Class | Description |
AvgBrightness |
Extract the average brightness of an image.
Colorfulness |
Implementation of Hasler and Susstruck's Colorfulness metric
ColourContrast |
Implementation of a color contrast feature.
Gist<IMAGE extends Image<?,IMAGE> & SinglebandImageProcessor.Processable<Float,FImage,IMAGE>> |
Implementation of the "Gist" spatial envelope feature.
HorizontalIntensityDistribution |
Produce a feature vector that describes the average intensity
distribution across the from left to right.
HueStats |
A two-valued summary representing mean hue (in radians) and variance of hue
LRIntensityBalance |
Implementation of the intensity balance algorithm described by Yeh et al.
LuoSimplicity |
Estimate the simplicity of an image by looking at the colour distribution of
the background using the algorithm defined by Yiwen Luo and Xiaoou Tang.
ModifiedLuoSimplicity |
Estimate the simplicity of an image by looking at the colour distribution of
the background.
Naturalness |
Implementation of the Naturalness index (CNI) defined by Huang, Qiao & Wu.
RGBRMSContrast |
Implementation of the RGB RMS contrast feature.
RMSContrast |
Implementation of the RMS contrast feature.
ROIProportion |
Implementation of the region of interest based image simplicity measure
described by Yeh et al.
RuleOfThirds |
Implementation of the rule-of-thirds algorithm described by Yeh et al.
Saturation |
Estimate the saturation of an image using the RGB approximation of
avg(max(R,G,B) - min(R,G,B)).
SaturationVariation |
Estimate the variation in saturation of an image using the RGB approximation
of avg(max(R,G,B) - min(R,G,B)).
Sharpness |
Sharpness measures the clarity and level of detail of an image.
SharpnessVariation |
Sharpness measures the clarity and level of detail of an image.
SharpPixelProportion |
Implementation of the blur estimation feature described by Ke, Tang and Jing,
and Yeh et al.
WeberContrast |
Implementation of the Weber contrast feature.
YehBokehEstimator |
Implementation of the Bokeh estimation feature described by Yeh et al.
Enum | Description |
AvgBrightness.Mode |
Modes for computing brightness.
Colorfulness.ColorfulnessAttr |
Classes of colourfulness
HueStats.ToneAttr |
Tonal attributes for images based on the mean hue and variance.