_flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_led_options
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_loglevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_resolution
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_tilt_status_code
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.freenect.libfreenectLibrary.freenect_video_format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectLEDMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectTiltStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.FourierTemplateMatcher.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.ImageInterpolation.InterpolationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.TemplateMatcher.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.annotation.evaluation.datasets.MMSys2013.QuestionResponse
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.ARGBPlane
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.camera.calibration.ChessboardCornerFinder.Options
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourSpace
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.ConnectedComponentLabeler.Algorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.BasicShapeDescriptor.BasicShapeDescriptorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.connectedcomponent.proc.ColourDescriptor.ColourDescriptorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.contour.ContourType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Aspect
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Color
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Freshness
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.ImageContent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.ImageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.License
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.SafeSearch
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.BingImageDataset.ImageDataSourceQuery.Size
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.dataset.FlickrImageDataset.Size
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.binning.FixedHOGStrategy.BlockNormalisation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.global.AvgBrightness.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Colorfulness.ColorfulnessAttr
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.global.HueStats.ToneAttr
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.feature.local.detector.mser.MSERFeatureGenerator.MSERDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.Image.Field
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerDataBuilder.StandardPostProcesses
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.objectdetection.haar.training.HaarFeatureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.pixel.ConnectedComponent.ConnectMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.pixel.sampling.FLineSampler
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.convolution.FImageGradients.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.FaceDetectorFeatures
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.HaarCascadeDetector.BuiltInCascade
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.face.detection.keypoints.FacialKeypoint.FacialKeypointType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.mask.MatteGenerator.MatteType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processing.resize.ResizeProcessor.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.processor.connectedcomponent.render.ConfigurableRenderOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.renderer.RenderHints.DrawingAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.text.extraction.swt.SWTTextDetector.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle.HorizontalAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle.VerticalAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.image.typography.hershey.HersheyFont
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.line.Line2d.IntersectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.GrahamScan.Turn
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.RotatingCalipers.Corner
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement.Parameterisation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.FundamentalRefinement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.geometry.transforms.HomographyRefinement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.kernel.StandardUnivariateKernels
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.annotation.bayes.NaiveBayesAnnotator.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.annotation.linear.LiblinearAnnotator.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalByteHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalDoubleHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalFloatHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalIntHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalLongHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.clustering.assignment.hard.HierarchicalShortHardAssigner.ScoringScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.gmm.GaussianMixtureModelEM.CovarianceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.gmm.GaussianMixtureModelEM.UpdateOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.kernel.HomogeneousKernelMap.KernelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.kernel.HomogeneousKernelMap.WindowType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.linear.data.BillMatlabFileDataGenerator.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.ml.linear.learner.perceptron.PerceptronClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.picslurper.output.OutputListenerMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.picslurper.output.TrendDetectorFeatureMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.rdf.owl2java.PropertyDef.PropertyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.rdf.storm.tool.topology.TopologyModeOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.EntityAnnotator.EntityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.IgnoreTokenStripper.Language
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.namedentity.NamedEntity.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Polarity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Pos
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.model.wordlist.util.TFF.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.sentiment.type.BipolarSentiment.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.PhraseAnnotation.Phrase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.text.nlp.textpipe.annotations.POSAnnotation.PartOfSpeech
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.ClusterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.fastkmeans.ByteKMeansInitialisers
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.FileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.clusterquantiser.Precision
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.PredefinedStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.Aligners.AnyAligner
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.FaceDetectors.AnyBasicFImageDetector
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.faces.recognition.options.RecognitionStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.FeatureComparison
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.GlobalFeatureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.globalfeature.ShapeFeatures
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.ImageCollectionProcessorMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.config.MetaMapperMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.ImageCollectionProcessorMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.MetaMapperMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.localfeature.options.LocalFeatureMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.reddit.SplitModeOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.similaritymatrix.SimilarityMatrixToolOptions.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.RegexEngineMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.filter.TwitterPreprocessingFilterOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.output.TwitterOutputModeOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.modes.preprocessing.TwitterPreprocessingModeOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.StatusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchByteArray
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchDoubleArray
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchFloatArray
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchIntArray
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchLongArray
- values - Variable in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseBinSearchShortArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseByteArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseDoubleArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseFloatArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedByteArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedDoubleArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedFloatArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedIntArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedLongArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseHashedShortArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseIntArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseLongArray
- values() - Method in class org.openimaj.util.array.SparseShortArray
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.video.tracking.klt.KLTTracker.SelectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.EndAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.vis.general.HeightMap3D.HeightMapType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.vis.general.Rectangle3DPlotter.RectanglePlotPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.vis.timeline.Timeline.TimelineMarkerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoObjectVisualisation.DrawType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.web.scraping.images.ImgurClient.ImgurType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.openimaj.workinprogress.sgdsvm.LossFunctions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- valueThreshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.dense.gradient.dsift.DenseSIFT
Threshold for clipping the SIFT features
- valueThreshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider
Threshold for the maximum allowed value in the histogram
- valueThreshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
Threshold for the maximum allowed value in the histogram
- valueThreshold - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.engine.DoGSIFTEngineOptions
Threshold for the maximum value allowed in the histogram (default 0.2)
- var(double[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sample variance of a one dimensional double array.
- var(double[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.DoubleArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the sample variance of a one dimensional double array.
- var(float[]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the variance of a one dimensional float array.
- var(float[][]) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.util.FloatArrayStatsUtils
Calculate the variance of a one dimensional float array.
- varGamma - Variable in class org.openimaj.pgm.vb.lda.mle.LDAVariationlState
the dirichlet parameter for the topic multinomials
- VARIABLE_MEDIAN() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.SplitDetectionMode.VARIABLE_MEDIAN
Sets the change tolerance to 0.1 (i.e.
- VARIABLE_MEDIAN(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.ml.clustering.kdtree.SplitDetectionMode.VARIABLE_MEDIAN
- VariableLength - Interface in org.openimaj.io
Marker interface for classes that represent something of
variable length.
- variance - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.pixel.statistics.BasicDescriptiveStatisticsModel
The variance of pixel values
- variance - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.DiagonalMultivariateGaussian
The diagonal of the covariance matrix
- variance - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.statistics.distribution.SphericalMultivariateGaussian
The variance
- variance() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.util.RunningStat
Returns the running variance
- vec - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.IrregularBinningSIFTFeatureProvider
- vec - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.descriptor.gradient.SIFTFeatureProvider
- vec() - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MeanVector
- veclen - Variable in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.FileLocalFeatureList
- vecLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.FileLocalFeatureList
- vecLength() - Method in interface org.openimaj.feature.local.list.LocalFeatureList
Get the length of the feature-vectors of each local feature if they are
- vecLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.MemoryLocalFeatureList
- vecLength() - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.list.StreamLocalFeatureList
- vector - Variable in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.Eigenvalues
The eigenvectors
- Vector - Class in ch.akuhn.matrix
An ordered list of floating point numbers.
- Vector() - Constructor for class ch.akuhn.matrix.Vector
- vector - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.keypoints.FloatKeypoint
keypoint feature descriptor (i.e.
- vector - Variable in class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.VectorParameters
- Vector.Entry - Class in ch.akuhn.matrix
An entry in a sparse vector
- VectorAggregator<FEATURE extends FeatureVector,AGGREGATE extends FeatureVector> - Interface in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate
Interface describing an object that can convert a list of local features from
a single image into an aggregated vector form.
- vectorArrayToMatrix(Vector[], boolean) - Method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThinSingularValueDecomposition
- VectorImageUtilities - Class in org.openimaj.image
- VectorKernel - Interface in org.openimaj.ml.linear.kernel
- vectorLeft - Variable in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.SingularValues
Left singular vectors
- VectorParameters - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params
- VectorParameters(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.VectorParameters
- VectorParameters(double[]) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.optimisation.params.VectorParameters
- vectorRight - Variable in class ch.akuhn.matrix.eigenvalues.SingularValues
Right singular vectors
- verbose - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.extraction.FaceExtractorToolOptions
Whether to output verbose progress to the stdout
- vertex - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.EdgeNode
Piggy-backed contour vertex data
- VertexType - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon
Edge intersection classes
- VertexType() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.util.polygon.VertexType
- VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
Attribute for vertical alignment.
- verticalAlignment - Variable in class org.openimaj.image.typography.FontStyle
vertical alignment of the text
- VerticalProjection - Class in org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm
Project an image onto the y-axis
- VerticalProjection() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.analysis.algorithm.VerticalProjection
- vertices - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.geometry.shape.Triangle
The vertices of the triangle
- veryLoud() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.twitter.options.AbstractTwitterPreprocessingToolOptions
- VFSGroupDataset<INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.data.dataset
s backed by directories of
items (either locally or remotely), or items stored in a hierarchical
structure within a compressed archive.
- VFSGroupDataset(String, InputStreamObjectReader<INSTANCE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSGroupDataset
Construct a grouped dataset from any virtual file system source (local
directory, remote zip file, etc).
- VFSGroupDataset(String, ObjectReader<INSTANCE, FileObject>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSGroupDataset
Construct a grouped dataset from any virtual file system source (local
directory, remote zip file, etc).
- VFSListDataset<INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.data.dataset
backed by a directory of items (either locally or
remotely), or items stored in a compressed archive.
- VFSListDataset(String, InputStreamObjectReader<INSTANCE>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset
Construct a list dataset from any virtual file system source (local
directory, remote zip file, etc).
- VFSListDataset(String, ObjectReader<INSTANCE, FileObject>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.data.dataset.VFSListDataset
Construct a list dataset from any virtual file system source (local
directory, remote zip file, etc).
- VFSListDataset.FileObjectISReader<INSTANCE> - Class in org.openimaj.data.dataset
- VGetVideo - Class in org.openimaj.web.video
A wrapper around VGet
, which supports video download from youtube, vimeo
and a few other video sites.
- VGetVideo(String) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.video.VGetVideo
- VGetVideo(String, VideoInfoUser) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.web.video.VGetVideo
- video - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection
- Video<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
Abstract base class for videos.
- Video() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.Video
- VideoAnalyser<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video.analyser
This class is analagous to the
class for analysing
- VideoAnalyser() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.analyser.VideoAnalyser
Construct a stand-alone video analyser.
- VideoAnalyser(Video<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.analyser.VideoAnalyser
Construct a chainable video analyser.
- videoAtEnd(VideoDisplay<? extends Image<?, ?>>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.VideoPositionListener
The video is at the end (last frame)
- videoAtStart(VideoDisplay<? extends Image<?, ?>>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.VideoPositionListener
The video is at the start (first frame)
- VideoBarVisualisation - Class in org.openimaj.vis.video
Displays a block, or bar, which represents the data.
- VideoBarVisualisation(Video<MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation
- VideoBarVisualisation.VideoTimelineMarker - Class in org.openimaj.vis.video
A marker for marking data frames within the data bar
- VideoCache<I extends Image<?,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
This class represents a cache of video material.
- VideoCache(int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoCache
Create a video cache for frames of the given size and for a video
of the given frame rate.
- VideoCapture - Class in org.openimaj.video.capture
VideoCapture is a type of
that can capture live video streams
from a webcam or other video device.
- VideoCapture(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Construct a VideoCapture instance with the requested width and height.
- VideoCapture(int, int, Device) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Construct a VideoCapture instance with the requested width and height
using the specified video device.
- VideoCapture(int, int, double, Device) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCapture
Construct a VideoCapture instance with the requested width and height
using the specified video device.
- VideoCaptureException - Exception in org.openimaj.video.capture
Signals an exception occurred during video capture from a hardware
- VideoCaptureException(String) - Constructor for exception org.openimaj.video.capture.VideoCaptureException
Constructs an VideoCaptureException
with the specified detail message.
- VideoDisplay<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
Basic class for displaying videos.
- VideoDisplay(Video<T>, DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Construct a video display with the given video and frame.
- VideoDisplay(Video<T>, AudioStream, DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplay
Construct a video display with the given video and audio
- VideoDisplay.BasicVideoTimeKeeper - Class in org.openimaj.video
A timekeeper for videos without audio - uses the system time to keep
track of where in a video a video should be.
- VideoDisplay.EndAction - Enum in org.openimaj.video
An enumerator for what to do when the video reaches the end.
- VideoDisplay.Mode - Enum in org.openimaj.video
Enumerator to represent the state of the player.
- VideoDisplayAdapter<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
An adapter for classes that want to listen to certain events that are
generated from a video display.
- VideoDisplayAdapter() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayAdapter
- VideoDisplayListener<T extends Image<?,T>> - Interface in org.openimaj.video
An interface descibing a event listener that
gets fired as a video frame is displayed.
- VideoDisplayStateListener - Interface in org.openimaj.video
A listener interface for objects that want to know about the state
of a video display.
- videoFile - Variable in class org.openimaj.tools.faces.extraction.FaceExtractorToolOptions
The video file to process
- VideoFrame<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
This is a helper class that is able to wrap an image, its timecode and
other information related to video.
- VideoFrame(T, VideoTimecode) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoFrame
- VideoFrameProcessor<I extends Image<?,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.video.processor
- VideoFrameProcessor(ImageProcessor<I>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoFrameProcessor
Non-chainable constructor
- VideoFrameProcessor(Video<I>, ImageProcessor<I>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoFrameProcessor
Chainable constructor.
- VideoIterator<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
- VideoIterator(Video<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoIterator
Construct with given video.
- VideoKeyframe<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector
A class that represents a keyframe of a video.
- VideoKeyframe(VideoTimecode, T) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoKeyframe
Constructor that allows construction of an image-based shot
- VideoObjectVisualisation - Class in org.openimaj.vis.video
A visualisation that is designed to show the position of an object over
the course of the video.
- VideoObjectVisualisation(Video<MBFImage>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoObjectVisualisation
- VideoObjectVisualisation.DrawType - Enum in org.openimaj.vis.video
- videoPaused(VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayAdapter
Called when the video display is paused.
- videoPaused(VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayStateListener
Called when the video display is paused.
- videoPaused(VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Called when the video display is paused.
- VideoPlayer<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
This class is an extension of the
class that provides
GUI elements for starting, stopping, pausing and rewinding video.
- VideoPlayer(Video<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Create the video player to play the given video.
- VideoPlayer(Video<T>, AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Create the video player to play the given video.
- VideoPlayer(Video<T>, AudioStream, DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Created the video player for the given video on the given image
- VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent - Class in org.openimaj.video
The video player components encapsulates the buttons and their
functionalities, as well as animating buttons, etc.
- VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.AnimatorThread - Class in org.openimaj.video
Class used to animate the buttons panel on and off the screen.
- VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent.ButtonsPanel - Class in org.openimaj.video
This class represents the widgets in the video player
- VideoPlayerComponent(DisplayUtilities.ImageComponent) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer.VideoPlayerComponent
Create a new player component using the display component
- videoPlaying(VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayAdapter
Called when the video display is set to play.
- videoPlaying(VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayStateListener
Called when the video display is set to play.
- videoPlaying(VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Called when the video display is set to play.
- VideoPositionListener - Interface in org.openimaj.video
This interface is used for objects that wish to be informed of particular
important playback positions within a video playback.
- VideoProcessor<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video.processor
A super class for classes which are able to process videos.
- VideoProcessor() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
Default constructor for using the video processor in an ad-hoc manner.
- VideoProcessor(Video<T>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processor.VideoProcessor
Constructor for creating a video processor which is chainable.
- videoRe - Static variable in class org.openimaj.web.readability.Readability.Regexps
- VideoShotDetector<I extends Image<?,I>> - Class in org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector
Video shot detector class implemented as a video display listener.
- VideoShotDetector() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
This constructor assumes that you will set the number of
frames per second your video uses (using
when you know what that will be, otherwise your timecodes will
all be messed up.
- VideoShotDetector(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Default constructor that allows the processor to be used ad-hoc
on frames from any source.
- VideoShotDetector(Video<I>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Constructor that takes the video file to process.
- VideoShotDetector(Video<I>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.processing.shotdetector.VideoShotDetector
Default constructor that takes the video file to process and
whether or not to display the video as it's being processed.
- VideoSlide - Class in org.openimaj.content.slideshow
Slide that shows a video.
- VideoSlide(URL, URL, Matrix, VideoDisplay.EndAction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.VideoSlide
Default constructor.
- VideoSlide(URL, Matrix, VideoDisplay.EndAction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.VideoSlide
Default constructor.
- VideoSlide(URL, URL, VideoDisplay.EndAction) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.content.slideshow.VideoSlide
Default constructor.
- VideoSpectrogram - Class in org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel
- VideoSpectrogram() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.workinprogress.accel.VideoSpectrogram
- videoStateChanged(VideoDisplay.Mode, VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayAdapter
Called when the video display's state changes.
- videoStateChanged(VideoDisplay.Mode, VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayStateListener
Called when the video display's state changes.
- videoStateChanged(VideoDisplay.Mode, VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Called when the video display's state changes.
- videoStopped(VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayAdapter
Called when the video display is stopped.
- videoStopped(VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in interface org.openimaj.video.VideoDisplayStateListener
Called when the video display is stopped.
- videoStopped(VideoDisplay<?>) - Method in class org.openimaj.video.VideoPlayer
Called when the video display is stopped.
- videoStream - Variable in class org.openimaj.hardware.kinect.KinectController
The RGB or IR video stream
- VideoSubFrame<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
- VideoSubFrame(T, VideoTimecode, Rectangle) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoSubFrame
- videoTag() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection.FromFile
- videoTag() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection.FromURL
- videoTag() - Method in class org.openimaj.tools.imagecollection.collection.video.XuggleVideoImageCollection
- VideoTest - Class in org.openimaj.demos
- VideoTest() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.demos.VideoTest
- VideoTimecode - Class in org.openimaj.video.timecode
A class for storing video timecodes.
- VideoTimecode() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.timecode.VideoTimecode
- VideoTimelineMarker() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.video.VideoBarVisualisation.VideoTimelineMarker
- VideoTranslator<INPUT extends Image<?,INPUT>,OUTPUT extends Image<?,OUTPUT>> - Class in org.openimaj.video.translator
A video translator is a video processor where the input and output frame
types may be different.
- VideoTranslator(Video<INPUT>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.translator.VideoTranslator
Construct a new VideoTranslator that will translate the given input
- VideoVisualisation - Class in org.openimaj.vis
This class provides a means for generating a video representation of a
- VideoVisualisation(Visualisation<?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.VideoVisualisation
Construct a video visualisationImpl using the given visualisationImpl.
- VideoWriter<T extends Image<?,T>> - Class in org.openimaj.video
An abstract class which classes can override to provide
video writing capabilities.
- VideoWriter(int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.video.VideoWriter
Default constructor that takes the frame rate at which the written
video will be replayed.
- visImage - Variable in class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
The visualisation image
- Visualisation<T> - Interface in org.openimaj.vis
An API for objects that are able to provide visualisation for some data.
- Visualisation3D<D> - Class in org.openimaj.vis
- Visualisation3D(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.Visualisation3D
- VisualisationImageProvider - Interface in org.openimaj.vis
- VisualisationImpl<T> - Class in org.openimaj.vis
A top level class for visualisations.
- VisualisationImpl() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Default constructor
- VisualisationImpl(int, int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Create a new visualisation with the given width and height
- VisualisationImpl(VisualisationImpl<?>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.VisualisationImpl
Create a new visualisation using an existing image.
- VisualisationUtils - Class in org.openimaj.vis.utils
- VisualisationUtils() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.vis.utils.VisualisationUtils
- visualise(int, int) - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap
Generate an image to visualise the color map.
- visualise() - Method in enum org.openimaj.image.colour.ColourMap
Generate an image to visualise the color map.
- visualise(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.FisherImages
Draw an eigenvector as an image
- visualiseDescriptor(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.global.Gist
Compute the descriptor visualisation in the same form as the original
matlab code.
- visualiseInterestPoints(Q, List<? extends InterestPointData>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointVisualiser
Extract ellipses from second moment matricies of interest point keypoints
- visualiseInterestPoints(Q, List<? extends InterestPointData>, double) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointVisualiser
Extract ellipses from second moment matricies of interest point keypoints
- visualiseKeypoints(Q, List<? extends InterestPointKeypoint<? extends InterestPointData>>) - Static method in class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.interest.InterestPointVisualiser
Extract ellipses from second moment matricies of interest point keypoints
- visualisePC(int) - Method in class org.openimaj.image.model.EigenImages
Draw a principal component as an image.
- VLAD<T> - Class in org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate
Implementation of VLAD, the "Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors"
- VLAD(HardAssigner<T, ?, ?>, T[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.VLAD
Construct with the given assigner and the centroids associated with the
- VLAD(HardAssigner<T, ?, ?>, CentroidsProvider<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.feature.local.aggregate.VLAD
Construct with the given assigner and the centroids associated with the
- VLADBuilder - Class in org.openimaj.tools.cbir
Tool to build a
object and serialise it to a file.
- VLADBuilder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.VLADBuilder
- VLADIndexer<DATA extends ImageProvider<MBFImage>,METADATA extends Identifiable> - Class in org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad
- VLADIndexer(VLADIndexerData, IncrementalMetaIndex<DATA, METADATA>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexer
- VLADIndexerBuilder - Class in org.openimaj.tools.cbir
Tool to build a
which can be used to build efficient
Product-quantised PCA-VLAD indexes.
- VLADIndexerBuilder() - Constructor for class org.openimaj.tools.cbir.VLADIndexerBuilder
- VLADIndexerData - Class in org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad
Class representing the data required to build a VLAD + PCA +
product-quantisation based image index.
- VLADIndexerData(VLAD<float[]>, FeatureVectorPCA, FloatProductQuantiser, LocalFeatureExtractor<LocalFeature<?, ?>, MBFImage>, Function<List<? extends LocalFeature<?, ?>>, List<FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor<?>>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerData
Construct with the given data
- VLADIndexerDataBuilder - Class in org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad
Class for learning the data required to efficiently index images using VLAD
with PCA and product quantisers.
- VLADIndexerDataBuilder(LocalFeatureExtractor<LocalFeature<?, ?>, MBFImage>, List<File>, boolean, int, int, int, int, int, float, float, Function<List<? extends LocalFeature<?, ?>>, List<FloatLocalFeatureAdaptor<?>>>) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad.VLADIndexerDataBuilder
- VLADIndexerDataBuilder.StandardPostProcesses - Enum in org.openimaj.image.indexing.vlad
Feature post-processing options
- vocabularySize() - Method in class org.openimaj.pgm.util.Corpus
- volume() - Method in class org.openimaj.citation.annotation.mock.MockReference
The volume of a journal or multi-volume book
- VolumeAdjustProcessor - Class in org.openimaj.audio.filters
A processor that processes the audio file by adjusting the volume
by a given factor.
- VolumeAdjustProcessor(double) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.VolumeAdjustProcessor
Default constructor that takes the volume adjustment
factor as a double.
- VolumeAdjustProcessor(double, AudioStream) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.audio.filters.VolumeAdjustProcessor
Constructor that takes the volume adjustment factor to apply
to the given stream.
- Voronoi - Class in org.openimaj.math.geometry.triangulation
Static methods for the computation of a Voronoi diagram (aka Dirichlet
tessellation) from a set of points.
- vote(Pair<T>) - Method in class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.VotingKeypointMatcher
- VotingKeypointMatcher<T extends Keypoint> - Class in org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher
Matcher rejects matches with no local support
- VotingKeypointMatcher(int) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.VotingKeypointMatcher
- VotingKeypointMatcher(int, int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.openimaj.feature.local.matcher.VotingKeypointMatcher
- vstack(MatrixFactory<? extends Matrix>, Matrix...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Stack matrices vertically
- vstack(Matrix...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.CFMatrixUtils
Stack matrices vertically
- vstack(Matrix...) - Static method in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.MatlibMatrixUtils
Stack matrices vertically
- Vt - Variable in class org.openimaj.math.matrix.ThinSingularValueDecomposition
The transpose of the V matrix